i :»Mm87/1 welt soles; value, r i Russian and sail- * JLm~m f-; all sizes, t*. to X | g or effects; sell at To close out. on Ail S 1.73 to $'_\50. Mi jflll Final Cteara nee Prices life £ Aged Importer Badly Wounded Committed to Tombs Until August g_ *!* While Seated on His Own Step. 10, Date of Sentence. g THE LOWE IX ATTEMPT MADE TO LYNCH DENIES HE "SALTED" MONEY ]M SUBBEl APPAREL | HM i> «.kU( ^^ *:* STOCK IF J T T7 T7 Vr^v iflisTi | X Police Have Difficulty Saving One Declares He Made Nothing in Cotton H $20 to $30 Taiilored Cloth * * | Shooter From Mob.Believed to Speculations.Market Was & SI. IS TBS S . $8.50 Y | Suits Y Be Black Handers. Always Against Him. g mmmm iiu; ninny u Y GLLHG SENS Y I $30 to $S0 Taiilored Cloth y NEW* % f /!» «1 r=> >TK .TV 3..Erwin J. by YORK, August 5 BH Y PHILADELPHIA. August .l.-Shot « in Wider, the young cashier of the Russo- n' = . $n&.yy two men who to he dueling a pretended g *« Suits at the Chinese hank in this city, whose steal- g 'l home, A"| | Y the street in front of his a ings from the bank's box *t* northwest corner of Kth and Christian security a WIliite in a loss of upward of resultedto the SEMI! $25 to $35 Serge streets, last night, Frank Cuneo, || a ! X M institution, pleaded guilty today to the three years old. a well known importerseventy.* indictment p_ ...... -$15.00 Y and one of the men in found against him in eonnee- u Suits wealthiest tion with the | delphia's Italian colony, was seriously embezzlement. p SWTS PhilaA Wider was remanded for sentence Au- O i\ TfT> and is now in the Pennsylvania $2 to Pon wounded, gust 10. * coats SflnSrts !! | $25 $40 gee Rajah *j* Hospital, with but little chance for re- p /A\ ' The indictment pi M< eovery. against Wider specifi- g skirts ...... $15.00 rally charged him with stealing stock .=4 Q all of that the two men. his wholesale stealings of the hank's se- g >c and 75c; new and most I* x affair, whom say curities. g v psirable. Sale . S instead of firing at one another, pointed g $112 Coats. :e Suits.. (dN> tl A (Pb E3 SI price Pongee MEN'S FINE FRENCH l'ERCALE ft > their revolvers toward Cuneo's doorway, in Wall Street. Xev $25 to $35 Stiriped Serge Speculated g Extremely Stylish y H 4oVc§ nd Imported M a d r a s where he was sitting. Popular^s x- $6.95 lnrts; sold rcgularlv nt Wl%s"f. ^ | Wider's \\ S in JJ The is Ernest thirty defalcations hail continued over Pongee Coats; elaborately y hite Serge uits. plain :z:> and $1.5o. . prisoner Volpinista, a considerable g V*Special (HiO/"*^ XI Suits $15.00 four years old, of st<> Christian street. period coincident with his g braided all over; all sizes. SoId at S12.00. The white and witlli hairline stripes. Have never V,He price j. | extensive speculations in Wall street Since his arrest he has persistently g sale price is $6.95. been sold unde r $25.00. Id DOZEN MEN S FINEST IM- H while lie was a of P'nrted Madras and Percale « 15 to $25 S i IIk fused to make a statement. The other receiving salary $1,200 |J c>/f> | $ Pongee re, a year. While waiting in the prisoner's hirts; sold regularly to man, who after being hotly t] escaped, pen to be p $2(0 Cloth Suits...... Skirts C<11* |M It t* . . . . is to taken back to the Tombs after Coats $10.00 by an excited crowd, supposedpursuedhis g fTT) g MEN S SOFT - FINISHED PER- £ I Long unknown. sentence today he took occasion to 2 Lot of Women's Clotli Fine White , be Salvatore Marino, address S9o9<5 Ci o tie Pajamas, in all sizrs; p F the $7'9f Sefe *o deny report that lie had made a profit in his g Suits, in the gray serges ' »< ilrl regularly at fl.TKi; neat cotton . Mo!hair to Lc Cloth on Own speculation and had money g stylish Serge and Skirts, and JJ $15 $20 »ng Shot Doorstep. R' nd new Sale . hidden away. Smoking a cigar and walk- silk collars. .All SllltS. / .-q v styles. price. JJ with black moire fa mnrt< . M | and g $20.00 Sold at .t Cuneo was sitting in the doorway of his ing up down his narrpw quarters, the 2 $7.95. Coats . $10.00 cashier answered in the most matter-of- 2 MEN S DOl'BLE TtUANGLR « > home after <5 o'clock last evening < I shortly fact way the questions put to him by $119<>5>8 Silk Dresses.... Brand Linen Collars; sold !>v * when two men on the street g « Skirts...... store In the land at stopped newspaper men. When asked the direct 11 every U'ji; U to $15 D-ong Linen in front of him and drew revolvers, question if he had made money in his cot- g Women's Silk Dresses, put up <5 to 12 collars to ^ $6.50 directlyton g .$8.75 »£'*.ck Tub Skirts; the box. Sold | They paced off a distance of about twenty speculation he answered: new and attractive style Only by "That is one fool repcrt." g He then 2 many of materials;perbestall the box, at, each «« . $5.00 feet and to tire. worth fectl-v Coats began became a little excited and spoke with a 2 and various colors. Every Sait $19.98. '"a,fe the shots out in the crowded sizes. All wo rth $1.50. In This sale at 79c. | ^s rang German accent, which is net noticeable g MENS NAINSOOK FN- « g || thoroughfare there was a scattering of In his quiet moments, and continued: g $3.5(0) Suits.. prwear. selling usually at II the neighbors. who fled in a panic. The "How could 1 make money? There has g Bathing §2,49 Duck Skirts..... ic. Special price 8 been a bear market since January in cot- ii . , MENS WASHABLE KOFR-IN- >0 men each fired a shot in the air. 2 Women's Bathing Suits, ; ^ H )<§ ^ ^<1 5 $7.50 to $12.! Lingerie ton and I. like a fool, was bulling the 2 White I Meatcd Duck h[and Ties; in all the » | to spectators, and appeared to be market. The hooks of brokers will black and blue; neath ^ U 0(Q)y *" according the 2 navy n pw effects; selling usu- f=jU / . . one another. Skirts, in all si;^es ; not * Dresses . . I $5:00 care not to injure Then,taking show this to be true. I wisli I bad made g braid trimmed; all sizes. Th e price they sold skimpy, Hy at 12'jC and 15c. For C | it is said, both men deliberately swung money." 2 but made full sizes; best duck, Value, $2.49. tilis sale / their revolvers around and pointed at is Cuneo sat. No $3.50. At MEN S REVERSIBLE S ILK J* at the doorway where directly Money Hidden Away. 2 $1/19. fdur-in-Hand Ties; in the newest 13 $15.00 to $16.JsO Lingerie Four shots were fired at the door, two 13 | One asked him if it was not < lapes; regular price ^ «[[/ of them taking effect. One entered inquisitor II $12.98 Raincoats,.... his true that he had or ists ... Dresses $8.25 arm and another penetrated Cuneo's "salted" away two 1* Lot of Women's Rain §5 Silk Wa & Ealfprtce" | stomach, inflicting a dangerous wound. three hundred thousand dollars of the 13 J7o9§ jj 2 Silk; Waists, ^2 (Q) MENS HIGH-GRADE SILK 33 As soon as? Cuneo was seen to drop from coats, of new and serviceabb China money from the bank, for the reason that F all new . «=a his chair the men ceased firing and began ;$ all dur-in-Hand Ties; to DO the hooks all sizes. I lave sofd and trimmed;damv * nd solu II $25.< of the brokers did not balance materials: always prettil pretty patterns; $20.00 Lingerie to run dowfc the street. ;1 mostly tily / £ | with the amount he is and all nc \v All are Waists. p to Title. In this sale at. t? charged with tak- + sizes designs. $5.00 AAA X T 1-5. . at $14.50 Jii-OD anempis juy nciiiug. ing from the bank. $12.98. | Dresses » :1_ .-j * At the first sound of the shots the "That is not true." replied Wider. "I wish now that 1 had. Do <£tl 5 ^5PI . Frank Cuneo, jr., ran to the you think 1 12 .{. n u u i Dresses $7.75 son, importer'swould be here if I had 'salted' tiiat 13 Men's and atest Bargains | see father fall TUF/f f door, just in time to h!s amount? I would have had good lawyers '* For Oirfls and ,i, from his chair. Immediately suspecting and fought the case all the way through. r ene Dresses $1.79 "if I had Women's 1IUA Known! II $3 to $3.50 Lira j* a plot, he called to others in the house kept one-half the money I :2 't* and informed the neighbors to catch the could have compromised with the bank It 1 | % and I not would be here. But what's men. Children 0 0 Women's 5 SIfik Hose.. wn Dresses $3.95 fleeing the use of talking about it; Wall street 13 Women's 79c SSfik Hose. A tfTlrv ' SL2 $5 to $6.50 La A swarmed out street HOSE in women's black SILK WITH | crow<* upon the, got it all; neither I or my haVe ;i WOMEN'S PI'RE SILK HOSE. ^ (( U I >|* sold at "S>c i egu- " v(l^ lisle and of all sizes. He was I am black and all top soles; enty 'j* and seized Volpinista. dhigged any. and here behind the bars, and ;$ tSOc Dresses.,. ^ tan; sizes; j pi 4-t $H0to$E2.50Laiwa Dresses $7.50 about by the mob and there was an that is the best evidence that I am tell- 13 LOT OF CHIL- Jr.JS)/T larly. { ing the truth." 12 , Iren's Short White made to lynch him. His clothing »c 5: attemptWider was then taken back to the j and Men's Hose. ^ Women's 112y2 Hose ii V was torn off and he was badly beaten l| Dresses CK AH/ /£][/ Tombs. , with tucks MEN'S SEAMLESS HOSE. IN RLA< WOMEN'S SKA ML ESS BLACK HOSE . ; before t lie arrived. A riot call l| neatly designedUnderskirts, O //^C l( )) //*% (I X* police ind embroidery; worth up to oUc. and colors; sold at 10c and lUVic. N ow ^£3 in all sizes; selling; at 10c and llT'tc pair. ^3^* to Broadcloth £ had been sent to the 7th and Carpenter H»c/ him over to the police of the 2dturningand Jnderskirts, 1.1c pair. » { Christian streets station. 161; and lace trimmed;§mbroidsrysoft and fine :i i «> Meanwhile, the other man, supposed to materials-; values up to $1. Menu's Leslie Hose...... ° ^effll,§ Hose. « be Marino, ran down the street with ose *5 to PLANS FOR DEDICATION OF VON I MEN'S MERCERIZED LISLE H tl (fihP MENS SILK-PEA'ted hose in fj $2.50 $3.50 Lingerie in He fired his all, 'j* the throng pursuit. | In black and colors; sold at 2.%c. Our 11 qj)(q/(\-/ il at the crowd, keeping his pursuersrevolver STEUBEN MONUMENT. $2 Dresses.... ^=j ^ sizes; sold at oOc. Tlle sale price, 35c. JJ . . . chil- price, ldc. Waists $1.95 a distance, and disappeared. The police J \jot of a J* and « si>' V^/ a dozen men in civilians' Irens Short 8 sent out special 119c Hose. *0 Women's 25c moss ... clothes to capture him. Long White Dresses, Women's Tl /H jj . fc* November 1»> next has been chosen as i trimmed with lace and WOMEN'S BLACK GAl'ZE b Tl WOMEN'S MERC krizkd gauze flii ar s to ie Waists $2.95 > beautifully in this sf^ST' XIII XI|| (1,>Cs/ u | sells at 19c, i « $4 $5 Linger Little Chance for the date for the and formal p.m.; Saturdays. Xt to > Skirts $4.95 statues of Lafayette. Roehambeau and I L I $6.50 $E0.0G ,J» the bullet. On account of Cuneo's p.m. * the is to Koseiuszko on the other corners of that m BY BALLiNGER The Alexandra Was De- | likely shooting DENIM years, advanced iANOTRUNKSTRIKE Specially square. : m smami one 2° Finrmistyre U suit fatally. reZ Albe't Jaegers of New York designed for Short Voyages. 1signed An attempt is being made by the police and executed the statue of Von Steuben. £ at Foreitril Corresuondence of TUe Slar. ; ? < trie to one im liic He has finished his work the stuoio ... 1. to trace snouting DECLARES HE HAS NO Reduced for I! 4 I'.tlO. of tlie Italian section. in New York and has so informed Lieut. IN COMPROMISE I/3NDON, July 2.5. \J ous secret societies ENDS iiiuiieit;I". S. officer in tern- on the Black Hand or some similar Grant, the engineer The royal yacht Alexandra, which Come to the man who E: either charge or public buildings and OF RESIGNING.INTENTION ]| j sinister organization. It believed that porary the king and queen will take their chan- X Clearance. g of some of grounds, wlio will make tiie preliminary for assure g Cuneo incurred the enmity for the Tr nel cruise, was specially designed | jj and arrangements building pedestal nakes Pain Fly fc; these bands, either bv his.wealth or some ainmen Granted an Advance short in home waters. She is X which the have no and putting the statue in position. With Senator voyages pi act of -police Says His Conference one of the fastest the most skillful edge. Members of Cuneo's family are for the Kaiser. turbine-driven, and is IrtrrnrawjiiRi" H yourself knowlp: Beplica of About 30 or me it;| I Draft E: unable to throw any light upon the in Wages Crane Was Entirely on of the royal yachts Europe. 4pIiMi!iillWOU iental work obtainable in ing, and declare he did not receiveshootEEany The last official act of Congress before fittings are luxurious, and the state J1j ; E' threatening letters, as are customary in Other Matters. are ®iiujwj1muv.i fs June li-'l was to of the king and queen K.LLIJJJillUU'.lllUf 1 Italian crimes of vengeance. midnight appropriate Per Cent. apartmeijts || ti No No funds to cast a replica of the statue In situated on the main promenade deck, j: H Washington. pain! I: That the shooting was a plot is declared IMilRlMllillUti'H,Jtj No ;; by the police to Ik? evident from the fact bronze to be presented to the Emperor those of tlie king being on the port side J; tllwJllU'jjiii'.'.WJiJil ligh prices! hot, stuffy E: that all witnesses agree that the two men of A in the CHICAGO, August 3..Secretary and those of the queen on the star- Germany. part unveiling q'FT AW A. Out., August The strike denied that his | E: tired directly at the doorway and took ceremonies will be taken German- yesterday Ballingerboard. t: Run parlors! Pain, money and care not to wound each other. The by ,,{ conductors, trainmen and yardmen good ence with Senator Crane in Minneapolisconfer' room is the > American societies all over the country. on the Grand Trunk and A very comfortable smoking \ police say that Volplnista is known to oh began related or would be followed his | |[ j to, by, to his majesty. This £: discomfort are all saved been connected with some of the Richard Bartholdt of was apartment assigned j !; have Representative fetltral Vermont systems July 18 and have discovered resignation. He said the matter stands immediately under the main f E secret societies, they Missouri is in charge of those called off last night. Under the that the oc- i f yhen come to me. 2 that the man who accompanied him is tally was not even of direct interestdiscussedto , and is so arranged you an* . can a wide and clear view. | whose arrangements.ternas of the agreement signed by cupants gain If; other notorious person, name, they a him. He denounced his foes in strong Baron von Steuben was Prussian * i* »«- <-» f r\ »* f ho railrngHc ana all t hp members ctf the royal f; co i ui «.»v »vu.v principal I Satisfaction | In 1777 he came to the Unitedgeneral. language and said he intended to ignore suite are accommodated on the main J: II Guarantee him today. >n officials tlie men will Risks: 5 and a later was appointed by unir receive, them the royal apartment. £: States, year entirely. directly under ""REE CONSULTATION. EASY TERMS. the of this deck, Washington inspector general, with jng to May 1 year, an datbackHis denial was issued after the An interesting feature of the Alexandra f ami j reading have been made rank of major general, reorganized van(' of IS per cent, and is the arrangements that at Monmouth and approximately adredispatches from Beverly, which indicated the army. He served 1. a rate of for the conveyance of motor cars, which f; II II a of ht*slinning January 10152, that Senator Crane's mission to the west I Yorktown, and was member the can be shipped or transferred ashore ; ' below the Eastern PAY DEMANDED court-martial on Maj. Andre in 17V0. wag;es slightly was to carry the hint that Mr. Ballinger the ease. MORE IS with greatest x| My Patent Suction Teeth The sculptor, Albert Jaegers, was edu- cjat schedule, for which they struck,Assoion would aid the party in forthcoming rated in the public schools of Germany h;|l an advance in many Instances of arut tiio t'nitori States, lie has executed ^ by withdrawing at this time.electionsFour hundred glass blowers employed 8 b= ovei ."50 per cent. the Huntington (W. Va.) Tumbler IS NAVY YARD MECHANICS MAKE statuary for the Pan-American and St. by 3 Louie; Purchase expositions and for the Miiich credit for the successful outcome Will Take a Best. Company went on a strike for recognition 8 is of the union. PLEA TO WINTHROP. new custom house, New York. of t he peace negotiations given to W. "There's no resignation on the card, 1 g We're to clear King, the minister of beginning ^ I Mackenzie labor, can tell you," was Mr. Balliriger's reply >ut our stock of Summer it MEET. who has persisted in his efforts to bring to this. Continuing, he said: VOLUNTEER FIREMEN urniturc, which was one of Helped Out by House Naval t lie men together, despite discouraging "I simply am on my way to the coast |t a i auiiic nuni iiic he in the | Comjj Alterations in the Building setbacks. iui nine wi, ui mem largest city, by b mitteeman.System of Proposed Terms of the I to make my 'rest' permanent, but it will f SHORTY AS A ill! the knife to ) Adjust| Discussed. Agreement. not be so long as President Taft is mtting prices. j. j>_ii . I met Crane You'll find of bar- ment Said to Be Unfair. the Veteran Volunteer T1ip agreement limuwo. yesterday morningsatisfied. plenty At a meeting of through no arrangement of mine, and CHAPERON j j| \ back as *ains in Torch Kock- t Firemen's Association last evening at the "1"he company will put soon as the matter we of Chairs, discussed.politics, lie had to act as They Never Slip or Drop hous\ l'Jth and H streets iible the men other than those who course.was nothing which interested me He thought 11 ji»rs and Lawn A. L. Bates of dd Union engine poss combination chaperon and II!; Furniture, | t; Representative Dr. B. W. Summy called at- havie been or may be found guilty of acts directly at all. Mr. Crane wished to I "a THE MAN WHO MAKES vania, member of the House committee northwest, me on the matter and came to where nurse" when Pinckney told iVillow and other Summer $5 a Set. j Pennsyln! tention to the circular relating to the of violence or discorderly conduct, the consult dry | PAIN FLY. on naval affairs, headed a committee I was, that's all. There's nothing to look after the II (rhairs. and the 5 J; building of a hall or improvement of tire un{i,erstanding being tftat there is to be I him N'errie, Mattings " the at the about it. I guess he's gone mysteriousback j resenting mechanics employed engine house to accommodate the Oldest or intimidation used toward susceptible college youth. II 1ike. A little a j repEj Associa- 00 coercion east, now. money buys , I: Washington navy yard in a visit to Inhabitants' and the Firemen's vicious "It is just his delicate tinted f li 11 to the new men. "All this attack by || f*reat deal here now. I « » ing Secretary Winthrop at the Navy tion, and urged the members reply. men' backed by newspapers with cheeks and the neat way lie : V. ActSi: will put into effect from unscrupulous || ~ The consensus of. was that "1'he The fine Porch Chair shown partment today. The committee included opinion company even less scruples goes off my back like had of dressin' that gave him ST 0 in DeSi the house should be preserved as r 1910, the rates named in the II || above. with larjte posts and double t Crowns,i Finings Goid, engine 1. duck's back. never will | Gold (f3 t: J. W. McConnel, H. T. LeCIair and water off a That that Lucy-boy air. Outside of woven seat and hack, the most X nearly as possible in the present style of rates dated July 18, iqiq, me to || Platinum Carroll. Mr. Bates was that scll<;dule induce resign." all substantial style at,. />o tt ^ver* r;E; Thomas E. the and some other mode than proposed be embodied in the present The said he intended to leave that he was right, and the k S)3) he It was thosle rates to Secretary Work, of the and made be for heating purposes. fnr arPot IfltPP in PVPnintr blarneyer ever born delegation employed on »» WKIb *» » » * Y W v I Bridge S and Pnr^hin. t; spokesman now in effect this line, it */» D smoothest ^ . should remain with scln;dules V C a strong appeal for an Increase in the urged that the house of Ireland. he cbuld ' * that those rates out Say, »r^ «r^ n IT »O T IT its as an object lesson. It was beln,g understood shall || E wages paid at the local yard. apparatus a from a chronic When in Doubt, of I I pointed out that the rising generation in ,10 instance effect a reduction in any jolly grin ||' Buy E: A written protest was filed against PYTHIANS SHOW INCREASE. no Caution. knew but little of the difficulty experi- . grouch, and it's wonder he OK. WY11ETH* E the report of the naval wage board, ex ting rate. enced the volunteer fire- so with the When ' ij PAINLESS DEN"I'IST coming \E recently submitted, which report was "1years ago by 'lie company will, January 1, 1912, I was popular || men. of Chancellor Brown j Hoyse & I I j| mv adverse to any increase in the present H. and F. maite effective in train and yard service Report Supreme ladies!" || Julius J. Strobel, F. Fridley for was 427-429 Seventh St! N.W. I scale of wages on the general ground H. Lowe of incidents in the days Grand Trunk railway the rates to the But his love Ethel || ways be sure :: that such wages were equal to wages spoke on lie Encampment. the | J .arrest and most thoroughly equipped par- J of the volunteer fire fighters. rules contained in the undying, and all old ladies it vu n 5 be' J°u are ,n *he paid for similar work in private es pay and the , Wis.. August 3..The ||j u u u uiiu>uuiiuii^ S** lors in Washington. Appoinitments may iI on date in I I in Atlantic City were being tablishments iit the geni#al vicinity ofj ;dule or agreement effect features in today's program of the Grand || < made by telephone. riglit place. Re- ; that the asked if they were Ethel's seventh & I Sts. NAV. until 8 n. for the ;; Washington. It appears wage MRS. BACK. the lines of the Canadian Pacific Encampment, Knights of Pythias, were ||!; (Eye) We keep open p.n member the name :: board based its action on data obtained ASTOR GETS IT William." aunt until.until a cer- ; | can no come during the - east of Fort great ^ modalion of those that accomt | :: cities of Alexan waj rail%competitive drills at Camp Henry Parish | Sunday hours. JO to f. (Dr. Wyeth), and in the Washington, tain Miss Randall appeared, || day. Vermont Brown andr the big parade of the > :'A» West dria. Richmond. Va.; Baltimore, Rumors of Reconciliation Revived as Central Adjustment. and then Shorty wanted to HI . 1 BALTIMORE OFFICE: Lexington , tlie number Wilmington, Del., and and Sisters, but street. Harrisburg, of Central Vermont the lodges Pythian subordinate off the pickle pier. See 4 S. E. Cor. Stli 429 Divorcee lands. i. the cafee the heavy rain was falling this.forenoon and ||j jump PHILADELPHIA OFF1C] 7th street.)(427B: his Philadetphia. with the it to H streets. Mr. Bates and associates contended NEW YORK, Mrs. Alva Wil- san le settlement applies was feared these events might have II "ct mmrtr UTTC TIJC ||! X and Market \ August be > :: that the naval hoard should have based . x i rxi x o x x~xxi | Astor, who several months ago ob- tior that the standardization to be postponed. "3nUR the schedule of wages at the local navy ling excepi . Supreme Chancellor Brown in his 25c 8 1912. is to be that of 11 on the wages for similar work tained a divorce from Col. John Jacob As- plie January 1, apdthe nial shows an in memberbien1 INK, paid report increase | mmnnniimmm»nnimmimn»i yard BOARDWALK" in the District of Columbia exclusively, tor, came back to New York from London Rut land railway, a road in the same ter- ship, cash on hand of the various Grand $ .Black and Crimson. ~ £ und that it was not fair to the navy yard -. listed among the rjtory, and not that of the Canadian Lodges within the supreme domain Worth to bottle, mechanics to rate their wages on labor passengers as Mrs. John Astor. She was rlfj( will only apply to the GrandPawhiciicember 31. 1900, amounted to *240,(i30 andDeI In the Next $ up 75c g conditiQns in other communities, met at the pier by Mr. Dobbins, secre- rprumk system. cash on hand of the subordinate lodges * Mostly quarts. Burcheirs ''Bouquet' those as distant as Richmond,especiallytary for her divorced husband, and her P)resdent Garrettson of the conductor*5 within the supreme domain was Several hundred bottles of Black OUT Harrisburg, Wilmington and son, Vincent, who had come from New- and President Lee of the trainmen both 232. $2,701,i md Crimson Writing Fluid, mostly T on Norma. are made by Magazine |, hot- Coffee, 25c Lb. Philadelphia.port the father's yacht deciare that they satisfied with thes Important recommendations Sunday tuart size, that sold ud to 75c (JELLING . v the ru- the \ \ .up-to-date Deliver Another point, made in favor of in These circumstances revived rins of the settlement. Both left laslt supreme chancellor are the 'e, to close at -3c each. One of ^ . .of The. Warm weather increascs creased wages at Washington was that mors that she might remarry her former ht for St. Louis. of the ritual, application for publication Jnany BARGAINS offered before «*> i at th; cost of is was asked if she and J> It real nW ^aSons prices the living higher here than in husband and Mrs. Astor % installation in the Germanknighthood ve MOVE. «'» Interest nmn in hn* its popularity. i V I I every 1- the other cities named, and also that the would go to Newport on the yacht. the appointment of a committeelanguage;to V/ I.nok »ver these that remain t - and two breakfast ij, V J he present rate of wages in Washington was "I don't know," she laughed. Jtimes Lee, wife children, 01f consider the of the revision of makes delightfi \w«e typo of vehicle you need may lie beiv- Prince William county, Va., locker1 the advisability 'RED. A. I rtxed when the corst of living was much Asked the direct question if there was Tofe;en. ritual and appointment of a commit' Star SCHMIDT,? went a less than it is at tlie present time. in the rumor that she would their house and away for visit ol tee to and as to the anything their s investigate report Sunday N. W. BURCHEI.I-» Is. MEEKS' .Acting Secretary Winthrop told the marry Lord Ourzon, former viceroy in In- twe> days. Upon return the hous< necessity of the law regulating |f5i6 Ninth St. YrT I I J. wa* s in ashes. They blame match-gnaw of of my«i- f.Su, w ,3m, 11 delegation that the department would dia, she answered: ' members for non-paymentsuspen-jsions j give the matter further consideration. "No, those reports are not true." ing rats. dues. .1325F.1 A A I '