This program is brought to you by Pacific Grove’s only weekly NEWSpaper Marge Ann Jameson, Publisher • Dixie Lane, Peter Mounteer, Editorial The Cedar Street Irregulars, Distribution Save this Pullout Section! Page 2 Good Old Days 2017 Welcome to Good Old Days! On behalf of the City of Pacific Grove thanks to the volunteer groups, the SPECIAL NEEDS and the Pacific Grove Chamber of Com- Good Old Days Planning Committee, Welcome to Good Old Days. All stages, merce, we wish to thank Alan Cohen for and Chairman Alan Cohen. Finally, we sites, building and areas are accessible. chairing the Good Old Days celebration wish to acknowledge the hard work and Disabled parking is available in the for over 14 years. We greatly appreciate dedication of all city staff and depart- City’s parking lot between Bank of your time and energy. ment heads, especially the City’s public American & Fandango Restaurant. If Now in our 60th year, Good Old Days works crew. you have any special needs, please con- continues to be the largest music and There is some pride that comes with liv- tact Rita Pescatore at (831) 373-3304 or arts festival in the tri-county area, of- ing on the Peninsula. How ever you are email
[email protected]. All requests fering five entertainment venues and involved, this area sustains a community must be in writing and 24 hours prior more than 230 food and craft vendors. spirit like no other. Good Old Days is to the event. Thank you. And admission is always free. The event proud to be part of this spirit.