Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of St Columb Major Town Council, held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, St Columb Major on Tuesday, 28th March 2017 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs P Wills (Mayor), Mrs J Warner (Deputy Mayor), E Culley, B Daniels, K Roberts, Mrs L Jiggins, M Jenkin, Mrs B Rogers, M Beason

In attendance: Mr M C Uren (Town Clerk) Five members of the public, and a Reporter from Voice

1290/14 Mayor’s Welcome:

The Mayor, Cllr Wills, welcomed everyone to the Meeting.

i) Housekeeping:

The Mayor addressed Councillors, and members of the public, giving advice on emergency procedures, asking that all mobile phones be switched off, or turned to silent.

ii) Announcement and Diary Dates:

The Mayor stated: “Alongside the Deputy Mayor, Town Clerk, Cllr Mrs Jiggins and Cllr Roberts, I met with officers from Council to discuss the possibility of devolving the Library Service to the Town Council. This is an Agenda Item, so I will brief Council on this Meeting later.

I attended the AGM of the Oasis Centre, which was very well attended. The work they undertake to assist the vulnerable within our community is outstanding. Unfortunately I had to leave straight after the Meeting, but I enjoyed it very much.

The Mayoress and I attended the Tercentenary Lunch at the Hotel Bristol, to celebrate three hundred years of Freemasonry in Cornwall, as the guest of the Provincial Grand Master, Stephen Pearn, alongside the Mayor of Newquay.

I have visited the Chapels at Trekenning Road on several occasions, to see the work being carried out on the windows.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Tuesday next, 4th April, at 7.00pm”.


1291/14 Public Forum:

Mr Henderson-Smith spoke about the aims and aspirations of the “Our Town St Columb Major Group”. Cllr Mrs Warner thought that the word Planning in the title, was confusing. It was agreed that the document should have stated Project Planning Group. There will be two weeks of Exhibitions – the first week in the Columba Centre, and the second week here in the Town Hall. The Academy will also be very much involved in this project. Cllr Beason advised that “Our Town St Columb Major” is an ongoing project. There will most likely be other events arranged during the coming year.

Mrs Beason advised that she had attended this Meeting basically to support Mr Henderson-Smith and Ms Hawkes and added that she was in support of the project, expressing that a project which brought local people together in such a way would be good for the town.

Mr Ford spoke about the lack of adequate street lighting in Lower East Street. The matter will be investigated.

1292/14 Apologies for Absence:

Apologies for Absence had been received from Cllr Bazeley (work and family commitments) and Cllr Green (family commitments).

1293/14 Members Declarations of Interest:

i) Declarations of Interest, in accordance with the Agenda: Cllr Culley – Item 1295/14 – PA17/02202; Cllr Mrs Warner – Item 1297/14; Cllr Daniels – Item 1297/14; Cllr Beason – 1296/14

ii) Declarations of gifts to the value of £25: None

1294/14 To confirm Minutes of the last Full Council Meeting, held on 7th March 2017 and of an Extraordinary Full Council Meeting, held on 14th March 2017:

The Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, held on 7th March 2017, were presented by the Mayor. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Beason seconded, and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes be accepted. Cllr Jenkin abstained, as he was not present at the Meeting.

The Minutes of the Extraordinary Full Council Meeting, held on 14th March 2017, were presented by the Mayor.

Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Roberts seconded, and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes be accepted. Cllrs Culley, Jenkin and Mrs Rogers abstained, as they were not present at the Meeting.


1295/14 Planning Matters:

PA17/02259: Raise the roof line by 1m to create a first floor loft conversion – 5, Carloggas Way, St Columb TR9 6BH – Mr T Barnes

Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Jenkin seconded, and it was RESOLVED unanimously to support this Application.

Cllr Culley left the room

PA17/02202: Change of use of open garage/utility and games room building to a unit of holiday accommodation – Trebudannon Farm, Trebudannon, Newquay, Cornwall – Mrs E Weldhen

Cllr Jenkin made the comment that during the last year we had received a Planning Application for change of use of the garage, now it will be for holiday accommodation. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Mrs Warner seconded, and it was RESOLVED to support this Application. There was one abstention.

Cllr Culley returned to the room

PA17/01249: Application for the erection of dwelling in the grounds of Lanherne Vale – Lanherne Vale, Old Rectory Drive, St Columb TR9 6BY – Mr and Mrs S Harrington

An e-mail had been received from the Planning Department, regarding the Town Council’s objection to this Application. Councillors were reminded that at the last Full Council Meeting a vote was taken to support the Application, but it failed. It was pointed out that, in line with the Tree Officer’s recommendation, the parking area by the TPO trees was to be relocated. It would appear that Planning were minded to support the Application.

1296/14 Our Town St Columb Major - Donation:

1297/14 The Columba Centre - Grant:

1298/14 iSight Cornwall - Donation:

Cllr Wills advised that as we are now in Purdah, and following advice, his recommendation would be that they hold these three items until after the 4th May Elections. Councillors conferred that this was a sensible recommendation and agreed that the three items be deferred until the first Town Council Meeting after the Elections.

1299/14 Mobile Bank – Lloyds Bank plc:

The Town Clerk advised that Lloyds Bank plc are looking for a site to place their Mobile Bank in St Columb Major. A number of suggestions have been made, but one that the Bank are very interested in pursuing, is to site the Mobile Bank behind the Town Hall. Cllr Daniels did not think that this was a suitable location. Trekenning Road Car Park has


been rejected because they consider that it is too far out of the centre of Town. They have also approached the Columba Centre. Cllr Beason asked what size the van would be. He was also against the siting behind the Town Hall. Cllr Mrs Warner expressed concern regarding too much traffic flow. Cllr Jenkin advised that car parking in the area around the Town Hall is not good. Surely Wesley Place Car Park would be a better location. The Bank are envisaging that the Mobile Bank will be in Town on a Tuesday and a Thursday, between 1.00pm and 3.00pm. Councillors agreed that the most convenient place to site the Mobile Bank, would be Wesley Place Car Park.

1300/14 Cornwall Airport Forum:

Cllr Roberts updated Councillors on a recent Meeting he had attended of the Cornwall Airport Forum. It was basically a business meeting. The latest position with regards to the airport being a Space Port was discussed in some detail. There are three bidders in line – two from Scotland, and Newquay. Newquay Airport is the fastest growing airport in the UK. There has been a 50% increase in passenger numbers in the last year. The Airport intends to add another 91 parking spaces this year, with a further 230 in the future. It was confirmed that the Cornwall Airport Forum simply makes recommendations, which then have to be ratified by Cabinet.

1301/14 Library Devolution Project:

Cllr Wills reported that the Deputy Mayor, Town Clerk, Cllr Mrs Jiggins, Cllr Roberts and himself met with Judy Gluyas, and Nik Budden, from Cornwall Council and Library Services, to begin discussions on the possibility of devolving the Library to the Town Council. Members will recall that we were advised by our Community Network Manager to start the discussions by 1st of March, or Cornwall Council would impose a solution on us. We have now begun those discussions. Mr Budden went through the timetable for devolution, and confirmed that books and stock would still be the responsibility of the County Council. If we took it over, we would be responsible for the staff. We talked about loss of income to the Town Council, and the possibility of a grant. No decisions were made at that Meeting. It was only an initial meeting, to lay the ground work. Cornwall Council could give up the Lease, and we could then use the Library for whatever we wished, when it is not in session. In answer to a question about staffing levels, it was stated that Cornwall Council do not permit Lone Working on any of its sites.

We had arranged to meet again tomorrow at 9.30am, but sadly Cornwall Council has a staffing issue, and this Meeting will be rearranged. Can I remind members that these Meetings are open to all Councillors and if you can make it, please do.

1302/14 Street Cleansing Contract:

The Town Clerk advised that Tony Roberts has increased the contract price for the coming year. This is because the living wage is increasing on 1st April 2017 from £7.20


per hour to £7.50 per hour. Consequently, the contract price has increased from £7,446 to £7,785. Councillors agreed to accept the rise.

1303/14 Public Convenience Cleaning Services Contract:

The cost of this Contract has not altered.

1304/14 Annual Parish Meeting:

Cllr Wills reminded everyone present, of the Annual Parish Meeting, which is due to be held next Tuesday, 4th April at 7.00pm. Councillors were encouraged to attend.

1305/14 Food Market – Wesley Place Car Park:

Cllr Beason gave an update on the idea of holding a Food Market in Wesley Place Car Park. “Our Town St Columb Major” has met and discussed the matter. Unfortunately the proprietor of the Café, who had first made the initial suggestion appears to have withdrawn her commitment to the proposal due to a revision of commitments. There will be an Extraordinary Meeting of “Our Town” on 1st April, to discuss the matter. It is envisaged that the Food Market will be held on a Sunday. There will also be Craft stalls available on that day. Obviously the question of parking will need to be sorted out, and what will happen to the stallholders vehicles must be considered. Perhaps it would be better to hold the event in the Rec.?

1306/14 Any Other Business:

a) Cllr Wills asked Cllr Beason about what had happened with the Town Map. There appears to be an advertisement now in the Notice Board. Cllr Beason explained the situation. Apparently, it is only a temporary measure. Cllr Mrs Warner spoke about the original Town Map. Cllr Beason advised that the new notice, was printed on the back of the original map. Cllr Beason also advised that there appears to be a lack of support for the Chamber of Commerce. Consequently, a meeting is being called, to try to drum up support. The Town Council will help in any way it can. Cllr Jenkin reminded Councillors that the Map is the responsibility of the Chamber of Commerce, not the Town Council. Cllr Daniels asked how the “Our Town Group” intends to generate funding. Cllr Beason advised that he is not sure at present. b) Cllr Wills advised that Enforcement Officers have visited Trekenning Road Car Park recently, and clamped a number of vehicles. Some vehicles that have been SORNed, have also been clamped, and subsequently removed. It appears that the Enforcement Officers also visited the Highfield Road area. As far as can be ascertained, this was a DVLA initiative. c) Cllr Mrs Warner asked whether another Meeting had been arranged to visit Halveor Treatment Works. The Town Clerk confirmed that a Meeting has been arranged with South West Water for Thursday, 6th April at 10.30am. d) Cllr Culley asked whether anything further had been heard about the Devolution Projects. The answer was in the negative. We had been informed that monies had to be allocated before by the end of March. Cllr Jenkin will try to contact local


County Councillors to see if they have held a Meeting, as had previously been agreed. e) Cllr Beason advised that there is a recruitment drive taking place for the Chamber of Commerce. A Meeting will be held at the Town and Country Kitchen, on 30th March at 5.00pm f) Cllr Roberts asked whether anything further had been heard about the Cattle Market Development and the Santander account. The Town Clerk advised that he has now spoken to Matthew Hill regarding the matter. He will look through their records, and report back. g) Cllr Roberts offered his apologies for the Halveor Meeting, as he will be away on holiday.

1307/14 Date of Next Full Council Meeting:

The next Full Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 11th April 2017.

1308/14 To consider the following Resolution: That the Press and Public be excluded from the Meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (as extended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972)

1309/14 Closed Session – Minutes recorded separately

Dated: 11th April 2017 Signed: