Series Summary Index Vols
SERIES SUMMARY INDEX VOLS. XXXI-XL (1962-1971) R. H. THOMPSON Abbreviations: c. century; exh. exhibited, exhibition(s) (by); i.m. initial mark: obit. obituary (of): obv. obverse; pl(s). plate(s); rev. review of, reviewed, reverse. Omissions: Accounts, elections within the Society, and other regular features (dates of election being given in each List of Members); subject entries for most reviews. Deaths, exhibitions, readers and their subjects, reviews, are entered under their individual head- ings, as also are finds, with references from Finds . according to the series and date of the material. References to places in the British Isles are collected by county. Aberdeen, mint (James III), XL. 82-4, pi. v /Ethelred II, Last Small Cross type, obv. pointed Aberdeenshire, see also Birse parish helmet, xxxix. 201, 204, pi. ix Aberystwyth, mint (Charles I, unites), see Chester — Long Cross type, see also Lincoln, London, Stam- Addedomaros (Trinovantes), see also British Lx ford, mints — staters, xxxvir. 190, pi. xxi subsidiary issue, xxxiv. 37-41, pis. ii-iii; exh., Advertising (Imitation spade guineas), see Imitation 189; read, 188 spade guineas, advertisements — types, chronology, xxxv. 37; xxxix. 200 Alfred, see Alfred /Ethelred (Canterbury), coinage, xxxi. 43-4, pi. iii; /Ethelbald, coins, see Forgery exh., 173 /Ethelred I, coins, exh., xxxvu. 215 /Ethelstan, see Athelstan — type i, lunettes unbroken, moneyer Ethelred, /Ethelwald Moll (Northumbria), coin, xxxvi. 216 xxxvi. 33-4 /Ethelwulf, coinage, xxxn. 19; xxxvii. 226-7; exh., /Ethelred II, see also Chester, Northampton, South- 215 ampton, mints; Southampton/Winchester die- /Ethered (Canterbury), see /Ethelred linking Alderwasley (Derbys.), find 1971 (16-17 c.), XL.
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