Helmut Schnqidlt Speaks at Com Eence Ent
Continuous MITT MITi News Service Cambridge Slae 863 F I ~ eB ~ I~ ~~s a ~s~i Massachusetts Volume 103, Number 27 Tuesday, June 14, 1 983 I ~, I ,,.IIB a Helmut Schnqidlt speaks at com eence ent .I By John J. Ying actively cultivated in citizens of and Diana ben-Aaron all countries, would greatly con- Helmut Schmidt, former chan- tribuie to remedying the inability cellor of the Federal Republic of of opposing nations to reach in- Germany, cited "the lessons of ternational accords. history,' especially Germany's Germany's change in "atti- change of perspective, in his tude towalrds the rest of Europe speech on awareness in interna- and her willingness to learn from tional affairs May 27 in Killian the example of her "western Court at the Institute's 117th neighbors" following her defeat commencement exercises. in World War 11 mnade it possible Schmidt is the second speaker for her to withstand the "centri- from outside the Institute to de- fugal thrust" within her pushing liver the commencement address for expansion, Schmidt said. So- viet imperialism, by contrast, is Tech photo by Tim Huie since 1963. MIT awvarded degrees to 837 undergraduates and 779 still unchecked and poses serious in the Afro-American Art Exhibition at Copley Square on June 5. Students participating graduate students: the total num- problems for the world, he con- n 1 _ _ ,, I I -- ·IP·gll- -- I ber of degrees awarded by MIT ti Led. since it started classes in 1865 "It is a fact that Russia was passed the 100,)00 mark in the fnd remains an expansionist Grad.
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