NOV -6 1931 ©C18 133519 WEEKLY

Volume I, No. 25 WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 12, 1931 Price 5c Chicago Opera Broadcasts Start; Guest Stars This Week Include Richard Bonelli, Dorothy Stone, Iturbi; President, Mrs, Hoover Speak

First Lady To Jose Iturbi "Myrt and Write New Back-stage Commend 4 -H FOOTBALL Is Philharmonic Sketch for Radio Achievement This Week Soloist Sunday

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Mrs, Herbert Hoover, wife of the President, will greet all 4 -H club 1:15 p, m. WSAL Dartmouth vs, members in the United States during Harvard, Graham McNamee an- their second animal nation -wide ra- nouncing. (NBC), dio achievement day celebration in the 1:45 p. m. WKRC. Navy vs, Ohio. National Faint and Home Hour Ted Musing announcing, (CBS). Saturday (November 7) at 13.30 p. 1:30 p, m. WTAM (1070 Ice,) and Mrs. Hoover's talk will WEAO (570 ke.) Navy vs. a n little past 1:15, - Ohio State. Grant Ward ail The achievement day broa,mus will Roy Fliggy announcing. commend the 845,000 4 -H club boys com- 1:45 p. m. WLW. Northwestern vs. and girls who have successfully Minnesota, Bill Monday an- pleted agricultural projects this year. nouncing. (NBS). The first 15 minutes will be national and Stripes in scope, including "Stars SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Forever," by the U, S. Marine Band, an address by Dr, R. A, Pearson, 3:15 p. m, WGN (729 kc.) Chicago chairman of the executive committee Bears vs, Portsmouth. Qniun of Land Graut Colleges and Univer- Ryan announcing. sities, and the 4 -H club girls' song "Dreaming." During the nest 30 minutes, state programs will be broadcast direct Radio Stars from each of the network stations, including WLW, At the end of the From Chains half hour, the network will again be assembled for the final fifteen in- Share Program Jose Iturbi, one of the greatest sites from Washington. When Mrs. pianists of this generation, and the 1-Iooved will send her greetings to the one who has attained outstanding country youth and cotnntend them President Ioover's Unemployment success in the United States more for a year's work well done, Relief Committee will be represented rapidly titan any other visiting artist in make his in another radio program to be broad- the present century, will cast on the combined networks of the first network broadcast with the New National Broadcasting Company and York Philharmonic Symphony or- Columbia Broadcasting System, Sun- chestra, under the baton of Erich Sings in Kleiber the concert from Bonelli day night ( November 8) at 10:45. daring WSAI, will 3:00 to 5:00 p. m Sunday (Novem- WKRC, and probably net- Twilight Hour be the local outlets. ber 8), through the Columbia work and WKRC. provides the setting for Stars from both networks will pre - Show business, whence they came, Concert ssnt the program, although announce- Arriving in this country for the the "Myrt and Margo" broadcasts on the Columbia network and ments of their selection win not be first time in October, 1929, Iturbi WKRC at 7 p. m. daily except Saturday and Sunday. Off the air, made in advance. made his name a household word Myrt Vail, who the skits. Marge (right) is throughout America within three (left) is Myrtle writes Riehard Bonelli, baritone of the months. In that time he made ap Donna Damerai. The new program is sponsored by the William Chicago Civic Opera, and one of the pearances with the New York, Phila. Wrigley, Jr, (chewing gum) Company. few opera stars of America who is U. of Cincinnati delphia, Cincinnati, Boston, and American born, will be the guest to WLW Chicago symphony orchestras and was artist on the General Electric Sunday Returns heard in New York 10 times, includ- East Side, and Augusto Beuf, baritone, I-Lome Circle Program, to be broad- For Weekly Talks ing three sold-out recitals in Car- Chicago Civic Miss Di Leo will sing "Leonora," cast front station WSAI at 5 p, m, negie Hall, (November 8). Beuf will sing the role of Count Di Sunday Born in Valencia in 1885, Iturbi Opera Begins and Mr, Bonelli's program follows.. Luna, Antonio Curtis, tenor, The University of Cincinnati will studied at the conservatory in his of the Chicago company, God I Were the Tender Apple Radio Season popular star Would its third year of weekly educa- native city, where he was hailed as a will be heard as Manríco. Blossom (Londonderry Air),.,.Old Iris begin The Ton Grenadiers Schuman tional radio talks at WLW on Tues- child prodigy. He graduated from the Guiseppe Verdi's thrilling story of Gypsy Love Sens lrerh'r day (November 10) at 0:30 p, m. Paris Conservatoire at 17 with fall a gypsy's Trovatore" Bird Songs Eventide honors, and when he was 24 was ap- vengeance in "Il mny tdst Margetso Herbert A. Dane!, Assistant Pro- will introduce the opera season to Buick Plans Radio La Palonn Prodie fessor of Mathematics in the College pointed head of the piano faculty at radio listeners when the first act of the Hall of Fame The Lost Chord Snlliva of Engineering and Conunerce, will the Geneva Conservatory-a position Performance is picked up direct from give the first series of four talks on once held by Franz Liszt. the stage of the Chicago Civic Opera Structures," a The complete program for the con- Countess Olga Albani, Spanish "Great Engineering Saturday night (November 7) and series which last year created wide- cert will be: broadcast network at soprano, and the radio quartet includ- over an NBC spread interest, Pagan Symphony SmIrd 9 be ing James Melton, Lewis James, Complete Radio Programs P. m WLS (870 kc,) will The first two talks by Professor (First Broadcast Performance) the best millet if WLW and WSAI Phil Dewey, and Wilfred Glenn will for Greater Cincinnati Kleine Theater Suite,. Tech do be eo-starred with Frank Black's Dangel will deal with the Washing- (First Broadcast Performance) not decide to broadcast the opera. Description of the Mists Sy Two debuts orehestra in the new Buick Hall of and Network Key Stations ton National Monument at Washing- Intermission; artists will make their ton, D, and Eiffel Tower at Olio Downes tvitit the broad- Fame which begins Sunday (Novem- Page 6 C the Piano Concert in E Flat, K. 1g° Moran the company during Begin on Paris, towers built for no cast, They are Serafina Dí Leo, ber 8) at 9:45 p. m, on the NBC net - France- ose Iturbi and Orchestra utilitarian purpose. Prelude to 'Tie Psistersing,,'.,Wagoer soprano, a product of New York's I work including WSAI RADIO DIAL, \VEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 12, 1931. '_.-". .; ..-.-..-«._..-.-.- --.- Kathryn Meisle, Weekly RADIO DIAL f THOSE GOOD-LOOKIN' Opera Contralto, Puhliehed every Friday by the Radio Dial Publishing Co., 22 East Sings This Week 12th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Contents copyrighted. HOSlNELL GIRLS I Entered as second-class matter 1 ly 29. 1°81, ai the post office at Cincinnati, Ohio, I ,- be Act of Ma:eh a, 1870. Meiste, under Kathryn American con. tratto, who has starred with Editor E. E. HARRIS, Bus. Mgr. the NATALIE GIDDINGS, Chicago Opera Company and nit peared with many of the eoanlrys VOL. 'I WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 12, 1931 No.25 great symphony orchestras, will bt heard as soloist during thc Columbia Concerts program Wednesday (No. vemher Il), at 10:30 p. m. throúgh WHAT PRICE RADIO ENTERTAINERS? WKRC. How much is a broadcasting headliner worth? This man -sized and Eugene Ormandy, recently returned perhaps meddlesome question has been brought u9 recently by more from conducting a series of concerts than a common eroo of stories regarding what the air stars draw at by the Philadelphia Orchestra, sail the cashier's window. direct the orchestral part of this pro. To mention only a few current quotations on the talent market, a gram this week and hereafter. young crooner is said to pocket .2500 a week for appearing on a Following is the program in detail: Another vocalist of the same persuasion raises nightly chain program. Overture (The Secret of Sucznne). the ante to $3000. And a well -known stage star nicks the payroll to v\ro1LFnm¡ the reported extent of $7000 for one weekly turn as master of cere- Orchestra monies. Aria: "Che Faro, o lireedicc" .flud Doubtless it is hard for those of us who are struggling with a 10- Kathrvr Meisle and Orchestra in- Hungarian Dance Kn. c gropes letter -word meaning lack of prosperity to consider such princely Orchestra Some will contend that these headliners simply comes impartially. In the Luxembourg Gardens `Lowry do not earn what they receive. Others will retort that it's not the business anyway; that the sponsors pay the hills. Dames Amy 'Nulb listeners' Coming Hom, ivory But we are not sure that it is not the listeners' business. Kathryn )teinte the -figure weekly It is a significant fact that,with few exceptions, four Farandole (L'Art e,,cnne Suite) tibor stipends go to performers whose work falls in the popular class. Orchestra True, the same thing holds in many other fields besides radio.. Never- Les Filles de Cadiz Dellis theless, this condition is certain to have a definite, if somewhat indirect Kathryn Meise and Orchestra effect on what the listener hears. It puts before many a young artist these two alternatives: develop- ing some catchy trick that will mean big rewards quickly, or taking the longer, harder road to sound artistic success. That is not just a "The Tempest" by theory. It is a difficult choice on which hangs, not merely individual Will careers, but the character of radio programs. Shakespeare For, as promising youngsters take the enticing short cut -and many Make Radio Debut arc -the difficulty of finding artists able to do something more sub- stantial increases. No matter if we've used pictures of those good-looking Bos- However, another practical consideration may check this swing well Sisters before, this picture is too good to ignore. Remember, from Shakespeare's "The before it goes too far. The popular stars enjoy corpulent incomes while the three New Orleans girls are singing the Baker Chocolate pro- Scenes they are in their hey-day. But their twinkling is comparatively brief. Tempest" will be enacted during the Listeners whose radio memories date back three or four years can gram at 7:30 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays through "Romances of the Sea" program la think of performers who were sensations then but who have passed into WKRC on the Columbia network. be presented over WKRC and the oblivion long since. On the other hand, many an artist comparatively Columbia network at 9:30 p. tn., Sun. obscure then is still drawing a weekly pay check. If the facts could day (November 8). It is believed lonninnlutnnmmonnmmiumnilnpmbwulnulnutul :% Tem. be compiled they probably would show that the total earnings of these Arts Academy this will be the first time "The more consistent performers are larger than those of the temporary pest" ever has been presented over "it" names. Will Award Best g Jim and Walt the air. That should be something for ambitious youngsters to ponder. Announcer Thurs. Were Infant °- Sousa Enters His The annual award of thc American Prodigies and New Academy of Arts Letters for the 4 nlullnunnar n lnlnlunnnlnlnt)mnnnlnnlunnnmh:. 78th Year as best radio diction of the year will be made at a meeting of the Academy, Programs Begin Around the Dial which will be broadcast Thursday (November 12) at 12:15 p. m. over By THE DIAL TWISTER an NBC -WEAF network, probably Beginnig his seventy -eighth year, including WSAI. John Philip Sousa, America's "March Hamlin Garland, chairman of the King", will conduct his. 5i piece hard Radio Committee of the Academy, during the Goodyear program Tues. You DX brethren have another It's good to have the Armstrong at 8:30 old log Quakers (WLW, Tuesday at will present the gold medal to the day night (November 10) Mexican to add to the NBC network, including book. It's XER, on or around p. m.) featuring talks by well announcer winning the award and will p. m. on an be followed by the speech of accept- WSAI. 730 kilocycles, Dr. J. R. Brinkleÿ s known writers again. Most peopl new station. He used to run are interested to know how thei ance by the winner. Other speakers Sousa, who was 77 years old on KFKB, out at Milford, Kan., you favorite authors sound. Some will be Nicholas Murray Butler, Nov. 6, has just completed another remember. But last summer the times it's quite a surprise, too. president of Columbia University and successful road tour. Immediately Federal Radio Commission decided president of the Academy; President following his broadcast of Nov. 10, broadcasting could get along with - H. Lawrence Lowell, of Harvard: lie will go to Washington, D. C., Doc went over the Dr. Henry Hadley, composer, and saliere he will participate in the Ar. out )him. So If our ears aren't playing tricks Robert line near Del Rio, Texas, and built on us, Bob Brown, one of WLW's Underwood Johnson. mistice Day ceremonies. himself a 75,000 -watt outfit to im- call-boys, has put himself on record port programs into the United as the announcer for some "elec- that it's not entertaining. But wire, or States. Ycs, and it sounds like trical transcriptions." At least we they do talk about variety. Two hundred miles of 75,000 watts, sure enough. He's thought we recognized his voice more than the distance from Koko- been hammering in like WENR on a waxed program over another The youngsters seem to be get- mo to Kankakee, and back agaur.00l the last few nights. local station. ting the breaks hereabouts from coiled under the 36 -foot by floor in the main control room * 5:30 on to 6:15 p.m. They de- wiring NBC studios. In the Nestle's Chocolateers serve something from radio, right in the Chicago That Danger Fighters program (WCKY, Friday at 8 p.m.) Allen enough. But concentrating chil- (WHAS, Saturday at 8 p.m.) is in- dren's programs in one spot Joslyn is proving that a good mas- is Best terestingly different. It dramatizes ter of ceremonies doesn't have to hardly diversity. Ted Weems, who conducts the the stories behind important med- Here's a new picture Sellers program, heard Sunday over go in for wisecracking. In fact, he of Jim the ical discoveries. They're real sto- just about puts the show over The March Of Time (WKRC, and Walt, who sing the Korn an NBC network, remarks that ries. Strange somebody hasn't Friday at 8:30 p.m.) swings right real reason gentlemen prefer blondes single-handed. That ought to Parchie program at WLW at 10 worked them up before. provide the well -known food for along at a merry clip. These is that they like light love affairs. thought around the shops where dramatizations give you a slant on o'clock Monday, Wednesday and programs are built. the news that's almost startling Saturday nights. Loud cheers front band music * sometimes. Back in Shelbourn, Ind., Jim At DePaury Unversity, Walt fans over the new Goodyear pro- * * magic Harvard (at the piano, and Walt are re- wrote the book, lyrics and grams ( \VSAI, Tuesday at 8:30 and Oxford are figuring The Stuyvesant String Quartet mu' p.m. and Saturday at 9 p. an). One on staging an international debate puts on a program that's well ferred to as "those talented Bul- for several undergraduate offers Sousa, and the other Pryor. by short -wave. Ola well, boys wil worth the attention of those who lock boys." They were playing sical comedies. Even their fan Lugging in a concert orchestra be boys. like good music (WLW, Sunday at the piano and singing before mail inspires them to versiGca' sounds like trying to gild the lily. 11 a.m.). It's half hour is far they were old tion as in the case of But let's be thankful for two such from just a filler. enough to ride and song, For good music, done mighty bicycles. As a matter of "The Lonesome Old Lady From bands even part -time. refreshingly, you can count on Eu fact, Lucky Strike changes from B. A. Jim, only 21 years old now, was Lebanon," which was written gene Ormandy Presents (WKRC in Thursday at 9 p.m.). This up and Rolfé s orchestra to Andy Sannel- playing the piano on chatauqua after receiving a letter signed Says NBC, Paul Whiteman has coming conductor offers both vocal lás, Wayne King's and Gus Arn- circuits at age that way. Another of their par heims these next four the of five when dieted off 78 pounds fn the last four and instrumental numbers, of rare weeks his feet had to ular is "ff P months. Wonder when the har- charm. (WSAI, Tuesday, Thursdays, Sat- be propped up compositions with a which Ramona mony teams will ' please copy? urday at 10 p.m.). But will there box because he was too Wanted Male,' Most of the male duos seem to be be any change in the blood pres- small to touch the floor. of WLW frequently sings. Of course, it's only natural. Walt trying to out -beef Primo Camera. Jus sure of the advertising? was a euspeeh the same it's interesting to notice * bit backward in the devel- Although no one ever bow a Sponsor repeats when he And still another cosmetic pro- opment of his musical talents, it, Jim has been blind moos puts on two programs. For in gram; this time the Pompeian however, and didn't make his birth, his musseal Those Romances Of The Sea which makes stance, the new Prince Albert (WKRC, Monday at 9 p. m). Mil- first stage appearance until the talent even more remarkable., (WKRC, Suoday and Tuesday at Quarter Hour (WSAI, daily excep ton Rettenberg's smart orchestra t 9:30 p.rq.) are coming right to the Sunday at 7:30 p.m.). It's age of seven. He playa all the accompaniments almos fills the half hour divertingly. But mere - front among the week's dramatic a twin for the Camel Quarter if Both boys compose songs as for their songs and must Hour this keeps up the cream and pow - fee bills. The story of raising the $51 the sauce outfit's daily ad over der and perfume people are going well as arranging all music in oriae both words and music was a darb, - Columbia. Which doesn't mean to s'osa a majority stock in the air their highly indivtdualietic style. every program. RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 12, 1931.

(,ntumtureempanneIMi1x01mlaixNnDlallnaonl ; Florsheim Frolic «« PROGRAM JOTTINGS »» NANCY CARROLL, MOVIE STAR, = Moves to Sunday : Friday, November 6 the Moonshiners," a four -act com- edy SINGS AS GUEST OF VALLEE nlllllllllllll1111111111111lllllllllllllmlllllllllll 3:15 p. in. drama which dates from the !lllollllllatlll ItS WSMK, Dayton, O. days (1380 kc.). The Piko Hawaiian when any barn was a work- able theatre, will be played by the Trio, real atives, play honest -to- Nancy Carroll, whose goodness Hank Simmons' Show Boat Dra- winsome fea- Hawaiiani melodies. tures, piquant voice and nimble feet matic Company under French - Bauer sponsorship. have rocketed her into stardom i 4 5 p.m. \VHAS (NBC). The the talking pictures, makes one of Radio Guild will present the her rare microphone appearances first 10:30 p. in. WSMK. Complete part of a two -part radio version of when she sings as guest artist with football scores will be 'Hamlet." broadcast Rudy Vallee and his Connecticut # # # during the dance program from the Yankees Dayton, Greystone on the Fleischmann Yeast 9 p. n WCKY (NBC). Marion Ballroom. hour Thursday (November 12) at Harris, i blues singer of stage and 8:00 p. m., over WS.AI. screen, will be guest artist with Nat Sunday, November 8 Nancy will chat with Rudy and Brusiloff's orchestra during the Nestle program. 122:15 p.m. WSMK. Jack and sing several new songs in the man- ner that Fred area new harmony team on has endeared her to movie fans everywhere. Her radio broad- 8 p. m. \VSAI # the air. (NBC). cast is possible because she is now in New ably the most 12:45 p. m. WCKY (NBC). Mrs. York for a dramatic filch pro- popular Albert McGinnis will speak on duction at the Paramount Astoria female studios. star of the Na- "American Education" in the pro- An accomplished actress, tional gram of the Kentucly Federated the decline of pictured musical com- Broad- edy casting Com- Women's Clubs. Florence Gothard, has not affected her popularity-. accompanied pany is Jessica by Faye Tarvin, will Blue a es and sing. red hair proclaim Dragon ette, lead- Nancy's yIrish parenthood, and the ing lady with luck of Erin has attended her rise the Cities Serv- 2:15 p. m. \VL \V. Jean ten Have, to fame. After French violinist several years in ice Concert or- ' ^'1 and member of the musical comedy Cincinnati Conservatory and - vaudeville, chests. Shewon - -: `'' of Music Nancy turned up one day at the Para- faculty-, and Karol stardom in radio Liszniewski, mount lot to keep a luncheon engage- Polish pianist and !most overnight when she sang ensemble artist, ment with a friend. in will presented A gateman re- NBC's presentations of the Philco be in the Conserva- fused her admittance Jane Froman, who began her tory of Music artist program. and she poured Old Stager with Henry M. Neeley. upon him a torrent of Celtic wrath. radio career at WLW, is to be Before her. radio debut she played Ann Nichols, then casting "Abie's leads in such musical comedies as 2:80 p. m. WKRC (CBS). Dr. Irish Rose" for the movies, heard in the Florsheim Frolic on happened "The Sutdcnt Prince," and had the Charles L. O'Donnell, president of to pass by and observed in Nancy the NBC network hereafter at only singing role in "The Miracle." the University of Notre Dame, and the very girl for the coveted part of the Notre Dame University Choir "Rosemary." 4 p. m. on Sundays beginning 9 p. m. \VSAI of 40 voices, will broadcast in the (NBC). A banjo Nancy's birthday is November 19, this .week (November 8) instead specialty. by Harry Reser, Columbia School of the Air. Dr. director and this, together with her Irish an -, of the orchestra, will be heard O'Donnell will speak on "Religion of at dur- ancestry, should give Rudy several rmaer Carroll, ainging and daodnt the previous period (Friday ing the Cliquot in College Life." a.ealana< Club program with appropriate cues for orchestral nu or amr aaa s who 'a at 10 p. m.) Raymond Knight as master of cere- n' 11= vallee's e a artist one the Fleiaeh- bers. m nn proaram,uc monies. 4 p.m. # \VSAI (NBC). Second The change in the Flors- Florsheim Frolic appears at this heim stunt is the substitution of 9 p. nt. W KRC (CBS). Radio new time with King's Jesters taking the King's Jesters (once the reproductions of three popular places of Pratt and Sherman but American School of the Alr Howard Trio of WLW) for American stage favorites will be with Jane Froman and Ferde heard over the \VABC- Grofe's orchestra still going strong. Pratt and Sherman who started Columbia Resumes network on Friday, November 0, Its Daily RrcgrEnts out with the program as "the from 9 to 9:15 p. m. A member 5:30 p. m. \VLW (NBC). The The American two perfect heels." Ferde Grofe's of Gus Edward's original gang, Simoniz Guardsmen will parade School of the Air, Columbia's national radio school, a on Monday ( \VKRC 2:30 p. m.) resumes its broadcasting orchestra will continue as the young woman who came out musically at this time. The 15 -piece with a pro - of the West gram planned for every school day except recognized holidays nucleus of the to conquer sophis- dance orchestra is under the diree- until entertainment. ticated Btoadway in' the role of fion' df Harry Kogen. April 15,, Grote ' is the boy .. -ho wrote Queen of torchsingers, and a cone- + The schedule follows: dian famous Mississippi Suite," "Three for his "rube' roles 7:10 p. m. }VSAI (NBC). The Monday: History dramas for Shades of Blue," and orches- will be heard in the Regal Radio Campbell Orchestra, directed by 4.------intermediate and upper grades. Reproductions. Tuesday: trated Gershwin's Howard Lanin, at 7:15 p. m. Mon- Music appreciation "Rhapsody in Annunciator is geography for Blue." day, Wednesday, and Thursday, is intermediate and 9:30 p. m. \VSAI (NBC). Dorothy new on the NBC network. Husing's upper grades. Stone, eldest daughter of the come- Secret Wednesday: Literature dramati- dian Fred Stone, will be guest! c rations altercating with 7:30 p. ill. # art appre- artist in the Pond's program. WCKY. Margaret ciation Simrall, soprano, and Virginia lectures by Henry Turner CBS Children's # Bailey, former Duffey, pianist, will present the director of the 9:30 p. m. WLW (NBC). "Deep College of Music Cleveland Art Institute who did Programs Begin of Cincinnati similar lectures My Heart:' from "The Student concert. Miss Simrall will sing "By for the Ohio Monday on WKRC illPrince," will be offered as a the Bend of the River" (Edwards), School of the Air at \VL\V two soprano and tenor duet by Ruth "The years ago. Blue Bird" (C. Glenn), "The Thursday: Lyon and William Miller during Cave" (Schneider), "Night and the Music and Story tell- Uncle Olie is a Swede who lias ing for primary the Armour pi ogra . Curtains Drawn" (Ferrata), "I grades alternating devoted his life to making children o Heard You with elementary science for inter- Go By" (Wood) and mediate grades. happy. On Monday (November 8) 10 p. in. WENR (870 # kc., NBC). "Mistress May" ( Niederhorn). Mildred Bailey will Miss Friday: Vocational guidance at 5:30 p. w., on WKRC and the scorch the at- Duffey's piano solos include talks mosphere with "Blues in My "Bohemian Dance" (Smetana!, and current events for upper Columbia network, he a of grades. begins year Heart" when she apaears with Paul "Aria" from "A Sharp Minor children's programs. The broadcasts Whiteman's. Paint Men. Sonata" (Schumann) and "Stac- trill be Monday and Friday at 5:30 cato Etude' (Scharrvenha). PRESIDENT HOOVER 1' m., and 10 \l'SAl (NBC). Gus Wednesday- at 5:15. p.m. On Armistice Day (Wednesday, Uncle Arnheim's orcliestra plays the #_ 5:15 p.m. WABC Olie will be assisted by four November 11), two mtmnes of si mountaineers who have just come up Lucky Strike dance in place of (300 kc.). Fritz lencc Rolfe's orchestra, will be obsened at II a. in., from the Blue Ridge Mountains in Rolfe having Reiner, who left on all network stations Virginia gone to Europe on an often -post- the conductorship followed a to play children's favorites 11:02 by a 20- minute talk by Presi in their own hill -bill- nay. On each coned vacation. Arnheim is the of the Cincinnati dent Hoover lion of the sophisticated group who or- If you've .wondered how Ted who will accept, on program Uncle Olie will tell the chil- - s Symphony behalf of the nation, to a \ Vorld War dren something about one of their attend the fashionable Cocoanut chestra direct Husing manages to watch a foot- memorial placed the Philadelphia in Potomac Park great heroes, beginning with Admiral Grove in the Ambassador Hotel in by the citizens of the District B:rd. Los Angeles. Grand Opera, will ball game and talk about it at o An 1l- year -old boy will be Columbia, The program will b toaster of ceremonies. # r conduct a sym- the same time, glance at the heard over phony orchestra an NBC network -hid 7 sports announcer with his "An- may include \VL \ \r and the Cu Saturday, November selected from the lumbia network, ranks of the New nunciator" not including 12 noon \VENR (870 hr.). The and be enlightened. WKRC. At 10:43 a. m., the Leagu Quartet be heard York Philhar- for Remembrance Steinberg Mercie Men will monic Symphony At left is a cabinet equipped with will present it Has during the Vocal Varieties program annual met,lerial program, intro in the ' Mus from the NBC Chicago studios. twenty- -two push bottons -one annea by ringing of clmrd New Radio Shop Along the Wires" chimes. They are Elliott Stewart, Norman program, sponsored by the Amer- for each member of the teams- \VENR (870 kc.) prob- and ably will be the Foreign - made Cordon. Bob Geddes, Gordon ican Telephone best station for \ftinimerv, from and Telegraph which is operated by Husing's these programs. radio receivers, who were hrou"Itt Company and not yet routed to mur radio sets New York to the Middle West by nid -u estera stations observer Who watches the game WLW. on the Co- built out of oat- lumbia network. Reiner also is through field glasses. At right meal boxes and Bead of the orchestra department Radio Business nor any 12:10 p. m. WLW. Mrs. Herbert of is a cabinet which Husing haywire, White the Curtiss Institute of Musie, other kind of Hoover will speak from the and will he guest conductor Is So Good Papa House luring the second annual of the watches for his information. rad i o receiver PihilJe,fphia Symphony orchestra can stump Ely National 4 -H Club Achievemenn Twenty -two lights on the latter) Can't Name Baby Day program on the National o Steinberg, pioneer cabinet flash behind strips of Barkley- Schroeder, publicity who Home and Farm Hour. di- radio dealer, 9 KMOX (1070 he.) Be- rector of the Crosley RadioCorpo- Iras just opened ginning translucent lase his program with the over- ation and \VLWV, is the father his own store at 1:45 p. m. \VSAI (NBC). The ture from Tarnhauser," Maurice Hoeing has written the name of (proud, of course) of a new 633 Walnut Dartmouth- Harvard football gante, Baron will lead the Rony Steinberg Sym- the players. boy. It speaks well for the radio claims to carry parts and announced by Graham McNamee, phony orchestra in a broadcast fea- The device was de- eplacement business that Schroeder has been for ev ry type of set in will be played at Cambridge, Mass. turing Philip Steele, baritone, and veloped he by Husing and Columbia too busy to think of a name for world, from tt e first erystal re- David Gordon, tenor. The pro- his son. Suggestions are ceiver to the latest model superhetero- m. engineers and perfected, in its pour- 10 p. WKRC (CBS). "The gram will include the "Largo" from ing in. dyne. Drunkard's Legacy" or "Among (Continued on Page 4) present form, only this year. 1 iC Mt"t.R If M r IA MAI WV T\+K. ^---'-_ Viol Returns Program jottingtt Ea.. Marion Harris Should Know -- RUBINOFF To Haunt Thompson .. ...r iYou - " Will Sing Blues 1 .mod. M Inn V. ..1 .z Yaw . on Nestle Hour .1s.Jde - 11 i J, ,, q.._ oho r . W .d - 6. . . 9 N ° . . T.. - a+... -r1. . . .1 R " t,e. t r en l . . . we A ti at .ft _ ore.. w ,..A. A . 1.1 . ,s wt !'.. R ' I.A n a A. A \_ 141.1 ® C -.+. t r,. «. n I- . r-. , r 017 A .- - too.- i m . _ Cw. n1 iel P .,.;. Y . . f .O I e -1 i .l . J %77,- RWa re WAY te ... n , . l'. w. .e.:. 1 , AV 0.- Ye+ - . r ... N- . n . . . - C d,O , r' . 1 Si . . . . pie .. A... .I... t Ae . ,h . 11 . . ."1,.,O.e.oO. . . II ...... Y t I Rickety Old Balalaika .1 ... .. _ Gave Youngster "A;1,'¡'1',`;1"d li' .1. R .1 n a 1 - - oo rO,TYAtU r...., Start As Musician '" t. . 4 1 14 . I 1 4 ... M._ 11 ...... dr n h.l rt. i. d leen, .w O.p.,A.. .. $ , ,n ne n . 011 ,A - l.» <. l,. WA. r ...... \.J. U...J. .I.I.I., 0d..e A..n,e, end .d. pl Ole] .O ... ,1,. ,.«L p r . 1. (\ bLa - J lt l T' 1. .d %n "G In. R ...... O.e.1,...... ) . O -1 w .1. ..wwa .. d oO. N .13 .e . A.. n 1.11 . d Ie o . ( A. - - I .. N11.1 Y. h... :- n. --1 of 6n... ,A.... nJ OI h . . r N. <.. .A Ye 'N .n.1+...M..I1..- Co- r. et A.... .n \nn. . to [r. edd'o .. n..1 .n The r., of ,le . n . Ir. . 1.. 1 Ia.,b.. q ,. O .A. . nnp 1..J . I. f« he J. .1,. 1 . R A. n fit <.1.A..,.d . +1... `Li J .. Ian.' I t. \I. nJa . 'ornJxr o ái. a... d.o .,. nd ,A.... o.

s N TÄ - to 11 AAA. . I. 1 ilt r Stan . 1. . , N n . tl Nor. . , F...i.. r M r.... I }. . . lima . I. 1 .1 -y d' , Ga FRESH r .` Tue.d.1, \osemhcr 10 / N / p \ 1 H. brrr A from the rouge' íA. 'S.Ar.ot Load. I< . The N t 11 a en, - . , PRESS LBM 1 aY rifler IN YLARS . CDYrt.r YT IL Sri CTtoLI or Ur..r,p .I C.. Yof lt RAMP r...,.

I Rl' r rrl op Fob! Its a 5l.lL (.t.h us-01r issue al Rad o ...... w. .n + ... . f 11..1 teaJs to at Yos1 at* ut I".t .%t nl s fati I tre ts sCiiART1 RADIO sliOP 1 R. l 11 - as pre - r t Y ... I..lwtr .v R. Q1... SriG p N 1 f' . 31 ihr V - 7 a1 e-let ta -i a.thrla - Ytvb a- is re, -.t' a1 Y- t far,. e ten \ r .t I ' situated \', 4*. J tatrr a Y e- re pt CROSLEY at 1 s Cc -+ r, t úa t the -11 111 \îl- LITLFELLA TENSTRIKE C ColnpleteLlne \ r.00iT M ).... IS.... - IOCIT N 1 5-1-16-Tube .,1. ,. , te . .A. ...-. 3636 Receivers S6á.50 .( O l. l 1. ...C.. r?. .. - ". '3611 i.Y t1d- ... to'99 _ erim M r e*4 ,,t .+(. Y. V- rr. r ..d ...... o. f p a n1 ...w Ir. Th. 1'4 's 1' W r 1 .rrSRaLTn.0 'sr ter .-i16411,.a OLa Griffi 1 Pismo ais. PRUES La1CrO/C AarO "sans s'44 Cash or Ternis .M Y S so.a VII. 7LakTOaT. w1 R\URl I)I.\L, \\FFh 1NhIXG NOVEMBER 12, 1931.

Program Jottings Effie Watts In B. A. Rolfe Goes I,- (C.ownm,ed I'ro.n Pare Doodlesocker \Vcdnesday, it Person to Europe; Three Dorothy Stone Nosctuber 11 Sings on Pond's In is seen. WI:RC Lead Lucky Strike Dribbles (CBS). Formerly Dance Program Commissioner B A. Rohe, director of Ille Lucky Sy SIDNEY TEN EYCK of Health in New Strike Dance ocelle ter, has g,xe cas York City, now Europe on a months satins, leavug United Stales the program to be {dale,' by the on Tumidly, and with that mode Senator from cheater directed by rills Arnhem] In possessed New acnbahlr feeling by York Stale, Royal Ln, Angeles, Naine Kmg in ('hr normal baby moose venturing not S. Copeland gives sago, an I \ndy Sangha ul New York the for VI inn rain the first time, health talk, on the ho probable sedl lead the former oiler my second attempt as a n Columbia network Lucky Strlkr band Tite program La of I sani rnny of overdo at this time and sein continue t be heard at 111 p. on. and under -worked columnists. at 10 o'clock on T ir,,lar, Thursday aad Saturdss Thursday morn Through BS \i au,loIn,r NBC sta- Charlie Dameron, Henry Thies' 10 tions. he palpitating tenor soloist will be Dean of them Flower Hon. featured in a three-hour program MMedical college. DAVID ROSS of base solo. the second Tuesday pilaf SPEAKING of nest week. Don't fail to miss 2:30 p.m. \\'E RC (CBS). The Add to Ill, list of apt similes this ancient this. Chinese "Legend of the one by David Ross, CBS a tiger. h ell," chosen as representative of "As unexciting ,as m Iodic skisss"s Be are overjoyed to obnen a that the vast store of literature that (The radio Liss is unsually calmed (Iancore Ihlftim:ton \IcConnick. gne to nuke up that Ckiui s lolk- bp the meeting of a performer's belnned of urn \Vaosp ), lore, is the first literature drama in lips and his osso hand). Sln'nnnmck l and esteemed grandson the American School of the Air. of lehahnd Throcknnorino McCoy w mob, has risen from Ills bed of :30 p. s pain and rejoined \\ LW's Top C)' \\'SAI (NBC). Gus : \nmhemy nlnor n rcheslra is The :doming Program again. \\'e GI anl y s Rice, one of the three celebrated musical sure missed the grizzled old Icalrn, originally a ngauizalious to be featured) in the lien linen like a father to ns. member of new Lucky Strike Dance lionrs, Dorothy Slone, eldest elaamgh R,uy's famous °lice was the piano player in a band ter of Fred Stone, end a singing "Gang." will be l 1.ns Augrle' famous Cocoanut The Dutch Master's Wednesday and night NBC offering will not featitred in the Crowe, where. he now presides as dancing ear in her own irri- Alobiloil Sophie tate your sensitive ear s' o n - leader, Tucker "last of the right, will present two songs die drums, ceel. Opinion is (Belied, however, when Arco In red'hot niai' discovered hies recently introdnced in London

[coded m when Marcella starts talking. Those fly Nil and took him on a sandeville Tour. Shilkret's The first song lie was when she appe are as gnc.l enter- )',Ass are allnosl as bad as the ones or ever wrote chest ran she will "Sweet Sue." tainer on tho Pond' prog .m in this column. sing "Soon," Friday night (November 6) st "When Your 9:30 on an NBC network inrinnd Bradley Einraid lines in emistant (toy Becomes New policemen on duty in the ing WSAT. fear of the day whim his waistline ,fan," "They Didn't Brlirse Abe." will be a li'ing . q,le of (ohow vicinity of the NBC utn(lins now Douglas Sunbury, baritone, sings recognize Richard Gordon, who One nmmhdr is s ballad, "1 tight the skin rail n Inc stretched with the orchestra in vocal `aaR.. ex. plays the title role in Ille Sherlock Lotto That Man,' and the uthnnt breaking. Bend down, choruses. other Ill other, bend dwn. Holmes radio dranmas. They enjoy dance tune, No, this isn't an artist's modal "kidding" hint about his fictional "Laterpaeerl Rhythmic Feet." Is e Thursday, November 12 nor a Parisian mannequin. It's feeds and challenging him to solve Both I owe Arthur two dol. Ainsworth just plain Effie Watts New l'ock's major murder prob- composed especially for her and lars. I wonder it I could square 3:13 p.m. 'nVSMK. The Vaga. of Tomp. bond Mike on its kjne lems. Ile thinks policemen are have not yet been heard in chie nutters 1 ink he's daily search for Corners, U. S. A. She just by saying tl tie about the most interesting persons finest announcer in the world. Ex- Broadway Brevities sparkles with dresses up like this sshen the country, wit and piq mini passages of non- he knows, cepting one other, of course. That's photographer is coming into Leo Reisman. ore 'voua sill human nature. sense from Broadway. loss n. Mice Watts is one of tho play Inno from Peler Arno' leading character. of the weekly new show, "There Goes the Pardon lime a fens momentsu e is whilst :m p.m, NSA( (N 11C). Johannes I grab a set titan of finely woven Brahms. l Hungarian omposer of NBC broadcasts of "Real Folks," Bride, l t'. p and massage a few freshly almost every musical r form except \VLW Monday 10,30 p, m., and wa vd dishes with it \\ iping the open, will be the "reincarnated" ie played by Phoehe Mackay, of Limo Irate, of moistureinure (loin spa goes' honor in the Arco Dra- wellknoun radio actress. WORLD NEWS kling r ocken, in all MIL-bands matie hfusicale. Ibis music will be in Lamy, o of lino', s greatest prix played and sung, his life history It significant perhaps that the "March of Time" RC, dew,.. (naaa). reviewed. program MK Several years ago Richard Gordon, S:do briday nights), which depots who mix plays "Sherlock Holmes" happenings in en cry part of the Watching Tom Richely (WLW) 7° p u \ \SAI (NBC. The in the NBC radio .ketches ol that globe, is b rnadcau frofrom the bang on his aged Lucky Strike Dance will be played rhythmically name, seas prrformiug in a Spanish- "World Studio" at Columbia. On xylophone reminds us of a Dyak by Andy Sannella, longa altisieiall in B. American War melodrama. (lis the alle f this studio are mural. basket weaver doing a Swedish tap A. Rolls', orchestra. He plays grandmother was im the audience. She by ( l ion Throcknsorton, illustrating dance on a piece of buttered toast. sacapholte, steel guitar, clarinet and violin. watched intently the mene in which various localities of the world. a Spanish soldier wailed in ambush Permit us to heartily recommend for the American boy the hero, played to p. n,. 'nVKILC (CBS). Edwin Ibc s c of tlnnsc two chicle by Gordon. Unaware of the lurking C. Hill, radio's new star front the Now it's synthetic syncopators. Ais donned r young song birds, '(our danger, the hero sauntered through : NBC audition recently was given s ire amf Nellie Their von res ranks of \menean newepal.ennen, the cage brush. will again take his place before the The Spaniard raised negro orchestra in which the trap u ogle splendidly with the ether) his rile, aimed. and leis finger tight- microphone as "The Man in the dr mms had no drums and cymbals, wanes sorgilig front the ened as the entire (house watched breath. Prom Row," with the Hart, Schaff- Ile use ,lr only tile ribs cal a wadibuard el \\CKY lessly. Then a sharp voice screamed ner and Marx Trumpeters.. :\ long and three skillets. Ilnl notes cause out nt from a trumpet and derby hat, hot Droppedin to see my old friend acquaiulancc with many pr ntiuenl "Look nut, Dirk. Behind that tree) from a tall, brown boy who hummed . \mericans, roumhined ss ith his keen Goldsmith. the little Colonel Dilk. there he is!" serve domicil a piece of paper cupped by of WKBC. Lee, you know, Is a powers of observation while There, standing up in the audience, ing "on the front line" of interview youthful orehe. saatcrglass. regular fount of wisdom under nag bin grandmother, pointing at the Ted Weems, ark in Nenv York and Ihroughont proerly applied pressure. startled Spanked and saving her dear tr. leader, conducts the orehes During the process of applying the country. enables dill to con- by no the air. Victor on Best sa:.i and aforementioned pressure duit a column She slopped the show anti brought Irs heard Ihn Sellers in. I curiously remarked. "Lee, my Young's orchestra rim dawn the hoase. program, broadcast each Sunday boy. as one half'baked announcer to another. have sight t 10:15 through WSAT why do musicians Students at Minnesota, Washing- to .00 maintain a strict silence during from the NBC network. rrerrams ton. LoLnnd Stanford. George The temporary absence of Ose voice while we do all the talk. \\ asisingtom Columbia, Ness York of "Rosie" from the nightly NEC other universities and 'The Tapping and many sketch, Goldhrrgs," was tac himsell lightly over the colleges are using as part of their by the illness of Rolyn Silber, cranium with a nine-pound crow W K It ( the new pja)s . bar assigned "orn.ide work" the role he orated thusly. Fis better' on to NBC lecture series economics PHILCO BEGIN tonight. World be silent and thought dumb than and psychology arranged by the premier. Here's sa..e to speak and remove all doubt on Rai and about National .Advisory Council at that Is the matter." . die- in Education as part of their CHICKENS Thrilling, Different. assigned curricula. a.m.r . ISe ts. Sp.-sheers Musk Drama . life, Drscosered during the process of St..,.r 10311 22015. MAJESTIC ng a beauty contest al the H. -Tee n. are,la -270 11. L.rSar. Lei her. spei.a. Lay m ne Ballroom last Friday TIME Hr.. . lSe IS. RADIOS e gam It at figures nn.y lie but never CORRECT Steel ..15415. o tall g suits. All poultry dr..ed leer while o. Savage, Easy, Ww ItC. nfICE DAILY w.hc5.. .eia,, er D t- dlr.ockingly yours, burst pearl and leeres wenn Universal and Williams SIDNI Y EYCK, heisse I. u. TEN (ì11B. Electric Washers Gnndon of Tarbaby Ten Eyck Consumers Poultry & Egg Co. We repair all makes of radios and Qt1F\ CITY RADIO SERVICE CO. Pwivy Asa Err. washing mach ... Qd De....ay, OW d Petal) PArk.n, VMS. 31. W. Ili St. lire.. aepsarea Aer:alr A.sed.,I Plu ..d Central A,.. as 4 ! 6¡VINJE-ÇARÊM.I 104$,. . W", Marheleed ail sake Tel.eS..e order. M ra._Oy Williams- Markland Co. ! r +e+°. 5.n' pissa pie. [ - el ,< may... ;._.- ,( JI 5e .p.. lraT 643 KI alalr 7121-71n PHONE ribllk,Yt 1 A!+iE .. 10 p. a aid S.ud., 7 a_ 12 CRwry 2440 yf WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 12, 1931. e RADIO DIAL, Friday, Notember16 WKRC Friday, November 6 Complete Programs 3:00-Vi-Zey Organ Prow am WSAI (225m.-1330 kc.) 3:30 - Grease -o5 Program A. St. To facilitate the finding of net- FRIDAY Lucilie Fox 3:45 -Radio Television Institute 8:00 -Gene and Glenn (NBC) work programs with no Cincinnati 4:00 -Light Opera Gems (CBS) 8:13 -Blue Grass Fiddlers stations more available November 6 4:15- Studio 8:45-Records millet, 4:20- Spritz Clothing Program than the key stations-WJZ, WEAF 9:15-Dave Roberts, banjo 4:30 -Webb Fad Prog, am 9(30- Records (for NBC) and WABC (CBS) are 4:45 -Edna Thomas (CBS) schedule, 9:45 -A. & P. Orchestra (NBC) listed in the network The 5:00-A. O. Rust -Happy Feet 10:00 -Mrs. Blake's Radio Column those pro- WCKY(202m.-1490kc.) Studio NBC) schedules include only 5:15- -Dr. Royal S. Copeland (NBC) 10:15 grams not .broadcast by Greater :30-Ci ncinnati Trade School Program 10:30 -National Home Hour (NBC) Mueiwlo Cincinnati radio stations. 5:45-Hub Clothing Company 10:45 -Savory Program (NBC) 6:00-Re -Nu-Pat Gilliek, organist log of stations mentioned in 7:00 Clock 11:00 -Music Appreciation t NBC) This -"Alarm Melodien"-Sunnbine 6:15-Allied Florists -Alex McQueen these schedules will assist dialers Trio 6:20 -Stocks -Cohle & Tyree Noon- General Electric Circle (NBC) in finding out -of -town programs: 7:30-Organ Reveries 6:21-Eurka Program Suggestions P. M. 8:00 -Kentucky Mountaineû 6:25 -Sports Review 12:15 KDKA, Pittsburgh-980 lac. 8:15-Morning DerOr,Ons (NBC) -Sign or 6:30 -Variety Program 12:50 Stock St. Louis -1090 kc, 8:30 -Cheerio (NBC) -Live Reports KMOX, 6:45 -R. B. Clothes -Grab Bag Boys 1:00 off kc. 9:00 -Dunkeri Club -Sign WENR, Chicago -950 6:59 -Time by Lange 3:00-Woman's Radio Review ke. 9:15 -Tunes in Blue :NBC) WGN, Chicago-720 7:00 -Wrigley -Nret and Marge (CBS) 4:00 -Betty Moore Decorating Notes WGY, Schenectady-790 kc. 9:30 -Vocal Varieties 7:75 -Cremo -Bing Crosby (CBS) (NBC) 9:45-Concert Music lac, 7:10 -Bober Bar-Boswell Sisters (CBS) Salute 'WHAS, Louisville -820 of 4:15- Crosley Dealers' 10:00 -Roy Perkins, Prince Aneapples' 7:45 -Camel Quarte -. Hour (CBS) WO?, Detroit -7S0 kc. (NBC) 4:30 -Records WLS, Chicago--570 ho. 8:00 -The Columbiana (CBS) 5:30 -Seger Ellis 10:15 -Hamilton (Ohio) Merchants. 8:15- Singin' Sam, Barbasol Man (CBS) Na -OSO by. Program 5:45-Records WSM, =Mille 6:30 -March of Time (CBS) WTAM, Cleveland -1070 kc. 10:45- Lebanon (Ohio) Program 6:30 -Talk by Alien Ricbards 9:00 -Regal Radio Reproduction (CBS) 6:45-The Stebbins Boys (NBC) 11:15 -Waltzes, Old and New 9:15 -Liberty Magazine Program (CBS) 11:30 -Skillet Lichens 7:00-Records 9:45- Friendly Fire Footnotes (CBS) i:30- Prince Albert Program (NBC) SOME THINGS COLUMBIA Nouu- Phil,s Melodies 10:00 -Pillsbury Pageant (CBS) 7.45-Trials of the Goldbergs ,NBC) ARTISTS WON'T 10:30 -,Talk by Football Coaches (CBS) P. M. 8:00- Cities Service Concert (NBC) BE WITHOUT 10:45- Studio Clicsluot Club (NBC) 12:30- Norris Brock. Livr Stock Reports 9:00- 11:00-Gruen Answe- Man 9:30- Pond's Dance INBC) Old Maestro Ben Bernie -those 12 :35-Luncheon Concert Review 11:05-Weather: Spo, is 10:00 -To be announced twenty long black cigars that he 1:00 -Sign of 11:15-Pyol Program 10-30 -RICO Theater of the Air : NM.) smokes each da)'. 5:45 -Story Book Hour 11:30-Pat G,lbck. Studio 6:15 -Girl Reserves Program Front central Kentucky came 11:00 -Seger Ellis Commentator Kaltenborn - his M1,1nan1, ( -Ben Bern,t's Orchestra 11:15 -Hotel Gibson Orchestra 6:30 -Tommie and Willie con- lucky piece, a valuable curio. 6:55 -Ayers News Repo:r Lucille Fox with her throaty (CBS) Actor Jack Smart -his mustache 7:00 -Amos 'n' Andy (NBC) tralto and her southern accent to 12:30-Ship's Cale Orchestra (CBS) wax. 7:15-Kentucky Mou nr nelr sing blues in NI hat she terms a Announcer George Beuchler- 7:30 -Saunders Trio WABC (860 kc.) CBS his treasured old signet ring, th 7:45 -Cumberland Crooners "love -down" style. She plays her gift of an unknown but admir 8:00 -Nestles Program (NBC) own accompaniments to match P. M. fan, 6.30 -Earl Arnold's Orrbesna 1,0m 6:00 -Dave Abrams' Orchestra ing Lookout her singing. Although she only WLW (428m.-700 kc.) Walter Winchell -the hat whicl House 6:30 -Bert Lowe s Orchestra 9:00 -Interco, en Pair (NBC) stopped in at WCKY on her way 6:45 -Bird and Vash, comedy sketch .. he wears even at the microphone. 9:30 -Sun Dodgers home from a visit, she still is A. M. 10:45 -Fray and Braggiotto, piano team 11:00 -Street Singer her 5:30 -International Fiddlers 'stopping" there, thanks to 11 :15 -Eerie Madri R,tera's Orche sua fan following: She can be heard 6:00 - Physical Exercises 11:30 -Eddie Duchin Orchestra 7:15 -Delivery Boys every monday night at 7:30 and 7:30 Chandler,, Jr.. organ TODAY'S TRIUMPH -Arthur 12:30 -Nm l urne: Ann Leaf, with Ben Alley WFBE (250m.-1200 kc.) 7:45 and Jane on Saturdays at 13 p. m. -Jolly Bill (NBC) 1:00-Conniff s Inn Orchestra OF RADIO 8:00- Morning Devotions 1:30-Dave Abram' Orchestra 8.15 -Bradley Kincaid 8:30 -Bisso Piek -ups (NBC) 7:00 -Break of Day Friday, November 6 ENGINEERING WERE' 8:45 -Physical Exercises 7:15 -Musical Clock 4:45 -Bertha Mothers and Mrs. Hahn NEW 1932 8:13- Birthday 9:00 -Rumford School of Cookery Party 7:00 -Dinner Dance Music Economy Homes NBC SCREEN GRID 8:30 -Morning Tonie 9:15 -Town Crier WEAF (660 kc.) Times 7:15 -Post Question Box 9:30 Thoughts (NBC) 9:00 -Our Daily Thought -Beautiful 7:30 -Original Ibold Sport Review 9:45 -Premium Man 9:15 -Organ Recital, 6:00 -Waldorf. Astoria Orchestra Julius Monk 7:45 -Julius Sein 10:00 Stock Reports 9:45- Hawaiian Dreams -Live 6:30-Ray Perkins 8:00 -Hub Clothing Co. Plains 10:10 -Piano Solos 10:05 -Dot: Bright 6:45 -Stebbins Boys (also WGY) -WAVE Saying Program 8:15 -Adelaide Aplcl 10:15 & P. Orchestra SHORT 10:20 -Bolter Brushes -A. 7:00 -Major Bowes' Family (also WENS) Brennres 8:30 -Dry Ridge Health Hints 10:30 -Colonel Goodbody (NBC) 10:35- WP BE.RKO 9'30- Pond's Program -Rosman Orcb. Theatre Party 8:45 -Evening Dance Melodies 10:45 -Stokely Program 10:50 -Mrs. Evans' Questions 10:30 -RICO Theater of the Air and Ancrera 9:00 -Lackey Bows 11:00 -Music Appreciation Hoar (NBC) 11:00 -Shopping with Betty and 11 :4/0- Vincent Lopez Orehestra CONVERTER Bob 9:15 -Wrestling Matehes 11 :15-Ta1k on Mouth Hygiene 11:30- HOunrnives' Frohe )x i,l,zyati, t . -Cab Calloway NATIONALLY KNOWN 11:25-Pollyanna Shoe Talk MANUFACTURER Snow-Happiness Club 11:30 -W LW Stars 12:30 -Henry Tobias Orchestra (xtso will not permit on to use 11:45-River and Weather Report WENR) 11:55-Time Signals their nome 12:30 -How It Began 12:45- Luncheon Musicale WKRC (545m.-550 kc.) Nn011- Tuxedo Fiddlers 1:00 -around the Clock 1:15 -Matinee Musicale A. M. 1:45 -Dixie Tunes 12:15-Swift Program., Pat Bornes (NBC) WJZ (760 kc.) NBC 2:60-Studio Program 6:45 -God's Bible School- Sunrise Wor- 12:30 -River Reports P. M. 2:15- Variety ship 12:40 -Piano Solos 6:00-Raising Junior 2:30-Moods in Blue 7:45 -Gladys Carron, O, ganist 12:45- Market Reports 6:15- Coon -Sanders Orehestra 2:45 -Garden of Melody 6:00 -Roland Gaines and His Mountain 12 :50-Live Steck Fe yore '6:30- Sundial Bonnie Laddies Ran go:s National Farm and Home 3:15 -Novelty Notes I:00- Period 7:15- Boscal Moments with Alda 8:15 -Grab Bag Boys (NBC) 7:30 -Phil Cook (also KDKA) 3:30 -Vine Street Foot (CBS) Clinic 8:45 -The Old Dutch Girl 1:31 -Netherland Plaza Orchestra 7:45 -"Believe It or Not Ripley (abo 3:43 -Bol Reilh'c Cincinna,i Panthers 9:00 -Ha -Dees Hot Water Heater 2:00 -Ohio School or the Air KDKA) 4:15 -Julius Monk 9:15 -Super Maid Program 3:00 -Mormon Tabernacle Choir (NBC) 6:30 -Smith Brothers This simplified short-wave con- 9:30 -Consolidated Mere ban ts' Program 3:30 -Three Doctors (NBC) 3:15 -Story Telling 10:00 -Paul Whiteman' s Paint Men (also verter makes power tul low - Time 10:00-0001 Feature .CBS) 3:45 -Tick, Tack, Toe WHAS) 5:30 wave not out of any good AC -Spirituals 10:15-Time by Lange 4:00 -A. & P. Orchestra 10:20 -Clara, Lu and Em (also ROSA) Reaches 10 Radio. from 200 down 5:45-Sprier ,Prog, am :17- Woman's Hour- Tremletre Tully 4:30 -Village Rhymester 10:45-Waves of Melody (also eSOA; to 13 meters, giving you for- 10:45 -Don and Betty (CBS) 4:45 -Seger Ellis WJR) 6:00-Little Black Joe Rhythm eign programs, police calls end 11:00- Kings (CBS) 5:00 -Words and Music 11:00 -Slumber Music other low-wave 6:15-Musical Comedy Hits 11 :15-Blue Moon Program (CBS) reception. 5:15-Afternoon Revelers; Spike Herbert, 11:30-Jack Denny Orchestra II Parade 6:30-Studio :30-Melody (CBS) 511,1f,í, t songs 11:45 -Ruts Columho, REGULAR PRICE, $23.50 6.45- Bening Fmd Traveloguo -Jane Grey and ' Kampf, the Jeweler. 5:30- OldrMan Sunshine Artists" 5:45-Little Orphan Annie (NBC) 12:15-William Stoess Orchestra (also Noun -Blachbel ry Dudes 6:00 -Old Man Sunshine WEN R) KRAUSS' PRICE 6:15 -The Chatter UNIrI`EI) 5:30 -Mail Pouch Program 12:15 -Big More Mid -day Mode 6:45 -Lowell lá A DIO, I Thomas (NBC) 12:30 -Cincinnati Merchants. Program 7:00 -Amos 'n' Andy (NBC) 1103 VINE STREET 1:00- Fabcl -otre Varictes (CBS) 7:15 -Shoeing the Blues Away ^' s s and repair ver make 1 :15-Julia Hayes, Household Hints 7:30- Famous Beauties of History dio; era 1 :45-Syenol Program also y a complete /ire 1 7:45 -Old Reliable Singers 014.95 Parts. 2 :00-Pyol Program 8:15 -Natural Bridge SATURDAY CHERRY 6531 2:13 -Burck -Bauer Organ Melodies 6:30 -Smith Brothers (NBC) 2:30 -Ann Leaf at the Organ (CBS) 8:45 -Sisters of the Skillet (NBC) November 7 9.00 -Maxwell Hours Cotton Queen 9.30 -Armour Program (NBC) 17:00-Johnny Hames Orchestra from Netherland Plaza WÇKY (202m.-1490kc. ) French - Bauer, Incorporated 10:30-Varient'- Secess Interview with Thos. Gilbert Pearson COMPLETE brings the n&tionally famous 10:45 -Boh Newhall Sports Slices 7:00 -"Alarm Clock Melodies 5mbine 10:58- Estate Weather Man Trio WITH TUBES 11:00 -Van Camp Night Caps 7:30 -Organ Reveries 11 :30-Los 'Amigos 7:45- Kentueky Mountaineer FOR QUICK SERVICE I Hank 5x0,1 re/Olt -Hotel Gibson Orchestra 8:15 -Morning Devotions (NEC) Simmons Show Boat 8:30- Cheerio CALL MAin 0769 12:15 -William Stoma Orchestra (to Blue (NBC) Network) 9:00 -Dunkeri Club to you every Saturday night 19:15 -Tunes in Blue l 9.30 -Vocal Variety over Station WKRC 9:45 -Hawaiian Medicts from Au ATLAS 10:00 JANE GREY 10:00 -Willies Muaie School of the to it o'clock and 10:45 -Classic Hour t1 :00- Musical Novelties the Kampf Artists 11:30-Skillet Liekers KLAUSS -Mon., Wed., Fri. 111 EAST FIFTH ST, French-Bauer 11A5 A.M. M. & T. RADIO SHOP AL. THREM, Pro, PHONE MAM 0)68 Sponsored bee INCORPORATED RADIOS TESTED IN YOUR HOME OPEN EVFNL\GS Gwvetel The A. W. Kempf Jewelry Co. Rse r Rea ,uH. Sati,fat,en Nort3Wde: 1h33 Hamilton Aga "Better Dairy Products Since 1892" Di.,nand Remaontfng u As Near As Poor Terepheo. srreialieea Market) Hamilton, O.: 160 High St I 1735 Elm (at Findlay 18 West Sloth St. PArkway 4573 RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING NOVE11113P.R 12, 19311.

Saturday, November 6 WCKY WSAI Saturday, November 6 WEAF Saturday, November 6 Philaas M,lodim "Three Bakers" Go From Noon= White 10:30-fits-vide It :15 -Jesse Crawford, organ 11:30 S,91t 11:30 -Coon Sanders Orch, (also WTA86) Stock Reporte House -Live Reports 12:30-Norris to Log Cabin Via Radio 11:45 -Records raldniaht-Rudy Vallee and Connect:c,y :05 n Concert -Luneheo Noon -Sign off Yankees (WTAM) 1:00-Sign 06 -Story Book Hour 12:30-Vincent Lopca Orch. (IVTAM) 6:10 -Hokum 5 Hawaiians 1:45- Dartmoulk,e.naM /rolball Game 6:30-Hokum M (NBC) Mountaineer 3,00- Dancing Melodies i11OC) 55AYeNews Report 4:00 -Records 7:00 -Amos M. Andy (NBC) 4:15 -Croslcy Dealers' aalte 7:15- Tastyeast Jesters (NBC) 4:30- Records WJZ (760 kc.) NBC 7:30 -Show Boat Boys 5:00 -Southern Singers ad Raymond Lover !NBC) 7,4,5-Radio's Greatest Atilch,m 6:00 Junior Fox -Raising 1.00 -Lucille 5:30 -Records 615-Gruen Answer Man 1.15- Combcdand Crooners 6:30 -Mr. Bones and Cr. 7NBC) Leal Boys Orchestra 6:30-Breyer 6.30 -Earl Arnold', Pro m 7:00 -Nick Lucas (NBC) 7:30- Benrus Program Lookout Honte That Safeguard Society 7:15 -Laws 7:48=Radió s Greatest Lover, LeMar 9:00- Audition Nile on rho Atr (NBC) (also KDKA) 9.30-Sun Dodgers 7:30- Prince Albert Program (NBC) 8,00-Danger Frrhires 7:45 -Trials of Ihr Goldbergs (NBC) 9:00 -Chicago Civic Opera 8:0O- Netherland Plaza Orchestre 10:30-Clara, Lu and Em (also N'GN) 8:30 -National Advisory Council an 10:45- Twenty Fingers of Harmony WFBE (250m. -1200 kc.) Radio in Education (NBC) 11:00- Slumber Music 9:00 -Goodyear Tir, -Soucis Band 11:30-Russ Colombo, songs (also 9:30 -Club Valspar (NBC) SVENR) 10:00 -Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra 7:00 -Break of Day 71:45-Lew While, organ Clock (NBC) 7:13 -Musical Fireside Singers Birlhdoy Party 1rí00- Netherland Plaza Orchestra Sttdniuht -Tb, 6.15- A. N1. 6:001- OurnDg Tonic Tunes 95 -Our Daily Though, 12:15 -Paul Whiteman Orchestra 9.15-Organ Recital, Jolly, M onk Brigt Saying m 10:25 -Ada Po- cooks WABC (860 kc.) CBS 10:20-Advanced French-Prof. Too many for culinary purposes but a very satisfactory A NBW 10:35-WEBER/CO Theatre Party number for vocal harmony,) he y are (left( to right)g t) Jack Parker, 6:00 -Anthony R>'a Clio IrssgeC`tiors 10:50-Ruch Neely Frank Luther, arranger Will Donaldson, and Darrel Woodyard, Tern? Oreheem, 11:00-Shopping with Betty and Bob 6:15 -The Chin,sc We Hear Abooe, SeYvrieo -Housewives Frolic whose songs as the Three Bakers" are a feature of the broad- Nathaniel Pilfer 11:30 call at your 6:30 -Bert Lown Orchestra AGAIN THIS WEER we will Noon-Happiness Club cast each Sunday at 7:30 p.m. on an NBC network including home and test all you, Radio tubca, vnita Sea 6:45 -Bird and Vash and make a general inspection of your P. M. WLW. Only Ray Perkins, "the spare baker," is missing but he's 7:30 -Reis and Dunn with orchestra entire Radio for- 12:30 -Hop It Began really the salt in the pancakes, 8:45 -Chicago Variety Program 11.45 -Luncheon Musicale 9:00 -Carborundum Hour, Indian Legend 1:00- Around the Clock The 'Three Bakers" are going into 9:30 -National Radio Forum WLW Saturday, November 6 CO C 1:15 -Two Irish Boys politics and will probably all cam- 11:00 -Jack Miller 11:00 -Moto -Ironing Time 11:13 1:30 -Hot Rhythm paign for in opposition to -Entre Madriguvàs Orchestra We offer you fins sec ' e for a limited president 11:15-Society 1:45 -Chas. Daunt, tenor Eddie Cantor when their program of American Florists 11:30 -SC Moritz Orchestra lime only on Radios of all makes and 2:00-Harvey Hardy 11:30-Live Stork Reports types. goes on the through WLW at 2:30 -Strike Up the Band air 11:45-Riper and Weather Reports 1,00 -Red Nichols Orchestra Radio of and expert knowledge of 3:00 -Novelty Notes 4:30 Sunday night (November 8). 11:55-Time Signals 1:30 -Dave Abrams' Orchestro Radio r cossi and ono a equipmentyzep 3:30 -Vocal Varieties Their offering of fun and music will tuen- Governmental Glimpses. Gilbert make Radinpossible for is to analyze your relire Radio quickly and correctly. 4:00- Memory Lane be called "The Three Bakers in B ettman, Attorney Geoaal 01 Tst,m 4:30 -Tea Time Tunes Washington, or, Who Remembers Ohio PHONE US NOW 5:00 -Moon Melodies President Fillmore?' WEAF (660 kc.) NBC 5:15 -Glory Telling Tim, Get cour call io immediately. Enjo0 the The scene is expected to 12:15 a o 5:30- Musical In lerlude political -Swift Program -Pat Barnes (NBC) satisfaction of dealing with n Mot finest opportun- 12:30 -National Farm and really knows Rodio. Remember,ca phone 6:00 -Moods in Blue offer the Bakers the Home (NBC) 12:45 -H Achievement Program 6:00 -Waldorf -Astoria Orchestra ra11 br;ngs an EXPERT. 6:15- Miniature Concert ity they have yet had to exercise their -4 2:15 -National Farm and Home 7:00 -Nick Lucas (NBC) 6:30- Vari_ty talents. They plan to reverse the (NBC) 1:30 -Netherland Plaza Orchestra 7:I5- "Arson byHusband or We' A -B -C Radio Soles & Service 6:45 -Boning 'Ford Travelogue usual presidential procedure by go- -Dean Gleason Archer Dinner Dance Music 2:00 -WLW Talent Bureau Program 7:00- ing from White House to log cabin. 2:30 -Murray Honoris Orchestra 11:00 -Lee Morse, songs Phone C}terry 5230, 1511 Race St, Question Box 7:15 -Post They have looked into the possibilities 3:00 -Plantation Days 7:30 -Original Ibold Sport Resuw of playing both sides of the Congres- 3:30 -Three Doctors 745- Murdock Williams the Idea 3:45 -Tick, Tack, Toe 6:00 -The Mansion Dance Orchestra sional record, but rejected 4:00 -A. R P. Orchestra 6'30 -Esther Covington and Jack Hirsch as "The Three Bakers" is not au program. 4:30- Seckalaoy Hawkins 840- Sonada Football Scores electrically transcribed 5:00-Croslcy Dealers ry Jl 6.45- Evening Slats Billy Aral and his orchestra 5:30- D,ckinson Seed Prngram 9:00 -Luckey Boys paraphrase some popular tines with 5:45-Lillie Orphan Annie (NBC) 915 -Dry Ridge Health Hints a political angle. Billy's musical bur- 6:00-Old Man Sunshine 9:30 -Reveries lesques are proving one of the best 6:15-The Chatter 10:00 n Dance Orchestra -am liked features of the program. 6:30-Netherland Plaza Orchestra 10130-Dream Fantasy 6'45 -Lowell Thomas (NBC) 7:00-Amos M. Andy (NBC) WKRC Saturday, November 6 7:15-Ho«I Gibson Orchestra 7:30 Theater of 1h, Air Smith -La Patina Program -Croslcy CRUISER NO 13 8:30 -Kale 8:00-Encore` WKRC (545m.=550 kc.) (CBS) 2080 W.LNINGSiON Wurzburg hfalt Program 8:30-Dance with Countess Dorsay GOTO 8:45 -The Old (NBC) AM. 9:00 -Junior Chamber of Commerce Prog. HOLD UP :- STATION WPDI 9:00-King Edward Cigar Rand 6 45-God's Bible School -Sunrise W.- 9:30 -Horse Shoe Gardens -Cliff Burns 9:30-The First Nighter (BBC) , AkINOUV.INGI . ship Simmons Show Boat-French- 10:00 -Hank 10:00 and Parchie 'SO- Gladys C.F.I. organist Bauer, Inc. (CBS) -Korn 10:15 Aran Serenaders 8 70- Roland Gaines and His Mountain Weather -The 11:00-Time and Interview with Rangers Review 10:30 -Variety -Sheens 11:03 -Sports B. Birdse3'e :45 -Grab Bag Boys 11:08- Studio Clarence 8:45 -Studio 10:46 -Bob Newhall Sports Slices 11:15-PYOl Program Man 9:00 -Commuters (CBS) Gillick, Studio 10:58-Estate Weather 11:30-Pat 11:00 Camp Night Caps 9:15 -Hub Clothing Co. Musicale 111,1niarht t -Guy Lombardo Orch. (CBS) -Van 11:30-Doodlesockers 9:30 -Consolidated Merchants' Program 12:30 -St. Morita Orchestra (CBS) 9:09-Time by Lange 11d,r10r1-Greeslone Ballroom Orchestra Plaza Orchestra 10 00- Woman's Tremlette Trolly 12:30 -Netherland Hour- Orchestra 10:30 -New World Salon Orchestra (CBS) 1:00 -Hotel Gibson 10:45- Syenol Contest Program 11:00-Julia Hayes; Househod Hints "WLW (428m. -700 kc.) 11:30 -TO be announced N"so- Blackberry Dudes WSAI (225m.-1330 kc. P.)1. 6:30- letcrnalional Fiddlers 12:11-Big Store Mid -day Music 1:00-Physical 13x,rciscs A. SI. ry 3iSAo. 12:30- Cincinnati Program 7:15-Delivery Boys 8:00 -Gene and Ginn (NBC) Merchants. Jr, 1:06-Pyol Program 7:30 -Organ, Arthur Chandler. 8:15 -McCormick's OId.Time Fiddles (N BC) 1:15-Football Souvenir ICES) 7:45 -Jolly Bill and Jane 8:45- Records 1:30-Football Game Nary vs. Ohio 8:00 -Morning Devotions 9:15 -Odas Aladdox, banjo - Kincaid Scale (CBS) 8:15 -Bradley 9:30 -Records 5:30 -Webb Fuel Program 8:30 -Tick, Tack. Toc 9:45 -A. A P. Program (NBC) Physical Exercises Blake s Radio Column (NEC) 6- Spanish Serenade (CBS) 6.45- 10:00 -Mrs. IteSì 5:00 -Eddie Dachins Orchestra (CBS) 9:00 -Girls' Program 10:15 -Servo Ellis 5:15-Radio Television Institute 9:05 -Pollyanna Shoe Talk 5 30- Cincinnati Trade School 9:10 -Organ Interlude N,sos E UNIT 5:45-Tropic -Aire, Inn: Football Scores 9:20 -Book and SHORT WA (CBS) 9:30 -Beautiful Thoughts (NBC) Bag 6.00- R,-Jarr Program -Pal GilSck. Organ 9:45 -WLW Mail Aton 3095 GET A NEW THRILL j/]yt/ Stock Reports Call 8.15- Allied Florists -Alex McQueen 10:00 -Live In radio you'll get police siitnals el Cinr;unal; ttlLpe // 6:20 -Stocks-Cohl, & Tyree 10:10 -Piano Solos' t other cities with this greatest of all Short 6:21 -Eureka Program Svggeslìon. 10:15 -A, & P. Orchestra Wcve Units. 95 6:25 -Spores IO :30- Colonel Goodbody (NBC) When your radio goes $ Old -Time Fiddlers Cam Ids 6:30-Variely SO :n0- McCormick's ;10.00 VALUE Program wrong, have REGULAR h Tabs 6:59 -Time by Lange 7:00 -Political Sil,lation in Washington SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED (CBS). LESTER SINGER RADIO 7:11 -Cremo Program- Bing Crosby RADIO REPLACEMENT PARTS . (CBS) FREE SERVICE SERVICE CO. romple'e line of re. 7:30- United Spanish War Veterans The most Speaker, Tubes c city. Trans. 7:45 -Camel ENGINEERS Your, Radio, ln eut palspa the Quarter Hour (CBS) Cincinnati's Best Equipped formers, and po000' nl 1100- United h!etelans or Eliminator tested FREE Spanish War Station Fix It in. parts for all lin else e 13:15 -Abe Lyman, Sterling Products Radio Sereice of charge. Bring tbem old AT CUT RATE PRICES.Or (CBS) All Makes of Radios OPEN EVENINGS UNT IL-9 P Serviced Rates Low - RADIO REPAIR SPECIALIST Expert Service Packs and Sound Gua.anleed S 'c on all Makes Power Best Results oft Radio Equipment LESTER E. YOUNG (Formerly 2126 Madison Road GS Krauss Inspector) JAMES FRENKEL LEOIi BASS i NAarùXlb WOodburn 3788 _ . J_eLy," cJrXlñ, Gjj MALNUT 7-' PHONE KIRBY 4435 v WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 12, 1931. g R.1DIO DIAL, wJZ Sunday, WKRC Sunday, November 8 November 10:15 -Harbor Lights (also G. Treater (CBS) WENR) Samuel 10 :45-Land of Wonder and :, York Philharmonic Symphony, Pear I 3:00 -Nc 11:00 -Witherspoon Chorus (also SUNDAY Jose S:urbi, Pianist (CBS) Box &D &A) Earl Arnold Letter 11:30 -Russ Columba Grey Barnhouse (CBS) 5:00-Rev. Donald 11.45 -South Sea Islanders November 8 ...... -.-.-.-. ..p 5:30- Xavier-Twenty Minutes of Good . Midnight-Henry Theis Orebeetra Reading C. A. F., Williamsburg, O. Merle 6:00- Chicago Knights (CBS) T1lorps can be heard over WCKY 6:15 -United Woolens Period night at 7:45 in WCKY(202m.- 1490kc.) 0:20- Eureka Program Suggestions every Thursday 6:25 -Sports Review "Famous Fallacies of Business." A. M. 6:30-Studio Max Bcndix World's Fair Band is 10:00 -Mexican Typica Orchestra 6:45 -Arch Preserver Band not on the air. Although the MONDAY 10:30 -Dulcie Markam 6:50 -Studio Hoosier Editor is not broadcasting 10:45 -Lena Pope, juvenile soprano 6:58 -Time by Lange is of his November 9 -Russian Singera (NBC) Julius at present. there rumor 11:00 7:00 -The World's Business -Dr. a big commer- 11:30-John Fielden, accordion Klein (CBS) early appearance on 11:45-Kentucky Mountaineer 7:15 -Charlie and Oscar (CBS) cial program. Aoun- Kapuas Hawaiians 7:30-Ludetis Novelty Orchestra (CBS) WCKY (202m.- 1490kc,) 6:00- Devils. Drugs and Doctors (CBS) T. F., Covington, Ky. Jim- P. M. 8:15- Philco Program- Tri -State Ignition Miss A. M. 12:15-Echoes of the Orient (NBC) "Your Child" (CBS) mie Burns tools the part of "Chico," Hoedowners 6:45 -Angdo Patri- 7:00 -"Alarm Clock Melodies"- SUnshke 12:30 -Buckeye Shoe Gardens -Cuff Burns the Italian, in the program over Trio off 9:00 -Horse 1:00 -Sign 9:30 of the Sea (CBS) Monday night. 7:30 Reveries Buckeye Hoedowners -Romances WCKY, -Organ 5:45- 10:00 -Streit Slumber Program a 4. r 8:00 -Kentucky Mountaineer 6:15 -Cumberland Crooners . Sports Review Lawson's Hawaiians 10:30 -Weather. Time, 8:15-Morning Devotions (NBC) 6:30- 10:38 -The Gauchos (CBS) Miss M. P., Cincinnati. Floyd 8:30- Cheerio (NBC) 7:00-Willys- Overland Program (NBC) a lecture tour, Mountalnee 10:45-President ' Hoover's Program for Gibbons is making 9:00- Dunkers' Club 7:15 -Kentucky Unemployment Rebat (CBS) NBC to 9:15 in Blue 7:30 -College of Music occasionally drops into -Tunes the Blues 11:45 -Ben Bernie's Orchestra (CBS) broadcast a news or sport event. 9:30 -Vocal Varieties 8:00 -Charlene Crooning Hawaiian 8:15 -Russell and Grady Hodges Midnight; -Eddie Duchin's Orch. (CBS) The Cuckoo program can be heard 9:45- Medleys 10 Dance 8:30 -Earl Arnold's Orchestra From Look. at 10 o'clock :00-Popular Melodies on Saturday nights 10:30 -Classic Hour out House over WIZ (660 kc.) or WJR 9:00- Duleie Markam 11:00 -Musical Novelties (750 kc.). 11:30 -Skillet Lichen 9:15 -Randall Fryer, tenor a a e 9:30-Sun-dodgere WLW (428m.-700 kc.) Boon-Phileas Melodies "As your Radio Dial magazine is working to improve Earl Arnold is the smiling, constantly 12:15 -Tuneful Melodies 9:00 -Cburch Forum little honest bland director of "Earl Arnold's radio broadcasting, a 12:30 -Norris Brock Live Stock Reports WFBE (250m, -1200 kc.) 9:30-Cbildren's Program (NBC) criticism is not out of place. While Luncheon Concert House," 10:00 of American Florists 12:35- Orchestra from Lookout -Society other eve- Kentucky Federation of Womes's A. M. Organ, Arthur Jr. visiting some friends the 12:45- a WCKY an- 10:15- Chandler, Clubs 8:00 -Break of Day (to quote frequent 10:25 -River Report ning, I noticed them do the same 8:30 -Concert Hour nouncement.) H i a orchestra 10:30 -Fiddlers Three (NBC) thing I have of late, turn off the 1:00 -Sign off Program this is the 5 :45-Story Book Hour 9:15-Birthday Party has been broadcasting from the 10A5 -Song for Today (NBC) radio. The reason for -Astoria Empire 9:30 to the Waite 6:15- Waldorf Room Oo -Invitation 11:00-Stuyvesant String Quartet advertising barrage you get on an nhestra BC) 10:15 Ridge Health Hints Kentucky station every night Morning Musicale (NBC) -Dry 11:30- evening of short 16- minute pro- 6:30 -Tommy and Willie 10:30 -Vocal Varieties except Monday for two years P. M. grams. At the beginning and end 6:55 -Ayers News Report 10:45-Beming Ford Travelogue is 11:00-Excerpts from the Operas with the result that Lookout 12:30 -Henry Theis Orchestra of these short programs there 7:00 -Amos 'ñ Andy (NBC) 11:30-Our Thought for Today House boa many visitors from 1:15 -Walter Damrosch Hour (NBC) the advertising talk until it is so 7:15- Tastyeast Jesters (NBC) 7:30 -Lucille Pox 11:45-Morning Melodies all country who, travel- 2:15 -Conservatory of Music continuous it becomes tiresome. A over the 2:30 -Yeast Poamere (NBC) benefits no one. 7:45 -Waves of Melody (NBC) silent radio 6:00- Hokum Trio ing through Kentucky, drop in 3:00- Crosley Theatre of the Ale Though I have a first -class radio 12:15-Galvsno and Cortez 3:30 -Crosley Roamios 6:15- Louise Ryder, Contralto Theatre to dance to Arnold's music. I have never been able to clearly 12:30 -UPA 9:00 -League of Little Flower (WJR) 8:30- Mystery Drama, "Castle Quaint" 12:45-Luncheon Melodies Arnold thinks his men muet be obtain WSAI. Upon investiga'7n 9:00 -Steve Bates Hour 5:00- Shuron Musical Sbowman 1:00-Jewish showmen ea well as musicians, 5:30-Simonie Program (NBC) I find others having the same 9:15 -Crinoline Girl 1:30 -Jubilee Singers 6:00 -Cincinnati Unemployment trouhle. Why is this? 9:30 -Sun Dodgers 1:45- Around the Clock so every man in hie band can do ReBd- Dorsey ConeerI Orchestra J. K. R., Cincinnati. 2:00 -James A. a solo act. To answer frequent 6:30 -The Chatter 2:15 -The Orioles 6:95 -Vanity Pair Program 2:30 -Bill Reitb's Cincinnati Panthers questions, let it be known that (NBC) Commission 7:00 -Johnny Hamp's Orchestra from The Federal Radio WFBE (250m.-1200 ka) 3:00 -Ralph Pinkston the orchestra's theme song, a Netherland lias put WSAI on a poor frequency and Nelson Plass A. III. 3:15 -Maurice 7:15 -Joey time Revue (NBC) where there is a great deal of inter- 3:30-Variety weird minor melody played by 7:00 -Break of Day 7:30 -The Three Bakers (NBC) ference from other stations on the 4:00 -Miss Thayer's Pupils the clarinete, has neither words 8:00 7:15- Musical Clock Variety, Bee Campbell -Enna Jettick Melodies (NBC) same wave band. It also limited Birthday 4:30- 8:15 -Collier's e:15- Party 4:45 -Post Symphony Hour nor name. Radio Hour (NBC) WSAI to 500 watts which is not 8:30-Morning Tonic Tunes Book Review 9 15 Bayuk Stag Party (NBC) 5:45 -Mrs. Lloyd Hoshaw, 9:45 sufficient power to override the in- 9:00 -Our Daily Thought 6:00 Twilight Reveries WFBE Sunday, November 8 -Kaffee Hag Slumber Music (NBC) 9:15 Julius - 10:15 -Gold Medal Express terference. -Organ Recital, Monk 6:30 -Church Federation Hour (NBC) 9:45 -Hawaiian Dreams Methvin 8:30 -Mansion Dance Orchestra 10:45-Variety 7:00 -Emma 9:00- Evening Stan 11:00 -Estate Weather 10:05 -Dot: Bright Saying Program 7:15 -With the Scouts Man 10:20 -Better Brushes Brevities 9:30 -Novelty Notes 11 :02-Greystone Ballroom Orchestra Sunday, November 8 7:30 -Crime Talk, "The Cincinnati 10:35 -WFBE -RKO Theatre Party Crime Committee" 9:45 -Douglas Pinguely, basso 11:30 -Moon River Regional 10:00- Mansion Dance Orchestra 11 :00-Shopping with Betty and Bob 7:40 -Original !hold Sport Review Midnight-Henry Thies' Orchestra WABC (860 kc.) CBS 11:30- Housewives' Frolic Time Fights H Hartntne, 10:30 -Dream Fantasy (NBC) 7:45- Old -arty Noon- Happiness Club 1:00 -Netherland Plaza Orchestra 6:30 -Howard Dandies or P. M. 6:30- Barnsdall Musicale Memories 12:30 -How It Began (545m. kc.) (KMOX only) 12:45- Luncheon Musicale. WKRC -550 8:15 -Music Along the Wires: Symphony 1 :00-Ar ound the Clock A. M. Orchestra 1:15 -Day Dreams WHY 9:00 -Rory Theatre Symphony (also 1:45 6:45 -God's Bible School -Sunrise Won WSAI (225m. -1330 kc.) -Dix'e Tunes ship WLAP) 2:15 -Variety P. M. 10:00- Ernest Hutcheson, pianist, and 2:45 -Afternoon Dance Frolic 9:00 -God's Bible School 2:15 -Sunday Bright 10:00 Program Spots (NBC) orchestra (also KMOX) 3:15 Julius Monk WORRY -Watchtower 2:30- Sermonette and Hymn Time - 10:15 -Jim Lightfield's Veteran Civic Hour 10:30 -The Gauchos 3:30 -Vine Street Foot Choir 3:00 -Wayne King Orchestra (NBC) 3:45 Noon -American Legion Program -Memory Lane 3:30- National Religious Services (NBC) 4:00 -Voice of the Strings the payments on P. M. 4:00- Flonheim Frolic (NBC) 4:30 -Hot Rhythm about 4 :30-The Wonder Program WEAF (660 kc.) NBC 1:00 Jewish Community Program (NBC) 4:45 -Hits from the Shows - 5 :00-N. B. C. Artists' Service Hour 5:1S -Story Telling. Time that new radio 1:30-Cathedral Hoff Hour (CBS) (NBC) r. M. 2:00 -Wallace 2:30 -Moonshine and Honeysuckle 5:30 -Tea Time Tunes Silver -Eight Sons of E 5:30 -General Electric Program (NBC) 3 S. Parkes 5:45 -Sprite Program (CBS) 6:00 -Catholic :30-Dr. Cadman 2:30 Hour (NBC) 11:15 -Interview: Glenn, H. 6:00 -Little Black Joe -Columbia Cburch of the Air -Dr -Through the Frank and DEFERRED 7:00 Opera Glass (NBC) G. Wells 6:15- Musical Interlude Iodent Club of 7.30- the Air (NBC) 11:30 -Jesse Crawford, organ 6:30 -Frank Aston 8:00 -Chase & Sanborn PAYMENT (NBC) Midnight -Henry Tobias Orchestra 6:45 -Bening Ford Travelogue ROELL & QUEHL 9:00 -"Our Government' -David Law 7:00 -Dinner Music RADIO SALON rence (NBC) 7:15 -Post Que,tion Box PROTECTION 9:15 -American Album of Familiar Music 7:30 -Original ]hold Sport Review "Oar Senke Sens 'Em" (NBC) Any WJZ (760 kc.) NBC 7:45 -Julius Sien Mako Radio Expertly Repaired 9:45 -The Buick Hall of Fame (NBC) 25.27 E. 6th Street P. M. 6:00 -Huh Clotb'ng Co. Players make 10:15 -Johnson Wax: Ted Weems' Or 8:15 -Evening Stars will your payments Just Wut e/ Monmouth chests (NBC) 4:30 -The Musical Showman 5:00 -National Vespers Dr. H. E. Fos- 8:30 -WFBE Players for you, if you are disabled SOuth 6865 NEWPORT, KY. 10:45- President Hoovers Unemployment - 9:00 -Luckey Boys Relief Program dick Hints International Gypsy Orchestra 9:15 -Dry Ridge Health by accident or sickness; also 5.30- 9:30 -Dance Melodies 6:00- Raising Junior Series. pay out the entire balance if 6:15-Veronica Wiggins, songs 9:45- Hinhli -his of the World Rob Bishow should 6:30 -My Portrait Gallery of Famous you be accidentally Britons 10:00 -Studio Program killed. HOW ARE ;YOU FEELING? 10:15 -Dream Fantasy Do you suffer from Nervous Disorders, Neuritis, High Blood eeeeeeeeeee You do not have to Pressure, Sinus, Rheumatism, etc.? Introducing WKRC (545m.-550 kc,) The New 1932 Series A. M. pay it back. 6:45 -God's Bible School -- Sunrise Wort Let Us Help You! ship MAYTAG 7:45 -Gladys Carron, Organist Ask your dealer for this Nationally Famous Electro- Magnetic 8:00 -Roland Gaines Mountain Ranged guarantee, or phone us. ELECTRIC WASHER 8:15 -Grah Bag Boys New modern features. New models 8:45 -The Old Dutch Girl (CBS) 9:00 -Commuters (CBS) M. & and lower prices. Come i and look W. Chittenden Co., Inc. THERONOID over this uptodatc line of washers. 9:30 -Consolidated Merchants' Program CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Easy credit and terms to suit you. 10:00 -Time by Lange will restore you to health. Nor a medicine or herb. but a magnetic MAin 1849 appliance used and endorsed by thousands of Cincinnatiansl Call at our ELECTRICI WASHERS $29s00 office or phone for home appointment and we will gladly explain and demonstrate free of all obligations. Big Savings in New Radios CALL Kirby 1253 DEALERS: Guaranteed RadioServfeent the THE VICTOR right price. We sail Yw If you do not already have one in the city without additignol service, phone no at once for THERONOID SALES, INC. WASHING MACHINE CO. berge. full particulars. 311 Lyric Theatre Bldg. MAin 5679 12 West 7th St. PArkway 0680 Cincinnati Radio Service Co. RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 12, 1931. 9 Monday, November 9 WKRC WSAI Monday, November Womada Hour- Tremlelte Tully 9 WJZ Monday, November 9, November 10 1 10:03- 10:15 -Organ Program 1:30-0rath Valley Oaye, drama°'(aleo 10:30 -Art Ory Cleaners 11:00-McCormick's Old Time Piddles 10:45- Salcan Program (CBS) Mary Hopple 11:30 -Records WLS) WFBE (250m, -1200 kc,)] Program 9:011-Maytag Orcbeetra (she EDKA; 11:00-Syenol Noon -General Electric Circle (NBC2 II:IS -Juan Hayes WLS) 11:45-Jane and "Kampf, the Jeweler, 10:00 -Gold Medal Express -Obman and 7:00 -Break of Day reY 12:15-Sign off ° Arden (also KOKA) 7:15 -Musical Clock 11:00-Slumber Sonn-Blackberry Dudes 12:50-Live Stock Reporta Music 8:15- Birtbday Party 1:00 -Sign off 11:30-Rum Columbo, .ones 8:30- Morning Tonic Tune. 1 P. M. 3:00-Woman's Radio Review (NBC) !] :15 -Lew White, organ 9:00 -0ar Oaily Thought ]2:15 -Big Store Midday Musical 4:00- Records Midnight- Mildred Bailey sod tk, 9:15 -Organ Recital, Julius Monk 12:30- Cincinnati Merchants' Program 4:13- Crosley Orders' Salute Kind. Jesters 9:15 -Morning Melodies Kenton Pbarmaceutical Program A-5e. 1:00- 4:30 -Recorde 10:05 -001: Brigbt Saying Program (CBS) 4:45- Minnabelle 12:13-Henry Tobias Orcbestra (a1w and Cbick 10:20 1:15 -Pines Automatic Winterfront 5:00-Crodry Singers WENR) -WFBE Beauty Helps 1:30 -Studio 5:30 -Odua Maddox, guitar 10:35 -WPBE -RKO Thealro Party 1.45-Hub Clothing Co. Musicale 5:45- Records 10:50 -Sister Mary'. Kitcben 2:00-Poo1 Program 6:30- Everyday Poems by George EWaton 11:00 -Shopping with Betty and Bob 2:15 -Bunk -Heuer Organ 6:45 -The Stebbins Boys (NBC) 2:30-American School of the Air (CBS) 7:00 -Vermont Lumberjacks (NBC) 3:50-Vi -2oo Program 7:15 -01man and Arden, pleno (NBC) 3:30-Arthur Jarrett (CBS) 7:30 -Prince Albert Program (NBC) TUESDAY 3:45 -Ben and Helen (CBS) 7:45 -Trials of the Goldberg, (NBC) FILTERMATIC PRODUCTS 4:00- Cincinnati Trade School Program 8:00 November 10 -Hotel Gibson Orchestra Help ou to ERST p55515 4:15 -Studio 8:30 -Voice of Firestone (NBC) Clothing reoept(on fromrare pour EADIO set, 4:2t- Sprite Program 9:00 -A. & P. Gypsies (NBC) 4:30 -Webb Puel Program 9:30 -General Motors (NBC) 4:45 -Studio 10:00 -True Story Program (NBC) WCKY(202m.-1490kc.) SUPER- 5:00 -A. O. Rust -Happy Peet 10:45-Simonie Guardsman (NBC) TONE 5:15 -Radio Television Institute 11:00 -Seger Ellis 7:00-"Alarm Clock Melodies" -Sunshine CONTROL 5:30 -Uncle 011ie and his Kremer Gang 11:15- Records (CBS) Trio 5:45 -Candy Quarter Hour (CBS) 7:30-Organ Melodies tÌó r Ìlió, t. by Lange 8:00 -Kentucky Mountaineer 6:59 -Time 8:15 veras teúñó 6:00 -Re -Nu Program -Pat Gillick, Organ -Morning Oevotiona (NBC) 8:30 -Cheerio (NBC) rodéma ió4 6:15 -Allied Plorish -Alex McQueen WABC (860 kc.) CBS 6:20 -Stocks -Coble & Tyree 9A0- Ounkera' Club ¢e ime. -foots te 9:15 -Tunes in Blue amulrrkéa. 1P1ÌÌ coon n! 6:21-Eureka Program Suggestions P, M. lees 6:25 -Sports Review Mary Hopplés one ambition 6:00 9:30 -Vocal Variety -Current Evento, H. V. Kaltenboes 9:45 Novelties will tom t sett suit`mar ear& 6:30 -Union Gas and Electric Program Thomas -Piano is to follow in the musical foot- L. Chadbourne 10:00 Dance Tunes e 1t0rdr camas harm the Ovest reds 6:45 -R. B. Clothes-Grab Bag Boys 6:30 -Popular -Reis and Dunn, comedy and songs 10:30- Classic Hour Ihlectfon 7:00 Wrigley Program -M :vt and Marge steps of Mme. Ernestine Schu- 6:15 mom - -Bird and Vash, comedy sketch TI ómoñé tZadA (CBS) 11:00 -Musical Novelties mann-Heink who has been her 8:15- Manhattan Serenaders 11:30 -Skillet Lickers 7:15 -Creme Pr ogre m-Bing Crosby 11:00-Leon Belasco, idol ever since the great con- Orchestra Noon- Philgas SUPER- FILTERMATIC (CBS) 11:15-Street Singer Melodies The Modern Aeriol 7:30 -Baker Bar -Boswell Sisters (CBS) tralto give Mary encouragement 11:30 -Enrie Madriguera's Cuban Orch. 7:45 -Camel Quarter ThOmende of Ind no Hour (CBS) while the latter was a very young A. M. 12:15 -Tuneful Topics 8:00-The Columbiana (CBS) 12:30 -Noble Sissle's Orchestra 12:30 -Norris Brock Live Stock Report. Áenotge.tR ri Éér an0..s 0:I5-Singiñ Sam, Barbasal Man (CBS) girl singing at a school concert 1:00- Anthony Trini Orchestra 12:35 -Luncheon Concert 8:30 -Kate Smith, La Paling (CBS) EóáÌ°)b1 (cóóó öndd.î v`eri in Lebanon, Pa. Miss Hopple 1:30-0ave Abrams' Orchestra ' 12:15 -Elinor Hurdle- Oramatic Reader allea, Helve ero (neon` 8:45 -Old Wurrburg Malt Program 1:00 -Sign off 9:00- Pompeian Make -Up Box sings now on the Enna Jettick >ñ 111áói e ceP (theralcru (CBS) 5:15 -Story Book Hour dlmlantly¢ ham va Ilda 9:15- Howard Barlow (CBS) programs (Sunday WLW 8 6:15 -John Pielden, Accordion It lv ten serenano. 9:30 -An Evening in Paris (CBS) 6:30 -Tommie and ' a tesie )e 1>ñowo m... p.m.) and on several .e Iutb v Ira 10:00- Robert Burns Panatella Program other NBC WEAF (660 kc.) NBC News Report 0o Inetmnl: W:ieh ea M lvutve, (CBS) features. Although she is suc- 7:00-Amos ' Andy (NBC) o 0 vo to I. 10:30- Toscha Seidel :CBS) P. M. sa cessful as a radio singer she 7:15 -Mrs. Rutb Miller, Soprano tta.005lñúltea ttusb0 i0O errs el 10:45 -Studio 6:00-Waldorf- Astoria Orchestra 7:30 -Charlene Crooning the Blues IÌeLlelvr n tester. 11:00 -Gruen Answer Man cherishes the idea of going to 6:30-Vaughn de Leath, contralto 7:45 -Back of the News in Wasbington Falco n(> 52.00 poótpñld., 11:03 -Time, Weather, Sports Review Europe soon to polish off her 8:00-Soconyland Sketches (NBC) 9vthttrNen r funded 11:12 -Pyol Program 11:00-Coon -Sanders' Orchestra 5:00 -Piano Recital by Fay Tarvis 11:30 -Pat Gillick, Organist musical education. When she 11:30 -Jesse Crawford, organ 8:15 ALL PROGRAMS -Durcie Markam Are Good with Mid. lght -Ben Bernie's Orchestra has become famous in opera as 11:15 -Cab Calloway Orchestra 8:30-Earl Arnold's Orchestra From Look- Midnight-Earl Hinei Orcbestra o FILTER- (CBs) well as radio out House MATZO, For all she wants to re- A. M. 9:00- Randall Pryer, Tenor radios on IS tire to have a husband, home, 12:30 -Tweet Hogan Orcbestra 9:15- Cumberland Crooners 11.00 postpaid. 9:30- Buckeye Hoedownas E nt 6( eutom beenomre r m,n and children. al=vo . WLW (428m.-700 kc.) dÌtato mera.e. lume. . ete. Na- WLW Monday, November 9 teuimlt 'Née?. ut. 1 aerial le A. M. (760 a1M /aP 3:00- Interviews by Alice Cory WJZ kc,) NBC UNIVERSAL 6.31- International RADIO SHOP i n atta ó 1ór6vdr mó es refunded Fiddlers 3:15 -Bradley Kincaid P. M. 1006 ORCHARO STREET 7:00- Physical Exercises 3:30 -Three Doctors (NBC) 6:00 -Raising Junior gO O eé 3d 7:15 -Tick, Tack. Toe 3:45 -Tick, Tack, Toe 96R, ñWkorÚérmlM > bct 7:30 -Organ, Arthur 6:15 -Peter van Staden Orebestia Guaranteed Radio Service Chandler. Jr. 4:00 -A. & P. Orchestra 6:40- Unemployment Relief Fiume nenPórDMañI{PrIM lot 7:45 -Jolly Bill and (NBC) Committee No Jab Teo Large Tee Smolt Jane 4:30 -Organ Matinee Program -No Jab Alco Fra Adrerticloe grnlce. 8:00 -Morning Oevotions 1:45 -The Three Brown Bears MFG. CO. 8:15 -Seger 7:30 -Phil Cook Phone 500th 1726 NEWPORT, KY. FILTERMATIC Ellis 5:00 -Chats with Peggy Winthrop (NBC) 8:00- Archer Gibson, organ (Dopt. R-el 4458 Fkd. Ave., PhDs., Pa, 8:30 -Bissell Pick -ups (NBC) 5:15 -Loa Vaqueros del Ramona 8:15 -Physical Exercises 5:15 -Little Orphan Annie (NBC) 9:00- Rumford School of Cookery 6:00 -Old bran Sunshine 9:15 -Musical Partraitt 6:15 -The Chatter 9:20 -Child Care and Training, Or. Ada 6:30 -Crosley Auto -Stokers Arlitt 6:45 -Lowell Thomas (NBC) -" 9:30 -Beautiful Thoughts( NBC) 7:00 -Amos 'n' Andy (NBC) 9:45 -Radio Folks- Interview with "Sid" 7:15- Sunaweet Melodies THE Ten Eyck 7:30- Variety- Succes. Interview with Best 10:00 -Live Stock Reporte Bob Butterfield Programs 10:10 WORLD'S -Piano Solos 7 :45-Seiberling Rubber Program 10:15 -A. & P. Orchestra 8:00- Smilin' Ed McConnell 10:30 -Colonel Goodbody (NBC) 8:30 -Hollingsworth Hall with a 10:45- Ramona 8:45 -Vick's Chemical Program 11:00 -Elliot Brock, violin recital 9:00 -Armco Bond 11:15-Mn. A. M. Goudies (NBC) 9:30-Musical Dominoes . (NBC) 11:30 -Society of American Florist. 10:00 -Korn and Parchie (Jim and Watt) 11'45 -River and Weather Reporta STEWART- WARNER 10:15 -Bob Newhall Sports Slices 11:55 -Time Signals 10:30 -Real Polk, (NBC) anon -Seger Ellis 00:00 -Van Camp Night Cap I1 :30-WLW Fanfares Short Wave Converter P.M. 12:15 -Swift Program -Pat Barnes (NBC) Midnight -Hotel Gibson Orchestra 12:30 -Hotel Gibson Orchestra 12:30 -Netherland Plaza Orcbestra 12:15- Market Reports 12:50 -Live Stock Reports 1:00- National Parm and Home (NBC) POLICE CALLS AIRPORTS 1:30- Netherland Plaza Orchestra 2:00 -Ohio School of the Air WSAI (225m. -1330 kc.) A. M. VIENNA SIDNEY 8:00-Gene and Glenn (NBC) RADIO TUBE SPECIALISTS 8:15-McCormick's Fiddler. Any type e/ Tube /er An, 8:45- Records VATICAN CITY BERLIN Make o/ Radie 9:75-Odes Maddox, guitar 9 :30-Records LINK'S 9:15-A. & P. Program (NBC) LONDON TUBE SHOP 10:00 -Mrs. Blake, Radio Column (NBC) PARIS GO7 WALNUT STREET 10:15 -Or. Royal S. Copeland (NBC) RADIO COMPLETE WITH TUBES REPAIRING PArkway ¢115 10:30 -Jean Carroll Please Tell Me (NBC) FOREIGN RECEPTION $2 3.95 Guaranteed with Can be Attached to your Present A. C. Set and bring It Up -to -Date STEWART - WARNER Short Wave Converter Call your nearest StewartWarner dealer or ob) to do but turn a knob) Get and thrill rao,re fag M seal and Cre or $2395 CO. at seal Easy AUTO -RAD SUPPLY and it you.>ou. Let ne demonstrate' COMPLETE CHerry 8234 s. Immerman COURT AND SYCAMORE 1221 Main Street CHerry 7304 12, 1931. 10 RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER Tuesday, November )p e]mIm111101111ml7tlaa lllllwlnrnlmMmalmm11wtolt WLW Tuesday, November 10 WFBE Tuesday, November 10 WFBE Tuesday, November 10 11:30 -Leon Belascds Orchestra Morning Devotions 11:30- Housewive.i Frolic Ibold Sport Review 8:00- 811d nigh t- Ship's Cafe Orchestra 7:30 -Original Alex McQueen 8:15 -Bradley Kincaid -Happiness Williams Noon Club 7:15 -Murdock 8:30 -Bissell Pick -ups (NBC) Dance Orchestra e 12:30 -Asbury Park 8:00 -Mansion Tells Strange 8:15 -Physical Exercises Orchestra 8:30 -Esther Covington and Jack Hirsch I :00-Hotel Bossent Orchestra Began 9:00 -Pennies Talk 12:30 -How It 8:15-Dry Ridge Health Hints Facts on Radio= 1 :30-Roseland Ballroom Orchestra 12:15 -Luncheon Musicale 9:15-Fashionette 9:00 -Luckey Boys Thoughts (NBC) 1:00-Around the Clock Hills Community Program C. InnnnnllnnnnlnlnlnlnunmmnnnnmwlRRlInuIm6 O 9:30 -Beautiful 9:15 -Western -Premium Man 1:15 -Two Idsh Boys 9:30 -Adelaide APfel 9:15 10:00 -Live Stock Reports WEAF (660 kc,) 1:30-Day Dreams 10:00 -Mansion Dance Orchestra NBC 10:10 -Piano Solo 2:00 -Ralph Pinkston 10:30-Dream Fantasy 2:15 -Vocal Varieties 10:15 -A. & P. Orchestra 6:00 -Waldorf-Astoria Goodbody (NBC) Orchestra 2:45 -Afternoon Melodies 10:30-Colonel 6:30 -Nick Lucas (also WENR) 3:00 -Miss Nauman. pianist 10:15 -Davis Mystery Chef (NBC) (NBC) 11:00 -Lee Morse, songs (WGY -790 kt) 3:15-Novelty Notes 11:00 -Mrs. A. M. Goudiss 11:15 -Jesse Crawford, WKRC (545m.-550 kc.) American Florists organ 3:30 -Bee Campbell 11:15- S(cieb of 11:30 -Jack Denny Orchestra Through the Looking Glass with 3:15-Moods in Blue 11:30- 111dnlFirt -Rudy Vallee Frances Ingram (NBC) Orchestra 1:00-Prof. Briol 1:15-God's Bible School- Sunrise Wor- (also WHAS) 1:15-Tea Time Tunes ship 11:15 -River and Weather Reports A. M. 11:55 Signals 1:30- Lucille Bauch. soprano 7:15-Gladys Carron. Organist -Time 12:30 -Jon Moss Orchestra 1:15-The Islanders 8:00-Roland Gaines Mountain Rangers Noon -Tuxedo Entertainers 5:15 -Story Telling Time 8:15 -Grab Bag Boys 5:30 -Musical Interlude 8:45- Studio 12:15 Program -Pat Barnes (NBC) 6:15- Strike Up the Band 9:00 -Commuters (CBS) -Swift WJZ (760 kc.) NBC Berning Ford Travelogue 9:30 -Consolidated Merchant. Program 12:30 -Hotel Gibson Orchestra 6:45- Market Rayons 7:00- Dinner Dance Musse 10:00 -O Feature (CBS) 12:45- 12:50 -Live Stock Reports 6:00 -Raising Junior 7:15 -Post Question Box 10:15-Time yb Lange 6:15- Rameses Program -Pollock 10.18- Woman's Hour-Trcmlette Tully 1:00- National Farm and Home (NBC) and Plaza Orchestra Lawnhurst 10:15 -Julia Hayes, Household Hints 1:30 -Netherland 2:00 -Ohio School of the Air 6:30 -Savannah Liners Orchestra 11 :15 -Face the World with a Smile (CBS) 7:30 -Phil Cook (also WENR) 11:30 -Vocal Art Trio (CBS) 3 :00-Crimelights Doctors (NBC) 7:15 -Back of the News in Washington Tune in Tonight 11:15 -Ben Alley 3:30 -Three 3:15 -Tick. Tack, Toe (also WHAS) Noon -Blackberry Dude. 4 :00-A. & P. Orchestra 8:30 -Heel Hugger Harmonies (also 1:30 -Organ Matinee WLS) 12:15 -Big Store Mid -day Music 5:00- Maleine Story Hour (NBC) 8:15- Sisters of the Skillet (also KDKA) 12:30 -Cincinnati Merchants' Program 5:30 -Los Vaqueros del Ramona 9:00-Household Finance (alo Essa) 1:00 -Pabst -ette Varieties (CBS) To prove that one literally can 5:15 -Little Orphan Annie (NBC) 10:00- Congressman J. M. Beck of 1:15 -Farm Network Program (CBS) fi :00 -.Old Man Sunshine Pennsylvania 2:00 -Pyol Program 'say it with flowers,' Alexander 6:15 -The Chatter 10:30-Clara, Lu and Em 2:15- Musical Americana (CBS) McQueen on the Allied Florists' S:30- "The Washington Monument"- 10:15-Paris Night Life (also KDKA) II :00-Slumber Music 2:30 -American School of the Air (CBS) at Herbert A. Dangel 3:00 -Columbia Salon Orchestra (CBS) program WKRC the other 6:45- tiowell Thomas (NBC) 11:30-Russ Colombo. songs 3:30 -Grease-off Program night (6:15 p. m, weekdays) 7:00 -Amos 'n Andy (NBC) 11:45 -Dream Pictures 3:15 Leaf at the Organ (CBS) Gaytees Orchestra, Odette Myrtil -Ann broadcast the sound made by a 7:15- 1:00 -Miriam Ray (CBS) (NBC) 12:15-Paul Whiteman Orchestra 4:15- Syenol Program growing geranium. All his pro- 7:30- Famous Beauties of History 1:30 -Webb Fuel Program grams are full of surprises; for 7:15 -Hotel Gibson Orchestra 4:15 -Phil Fisher's Orchestra (CBS) 8:00 -Armstrong Quakes (NBC) 5:00 -Frank Ross, Songs (CBS) instance, not long ago he gave 8:15- Vincent Lopez and his Valvatioccra 5:15 -Radio Television Institute the public the "low down" on Al 1:30 -Work Bubble Blowers 5:30- Cincinnati Trade School Memories WEDNESDAY Capone, using unpublished data. 9:00 -Maxwell House Musical 5:15 -Hub Clothing Co. Module 9:30 -Great Personalities: Frazier Hunt November 11 "The old 1:00 -Re-Nu-Pat GilSck. Organ Remember he's the original (NBC) 1:15- Allied Florists -Alex McQueen "Scrap Book Man" around these 10:00 -Chevrolet Chronicles 6:20 -Stocks -Cohle & Tyree 10:30 -Variety Maestro" ( 5:21- Eureka Program Suggestions parts and also the "Nothing But 10:15 -Bob Newhall Sports Slices WCKY (202m.-1490kc,) 6:25- Sports Review the 11:00 -Van Camp Program Hygrade Program Charlie and Truth Man," having broad- BEN BERNIE 5:30- - 11 :30-Crimelights Oscar (CBS) cast under those titles at every 7:00 -"Alarm Clock Melodies' -Sunshiet Midnight -Hotel Gibson Orchestra and oll the lodo 6:15 -R. B. Clothes-Grab Bag Boys local station. Trio It's safe to say 12:30- Netherland Plaza Orchestra 7:30 -Organ Reveries ore now on the air 6:59-Tune by Lange 7:00 -Wrigley Program -Myrt and Marge that he never yet has repeated 8:00 -Kentucky Mountaineer (CBS) himself although all the strange 8:15- Morning Devotions (NBC) A FULL 7:15 -Cremo Program -Bing Crosby 8:30- Cheerio (NBC) (CBS) facts he tells are dug out of un- WSAI (225m. -1330 kc.) 9:00- Donker,i Club HALF HOUR 7:30- Kaltenborn Edits the News (CBS¡ usual and obscure sources. He A. Ill. 9:15 -Tunes in Blue 7:15 -Camel Quarter Hour (CBS) Glenn (NBC) 9:30 -Vocal Variety has a remarkable collection of 8:00 -Gene and Concert on the 8:00 -Mills Brother. (CBS) McCormick's Fiddlers 9:13- Music 8:15- 10:00 Hale Martin's Houschon 8:15 -Abe Lymana Sterling Products dictionaries and encyclopedias. Records -Mary Program (CBS) 9:15- Period (NBC) BLUE RIBBON 9:15 -Odas Maddox. banjo 8:30 to say nothing of old and rare 10:15- Popular Dance Music -Red Goose Adventures (CBS) 9:30- Records PROGRAM 8.15 Gerardine Program Walter books and magazines. 10:30 -Classic Hour MALT -La - He has 9:45 & P. Program (NBC) Wincheu -A. 11:00 A. M. (CBS) been known to fill his apartment 10:00 -Mrs. Blake's Radio Column (NBC) -Mrs. Goudiss (NBC) EASTERN 9:00 -Ben Bernie's Blue Ribbon Malt 11,30-Skillet Liciters so full of books that it was 10:15- Records 9:00 P. M. TIME Orchestra (CBS) nec- Child " Dr. Ella Opp.. 11:15 -Musical Novelties 9:30 11:00 -"Your - -Romances f the Sea (CBS) essary for him to move into a hcimer (NBC) Noon- Philgas Melodies 10:00- United Woolens I Period 11:15 -Radio Household Institute (NBC) WKRC and CBS 10:05-Modern Male new home, renting the other one P. M. Chorus (CBS) 11:30- Records just for the books. 12:15 -Tuneful Topics Noon -G. E. Circle (NBC) 12:30-Norris Brock Live Stock Reports 12:35- Luncheon Concert Taeaday, November 10 1:00 -Sign off 12:15 -Sign off 10:tá -Star Brand 5:15 -Story Book Hour Shoe Revue (CBS) 12:50 -Live Stock Reports t0:30 -Eddie Schoelwer -Horses Neck 6:15- Waldorf- Astoria Empire Room On 1 ,00 -Sign off (NBC) 10:15 -Studio 3:00-Woman's Radio Review (NBC) ehestra 11:00 -Time and Weather 6:30- Tommie d Willie 1 :00-Records 11:03 -Sports Review 6:55 -Ayers News Report Newton 1:15 -Crosley Dealers' Saluto 7:00 -Amos Andy (NBC) 11:08-Studio Records 'ñ 11:15 Program 4:30- 7:15 -Hokum Trio -Pyol 5:00 Roberts. banjo RACE RÖ 11:30 -Pat -Dave 7:30 -Lena Pope, Soprano STREET s H Gi)lick Studio 5:15- Records 7 :15-Kapua's Hawaiians 3llrin fgt. t- Romanellïs Orch. (CBS) 5:30 -Riuso Talkie Happened to -What 8:00- National Battery Co., C o liege Jane (NBC) Memories (NBC) 5:15 -Records 8:15 -Brown Shoe Program -Guy Rob. Just the thing for a pleasant 6:30 -Vocal Solos WLW (428m.-700 kc.) enson (NBC) 6:15 -The Stebbins Boys (NBC) From A. M. Hymn Time 8:30 -Earl Arnold's Orchestra 7:00 -Midweek Federation Lookout line of conversation 6:30- International Fiddler. (NBC) House 9:00 -Duke. His Like and His Sisters 7:00 -Physical Exercises 7:30 -Prince Albert Program (NBC) 9:15 -Steve Bates. With Octofo0e = 7:15 -Tick, Tack, Toe 7:15 -The Trials of the Goldbergs (NBC) 7:30 -Organ Program, Arthur Chandler, 8:00 -Blackstone Plantation (NBC) 9:30 -Sun Dodgem Jun 8:30 -Goodyear Tire Program (NBC) 7:15 -Jolly 'Bill and Jane (NBC) 9:00 -McKesson Musical Magasine (NBC) 9 30- Fuller Brush Man (NBC) WFBE (250m.- 1200kC.) Telephone 10 :00-Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra A. M. (NBC) 11:00- Netherand Plaza Orchestra 7:00 -Break of Day STEWART -WARNER 7:15 -Musical Clock Table 8:15- Birthday Party 8:30- Morning Tonic Tunes WABC (860 kc.) CBS 9:00 -Our Daily Thought and Short Wave 9:15 -Organ Recital. Julien Monk P. M. 9:45- Hawaiian Dreams Converter 6:00 -National Seeurity League 10:05 -Dot: Bright SayioR Pmmgn Chair 5:15 -Hotel Taft Orchestra 10:20 -Better Brushes Brevities 6:15 -Bird and Vash, comedy sketch 10:35 -WFBE -RKO Theatre Party 10:30- Aesbesquee 10:50 -Mrs. Evans' Questions and 11:00-Jack Miller a Bob I I :00-Shopping with Betty Use Newton's Budget Plan 11:15 -Emit Madriguera's Cuban Orch. 11:30- Housewives' Frolic COMPLETE o -Happiness Club The holiday season is approaching and there will be many P. 31. Free demonstration in your social and business appointments. Have a comfortable, horns any 12:30 It Began time, Don't Slip in the -How roomy telephone set like the one illustrated in your home. anywhere. Terms, $S down. 12:15- Luncheon Melodies Clock This new set is beautifully finished in light and dark We will call at your home, inspect Bath Tub 1:00- Around the your radio, test your tubes and furnish 1:15- Matinee Musicale tenor walnut. turned legs and stretchers, sturdy construction, an estimate 2:00 -Chas. Daunt, of the cost on any make Use a De Luxe Rub- á1.47 Top measures 18''x13 %" -has a deep, roomy shelf. set for 75c. ber Mat in your tub. Aerials Erected, $2.00 95 -prevents slipping and painful A Real Holiday Bargain at accidence. Colors. 14:14 'a. WANTED UP -TOWN RADIO SHOP WILLIAM THREM, Prop. BOYS SEOLL RADIO DIAL SPARE To See our beautiful gift selections for Christmas 66 E. McMicken Avenue \chaefei's`S MAKE GOOD MONEY W Nomi.CA1, Priced from $1 to $5 CHerry 7985 Skate Soo Me. SI11n at Contr. i -20East4 :m F. Third SL We Deliver. Phone Win 1451 RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 12, 1931.

"Sisters of the Skillet" Work Way WKRC Wedneaday,November 11 WLW Wedneaday,November 11 WLW Wedneaday,November ll 4:20- Spritz Clothing 11:30-Society of American Florists 11:00- Greyamea Ballroom Orchestra Up on Leviathan 4;30 -Webb Pud Program 11:15 -River aod Weather Report 12:01-Hotel Gibaon Orchestra 4:55-Artists Recital (CBS) 11:55 -Time Signals 12:50 -Netherland Plata Orchestra 5:00 -A. O. Rust -Happy Peet Noon -Seger Elba 5:15 -Undo 011ie and biz Brunel Gang (CBS) P, 05, 5:50 -Cincinnati Trade School Program 5:45 -Hub Clothing Company Musicale 17:15-Swift Program (NBC) WSAI (225m.-1330 kc,); 6:00 -Re.Na -Pat Gillick, Organ 12:50-Holes Gibaon Orchestra 6:15 -Allied Florists -Alex McQueen 12:45-Marko Reports 6:20-- .Stocks -Cohle & Tyree 12:e0 -Live Stock Reports 5:00 -Gene and Glenn (NBC) 6:21 -Eureka Program Suggestions 1:00 -National Farm and Home (NBC) 8:15 -McCormick's Fiddlers

6:25 -Sporn Review 1:50- Netberltnd Plaza Orebetm 1 8:55 -Recorde 6:50 -Hotel Ta ft Orchestra (CBS) 2:00 -Obio School of Ibe Air 9115 -Dr, Royal S, Copeland (NBC) 6:45 -R. B. Clothes -Grab Bag Boys 3:00 -Armistice Day Program (NBC) 9:50-Recorda 6:09-Time by Lange 4:00 -A. & P. Orchestra 9:45 -A, A P. Program (NBC) 7:00 -Wrigley Program -Myrt and Marge 4:50 -Organ Matinee 10:00 -Mrs. Blake's Radio Column (NBC) (CBS) 1:00 -Chats with Peggy Winthrop (NBC) 10:15 -Jane Grant'a Steero Hour (NBC) 7:15 -Cremo Pr o g r a m-Bing Crosby 5:15-Mouth Health (NBC) 10:50 -Notional Home ]lour (NBC) (CBS) 5:30-Los Vaqueros del Ramona 11:00 -Keeping Up With Daughter (NBC) 7:50 -Baker Bar -Boswell Sisters (CBS) 3:45- LItIl, Orphan Annie (NBC) 11:15 -Radio Houaeh old Institute (NBC) 7:55 -Camel Quarles Hour (CBS) 6:00 -Old Man Suunahìse 11,50-Records 8:00 -Columbiana (CBS) 6:15-The Chatter Noon-G. E. Uncle (NBC) 8:15- Singin' Sam, Bar6asol Man (CBS) 6:30-Dr, Glenn Adams' Dog Talk 3:30 -La Palina Program -Kate Smith 6:55-Lowell Thomaa (NBC) P, st, (CBS) 7:00 -Amos 'n' Andy (NBC) 12:15-Sign off 6:45-The Old Wurzburg Malt Program 7:15-John Ruskin Donee Orchestra 12:50 -Live Stock Reports 9:00 -Gold Medal Past Freight (CBS) 7:50-Croslcy Ponies 1:00 -Sign off 9:30 -Eno Crime Club (CBS) 8:00 -R. P, D, Hour 3:00-Woman's Radio Review (NBC) 10:00-Vitality Penonatities (CBS) 8:15- Remington Rhythm Rounders 5:00 -Mary Steele, contralto 10.15 -Weed Tire Chain Program. (CBS) 8:00 -Jack Frost's Melody Momenta 1:13- Cro.ley Dealers' Solute 10:30 -Columbia Concerts Corporation Pro. (NBC) 4:30- Recorde gram (CBS) 9:00 -Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 5:00 -Sam Wilson, baritone 10:45- Studio 9:50 -Dutch Masters Minslrela (NBC) 5:15 -Records 11:00-Time, Weather, Sports Review 10:00-Korn and Parente 5:25 -Civil Service Talk 11,08-Studio tO:15-Variety 5:50 -Recorda 11:IS -Pro! Program 10:30 -Crosier Auto. Sleskers 6:50 -Larry Greiner, accordionist 11:50 -Pat Gilliek, Organist 10:45-Bob Newhall Spores Slices 6,45 -The Stebbins Boys (NBC) 7:00 -Nick Lucas (NBC) Midnight-Eddie Duchin'a Orch. (CBS) 10:58-Estate Weather Man 11:00-Van Camp Program 7:15-Campbell Soup Orchestra (NBC) 12:501 a. m.-St. Moritz Orel, (CBS)

WLW (428m. -700 kc.) A, Of. K. yes 6:50 -International Fiddlera Your 7:00 -Physical Exercises 7:15 -T,ek, Tack, Toe r ore worth looking into 7:50 -Organ Program, Arthur Chandler, Junior 7:45-Jolly Bill and Jane (NBC) 8:00 -Morning Devotions 8:15-Bradley Kincaid We offer you our 26 years' experience 8:30 -Bissell Pickups (NBC) 8:45- Physical Exercises in solving your eye problems -,xou will 9:00 -Musical Etching find our prices always the most reasonable 9,15 -Theodora Le Pevre, graphologist 9:50 -Beautiful Thoughts (NBC) In their apparently untiring arrived at the top of one of the 9:45 -Art Talk quest for the solution of domes- liner's huge smoke stacks where 10:00 -Live Stock Reports CO. of cameraman caught them put- 10:10 -Piano Solos GIBSON OPTICAL tic problems, radio's Sisters the 10:15 -A. & P, Orchestra DR. F. E. REUSCH-OPTONAET131ST. the Skillet (Eddie East below ting on a few final touches. 10:50 -Colonel Goodbody (NBC) Oppogita and Ralph Dumke above) tried to 10:45- Marley Personality Perfumn If the truth must be known, 51:00- Doromr Chase and the Charles ht43® Walnut St. iNhSrt . Hotel Gibeon help of the S. S. the skipper up the Platers Leviathan with his fall cleaning. the "Sisters' finally threw Starting at the bottom, they sponge and suggested wrapping worked their sway up until they the boat in cellophane.

WFBE Wedneaday,November ll WKRC Wedneaday,November ll 0:10 -Waltz Time 10:10 -Time by Lange 2 55-Afternoon Melodies 10:18-Woman's Hour- Tremlette Tully 5:11 -Bib Reicb's Cincinnati Panthera 10:45-Julia Hayes, Household Hints Announcing the Opening 5:50 -Vine. Street Foot Clinic 11:00 to 11:02 -Silence for Armistice Day 5:1S-Julius Monk 11:15 -Ben Alley (CBS) 4.00-Venetian Memorìea 11:30 -Musical Alphabet (CBS) 4:30-Tea Time Tunes 11:55-Jane Grey and "Kampl. the Jeweler, 5:00 -The Piratai Cave Artists'' of the 5:15 -Story Telling Time \ono-Syenol Program 5:30 -Galvano and Corree la, os. 5:55- Sprits Program 12:15 -Big Store Midday Music 6;00 -Little Black Joe 12:50 -Cincinnati Merchants' Program 6:15 -Novelly Notes 1:00 -Kenton Pharmaceutical Program 6:30 -Melodic Interlude (CBS) 6:15- Berning Ford Travelogue 1:15 -Farm Network (CBS) 7:00 -Dinner Music 2:00 -Pyol Program 7:15 Boa -Bauer Organ Melodies RE -Post Question 2:15 -Burek EMPI 7:30 -Original Ibold Sport Review 2:30 -American School of the Air (CBS) 7:45 -Y. W. C. A, Program 5:00 -To be announced (CBS) 8:00 -Hub Clothing Co. Players 5:15- Vi -Zor Program 6:15-Armistice Doc Program 3:40 -Radio Television Program (CBS) OFFICE 8:30 -Dry Ridge Health Hints 4:00-Cale De Witt Orchestra BOOKING 8:45-Variety 1:15- Studio 9;00- Luckey Boys 9:15 -M uslcal Interlude 30:00 -Studio 10:15 -Dream Fantasy BETTER RECEPTION VAUDEVILLE OR YOUR STANDARD WKRC (545m.-550 kc.) ATTRACTIONS 6:45 -God's Bible School -Sunrise Wor. MONEY BACK shier 7:05 - Gladys Gasren, Organirr For For your CLUB AND ENTERTAINMENT DEPARTMENT 8:00 -Roland Gaines' Mountain Rangers your 8:15 -Grab Bag Boys Home Auto 8:40 -Tbc Old Dutch Girl (CBS) 9:00- Hot Water Hester Ha -Dro, have im- 9:15 -Super Maid Program Thousands of ser owners I:00-Coeaolidaerd Merchants Program proved their radio reception with 10:00 -The 000) Feature (CBS) Representatives New York - Chicago -Los Angeles FLORENCE FREY ANTENÑ'arses AE BEAUTY EXPERT moat .a the sir Radio'. most powerful and 301 B. F. KEITH BUILDING selective inside aerial. Varier, of Every Thursday sizes from MAIN 2889 945 A.M. WLW $1.00 to $5.00 General Manager Club Department PERMANENT WAVE JIMMIE BURNS JESS FULLER S5.00 FISHWICK RADIO Hands.. - P.W... - tank PArkway 0681 PLORINCE WRIT STUDIO 226 E 8th St., 03 Wams Street CFMw essi 12 RADIO DIAL, WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 12, 1221.

WKRC Thursday, November 12 Thursday, November WSAI Wedoesday.November 1114 - -{1 11 3 :45-Virginia Arnold, Pianist (CBS) Albert (NBC) qql 7:30 -Prince I 4:00 Magic (CBS) the WLW's -Melody WSAI (225m. -1330 7:45 -The Trials of Gofdlur -s (NBC) Ç Georgiap Wildcats 4:30 -Webb Fuel Program kc,) B:00- Silver Inde (NBC) _.._ l 4.45 Hotel Taft Orchestra (CBS) S. Industrial Alcohol Program 8:15 -( Park Casino Orch. (CBS) 6:00 -Gene (NBC) 5:00- Asbury and Glean (NBC) 5:15 Television institute 8:15- 01.Carmi,k's 00 Concert -Radio 'sddters [ -H lsey- (NBC) Trade School 9:00 Program. (NBC) 5:30- Cincinnati 6:45- Records 5:45-Sweetheart Quarter Hour (CBS) 9:15 -Odns Maddox, banjo 9 30-20-Palmolive Colmolioe Haug (NBC) 6:00-Re-Nu-Pat 011lick, Organist 9:30- Records 10:30-Coca Cota n (NBC) 6:15 -Allied Florists -Alex M,Queen 9:45 -A R P. Program 11 :15 -Sage r Ellis, (NBC) Stocks -Cohle to Tyree 10:00 Blake's 11:15 -Hotel Gi bson Orchestra 6:20- -Mrs Radio Column (NBCI 6:21- Eureka Program Suggestions 10:15- Records 6: ?5- Sports Review. Weather 10.45 -Organ Program 6:30 -Hotel Bossert Orchestra (CBS) 11:00-Records Bag Boys WABC (8'0 kc.) CBS 6:45 -R. B. Clothes -Grab 11:15 -Radio Househo,d Institute (NBC) 6:59 by Lange 11:30-Records r. a1. -Time and Marge .6:00- 'Bill Schudt's Going to Press'. 7:00 -Wrist, Program-Myre Nona-G. E. Circle (NBC) 6:15 -Bert Lown Orchestra (CBS, -Crema o Crosby 6:45 -Bird and Vash, comedy sketch 7:15 Pr gram -Bing ( 12:50 -Live Stock Reports 5:45 -Mitla Brothers CBS) 7:45 Quarter Hour (CBS) 1:00 -Sigi off 10:15 -Leon Belasco's Orchestra -Camel Kal'onburr Edits the News (CBS) 3:00- Womais Radio Review 11:15 -Street Singer 7:30- (NBC) 1300- Public Dental Period 4:00 -Mona Motor Organ II :30 -Noble Sissle's Orchestra Recital 13:05 -Mills Brothers (CBS) 4:30- Crosley Dealers' Salute 8:15 -Abe Lyman -Sterling Products Pro- 4 :45-Records 1 00- Convies Inn Orchestra (CBS) 5 :00-Travel Talk I :30 -Dave Abrams' Orchestra gram 8:30 -La P.1 na Program -Kate Smith 5:15- Records 1 (CBS) I inso Talk -What H4ppenal N 6:45 -Angab Patri -"Your Child" (CBS) Jane (NBC) WRAF (660 kc.) NBC 9:00 -Horseshoe Gardens -Cliff Burns 5:45 -Records 9 :30-Love Story Program (CBS) 6:25- Better Business Bureau Talk r. M. 10 :00-Hart, Schaffner h Marx (CBS) 6:30 -Vocal Solos 6.00- Waldarf.Astoria Orchestra 10:30 -Peters Parade (CBS) 6:45 -The Stebbins Boys (NBC) 6:30 -Ray Perkins 10:45- Studio 7:00- Vermont Lumberjacks (NBC) 7:00 -Nick Lucas, Crooning Troubadour 11:00 -Time. Weather. Sports Review 7:15 -Campbell Soup Program (NBC) 11:15 -jesce Crawford 11 :08- Studio 7:30- Prince Albert Provram (NBC: 11:30- Vincent Lopez Orchestra 11:15 -Pyol Program 7:45 -The Trials of the Goldbergs DOC) Mills. ruht -Lew Coread', Orchestra 11:79-Time be Lange 6:00- Fleischmami Host (NBC) 11:30-Pal 0)11(0k. Organist 9 :00-Arco Dramatic Musical (NBC) 11:30 -Paul Whiteman's Orchestra 311í4311g- 1st -Gry Lombardo and His Or- 9:30 -Adventurs of She,iock Nobo,, chestra (CBS) (NBC) 10:00 -Dirt, Strike Dance Orchestra kc.) (NBC) WJZ (760 NBC 11:00 -Hotel Gibson Orchestra P. M. 6:00 -Music Treasure Box While neither Clayton Mc. siasm of a stamp collector. Let WI .W (428m.-700 kc.) 6:15- Rameses Program:. Muria) Pollock and Vee Lawnhuret, pianist Michen nor his original Georgia him hear of a fiddling contest 6:30 -Teddy Black Orchestra Wildcats resemble either wild- anywhere-from an agricultural 6:30- Inte :na :ional Fiddles WARC (800 kc.) CBS 6:40 -Unemployment Relief Committee: 7:00-Physical Exercises Serial or Copeland cats or old timers -as can easily exhibit to a Worlds Fair -and 7:15 -Tick. Tack. Toe P. 31. 7:30 -Phil Cook be seen with half an eye -the away he goes. a ten -to -one 7:30 -Oman Program. Arthur Chandler, 6:00 -Frank Ross, songs Its 6:15 -Hotel Bossert 7 :45-"Believe It or Not" Ripley (also musical efforts of 'em Junior Orchestra KDKA) this "burn bet that he will come back with 7:45 -tally Bill and Jane (NBC) 645 -Bird and Vash, comedy sketch 10 :00-Rochester Civic Orchestra (also down,' red -hot aggregation now another trophy. 8:00 -Morning Devotions 8:00 -The Milts Brothers KDKA) being heard each week over 8:15- ,,&(an Wildcats 9:00- Eugene Ormandy Quarte) 10:30 -Clara, Lu and Em Burt Layne, Hoyt Bryant and 13:30-Bissell Piek,ups (NBC) II:00 -St. Moritz Orchestra 10:45-Radio's Greaten Lover (also WLW more than justifies their Johnnie Barfield - the other 8:45 -Physical Exercises 1i:15 -Tack Miller WENS) daim to both terms. wildcats"-ere all post- 9:00- Garden Talk 11:30 -Leon Beiasco's Orchestra 11:00- Slumber Momie gradu- 9:10 -Organ Interlude 11:30-Russ Columbo. songs Hailed as "America's Cham- ates in southern hill -billy music. 9:20 -He -loh Talk by Dr.- Carl A. Witz- 1145- Nocturne: Ann Lea). with Elm 11:45 -Lew White, organ pion Old -time Fiddler,' Mc- All were born and reared in the bach ':On- Alley Ttidnhrhl- Mildred . Bailey and the Michen him 9:30 -Beautiful Thoughts (NBC) Necker Surprise Par. Kines Jesters (also WENR: carries around with hills of northern Georgia and all 9:455 -Flatcars Frey Good Looks Work- 12:30 -Noble Sissies Orchestra KDKA) a steamer shop 1:00 -.Anthony Triai Orchestra trunk filled with tro- were experts with A. Sr. phies won in various fiddling the fiddle and moo-Live Stack Reports 1:30- Roseland Ballroom Orchestra 12:15-Coon-Sanders Orchestra (also the guitar long before they had 1100::31-PAi ag olos WENR) contests throughout the United PS h 12:30 -Ernie Hobt'a Orchestra (also States. Mac goes in for trophies mastered the multiplication 10:40- Dsel G00 dbods (NBC) WENS) 10:00 -Davis Mystery (NBC) A (6G41 with the same passionate enthu- table. 11.15 -Month Hinie Time u7R ^ kc.) -NBC 11 :15 -Ptumry P. 31. WCKY Thursday, November 12' WFBE Thursday, November 12 11:25-Pollyanna Talk 6 :00-Walodrf-Astoria Orchntra 6:30-Tommie and Willie 4:30-Serenade I11:30 -11/LW Stars 6:30 -The World Today, James 11:45-River and G. THI1R gOAY 6:55-Ayers News Report 5:00-Pirates' Cave Weather Report, McDonald 7:00 -Amos 'ñ Andy (NBC) 5:15-Story Telling Time 11:55 -Time 7:15- Campbell Orchestra November 12 7 :15-Tastyeast Jesters (NBC) 5:30 -Musical interlude 11:00 -Ralph Kirhny. baritone 7:30 -Cumberland Crooners 6:15 -Organ Recital 11:15- Coon -Sanders Orchestra 7.45 -Famous Fallacies of B u s i n e s s 645- Berning Pord Travelogue 11:30 -Jesse Crawford. organ (NBC) 7:00- Dinner bionic 12:15-Swift P -"gram (NBC) 11:45 -Cab Calloway Orchestra WCKY(2fl9m.- 1490kc.) B:00 -Dixie Spiritual Singers (NBC) 7:15 -Post Question Box 12:30 -Hotel Gibson Orchestra A. M. 1245- Markrt Reports 4ridi -9,t-Florence Richardson and B:15- Charlene 7:30 -Original Ibold Sport Review Melody -"Alarm Clock Sunshine 8:30 12:50 -Live Stock Repart, Boys 7:00 Melodic'- -Earl Arnold's Orchestra Pro or 7 :45-Murdock Williams A. 31. Trio Lookout House 1:00 -National Farm and Home (NBC) 8:00- Mansion Dance Orchestra 1?:30 -Joe Moss Orchestra 7 :30-Organ Reverie 9:00 -Blackstone Plantation (NBC) 8:30 -Esther Covington and jack Hirsch 1:30- Netherland Plaza Orchestra 8:00-Kentucky Mountaineer 9:30 -Buckeye Hoedowners 8:45 -Dry Ridge Health Hints 2:00 -Ohio School of the Air B:15-Morning Devotions (NBC) 9:00 -Luckey Boys 3:00 -Interviews' by Alice Cory B:30-Cheerio (NBC 9:15 -Western Hills Community Program 3:15 -Oslo Federation of Woman's Clubs 9:00- Dunkera Club WERE (250m. 9:30 -Post Tenor -Mrs. T. T. Hall WJZ (760 kc.) NBC 9:15 -Band Concert -1200 kc.) 3 :30-Three Doctors (NBC) A. M. 10:00- Mansion Dance Orchestra 9:30- Latonis (Ky.) Merchants' Program 3:45 -Tick. Tack. Toe P. 31, 7:00 -Break of Day 10:30 -Dream Fantasy 10:00 -Ray Perkins, Prince of PioeoPPler 4:00 -A.0 P. Orchestra 6:00- Raising junior, Wheatena (NBC) 7:15 -Musical Clock 4:30-Organ Matinee 8:15- Birthday Party 6:15 -Peter van Steeden Orchestra 10:15 -Tunes in Blue 5:00 -Brazilian Coffee (NBC) 6:30 -Breyer Leaf Boys 10:30- Classic Hour 8:30-Morning Tonic Tunes 5:30-Edna Wallace hopper 9:00 -Our Daily Thought 7:30 -Phil Cook (also XDKA) 11:00 -Mrs. A. M. Goudiss (NBC) WKRC (545m.-550 kc.) 5:45-Littl Orphan .Annie (NBC) 8:30 -"A Personal Message' 11 9:15 -Organ Recital, Monk :15-Musical Novelties Julius 6:00 -01d Man Sunshine 10:30 and Em 9:45-Morning Melodies -Clara, Lu 11:30- Skillet Licken 6:15-The Chatter 1045 Night Life Phfleos 10:05 -Dot: Bright Saying Program -Paris Nunn- Melodies 6:45 -God's Bible School- Sun -ise Wor- 6:30 -Radio News Reel of Hollywood Siun)ber Music 10:20 -WFBE Beauty Helps skip 11:00- P. M. 6:45 -Lowell Thomas (NBC) 11:30 -Russ Columbo. songs 10:35-WFBE-RKO Theatre Party Gladys Catron. Organist I2:15-Tuneful Topic, 745- 7:00 -Amos 'n Andy (NBC) 11:45 -Lew White, organ 10:50- Sister Mary's Kitchen 6:00 -Roland Gaines' Mountain Rangers 7 :15-Crosley AutoStokers 12:30 -Norris Brock Live Stock Reports 311ó1s-1,1- Mildred Bailey and the 12:35- Luncheon Concert 11 :00-Shopping with Betty and Bob 6:15 -Grab Bag Boy, 7:30 -Johnny Humps Orchestra from 11:30-Housewives' Frolic 6:45-Variety Netherland Plaza Kings Jesters 1245 -Rev. Chas Vandermuelea r' M. I:00-Sign off Noun- Hrrvl'., 9:00 -Commuters (CBS) B:00- Phoenix Hosiery A. 12:15 -Earl Hines' Orchestra 5:45 -Story Book Hour P. M. 9:30 -Consolidated Merchant. Program B :15 -Bin -Tin-Tin Thriller (NBC) 10:00 Copeland 12:30 -Tweet Hogan Orchestra 6:15- Dulcie Markam 12:30 -How It Began -Dr. - Ceresota Flour 6:30- Holljngcwarth Hall 12.45- Luncheon Musicale (CBS) 8:45- Sisters of the Skillet 10:15- Machine Age Housekeepers 1:00 -Around the Clock 9:00 -Great Composers CENTS 10:30 -Huh Clothing Musicale 9:30 -Maxwell Horse Enemhle (NBC) 1:15 -Taco Triah Boys 10:45 ALEXANDER McQUEEN , Is All Musical Moments -Barbara Gould Beauty Talk (CDS) 10:00 -A. h P. Gypsies (NBC) I:30- 11:00 You Pay 2:00 -Ralph Pinkstoo -United States Chamber of Commerce 10:30- Variety The Scrap Book Mon. Producer of For the 2:15 Varieties Program (CBS) 10:45 -Bob Newhall Sport Slices At -Vocal 11:15 -Acme commercial tabloid broadcasts. 245 -Moods in Blue Sunshine Melodies 10 :58-Estate Weather Man OriginalOri 11:30-Woman's -Tremlette your servi.. ö 3:15 -Bee Campbell Hour Tully 11:00-Van Camo Program Steamboat Noon -B larkberry Dudes 11:30- Crosley Theatre Air Cincinnati, O. 3 Boat Store 3:30 -Sweet and Hot Tunes of the 106 E. 4th St., 326 MAIN Ca ce. " 4:00 -Prof. Briol P. M. Midnight-Hotel Gibson Orchestra Phone MAin 7140 4:15 -Tea Time Tunes 12:15 -Big Store Mid -day Music 12:30-Netherland Plaza Orchestra 12.30 Cincinnati Merchants' Program I :00-Pratt-Helps to Peedera (CBS) 1 :15-Studio FROM YOUR COLD I :30-Julis Hayes HOT WATER FAUCET 2:00 -Pyol Program RUNNING WATER 2:15 WATCH -Salon Orchestra (CBS) REPAIRING 2:30 -American School of the Air (CBS) Instantaneous hot water from your $64%.75 3:00- Studio Any watch cleaned or main cold water faucet! Easily attached. V4) 3:15- Syenol Program 3:30 -Grease-off Program spring replaced for only__ Shipped complete upon receipt of remittance with order, Absolutely Expert workmanship, FREE. :2AOt0 guaranteed for 5 years! Call us for SERVICE years of experience, work To acquaint owner with our service de- demonstration. partment ONE SERVICE CALL AB- fully guaranteed, 15c SOLUTELY FREE. TOM THUMB ELECTRIC SALES CO. Phone South 6415 E. Coleman FALLER'S RADIO REPAIR SHOP 1512 CAREW TOWER MAIN 2517 522 York Street, Newport. Ky. 38 Pickering Bldg., 5th and Main