The magaz r.e designed to g v bridge players. EDITED BY JO

JU8t look at our reg~.;la r writers--A r, Rlmlngton, Mollo, TruacoH, Hlron, Sh h n d top TV writer Spoon r. We are always lntroduci. g new rit r occa onal nternataonal contr butor . pictures, tournament report • Comments from the " professao'lals " : " Superb job, you are on the way to becoming the world's best." " Excellent style deserves every success." " Lively and colourful." " Worth e11ery pen.1y. ' " Enjoyed it very much." Congratulations on a fane magazine." We have readers In 27 countrl and 25 newsp pera have wriHen about us, all giving praise. From the many letters, we are obviously achieving our object of providmg the world of bridge wath the one thing so long m ssing­ a magazine that informs. educates and above all ENTERTAINS. WE ARE THE VOICE OF THE BRIDGE PLAYER

Could th re po albly be a more welcome gift to a trt nd 1 Fill In the form below nd he taaue of December 15th will ba delivered with a grHtlng card !rem you.

To Name ~--~~-


Gift from Enclo•e £5.00 tor one y ar'a sub cript on ( 12) to W S B. PUBLICATIONS LTD , 2·4 LEMAN STREET, LO DON E.1 THE OFFICIAL PUBL CATIO 0 THE E GLISH BRIDGE UNION Edited lty HAROLD FRA KLIN ••••••


We are now in the season 1974/ 75 which is to be hi~lighted by the taging of the European Champion hips at Brighton, m the fortnight beginning July 12th, 1975. The hampion hip Committee i now within sight of its target of £25,000. Acknowledgements for contributions have been periodically acknowledged, but not perhaps to the most substantial contributor our membership at large.

M t of the money has been rai d as the re ult of pecially organised tournaments. Their success has been measured by the considerable numbers in which you, the members, have upported them. We hope that con iderable numbers of you may be able to continu your upport by lending your encouraging pre ence to our team in Brighton.

For a period of about thr month from now th or ni in c m­ mitt e will hold ace mmodati n at two moderat ly priced hotel for th period of the Champion hips. We think the term will be better than individual member would be able to ecure for th m lv . If th d mand i uffici nt th hotel would be e clu iv ly occupi d by peopl with an intere t in the hampion hip and we thin th t would make for th increa enj ym nt of all of th m.

Full d tail may be obtain d from th E.B.U. offic . L tt rs hould ddr ed to Dr. E. S. Stave) y, 15B Hi h Str t. Tham , 0 n and h uld be marked "P r nal ". 2 '.B.U. R

mmi ) Fl mlng.

Mrs. Fleming' ou tanding record of ervice h been matched by the di tinction he has achie ed a a player. She i the only woman to ha e chieved the triple di tinction of havin repr nted England in the Camro Trophy and Great Britain in both the en and Ladie ' eri of the European Championship. Her many ucc in Jude that of being a member of the winning team in the 1964 Team Olympiad and in the 1951. 1952, 1959 and 1963 European Championship (Women' hampion hip ). She w non-playin~t captain of the Bri · h women' team in 1962, playing captain in 1949 and. unbelievably, a playin memb r of the British women' team in 1939. In 1953 he became the only woman to have repre ented Grea Britain in the European Open Championship when, partnered by Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, be formed part of the Briti h team which took econd place. At the national le el her ucc ar too numerou to li t in full. he w a member of th winnin team in 19 0 and of the winni~ Croclcford Cup teams in 1949 and 19 0. he won the Portland Cup, in i old form. in 1953, the Pacha Cup in 194 and the uth-E tern Pair in 19 5 and 1958. ot urpriingly in iew of the above r' cord he h won the \J hitelaw up. our national women' team Champion. hip, m re often than any other pi er. her uc s coming in 1951, 1953, 195 , 1959, 1970 and 1972. In each of th~ years she went on to help England win the Lady Milne Cup, the h me countri wom n' Champion hip, which he h lped to in yet once a ain in 1973. Since n ucb account would be compl te without at 1 t on brid e hand. hue a r nt example of her undimin h d kill : orth KO 2 10 9 5 0 10 l .. Q74 t 93 • J 10 7 4 0 4 0 A32 0 9 76 O A S4 .. J 106 .. 2 th A 5 0 QJ7 <> Q J 2 6 9 3

'B. L. l.o y,

16th· l th, 197 t th hurch1ll

4 ·rid y 17th 20.00 24.00 h 5 turd y 1 th : 12.00 15.00 h

SAH. ion y u r quir 4 E GU H BRIDG 10 ICOEADE DIT R A 0 T Ynr to 31 t reb 1974 1973 £ £ £ Inc 3,9 6 Competitions and Conp e (after ex 3,424 15.341 er Points and Re tra ion (after ex 7,63 2 l.;icence Fe ...... 361 277 Teachers' Traminst Schem (after e pe L. 1 6 19,932 11.61 Ad8al dve ud at E pen Secretarial Expe 1, 50 Cl rical tan 1,19 Trea urer' Expens 426 Cost of Meetin 95 Stationery and Sundri 42 Po taae and Telephon 643 Rat and Rent •.• 357 Audit and Accountancy 4 0 Insurance 56 Depreciation of Furniture and Equipment 324 6,499 6,641 Other Exr: Quarter y Magazine . . 3,017 Sub cription ... 250 European Champio hip ...... 700 Camrose Trophy 703 Lady Milne Cup 326 Schools Cup 432 Junior Camr 237 Junior Trial 9 6,372 5,754 12,171 12.395 7,061 (Surplu ) Deldt (776) L~ss : Interest on Building Society 0 po it (net) and Bank Depo it 2,021 Leu: Corporation Ta 3 6 1,037 ( dd) 1,635 ,09 ol lacoaM o r E pendltur for the year ...... 159 30,615 Accumulated Fund from pre lou 3 .713 £3 ,713 Acc:umul t d urplu t 31 t M r h, 1974 £39,572

It i timat d that proc ds of I of M t r Point mountln& to £3,000. which would normally ha e be n recei d in th y r to 31 t March 1974, wer recel ed in the previou y r a r uh of exceptional 1 prior t the introduction of V.A.T. Auditors' R port. We certify that the bo a tru xtr ct fr m th udlt d ac ount of The En&) h Brid e Uni n Ltd. 5 Qu en Str t, MORI TO EHAM CO .. London EC4 1 U. Chartered ccountant . Bridge at Hastings QUEEN'S BRIDGE CIRCLE WEEKENDS GALA NEW YEAR TOURNAMENT Dec .L r 28131 - £36 I in (inc. VAT) Boolc now to avoid disappointment I

1975: January 17/19, February 14/16, March 14/16 April 18/20, May 16/18 Mr. Eric Seldon and his wife Rosemary will direct play. The charge for these enjoyable week-ends is £18 Including VAT. Private bathrooms 75p per day extra. All r... rvat on and further lnformat on from the Gen raJ M n g r, Queen'• Hot", H t nge, Sue x. Te phone · H tttng 424167 (STD Code 0424) Det 111 of our Gala New Ye r Tourn m nt now ave llble. HICKMETHO 6

I l )I ~ 4 5 n 6 •7 MRO E TRI After the m t e hau u e ri - of Camr trial the tionou~ ent e clu i ely to the idland , In th pre-trial ixty pai competed for nu~ety boards. ith e1 en pal oing forward to the firs tage of the r e tr1al proper. The n field made up of twenty-ei ht pairs who pi d ei ht · ne boards over o eek-end, at the end of which the eld w reduc d to twenty-two pairs and the re carried forward to a fin 1 wee -end. The result a plendid ju tification of the pre-tri I tem with two of the three pairs who qualified for Camro e match ha in come through from the first tage. The exceptions were Topley and Airey ho I d the final trials alm t throughout. Topley, the only one of the ix " cap " pre iously selected o play for EnA]and in the Camr trophy. was a Gold Cup winner m re than twenty yea a o, and Link has won junior international honours. Final R' ult I P. Tapley A M. AI CW. a I) +ISS ll R. A. Swan &: R. Miln (S) - l D. Coli a G. Link ...... +Ill 14 A. Clart A • W. Burton CL) ... - 9 J M. Allen a A. GI)'Dne 110 15 • R. F1 t A R. Gran ille (01) ... - 10 4 T. Ful a A. Forrest r ...... 107 IS • . Lov A D. G nwood (1.) - I :5 Mr. a Mrs. Hud n (NW) ...... -+ 101 17• ). Milne A A. Patlwl ... _.. •.... - 44 6 D. Prt A C. Evan """"'""" + 74 17• A. R vel y &: R. Churnt}' - 44 7 T. R rdon A A. Tho n (L) + 45 19 K. tanley 1. Gord n CE & L) - a A. Flnl a E. wman (Y) ...... 17 lO M M. IIerman Mrs. C. tenon 9 P. Fountain a C. GfaY'On C h) + l4 (L) - 75 10 M. A D. Edwin CL) ...... 16 11 I. ~ a ). Greenhal (W)+ 13 ll Ml • G rdm r a Mn1. R. 22 droyd (1. Ill Y) + l The first two pairs will play in the opening match against orthern Ireland when the team will be completed by J. T. Re e and C. ixon with C. Q. Henriqu as the non-playinJI. captain. The match will be played at the Imperial Hotel, Blackpool on ovember 16th and 17th.


Write to Ml V. M. M. Defy, 10a Hamilton Aoed, Harrow, Mlddl Ml for I det • and Enby Fonn.. 7

The .B.U. t ber 15th. Hea

ure Mrs.

Bnd Clrcl , Mal~ l 1 ) 4 s 6 1 •9 I II 12 u 14 IS 16 17 II 19 20

E.B.U. OFFICES~ Will members please note that the eddre a of the E.B.U. offices Ia now :- 158 HIGH STREET. THAME, OXON. Tel : THAME 2221 end 3650. Corre pondence should be cle rly marked with the name of the Department for which It I Intended. 8 R E D THI The Rules and Ethics Committee, by a un nimou deci ion, · ue the followin& nonce : . . "The extensi e use of psYch by a l?artnershiP. to be deprecated. Tournament Directors will be in tructed m all nat1on I even and open con licensed by the E.B.U. to take note and repor to the Rules and Ethics Committee on all p ych;lc bid . Competitora . h ~Jd be e~couraged to call the Tournament Director m tbe ca of a p ych1c b1d, even if no formal protest to be made." To explain the reasoning behind tbi firm res temcnt of a practice which was already meant, it is a principle of " fair play " in bridge that the meanin of a bid should be the same both to partner and to o ponent . If a con en 'on card states that a o opening ho 12-14 points, without further elaboration, and if the partnership bas a tacit understanding to be in the lower ran e or below at favourable vulnerability and in the upper range at unfavour· able vulnerability, they enjoy an adv ntage they are not meant to enjoy. H a pair should decide to be adventurou at favourable vulnerability to the exten of opening withont an opening bid, and pecially in front f partner, they e joy an unfair advantage unl partner treat that opening bid a trictly ortbodoL On any sing]e occasion that a player or partnership may be qu tioned about such a bid one ma have to accept the xplanation that partner w misled no less than opponent. The object of recording psychic bids, and peciaiJy cceaful on , is to establish the fact whenever a partnership may make a practice of psyching. H members o erve the directive of the Rules and Ethics Committee it should go far to elimin te an und irable practice . • • • • By a decision of the Council, applications for licence mu t in future bt accompanied by a fee, as follows : application for a licence for a con enti n to be accompanied by a fee of £1 ; application for a licence for a tem to accompanied by a fee of £3. Applications should be made to the ecretary of the Rut and Ethics Committee, Mrs. A. L. Fleming, 12 Frant Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, and should include twelve copie of the convention or tem for which a licence · aought. • • • • ew licences have been i ued as follows : Romac Two Bidt with Flint-Pender. Application from Dr. I. R. Macphe n of Durham . .Two CJabs= 8 playin tric in any ujt. egative r ponse of Two Oiamo wtth J than one ace and one king. Opener rebid natur 1 uit and responder thereafter in charge. T o DlaJDOnd =flattish 23 + pain . egative r ponse of Two Hearts with less than one ace and one king. Opener' rebid are natural: 2 .T.=23-24 and ~ N.T. 25·26 or ~trong two-suit~r 17 + points. Rebids natural with ui 1n !:!lost econorrucal order. Swts b1d in uneconomical order would e fomn Two B rts/Spad Guarantee S-card uit, 17-19 point:. R ponder bi : (a) ~e or slam to play: (b 2 .T.=on round force; (c any imple chan e of su1t-forcln to pm . Two o Tram = Flat 20-22 point (re ponder h Baron or Flint a ailabl · "A" licence llranted until 1·12-1975. 9 to n penln bid of Two r po of Two Dlam o Trump me po ib1

• • • • f adal Con entlo on appli t'on from P. Burro of Cambrld e. A modification of the 8 ron 3 a c:onv ntion ft r 2 .T. op~ . ning d tgned to enable the partn r lp to a oid playin in a 4· fit wh n both hand pattern re 4-3-3-3. After 2 .T. - 3 Cl, the open r rebids folio 3 0=4·3-3·3. 3 H no 4 card major and not 4-3-3-3. 3 Sp=4 card pade uit, d nle 4 card h rt uit and not 4-3-3-3. 3 .T. =4 card heart uit, deni 4 card spade uit and · not 4-3-3-3. 4 Club =two four card majors. Recommended that after Thr Heart r bid by opener, 3 Sp=5 card uit, I kina for 3 card support. !ii) After 4 Cl r bid, 4 D=artificial, general lam try 4 .T. would be a ian-off. !iii) In eneral, bid by eith r p rtner in a uit in hich a 4-4 fit · known to be im ible are cue-bids and agre the Ia t naturally btd uit. C dltor' note. A major uit contract i often d irable when re pond r i 4·4·3-2 and opener 4-3-3-3, a not infrequent c which doe not m to be c tered for in the explanation.) Full licence until 31-12-1975. • • • • wo o rump 0 rcall of W o Trump or Pr I on Two lub OpenJa~o Appli tion from S. A. Slo n of Surrey. in , the bid of 2 N.T. how a trong two- uiter, forcing to &am • R ponder bids : 3 .T.=no ingleton or , at le t thre c rd in both maj rs. The 2 .T. hand now decide the final contract. 3 Cl=inability to bid 3 .T. It for further de cription. 2 .T. hand now bids follow 3 H/Sp=club and bid uit. 3 .T. =both maJors. 4 l=both minors, clubs at I t long diamond • 4 D=both minor , diamonds longer than club (6-5 or better). 5 Cl==both minors, club Ion er th n diamond- (6-5 or better). 3 D=diamond and a major. Re ponder bid a 3-card major if h h on , oth rwi - 3 .T. or a diamond r i . Biddin thereaft r natural. Fulllicen until 31-12-1975. (The bids of 4 Ct. 4 D and 5 Cl would appe r to have lirnit~d u fuln a Pr cision Two Jub openin thou&h their u efuln would be unim o er w It o Trump Ed.) • • • and 2 I openin , n ppll tion

lub nd rtn r d, th 10 Aft r an openin bid of 2 Cl th abo e h dul 11ppli , b t at one le el hiper. Full licence to 31-12-1975. Voller Defence to Precl on and Blue . f T o lu Application from C. Worsley and J. lz of Cambnd Immediately over the 2 C1 bid. Double=12+ points, ingle· uited hand. 2 0=12+ points, at lea t 5·4 in di mond and h rt · 2 H=12+ points, at least 5·4 i!l h arts nd p~d .• 2 S =12+ points, at le t 5·4 m pade and d1amona . 2 .T.=natural. d · f · fter l D/H/Sp 2 .T. It for parti I club top ~n 1 .non· orcmg. J Cl for part!al club top an~ 1 f<;>rcmg. If 0 ercaller doe not have parti I top r h b1d ht - longer uit if minimum and the fourth suit if maximum. " Fourth suit" by re ponder i forcing and k overcaller to ho tren th and &hape by steps (omitting o Trump ). 1 step=lower suit i longer- minimum. 2 steps=hi&her uit i long r - minimum. 3 steps--lower suit is longer- m . imum. 4 steps=hi&her suit i longer- maximum. o Trumps=5·5 or better. Ia Protecd e Polido.. After 2 Cl· Pass. Pass, double=eith r norm I protective double. i. . 12+ balanced, or a sin&le-suiter. 2 D/H/Sp=a two-suiter a above. Respoaee to the Doable. With a li e card major, bid it. otherwi e bid 2 D. Full licence until 31·12-1975. • • Mocll.lcatloa of Precl oa Club Openiq Bl of Two lu fTwo Olamon Application from . R. Browne of S ex. T o Club&. Based on a Two Club bid bowing a ix card uit and unlikely to bold a four card major, there are a erie of codified re pon e . Two Diamonds show 11 +, i forcing and initially k. for outside guard for o Trump. Two Hearts/Spades. Sjx card uit. -10 point , non-forcing. Two o Trump for tran fer to Three Diamond nd m y be b ed on either minor &uit. Three Club and Three Diamond are game forcing and ba ed respecti ely on heart& and spades. Three Hearts and Three Spad are natural nd invit tiona! and Three o Trumps is natural. Full details may be obtained on appli ti n. "A" licence until 31-12-1975. o Dl1111011dt is a type bid, imllar to other alre dy holding a full licence. The bid how 4-5 in pad and hearts with 11-13 points or 4-4 In pade and bea with ll-15 point Full detail may be obt ined on application. · Granted a full li n

follow a t of r ue m n eu r fter a 31-12-1975. Two Bid • Full licence rant d until

• • • • Th ~ul and ~thi Committ h 1 d down th n raJ ru1 th t lam on\ nuo at h1 h I el r . utom tlcally lie d. T~ y m t of course be fully 1fP In d on t c m ntton c rd and throu h the al rtin procedure. 11 Crul to t e Sun hine of th editerr he Canarle and e t aboard P & 0' CANBER 24 May & 7 November 1975 Bridge Congress at Sea (E.B.U. Master point ) A Bridge Club Afloat

Play with World and European champion ICO G RDE ER, t e part in minar , lectur and le on for beginner and ad anced players. Play Rubber Brid at all tak in th a.mbienc of C BERRA' friendly club with FREDDI ad E ABE H ORTH your Ho . Compete for M ter Points in CA B RRA' d ily Congr pr ramme itb GEOFFREY CO ELL a your Tournament Director. PI y r and non-pi y rs alike can njoy the un, wimming, ood food, ni&htlif nd complete rela tion that can only be found on a ship at CA BERRA iJ Southampton 24 May calling at Dubro nik, Palm , Malaga. ar from £195 for 15 night • AI from South mpton 7 ovem r calling at las Palma , Ten riffe, 0 r. M d ira, L' bon and Vi o. Far from £192 for 15 ni If ou would like a copy of P 0 Speci l Brid e rui LeaH t pi compl t the coupon b lo nd nd it to P 0 (no tamp n ded).

EBU 1 12 HIP

w t K J 3 01092 0 J 97 0 010 ()K876 <> 9 s 6 062 uth 6 AJ9 7 • on OA8653 () A043 • 10 s 4 3 Chaps, South, w declarer in Four Hear after an unconte t d auction. West led the two of club ; East won and reurned the queen of hea . Chaps resisted the temptation to play for four diamond tric and one club . Instead he won with th kin of bear and ruffed a lo pad in hand. A club ruff, a pad ruff and a further club ruff were follow d by th ac of pad on which declarer discard d his I t club and a fourth pad . When t followed declarer ruffed with h' last but on trump. W t, reduced to two trumps and four dwnonds, could do no better than o r-ruff and return hi I t trump. Chaps now led a to diamond to th tabl and W t c uld make no more th n the kin& of diamond . • The Sunday Tim are ta in& th" year' tournament on ambitio lin , ith a luxury setting, a u enir programme, and complete record of the han for pectators. The early fin' h (Saturday aft moon) will permit the n w paper to · e full covera of i own ev nt. For pectators who intend to trav 1 to London for th nt, pe i 1 hot 1 t rms have been arran ed at the Churchill which i on of London' luxury hoteh. Th r duction i about on -third. D tail may be obtain d on pplicataon w!th a elf- ddre d n elope to: M ..W. Trav 1 Ltd., -11 Richmond Bull din , D an Stre t, London \: 1V SAH. NO THFIELD HOTEL, Mia he , Somerset announce Compe tlon ' ' W nd Under' the expert aupervi on of W. lund R of Langport. Three daya from Decem 6th, 197•. and from M rch 14th, 1975. Ring or write for Descriptive L fl t and t rm~ 2864. 13

uth 02 \:) AK K03 6 K) 985

outb + OJ76 0 043 0 10 9 7 3 6 KIO Game all. D aler We t. t orth outb (8. h nkin) (Ro nber 1 H D uble p . (a) 2 Sp 3 H 4 Sp Double Pa p p point and heart tolerance.

6 964 2 At tb oth r tab! two d n in F ur H rt und ubi d.

ORMESCLIFFE HOTEL • LLANDUDNO BRIDGE CONGRESS - 28th December, 197 rd January, 1175 lnclud ng Specl I W nd Congr L c n d by W h Br Unon. Ma t r poln s for atl e nt.-prize (Including Summ r Hoi d ). Directed by J ck Lodge. Writ for brochure. T p Once a in the for the Gold Cup ha broken all record • many 442 tea competed in all, and the num . r of thr e-corner d cont in the 1r t round w consequently reduced to IX. Apologie ar owed to all th competito in the four outhern venues who found them 1 - playing at miniature tabl . Th w re unf~rtunately d h r d without warnin by the firm from whom the tab! were h1red. YOR J. Hill bt A. Mooc:kt n ...... II k, bt J. EdaJ ...... JO C. Pope bt D. Grtlllt ... '""""' ...., S9 S. Speoc:e be K. Warburton ...... II J, Bloombera be T . Bott na ...... 10 D. Whlttlnatoa bt R. Gray ...... 44 , H

B ILDO •o o t M hi IL) ......

ao Ill MAilKY T aou o 1

DROITWICH D I D. &nl IGI bt W. Orr! I (Wo) ...... I C F. Daxon (N bt M. J. Ham (Y) ... 30 • Man.ln (0) bt Mn. Balter (G) ...... 41 V. J. C rrod (W) bt M. 'tum r (0) 51 R. Hud (NW) b E. Jlmuny (W) ... S~ B. E. Seabrook (I.e) bt M . Hu ( m) l4 M. D Hebel (0) bt G. McP n (W) 57 E. Dowhna (Sm) bt A. Herdman (0) • • 3 Mn. Lewia C W) bt J. Crampton CWol S G. PotU (W) bt S. I. Davl (NW) ... '1l G. Wa._, bl A. Payne ...... 21 C. C. H. Fox (L) bt M. BWlk ( .•• 19 A . ButciM!r ~U) bt B. Hom (NW) •• 41 D, McAndrew bt . Lavill ol 12 F 1 r (W) bt P. Hiron (G) ...... 3 ao Dl A. • llutciM!r bt C. Potts ...... _.... 9 D. McAndrew bt E. Fost r ...... 31 E. P. Dowlln bt R. D. Hudson ...... 20 C. . Moffat bt Mn. Lewl1 ...... 60 V. f. Garrod bt D. Kina ...... 9 C. E. Sarnu I bt A. J, Payn ...... 94 W. J. Gordon bt C . C. H. Fox ...... 3 B. E. abroo b E. M.nln .. _ ...... 66 , D Hebdm bt G. . DaliOG ...... 20 C. Wa n bt A. P r er ...... II


A, K ton CBB) bt D. Elnn (NE) ... 17 R. HW. (£) bt A. Hou ton (88) ...... 44 R. HulJe (E) bt D. Elvin (NE) ...... 63 G. D. Cron n (S) bt G. Hind ( x ...... 52 P. Dooovan (L) bt C. D. Cronin (S) ... 10 C. Hand bl . P c ) ... 4 " · Co m ( ) bt P. W. Poult r (Sx) ...... 6 I. R (L) bt Baron Kn p (IC) ... .. Dr. }. llochsler (L) bt P. P. Wall r C8B) • llo II (0) bt D. ). S mpeon ( ) ... II R. A. Prtday (L) bt R. E.- ry CS) ...... 161 Or, M. Rockl It (M) bt Ml M rrlman ( l 32 W W. Brown (18) bt A. M. lilac (L) 26 1. F. nn <88) bt D. W. Haaah ( ) n M. B. Ward ( I bt Or. D, Burl y 11.) ... ll • 17 ORO

c..r.,. S aller, R. CH) • R. J. Walsn,1 M. P. ( ) H&rri-. D. J. CH) HQea, Dr. P. • (0) ~yroo, a. v.

~ WUde, . S. (Le) Muee, M. H. C l Smfth, a. G. CLDJ AleliUider, J. L. CD> l'hompsoo, M. A. MIIM, J. G. {Le) Reyaolds. M. . (D) G117, J. a. Moac:kton, A. S. (Stl Morley, C. J. (N) ttl • J. o. (Le)

C. c. WEI The Orlsln•tor of Precision

...... ,. c..da ······· ····································- •..•• The 8lmplltled Preclelon rtMm of lrtdge Bidding. bJ C. C. Wet (64 peg ) Precl•lon Bidding In ~. R vi d Edit on (118 p g ) ..... •• £1 .00

Av able from BEHDLES (TOROUAY) LTD., 32 TOR HILL ROAD, TOROUAY c Order Bi Hkkmet invites you to sp d a Brid Weekend in the glorious Pe k District DUPLICATE BRIDGE with MASTER POINTS St. Ann's Hotel- one of the finest in all the Peak District- is proud to announce Duplicate Bridge Weekends, licensed by the E.B.U., at special all-inclusive low prices. The St. Ann' is under the personal supervi ion of ELIZABETH HICKMET. beck the dates in your d1ary now and contact the Bridge Secretary for reservations or further detail . .------~

BRIDC E 10 Friday ...... 15 p.m Saturday ... 2.1 p.m. and .15 p.m Sunday ...... 2.15 p.m. and 8.15 p.m 19 HlP

At the be 'nning of October th tot I um ra· d w about £18.000. and thanks are &i en to the ciation , club and indi idual member li ted belo wbo sent donations ince the I t Quarterly. Al listed again are the new county total , at tb 1 t ptember. £ £ Oxford Bridge Club ...... 20.00 Berk . Buc . C.B.A. Oxfordshire C.B.A. 200.00 (High Wycombe B.C.) . ...•. 29.60 Ripley and Alfreton B.C. . .. 53.10 orthan C.B.A...... 50.00 ~~~~~ Lynn B.C. . •• ...... 7.50 British Bridge League ...... 1.000.00 Uncolnshire C.B.A...... 62.8 and nationally from the Swi Glou tel'5hire C. B.A...... • 49.24 teams ...... 585. l Sussex C.B.A...... 5.00 Bedfordshire ...... 67.25 63.60 Berks. Buc ...... 14.00 4.00 Cambs. Hun ...... 25.20 1.50 Derbyshire ...... 1.00 13.63 0 on and Cornwall ...... 251.75 25.00 E X ...... 7 6. 1 10.00 Glouc t rshire ...... 250.00 40.00 Hertford hire ...... 121. 0 20.00 Kent ...... •• ...... 204.40 50.00 Leic tershire ...... 85.00 0.00 incoln hire ...... 126. I London ...... 2 4.50 Middl ...... 200.7 ottinghamshire ...... 60 orthamptonsbir ...... 2 7.00 orfollr; ...... 145 . . .B...... 14 90 .W. .B.A...... 24 .00 Oxford hire ...... 220.00 urr ...... 290.00 uth rn unti ...... 170.00 me t ...... 115. 0 u ...... 105.00 \ arwi hire ...... 1.00 W r e te hir ...... 00 Yor hire ...... 7 9. }el' m~m ttl h Brad CRANS BRIDGE W Sunnl t Winter Resort In S ltz rland

8 - 9 MARCH 1975 MIXED PAIRS 10 MARCH 1175 INDIVIDUAL 11 - 12-13 MARCH 1175 TEA S 14 -15- 16 MARCH 1975 OPEN PAIRS

Prizes In cash and in goods for experts and non-experts. Special prizes.

Special hotel terms for bridge players.

Brochures and information available : Tony TRAD 8, ChAteau Banquet 1201 GENEVA

TROPHEE LEON LEVY SHERATON HOTEL, BRUSSELS November 29 - December 1, 1974 1at Seaalon: Friday November 29 at 8 .30 p.m. AN OPEN PAIR TOURNAMENT countlns for the Philip Morris Brldae Cup EllmY FEES 1... I,OH (.,,. £10) 1 t Prize F .B. 50,000 2nd Prlz 30,000 3rd Prize 20,000 Special Prizes cumulative nd non-cumulative Prizes to 25~ of the p rticipants Exc ptional I rms at both hotels, Sher ton nd Lendi (pi ase mention in your reservation that el is for bridg. players) ,,.,..,/_ •11lllk•tiM ..J mt,•tws I Tony Trad, 8 Chateau uet, 1202· va, Swiuerl 21 P RT

1. Fran .. m; - T. rntt:

+ M.P. in , 2~ al. M.P 22 23 4

The nicest of letters are written on the finest of papers


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