Fish, Coral, and Sponge Assemblages Associated with Altiphotic and Mesophotic Reefs Along the Guánica Biosphere Reserve Continental Shelf Edge, Southwest Puerto Rico
ORIGINAL RESEARCH published: 10 September 2018 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00303 Fish, Coral, and Sponge Assemblages Associated With Altiphotic and Mesophotic Reefs Along the Guánica Biosphere Reserve Continental Shelf Edge, Southwest Puerto Rico Jaaziel E. García-Hernández 1†, Phillip J. Sanchez 1,2†, Nicholas M. Hammerman 1,3† and Nikolaos V. Schizas 1* 1 2 Edited by: Department of Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Mayagüez, PR, United States, Department of 3 Yehuda Benayahu, Marine Biology, Texas A&M University at Galveston, Galveston, TX, United States, Gehrmann Laboratories, School of Tel Aviv University, Israel Biological Sciences, University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia Reviewed by: Darren James Coker, The benthic and fish communities of the central portion of the Guánica, Puerto Rico King Abdullah University of Science shelf edge were studied to determine species abundance, distributions and species and Technology, Saudi Arabia Jacob L. Johansen, overlap between two depth stratifications, 20 and 45m, at eight sites. A total of 67 fish New York University Abu Dhabi, species belonging to 21 families were identified. Similar species richness estimates were United Arab Emirates observed between depths, though fish assemblage composition differed significantly, *Correspondence: Nikolaos V. Schizas with observable changes in feeding guild contributions of herbivore and omnivore (20 m) to a deeper assemblage composed of piscivores and planktivores (45 m). Coral †These authors have contributed assemblages consisted of 31 species at 20 m and 11 species at 45 m, accounting for equally to this work 17.0% (±1.76 SE) and 2.6% (±0.89 SE) benthic cover for the altiphotic and mesophotic surveys, respectively.
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