Abortion on Demand 19Th· Century Mentality
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Volume 10~ Number 24 Toronto~ Canada. March 31~ 1971 Sets'up own task force' Council looks intoCORSAP By ER.,IC'TRIMBLE they graduate by h~ving it Radio Glendon, which had deducted from their income been scheduled to start op Glendon's students' coun over a 15-35 year period. erating on March 1, will not cil has set up, a task force Many people believe that the be in operation until Sep to examine the prOVincial plan will also involve the tember. government's proposed Con elimination of prOVincial Council president Paul tingency Repayment Student grants to universities~w'hich Johnstonblamed Radio York Aid Plan (CORSAP). ~ would :raise tuition. fees to for the delay. He said 'that: Lemieux talks about the trial of FLQ member Paul Rose. The task force~ which is ~ve~~"$2,OOO per year. "They've sent no contracts, headed by external affairs yet to be signed. The equip -I e '11 R commissioner Gary O'Brien The task force will gather' ment to be rented is of low Lem ux ca s ose will gather information over information on CORSAP and quality ..•. and we have n~ · 1 I - k - k ' the summer and report to educate students as to what choice in the matterasMar- \ rla SIC J0 e council in the fall. Ted Hun- it will mean. sden Co. has a monopoly \, t ter~ Naomi Lyons and Eric situation on Radio York's U By ELEANOR PAUL Trimble are the othermem-, Council has also started "When we speak of fair trials, donlt kid ourselves, its bers. work on next -year's orien- \ e~~~~rt·~~so voted at its ~/.! a very sick joke" stated FLQ lawyer Robert Lemieux at CORSAP would replace the tation v/eek. A steeringcom- March 23 meeting to donate /~ last Sundays meeting at U of T's Convocation Hall. present .OSAP program. It mittee held its first meeting $100 to the Emergency Com- :......) Speaking of the Paul Rose trial he that "Rose was simply would lend students the mo- on March 26, and will re mittee for the Defence of Po- ,; ,;,:) r ...~ denied the right to speak before the court."'And further that ney they require to finance cruit people to help organize litical Rights in Quebec. ;;-~ "that 'declaration' of Paul Rose was a complete invention their education. Students the week and to act as stu Johnston explained that ~~ by the police, made up after the trial started on the basis would repay the loan after dent advisors. Glendon will probably re-l of evidence heard in the preliminary hearings" and that ceive literature and filmg~ P k f from the Committee. .. "Rose couldn't do a defence. He\vasdeniedall the incidental res. tas ores things like time and the right to subpoena witnesses for the Johnston has sent a letter defence." . to York's Student Council The meeting was held up half an hour after an Edmund (CYSF) criticizing them for Burke Society member threw a stink bomb (hydrogen sul- backs 2 strea'refusingms to give any money phide).. :The hall was cleared and five of the Burke members The Yorkpresidential task erous funds available'~ for to the" Committee for Fair were arrested. When they attempted to force theirway back force inves~igating Glendon Glendon to achieve its aims. Employment. a student-run Without precedent There IS something good in t at, and offers the best short term _----.----------------------. something sorry because it took this crisis to make people solution•.• (of) Glendon'sina- oppressiori~" aware of this new b 1i,~y Of the charges of general sedition against, Jacques Larue- up.i to bring its enrolment IN MEMORIAM Langlois, Charles Gagnon, Pierre Vallieres, Lemieux and York professor John War- It was with profound sadness that PRO TEM hirrS~1f. Chartrand said that :'they ne~4ed more sc~gegoats# kentin filed a minority re and those at Glendon who knew him heard of the Va lieres and Ga~on weren t enough and now because port, becaus~ he felt there death of Ron Triffon in Vancouver last Thursday. Before graduating in political science last we. were in jail we re supposed to be guilty." had been "insufficient tIme" year~ Lemieux said the action taken by Ottawa "has been a for the Glendon program to Triffon had been a students' councillor and movement~« an oustandingly kind and active member of the boom" to the separatist It touched at the con- mature. He termed the faculty college. science of people, especially older persons$ who were council decision to back the Earlier this year, he attended law school at forced into a recognition of their civil liberties." He went two streams as being made. the University of British Columbia. on to say that the crisis had "broadened and strengthened "somewhat' prematurely." We wish to extend our sympathy to his family the base of the independentist movement in Quebeco I am He said the York admin- friend~. very enthusiastic." .- istration "must make gen- and many close Abortion on demand 19th· century mentality By MICHAEL JONES Justifying abortion on the basis of con for the development of 'a human being•. genital defects in the fetus is also untenable. whereas upon conception, a human life Advocates of 'Abortion on Demand' are of according to Dr. Morris. If fetuses, then why exists. a 19th century mentality characterized by not babies?, she asked~ adding that it is "emotional passion" and "ignorance~" ac dangerous to prescribe arbitrary standards . Asked about her position on intJ;a-uterine cording to Dr. Heather Morris, a gynae as to what constitutes a congenital defect. contraceptives, which prevent the fertilized cologist at Women's College Hospital. ' egg from-implanting itself in the wall of the Morris was speaking on the case against She dismissed as "pure hogwash" the uterus - and are therefore abortion abortion on demand at a Glendon meeting statistics quoted by the "crusading mis causing devices - Dr. Morris said only attended by about 50 students last Thursday. gUided media," regarding the number of that it was a .,( moral-scientific" point. illegal abortions in. Canada and the number Morris, reading from a lengthy type of resulting deaths. There w'as a great deal of very heated written paper, attacked the pro-abortionist discussion over the claim' that the fetus claim that the unborn fetus is not a human For example~ it is claimed that there are is a human being. Many ,People contend~d being. She insisted that from the moment of 400,000 illegalabortions per year in Canada, that it was simply "life' , not human life. 9.onception there is a genetically comple~e and that 2~000 deaths result. She showed that Morris answered that while many lay people human being which requires only the right the former statistic leads to absurdity. ne may hold this conviction~ an overwhelming environment to develop into an adult. cessitating that every woman of child majority of doctors concernedwith abortion bearing age in Canada would have about fully admitted that they were taking human As proof, she played a recording of the three illegal abortions during her life. As life. Twenty-five out of twenty-six doctors .heartbeat of a 10-week old fetus. to the latter, she insisted that there was ,testifying before parliament stated that they "It is hard to believe that this is just a .positive proof that only six women died as believed that the fetus is human life. blob of something~" she concluded. a result of illegal abortions in Canada last ','They have no doubt about it" ~ she She also attacked the claim that women year. insisted. forced to endure an uJlwanted pregnancy can suffer permanent mental damage. In the question period that followed, Dr. Many people took issue with her over the Morris was asked if birth control was not validity of her statistics~ which she claimed ·'There is only a temporary emotional up logically immoral according to her beliefs, were from the Dominion Bureau of Statis set in most cases", she said. She added that since it w'as an interruption of the life tics. One student said ,tI'd rather ask a the suicide rate for pregnant women is much creating process. She answered that up until street ~rson about illegal abortions than lower than the general rate. conception~ there exists only the potential the DBS." _£P: _ 2 PRO TEM March 31~ 1971 Federal gov't to spend $58 million on youth OTTAWA (CUP) The federal government Six hundred athlete's will get education paigns, community research projects and will spend $58 million this summer on its grants to keep them in school giving them pollution probes." youth pacification program. a chance· to excel as athletes and at the Such a program would be PRO TEM's The less than clear details of the program same time to continue their studies. project of publishing a 12 page weekly came at a press conference Tuesday (Mar. About 38,000 students will participate in newspaper (circulation 20,000) to carry 16) attended by four senior cabinet members group travel programs, backed by the fe national hostel news. Organizer Jim Daw and about 40 Parliamentary Press Gallery deral treasury. has applied for a grant of $20~000 and will re~resentatives. An equal number of students will take ad employ full time students. vantage of Canadian Armed Forces and mi But for a number of reporters at the 'fhe ministers present, Gerarct. 'Pelletier, litia t:raining programs; about three or 4,00C press conference the Ilopportunities for secretary of state; Otto Lang, manpowerand of the 38,000 will be working as civilians.