Local Cliques in ER-Perturbed Random Geometric Graphs Matthew Kahle Department of Mathematics, The Ohio State University, USA
[email protected] Minghao Tian Computer Science and Engineering Dept., The Ohio State University, USA
[email protected] Yusu Wang Computer Science and Engineering Dept., The Ohio State University, USA
[email protected] Abstract We study a random graph model introduced in [20] where one adds Erdős–Rényi (ER) type ∗ perturbation to a random geometric graph. More precisely, assume GX is a random geometric graph sampled from a nice measure on a metric space X = (X, d). An ER-perturbed random geometric ∗ graph Gb(p, q) is generated by removing each existing edge from GX with probability p, while inserting ∗ each non-existent edge to GX with probability q. We consider a localized version of clique number for Gb(p, q): Specifically, we study the edge clique number for each edge in a graph, defined as the size of the largest clique(s) in the graph containing that edge. We show that the edge clique number presents two fundamentally different types of behaviors in Gb(p, q), depending on which “type” of randomness it is generated from. As an application of the above results, we show that by a simple filtering process based on the ∗ edge clique number, we can recover the shortest-path metric of the random geometric graph GX within a multiplicative factor of 3 from an ER-perturbed observed graph Gb(p, q), for a significantly wider range of insertion probability q than what is required in [20].