Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______***Article of the Week*** Directions: Read the following article carefully and annotate. You need to include at least 1 annotation per paragraph. Be sure to include all of the following in your total annotations.

Annotation = Marking the Text + A Note of Explanation

1. Great Idea or Point – Write why you think it is a good idea or point – ! 2. Confusing Point or Idea – Write a question to ask that might help you understand – ? 3. Unknown Word or Phrase – Circle the unknown word or phrase, then write what you think it might mean based on context clues or your word knowledge – 4. A Question You Have – Write a question you have about something in the text – ?? 5. Summary – In a few sentences, write a summary of the paragraph, section, or passage – #

Scientists say they discovered a new planet in our By Scientific American, adapted by Newsela staff 01.25.16

Picture and Caption ______

Paragraph #1

This picture is an artist’s depiction of what "" might look like. The planet is ______thought to be gaseous, similar to Uranus and Neptune, and in our solar system out beyond . Photo: Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC) ______

Para #1 In the last 20 years, astronomers have found about ______2,000 new worlds using a telescope in space. These planets lie trillions of miles from Earth. Finding new planets is important. No ______single one is likely to be much of a big deal. Last week, scientists announced they discovered another new planet. This new planet, though, is a very different story. It does not circle a distant star. Paragraph #2 Instead, it is part of our own solar system, a place you would ______think we had explored pretty well by now. ______Para #2 In a new study, two planetary scientists say they found strong evidence for a very large planet. Their names are ______Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown. They work at the California Institute of Technology. The scientists say the new planet is ______orbiting the sun beyond Pluto.

Planet is Really Huge Paragraph #3 Para #3 This new planet could be 10 times bigger than Earth. They think its gravity is so strong it is changing the orbit of nearby ______space objects. “I haven’t been this excited about something in quite a while,” says Greg Laughlin. He is a planetary scientist at ______the University of California, Santa Cruz. ______. Para #4 For the time being, the scientists have named it “Planet ______Nine.” It is very far away. The new planet never comes closer than 19 billion or so miles from the sun. It is not surprising that no Paragraph #4 one has ever seen it. Even though it is gigantic, the planet would be very dim. ______Para #5 “Sadly,” Brown says, the scientists have not actually found it yet. The evidence for the planet is strong, though. Other ______experts are taking it seriously. “I think it’s pretty convincing,” says Chad Trujillo. He is a scientist with the Gemini Observatory in ______Hawaii. Paragraph #5 Para #6 Batygin and Brown are not the first to say there is an ______extra planet in our solar system. In 2014, Trujillo and a scientist named Scott Sheppard argued that there might be something ______planet-sized out there. Sheppard is with the Carnegie Institution ______for Science. ______

What was the central idea of paragraphs 3-6? Paragraph #6




A "Crazy" Idea Paragraph #7 ______Para #7 Batygin and Brown took another look at the information. “At first,” Brown says, “we said there can’t be a planet out there ______— that’s crazy.” Yet the only explanation that fit was the “crazy” idea of a new planet. ______Para #8 The planet that best fits the information would be 10 times bigger than Earth. It would be a so-called “Super Earth." Paragraph #8 There are many Super Earth planets around other stars but none, ______until now, in our own solar system. The new planet would be smaller than eptune. Neptune is about 17 times the size of Earth. ______



Paragraph #9 Para #9 Planet Nine might be seen with a telescope. Until then, though, astronomers cannot really say that Planet Nine is real. ______Hal Levison is a scientist with the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. He said other scientists have claimed over the ______years to find an extra planet. Before he believes this one, more research needs to be done. ______

______Para #10 Overall, planetary scientists are thrilled about Planet Nine. “When I was growing up,” Scott Sheppard says, “we ______thought the big planets had all been found. It would be very exciting and very surprising to learn that we were wrong." Paragraph #10











Quiz STANDARD 3: PEOPLE, EVENTS AND IDEAS 1. Based on the introduction [paragraphs 1-3], why was the discovery of this new planet important?

A) Scientists added the planet to ones discovered in the last 20 years B) Scientists found evidence that this planet is a very large one. C) Scientists are excited to see this planet using a telescope. D) Scientists discovered evidence of a new planet in our solar system.

GRADE 6, STANDARD 3: PEOPLE, EVENTS, AND IDEAS 2. Based on the section "Planet Is Really Huge," which of the following statements would explain why this planet has not been discovered before?

A) The planet is so far away that it is difficult to see from Earth. B) Scientists collected new data and added it to what was already known. C) The scientists Batygin and Brown are the first to discover evidence of the planet. D) Scientists need more proof to take the planet discovery seriously.

GRADE 6, STANDARD 4: WORD MEANING 3. Read this sentence from the section "Planet Is Really Huge." "I think it's pretty convincing," says Chad Trujillo. How does the rest of the paragraph help to develop the meaning of the word "convincing"?

A) It shows that expert scientists believe the evidence. B) It shows that the planet really does exist. C) It shows that Trujillo is an important scientist. D) It shows that scientists have not really found the planet.

GRADE 6, STANDARD 4: WORD MEANING 4. Read the last paragraph of the article. Overall, planetary scientists are thrilled about Planet Nine. “When I was growing up,” Scott Sheppard says, “we thought the big planets had all been found. It would be very exciting and very surprising to learn that we were wrong."

Scott Sheppard uses the word "wrong" to show: A) that no one is perfect all of the time B) that scientists gain information from mistakes C) that discoveries are important to scientists D) that facts should be changed after many years