The U CSD Guardia Volume 49, Number 14 University of California, San Diego Thursday, May 19, 198 :~

ReluYn of Ihe Jedi------Film Benefits Hospital By CANOLE The world has waited in \vonder for three years to see who George Lucas will present as Yoda 's "at her hope" to help Luke kywalker combat the dark side of the Force. For the kids at San Diego Children's Ho,>pital and Health Center Yoda's "ot her hope" will be a present from the people at I ucasfilm Ltd., in the form of a ben fit previe\\,' of Re/urn oj the jedi" to help combat pediatric disease. "I see these benefits as an expression of Lucas' feelings of commitment to the American public," said benefit organizeri. who askecl \0 remain ,mon)· mous "He cot! Id have presented the t~ pical major studio premiers m Chicago, ;'\It'W York and Los Angeles. But he pn>ferred to make kl'l{{nl of IIIl ji'll' a\'ailable tn local theater..., In t\\enty one citle''. "Lucas felt the suu:ess of \'ear ~(lOO. \\ hll h ell ( the Star Wars Saga has ~'olllcldl':> llo-,L'i\' (J t h t 1'1,' I been due to t he interest of epI-.:ode of the- ~tar \\ a" children and the child in all ~aga. of us. Therefore he wanted "We empha, Ill' tho t to return to these youngJedi tech nolngy I" he \\ <'i\ e ( f a support lor their future. the iuturc. Rut one th'ng "The Introductory letter 1111111111111 - ~~~1IiII!!!!!!I t ha t cannot be replal tl from Luea') ...,taled. 'The \\ hen dealmg \\ Iti' l hlldn''"\ pre\ iew showmg of Re/urn i' h' tf'nder If)\ ln~ 'cUt uf llze jed, benefit must be Ri Th t lIext d'H)r • (J t! staged to help ral">e money complex 0pl'ratmg room \\t:' to combat child related po-':1I inn a rt lU\ er~ and disease and/or to ease the playroom. (hr llo ... ed for their 0\\ n particular ted a personal pride applications to Luca sf!lm~ c i rc u itt e It' \'1 :-, lOr. h ,1'" condit ions or problems of we highlighted certain econom ically disadvan­ needs. Therefore the fund,> amongst the many volun­ frequentl) :-ho\\ r~ '/lIl program ~ which are unique taged children.' " received from this an teer . 1\'(/ r.' and t h (' 1:: 111 p /I t Diego benefit will go "The desire of the In thiS countv \Ve ~el' :)f riki s Nlirk. Brot her:-. and "Lucasfilms' policy i to as the directly to the Children's volunteers, like Lucas. is to Chddren'~ H()~i)ltal ~Ister:, are enrullra:ed to) allow each community to step back from the spotlight hope of the future. organi ze their own benefit Hospital. This has genera- \'i sH. \\hich i~ lnll:,ual III so the public will focus "The neo-natal unit 1110 ... t hospitals. primarily on the programs transfer..., children to our "In the t!nlt' it will taht' and needs of the hospital." mtenslve care newborn some people to walt in line In regards to their own high' risk life support to -;ee RlllI m of flil' Jcdi our MCC Facility Lost involvement in the benefit, system. Ten ~ears ago these one day Olk'ra t IOn pro 'ram the organi/ers commented: children would not haw' will treat tht' children and San Diego lost out to Deukmejian's recent budget "Everything our company ...,un 1\ ed. without thiS high return tho. e iuture j('(11 Austin, Texas earlier this cuts continue in Sacra­ does is anonvmous. We are technol()g~ geared to back to thell' parent ... . week in a bid to be the site of mento today. underwriting the cost of the pedlatncs. The Itfe support Ironicalh. the purp,)st' ur a major computer research The loss of the MCC so s'stenh are \erv si mil ar to institute built by the facility, and the possibility benefits that the $75 per Childrl'n's Hnspllal relat~ ... Microelectronics alld of simi liar los es in the ticket will go directly to thos(' used by -our astro· dlrt'ctly to till' Japanl'.e 1 Computer Technology future may be a factor in Children\ Hospital. We nauts. ddlllit ion ot" Yoda (YOd31 : Corp. (MCC). swaying the governor away expect the sellout audience "The most :-'dphisticated the ('ond i t lOll of one':­ One of the main reasons from his stringent budget­ wi ll raise a totdl of $:32,7;)0. areas thal we haH' are Iwalth. rlwdlcal dlH.l.?;nO~ls. MCC cho e Austin were balancing agenda enough reminhcent of the Star and the Impnl\l'Il1t'l1t qf "doubts about California's that he allows legislature­ "The evening of the Wars techmcally supenor one· ... hpalth. longterm commitment to mandated budget increases performance there will be a special cffech. The slirgen sunset patio buffet at the kl'l It),JI oj lilt Jul: could top-quality education," for UC to pass across his theater I!- full~ computer­ \l'n \\·t'll c1l':,cribe the according to a Fletcher Estate with Darth Los Angeles desk unmolested. lied to allow the ...,urgeon \ olllnt eer~ and donor:- oj Times article Wednesday. The governor's office still Vader as guest. Then buses Imnwdlate access to th(' thi~ benefll 11lc~hab(lu Sl'd The loss of the facility declines comment on what will shuttle these "Friends child's \ ital signs and represents a heavy blow to Deukmejian's reaction will ofYoda" to the preview. We the Japane~e tum Jedl California's economy and be to budget hikes for UC, medical histon kdai l fl1t'anmg Onl who 1WW have sold two-thirds of "These nc\\' operating amounts to a slap in the face bu t the pressu re is the tickets." gl\t.• ..., their trust to 3 of the University of mounting. Next week, the theatel s \\ en' Inllit after st rongl r fnrct'. lint' wh\! I'" California_ Guardiatl will take an in­ Rodgers commented on our research proJected the till' Spirit of their time. and University efforts to depth look at the budget's the contribution of the needs of f uturc chIld care lf1 orll' \\ h\l sUpptll'b ideas and rescind Governor George progress in Sacramento. benefit on In'half of :an Diego county. The\ l'\l'nts that \\ ill I11f1Ut'lht' Children's Hospital. "Inour \\ III meet our need unt iI the the futtln' Cost Effectiveness of Aid to Israel. Page 5. M1"V's Rock Rolls into San Diego. Hiattts. Page 3. Crew, Tennis, Track Sea EndonMi ed Not . Page 9. ThUl'sday, May 19, 1983 2 The UCSD Guardian Thul'sday. M IIY 19. 19 8 3 Tht, l1CSO Guanlian :~

The UCSD Guardian J ames Ralph Papp, Calumnist College Students too Specialized or Spread too Thin Uy JAM ES RALPH PAPP paper~, I ha ve no idea who t hey will waste time di\l:rt Ins.( his as lntl'llcl'tual \\aqrel, art: lIltelllgent and tothepoint. Sia ll Wriler are) seem to have an Idea that talent. genIus, or whate\'t'r he Imcstmg thl'lr time in what IS In anv time of t rlJU bit, (or The compla int of the the l[ith and 16th centuries pOf.seSf.ef. to thIngs he ca nnot lll'lther enjoyable to them nor exec..,s') fringe ('ults spring up, Opinion moment, or w hat used to be were jam,packed with use It on. The great nwn of useful to anyone else, and t he attractIOn of n()\ elt v until the complai nt of the Leonardo daVinci's running letters of the 18th centurv Trymg to make all college O\ercome'i t ht, at t raet IOn elf moment became that we had about with furious energy thought it quite an extraor- I ..,tudenh unIque geniuses or luglcal thought But pt'rhap'" s u bj ected o u rsel ves to while alternately discovering dinary accomplishment to snence fiLlton writers IS, m thi ... \Va} of thInking I~ th: Unsijflled editorials ref/resent the opinions 0/ the editorial board 0/ the UCS /J, Guardian. The editorial board is composed of Lisa Lapin, Tom Rankin and Caty un il ate r a l e du cat io n a l new scientificphenomenaand learn theIr multiplicatIOn thIS or any tIme. an product of a Renal.,.,anu' Tinkle. All other articles in this section are solely the opinion o/the writer and do not di sarmament, is that co ll ege painting the Mona Lisa. In tables in middlr age. TheIr mexpll['able goal. ImprCJ\ mg ffiu['ation - learning spread necessarily ref/resent the views of the Guardian, its editorial boord, its advertisers or students specialize too much. reality there was only one products are, of cour..,e, no less the st udent 's knowledge of hi.., 1 hm the University of California. Chemistry majors are s laving Leonardo, and there were very enjoyable. Ttw products of ..,penalt y would be a more over test t ubes while they few peo pl e like him, The scientists are no less us('ful for mtelhgent use of tIme and Letters to the Editor should be trying to 'l ea rn how Renaissance man comes down the men ha\'lng written talents. But one notIces more Adlon ~ets ( (,,'f) (,I/((rrli(lJI. B-O 1 fi, Ignoran t on Madrid chatty abou t Shakespeare on (developed from genius rather the producers spent their tIme a\\ay from su~ge"ti(m' \\'Illch their term papers when they than a college education) we E d itor: Sights ne sa\\ on hi~ hus lour should be worrying about the would not have remembered In an attempt at bemg as "some art building." Is that melting point of the various him. humorous, Scott Rhoads, m the same thing as an art metals in their typewriter. For the fe \\ lllen \\ ho did hiS article on l'.1adrid. came museum? lias Rhoads ever There are se\eral thlng~ become so well rounded the across as an Ignorant, Ugly heard of the Prado Museum? The Parking Lot Nightmare wrong with the argument of criteria \\,ere dIfferent. Amencan, The type of humour With a forecast of a rpcord the prople who \\ ant the Centuries ago, when there was tha t Rhoads tried to put across number of A merican tourists By JEFF EA STER sc\'eral hours, [ finall\' found spent the next three weeks in a HaVIng recently Jomed the college st udent to be more not as m uc h object ion m would be better suited to RV heading for Europe thi~ an open "pot, and r 'il()\\ Iy sanilarium, legions of the UCSD parking eased m) car into it. had no Ry no\\', though, I've learned rounded and less pointed: the jumping from one field to Magazine or an Idiot's Guideto summer, The Guardiall could r "Renaissance man" situation another, the di fferen ce Travel. Rhoad compared do st udents a fa vor by Prl nt mg lot warrior~, I must expre~s idea what time it \vas, so I the ropes, and routinely arrive my outrage at this deplorable decided to head towards my at school three hours before which they describe never between . for in s tan ce, Madrid to Tijuana, On what informative articles on travel. eX isted to the extent they say discovering scientIfic truths basis was this comparison situation. Up u nt iI this first class, hoping to catch a Illy first class. And with the Articles that embarrass the I it did; to the extent it did exist and writing fi ction \\as not as made? Or wa it made because reader, perpetuate ridiculous quarter, was a Revelle dorm, few last minute gems of mechcation I recel\'e for my dweller. totall y oblivious to the wisdom. Upon arriving at shattered nerves, I'm fina ll y it is inappl icable tothe modern great as it is today. I am the people in Tijuana 'peak stereotypes, and lack humour \~or1d;andifmst i tutedasthey thinking of the ancient the same la ng uage and don't do anyone a favor. constant ~trugg l e going on USB, I realized quickly that able to voice my thought s on qU ietly to the south of my the person down there talkmg t hIS sad sit uation. Therefore, 1 wish it would do everyone Greeks, which may strike a therefore must be the same? Serge Dedina peaceful dorm. more harm than good. note of irrele\'ance, but then Rhoads describes one of the Third College My car sat about nonsingular matrice" demand that someofthewhite content in its parking spot for was not my socio logy spaces, especia lly in the We are compared to these people in favor of the weeks at a time wit hout professor. I glanced a t the He\'elle lot and theadmi nist ra, Leonardo daVinci. who well rounded young man moving. The only time I clock, and a lmost had a tive section of campus be managed to be a scientlflc spend a lot of theIr tIme investigator as we ll as a great thinking of the ancient Greeks From a Botany Student needed a parking spot was on coronary. It was 3:43 and j had changed to yellow. I've seen returning from a Friday night mIssed al l threeofmy lecture~ . drivers flg-hting for yellow artist. The people against as well. Editor: forgo the pos~ibillty of getting beer run, and spaces \\ ere I slowly trudged back to my ... paces \\ Ith all the huma11lty whom I am arguing (and I The resu lt of establishing I'd like to publicly register a \I ailed on by t he guy and his alway" plentiful, since car, \'a ndalizin~ any UCSl) of seagull s figh t i ng- for a must admit that past the the Renaissance man (or complaint against the public easy gIrlfriend, \\ ho were e\eryone else was also on a knowledge that they eX Ist woman) in today's college display of affectIOn. Thl're are, engaged in act ivity SUItable for property that got in Ill) wa~. l)orito, while rows ancl row ... of beer run. But all gJot onlv is must come to an end. and I library without ha\ mg 10 thts tvpe of ..... howoffen" ocean of cars fur up" ards of an think there is a yelh)\\ space omtnously decided to move to hour, j found m~ poor car, WII h Within a half-mile radlusofthe ignore couples who can't wait distracting, it is crude. -If La Jolla. Ir-=- -=--=--=--=--::.. -::..-::.. -::.. -::.. -:... -:... -:..., to excite each other until' people are bored at t he II bra n , se\'eral long ... cratches along registrar. I refuse to \\a"te a :vJ\ m(Ae \\ as tantamount to the d(xlrs and a nice t \\ehe dll11e III a nwter \\ hen I ha\c II Color Analysis : I the~ 're in the pmacy of their let them s\\eatlt out at home, lU~~o('(\ a det:larat Ion of war again..,t all ... Iwlled out nearh s('\'entv I t ( )l ,'n II\{ 1I11'1 J II 0\\ n dorm etc. I would \ 'e not while I'm crammll1g for dollar parkIng ticket tucked \I 't" \\ commutcrs. I quickl} reahzed ~oC;~ complained on the "pot dUring mIdterms under my windshield \\ iPl'r. dollars to the I~egents for a 00(\-- : t Are you a \\'intcr, :: (after the fir ... t day I)f c1a"ses) Apparently my yellow parkll1g parklllg permIt. It ·... hIgh time a recent mCldent, but I chose to Eileen Romano fj,Ofi#fl with the A Sumnll.' r. a Sl'rinl-: II that 1 mav ha\e bitten off a st icker did not give me the that soml~me \\hlpped out a little bit - more than m\ latest styles for or an Autumn? I privdege of parking in a while paIntbrush and did some Spring and Summer) Volbwagon could handle. space. Need less to sa\ I shed asphalt redecoration around I.e.lfll \, 1.- ,r Ii," " 'r, : Arri\'ing innocently at 10::30 Irl' "l~tl·L." ,"Uti Legislation Pending se\'eral gallons of tears and here Let Us Desig n r.. I Monday morning, I cruised • ...... LIn nlh· ..... "\ \l .... r ~\ 'l'll! I 'ilo\\ I) lllto the parking lot A Style For .. L.m It. H': 'Ill dl! \dU \j"l" I fully expecting rows and rows on High Utility Bills YOU! • { 1 Hhll.~ \\ ~1 H I .tIt'Ph 1" I of empty yellow carports to ,:,')IIlP'I ... hl uk" H l \.\t'lr' I An open le tter: \\ hich the utility companies beckon for my patronage, I The UCSDGUARDIAN Ask for I • \\'h'lt ... t.,. \' ,InJ ... r h. l"" llt The Consumers' lTtility operate. Wisconsin ha~ quickly noticed a strange n1akl'·up .. hlHllli \.rtt \\,-,Ir I Board (CUB) legislation which created a similar program tension in the ai r. The guy in Michael or Vicki I • Fllr Yl')ur rh.:url'. what -.n"ll'" I pending in acramento is a with gratifying resu lts. The the Pinto behind me screeched New s Editors Staff WI'ile l's: Iw I Cat FREE CONSULTATIONS ,-"It ,·Il')[hln~ .... hlHI ,i YllU \\'l.U' reasonable anwer to rate of increase in utility bills past as soon as he saw an Thomas f{ankin Algarin , l ~il\'(ldl' I\rrhi\ ill, I skyrocketlllg utility bills. Yet, there has fallen significantly opening large enough to fit his Caty Tinkle \l1l\l' Bl'l'clil,. Pat Bl'rgman. First Time Customers Only; \\'lth lHH.: l\ln.... uIt loon \'L'l, I h HlI1gham, John Bncl'. Women ,5 15 ( reg 52500) 1..1ll l"pt:rh..'n\l' rhl' .lfl"-\a .... td I it i" facing defeat due to lack of since its implementatIOn. car. I glanced over at him as he Opinion Edito l' Bet Canolt-. I~()bln I!tar born, Joe Men 51200 (reg 520(0) .1 I the .... l· '-tUC.· ... t1l'n .... Thc.' \.\'1..,1 b I ratepa}er input. l tility The next fe\\ weeks are passed. He was grimacing LNI Lapin customers must act now or crUCIal fOrlhe CUB legislallon. menacingly, his face was beet I Falll'lla, \1Ikl' (;n·l'nlX'l'g. ""h S~ '; \.)\.' !-ur .'1 '1"'HltIll,'1' I I accept higher bills in the Reports for Sacramento reveal red, and snowy \\ hite foam J\ I·t !-. Edito/' 'I odd IlallH's. Craig Kakucla . "II R, ,h 11 L,'"~rl I"" ,I I Andre\\ KCell'l '11111 Ka s"oun1. :'>Iargo Kelh . (,t)R-47t'H. RRl )\",h I,H,', I fu ture. that legislators are not dribbled down his chin. I could Call for Appointment 1~()bl 'll Ll'l>lll'. (;Il'gol \ t \ 'h If \. lr It-. I The CL'B IS a board elected recei\ Ing enough letter.., from Art !-. Co-Edi tor hear him "creamlllg ob.,ceni \1 arl rOIll. I\a len :\ IIIlll'n. 3251 Holiday Ct by all contribut ing ratepayers. constItuents supporting eL'S tie.., /)\el' the roar of hIS engine T1I11 \1IJ..'u~t I ~ II ll\ d"nl' \ L"', JIJi1n \'·l'. J;l'lll·... Ste 201 I II Like the utility companie", to induce them to \'ore for it. as he disappeared around the I{alph I'app. (,u~ ~anlllyj). kif I II ';p"" I" Editor' I (Above St Germolne s) I ______JI thi!' board would employ a After all, If their COn<,llluents corner of the aisle. I noticed he l'hl1 Laucin ,",anll)~ II • .\elf ,",,1\ agl'. Jell profes~lOnal staff of la\\-yer.." aren' t concerned, most ~. h"pIIO. T\ nan ~llllllldl, ------.---- had taken mv door handle wit h P h olo EditOl' /1111 .... lhUt/. '\lllch ~Il ... nil. accountants, energy analysts. legIslators would rather not him, and I ,vondered why he 1);1\ Id ()l1ll'r etL'. This ;"taff would compile n~k opposing the powerful had been so upset. I figured he \!aultt'n '1, hakallan. '"kl'l 'I 011111 b,., AN ...... I ~ 1r'C. ,...... I. l{l:produl'IIIHl or U"'l' ratepayers effective input in \\' ho wnte'i represents many past the same orange I londa so Ann 1\1111('r \\ II hOllt ptTl11l,,,",n III ;111\ the ratemaking process and more \" ho are very concerned. many times that [ fe lt that the PllllulI1 of /111" nl·\\..,papl'r '" At thIS point, I€'tler writing is Produc tion Wo rkc rs " 111111\ pl'Ohlhill'd )Ill I would assure that a point of driver (a strange soul WIth .lohn 1.)l11berg to ll''''IlIII~'''lhl(' for UINlll on a quarterly baSIS. may co ntact hlln at 777 a girl backing out her R)("hard Thorne (The CUB would pay Alva rado Road, Suite 315, La Triumph. I trembled with joy ..,o tlllH"h1 III I hl' 1<1'\ die I 'ron)sl OIIH'l' on /111' l 'rS!) Mesa, Ca. 9204 1,237,7970. Staff Pholo~raph e l '''' : \ 1111 additional costs.) Stnce uti lity as I waited for her to get ou t of camIlU"', TIll' Il U"'l1ll''''S Ofllcl' companIes enjoy a legal my way. But before I could lUltlng. \Ian FI,tll'r. I{ob h Il'dl'nlh,,!, I)l',m Hend ll'r. h Illl,'n It 0111 !lalll til 1101111 and monopoly that ratepayers are You may also wish to contact: blink, an oriental fe llow in a III :iPI11 \1/1nrl,1) I h rl~l;I Klgl·l. il,n'ld 01l'\\dl, I pill hr/lugh obli ged to support, thiS "eems Senator Wilham A. Craven Camaro had usurped my 1{leh I'l'l'jak, 1'('11' l'('r('II~;ln. I Fllria) a reasonable requirement. :lSO W. Vista Way space. I ro ll ed down my :"ll,an .... ll'lI1('r. " l lhl' :"1('\t·11 ~. ....ul", IIplllllb Will he With a mll1lmal cash outlay, Vista, CA 92083, 726767(; window to \Olce m) dIsgust, (arol ~llIdddrd malil'ri till Sll) (ll'r quarll'!. ratepayers Will have an Senator JIm Ell is but. when I "a w the macht'll' he opportunity to create a \\'Ielded In my eli reet ion, I Imported Moosehead. Stands head and antlers above the rest. 27:);' ;0,; L\vajo I~oacl USE YOUR HEAD WHEN YOU DRINK MOOSEH E AD. substitute for normal market Ellajon 92020,11),1720) qUIckly dl'nd d to rl'sume: my pressures, bringing some search. Vol. 49, No. 14 May 19, 1983 realll Y to Ihe conditions undl'r CalPmG \fter whal s«'mt'rI IIkl' 4 The UCSD Guardian Thursd ay. May 19. 1983 MANAGEMENT POSITIONS Simon ~mmer tiession 'BS The UCSD Guardian Page 5 T he U.S. Na y IS accept ingapplicatlUns for Nil\al Officer Thomas RanKin, News Editor posit ion involving: has Added: ISays ... Ne\Vs May 19, 1983 -Financial Management -Purchas ing -Inventory Control -Data Processing ffes 179: Analysis of Algorithms ul~Xn~e?c~ ¥i~ e~~~~~' l e Israel------Merchandising - ystcms Analysis SIMON SAYS: - Transportation -Pe l-sonnd Ma nagement fconomics 120A: Statistical Methods in People who go around -Operations Research -Admini!> tration Economics saying "Have a good one" Firebreaks: should be beaten with Slicks Cost-Effective Aid Education or experience in the above areas not reqUIred but ffeS 1608: foundation of Computer -Aren't you glad there were Peace Treaty desirable. Ih W. Sf', [II C\RI'S Science no environmental groups A r1 fr p. till'. II 'r Jill fl., r QUALIFICATIONS: BAIBS degree or college seniors, Ends War "",,1'. I '1 rt)!Uldr,,> nlld olher I'~ me.. around when dinosaurs were Ilt'lII llI U.. cili7enship, Qualifying score on qcreening test. For further information, contact the pn')\ IC,(,<'; Isr,ll \\ I[ h ,1 ' Ju t an endangered species? : I,r)(~) f< T"('\l'n hi, ·11t· o111t r A LARY: tarting at approximatel} $17.000. projected -With the exceptIOn of B~ ROBERT LEONE ·(·n. C. hilrlt·~ ;\ ltC ,\Iathla'o sll,rr \\ rill'r t~'} pt I fa l'eI 1)\ ol',~ dlJlJut $25.000 in four vears. Summer Session Office, "Duke." "Rocko," and "J)oc," (H·:\ld ) n 'n 'nl h cail l·d for an Dunng t he wee hours of 1'1,1)1)/) ,I'll'l\ ln~·p"'. (nd Ihu, P ROCE D U R E~ Call avy Officer programs. 29:l-(17 1:1 . lOlA Administrative Complex, childhood nicknames should lIlerca.l' In ('S grant aId to F rId a \ t h (' l:~ I h , the Egypt. lit' argul'd thill \\hll' gtl 0\(\ .'1 ~ ill) fc,r "a h of ;\!onda) Thursday, :00 am to I :00 pm not be brought \\ ith ~()u into Firebreaks players completed PrII]>(J'('d fbI al) l 'ar I ~jx·1 grant t 11. II l 11 l"Wd U re L",!J' 452-4364. ad lilt hood . "l. the forth and la~t mo\e of thIS rll"IH''o aln,o \ I. l'lJ [ Ih - You can tell a lot about a aid pn 1\ Icit'd a bou I Ill) for close,ended game. The gamt'o l'\ en I ~I ,'lle - l'l'opll:' who u ... e toot hplcb l'l) Jll pall~lJn \\ .I>.; ('lmll's ed Il~ (th rl'atening Honduras), while IhL' llenHlCrallL' Seniltor Irom COL III rJe~ C. IlUl'tr l'" (,;",}(J,lIIg in public are only ... lIghtly less the Sm'iets tried to contain hretl'l h,l\ I a (orr bred di sgusllng than the restau \lan land, Pau l Sa l' banl'~ Ill' and destroy pro·western pll,r l' uf 'he birthday' count n e" Ih real('ning lhl' of declaring war against each reCIpIents . In other word ... , confrontallon .... atl·~ ·11dkc· ... 'I - Wh-, is it that as S(~JI1 as ot her. SlIlce both cou nt ries are Ik)~'olblL fCJr lhcm to 'plnG fa'" the \'l'r"IlIl 111 one 01 lh~ hO-lile ~/ , \\ e'd haH' to watch TV 111 thl' the partisans. countnl·.... da rk . ho"t Ill' to Is rael l.-\ lgl'rJa. Iraq. Mo\e two began ,",: jth the Jordan. Ku \\ a lt . LIbya, SaudI 'I hC~l b: id'l'd defen e T hl' p l~Jpll' wh() 111\ l'nted reading of the intelligence ArabIa. and ~ \ "Jill haw ;1 budgel~ h:lH' t'lwbled Iht' \ ' rD:e:d $10,000. No, r haveIit been smoking those funny I h()se shpjJ('r) pl astI C pal k('h reports. The Soviet blockade :::~rrow 'I I() I KL·tchup a nd mustard combmed populal lOn of 5i 7 confrontal iun "tate" 10 L:J\ had turned back 1\vo Italian milium. a'i opposed toonl ) lour enormous quantltlL'" 'If Cigarettes. Ijust figured out a way to get me out of this turkey dorm and should be publicly flogged. freighlers, after off- load ing the I can 't help It ; I stdl kl'l'p millIOn Israplis. The grant aId armaments III I~l';-!-l. the Id,.,t save you money_ "military supplies" th e to l'irael lor FV Elt\,l. proposed \ t'U tor \\'h'ch rt·I,abll I I look ing for ))()onesbury e\l'ry freighters were carryi ng. East ci a v. by the S e nat (' FOrL' lgn ~tittl"ll( ~ art· c\aJlabk.. thc\ I figured it all out, and for what you're paying for me to live Cerman LalXlr unions (the RelatIOn ... committee. IS :' I.i l) Imported arm \\orth ~-; s I I ':"' 1'L~ ) ple \\ ho pl a ~ ' squash "Umty" union in particular) an ' different bIllion T h l... mean ... that Ihl' blllllln H\ l'O·llparbon. I... raeh , on campus, we could aIm oct be paying monthlies on a condominium at had set general strike dates, ratIOn of aId 10 poll'nl la l arm ... lI101~) r t ... \\'tH' ,m'" ... :>[) - J)on't l'\ en think t\\ ice and, In the Ne\\ World, the The lIS opt ions were to send The US probed. about It · Bring a flm\l'r t() a l'neJl1~ popu lat lt Jll b S:10 pl'r III J! IIl.n. according t(, l" ~ Boardwalk, which is just steps away from I' marine<.; ancl the Cubans had in a cruiser carner force into Move Ihree wa'-o Ihe m()\'c capil a. gO\ yrn nlL'nl hgun·-,;. , IOH'd on( ' tomorrow. gotten 1I1tO a border conflict, the Adriatic to destroy all campus right here in La Jolla. - ))on 't you just hate it \\here the \\'alls came B\' (ont ra ... l. Eg\,pl. \\·It h ( nf 'rJ unatdv tht:rl 11'- I \\ it h ca~ualitie ... . s()\ let naval umt ... in iho"e lLJmbllng do\\ n. The "probc" 1 :Z. I ~ l1li ll ion IX'oPlL'.- ha ... onh bt'L'n I'Ollllpn)\ tllll'nt JI1 rl','t'nt \\ hen pl~)ple use t he phrase It's got tennis, a monster pool, built- Despite thc Central wal('r~ ; send a force of ()f the blockade lost onE' on!' dll'l'el l'nl'Jll\. Llil\'a \\ Ill' \'l'ar .... 'I hougfl HI n'\ II Ut' "loved one"? American acti,itv, the dl'stroyeJ"'i mto the Adnatlc to - People \\ ho use air d('~ t ro\er . bu l 1.'11I11 i na ted a :L I mlll llJll- )JllpldalHln ha\L' dl'lrL'a~l'c. t\ rab elY"]' I ins, and it'll be a great place to study. And L, president deCIded to deal test the detenlllnalion of lhl' I hn'l' ships and fl\ e ;lIrplant'~ l'roplhl·d grant mllllan and )Jurcha-:l'''' ha\e ,'ont lilt cd freshener,> in their cars are chl{'fly with the SO\lcl piracy Soviel blockade (\\'11 h orders to if you send me skiing over quarter break, \ , just kIdding themselves. (alT e()\ l'r Irom a carrier in the l'Cl ll1l JI1l IC aI d tl) E g~ pt I... ~1.2 unaball'tl TIll' ~atlelj~. f,11 on the Adriatic. To keep the nol shoot first). or to prote"t at :'I-lechll'rranean helped a good bill ion. or . : ·:H~ I lor e\en l'xample. ha\l' lI11)"'('11 nlll 10 I - ))0 kids still know exaclly belc)\\ the-lxlrder problems as the P:\!. you and Mom can use it too. I how many licks it takes to get deal), \\ hlle the pro·eastern Llln·an. rL'ducl' tht' ~Ifl of 'rlll nonobtrusl\(, as pos~lble, the TIll' Hussians. feeling llwir foce ... defeated the :W.()()()-Illan ( 1ll1llwing aal Il'\ t·l ... to thL' milll.\r\ budge! cll' ... .., tL You both should come down to the center of a Tootsle Holl commander of the Mannes blockade \\'as still too porous. I ~~ Pop' S()\wt Expe(litlOnar~ Force, "Il l' 0 1 ho" tlll' armll'" gl\t'~ an ma ... ~I\'t' budgl'l defIcit, \\ a sIn for me d t () a \ 0 i d rei nforcl'Ci . and sent :W,()()() pu shlllg II back to Hungan . L'\(' n mort' ... 1a rt ling rt.... ult. II 'II/} Cil//(' /. 'I 1)11111111"1 and check out Boardwalk with me. " - 11;1\ l' \ Oll e\er \\ ondert'd Clmflill:-. unles ~ the :'Il1l'ara troops mto 1I11ngar~ to break wh y hor":('radlsh is ca II t'd AIIlhe :\1anne ~ mllonduras r hl' ~l'\'l' n "lin 11011 tat Illn (1I15 Career Planning and Placement Office. ..&\ - h I hl're a '-o lJ1gl(' Ilwat('r L------Boardwalk/I ,:1 Jolla, hllc home~ Imlll S I02,50(). -- __ Ca ll Lisa now for .------11 Il'll I hal Illilkl· ... (It-cI' I an appOintment: Regular 7 week Sdk.., Onic~: XX4() - I()~ Villa 1':'1 Jolla Dri\e. (()llJ) 457-2 I (){). jlllpnJl n! I )Ol·... am'olle actualh 1'(" Summer Session ~ r,~ 481-6739 t=..I \ d,\,·I"llIlknl .. 1 THE DOUGLAS Al LRE.D COMPANY __ II SI' PdPI'1 cllp''- (closed Sun & Mon) Jun e 20 Augusl 8 . Regls tr<1 tl o n JU I1£' 13 16 \\()uld \ll'\allc!L-r Iht· EOS e;!'('. 11 ha w dOl1e a-. \\('11 Ii hl' 900 OTAY LAKI:.S ROAD C.HUt A VISTA . CA 92010 h .. d Ill'I'1l hom \\ II h .I dlill'n'lll 1011 Camino Del Mar TEL 4216700 1;1 ... 1 11 ;1111(': Canterbury Del Mar 6 The UC D Guardian 1 hu .. <;day, May HI, HJHJ


NINETEENTH CENTURY WOMEN NOVEll TS Instructor: u an Kirkpatrick Lit Gen 154, Lee. A Tue day Thursd,lY 1 :00 - 2:20 TLH 111 our e ode 6319 \X. ' ~ will n.'aJ (10 tran -lanon v.h~n n~(l'"sary) ,I "l'leltil1n l)f nlwd · \Hltren by Eurllpean wom~n JUrIng th~ ntnetel..'nth ( l'ntllr~ DISLUIlll1" anJ leltures will conlentratL 011 lltsll)\enn~ 111 thl'S~ Better Luck This Time novt'l.., panJlgm ' that, I:>~cause they ongln,ttl' in kmale expl..'nenLl' and contest or modity predom1l1antly male ltterary (Onventllll1S, Lome to constItute a women's Itterar'y tradition. \Xl I.' will also take note of how the l' novelists re olwd 111 their work the (ontllCts generat~d hy cultural taboo aga1l1 t women \\ riting. Then we will consid~r to what extent such contllLts Inhlhited crl.'

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Hurry in and see our WINTER 1984 - lOB: D. Laitin beautiful new graphic Focuses upon political aspects of Human Society, exammmg patterns of equality, design. authority, and policy making in the United Kingdom, France, Japan, India and the Soviet Shop early and Union. avoid the rush! SPRING 1984 - 10e: R. D'Andrade This course examines cultural universals and University Bookstore cultural differences in the Modern World and Q-008 La Jolla, CA. 92093 includes case studies of cultural differences 8:00 am to 4:45 pm between modern peoples and a review of the ~.'" Monday through friday concept of "National Character." [Iectronic Department 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Phone 452-4291 Saturdays Thul·sday. May 19. 198:~ Thc UCSO Guardian 7 The War's Over by Tim Downs continucd from page:; NATO and Warsaw Paci o base LOO miles from th(' forces had eru pt ed on I he lI onduran Nicaraguan border. ,",uropean continent India and Pakistan ceao.,ed Each sidt· now had four diplomat ic I plat Ion.., . The L'S options: options were 10 eonllnue the 1. Agree to I he ChJnt'~(' t'N conventIOnal war, reJ)oSl1l1ln rca~dlr(' 1\\ hlCh ha... no the na\), or appeal to the llN ~'eri()\ls di..,ijch ant agl'~ for (t he engagement oCCllrred In CIt 11l'r Sldt>\ International water~) ~. Fight the C()l1\ ent ional The Soviets had the optlOns \I ar. of cOl1trnuing Ihe alr·s!'a \l'ar. :{. t '~(' :-.mall numbers ()f pull i ng t hel r nan 11110 pori lartic.t1 nulicar d(·\'lc('~ (Ih .. dnd Iettrng lO().OOO men roll 'Iittlc" fi\c kill)tlll1 ('xpl,xler:-., over I he pro \\ estern forel's on \ it allargt'ts. Tht'!·S pla\ 1:1' a from Bulgaria. or appealing to had a general shot agalll..,t the L' :-.1 . \ Ital I nn:-.Jl point.... \\ hrle the Thev abo had to \\'otr\ ~ovlch would hm e used theirs aboulthe East German t rad~' on I he Ameri(an aircraft unllJl1.., . and the East GellluLn tarner in the' Adnatic. o army Durrng the repreSSions, 1. Launch a pre·empt i\'e a few cit irs, under ma rt lalla\\ . ~lratL'glc first ... tnke against revolted. the ot her count rv· ... nuclear Move four \\ as the lastlllLlvC forces. In the game. While the L'S had A... usual. each SIde debated continued Ihe alr·sea \\ar. the the optlun.... alt hough for a SO\ iets had pulled into port. longer lIme than usual, then ~ .0 Their na\'Y 111 the Adrratlc had \oted on the alternal1\·es. Hot h ~ taken a severe beatll1g, as had s!Cles choose "pt lun II I. their aerial UllltS. On land. The game leader then t

"I, I ~ 4t lB. 8 :00 am to "00 pm. ,",,1' {J'f'rnQ,21,1 8 Hiatus May 19, I 983 H"ur5 M On ~ r 8 JO ~ pm NAVY OFFICERS GET RESPONSIBILITY FAST. 8 The UCSD Guardian Thursday, May 19 H~R3

The UCSD Guardian Page 9 Phil Lauder, Sports Editor May 19, 1983 ------S~orts FOR ALL YOU DO ... THIS Women's Tennis #5 BUD PAGE IS FOR YOU! Re ality Falls Short of Aitns Athlete By SARA DENMAN in second place, OCCIdental ranklt1g on thclrt£'am ladder". of the CoedMA Odds Comments Softball Scene Waterpolo Slaff Wrill' r College It1 third, and Mary Thu,-;, all number one playt'r" 1. MD Tubees II (5-0) As we come to the close of Play-<)ff 2-1 Too much Mouchawar spells trouble for the field When you're shoot i ng for Washington College In fourth. ate It1 one fh~ht, all nUllllwr 2, Gearheads (4-0) another regular softball season I'd 7-2 Might not even be the best team in their league number one, anything else is Coach Liz Dudash ('ommenit'd two players tn another fltght, Preview 3. Sklif (3-1) Week (,te. like to write about some of the 7-2 When they show up, this veteran group is tough bound to be a bit of a let ·d()\\ n, that "no one \\a~ a\\ are IJf the 4. Floaties (4-1) [ ' l :,l)'s nu mber (lilt' p\;l) ('I', highlights and low lights of the 6-1 If you like darkhorses, this is the darkest hut the lIC S1) \\onlt'n \, tenl1lS ot her school< ..,1 rt'ngth ... " LANCE LAREAU 5, Pump and Shoot (3-2) Sturdl\ant, Wii" season . Between all the pregame 25-1 The Kaufman Krowd needs more defense thiS year team i" still proud to be among go1l1g Into the ;'IiatlOnak Katln who Men's Tenni<., I he top fin' [)1\'ISI0I1 III teams I ~e('(ll~1 "l'L'ond In her flIght, fr. 1(\ 01 barbeques and postgame Buds 110 \\t' e r the ... qua d had PI:. "'t:, ""1 'til , CoedM in Ihe natIOn. antlclpall'c\ matchl'" again~t had an unfortunale dra\\' and there have been some interesting Atllll':\l i\ t\ 1)1\1 !lJ1l III ',ltJ('I'allh"n pIon hip" r.elJ The Trllons compl'led With OCClc\ental and :-':orth Carolina lo~1 III PrJllLlpla ',-; number line happenings .... There have been a 1. Aqua Co...... -s (3-0) 5-2 The Gaswirth Gang sneaks in the back door & steals one m:\'l'\\ Y'lIk,tbt Il~I)Jcnlortl,(Jkfl\toutot IXl'1atdl the nallon"" top <'Ight ... choob players, hUI \\as "urpri"l'd by player In I ilL' flr"t rllund of couple firsts on UCSD's diamonds. 2. Wet Dreamers (5-0) 3-1 Usually are good for 20 points a game lI1c1udlllg allillcttlh"" at h' nUllbl'r Ihrl't:"'l1'gll' iX.I'j(!I1 in the :-.llAA [)1\1<.;lon III I h(' "t rong tl'am" (rom It' a III " I n g Ie... 1111 \\ l' \ t r • In ;1 q'ml·ft'lal 11" tl II a~d n.,t .... Llltt \Ioon' 1.1 c\ t'l t'Jd The day that they erected the new 3. Leonetti's Last Stand (5-0) 3-1 Only 1 close call - the time is right for these tubers IOnal ... at Clairt'l11onl Principia and ~l a r y Wa"hmg' partners Slurdl\ant ~1J1d natIonal champIll1l Hlodland-" I.drl'aU \\ d. ... (.{,'\ II ,)." ,n I hl' Warren apartments and a ~nce 4. Cotso Kids (5-0) 9-2 Struggled a little in a weak league College la.,t week, and \\On ton . Nnrllnl' Aklll1oto macit, It to t IH' I hlrd ..,et \\'1\ h tnpll' malch POInt ..,tannj{ him III the fale. A was put up every left-handed hitter '- 5. Swamp (4-1 ) 50-1 Only Matt (Swiss Cheese) Adams can save these guys fifth place In the Il'am Thl team... (ompl't.:d in quarlerfinal" in douhlL'", and Coach Don Kran'l'r de ... cnhes 11, "Lam\' pulled out that on campus has dreamed of being championship .... First place what I... called a " lIlghtl'd" made a ... 1 rllng .;ho\\ Il1g r CocdA game With "fJ1l1l' \tr\ gUhy pla~ dnd \\/In the tlebrlakl the first to hit one out on Warren­ went to PrinCIpIa lollege of tournament; l'aeh player I~ again ... t I'lInl' l·pla . gOIng cj\\;t) , F II' hI dfllrl Llnd'l .',a nm .... ,l'd \ I North field. That was four years ago 1, Stop The Bus (3-1) 2-5 It these Jacks don't win it, Jill won't understand I II i nOIS, follo\\l'c\ b\ the l11atdll'd 1\11 h t hl' Sl'\ en (It her Othe r highlights of the \ mL'man t)\ till II L.\ t1lll'rlollvglat( I wnl" l ('Ilhe and nobody had yet hit one out. 2. Mesa Magic (3-2) 4-1 Need a lot of rabbit's feet to pull off this one L'nl\l'r ... ity of \iorth Ct\n>ltna pla\l'l ~ who hold I he ",lIne natllJnal Il'illll champllJn,hlp'" \-',;o(Ja!IIiI' .Illd .\thlll( (,f l"t \rep;" " tl ( [ l"'I)(J Bad wind conditions and the fact 3. Dorks (4-1) 8-1 Late bloomers could surprise a few of the oldies \\l'n' the ~ingll'''' matchl'''' "t i/ ·(."'/J(,lfrntllllll ). , l that it was a dam long way out, 330 4. More Wet Foxes (2-2) 12-1 Plenty of firepower might eventually stop the bus 'CSf r... number t \\() pl,l\('r, '-i,I/,1 1/"11',, '11"1 '" .\thtll c III till' \\ l'l't... 1 hl I l "lJ ft feet to be exact, made a dinger 5, French Ticklers (3-2) 100-1 No chance this time, but its fun to fantaSize LI ... a (,ilbert, and number GUHrdian. B ~ () I (; 111,[, P 'lit 111 " ,~ ( 'J , f 1\ t l,ullI J t 'f,ll(, three Nadine \klmolo. Ctlbl'rI almost impoSSible. That was until The UCSD Innertube Waterpolo Championships begin Monday evening / May 23 at 9 pm in the Tracksters Close 1983 11'/111 )//1,,(, It, "11,, '., ,1,1 II II/I "'. M" " ,,' '1/, " \' I 11/1 Skip Piper of the Sliding Drabos B, PHIL \\,II.L01'\ \\ as seeded Itr~t In her fltght, lilt l (//1 ' University Natatorium. All team captains should check the Intramural Board tor dates/times of each of * plc.N' turn to Jla~ 10 stepped up to the plate and their play-off contests. The LIC [) track ~l'am\, coach ha ... high l'xpCCI(1lJOno.; proceeded to boom out the first "eason camet{Jaclo~ethis past for Shanberg in Ihe next fl'\\ real home run over a fence in UCSD out the last man to register the first Brawlers have allowed only 2.5 runs sandbag .... lnjury report: half the 1M \\eekend, marklllg the end of a vear ... : "I look for him to break softball history. I guess we'll have to ihe school record," toward" no-hitter for the Fried Iguanas. The per game for the fewest runs program is on the injured reserve long and hard·foughl year. \\ hleh he ha., beel1 gainlllg on Men Row Well at Western Sprints call Warren field the house that first no-hitter in UCSD history.. .. allowed this year .... Look for some for strawberries on the legs from The men were able to Piper builL.There have been some Speaking of some great pitching, big games coming up. 5-0 Viva sliding with shorts on. Come on o\ercome Ihe handicap~ of a all season Also performing great pitching performances at Charlie SUrh of Pathetic struck out Cerveza vs. Rupe's Troops this small squad and injuries to well were Pder Vultaggio at people, it takes brains to get in :'i\fA rr thl' ..,hot put and Doug DOl UCSD. Shutouts, one hitters, two seven batters last weekend. That's Saturday at 11 :00 on Muir-South. UCSD doesn't it? I guess you all lack qualify (or the. , htnn wilh a Ix'r ... onal best in the hitters, but never the elusive no­ no fluke. Last year he struck 11 This should be a good one ... Also the speed of the Budman ... And III :-.latlUnals In most e\l'nts hitter. There are 138 games played batters in one game. He can wing it look for a dream match of the #1 and ... eemcd happy wit h theIr ;j()()() ll11'ter". Sprinter Hohert you thought the Budman forgot results. The women's team Hoflman pulll'd up lame mIlle every week and over 1,000 games with the best of them .... Paul and #2 ranked teams In the Men's A Kevin Bateman, didn't you? How had Ib final roll tl'''t a week I O() nll'll'r ... but someh()\\ calTle played every year. That's more than Prendeville walked six batters in a division on Saturday, June 4th, at can you forget Mr. Cool. Well he's 15,000 1M softball games played in row in his last appearance for l'arill'l at l'l In IIll ' and gall' hack Ihl' nex-t eI,1\' and leggl'(\ 5:00 on Muir-South. 5-0 and #1 out again. Seems he thought he . IlUI [11th place 111 tlw :WO 1M softball history. But never has Jockularity. They hooked him and ranked Backdoor Men vs. 5-0 and was Superman and crushed a glass an l111preSSI\ l' perlormance meter.., . It wa ... also announced there been a no-hitter thrown. It sent him off to Montreal for a bag of that \\as "l'en In one team #2 ranked Lingusmen .... What have in his hand. It must have been n1t'lllher as "the lie ... l ml'l't for thi., \\el'k t hat HoHman will be seemed like it would never peanuts .... The most runs scored by they done lately department? Last kryptonite because he got a little happen, Never say never I've heard til!' girl ... as a \\ hole thl" g()Jng til thl' ~CA\ Divi"lun III a team in a game this year was by year's Men's A champs the cuL.Playoffs begin Sunday, June ... ea ... lln." Coach Sklt'l ;'IiallOnal ... to cOlllpete in the somewhere before. I guess Mark ,\11(1\ Boogie In Your Butt. They scored 39 Dartmouth Boys are 3-3 in Men's 5th. The top half of each league \\a" pll'a"ed \\ith boIl; tl'am"" ItH) Illl'ter .... Ill' quailltl'd Warner believes in that saying. ruf'\s ... Most total runs, On The Ball AA ... Last year's Men's AA runner­ makes the playoffs. Good luck .. . i I earlll'r ill the ... eason with a Thursday, April 28, 1983, at with 103 runs so far. That's a 20.6 ups John DeLorean's nose are 0-3 ~~~~)Il;(I~~L~:~~lei:)II~\ . a'lld( tll";~;~ tlml' Ilf 11l.() ... econd ... , but thl're approximately 6 30 Marl< struck run per game clip ..... The Soft in Men's M A A case of reverse e\ ell bet ll'r "ca ... oll Ill'xt year \\ a,. some q Ul'st lOll on \\ het her or not hIS lIme was offlt'1al. Ill' At Ihe District :\atl :\atlOnab, 1le,t Some of the teams tha t look th I~ week. In the cocci AA l'L 11'1-1 t TE DISC Imale. till' Triton men'" and bit more pressured and tens(, doublL's team In the "eml next to the informal lounge in Triton rowing are urged to Yl'; r's ~quad ha, ago(ldt'h~tnle hke they can make plans for a ciiYISIOn, BattleshIp Ll'ague. WIth playoff berth~ on the wf)men'~ squads WIll ho"t the t han usual." Ilnab Hy reaching thl' semh, attend thee\'ent, \\ hich beginS til Imprm t' UP'Jn 19K3 .... 'Ifth Revelle Commons, ~econd seao.;on are: In the defending champs :\1 D Tllbe~ 111ll'. four of the "ix games annual Alumni and Friend s of L ate r i nth c \\ e e k , Stllrdl\'ant and Akl1l1(Jto each played on Sunday wer e l 'CSf) I(owing ba rbecue ba"h at 10 am on Santa Clara POint. Sturdivant. Gilbert, Akllnoto. ea rnl'd\ Il·Amerrca n honoro.;. place ,ho\\in).{. Hours are Monday through Friday decided by one goal. In AA, 9:00 - 4:00 Rastaman Vibration slipped Track Closes Season bv Inner Discs 7·6, and See us- Frank Puss defeated Disc L'ontinued fnun page 9 We will beat the Bookstore's Prices. 1500 meters and Leslte Jockeys 65. In single A, 2:21 and 2'2~, respecl1vely. Sanders in the :3000 metero.;. When the Disc is Over SAIl DlECD SrATE :\l ollv Wheatlc\', who had been The mood on the team is outlasted Disc Jockeys II 7· UnlVERStlV training for lht., heptathlon all generally upbeat now as 6. In the most excit ing match 1 year, finally had an opportu· members are expected to come of the day the Disc Offs I nity to com pete in one. She back m full force next season. knocked off Dirty White was it little di sa ppointed with Adding to their talent will be Boys on a desperation thn)\\ Eam c redit thiS summer in the uncrowded unhUrried GENERAL LITERATURE her performance, but Coach the exceptional running of in sudden death overtIme I ()·9. Skid felt "he did extremely Chris Bowlus, whu wa<..; unable FALL QUARTER 1983 well and \\arned that "she's to com pete this year because of SOFTBALL SUMMERTIME AT SDSU fa"t on her way to a birth in the an mjury. The squad will also Every week the LOp teams in each sport get the ink. But for Nat lonal..," In the ) ears to be expecting a lot from this come. Ot her... \\ ho dId well year's freshmen and perhaps those teams to be at the top, • 500 courses in 52 fields t here has to be some teams llt \\ere Carol\ n Lerch in the some new incoming st udent s. POPULAR LITERATURE: the bottom. No\\ . here'" their • Lots of space left in BUSiness courses time in the sun. THE DETECTIVE NOVEL Going into the bOll om of the se\'enth it looked as if The • More than 70 Education courses Pope's Nose might pull out Instrllctor: Ernest Larsen its finit victory. But Hokusai. • Psychology units available in led by Dan ' Kaufman, who weekend workshops went four for SIX, hit two homeru ns and scored three • Math courses at all levels Atrer a hnd look ,n the sOLial :JllLl aesthetic patterns set runs, tallied three runs to win In thl' storre ... d' POl' and Doyle, this cnurse will the game 17· I 6 in the Coed A Itke Ik stnl\l' r ~. dm\ n :l~ In the Two-day to nine week intensive courses boltoll) 01 thl' ~ I,th . came ti p Thomt runor's own r" Vl" IOl1 i"t DR. ROBERT HELLER OPTOMETRIST \\ 1Ih t\\,) Ilms :llId held on to CALL TODAY for your free - novel, "No[ (\ ThTOH~h "i[r~l' [" . galll t 11('lr first \ I("[on. La Jolla Village Square SUMMERTIME CATALOG \lotl' \11\ I1Wllt lOll 111 t hi" (Inside the Mall; Lower Level) Call Pat Nelson, SDSU Summer Sessions :lrtult' of d team it" pl;l\ol f 8657 Villa La Jolla Drive' Suite 136 Llc/Getl 159 -- Tt«..'~Jdy: 0:00 - 8:50 Iml hl)ullci 10.; Il1l'rply it pi l'ci lct1()1l. t 11(' lillal derrsioll lin playo'l HSS 1330 Course Codl..' 632 2 .Jdf Iho of In lIunt of \\ ild Skrllnl mahl''o a l'olll'ge tn al a 1('all1-. WI ll he made at till' 452-7374 Hydrocurve exrended weaf lenses avollable, 265-5152 "'\ ing 111 n'l'd 1\1 ,,()fthall :ll'tioll. - lOI1CIU,,1r1ll III till "'l'i\"OIl IJ\ tilt' Int l'al11111:riollllT . - 12 The UCSD Guardian Thursday, May J 9, 1983

Th~ HolIStIC Body/ Mlnd C.nter In La Jolla IS oN."", Your pI.dg. days .... coming 10 a C/O •• so 14k. many ONer~nt mossag./ bodyworl< modalities 10< It from Ml octN'f!: who knows the 100(tattOn pony IS only th423 for an Inrtlalion! G?Od luck. (5119) appolnlmenl (5/23) Classifieds AlI"ght Bonnl' Giggles, prepar. yours.,1 10< a g,"1 TYPING 20 Y~Gn expe:r1tnce fast, accurate, NEED DtWER from San DIOgo 10 SI. LOUIS, MlSsoun, 10< Salurdoyl Fnends, fun, lutur. com~ "u. ,.lIobi. IBM S~I.ctnc . 4548339 art 4 or re..v. car and trail .. Will ~ pIu. ""PCnses C.II 560- (5/19) P-B ev.nlngs only d.lrv.ry on-campu. THE BUG BYTE 571-5122 (5,19) pilrtlCl~tlrl9 In ProJec.t Concern's Walk for Mttnklnd to pleas~ 5 '26) combot World Hunger Gr~t)Ob, ladles, Wa.ntlt fun ' Want.d Plliplne-AmerlCans between the ages or 18- TYI'ING HI9hIy slull.d,, blomed, theses, papers, Your. ternficl Much Paltl (5/19) IIk:ycle, 100!peed mens 25 rnch hme, greal for 23 Need votuntecrs to c~de a qutsuonn",re on ,esumes, Carol, 56&4905 (5/31) Iov., 'iummer law intenlllPS available 4 to 12 units! Apply the cultur" adoption d "',p'ne-Ame"cans PI.ase row AcP I'NC Internship Program (5119) lou""9. WI toe dIPS, avocet seat 1100 Joe 4571513 ••• Jull. W.lch··· To a good frIOnd and a all NOUnd (5/19) con~ on. 01 the 10110Wing TrlCla Heras 457-4384 Jodett. - Hl4ppy Iklal.d BlrtIICIay Hope It "'''' a Commulers fun In the sun 01 ~ commut.. ~c h B8Q Met Torres 453,8676, __gorel Thorton 453-9~ ex Must sell- surf package 2 sucks, wetsu,t, and I.ash 900d antI- but, then agaIn why would,n It be'''F'rom this Sun. 5/ ll'lfrom 3 ClO--6 00 ~.e lood, refreshments "gn 11.1 In the Asian Paclilc Stu~nt Allrane. ornc~ 1150 or best o/1er Mavl", and must .ell 452-8188 on. 8 C 10 anoth.," (5 19) and games SIgn uP In Rev~l~ Con1munity C.nter 452-2048 (5,26) (5/19) (5/19) Travel Crulsln' Susan - Get readt tor c1 ~Clat Saturdaylo ')! Wanted fun, hardworKing, enthUSiastiC We love you, ladyl (5 '19) '76 MGB COt-M:RTI8LE, only 38,000 mil.. AM/ FM THE FlAMING HIBACHIS and the Nonames IlMt. persons who bYe: the: outdoors Umt director, radio, luggage rack. 13 800 Ca/l 279·35BO evenings counselor" waterfront PO~tlOns open at cotd camp Mel4nte uoy rof emoha 11 creh, srepshW a~k em9'S, everyone to danc. thIS Thursday al the Che Cok Th. (5/26) UGD Musician'. Club 9 pm. on. dollar (5/19) Pluse CAli Debbt. at 450-0078 lor- more Inlormatlon Op.n MF 10-5 In lhe Studenl Center OEE oN." curt os doohrctstS, gntworg rf:Vt pthsdncltR (ongf4ts 1914 /9. am, 1rn'I4pe/ .t... o . Roomol. wanted UC condo - total house prrv, Suzanne, Hey you spaz'! It's Inttlatlon tlm~' like now, radials, 4 speed, run. ~~t, littl. ru.1 $950 755-8337 washer Oyer pool )OCUZZi 300 • t 13 utilitres ""all Jun. man' Consrats' We love you I Your Sigma K srsttrS' 8obbf- Those fraternity men «e wallln3- Soturday IS 5123) ,.t Call Rita 450-9466 45S-7319 (5 31) WOrkshop Intra to zen prKtICe, Zen Center, San (5119) the dGy you 90 all the way" Initiation IS hna1ty "'t.rel DI~go, Sun, May 22 1030 to 500 Inlor-matlon 481 · (5119) Ladles m.d,um I... ge WETSUIT 3/ 16' StaMng .tudent Roommates wanted to share I'T'IaSter bedroom In Mddemorselle Mitman, It won't be long until you're a 0292 (5/19 ) PU-chas~d 10< 1295, us~d twlC., "",II .4011 10<1130 450- Genesee Highiands 1180:no t I,. utilities Avail 6/1 5 real Sig Kapl love, laughs and smiles to you " (5.119) G S - If you se:~ thiS, gIVe ~ a \190 Thanks for Ilt\l 0425 Petr.ct 10< summer diVes Has doub1~ ny10n 457-1387 (5/ 23) EM:.ptJOnal typing - all lands Sup.. IBM III Monday - yoo I'l1adf: me feel txHer I'm a little In Iovr Hey MlCk (Th. Caretak.rJ Have you a gin friend. my P.rf.ct condition (5119) Corr.ctlons, !pel ling. ne... by r"'t servrc. 450-1138 Wllh you. too, did you know' (5123) Room 10< rent PS, 250 plus !. uti Call Scott 273 131B PI.",. respond YI.:l the Guardian Lusttul (511 9) (6/9) Iov.' 1913 Yamaha 100 LT3, 5--spe~d, 1250 or besl oN.r. (5119) Kristen - Your SIgma sIsters send 'feu love stiCK W1th Lesl,. Wh.never Everyone Laugh. Carry Orange runs Ott, 5tev~ 457·0143 (5 .1 19) SpelhngorGrammar poor'ltypeand.d,tforI 1 SOp!! ,t supet pledg' (5/19) Room ava!l,at;)fe tor two females to shMe condo nur Melon Everywher., to Sigma K. You'll be JUst as weird Fast, accural., ,.liable Co" 224-0329 i5:26) Honda (70 Passport, 1200 "'Ies. WI Navahelmel Must UTC lor summer .nd next year 1180 each as u. soon Sigma .tra",.ness to you ( 5 11 9 ) Tu:)n - The retreat lNelS 9f'eat TnanKS tor your tIf'!'Ie & sell'I 1625 or best ~r Jes. 457 ,1 387 (5123) washer/ dryer diShwasher pool color TV stf:f'eo turn Nud a typ5t' RUSOO456 B,II Fcmaic roomate wanted for summer and n~t YfN Wdlls of stone, brick patm, patto I'T'K>SaIG, RR tiC log Com. as you ar. P S No ~ats (5119) (5/ 23 ) own room ,n furMhed condo noN UTC 1235 per I.nces. h11ls>~ terrae ... 2396651 (5/23 ) HUfT'Idn M.ale, nc.x04e ( empioyer must suppfy own l4tt1e month Col Adrrana or 0.1"'457·2928 5 19J 68 Buo leSat-.. 350CC -v8 Power st~er'ng & brakes AcademIC ryptng - d's)ertatlOns low rates, fast finger J, "wonderful'· (WIth all too man.,. refrrtrn.t':'i , Lost and Found AI 1700 0( beSt o"er CaU 453,2630 (5/23 ) Room, boord $m ~Iary proVIded In ~{h ange tor chlkj >ervrc. Pro-TYI'" 454 6860 Lo Jolla (6 : 9) ueks research work (any position tlcceptable) R~pty care, It hou\.f:Work.. Non smoke, referen< es .. 5 ..... 202.. , 'ISO SUzuki GS450l m'nt ConotlOn Many ..Ir", \950 UNWANTED HAIR REMOVED PERMANENTLY near Smithson Institute: tOf Greganot.lS Hedon'~m . (~, 19 (5/19) or best 45~ ·90 57 after 5 pm (~131) campus La jolla ProlesSlOnai C.nter. 8<150 Villa Lo Jolla Dear SIGH Sounds like we've got .iOm~th'ng tn P. Ir '9 ~r.tor 4 2 cu 1\, dorm-size .., co<.d Sanyo 1125 Tat shet"C GIVe your Pdrents an &en bt9ger lNFlte-otf Dr SUII~ l1bO-{ Ca/l lor appt 453 7040 (6/9) commen (ma ~ ) , Contact OMDiU. Immel.. NJldy Joe 4~71513 (5I t9) & younelf a place to lIVe (all Lindo Greef'e at S6S (~/19) T'lPING - IBM RUSH JOB!., d"'"rtatlons, lerm rOOM 8rown male (at veiO e:rr 5 c::: it ~ leMf 8151 or 454·4110 10< '""p"ns"' ~ condo,nlor""'t"'" papers/.dltlng 4530656 (6 9, To our deme:\t Leah (SpICe), He:re\ wt~hln9 )'t'U d two wt< '\9'~3J ~ 7bl I "'!'ed to ~~H I",'ng and dll,rMg room rurnlture Cheap ( 5 1 19) ' me-ry 20th b'rthdoyl Time: to throw In th()'je Bi'rble: (aHa as" aboYt pec. and pnc. 457-3695 (5119) T'YPtNG - Paper~, tr'Cses, resumes, bus fQmtl ALtXlS J,Jr wallet s"t ltlf" police ~':4t)()fl { S .~ J Roommate to share 2 tld 2 be aot In Ocea'lkach 3 bI shots for some orthop!':d1cs! Gtt crUr"k tn.s we:tw(:/ld profe~slondt & expt'rlcnced 6Q7·8077 ' 222 HA/lO TO G£T A TERMINAl' For "'" n S,I.nt 100 lost t4 !'rt)!.(IIne ba(ic.pack ord Ck ",mbt~l~ , ~om ocean 220 plus h utll'l condo for wmmer and I or 'aU Pool, j4CUlll, laul'ldfy, Me'lc1n'e-You',e a 91rt otter our O"Nn Sigma he4(ts LO!ot key. 00 maroon "Pol< bet"'.. n HL par"'r~ "-'t ~Idas e!,Jropcan S~ULM.Ht Gru .... w/1:)6a(k ~tr'pe:s Llf~ L<49u.2ctlr Hotll~o 5B3-5433, 941 ISIS :6'9) near beach and "torcs 10 mt'l to UCSO No srnoio:.Jng, Atter Saturday you'" atwaY\ be: filled w1th frlen(JSh/p, ,nd USB Call .~ 1 0299 ~/?3. '(to, fOf 5 5 , 1 se Us 114.) , storn, S60 or be)t ofl'er V~qe1 a"an Cook,ng des .vty 23-26 930-noon. 'efTl<"lttS 1200 motuN Inc \I Mindy at 481· 5330 to'w'e and tec

'corhllll! 111 (IlIlCl!I' I' 111"'!'l'n'I\l' thc"c d.I" , PECIALS THIS WEEK !'.HII, 111.1 rlv ilw \\ t'l,k"lId" Th.II'" wl1\ \,(111 ,h"lIl,1 \ l"it 11!11I(1r n,lrII \\'l-\l' l-!lll lI\cr :; , (\\~ Il11l'ortl',1 mirnoff Vodka. 80 proof. 1.75 liter ,I lid ,IPtllL""\ \\ 11,,', l h,ll11r.ll-!lIl·", "!'lrIh ,lilt! $8.95. becr I·h (ht'tl"r,'lIt kl'l-! hr,II1lI" ,11"(1 .I\,<1>101hll' I Miller. 12 12 oz. no-return hottles$3.99. AI·,I >11.11 (he 1"\\'\"1 rll"'lhll' , 11 'lllllllt (,fI'l" Almaden Mt. C hahli ~ or Mt. Nectar Ih,lI IIll .Ill' \IIU I III I. I\\cr \'llur (lllt'l-!l' l"l'l'Il'l'" \\ Ih"tll <'lItllIl!.! h;llk ROlle. 4 liter $4.95. ,'ll \P.Jr U .11(').;(, elHer- Beringer Chcnin 1.111'11 l'llt AI d rill' t ' Blanc 1982. d. \', .I1'rl·ilV 750 ml. $2.98. l-!( ",I,It'.d ~ , yo , and you get It fOr les..~.

4 630 Palm Avenue, La Me"a

BOOOODODOOODDOODDOODOODDO~ San Felipe - Mexico War & Peace I ~ ° ARE YOU TIRED OF WASTING A ° $95 B QUARTER ON A GAME THAT ONLY B ~£t1) . - o LASTS ONE MINUTE? ° June 17 through 19 II - o 0 -, ~,- - 3 Days / 2 Nights Your § I COME TO TILT! I § Immortal Words Round·trlp transportation with compltmentdrY bar. should not be copied o LA JOlLA'S ONLY ARCADE 0 First class accommodation In a by mortal copiers! o Now with a new look under new management. 0 lUXUriOUs beach front resort hotel. Play aI/ the best games longer With 6 tokens/51 Fast • Quality Copies B B o or 36 tOkens/55 and you can takp advantage 0 GETAWAY Imjl:t·Ui','mJ o of our Hot Fudge Sundae offer 0 TOURS 8855 Villa La Jolla Drive o So. come to TILT, located In La Jolla VII/age 0 (Ralph's Shopping Ctr.) 8 Square, next to the MOVie Theatres 0 296-8117 xl021 457-3775 o 0 0000000000000000000000000 0 An Arts Magazine Serving the UCSD Community Vol. 3, No.7 ay 19, 1983

By JOAl"f fORSBf:RG impaired and the deaf. Sarah She refuses to leam to lip-read and Sarah is exceptional. Jacobs verbal cues. With her limitle The San Diego Repertory Norman is a 23-year-old or speak, insisting that her performs the role of James, exuberance and Ouid hand , Theatre's outstanding produc­ nonspeaking deaf woman language of signs isan adequate described by director Sam Popcheva creates a poetry of tion of Mark Medoff's Children alienated by the attitudes of form of communication in her Woodhouse as more challeng­ language and motion all her of a Lesser God is a compelling normal people toward the situation. ing than King Lear, with great own . journey into the frightening and "lesser" members of society. James becomes Sarah 's sensitivity, and emotional This powerful production fascinating world of the deaf. Unable to hear or speak since teacher, friend, and lover, the range. Appearing on stage for enhance by a trong supporting This Tony Award-winning drama birth, Sarah 's life is governed by only person who tries to the plays entire two-hour cast, including another deaf introduces the hearing the hearing community. understand her as an individual. duration, Jac(lbs portrays actor and a hcaring-impaired population to a language and a Believed to be mentally Their relationship is trained by rna terfully what amount to a actres", succced... in bridging culture traditionally foreign to retarded as a young girl. Sarah the common activities the dual role. tIe speaks hi<> own thl' world., of .,ilcnce clnd ,>ound the theatre, the domain of the was placed by her unsympathe­ hearing take for granted in daily lines in b(lth English Jnd making the \\tHd • halldi ap­ spoken word. This touching love tic mother in an institution for life: listening to music American Sign l..mguage. ped' irrelt'\ant. A. direc.tor 5tory of a hearing man and a the deaf, where she has lived for answering the telephonc At once heartwamllng dnd \\'oodholl c relates _~ ign deaf woman reveals the realm of the past 18 years or her life. conversing over Italian food, heartbreaking, deaf aclre., Iclnguag h 110t painting .,i1ence, . a silencc full of Defiant towards tho e who have playing bridge, and even tilt' ['op< heva d(Olllpli.,he., 110 Il',., plduTl 111 the .m It I IU~ .,ound," in which the deaf live. defined her existence for her personal and intimcltl', 1ll<1kin9 <1 leat. For thl' rolt' 01 Sarah talking. Dl'atnl' i not a \\orid .Jdme., Leeds is a fonner ( 5hc ..,ay"'.. She means .... She love. Penetrating her .,ih'ncc Bulgari.lI1-bortl "OpChC\'3 had to Without ",ound it i lu,t .1 CJIl1PU., rddical and Peace Corps wants ..... ), Sarah isolatcs herself Jame., discover." S.nah to be d Ic, marketing director Repertory Theatre 's premiere Tiny hollow snaps trap unwary Almost everyone has seen or for Southwestern Cable, .!oays t:ditor production of the Tony Award­ heard of the two-year old, 24- that their has been an increase ANDREW Kt:t:Lt:R flying things between soaking winning show Children of a slippery palms and miniature probing hour-a-day, all-music network, in subscriber~ '>ince thf'yadded ~f4jtor Lesser God which plays through and record company executives, mv in October. A good TIM AUGUST fingers delicately poke and prod artists and even radio stations example of the intere.'>t In mv June 11. that we have experienc ed can be Contributing t:ditors while wide limpid pools of ashes are singing the praises of MTV. GREGO RY CHAPt:LLt: Bands such as Duran Duran, seen at the front counter. We ~1V . , , ...... , ...... Page J search for pain and remove TIM KASSOUNI Adam Ant and the Stray Cats just put a box of 1.000 mv All of San Diego now can watch MIKt:l TOOMBS transparent wings that were drowning in the buttons out and they were gone the 24-hour video music channel conservative current of AOR within a week and we don t hal'e Writers grubby palms blend into that has made incredible progress (Album Oriented Rock) before very much walk-Up traffic. ' MARK BElMER, JAN BRESLAUER. in its brief two year existence. faded flowers on a cotton skirt. The concert busines.s has CANOLE, JOHN CARROLl. MARTH~ they found MTV (or MTV found FISHER. DAVE flEMLNGER. JOAN Andrew Keeler reports on the f1TV them), Brian Setzer ofthe Stray been helped by the network as FORSBERG, AMY HALLMAN, RONA phenomenon. Fluorescent sun on chrome chopsticks, Cats is well aware of this. well. Promoter Bill Silva offahn HU , PAUL JONES, THOMAS and Silva presents thinks it is LARSON, MieN ELLE MORRIS, drone of white faceless "College radio and MTVwere the CLYDENE NEE. JOHN NEE, LEE Whammy .. , ...... Page 5 only two sources that were hip part MTV and part 91X that have RAY, KATE SIMPSON, KIM VAN lfiatus music critic Mark Belmer rubber hands chimes with clinking to us; promoters couldn't boosted the music scene in San PELT, JACOB WELUNGTON . thinks the new B-52's LP has all the beakers as chloroform tiny claws understand why we had no Diego But mv is ob\iously fditoriaI452-3466 ingredients necessary for a hit but it mime silverware on wine glasses. airplay and were selling out on currently has 12 million Blackwood, the first VJ selected . Basement Tapes' where reinforcing the careers and Advertising 452-3468 fails to measure up to their past Shaved fur floats onto our first tour." subscribers and 1,500 affiliates two years ago and an unsigned bands can submit giving exposure to many bands efforts. As these groups gain and is seen in all 50 states. experienced actress, sees the videos for a chance to win a that wouldn't otherwise get it. . Hiatus is published every black leather boots, and The most important sector Thur!>day of the school year as a newfound fame, their MTV The foundation of the role ofa VJ asa cross between an recording contract with EMI supplement to the UCSD Diamanda GaJas ...... Page 6 reddened palms blend into starched towels. exposure is also paying off at network is the music - rock actor and a DJ. " We perform a America. for the record companies is the GUARDIAN. Reproduction or use The avant-garde singer/com­ the record stores. A recent study and roll. Artists and record little, but mostly we have to be Promotional giveaways have retail outlets. John Broderick of without written permission of any poser will give a solo concert this showed that eight out of ten companies produce the video up there as ourselves," also played a big part in MTV's Musicland at La Jolla Village portion of this magazine is a no­ Square gives tht!m the thumbs­ no. We welcome unsolicited Saturday at the La Jolla Museum of young adults heard ofa band for clips which cost an average of Along with the music and popularity. Blackwood was in letters, manuscripts and artwork, Contemporary Art where she will the first time on MTV and six out $30,000 to $40,000 to make. news, the network offers a town recently to do an in-store up. MTV has had a great deal of but assume no responsibility for Kristin Donnan premiere two new compositions. of ten bought or plan to buy an (Davi d Bowie recently spent variety of specials, interviews giveaway at Wherehouse effect on sales at our store. We the return of such, Send album by an artist they saw on over $150,000 filming his new Records for the Hall and Oates even have a section that infonnalion to: and live concerts. The latest features many of the bands seen NlATUS Concert line Page 5 MTV. Derek Shulman of single " Let's Dance" in feature they have is called concert. '" think people on MTV." B- MTV 's success did not happen poor quality or because they Night Stand" with Journey, the played arc ones that first overnight, it just seems that don 't fit in the format. Rick Rolling Stones and Fleetwood appeared on the channel. way. The network was launched James is a little too " soul " for Mac. Viewers send in cards and It seems only natural that a Bargain Matinees at Center Cinemas , Cinerama and August 1. 1981 by the Warner MTV, but Michael Jackson fits the \\ inner and three friends are co mbination of t\\O bastions of La Jolla Village Thealres Monday through Friday for all Amex company (the same the rock style. Van Halen 's flown by Lear jet to see the band American culture - rock and performances starting before 5.30 P M. Saturday 1st people who produce the Movie " Pretty Woman" was seen as too in concert, given dinner and a roll and telnision- should get pertormance onty. sublecllo seal availability No 8argalO Matinees on Hotidays Ample free parking atalilhealres Channel) in New York. It was, controversial. The music that is limousine ride back to the along famously, Mn' i~ a dream come true for the artists \\ho get _ """rT:M...... Grollmont ShoppIng Center and still is, the only 24-hour, all­ presented ranges from heavy­ airport where they are flown '/Ir nE:! 8 thc exposure' it i a sa\ior for Aco amy music channel. metal to new-wave to reggae home, all within a 24·hour Awards' After one year the station had and even some oldies. period. the sagging record industry; it 6 million subscribers and 700 Five Video Jocks (VJs) other promotions have is a hit for the cable affiliates affiliates. MTV was voted introduce the songs, present included a MTV " House Party' who don 't ha\'e to pa) for the Product of the Year" by music news and do in-studio where the network throws a advcrtiser'supported station Ave. near Col fortune magazine and one of interviews with different part}' at the \\inner's hou~ and it is not a minute too '>oon ExclUSIVe Engagement' Storts Tomorrawl Time'5 Bests of the Year." As it groups. These VJs are becoming (they even tossed in $300 to for mu ..,ie "tdned teenager". As clean the rugs \; A .. Hawai ian Nina Black\\ood a SImply put TRON approaches its second celebrities as much as the MTV Video Jock Nina Blackwood anniversary the network artists themselves. Nina Holiday with Pat Benatar'; A it, It stun,

10 La Jolla Dr . ( L.J . OA" AI " loqe Proqrof'T"S 5tort ' ,rr "row r "T,rr-es gUOd Fn Tue, ' NEXT YEAR IF ALL GOES WELL ATTENTION! Medical School Openings E" lu' 10 "g"',jf'rn. " 1130, 21~ 410, (:- '~8 y 50, Rl Students Interested in EECS Immediate openings available in foreign medical school. SOMETHING WICKED Upper-Division Courses THIS WAY COMES WATCHER IN THE WOODS • Fully accredited L ",c, f , J 2 ~~ - Admission to upper-diVISion c;ourses • restricted to • Also for dental and vet school 1 Students admitted by the departmenf to a mOjOr or R - '1 lrcJ r >£;re minor curriculum • Loans available -I 'f r l-. KfJ~ 'IS-tly BREATHLESS 1 • ~ '!r 2 Students fulfilling a requirement for another moJor, & 3 Students obtaining written permiSSion of fhe course • Interviews beginning immediately instructor For further details and/or appointment, call .. . p~ r r 'Jp r THE FUNNY FARM I .J\, Or·.,~f rje Students interested In an EECS Major or Minor must Dr. Manley at (716)832-0763/882-2803 "'2 "-,,,~ ,1 .. B'" 11 make application to the department To be eligible, you must antiCipate satlsfacforlly completing all lower Mlulon Vall" .... I • at Stadium Way All Center Programs Start Tomorrow! diVision courses required for the major by the end of Show limes the Summer 1983 Session GPA requirements for the s,x undergraduate degree programs for academic year SENIORSe good Fri ·Tues. FLASH DANCE 1983-84 are as follows Wh a tC\ cr you r degrct' \\ til be. t 11(' \';1\ Y l';m h'l \ l' you a ma nagel11etl t p(l~ ilIOn (1 i - ~ 11 't / f( ff or ------Computer Englneertng you qllalif~ ·l. You 'll get technical trainlllg and manageriall'xpl'ril'nce. Tlw 3.0 Computer Science Nm y offers managenal pINt lOllS 111 the follll\\ ing areas: ".es::,r ,~~: j(1 THE FUNNY FARM ~j 2'. 1 c: Jool 1i Applied PhYSICS ELECTRO~ICS ENGI~EERING SYSTE:\l . \~ . \L\SIS Electncal Englneertng 2.8 PERSONNEL A.Ol\IINISTR.YrION S""PA... C.... E'T1R"UN ...... T=E=-R:--;;ADVENTURES IN THE ­ Englneenng Physics FORBIDDEN ZONE Information Science INVENTORY CONTROL PllRCHA, ING rJ'( •. All ~ Oll necd IS a milllllllll11 Df a BS B;\ degree hummel graduates may Application deadline for continUing and transfer M"IO Blvd. students completing lower-division course requirements i nq 1I i reI, ,mel bl' no mort" ha n ;{ 1years old. bl' able t () pass apt 11 LItle and ph: sll'al All Clolromont Programs for FII Thurs In the Summer is September 9, 1983 Departmental (':\amlllatHITl'-. Every Day Any Seat · Any Time 99(; and CJlIalif) fnr '-.ecunty rll'arann'. (t'.S. nllll'lbhlP required). review of applications will fake place twice each year Your benefIt-.. packagl' lIwludl's :W da) s l'allwct annual \ Cleat iOI1. HIGH ROAD TO CHINA ROCKY 111 at the end of the second week of the Spring Quarter and at the end of the Summer Applications may be Illedical dental Im\ co'-.I I1fl' 1l1sural1l'l' C(l\'l'ragl' pllh othl'r ta\ fret' inn'nl i\ l'S. Mon~; Py1hon s obtained from the undergraduate secrefary In H you're intl'rl''-.Il'clll1 gatnlllg managerial and techll1l'i11 1t''-.POI1'-.,bJlltll'!'> fast, MEANING OF LIFE LOSIN'IT. . AP&M 4016 rail till' ;-.J;\\ al \lal1a.~l·nH'nt Pr(lglal\1~ Ollin' at· 29:J-(-l7 I:l. :\loll-Thurs .. H:OO am to 1 :00 pm. ~ lliat"", ~1-1y ICJ 1(J8~ May 19, 1983 /fiatu5 3

r • .- FALL QUARTER 1983 ~ Variety is spice of Music Dept. Concert Line LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION " new" in music will find th is proj ect - one of the largest Negyesy will concert interesting, because ever undertaken by I RCAM. Paris UCSD will get a free taste of - is represented by his piece LIt/G~ n 143 premiere work Negyesy is not only an exciting AUTHORS IN RU SIAN LITERATURE tec hnically sk illed performer. "Less than Two" for two pianos. DOSTOEVSK Y: POOR FOLK TO CRI ME AND " Dedications to Janos but because it is a rare two percussions, and tape, 'real' jazz with Dan Siegel friday Negyesy," a concert of UCSD opportunity to find out what PUNISHMENT The performers, all members By (lYD[N[ N[[ Siegel has pcrformed with scheduled for Friday on Urey graduate composers' works gifted young composers are (ThiS \.-OHTSt! IS cross Usc.:" Ulch Lic , RII 143) of the UCSD Music Department, The University Events Office other bands, and ha5 headlined Lawn from 4 to 7 pm, honoring violin virtuoso Janos doing. include Jean-(harles Francois, is having a free jazz show this for other artl.,ts like Bob James Negyesy, will be presented Tim \\eisberg Will pia} at the Ltc A MWF 10:00 - 10:50 APM 2402 ll6312 conductor; Carol Plantamura, friday which will feature the and Jean·we Panty, friday he Friday at 8 pm in Mandeville. Belly Up Td~('rn tonight with ln~tructor : Sc.:t gIH'5tS_ Call 81 9022 Philip Larson, baritone; Janos Kittyhawk. Siegel band OJ, Pratt from pieces by Mamoru Fujeida. Negyesy, violin; Peter Farrell, for ti(ket information TIus I~ thl' ftrst part Dt a two-ljuartl'r Ll)Ur,.: lIn th\.' nUJllr show ofs eason Siegel is one of the premiere Kalapana. dnd Moye~ Lu( dS from " Double Embellished Sara­ ce llo' Bill Powell, clarinet; (a milo e~to i~ ~hcdukd to \\ urI.." u( Do~tlll'vl>k} , (StuJl'nti:, a rl' frl'': to rakl' l,tthl'r ,ours.: artists of the jaLZ music world, the Jeft Lorber Bdnd bande "; Victor Zupanc, "Piece Friends of SONOR, UCSD's pt'Tforrn rrid at pm t [he s.:pa ratl'ly,) Thl' first part will cover the Yl'ars 1H4tt, whl'n Victor Zupanc, accordian; and His debut album in 1979, Nite Kittyhawk will aho be Jy 8 for Janos"; Christopher Smith, contemporary music ensemble. Daryl Pratt. Dan Dunbar, -OSL Amphitheatre Dost'll'vsky', tirst novd, POOT Folk, was .:ompic,tl'J, tll 1 66, Ride. was one of the year's mo~t performing a,> the opening band "Two Incantations for Violin, 1Y0n't want to miss the when Crulle' unJ Pllni.l hl11L'nt was put-hshl'J, D,)st,lL'vsk{, percussion. played albums. His latest for Siegel. Th b group is not your of a Dream \\111 p.a} Op. 19"; Robert Strizich, ensemble's final program of the \\,lrk, WIll f", l'xamlnl'd hoth from an artistIC I'lItrlt lit \'Il'W For information, call 452· album, Reflections. was well co/lVcnlional jazz·rock band, at l1umphr~ ~ May 2">t1, Th "Mercuri us "; Igor Korneit­ season, featuring music by and lrom Ihl' point of VIl'W of thl' hlstum:al nmtlld I",t\\ ,',n 3229. received by radio programmers The members of the group each ..,how.., are at 6:30 and 'l:)O pm chouk, Eleatic Episode Reynolds, Berio and Felder. rl'h~ion and radical politics, Tl'xts wtll mliudl': PWT FI/lk, The across the (Quntry, and it wa ., play an unu .. ual electronic all tickets tire $4 DouJ,It:, NOlL'S from (hI! HOIIS!! of thl DL'lIJ , Th.: 11I.lltIrl'J a 11,\t oj lilt: lop albums at u(SD a"darotmd MARTI TO CORTAZAR new music for solo piano and The B-52's commercially and artistically to hi!>terics just by describing a thl' collntry, Tlre~(' ratlllg\ ar/' ba.'>td QIl ~al/'~ and chamber ensemble. Warner Brothers be the hottest album of the recital infarction, {umished by A'>!}or/ed Vinyl alld Billbudrd ~ldqd7111e LC:l A MWF 2:00 - 2:50 TLH 110 1l.:6314 Featured will be a rarely summer, and still posess Instrultor- EJt(tlrJ Baker performed composition by By MARK B[U'1t:R Whammy is a critical release incredible vocal range, and Here Lukas foss, entitled " Echoi: for Virtually every summer the for both The B-52 's and Warner paired with Schieder these three 1. Let's Dance David Ho~ie EMI four Soloists," written for We wtll read a Wide variety ot works tncludln~ CWlYS , short music media somewhat Brothers Records, After two handle the vocals with all the 2, War U2 Island percussion, cello, clarinet and stones, no\'d~, and poc:m" by key Lwn Amen«ln wrttl'rs, randomly selects an album to be highly successful outings, last precision and originality that 3, Cargo Men at Work Columbia piano. This work was first We wtll srudy thl'sC works with an eyl' to\\,ud tht soual anJ the biggest hit of the season. year's Mesopotamia, flopped one could possibly ask for. 4, Non·fiction Blasters Warner Bro~. culturnl prohlems of Latm Amencan countrlC:s, ",,>p.:nally a performed in 1963. and is Last year. for example. radio miserably, which naturally led With the exception of the last 5, Power, Corruption & LIes New Order re~ards theIr relanons to Europe and thl' Unltl'd Statl's, considered a virtuoso piece for stations decided that John to speculation that the band had half of side two, the tunes on There chamber players, demanding Cougar was the Ghandi of Rock run out of gas, The B-52 's new this record are vintage 6-52'5, 1. Thriller Michael Jackson Epic both flexi bility and precision, Ltt Gc:n 148 and Roll, so they played his music, though, is more than Long classified as a collection of 2, Pyromania Def Leppard l'1ercury The concert will be held at enough to dispel any rumors of dancing humorist, the band 3, Cargo Men at Work Columbia ITALIAN LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION terrible, trashy record until even Mandevi lle Recital Hall. Sunday 4, fiashdance Soundtrack Casablanca THE MODERN ITALIAN NARRATIVE FILM casual radio listeners were near a creative decline, does it's utmost to live up to at 8 pm an d is free to the public. 5, Let 5 Dance David Bowie EMI AND TEXT nausea. This summer. however, funny man this genre with songs such as radio listeners could fair has returned in fine form to " Whammy Kiss" and " Butter- (ThiS coursL' '5 ~Tm.\-II\t,'J turh Llr/ It I413) Stockhausen 's significantly better, The late<;t restablish his position as the please turn to page 6 u:cA MWF 2:00 -2:50 APM2313 cc6315 work pLayed ------Lab 1 W 3:00 - 3:50 APM 2313 F====~ University [vents Office presents====="1!!1 [nstrm,tor. Jon Sn~dl.'T " Kontakte," Karl Heinz Stockhausen's piece for "It'll lift you up where you belong!' Th,' .lIm nl dlL' cuurs.: I, to ,tud~' the tran,latlon ota narr,nlH electronic sounds and text Into a movln~ pldUrl'. WL' will hr~r rl'ad a "l'nl'S of bnd percussion will be performed by am\.'al ~~says Irom many ,llfferL'nt (OuntnL'" lin dll' I'll"ti" Lois Wheeler on piano and John and "l'mlotl(s of narratl\,' (h,lth htnan an,1 '11l"Il1,llIl). \\", UCSD composer Roger Reynolds' work will be performed Wed. Flood on percussion, Monday at WIll th.:n pnKl,,'d to till' \.llb" l'xamtn,ltllll1 01 ",'\','ral major novel,tlim p,urs, in cludIng works hy V,r~a, V"lonn, LtnlPL'JU,.l, etc All fl'ad in~s will h, In Engltsh, and ;"1 fIlms wtlll-'C ~uf,ti tll'd In Engli,h and shllwn dunng the sch,',llIhl Iaf, l'eriod. No kn ll\\'l,d~l' Lli Italian h r"ljlllr,'d, and there' ar,' no o ther pr,rl'qul.,tt,,,, ••••••iiim

LIt G,n 150 CHINESE LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION: DAY CARE AWARENESS WEEK May 23 - 27 CLASSICAL CHINESE POETRY IThl' dmnl IS \.ro~~·II-, rL' d 1.llth LII Ch '50) ~ Revelle Plaza Everyday, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm:- Hot Dog Stand Children'S Art Photo Display L.:c A ITh 11 :30 - 12:'50 LJSB 4020A cc6 317 In,>tructor: \'(i(lI ,llln Yip Sponsored by the Student Parents Association and the Women's Center H"ld"l:!gl'r \\oIrn" Us tn ,m <",.IY that any ,j,oIlo~u,' u"ng In ill' curol'l',tn 1,lI1gua>!L's to dl~l u~" the 'I'lrtt "f I:.",t A'>liln I'0,·try wtll run th,' rt,k III ,k,tmYlnl! thl' pn"lhtllty ( t ',lYing \~h,lt tre... ,ltal,'gu,' "ah,lIlt Hlm mudl lilll \H' un,kr"ran,j frol1l ~-- MONDAY --- CSo\1P i ~D ' K~PotJ~I'-bt-l' 5·~ clIgla,,'1 rr'ln.,lallons the I1f 19ln,.1 ,l".,till'tll I!r( HIIl,hnl! 01 l 'HI1< '" pll<.·try? Th" (our~l' attempb to (l\ LTl 111l1l' thIS 10:00 am - 4:00 pm QU\C,-\::=- . Ev~tJ 'R;::61-~:::6, O\R.!:>I( 3·2.S":' ,ltftt'lIlt\ hv llife-rtllg thl' ~tu,knt~ I - OFFICER ,ul1\l'ktln~ thl tot,ll il.,.,th,tI, l'XI'l'rIL'nll', ;J1l,1. "l'«lIlll. University Towne Center 12:00 - 1 :00 pm +-\"M TO~1X), C+\~~5~ ' D..J ~W 5L-"\ AND A thnlllgh ,.Irl'tul,'\amtnilllon of ( :h tnl''>'' 1",til "II, I'o"unn' Puppet Show GENTLEMAN III loml"lr;ltIVl' I" r'I'l'l Ilh' Sponsored by Day Care I'\H .\\I0\ ~ II'H II H~"'I'Ht.." ..,j" r---- , I.l/ll\! \H \1 ,\ IH I~ FI ~ \ ~ IlI'H(\IIU I k ~ TUESDAY ------, \ I \\ 1 oR 11 ,\ ( M(l/lr> til" Center Work studies HI< II \HIl I,' In 1* BR \ \~ I'<.a R Lit llL'n 161 12:00 - 1:00 pm ,'<" H ~ H ,\ '1Il , \(,~"'l1 ,,! \ '\ THE FORM OF FOLKLORE \1"(I .. I.IIII1I~Il: \\" II) h."·lTlIdll,'lI)lI~(,(h~t-Tl JH I .. ~t)W\ Tumbling Demonstration r------FRIDAY ------, ()r l.l!tIl,d \ ha't< h\ .l.\l " ' II/~ II t- \\ r tttl'n h\ llC.ll'~;j . \~ 11,\\ ""-1 ~ \\ \H 1 GERMAN FOLKTALE - VOLKSMAERCHEN \'I1"IIICI'l\h\ "\RTI' tl t-,\ '\D nUl"h'"h" T-\\ll'lH II', h. fot)kl' ~. .~:.:IIIC:I"·~ ; . u , ~ . .. .. ~!J'\M ~\I()( " Pk 1t ~t- I':' " (Thl\ .'OtITlL 1\ lTOSI-/lICd \11th LII CJL'T 161) by Children, 12:00 - 1: 00 pm R ... ' . In,' U l) U Sponsored by Recreation Fratern ity Sorority LCl: A TTh 2:30-3:50 fLH 11 0 cl 6323 Center Bicycle Relay Race Instrul t(lr .'V1LlTlIn WIL'l'~ . hill May 20, friday, 8 p.m. ':pA\\..-.{ tl: 00 - <): ~o ryplllll~ll.tI :lIlal,'S I'> of arl h" i; tH"'S lI t 11Ilkt,dl" o( ril. All proceeds will go into the Day Care Maintenance Mandeville Auditorium (,rlmm Rrllth,'r., ", II~ttlon und,'r til., .1'1'('( h (It "rl'Tatun', '"-'0\\1..\ ~myth /n:ltg , on ,tn.1 kl'rlt I'~YI hology, .A Fund for repairs on the Center this summer, 737 ?~~1<\- L~ 454·:fl5 ~ $2.00

__.....;;;;=-Ti(ke~ at UCSD Central 50\: Ofriu" 452- \559 ____

4 nialus May 19, 1983 ~lay 19, 1983 Hiatus 5 HEAD FOR THE COUNTRY'S MOST Galas will SOPHISTICATED TRAINING GROUND ---AT THE MOVIES SA VE 20% - 50% '1.11 prograPIs start Frtdly" FOR NUCLEAR ENGINEERING • on distinctive sunglasses premiere CENTER CINEMAS 5) SOMETHING WICKED ., ,in the Na'vj'. TIle Navy has the country's most Fashion Valley THIS WAY COMES prestigious nuclear engineering program. As a 297-1888 6) THE JOINT commissioned officer, you'lI get immediate decision new work 1) FLASHDANCE making authority supervising highly trained personnel Avant-garde singer/com­ 2) THE FUNNY FARN\ GUILD San Diego while operating the most sophisticated nuclear poser Diamanda Galas will 3) SPACEHUNTER propulsion plant ever developed. Other engineering present a solo concert of her 295-2000 own compositions at 8 pm careers can give you this kind of responsibility, but the a.AlREMONT BETRAYAL Ray Ban - Suncloud - Carrera - Chameleons Navy will give it to you sooner. Saturday. May 21. in Sherwood Clairemont Mesa La JOLlA VILLAGE THEA TtR - BuccI Vuarnet - Gargoyle Sunsensors aUAUFICATIONS: Minimum BS/BA degrees With I Hall at the La Jolla Museum of 27~0901 year of ca lculus and one year of phYSICS. Applicants may Contemporary Art. La Jolla Village Square 1) HIGH ROAD TO CHINA! ------Specials------be no more than 27Y2 years of age. Relocation required. Diamanda will perform the 453-7831 San Diego premiere of ROCKY III Offer good through 5,23 83 with thiS ad. Applicants must pass aptitude and phYSical examinations 2) MEANING OF LIFE/ 1) NEXT YEAR IF IT ALL GOES "Panoptikon," a work for so le WELL Cat Eye Sunglasses and qualify for a security clearance, US citizenship LOSIN'IT reqUired. voice, live electronics and four­ 2) THE FUNNY FARN\ 3) SOMETHING WICKED Vuarnet $44.90 BENEFITS: Excellent package Includes 30 days paid channel tape: and " Wild Women with Steak Knives, " for solo COVE THIS WAYCOMES/WATCHER Bucci $24.90 vacation earned annual. medical/dental care and /rff' La Jolla voice and four microphones. IN THE WOODS Azteca $3.99 insurance coverage plus other tax-free incentives. 459-5404 This will be Diamanda 's first 4 ) BREATHLESS Dependent's benefits also prOVide. ExtenSive training Richard (jere and David Keith are aviation officer candidates in "An Officer and a Gentleman." CSD Sleeveless T -shirts- San Diego concert in two years, NAPOLEON program with up to 53,000 cash bonus awarded upon La PALOMA and it will be her only local completion, EnCinitas (with this ad) concert this year. She currently regularly $10 Call 293-6743, Mon-Thurs, 8 am - 1 pm. FINE ARTS 436-SHO\lV $ 5 is a visiting researcher at the Gere's ~Officer' shows here friday PaCiftc Beach \ STORMRIDERS ,/ % price while supplies last Center for Mu sic Experiment at 27~4oo0 UCSD. By CLYDt:Nt: Nt:[ definitely spiced with a fiery Jr. turned in a spectacular EXPRESSIONS UNLIMITEO------­ THE GIFT SPORTS ARENA Just a S. ep Ahead Hours Diamanda performs what she ET and Poltergiesl weren·t relationship between Richard performance as the domi the only big films to come out of Gere. portraying lack Mayo. an neering drill instructor, Sgt. San Diego 10306 Torrey Pines Rd. Mon-Sat 9:30 8 ca lls "expressionist real-time 223·5333 La Jolla 454-8006 composition and kindred the Summer of 1982. An Officer officer candidate, and Debra foley. flOWER HILL CINEMAS ( b~ the Yogurt Affair) Sunday 10-6 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING operatic rituals, i.e. , rock and A Gentleman brought quite Winger as Paula Pokritki. a The film will play th is friday Del Mar 1) FLASHDANCE 755-5511 performance, Greek tragic a few people to the theaters. small town girl. in Mandeville Auditorium at 8 2) BREATHLESS 3) HIGH ROAD TO CHINA MAJORS It has all the elements of an Gere turned in an intense pm, Tickets are $2 at the Box 1} THE FUNNY FARN\/ STILL theatre. German Expressionist 4) TOOTSIE old fashion love story, but it is performance. but Louis Gossett Office. SMOKIN' Summer Employment Opportunities performance and other ecstatic 5) DR. DETROIT 2) THE KING OF COMEDY theatres." 6) FRIDAY THE 13tn III At TRW LSI Her work, she wrote. " is 3) TOOTSIE If you have completed your Junior year and are currently primarily concerned with the Hallucination, reality and Gielgud MANN CINEMA 6 working toward your 8,S.E.E.. TRW LSI may have a summer execution, sequentially. UA GLASSHOUSE 6 University Towne Centre By CLYDt:Nt: Nt:[ langham, a dying novelist members of his ~eemJngly San Diego 452-7766 opportunity for you . chordal ly, and/ or contra­ When does the border whose personal pain twists his ordinary family. Buy 1 Falafel puntally, of different 'p rocesses 223-2546 TRW LSI located in La Jolla, IS a leader In the deSign and between reality and hallucina­ perceptions of reality into Resnais juxtaposes reality 1) TENDER MERCIES Sandwich for production of advanced VLSI and LSI components For those of concentration: 'mental tion blur? paranoid hatred and the subject with fantasy in this film, which 1) STILL SMOKIN' 2) TOOTSIE states: or 'dramatic states: for interested in IC and CIrCUit deSign. we offer positions In the french director Alain Resnais of a new book. creates a semi-nightmarish 2) VALLEY GIRLS 3) STILL SMOKIN ' 3) PORKY'S $1.99 and Get following areas' which vocal sound is the exa mined the co mplexities of The object of his hallucina­ effect. 4) LOCAL HERO 4) RAIDERS OF THE LOST 5) FLASHDANCE primary physical coordinate ... tion revolves around the Providence will play tOnight one FREE! this state in his first English ARK/LONE WOLF McQUADE 6) FRIDAY THE 13th III • Bipolar DeSign • Digital Applications It is operatic performance I language film Providence. Sir members of his family. Ellen in Mandeville at 8 pm Tickets '''11 listings subject to change' • CMOS Design • linear Applications speak of. not mere 's inging.' The John Gielgud. better known for Burstyn, Dirk Bogarde, and can be purchased at the UEO • Systems Engineenng performance practice I describe his role in Arlhur, portrays Clive David Warner. play the various Box Office. demands a total dbciplinc of Some full-time summer pOSitIOns may lead to part-time the performer as compo~er. employment In the fall poet. actor. and virtuoso Univer~ity [venl'> Office present'> To find out how TRW could be a very Important part of your vocalist." Ii, summer. please send resume or apply In person to: Diamanda 's performance at Sherwood Hall is being BWt:GRASS & COUNTRY Resnals' first English language film IS a Don't Miss It!! Human Resources pre~nLed as part of the feslival Section 8312 of New Arts, sponsored by the brilliant probe into the mind of a novelist MUSIC The Natural Mid-East 4243 Campus POint Court II~ •• UCSD Center for Music LSI Products and a visual tour de force , Go! San Diego. CA 92121 Experiment in coordination Man. If Lat, lJd Je I lo P • Sunday, May 22 10:30-5 :00 at the Restaurant with Sushi. Inc. General An Equal Opportunity Employer A film I will long remember with 4657 Mission Blvd admission is $10. with preferred Ramona Banjo, fiddle, Guitar (corner by Emerdld St ) seating at $15: tickets for warm feelings. The writing is students and seniors arc $5. stylish, the performances impeccable, Contest 483-8550 P.B. Tickets are available in advance the photography glorious. Gen.Shdl NBI 1, at all Tic-ketron outlet". for Performances by:Dan Crary (National flatpick Champion ) more information phone Lhe A rare and wonderful work of art. ~. ,i '. 1.. I~llllN lll.. llSIll\ UCSD Center for Mu~i( KCBQ f'latbed Band The !Yew lxpression BLAST OFF ~ " Expcriment at 452-4383, It is powerful l enriching and rhi~ summt'r the nation s foremost wdderne.,s training r===== ir~ mind-expanding. Re,Reeo ! We are asking a donation of: Cash Prizes: centt'r. THE NATIONAL OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP $4,00 - Ages 10 - 65 r Alain R(>snal'> Traditional Banjo fiddle TO OUR ;, ~~. SCHOOl., will oHer.l unique b.lckcountry I:'ducational pro­ B-52s get the fREE - Under 10. over 65 gram Tht· Summer Semester in Alaska. I Bluegrass Banjo flatpick Guitar All proceeds go to the NEW t ' "Whammy" Ramona Jr. fair I l. rlacr Ad\anccd ... $ISO.OO LeMn .md pr.1Clicp .In I'xl~n"\,'(' cur Providenee.,t.lllll\(lt-> fllnd~ (on~lnlt ­ 2nd. Place Advanced .. ,$ 75.00 rll ulum of willll-rm'" ,ktll, wh 1(· l·xplor· [1I('n Bur"t\n Dirk Bogard(> john 1.1t'lgud will go 100\ard, tOnlinucd wntinued from page 5 Dd\ld \\,Hlll'l lion dnd I11dintrndlKt' FdirQwund 109 Ihe remarkable backcountry 01 t of ht. Place IntermcdiJte .. $ i 5.00 STORE bean." which 1V0uld be well .mel ~1(1Ifw 'Mitt h \\ riltl'11 h\ Dt1\ 1<1 \ 'ert pr tr()[l (lIlt'Ill,l -, " buildinQ' u,ed b) the yound Pll;plc 01 America, Idst fronti!:r This intemlv~ 2nd. Place Inlt.'rmediale. $25.00 received in the Comedy Store. as • KJI1111IlJ III thlir 4H Jlld f f ~ _progrJI11 , I .. New ComICs 7S-uay (Our~e includt's : I"t. f'IMc Bcqinning ... $2S.00 . One month kayakrng among the in any dance club. "Legal ~ Comic conservation: arrive every fl'mot" isl,Inu, dnd ~dd(ie" 01 Prince Tender" and "Trism " present a ADVANCW CONTtST REGISTRATION ONLY: mylar snugs myHtes, Friday by WIlliam Sound. somewhat more subtle si de of Regjc,tration and $4.00 fre mu.,t be in 10 The l'l\ [\pn,.,.,iol1 h\ 1.1\ 13 . • A full scale four-week gldCler ex­ Air rrelght aCid-free boxes the band 's humor. but the real Regbtratiol1 ,\111 bl' conlirml'd b~ return mail. • Colleaor s Comics oj< Open 7 Days ped,tIon whIch Includes thorough gem of th is re cord is "Song for a instruction In snow and Ice c1lmb- * Comic & Fonrasy Art oj< Ample Free Parl~lng future Generation," whi ch riceS 109, roule findrng dnd glaciology, . n£ d P • A two-week backpacking expedi besides being both zany and , ltlO FANTASY GAMES AND me lodi c. gives you an ras MINIATURES: tion. studYIng the ecology and Old Go '19\,~ ..I ------,rhlS coupon ~ valid for I DLK'Igeons & Dragons b,ology of the arctIc tundra. opportunity to hear a soliloquy Od FOOd 1 from each band member. I Champions Villains & VIgilantes rhl~ rJ~or'HI" \\ IIdt. rnl''-,(j, PXpl'fll'nn' I~ : 20% OFF Trave'ler and Srar Tre" l.ocdtion: I me purcha.e of Ofly New (omlcs I tlpl'n to OH'n ~Hld womt..'n concern ing ideas such as Black­ Ral Parma (Irodel Supenor I minImum of $:) 00 purchasE' I 17 \,\\1r,-; lind oldl'r ca pped Chickadees and A natural Jl1lphi-tllcatrc 011 d & oenlx M,nlOfules I Expires June 1 1983 I We feature PaCIfIC ComICs as well illegilimate ch ildren. hilhidl' in R..11110nJ , mt'tlool\ ing I TheCalnlcGoI ehers ~UMMI:. R SEMESTE R IN ALASKA album. it would have to be th e l 1& units of college credit (optional) Tal\l Jl-1ain 5t Illl\amOIl.1 ) to musi c. Ri ck Wilson ju t doesn't IR June 1- AuguSI 15 2nt! "it Turn dt ( (lith \ to 4853 June 8- AuguSI 23 seen to play his guitar with th e May 19, ThurSday, 8 p.m. Lnlham TlIll! right to (6' 9) 483- June 1S - August 29 same bite and power that he used on the debut record. This is 1'.1 i r~n)IlIJ(h. I 4224 BO\b~~ ~~~, 7 a picky point. howeve r, and Mandeville Auditorium L.lII1 I'Hrtlund'l: San Diego (\ remont Dr.) ce rtainly no reson to dismiss Clll"f to F.;111 1l1ll,I " p (lIl~I)r ed Il \ I B \\:)00 & 01 I «(orner of a food Basket - lor mOH' InfClrnl.11I1I1l \\-flh' this album, Overall , the product $2.00 t:I l.ono: (619) 789-186.') The New [xprcs ion _ Next to NOI., 'I MI<' I r R IN AI.A.,KA. is pleasantly satisfying and I' I' 0. 80< AA. c. HI OO~ ,'ilOS: (hPl) 56!; ](lO() l or \.,111 I t I \ International water~) ~. Fight the C()l1\ ent ional The Soviets had the optlOns \I ar. of cOl1trnuing Ihe alr·s!'a \l'ar. :{. t '~(' :-.mall numbers ()f pull i ng t hel r nan 11110 pori lartic.t1 nulicar d(·\'lc('~ (Ih .. dnd Iettrng lO().OOO men roll 'Iittlc" fi\c kill)tlll1 ('xpl,xler:-., over I he pro \\ estern forel's on \ it allargt'ts. Tht'!·S pla\ 1:1' a from Bulgaria. or appealing to had a general shot agalll..,t the L' :-.1 . \ Ital I nn:-.Jl point.... \\ hrle the Thev abo had to \\'otr\ ~ovlch would hm e used theirs aboulthe East German t rad~' on I he Ameri(an aircraft unllJl1.., . and the East GellluLn tarner in the' Adnatic. o army Durrng the repreSSions, 1. Launch a pre·empt i\'e a few cit irs, under ma rt lalla\\ . ~lratL'glc first ... tnke against revolted. the ot her count rv· ... nuclear Move four \\ as the lastlllLlvC forces. In the game. While the L'S had A... usual. each SIde debated continued Ihe alr·sea \\ar. the the optlun.... alt hough for a SO\ iets had pulled into port. longer lIme than usual, then ~ .0 Their na\'Y 111 the Adrratlc had \oted on the alternal1\·es. Hot h ~ taken a severe beatll1g, as had s!Cles choose "pt lun II I. their aerial UllltS. On land. The game leader then t

"I, I ~ 4t lB. 8 :00 am to "00 pm. ,",,1' {J'f'rnQ,21,1 8 Hiatus May 19, I 983 H"ur5 M On ~ r 8 JO ~ pm NAVY OFFICERS GET RESPONSIBILITY FAST.