Iduel PLOT 10 KILL WIDER GUILTY Boys' £2.5© Store Hours: 8 to 5; Saturdays, Close at 6 P.M
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i :»Mm8<n»!»»»i»iiii!mm»umn»»»iuuum»n»niinnnin»M»minmimiHimir STORE CLOSES A1' 5. SATURDAYS AT 6. iDUEL PLOT 10 KILL WIDER GUILTY Boys' £2.5© Store Hours: 8 to 5; Saturdays, Close at 6 P.M. Misses' $2 \ | Wash Suits, t. White .. t ^^gggafc Shoes, iV m_ j Is | Police Say Supposed Adverf.Former Cashier Admits Theft | 89c jWwa 13\J| 97c ] 1ARCHE Man. of Bank , E,OTOF BON saries Aimed at Third Funds. HEN'S 7ABM» _ I CHILD I Boys' Wash Suits. I I Misses' White | g J 1 / I Rnd | 3«4-3i'6 Seventh St. % including every kl § J Pumps and Ox- | style; Plenty of "OT. #/l fords; all fine x WEALTHY ITALIAN VICTIM LOSS IS OVER HALF MILLION white in eluded; |^\CHARGI >7/1 welt soles; value, r i Russian and sail- * JLm~m f-; all sizes, t*. to X | g or effects; sell at To close out. on Ail S 1.73 to $'_\50. Mi jflll Final Cteara nee Prices life £ Aged Importer Badly Wounded Committed to Tombs Until August g_ *!* While Seated on His Own Step. 10, Date of Sentence. g THE LOWE IX ATTEMPT MADE TO LYNCH DENIES HE "SALTED" MONEY ]M SUBBEl APPAREL | HM i> «.kU( ^^ *:* STOCK IF J T T7 T7 Vr^v iflisTi | X Police Have Difficulty Saving One Declares He Made Nothing in Cotton H $20 to $30 Taiilored Cloth * * | Shooter From Mob.Believed to Speculations.Market Was & SI. IS TBS S . $8.50 Y | Suits Y Be Black Handers. Always Against Him. g mmmm iiu; ninny u Y GLLHG SENS Y I $30 to $S0 Taiilored Cloth y NEW* % f /!» «1 r=> >TK .TV 3..Erwin J. by YORK, August 5 BH Y PHILADELPHIA. August .l.-Shot « in Wider, the young cashier of the Russo- n' = . $n&.yy two men who to he dueling a pretended g *« Suits at the Chinese hank in this city, whose steal- g 'l home, A"| | Y the street in front of his a ings from the bank's box *t* northwest corner of Kth and Christian security a WIliite in a loss of upward of resultedto the SEMI! $25 to $35 Serge streets, last night, Frank Cuneo, || a ! X M institution, pleaded guilty today to the three years old. a well known importerseventy.* indictment p_ . -$15.00 Y and one of the men in found against him in eonnee- u Suits wealthiest tion with the | delphia's Italian colony, was seriously embezzlement. p SWTS PhilaA Wider was remanded for sentence Au- O i\ TfT> and is now in the Pennsylvania $2 to Pon wounded, gust 10. * coats SflnSrts !! | $25 $40 gee Rajah *j* Hospital, with but little chance for re- p /A\ ' The indictment pi M< eovery. against Wider specifi- g skirts . $15.00 rally charged him with stealing stock .=4<zqlljl Suits » The police, who captured one of the valued at $11.-100. On his g WI of SI'S | plea guilty 2 wiSi waists Umderwear men. are contident that the shooting was to this indictment he can he given an g | em the result of a deliberate" and was indeterminate sentence of from five to The in thai§ aire ex offer® $10 to $20 Lin & Ramie plot, ten years. The g bargains department wholly traordflmary==each I on district attorney's office, ' an it the not accident, as apeared however, has intimated that it might ask g the lowesit level at wlhiclhi it ha:s ever been offered. You Famish I borne oht a 2 ing marking price logs is by t Suits . $5.00 surface. Their theory Wider's indictment on the other larceny 2 MEN S PERCALK AND MADRAS V number of persons who witnessed the charges against him in connection with will do weM to be here promptly. s liirts; sold regit la rI.v at {: i -s> Q all of that the two men. his wholesale stealings of the hank's se- g >c and 75c; new and most I* x affair, whom say curities. g v psirable. Sale . S instead of firing at one another, pointed g $112 Coats. :e Suits.. (dN> tl A (Pb E3 SI price Pongee MEN'S FINE FRENCH l'ERCALE ft > their revolvers toward Cuneo's doorway, in Wall Street. Xev $25 to $35 Stiriped Serge Speculated g Extremely Stylish y H 4oVc§ nd Imported M a d r a s where he was sitting. Popular^s x- $6.95 lnrts; sold rcgularlv nt Wl%s"f. ^ | Wider's \\ S in JJ The is Ernest thirty defalcations hail continued over Pongee Coats; elaborately y hite Serge uits. plain :z:> and $1.5o. prisoner Volpinista, a considerable g V*Special (HiO/"*^ XI Suits $15.00 four years old, of st<> Christian street. period coincident with his g braided all over; all sizes. SoId at S12.00. The white and witlli hairline stripes. Have never V,He price j. | extensive speculations in Wall street Since his arrest he has persistently g sale price is $6.95. been sold unde r $25.00. Id DOZEN MEN S FINEST IM- H while lie was a of P'nrted Madras and Percale « 15 to $25 S i IIk fused to make a statement. The other receiving salary $1,200 |J c>/f> | $ Pongee re, a year. While waiting in the prisoner's hirts; sold regularly tip to man, who after being hotly t] escaped, pen to be p $2(0 Cloth Suits....... Skirts C<11* |M It t* . is to taken back to the Tombs after Coats $10.00 by an excited crowd, supposedpursuedhis g fTT) g MEN S SOFT - FINISHED PER- £ I Long unknown. sentence today he took occasion to 2 Lot of Women's Clotli Fine White , be Salvatore Marino, address S9o9<5 Ci o tie Pajamas, in all sizrs; p F the $7'9f Sefe *o deny report that lie had made a profit in his g Suits, in the gray serges ' »< ilrl regularly at fl.TKi; neat cotton . Mo!hair to Lc Cloth on Own speculation and had money g stylish Serge and Skirts, and JJ $15 $20 »ng Shot Doorstep. R' nd new Sale . hidden away. Smoking a cigar and walk- silk collars. .All SllltS. / .-q v styles. price. JJ with black moire fa mnrt< . M | and g $20.00 Sold at .t Cuneo was sitting in the doorway of his ing up down his narrpw quarters, the 2 $7.95. Coats . $10.00 cashier answered in the most matter-of- 2 MEN S DOl'BLE TtUANGLR « > home after <5 o'clock last evening < I shortly fact way the questions put to him by $119<>5>8 Silk Dresses.... Brand Linen Collars; sold !>v * when two men on the street g « Skirts......... store In the land at stopped newspaper men. When asked the direct 11 every U'ji; U to $15 D-ong Linen in front of him and drew revolvers, question if he had made money in his cot- g Women's Silk Dresses, put up <5 to 12 collars to ^ $6.50 directlyton g .$8.75 »£'*.ck Tub Skirts; the box. Sold | They paced off a distance of about twenty speculation he answered: new and attractive style Only by "That is one fool repcrt." g He then 2 many of materials;perbestall the box, at, each «« . $5.00 feet and to tire. worth fectl-v Coats began became a little excited and spoke with a 2 and various colors. Every Sait $19.98. '"a,fe the shots out in the crowded sizes. All wo rth $1.50. In This sale at 79c. | ^s rang German accent, which is net noticeable g MENS NAINSOOK FN- « g || thoroughfare there was a scattering of In his quiet moments, and continued: g $3.5(0) Suits.. prwear. selling usually at II the neighbors. who fled in a panic. The "How could 1 make money? There has g Bathing §2,49 Duck Skirts..... ic. Special price 8 been a bear market since January in cot- ii . , MENS WASHABLE KOFR-IN- >0 men each fired a shot in the air. 2 Women's Bathing Suits, ; ^ H )<§ ^ ^<1 5 $7.50 to $12.! Lingerie ton and I. like a fool, was bulling the 2 White I Meatcd Duck h[and Ties; in all the » | to spectators, and appeared to be market. The hooks of brokers will black and blue; neath ^ U 0(Q)y *" according the 2 navy n pw effects; selling usu- f=jU / . one another. Skirts, in all si;^es ; not * Dresses . I $5:00 care not to injure Then,taking show this to be true. I wisli I bad made g braid trimmed; all sizes. Th e price they sold skimpy, Hy at 12'jC and 15c. For C | it is said, both men deliberately swung money." 2 but made full sizes; best duck, Value, $2.49. tilis sale / their revolvers around and pointed at is Cuneo sat. No $3.50. At MEN S REVERSIBLE S ILK J* at the doorway where directly Money Hidden Away. 2 $1/19. fdur-in-Hand Ties; in the newest 13 $15.00 to $16.JsO Lingerie Four shots were fired at the door, two 13 | One asked him if it was not < lapes; regular price ^ «[[/ of them taking effect. One entered inquisitor II $12.98 Raincoats,.... his true that he had or ists ... Dresses $8.25 arm and another penetrated Cuneo's "salted" away two 1* Lot of Women's Rain §5 Silk Wa & Ealfprtce" | stomach, inflicting a dangerous wound. three hundred thousand dollars of the 13 J7o9§ jj 2 Silk; Waists, ^2 (Q) MENS HIGH-GRADE SILK 33 As soon as? Cuneo was seen to drop from coats, of new and serviceabb China money from the bank, for the reason that F all new .