Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} You Don't Belong Here... by Michón Neal Khabib Nurmagomedov to : Go home, you don’t belong here. The UFC recently signed Michael Chandler, with exceptionally high expectations. A former Div I All American wrestler from the University of Missouri, Chandler began fighting in 2009. He went 12-0, beating and Patricky Freire back to back to win and twice defend the Bellator belt, before losing it via Split Decision in a rematch vs. Alvarez. Chandler lost the next two fights to , but bounced back in 2015 with two wins, and the next year beat Patricky Freire in the rematch to again win the Bellator title, and successfully defend it via Split Decision vs. Benson Henderson. In his sole fight in 2017, Chandler lost the belt via leg injury to Brent Primus. But he again bounced back, winning two more before defeating Primus in the rematch, to claim the belt a third time. Chandler lost the belt to Patrício Freire, bounced back with two more wins, most recently knocking out Benson Henderson in August. And then, a free agent, he signed with the UFC, after Bellator declined to match the offer. Chandler is now on Fight Island, serving as a back up for the UFC 254 main event – should either champion Khabib Nurmagomedov or interim champ Justin Geathje withdraw for any reason, Chandler is in. During a recent interview with TSN’s reporter Aaron Bronsteter, Nurmagomedov was not impressed. “I don’t even need to use my wrestling against Michael Chandler,” said Khabib. “I know he came here to Abu Dhabi, but he’s going to come here, make weight and go home. Thank you Michael Chandler, go home and fight with some other fighters. He’s not high-level championship fighter in UFC. Two fights ago he lose in other organization, featherweight, he knock him out. He have to show the world he can fight for the title. Fight with someone from Top 5 in UFC and then we gonna talk about him.” Arkansas cop fired after being filmed telling group of black men 'you don't belong in my city' An Arkansas police officer has been fired after a viral video showed him telling a group of black men that they didn’t belong in the city. WARNING: VIDEO CONTAINS GRAPHIC LANGUAGE. The England Police Department confirmed Officer Michael Moore was fired after a video posted on Facebook by Demarcus Bunch captured the July 21 incident, THV11 reported. Bunch said he and his cousin Shannon Scribner were in the area shooting a music video when they noticed Moore nearby. Bunch said he was told Moore was watching them as soon as they entered the small town of some 3,000 people. “I was wondering, ‘Why is he doing this,” Bunch told THV11. “We’re in small England. Everybody knows everybody.” Bunch said the officer slowed down to see what the group was doing when he decided to approach the officer. Bunch said his uncle is a police officer with the England Police Department. “I’m Mike Moore,” the officer tells the group of men in the video. Scribner explained to the officer that they were in the area to shoot a video. “We just noticed you’ve been following us everywhere,” Bunch says to Moore. “Are you recording right now?” Moore asks. Bunch replies that he is. “You know why? Because you don’t belong in my city,” Moore replies. “We’re from here,” Bunch says. "But you understand, I know who my people are, right, who belongs here and who doesn't? We've got gang wars going on, we've got all kinds of stuff. I come from the big city where this stuff is small, okay? So, that's cool. Do your thing,” the officer says. "You said we don't belong in your city, though?" Bunch asks. Moore replies he has not seen the men around before. Bunch says he graduated from the local high school. "Well good for you, my name is Mike Moore. I'm not from here. Step away from my car, I'm about to get my dog out,” he says before walking away. Bunch said he spoke to his uncle who told them to speak to the chief about the incident. The men filed a complaint to Chief Danna Powell but didn’t hear anything for 15 days. Bunch subsequently decided to upload the video to his Facebook after not hearing anything from the police department. The police department confirmed that Moore was terminated on Wednesday. However, this is not the first time Moore was canned from a police job. He was employed with the Lonoke County Sheriff’s Office but was fired from there before working at the England Police Department. Lonoke County Sheriff John Staley told THV11 that Moore was fired “because he couldn't get along with other officers and other agencies” not for a race issue. Bunch and Scribner both feel Powell should be held accountable for allowing Moore to work despite the video. "Personally, I feel like the chief should be held accountable as well for allowing him to even continue to work as long as he's worked after showing of the video,” Bunch said. Do You Feel Like You Don’t Belong Here? 4 Reasons Why It May Be a Good Thing. Do you feel like you don’t belong here, in this world and society? You will be surprised to know that it may actually be a good thing. We grow up believing that in order to be happy, we need to belong somewhere – a society, a country, a social circle, and finally, a family. The desire to be a part of something bigger than ourselves seems to be our innate need , which probably has evolutionary roots (remember the well-known notion that human is a social animal ?). As Wikipedia states, “belongingness is the human emotional need to be an accepted member of a group.” But what happens in the case of people who don’t only lack this need but also feel that they don’t really fit in this world? Some individuals don’t simply consider themselves different from the rest – they actually have different tastes, ways of thinking, and priorities in life. They don’t like popular things and activities and don’t go after the goals most people pursue. They may seem a sort of weirdos to those around them, but the truth is that there is a bright side of being a “misfit.” Today, we will discuss four categories of people who are very likely to have a sense of detachment from the world because of their emotional and mental makeup. Moreover, it’s not a bad thing at all and is, in fact, an indication of increased awareness and sensitivity. 1. Deep thinkers. Sadly, the society we live in is giving more and more importance to primitive instincts and material needs. So it makes sense why individuals capable of deep thought may feel like they don’t belong here. If you are a deep thinker, then you probably know what truly matters in life. That’s why seeing people around you chasing ephemeral goals and being interested in meaningless stuff is so disappointing. It’s not only disappointing – sometimes, it makes you wonder what you are doing here, among these people, and feel like you come from another world. 2. Old souls. Old souls often feel like they don’t belong here, especially when growing up. Being passionate about unpopular things may make others pick up on your differences and tease you for it. And this can be painful in your awkward childhood and teenage years, making you feel like a misfit who doesn’t have a place in this world. In your adult years, this gap separating you from other people only becomes bigger. However, you find your path in life and don’t care the same about what they think about you. 3. Empaths. Empaths are so sensitive to the emotions and energy of other people that they may find it uncomfortable to be around them. If you are an empath, you know that every time you watch a news broadcast or learn something sad about someone you know, you get truly upset. All these side effects of being an empath can also provoke a sense of detachment. And it’s no surprise – there is so much greed, cruelty, and violence in today’s world that an empath may suffer, being a part of it. 4. People who experience a spiritual awakening. A spiritual awakening is a great experience that elevates you to a higher level of consciousness and turns you into a spiritually evolved being. However, it is also paired with painful feelings and experiences because fundamental changes are never easy. Not only do you start to wonder about the existence, reconsidering your life decisions and relationships, but you may also feel detached from those around you and the world in general . It’s all because you are becoming more aware and understand things you previously turned a blind eye to. If you feel like you don’t belong here, remember that there is nothing wrong with you. Instead of worrying about what others think and seeking their approval, try to find your passion and life purpose . And it’s fine if it doesn’t seem attractive or “cool” to most people. The point is that it should fill your life with meaning and happiness. Did any of the above-described things ring true for you? We would love to hear your thoughts on this. If you are feeling like a misfit, you may want to read my recent articles that provide some guidance for coping with this emotional state: When the flood of comments came in response to this article, I realized that there were far more people who felt like they didn’t belong here, in this world and society, than I had imagined. Inspired by this fact, I wrote the book The Power of Misfits: How to Find Your Place in a World You Don’t Fit In to help all those introverts, empaths, and deep thinkers who feel alien to modern society. If you are feeling this way and are looking for answers, you may want to check my book on Amazon. Hiraeth: an Emotional State That Affects Old Souls and Deep Thinkers - June 5, 2021 How Social Media Giants Took Over World Power and We Didn’t Notice - June 4, 2021 6 Signs You Are an Extrovert with Social Anxiety, Not an Introvert - June 1, 2021. Copyright © 2012-2021 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us. Share This Story! Share this content. This Post Has 200 Comments. It hurts to say this but I’m all of those and it hurts but thank you for posting this you are a great person even though I’m crying as I type this. This is the only website I have found that talks about this. I can’t explain it but everything is a haze sometimes and I feel like there is a wall separating me from the world I know I should be in. I feel depressed and my lungs feel painful because of the weight of this emotion. I sleep so that I can stay away from the world it feels like I shouldn’t be in. People tell me I need to “snap out of it” but I feel like if I do then I will lose sight of what is on the other side of that wall. I know that there is something I love there and something I miss but I’m just in the wrong place. If I close my eyes I can feel it there. The depression that people see from the outside isn’t that bad in my head. It’s actually a pleasant warmth and comfort to know such a beautiful place exists but it brings me such grief to feel like I can’t reach it. Sometimes I feel like this is all just a simulation and I need to wake up. I can’t talk to anybody because obviously I’m the only one I know who feels like none of this is real. When I talk I feel like it brings me further away from the beautiful place that I cling to. It often feels like a memory or sudden emotion brought on by color or sound. I guess people would tell me I’m high all the time even though the only things that I get high off of are my thoughts. I know I’m different but when I tell people that they think I am being full of myself. Take a look into my mind and see if you think you are the same as me. An old soul definitely but im thinking that’s just a small part of why I think I’m different.i found a nack in sales because I have a gift with being able to connect.there a very few humans I have not been able to not just read but see through . I not only know what there thinking but what you will say next .where your most likely from . I see your childhood . your intentions. Your current mood . a smile unlocks part of there soul whether or not there hood or bad it goes on and on what I makes it incredibly easy to connect on because I can respond exactly to there needs to get the reaction I need. But extremely hard to connect on a ( real ) level. I find most ignorant . shallow uninspiring. Actually i have only met one other like me . only for a moment and did not realize that she sees what I see. The world as it is. People as they are. If this makes sense to anyone . If you see past what most see . The post resonated with me, spoke to me directly. Then I read some of the comments. Yes I’ve felt this way too and a lot of. In fact I’ve gone through all of the 1-4 described above categories, in that order, trying to battle this; this feeling, sense, hurt of not belonging. And basically what I’ve done is fuck all: half-efforts, always not satisfied, not finishing shit, never filling myself up (with likewise effects on relationships). But now I’m starting to doubt some things – my way that is. I mean, does it not make sense that the most you “try” to fit in, the more you won’t be able to? So yeah that must be right. I guess I’ve been afraid to not be guided by others, and so live life really. I know, I know… everybody is afraid, but there always comes a point when you must learn. Ok, skipping to the point, please listen to me. I doubt nothing, shun on nobody. With difficulty, not even me. The thing is: If we, who have something (or a lot more) to offer, decide to leave this world, this fucking beautiful but aching world, the who the hell will be left to save it? Who will stay and fight? I just can’t bare the thought of moronic assholes and back-stabing traitors and lying smart-asses and generally all those selling their mother out for some gift of the system, I can’t stand them inheriting the earth and driving her to disaster. If we decide, seeing and admitting the problem of the situation, to get involved with it fully consciously and seriously, then I mean, we would have strength in doing so. That’s the meaning of companionship and great causes. Me, you, her and him would be and do better. It is a choice and only a choice. But it speaks to me, this viewpoint. Why is it not, that this world is being taking away from us? I say these because I want to hear them myself and I need to move that way first. And I am worried of a world that seems to be being put in smaller and smaller boxes while we lose more and more options to react. Spirituality is a way to take more air, a new breath, energy, let’s open up our hearts and make it right! If it sounds classic, it’s because it has always been so. Not without new elements though. And not without some pain. I don’t lack the need but I do feel like I don’t fit in this world, I guess changing that simple fact completely changes all your points. To me it seems most people are motivated mainly by greed and fear, and are almost exclusively focused on themselves. I’ve tried finding things to be passionate about and I have many but as far as I can tell they function as nothing more than a distraction from the bigger picture. It feels like ultimately all endeavour is meaningless as is the void that we all inhabit, I understand the point of life being a journey and there never being a true goal but if that’s the case; a journey with no defined end can reach its end at any point, which ultimately deems the length irrelevant which also then compromises the point of the journey itself. I guess what I’m saying is I’m struggling with the underlying fact that ultimately there is no purpose, seems our only option is to try and fulfil the innate needs that have been evolved into us over the last 10,000 years or so in an effort to be happy. Let me know if you think otherwise or if you have a better option. Well I’m not alone in my life i have a great family and friends who really love me even i have a perfect and caring boyfriend but always i feel something is missing in my hurt i feel something is not right here.yes there is a punch of people around me and i pretend to be happy but i feel alone in myself.always i think I’m different from all this people.well yes I’m a deep thinker feel old soul and so sensitive to the emotions and energy of other people I’m living in the worst country in the world i have never been free i couldn’t live my life the way i wanted and every day people are suffering in front of me at first i thought if i imagrate everything will be alright but i found out there is no way for this and I’m stuck here for ever but really i Don’t know it’s the reason or no…i always think about things that nobody can understand and I can’t live like other people i can’t understand how they are happy in this way all the same they grow up find a job find love getting married have children and every habit they have i just can’t fit in.i I’m just feeling good when I’m alone in the nature and think there is nothing in this world except me.i always pretend that I’m like theme and live my life but i know I’m different and I’m not belong to this world always I’m distract myself and live my life by sometimes it’s really hard and i can’t run away from this and right know i think i can’t do this anymore i don’t know what to do i just can’t… Have always feel like I don’t belong to this world. I feel trapped in this body of mine.Then I often ask myself if I don’t belong to this world, then where do I belong? It feels like someone is waiting for me somewhere or even watching me over the years. I told this to a teacher of mine, he recommended a book to me titled The road back to you. I don’t see it impact. I find it difficult to make friends, I don’t have friends cause most people do not understand me even my siblings. And I keep distance from people. I really long to know where I truly belong. I’ve been feeling this way for several years now. I call it feeling un-tethered but it’s also feeling distant, apart from others, feeling like there is no reason really to remain in this mortal form. I say out loud to myself, “I’m feeling weird, I think there’s something wrong with me”. Then I’ll laugh because it reminds me of that song by Drowning Pool called Bodies (“Nothing wrong with me”). I relate to that song so much in a way, but in another way I abhor it because it sounds like a mass murderer’s anthem too (“let the bodies hit the floor”) which is so not me…but the idea that it’s SOCIETY that has something wrong with it is the strongest theme for me. I’ve had so much pain. loss, grief, and trauma over the past 3 years that I’ve about come to the end of my rope… Definitely suffering from PTSD, no official diagnosis needed. I’m a deep thinker, an old soul and recently I’ve started my spiritual awakening journey and it intensified my feelings of not belonging. But this article helped to calm me down, thank you. I’ve felt like this my entire life. I’m a Deep Thinker and Old Soul. My wife even has a hard time understanding me and gets frustrated that I analyze things so thoroughly. The present day circumstances have been extremely difficult to deal with as it seems hypocrisy has become the way of the world and there is nothing good to look towards if people are involved. Politics are at the center of every single thing and regardless of where you stand on them you are ostracized and belittled into obscurity for not being enough X or being too much Y because nobody respects others anymore. I’m so sick of present day society and just want to escape from it all. I’m not trying to play the violin here..but I’m an only child, 36 year old, no family that cares, and I can count two friends on my hand. Which I’m super grateful for in my life. But my two friends I do have, travel and live out of state. So, I’m truly alone. It’s been this way for the past 4 yrs. I used to “fit in” when I was younger…but a couple years ago, I had a profound spiritual experience that has left me…well.. feeling like everyone else feels like here. I don’t belong in this time and space. This dimension. This world is beautiful, and I see the beauty in it. But to me, the only thing that makes this world so ugly is humans who don’t have a clue. Of course I feel separated from society..but I’m not ok with it. I wish I could “fit in” like I used to..but I’m not the same person as I was before. I’m wiser, and awakened. I wish I had someone to talk to (or have a connection with) on a daily basis, or even weekly. I just started a job where I work with hundreds of people, and needles to say, I have yet to connect with anyone. Everyone there (and my family) treat me like I’m an alien. I’m empathetic, I’m friendly when I do meet people, I respect people even when they don’t deserve it, I have morals and values..that just doesn’t seem to match with most others. Guess that’s just not a common/popular thing for most of society to obtain. Trying to look at this, after reading others comments, that we are….the 1% of the population. If anyone wants to chat about this subject, my email is [email protected] Nancy Pelosi to California Republicans: 'You Don't Belong Here' Isn’t it funny how top Democrats love to talk about “tolerance” and “compassion” when they are, in fact, the least tolerant and least compassionate people out there? Take this tweet from Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for instance: I want every single California Republican to understand this. Your ideology doesn’t come first. Your party doesn’t come first. The PEOPLE come first. If you fail to recognize that, you don’t belong here. — Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) December 5, 2017. It’s always wonderful to see liberals talk about the people as if they were some kind of collective with shared interests. That’s nonsense, of course. Some people benefit from this policy, others from that one. The belief that “the people” are somehow one — and united — has caused major suffering worldwide. Just think about North Korea. The Soviet Union. Mao’s China. “Modern” Venezuela. And Cuba. In every single one of those countries, leaders talk about “the people” constantly, while expanding their own personal power. One of their favorite tools? Sending opponents off to the gulag/prison/concentration camps. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that Pelosi tells California Republicans who dare support President Trump’s tax bill to leave the state. Stalin, Mao, Castro, Kim, and Chavez would have agreed. Send them off to the gulag! Sadly for Pelosi, Twitter users from California beg to differ: Hi Nancypants – as a transplant from MD, you're not qualified to determine who belongs here and who does not. Your ideology doesn't come first. Your party doesn't come first. The CONSTITUTION comes first. You fail to recognize a lot of things, YOU don't belong here. — Michelle (@NoCollusionFFS) December 5, 2017. You’re crazy. Please start cessation from the union proceedings immediately. After the Republicans have left California, the rest of the lower 48 can build the wall around CA. Good luck with your new country, Mexico. @varepall @theoptionoracle @GOP @FDRLST @BreitbartNews — Steven P. Greer (@gunnergreer) December 5, 2017. No Nancy…. Your Party comes First, Your ideology comes first. You come first. Want us to Bow to you? You can’t take us off our land! Go to bed — 2020HillBilly (@ljcalnon) December 5, 2017. Well #NancyPelosi , (Tweeting Staff) could you please tell California Republicans whether people like Kathryn Steinie , shot by a illegal criminal protected by your unlawful Sanctuary City BS, counts as one of your People First? #WorstStateinUS — Democrats Imploding (@Owl_131) December 5, 2017. Why use so many words to say all Republican or independents in CA should leave? This is what you want. All Dems and illegals so you continue to live off the people. — Stephen Forde (@SfSforde) December 5, 2017. She’s even getting hit by Bernie supporters! This from someone who not only helped rig a primary AGAINST the people, you said on national TV, when asked about more people wanting socialism "Too bad". So what were you saying about belonging there again? Hmm? — Jason Kishineff for Congress in CA-5 (@kishineff) December 5, 2017. Book review: You don’t belong here, By Michael Peter. You don’t belong here by Michael Peter is a captivating story that brings you along the journey of Ben and Robin through the woods. Ben and Robin start their journey to the basin up in the mountains a year after Ben was attacked by a bull moose in that basin. More important, the bull moose talked to Ben and since then he is questioning his sanity. Ben and Robin go back to the place where it all first started looking for answers. The story consists of three parts; the first part was very complete own on its own and I felt like it should have included some form of a cliff-hanger in the end, in order to make the reader eager to jump to part 2. As you read further you get pulled into the story more and more and you don’t want to stop until the end, so don’t let part one fool you! I really needed to comprehend whether or not the unrealistic elements that appear in the story are real. How is the writer going to justify supernatural things in a natural world? Or is it all Ben’s illusion? Is it all inside Ben’s head? I enjoyed this book because the author makes you really feel like you are truly part of every scene in the story.