Present) Coun
Strategy Committee 28 October 2002 S T R A T E G Y C O M M I T T E E 28 October 2002 at 7:30pm MEMBERS: Councillor Sean Brennan (Vice-Chair), and Councillors Angela (All Present) Baughan, Don Brims, Leslie Coman, Colin Hall, Charlie Mansell, Roger Thistle, Graham Tope, Edward Trevor and one vacancy. Also Councillors Tony Brett Young, Joan Crowhurst and Peter Attending: Geiringer. The Vice-Chair in the Chair. PART ‘A’ 989. SUTTON PERFORMING ARTS NETWORK (SPAN) - UPDATE Further to Minute 896/02, the Executive Head of Leisure Management presented an update on the current position with this organisation and the actions that had been taken since SPAN’s decision to close the Secombe Theatre had been reported. A Steering Group had been formed comprising representatives from SPAN and the Council. Carshalton College was also represented as they were involved in the education programme currently provided by SPAN. The group met weekly to share information and progress actions. A complete review had been carried out of SPAN’s trading position and financial arrangements in place. The Steering Group was also working on, and implementing, a closure plan for the Secombe Theatre. Sutton Arts Council had called a General meeting on 9 October to discuss the closure of the Secombe Theatre. The background and current position surrounding the decision had been explained. It was too early to make firm proposals about the future use of this facility. However, in order to assist this process, arts groups and users of the Theatre had been sent a questionnaire seeking information on the current level of local arts activity in the borough, and their future requirements.
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