102 bus time schedule & line map

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The 102 bus line (Chorlton) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Chorlton: 6:15 AM - 8:35 PM (2) Gardens: 6:58 AM - 5:28 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 102 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 102 bus arriving.

Direction: Chorlton 102 bus Time Schedule 25 stops Chorlton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:35 AM - 4:35 PM

Monday 6:15 AM - 8:35 PM Tuesday 6:15 AM - 8:35 PM , Portland Street, Manchester Wednesday 6:15 AM - 8:35 PM

Hart Street, Thursday 6:15 AM - 8:35 PM 103 Princess Street, Manchester Friday 6:15 AM - 8:35 PM

India House, Manchester City Centre Saturday 10:40 AM - 6:15 PM Atwood Street, Manchester

Oxford Road Station, Manchester City Centre West, Manchester 102 bus Info Chester Street, Manchester City Centre Direction: Chorlton Street, Manchester Stops: 25 Trip Duration: 28 min Cavendish Street, Chorlton upon Medlock Line Summary: Piccadilly Gardens, Chinatown, Cambridge Street, Manchester Manchester City Centre, Hart Street, Manchester City Centre, India House, Manchester City Centre, Oxford Boundary Street West, Chorlton upon Medlock Road Station, Manchester City Centre, Chester 21 Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester Street, Manchester City Centre, Cavendish Street, Chorlton upon Medlock, Boundary Street West, Booth Street West, Chorlton upon Medlock Chorlton upon Medlock, Booth Street West, Chorlton upon Medlock, Dental Hosp, Chorlton upon Medlock, Dental Hosp, Chorlton upon Medlock Boundary Lane, Hulme, Princess Road, Hulme, Moss Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester Lane East, , Great Western Street, Moss Side, Claremont Road, Moss Side, Alexandra Park, Boundary Lane, Hulme Moss Side, Garswood Road, Moss Side, Platt Lane, Falloweld, Wilbraham Road, Falloweld, Mauldeth Princess Road, Hulme Road West, Falloweld, Whitchurch Road, Greenheys Lane West, Manchester , Withington Metrolink Stop, Withington, Princess Road, West , Nell Lane, West Moss Lane East, Moss Side Didsbury, Southern Cemetery, Chorlton

Great Western Street, Moss Side

Claremont Road, Moss Side

Alexandra Park, Moss Side 245 Princess Road, Manchester

Garswood Road, Moss Side

Platt Lane, Falloweld Princess Road, Manchester

Wilbraham Road, Falloweld

Mauldeth Road West, Falloweld

Whitchurch Road, Withington Princess Road, Manchester

Withington Metrolink Stop, Withington

Princess Road, West Didsbury Cavendish Road, Manchester

Nell Lane, West Didsbury Princess Road, Manchester

Southern Cemetery, Chorlton Direction: Piccadilly Gardens 102 bus Time Schedule 20 stops Piccadilly Gardens Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:35 AM - 3:38 PM

Monday 6:58 AM - 5:28 PM Southern Cemetery, Chorlton Tuesday 6:58 AM - 5:28 PM Nell Lane, West Didsbury Wednesday 6:58 AM - 5:28 PM Withington Metrolink Stop, Withington Thursday 6:58 AM - 5:28 PM

Moorgate Avenue, Withington Friday 6:58 AM - 5:28 PM

Whitchurch Road, Withington Saturday 9:14 AM - 5:27 PM Princess Road, Manchester

Mauldeth Road West, Falloweld

Wilbraham Road, Falloweld 102 bus Info Direction: Piccadilly Gardens Platt Lane, Falloweld Stops: 20 Trip Duration: 25 min Princess Road, Manchester Line Summary: Southern Cemetery, Chorlton, Nell Garswood Road, Moss Side Lane, West Didsbury, Withington Metrolink Stop, Withington, Moorgate Avenue, Withington, Whitchurch Road, Withington, Mauldeth Road West, Alexandra Park, Moss Side Falloweld, Wilbraham Road, Falloweld, Platt Lane, 245 Princess Road, Manchester Falloweld, Garswood Road, Moss Side, Alexandra Claremont Road, Moss Side Park, Moss Side, Claremont Road, Moss Side, Great Western Street, Moss Side, Moss Lane East, Moss Side, Princess Road, Hulme, Boundary Lane, Hulme, Great Western Street, Moss Side Dental Hosp, Chorlton upon Medlock, Portland Princess Road, Manchester Street, Manchester City Centre, Dickinson Street, Manchester City Centre, Chinatown, Manchester City Moss Lane East, Moss Side Centre, Piccadilly Gardens

Princess Road, Hulme Wellhead Close, Manchester

Boundary Lane, Hulme

Dental Hosp, Chorlton upon Medlock

Portland Street, Manchester City Centre

Dickinson Street, Manchester City Centre 106 106 Portland Street, Manchester

Chinatown, Manchester City Centre Portland Street, Manchester

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