London Borough of Enfield List of Highways (Public and Private) and Public Rights of Way December 2020 Edition This document fulfils the requirement of the Highways Act 1980, Section 36 for Enfield Council to maintain and make publicly available a list of the streets within the Borough which are highways maintainable at the public expense. It also fulfils the requirements of Section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 in respect of maintaining a statement of public paths and ways. As far as possible this document has been checked for accuracy, however any errors or omissions can be raised by emailing:
[email protected] Please note that the A10 and A406 roads are the responsibility of Transport for London so any enquiries as to their status should be directed to them. Page 1 of 282 Changes Since the Previous Edition Roads Stopped Up Name Postcode Location Classified Date of Remarks Change (if known) DANE ROAD N18 3PR Entire road from rear of No Nov-20 Public highway footway at junction with stopped up under Pegamoid Road to rear of s247 to facilitate footway at junction with development. Princes Road. Originally created 06/05/1950. FAIRFIELD CLOSE EN3 Entire Road starting from rear No Nov-20 Public highway of footway at junction with stopped up under Scotland Green Road North s247 to facilitate development. Originally created 01/06/1906. Will become private road. NICHOL CLOSE N14 5PB Entire road starting from rear No Nov-20 Public highway of footway on Chase Road. stopped up under s247 to facilitate development.