Abergairn This may be a bit difficult to get to. Neither of the archaeologists of have seen it in person. But given the rough sketch that is known and Google Maps I can find it. It is not in good condition. In its prime it was likely a rectangular keep 3-4 stories tall with an attached round tower. As of 1921 there was only about 10 feet or less left of the main building. Directions from  Take the A93 towards  Take the left for the Pass of Ballater the B972.  Now there are two small driveways on the left, as soon as you get onto the B972.  Take the first path then turn left at the fork on the path. It will stop at a house.  The remains of the castle will be 300 feet directly north of the house. A little bit about the Abergairn Castle. The term “castle” might be a bit of a stretch for this location It was more likely a fortified outpost meant to guard where the River Gairn and the River Dee meet. Perhaps the best example in the area that you may have seen would be Knock Castle. The written history is likely wrong as it believes it is a hunting lodge. I have a different idea. The Castle was likely built in the reign of James VI and I at a time when the Farquharsons were beginning to flex their early muscles, as seen with Braemar Castle being constructed in 1628 to limit the Farquharsons. Abergairn was east of the main Highland locations of the on Deeside, southeast of the Glengairn holdings and west of the Cromar holdings and . In short if you look at it militarily, it was built in a great position to serve as a fortified watch tower. The history of the castle has been lost, I have been able to find little paper work that would state to its existence. Given that so much of the castle is down, I would be willing to take a bet on its demise coming in the aftermath of Culloden when so much of the area was burnt or torn down. I’m not sure on who owns the land where the castle is located, so that may present a bit of trouble, as well as its location some 300 feet behind the house, there is just not a really good other way to get there. The ruinous state makes me desirous of getting images and aerial footage of it to preserve whatever is left. https://canmore.org.uk/site/32446/abergairn-castle