Page 1 2 of 5 DOCUMENTS ANNIE TUMMINO Et Al., Plaintiffs, -Against
Page 1 2 of 5 DOCUMENTS ANNIE TUMMINO et al., Plaintiffs, -against- FRANK M. TORTI, * Acting Com- missioner of the Food and Drug Administration, Defendant. * Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 25(d), Acting Commissioner Frank M. Torti has been substituted for former Commissioner Andrew C. von Eschenbach as defendant in this case. Earlier in this litigation, Commissioner von Eschenbach was substituted for former Commissioner Lester M. Crawford, the original named defendant. No. 05-CV-366 (ERK)(VVP) UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK 603 F. Supp. 2d 519; 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 23218 March 23, 2009, Decided SUBSEQUENT HISTORY: As Corrected March Women Young Feminist Task Force, as Coordinator of 30, 2009. As Amended March 8, 2013. the Morning-After Pill Conspiracy, and on behalf of Reconsideration denied by, Motion denied by Tummino women who need Emergency Contaception, Lori Tinney, v. Hamburg, 260 F.R.D. 27, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS in her individual capacity, as President of the Gainesville 76585 (E.D.N.Y., Aug. 27, 2009) Chapter of the National Organization for Women, as Coordinator [**2] of the Morning-After Pill Conspira- PRIOR HISTORY: Tummino v. Von Eschenbach, 2007 cy, and on behalf of women who need Emergency U.S. Dist. LEXIS 35465 (E.D.N.Y., May 15, 2007) Contaception, Jennifer Brown, in her individual capacity, as Coordinator of the Morning-After Pill Conspiracy, and on behalf of Women who need Emergency Contra- COUNSEL: [**1] For Annie Tummino, in her indi- ception, Candace Churchill, in her individual capacity, as vidual capacity, as Vice-Chair of the Women's Libera- Coordinator of the Morning-After Pill Conspiracy, and tion Birth Control Project, as Coordinator of the Morn- on behalf of women who need Emergency Contaception, ing-After Pill Conspiracy, and on behalf of women who Francie Hunt, in her individual capacity, as Coordinator need Emergency Contraception., Erin T.
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