Friday, March 9, 2012 Hillsboro Argus Opinion A5 Opinion Editor: George Rede
[email protected] Opinion A break from tradition An editorial page without an editorial? Sometimes it’s good to break the rules. When I became editor of the Argus Opinion page earlier this year, I wrote an unsigned editorial (Feb. 2) that expressed the hope we could cultivate a com- munity conversation in print and online. Today’s page reflects what I had in mind when I wrote: “We will continue to publish letters to the edi- tor, guest columns and keep a local, local, local focus on the issues addressed here. And we will endeavor to build on that, by embracing the view that the entire community benefits when we are exposed to a wide spectrum of perspectives and opinions — not just from elected officials and other community leaders, but from people who live and work and go to school here, whether they are new arrivals or people whose roots go back generations.” Scan the page and you’ll see what I mean. Along with an editorial cartoon and letter to the editor, we have guest columns from a familiar voice on Oregon poli- tics, Jayne Carroll, and a company representative, Dave Dutra, responding to ongoing concern about the odors coming from the recycling plant near North Plains. The roundup of additional commentary, excerpted below, gives you a taste of what you’ll find online. We appreciate those of you who are loyal readers of this page. We also are posting fresh content every day — letters, op-eds, reader polls and more — to engage with and grow our online audience.