HAS IT! 25 Cents — See Page 2 763 MAIN ST
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.' . Js'I r '.-iv'- jf-AT:.’ •- 24 - THE HERALD. Sat.. Aug. 8. 1961 y f f W M IN O IM Not WAtiR^raMUM CLlANlNfr , l i S S i a i i K Is CD Suit decided? page 4 Traa fiamoni Am ••nlorCMswi DIeootint i ' ,QraupnatMaPr«*l ^ a n u ci646 UTYINCHYK, ( Fair tonight; Manchester, Conn. aei LYOAU. 6T.. MANCHEOtan iilOnday, Aug. 10, 1981 hot Tuosday HAS IT! 25 Cents — See page 2 763 MAIN ST. 6 4 3 - 1 1 9 1 101 MAIN S T . FEATURING THIS WEEK ... MANCHESTER B 4 S - 1 B 0 0 POORS HARDWARE WINDOWS SHUTraS CANOPIES 8ALE8--8eRVlCE-^IM8TAUATlON YiWKQAUIIIIMUM SERVICED won't clear W CIA U6T8 IN aiAMB A 6CNMMN MPAIH Jesisns, 20 WARREN STREET 941SflOAOSTfltET.MANCHlSTiW.CONM OSOfiO MANCHESTER, CONN. Manchtsier Professional Park, Suite A-1 Betty Callaoh^r, Prop U.S. flights WE S E niCE AND INSTALL INDUSTRIAL AND COMRKNCIAL K-B a u t o m o t i v e AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION By United Press Internetlonel turnabout over the weekend in HEATING and SHEET METAL KIN IRAITHWAITE France. “ We’ve worked them- all Some between the Upited |299 BROAD ST. 643-S844 nights out. We’re working with the (Cana States and Canada were delayed or dian government.” New England Mechanical Services, Inc SPECnilZMG M: rerouted today as Canadian air traf However, the boycott threat fic controllera, saying the strike by forced U.S. officials to reroute •in • STMTON U.S. oontroUers has made border 166 TUNNEL RD. • GOEMTOtS •TUNE UPS ternational air traffic that normally VERNON, CT. 06066 skies unsafe, refused to handle the ■ flies • over (Canada and Feldman 671-1111 . • ALTERfUTORS •MRMG traffic. reported that Canada’s government The Air Transport Association, \apA some supervisors early today reprekenting major U.S. airlines, to handle some U.S. flights.' reported controllers in Montreal and CLYDE A MICKEY MILLER’S .S#«rrifiAT WofirihiMl^r <»i*f*r .lOyra. "The Vancouver,controllers have Toronto began early today refusing been replaced with three super TEL 640-3826 - - - /|UTO to clear flights into tte United i ^ f t r d a d t c visors who are handling the tr^fic PentlB^^ the States. Delta Air Lines also said one normally,” Feldman said, after one Florist of its flin ts was turned back at 24 BIRCH ST. f li^ t from Alaska to Seattle was Montreal, Where an Air Canada diverted over the Pacific Ocean. TEL. C43-6247 spokesman said some controllers 643-4444 Transport Canada warned its air were claiming equipment problems. traffic controllers that every refusal ment. Stop in and see our lovely F.T.D . No delays were reported in flights 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) MASTER CHAR6E to tondle flights between Canada t showrooin or call us. We’re here to WORLO WIDE out of Winnipeg, Vancouver or MANCHESTER AMERICAH EXPRESS and the United States could result in serve you. SERVlOE Calgary. a -fine of up to |5,000 or a Jail term of BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY * The Canadian government Two men hose down the remalnO of the former Cheney building materials. The fire was apparently deliberately started, TlirM 't'innd * one ykar. ' fire officials said. (Photo by Edwin Clolkosz) threatened disciplinary action Announcement of the boycott was Brothers freight terminal, which was destroyed by fire early Sheldon Road runs between against any controllers refuse made late Sunday by the Canadian Sunday morning. The terminal was being used for storage of [CAP-N-CORK PWCMGE STORE Oakland Street (Rte. 83) and to handle U.S. flii^ts. Air Traffic Controllers Organiza 48S-489 No. Main St. ^ FAA spokesman Dennis Feldman ** • Parker Street /in* North S S I ^ tion, seeking to back up some 12,000 Mandwstor, Conn. said 4here had been ‘-'sporadic members of their U.S. counterpart 649-0591 Manchester. refusals” by (? ^ d ia n controllers — toe Professional Air Traffic (Con this morning, but'he said the protMt trollers Organization — who are Hvmodelfd * Unlarffed * Hours. Daily 8 A.M.-5 P.M. did oof appear widespread. - being fired by President Reagan for . Fire destroys old terminaU To lli-ller Serve 1 «ii "A ll we can tell you is that Uiere Sat. 8 A.M. - 3 P.M. 191 CENTER 8T. striking. U.S. officials-say they in SPECIAL ORDER have been a couple of Instances tend to man the nation’s traffic con LIQUOR - BEER - CORDIALS MANCHESTER, CONN. Burkamp said he has had problems with van CAKE .M ON.-RAT. 10-5 where they refused to grant '■C' The f o m ^ Chra«y Brothers freight terminal - town fltefighters, Rivosa said, but it took Large Salacllon of trol system • iiii 6,000. non-strikers, dalism at the building since he and his wife, (203)6464028 TH UR 8.10-9 clearanees, but very was destroyed early Sunday morning by a fire severajsiours to put it out completely because of Imoorlad A Dpmatllc Wiitta military controllers and supervisory Virginia, bought it about 10 Jfears ago. The widespread ... It’s been so minor that officials said'was deliberately set by toe heavy wood used in the building and dif personnel at a reduced. levd while building is in an isolated area and attracts that we haven’t hem able to get a training new controllers. someone. „ ficulties in getting inisde. handle on it,” ^eldman said. teenagers and vagrants, he said. There had beeif But Bill Robertsmi, president of The building, which was built more than 100 Rivosa said*^toe fire was apparently the work MOHAtNK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLT. INC. MANCHESTER OVER 4 5 Transportation Secretary Drew no problems with vandals in the last six months, toe Canadian Air Traffic (Controllers years ago, was located on the Elm Street exten of an arsonist. The building has no electricity or rO'Vic inc. TEARS he said. Lewis was optimisUc. .SiifiplfcrA of Sn /i’1.1 146 Sh'aMon RoAd MAnciMStati CT. 06040 Organization, said, "It is hoped that sion of the railroad tracks, below the Park utilities that could spontaneously start a fire, he MEMORIAL CO. EXPERIENCE ” A number of countries have Burkamp, who could not get insurance on the P.O. Box 1125 PhoiM 203*646-3322 this action will isolate our skies Street bridge in an area that is "plagued by van-^ said: started this,’' he said tbday, d tiiw a from the amateurish attempts in the dalism," aecordlng to town Fire Chief John building because of its isolated location, said it •FOUL WEATHER SUITS Opp. East Camalary CALL 649-5807 ’’The human element played a part in it, U.S. to run an air traffic control sdr- RivOsa. ^ contained mostly building supplies,' but it also •BOOTS •HOSE whether intentional or accidental I don’t know,” vice.” ' The building was engulfed in flames when dis bad some papers from the 1800s which he had Rivosa said. ” I do know that the whole area’s •GLOVES^TARPS^RESPIRATORS lUALITY HARRISON RT. Robertson said C ^C A was covered by police about 12;20a.m. Sunday. Built planned to give to the Manchester Historical MANCHESTER alarmed by 41 "doewnented in entirely of wood, the former freight terminal been plagued with vandalism.” Society. 5 Qian fid. • Mancheater • 643-5107 [m o r i a l s bad been used for storage of building materials Rivosa said there was a similar fire on Pine cidents” at or near toe Canada-U.S. Burkamp estimated the loss at $20,000 to $30,- GHO set border, including nine he described by its owner, Kenneth Burkamp. Street in the same neighborhood a few months 000. as being of a "critical nature The fire was brought under control quickly by ago. S p rin g Ca)l for quality staam' requiring evasive action by the air EVERYTHING lli GLASS C lo a n in g ? ' carpet clean j(ig...iha I craft involved.” ■WE CAN'T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT " Bane-Clene way I despite But FAA spokesman (Chuck CALL Murchison said early today the MtallMiMinee F AA, with Ottawa’s help, had Tax cut encourages business J.A WHITE GLASS CO. 407 No. Main 61. reviewed 10 of M border air travel 8 4 3 - O O S e troubles "incidents” reported by the (Cana you cut taxes, you won’t see that Wo do d lolo moTB iharT By Hilary Rosenberg equal footing with businesses in months after toe bill takes effect on «- B a a , clean carpBto" dian controllers and "w e’ve not Oct. 1. much expansion,” he said. O6 l’tK 4 .10 yt:iHS7 K.VPERIE.Vr f. Herald Reporter- othOr countries that have short been able to substantiate a singlq Hank Rusman, director of- Field Garman sees little benefit for |31 BI8SELL ST. MANCHESTER iMf isntMTEa WETHEIRSFIELD (UPI) — periods df depreciation. one of them.” Members of the Manchester retailersjn the tax cut bill. “ I don’t •MIRRORS .SHOWER DOORS .STORE FRONTS 24 HOUR SERVWE Promoters of the Greater Hartford Public Affairs for J.C. Penney, FUUYINSUIliO . Robert Poll, president of the- business commhnity’ are optimistic A reduction of taxes on unearned expects toe tax cut plan will have think it’s, going to have any effect •SAFETY GLASS .BATHTUB ENCLOSURES .ETC. Open aren’t letting an air traffic striking Professional Air Traffic that Reagan Administration’s tax income, from 70 to SO percent of that long-tenn effects.on toe economy. whatsoever,” he maintained. controllers' strike, potdntiaUdU of Controllers OrganizaUon, issued a ' cut plan approved by Ckmgress last income, will encourage more invest “ We don’t view it in the short-term, The five-percent cut in personal network television coverage .and a statement saying Reagan "has been week will encourage investment and ment, Pryor said.