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Strategy Committee 28 October 2002 S T R A T E G Y C O M M I T T E E 28 October 2002 at 7:30pm MEMBERS: Councillor Sean Brennan (Vice-Chair), and Councillors Angela (All Present) Baughan, Don Brims, Leslie Coman, Colin Hall, Charlie Mansell, Roger Thistle, Graham Tope, Edward Trevor and one vacancy. Also Councillors Tony Brett Young, Joan Crowhurst and Peter Attending: Geiringer. The Vice-Chair in the Chair. PART ‘A’ 989. SUTTON PERFORMING ARTS NETWORK (SPAN) - UPDATE Further to Minute 896/02, the Executive Head of Leisure Management presented an update on the current position with this organisation and the actions that had been taken since SPAN’s decision to close the Secombe Theatre had been reported. A Steering Group had been formed comprising representatives from SPAN and the Council. Carshalton College was also represented as they were involved in the education programme currently provided by SPAN. The group met weekly to share information and progress actions. A complete review had been carried out of SPAN’s trading position and financial arrangements in place. The Steering Group was also working on, and implementing, a closure plan for the Secombe Theatre. Sutton Arts Council had called a General meeting on 9 October to discuss the closure of the Secombe Theatre. The background and current position surrounding the decision had been explained. It was too early to make firm proposals about the future use of this facility. However, in order to assist this process, arts groups and users of the Theatre had been sent a questionnaire seeking information on the current level of local arts activity in the borough, and their future requirements. SPAN had produced a business plan linked to the future management of the Charles Cryer Theatre and Grove Hall, covering the period April 2003 to March 2004. This plan was being analysed to evaluate the assumptions and financial data produced. The outcome of this would be presented to this Committee. Meantime, the Council would be providing operational assistance to SPAN to help strengthen their infrastructure and ability to promote and provide an arts programme. The Council gave SPAN a grant of £300k in 2002/03 for running the Secombe Theatre, Charles Cryer and Grove Hall, paid in instalments. The final instalment of £60k was due in January 2003. The Committee had authorised the Strategic Director – Resources to bring forward grant payments to SPAN within the current budget, should this be necessary to keep the company viable. There would be a cost implication to the Council linked to the closure of the Secombe Theatre, connected with NNDR, security, grounds maintenance, insurance and general services. Environment and Leisure Group finance staff were working closely with SPAN to monitor the ongoing financial position. Particular attention was being paid to the Christmas show, in which a lot of funds and resources had been invested. Further reports would be submitted in due course. This item was considered in conjunction with two petitions submitted by residents who objected to the closure of the Secombe Theatre, elsewhere on the agenda (Minute 992/02). 1076 Strategy Committee 28 October 2002 Resolved: (i) To note the work that is currently being undertaken with the Sutton Performing Arts Network; (ii) To agree that further reports be presented to this Committee in due course. Written notice having been received from five councillors under Standing Order 17.3 requiring that a decision be taken by the Council on the grounds that Resolution (ii) is insufficiently clear on the future of the Secombe Theatre and they want the Council to add the following words to that Resolution “… including possible ways in which the Secombe Theatre can remain open for public use on the basis that the Council makes a grant similar in future years to that portion given to SPAN in 2002/03 relating to the Secombe Theatre”, Resolution (ii) above is. RECOMMENDED: for consideration by the Council . PART ‘B’ 990. MIKE COOPER Councillor Sean Brennan paid tribute to the Council’s former Leader, Mike Cooper, who had recently resigned as a councillor. Mike had been a respected and popular Leader and had been admired for his great determination, strong convictions and principles. He had been totally committed to the Council and had enhanced its reputation, both locally and nationally and had played a big part in developing the Liberal Democrat’s vision for Sutton. A more formal occasion was being organised when he would be presented with a painting. Details would be sent to Members shortly. Councillor Edward Trevor thanked Mike for his work on behalf of the borough and wished him well for the future. Councillor Charlie Mansell also paid tribute to Mike’s contribution to the borough and expressed sadness that he had had to stand down for health reasons. 991. MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held on 1 October 2002 were agreed as a correct record, and signed by the Chair. 992. THE SECOMBE THEATRE Two petitions had been received, expressing concern about the closure of the Theatre. The first received, from the Doris Holford Stage School, bore around 120 signatures, with the prayer ‘Save Our Secombe’. The second petition had been signed by approximately 220 residents and also expressed concern about the closure of the Theatre and the way the matter had been handled. Resolved: To receive the petitions and consider them in conjunction with the report on the Sutton Performing Arts Network elsewhere on the Agenda (Minute 989/02 refers). 993. ROUNDSHAW ESTATE – POST OFFICE AND CHEMIST - PETITIONS Two petitions had been received concerning the future of the existing post office and pharmacy on the Roundshaw Estate. The prayer to the first received, which bore 450+ signatures read:- “We as residents of Roundshaw need our post office and chemist. These 1077 Strategy Committee 28 October 2002 shops are a necessity, providing essential services to all, particularly those most vulnerable, including the elderly and young mothers.” Mr John Munday addressed the meeting on behalf of all these petitioners, under the provisions of Standing Order 9. The second petition bore around 1000 signatures, the prayer to which read:- “We, the undersigned, strongly urge the Council to let Roundshaw Pharmacy continue to serve us from the new unit on Roundshaw.” An additional confidential letter was tabled in respect of the second petition and Mr Dean addressed the meeting on behalf of the petitioners. The Executive Head of Housing & Regeneration explained the background and current situation. It had always been the intention to retain retail units on the Estate to serve the residents. However, the new units were owned and would be managed, initially, by the developers, therefore it was not in the Council’s gift to resolve the problems direct. Nevertheless, officers were working with the residents, their M.P and ward councillors in talking to all the parties to try to facilitate a satisfactory solution and ensure these essential services continued on the Estate. Notice had been served on the retailers to vacate their properties by 28 November. However, subject to certain safeguards being in place to ensure vacant possession, it was hoped that this could be extended to cover the Christmas period. Members of the Committee expressed their support for the petitioners and hoped that the matter could be resolved satisfactorily. No answer could be given that evening, but it was recognised that a lot of work and negotiations were going on. Resolved: To receive the petitions and thank the petitioners for attending. 994. REVENUE BUDGET 2002/03 - REVIEW AS AT 30 SEPTEMBER 2002 The Executive Head of Financial Services reported the financial position at 30 September for the Council’s spending groups and estimated the full year effects in 2002/03 of current levels of spending and income. The latest position on the General Fund showed an overspending of £1.005k and a projected overspend of £292k for the full year. Summaries of the latest estimates reflecting service groups’ anticipated expenditure for 2002/03 compared to original estimates, major variances and the reasons for them, and DSOs’ latest trading positions were also reported. Resolved: (i) To note the current spending position against revised estimates and the impact on the Council’s projected balances; (ii) To note the continuing pressures identified by Strategic Directors and the actions taken by them to contain projected spending within approved budgets; (iii) That the position with voids and sheltered housing and alcohol and substance misuse placements be reported to the Social Care Services Performance Committee. 995. CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2002/03 The latest position on capital expenditure and resources for 2002/03 was reported. Capital expenditure at 27 September had been £11,943m. This represented 25% 1078 Strategy Committee 28 October 2002 of the estimate for the year. The comparable spend at the same stage last year had been 19%. A surplus in resources of £5.051m was forecast. The surplus had increased by £0.102m from the month 5 forecast. This was mainly due to forecast slippage on schemes to replace the fire alarm at the Central Library and to supply additional classrooms for post-16 provision at Cheam High School. This had been largely offset by the inclusion of schemes to amalgamate Tweeddale Infant and Junior Schools and to relocate the Rosehill Community Centre, agreed by this Committee at its last meeting. Transport for London (TfL) gave Sutton grant allocation of £1.46m as part funding for a number of transport related schemes such as road maintenance, local safety schemes, town centre initiatives etc. Such schemes were often subject to delay or even cancellation as they required extensive public consultation and approval by the relevant Area Committee.