The U CSD Guardia Volume 49, Number 14 University of California, San Diego Thursday, May 19, 198 :~ ReluYn of Ihe Jedi---------------- Film Benefits Hospital By CANOLE The world has waited in \vonder for three years to see who George Lucas will present as Yoda 's "at her hope" to help Luke kywalker combat the dark side of the Force. For the kids at San Diego Children's Ho,>pital and Health Center Yoda's "ot her hope" will be a present from the people at I ucasfilm Ltd., in the form of a ben fit previe\\,' of Re/urn oj the jedi" to help combat pediatric disease. "I see these benefits as an expression of Lucas' feelings of commitment to the American public," said benefit organizeri. who askecl \0 remain ,mon)· mous "He cot! Id have presented the t~ pical major studio premiers m Chicago, ;'\It'W York and Los Angeles. But he pn>ferred to make kl'l{{nl of IIIl ji'll' a\'ailable tn local theater..., In t\\enty one citle''. "Lucas felt the suu:ess of \'ear ~(lOO. \\ hll h ell ( the Star Wars Saga has ~'olllcldl':> llo-,L'i\' (J t h t 1'1,' I been due to t he interest of epI-.:ode of the- ~tar \\ a" children and the child in all ~aga. of us. Therefore he wanted "We empha, Ill' tho t to return to these youngJedi tech nolngy I" he \\ <'i\ e ( f a support lor their future. the iuturc. Rut one th'ng "The Introductory letter 1111111111111 - ~~~1IiII!!!!!!I t ha t cannot be replal tl from Luea') ...,taled. 'The \\ hen dealmg \\ Iti' l hlldn''"\ pre\ iew showmg of Re/urn i' h' tf'nder If)\ ln~ 'cUt uf llze jed, benefit must be Ri Th t lIext d'H)r • (J t! staged to help ral">e money complex 0pl'ratmg room \\t:' to combat child related po-':1I inn a rt lU\ er~ and disease and/or to ease the playroom. (hr llo ... ed for their 0\\ n particular ted a personal pride applications to Luca sf!lm~ c i rc u itt e It' \'1 :-, lOr. h ,1'" condit ions or problems of we highlighted certain econom ically disadvan­ needs. Therefore the fund,> amongst the many volun­ frequentl) :-ho\\ r~ '/lIl program ~ which are unique taged children.' " received from this an teer . 1\'(/ r.' and t h (' 1:: 111 p /I t Diego benefit will go "The desire of the In thiS countv \Ve ~el' :)f riki s Nlirk. Brot her:-. and "Lucasfilms' policy i to as the directly to the Children's volunteers, like Lucas. is to Chddren'~ H()~i)ltal ~Ister:, are enrullra:ed to) allow each community to step back from the spotlight hope of the future. organi ze their own benefit Hospital. This has genera- \'i sH. \\hich i~ lnll:,ual III so the public will focus "The neo-natal unit 1110 ... t hospitals. primarily on the programs transfer..., children to our "In the t!nlt' it will taht' and needs of the hospital." mtenslve care newborn some people to walt in line In regards to their own high' risk life support to -;ee RlllI m of flil' Jcdi our MCC Facility Lost involvement in the benefit, system. Ten ~ears ago these one day Olk'ra t IOn pro 'ram the organi/ers commented: children would not haw' will treat tht' children and San Diego lost out to Deukmejian's recent budget "Everything our company ...,un 1\ ed. without thiS high return tho. e iuture j('(11 Austin, Texas earlier this cuts continue in Sacra­ does is anonvmous. We are technol()g~ geared to back to thell' parent ... week in a bid to be the site of mento today. underwriting the cost of the pedlatncs. The Itfe support Ironicalh. the purp,)st' ur a major computer research The loss of the MCC so s'stenh are \erv si mil ar to institute built by the facility, and the possibility benefits that the $75 per Childrl'n's Hnspllal relat~ ... Microelectronics alld of simi liar los es in the ticket will go directly to thos(' used by -our astro· dlrt'ctly to till' Japanl'.e 1 Computer Technology future may be a factor in Children\ Hospital. We nauts. ddlllit ion ot" Yoda (YOd31 : Corp. (MCC). swaying the governor away expect the sellout audience "The most :-'dphisticated the ('ond i t lOll of one':­ One of the main reasons from his stringent budget­ wi ll raise a totdl of $:32,7;)0. areas thal we haH' are Iwalth. rlwdlcal dlH.l.?;nO~ls. MCC cho e Austin were balancing agenda enough reminhcent of the Star and the Impnl\l'Il1t'l1t qf "doubts about California's that he allows legislature­ "The evening of the Wars techmcally supenor one· ... hpalth. longterm commitment to mandated budget increases performance there will be a special cffech. The slirgen sunset patio buffet at the kl'l It),JI oj lilt Jul: could top-quality education," for UC to pass across his theater I!- full~ computer­ \l'n \\·t'll c1l':,cribe the according to a Fletcher Estate with Darth Los Angeles desk unmolested. lied to allow the ...,urgeon \ olllnt eer~ and donor:- oj Times article Wednesday. The governor's office still Vader as guest. Then buses Imnwdlate access to th(' thi~ benefll 11lc~hab(lu Sl'd The loss of the facility declines comment on what will shuttle these "Friends child's \ ital signs and represents a heavy blow to Deukmejian's reaction will ofYoda" to the preview. We the Japane~e tum Jedl California's economy and be to budget hikes for UC, medical histon kdai l fl1t'anmg Onl who 1WW have sold two-thirds of "These nc\\' operating amounts to a slap in the face bu t the pressu re is the tickets." gl\t.• ..., their trust to 3 of the University of mounting. Next week, the theatel s \\ en' Inllit after st rongl r fnrct'. lint' wh\! I'" California_ Guardiatl will take an in­ Rodgers commented on our research proJected the till' Spirit of their time. and University efforts to depth look at the budget's the contribution of the needs of f uturc chIld care lf1 orll' \\ h\l sUpptll'b ideas and rescind Governor George progress in Sacramento. benefit on In'half of :an Diego county. The\ l'\l'nts that \\ ill I11f1Ut'lht' Children's Hospital. "Inour \\ III meet our need unt iI the the futtln' Cost Effectiveness of Aid to Israel. Page 5. M1"V's Rock Rolls into San Diego. Hiattts. Page 3. Crew, Tennis, Track Sea EndonMi ed Not . Page 9. ThUl'sday, May 19, 1983 2 The UCSD Guardian Thul'sday. M IIY 19. 19 8 3 Tht, l1CSO Guanlian :~ The UCSD Guardian J ames Ralph Papp, Calumnist College Students too Specialized or Spread too Thin Uy JAM ES RALPH PAPP paper~, I ha ve no idea who t hey will waste time di\l:rt Ins.( his as lntl'llcl'tual \\aqrel, art: lIltelllgent and tothepoint. Sia ll Wriler are) seem to have an Idea that talent. genIus, or whate\'t'r he Imcstmg thl'lr time in what IS In anv time of t rlJU bit, (or The compla int of the the l[ith and 16th centuries pOf.seSf.ef. to thIngs he ca nnot lll'lther enjoyable to them nor exec..,s') fringe ('ults spring up, Opinion moment, or w hat used to be were jam,packed with use It on. The great nwn of useful to anyone else, and t he attractIOn of n()\ elt v until the complai nt of the Leonardo daVinci's running letters of the 18th centurv Trymg to make all college O\ercome'i t ht, at t raet IOn elf moment became that we had about with furious energy thought it quite an extraor- I ..,tudenh unIque geniuses or luglcal thought But pt'rhap'" s u bj ected o u rsel ves to while alternately discovering dinary accomplishment to snence fiLlton writers IS, m thi ... \Va} of thInking I~ th: Unsijflled editorials ref/resent the opinions 0/ the editorial board 0/ the UCS /J, Guardian. The editorial board is composed of Lisa Lapin, Tom Rankin and Caty un il ate r a l e du cat io n a l new scientificphenomenaand learn theIr multiplicatIOn thIS or any tIme. an product of a Renal.,.,anu' Tinkle. All other articles in this section are solely the opinion o/the writer and do not di sarmament, is that co ll ege painting the Mona Lisa. In tables in middlr age. TheIr mexpll['able goal. ImprCJ\ mg ffiu['ation - learning spread necessarily ref/resent the views of the Guardian, its editorial boord, its advertisers or students specialize too much. reality there was only one products are, of cour..,e, no less the st udent 's knowledge of hi.., 1 hm the University of California. Chemistry majors are s laving Leonardo, and there were very enjoyable. Ttw products of ..,penalt y would be a more over test t ubes while they few peo pl e like him, The scientists are no less us('ful for mtelhgent use of tIme and Letters to the Editor should be trying to 'l ea rn how Renaissance man comes down the men ha\'lng written talents. But one notIces more Ad<lre..,.., all INter'" 10 to put their lab reports into in history because there were tedious letters. In eilrh case and mor(' that the more talk thl' l'dilol- in can' of thl' Homeric hexameters, and not Renaissance men.
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