Feb. 15', 1927. 1,617,554
Feb. 15', 1927. 1,617,554 . e. E._ SWARTZ DRILL B'dsaI-ne Filed Dec. 16, 1925" 8 v .7 v 1 Patented‘' UNHTEEE Feb. 15, 1927. or ' 1,617,554 ' FATEWorries.~ ) GUY-E.‘ SXVARTZ, OF DETRQIT, MICHIGAN. ' ' ‘ DRILL BUSHING. .. ' Application ?led December ~1e,>1a25l Serial No. 75,683. _ _ ;In the drilling of metals considerable ‘for a drill, the said bushingibeing provided trouble is oftenv experienced from the (forma with a downwardly openingconical or ‘?ared tion of long chips or cuttings which fit is nmuth and withlupwardly extend-ing grooves often necessary to remove manually and .in the wall-of the bore thereof, the said which often results in the hands of the opera grooves being "widened at’ their lower ends tor being cut, although this danger is some to receive the extremities of chips'or cuttings timesavoided-by the use ofa hook. In any travelling upwardly-on the drill whereby the V case the necessity for such removal of the spiral. progress of thesa'id cuttings is inter ' chips presents an inconvenience and in many rupted and; they tend to travel‘ upwardly 10 cases slows up the work,,as they have ‘a through! , the said ‘grooves, f with " the v‘result tendency to wind upward ‘on the drill and “that, as the drill revolves, the said cuttings their frequent removal occupies a certain are broken'into small pieces and, fall from - amount of times and. ‘distracts the operator’s the mouth of the said bushingon to the'work attentionfrom the, work. - i or work table. ' ' , ‘ > _ it i I‘ 70 15 ' “There drill jigs are employed it is usual 4 All ofnwhich' is morejlparticularly de ' toemploy a bushing for the guidance of the V scribed and ascertained hereinafterrby way drill, and the presence ofunbroken chips or of ‘example, having reference to the¢accom~ cuttings winding upwardly on the drill fre panying drawing, wherein-é quently necessitates removing the‘bushing-or vFigure l is an elevation partlyin section.
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