Bayford, , Essendon, Little & Ponsbourne.

THE PARISH MAGAZINE August 2020 Churches Open! Free for PRIVATE PRAYER (see page 4)

St. Andrew’s Church, .


The Bishop of : The Rt. Revd. Dr. The Bishop of : The Rt Revd Dr Archdeacon: The Venerable . Rural Dean: The Revd. Jo Loveridge, Assistant Rural Dean: The Revd. Mark Dunstan


RECTOR: Rev’d Theresa Musiwacho, Hartford Hundred Rectory, 1 Little Berkhamsted Lane, Little Berkhamsted, SG13 8LU. Telephone: 01707 875940 email - [email protected]

Communion to the sick, Notice of Banns and of Marriage by arrangement with the Minister. Please advise us of any cases of sickness so that prayers may be offered or where they may be of any assistance.

ST ANDREW'’S - LITTLE BERKHAMSTED ST MARY THE VIRGIN - ESSENDON & WOODHILL CHURCHWARDEN Sandie Ash, Hall Cottage, 7 Church Road, CHURCHWARDENS Little Berkhamsted, SG13 8LY 01707 875221 Mrs A Mitcheson, Farmleigh, Berkhamsted PCC SECRETARY Lane, Essendon, AL9 6JS 01707 658057 Ian Bailey, Tower House, Stockings Lane, Little Mr P Wombwell, 27 Rectory Close, Essendon, Berkhamsted. SG13 8LW 01707 875791 AL9 6HG 01707 273729 TREASURER

Mr C Nunn, Trewinnard House, Little PCC SECRETARY Berkhamsted, SG13 8LS 01707 874299 Mrs J Thomson, Adelaide Cottage, 8 High ORGANIST Road, Essendon, AL9 6HW 01707 271626

ST MARY - BAYFORD and HOLY CROSS & TREASURER ST ALBAN – BRICKENDON Mr D Mitchell, Essenwell Cottage, Cucumber Lane, Essendon, AL9 6JB 01707 659243 CHURCHWARDENS ORGANIST Mr G Gay, Blackbird Cottage, 6 Wormley West, End, , Herts, EN10 7QN ST MARY - PONSBOURNE 01992 465304 CHURCHWARDEN Mr C Taylor, Baybury House,41 Ashendene Mr T M Sutcliffe, School Cottages, Newgate Road, Bayford, Hertford, SG13 8PX Street, SG13 8RA 01707 874388

01992 511041 PCC SECRETARY PCC SECRETARY Bradley Morgan Swallowfields Farm, Epping Mrs S Maniez. 11a Ashendene Road, Bayford, Green, SG13 8NB 07427 623643 SG13 8PX, 01992 511542

TREASURER TREASURER Marcello Delfino 39 Newgate Street Village, Mrs E Gay, Blackbird Cottage, 6 Wormley Hertford SG13 8RA 07595 219389 West End, Broxboume, EN10 7QN 01992 465304 ORGANIST Mr P Minchinton, 14 Byfield, Garden ORGANIST City, AL8 7AL 01707 323742 Mrs V Haryott, Wellpond Cottage, Brickendon, SG13 8NU 01992 511575 PARISH MAGAZINE EDITOR Dr M E Wainwright. 12 Church Road, Little Berkhamsted, SG13 8LY. 01707 875970

[email protected] 2 ear All grandchildren, loved ones not being able to give each other hugs, due to A time of reflection D social distancing. Many large celebrations like weddings and VE Ecclesiastes 3:1 ‘There’s a time for Day commemoration could not everything, and a season for every happen in large groups. However, we activity under the heavens’. We have are grateful that the effects of all of been through a difficult time. A time of this were mitigated due to technology the Corona virus outbreak. This and social media, as families and period has brought about different friends were able to connect experiences for different people. This wirelessly. Even though social is a great opportunity for taking time distancing between close friends and to reflect on the past few months, as relatives occurred, in some cases the Government is now introducing families came together because of the measures to ease the restrictions. For circumstances. For example, the Church community, it is a time of University students were able to going back in our Church buildings for spend more time at home with their private prayer and families, as they could worship. ‘The Lord will keep not attend face to face

Since the beginning of you from all harm. He lectures. the outbreak, healthcare will watch over your Uncertainty brought workers in the NHS and life; the Lord will about by the virus also Care Homes have watch over your included people losing bravely taken the risk of coming and going jobs and others not being in the forefront knowing whether their working to save people’s both now and jobs would still be there lives with the help of forevermore.’ post restrictions. People God. We have immense lost loved ones due to gratitude for the selflessness shown sickness. Various businesses by such caring individuals. Above all, experienced plummeting sales as they we thank God for his protection. shut during lockdown. Yet some Psalm 121:7-8. ‘The Lord will keep you businesses have done well and seen from all harm. He will watch over your an increase in sales. For instance, life; the Lord will watch over your Unilever who posted a rise in coming and going both now and quarterly profits for the first time in a forevermore.’ We continue to pray for long time, benefited from people’s these healthcare workers, as they are panic buying and wanting to purchase still working hard to ensure the virus sanitation products. remains under control. From these examples, it is clear to see Many families have experienced that although the Corona Virus physical separation. Some Outbreak has been an unprecedented grandparents were unable to see their event, it has brought forth a variety of

3 Rector’s Article (concluded) situations. Some have had more highs, of reflection, restoration, revival, others lows due to the outbreak. listening and seeking God’s presence

As some people start to go on and guidance. Looking forward with holidays, school pupils, teachers and hope and joy. Reflecting the essence of Ecclesiastes 3. staff go on a break, as some return to buildings of worship, it can be a time Reverend Theresa Musiwacho


Sunday 2nd August 8th Sunday after Trinity 10.15 am GROUP COMMUNION BAYFORD 11.30 am Zoom Service Wednesday 5th August 10.00 am TELEPHONE SERVICE * Sunday 9th August: 9th Sunday after Trinity 10.15 am GROUP COMMUNION ESSENDON 11.30 am Zoom Service Wednesday 12th August 10.00 am TELEPHONE SERVICE * Sunday 16th August 10th Sunday after Trinity 10.15 am GROUP COMMUNION PONSBOURNE 11.30 am Zoom Service Wednesday 19th August 10.00 am TELEPHONE SERVICE * Sunday 23rd August 11th Sunday after Trinity 10.15 am GROUP COMMUNION BRICKENDON 11.30 am Zoom Service Wednesday 26th August 10.00 am TELEPHONE SERVICE * Sunday 30th August 12th Sunday after Trinity 10.15 am GROUP COMMUNION LT. BERKHAMSTED 11.30 am Zoom Service Prayer Share Almighty God, who sent your Holy Spirit to be the life and light of your Church: open our hearts to the riches of your grace, that we may bring forth the fruit of the Spirit in love and joy and peace; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen 4 CHURCH OPENING TIMES

In line with current Government guidelines, we are pleased to announce the following churches are open for individual prayer:

St. Mary's Church, Bayford is open Mondays and Thursdays St. Mary the Virgin, Essendon is open every Sunday 2pm –4pm

We kindly encourage safe practices and social distancing in church buildings too. Thank you.

(Just for your information St Andrew’s, Lt. B. can't open due to the building works that are due).



26th June Eileen King Bayford (Aged 93) 6th July Anne Pierce Bayford

For Sale by the Dioceses of St. Albans

The Old Playground Bayford The land which was used as the village playground for many years is to be put up for sale by the Diocese.

Visit the Hartford Hundred web site at


for full details of telephone and Zoom services 5 Bayford School. Clerk to the Governors

A vacancy has arisen for the position of Clerk to the Governors at Bayford C. of E. Primary School to start in September 2020.

Please telephone 01992 511551 for more information if you are interested.

10 things we need to know for

A New Normal.

1. Our old normal was not okay, we were quite simply living too fast and too furiously. Stress and limited time had become badges of honour. 2. The earth desperately needed a break from our incessant over-consumption. We should never ever allow that to happen again. 3. During lock-down, it has become clear, that what we really need, above food and shelter, is other people. 4. Our homes really truly are our kingdoms and the place where we are safest and happiest. 5. The designer clothes in our wardrobe and the expensive cars on our driveways did us no good when push came to shove. 6. It was the strength of our minds, our relationships and our ability to adapt which saw us through the hardest of times. 7. When the world became dark and scary, it was not greed that appeared from every street in every town, it was kindness. 8. Our children are more adaptable than we think. We all are. We should always remember how well we did in a situation we could never have predicted. 9. We met ourselves in the quiet during the lock-down. We made a connection with ourselves we had been avoiding for a very long time. You may not even realise that but you did. Don’t let it slip again. 10. Our priorities in life needed rearranging, like the cupboards and the drawers we have been de-cluttering. Put family, kindness and people at the top and let everything else find its place in the pecking order. 6


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Gardening August.

Over these last months many of us have found that our gardens have brought some order to our lives. The fact that we were not able to source our usual composts, bedding plants etc. in the early summer, and our varied weather, has made us look at things from a different angle and make the best of things. However, nature has taken its normal course, the regular summer jobs have still needed doing and this has given some sort of normality.

Keep ‘dead heading’ the flowering perennials and stake those that are starting to flop with the weight of flowers. Cut back your rambler roses carefully, again, this will keep them under control. Keep on ‘dead heading’ your other roses with a careful eye out for black spot, spray again if necessary and be sure to collect up dead leaves.

It is tempting with tomatoes to allow too many trusses, look for four or five good ones as the later ones will not ripen.

Prune the summer raspberries, cutting out the fruiting stems along with any weak new growths, and keep them moist.

Dahlias will be in their glory but, again, keep ‘dead heading’, cutting back above a leaf to encourage more flowers. It is now time to prune the lavender being careful not to cut too low and into the new growth. Look out for potato blight, plant autumn-flowering bulbs and don’t forget to keep watering your hanging baskets. Most of all, enjoy all your efforts!

Germander Speedwell 7 Local Shops and Pubs (open for business) in the comfort and SAFETY of your own home

Fully registered and insured hairdressing in the comfort of your home. Over 20 years experience All equipment STERILISED. Full PPE worn 07809 446 786


Now running classes and One2Ones on Zoom!

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To book please visit my website www.fittawithpilates.com or get in touch via phone/email

0771 8386195 [email protected]

8 Local Shops and Pubs (open for business)

CHURCH ROAD, LITTLE BERKHAMSTED The School Ponds Locally Grown Fruit and Veg. when available. Sausages. Locally Made Apple Juices. Local Bread, Cakes and Fresh Cream Cakes. Fresh Flowers. Locally Made Jam, Marmalade and Honey. Local Farm Eggs and Duck Eggs delivered daily. Wines. House-ware. Confectionery. Newspapers and Magazines. Muriel’s Home-made Pickles. Dr John Dog Food.

Delivery Service now available throughout the Local Villages HOURS:- Mon-Fri. 7am-7pm. Sat. 7.00 am-6pm. Sun 8am-4pm 01707 878731

The Baker Arms The Farmer’s Boy We are providing a Take Out service on our menus during the week and Take away and delivery service particularly at the weekend, including available for food, wines, ales & soft Sunday Lunch. We are also able to drinks. deliver locally to those unable to 01992 511 017 collect . This must be pre-arranged. Check out the menus online at We are also thinking about providing farmersboy.pub some fresh provisions which can be Contact-free collection point at the ordered and packaged for collection. side of the pub. This will include fresh veg and eggs, bread, milk etc. Anyone wishing to Both our collection service and our express an interest in this service can online delivery service will operate call the Baker Arms on the following hours:

01992 511235 Monday & Tuesday – closed for pricing and availability. Wednesday to Saturday 5pm-9pm Sunday 12noon-6pm All enquiries to Kevin or Deborah on 01992 511235.

9 Local Shops and Pubs (open for business)

Hartford Hundred Group Food Banks Wood Yard At Revd Theresa’s request, a food is still open and safely delivering half bank has been set up in all the villages. and full loads while maintaining This consists simply of a box located distancing requirements. If you want in a convenient place. At Little B. it is to stock up for next winter, early, a in the church porch and at Bayford few days’ notice would be very helpful outside the Memorial Hall, and at as we are still chopping to order Essendon in the South Porch. during the pandemic. Please draw this to the attention of There are loads of well aged logs anyone who you think might benefit. available, just email me on Also, if you have any suitable items [email protected] or call me on please leave them in the box. 97540 35 530 and leave a message, I'll call you back.

All proceeds still go, in total, to your local church.


10 Please mention HHW Parish Magazine when responding to an advert. For Sale

The Old Playground, Bayford The land which was used as the village playground for many years is to be put up for sale by the Diocese.

The land lies between to the Old Vicarage and Willow Corner. The Diocese are intending to sell the land as a development plot. The exact date and terms are yet to be announced.

City & Guilds Qualified Interior / Exterior Decorator 10 Church Road, Little Berkhamsted, SG13 8LY, 0759 996 5102

I am a fully qualified local builder and decorator with over forty year’s experience.

Contact me on the above telephone number or e-mail for a free quotation. References are also available [email protected], 07516 500164

ANTIQUES RESTORATION AND MODERN 40 years experience All Repairs, Polishing, Fully Insured, Free Estimates Peter Worby Tel: 01920 821973 [email protected] NO VAT.

7 Please mention HHW Parish Magazine when responding to an advert.

12 Please mention HHW Parish Magazine when responding to an advert.

P.W. Electronics

For supply and installation of your new digital equipment Repair of T.V. Video recording equipment, DVD and Hi Fi.

Sales Service & Rental Paul Wombwell 01707 265546 (Essendon) email [email protected]


Isabel Hospice Fund Appeal

14 All in the month of AUGUST

It has been: 15 years since hurricane Katrina devastates much of the U.S. Gulf Coast from Louisiana to the Florida Panhandle, killing more than 1,836 and causing over $80 billion in damage 30 years since the Magellan space probe reaches Venus 45 years since NASA launches the Viking 1 planetary probe toward Mars 90 years since the birth of Neil Armstrong, American pilot, engineer, and astronaut, first person to walk on the moon (d. 2012) 139 years since the birth of Alexander Fleming, Scottish scientist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1955) 145 years since Captain Matthew Webb became first person to swim the English Channel 160 years since the birth of Annie Oakley, American target shooter (d. 1926) 211 years since the birth of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, English poet (d. 1892) 223 years since the birth of Mary Shelley, English author (d. 1851) 250 years since James Cook formally claims eastern Australia for Great Britain, naming it New South Wales 251 years since the birth of Napoleon, Corsican-French military officer, and political leader (d. 1821) 280 years since the birth of Joseph-Michel Montgolfier, French inventor, invented the hot air balloon (d. 1810) 345 years since the foundation stone of the Royal Greenwich Observatory in London, is laid 410 years since Henry Hudson sails into what is now known as Hudson Bay thinking he had made it through the Northwest Passage and reached the Pacific Ocean... 535 years since the Battle of Bosworth Field, the death of Richard III and the end of the House of Plantagenet 715 years since William Wallace, who led the Scottish resistance against England, is captured by the English near Glasgow and transported to London where he is put on trial and executed 2010 years since the birth of Claudius, Roman emperor

15 Bayford Bayford St.Mary’s Church



Bayford is open on Mondays and Thursdays

Please see the web site for BAYFORD PARISH COUNCIL. information and minutes.

To read the minutes and agendas just Google ‘Bayford Parish Council’ and Michael Wainwright (Dr), follow the link to ‘Minutes’. Chairman.

The PC held a virtual meeting via [email protected], 01707 875970. Zoom on 13th July. It all went very Please check the web site well. The next meeting is on the 14th www.begesford.co.uk September. Let’s hope we can meet in person by then. (see opposite)

Weight Restrictions. This council has contacted the police For Sale in connection with the non- enforcement of weight restrictions in The Old Playground, the village. The police have replied to Bayford the effect that they are not able/ interested in prosecuting these The land which was used as the village offences. They state that if they were playground for many years is to be put to stop a vehicle they would have to up for sale by the Diocese. check the documents to ascertain if the vehicle exceeds 7.5 tonnes and The land lies between to the Old that the vehicle was not visiting a Vicarage and Willow Corner. The Diocese are intending to sell the land property inside the area and then to as a development plot. check that all weight restriction signs are present and visible. The exact date and terms are yet to be (continued opposite) announced.

16 Bayford Church Open.

Just to confirm that the church is now open.

Therefore, we will resume the cleaning rota, but NOT the church flower rota, as the altar is not available for anyone to walk up to; it is only the nave that is available for people to go in for quiet reflection and prayer.

We kindly encourage safe practices and social distancing in church buildings too. Thank you.

Bayford Parish Council virtual meeting via Zoom.

A double rainbow next to St Andrew’s Church 17

The grade 2 listed monument in Sailors’ Grove, on the Bayfordbury Estate.

It commemorates the three sons, Edward Baker d.21st April 1796, Henry Baker d.9th June 1804, Charles Adolphus Baker, d.23rd June 1822. On the fourth face is a lengthy latin inscription to all three.

Photograph: Sandra Maniez.

Three Bears Mobile Vets We come to you!

Three Bears Mobile Vets is an independent veterinary practice based in Newgate Street Village.

We offer the full range of services you would expect from your veterinary surgery but carry out many services in the comfort of your own home in order to reduce the stress to your pets. We can perform medical consultations, vaccinations, pet passports and ultrasound in the home environment, but we also have a fully equipped practice in Newgate Street where we perform surgical procedures, dentistry and in- patient care. Our vet is Dr Mike Groombridge BSc (Hons) BVetMed (Hons) MRCVS. He qualified from the Royal Veterinary College before working in practices in and North London. Mike lives on-site and can therefore provide 24hr care for your animals if they are taken ill. If you would like to speak to Mike or one of the team to find out more or register your pets then please get in touch.

Tel: 07477 873891 Email: [email protected] Website: www.threebearsvets.co.uk 18 Please mention HHW ParishNewgate Magazine Street when responding to an advert. YOGA

Relax and Rejuvenate

Online Gentle Restorative Yoga classes with Fabrizia drawing from both Hatha and Kundalini traditions to create her very own style of Yoga, bringing in poetry, visualisations and her experience at Alexander Technique.

Her gentle mediative classes preside a nurturing ambience and spiritual uplift.

Tuesday Evenings 7.30-9pm, Join Zoom Meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/meeting/register/ uZwpfuGgpz0pSHO5gs0338u1It2K5bhFkA

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Suggested donations £5-£11 via Paypal paypal.me/bitziayoga

Contact Fabrizia, [email protected] www.bitzia.co.uk


Local nanny requires part-time or PHONE 07850 334003 occasional work.


and own transport. Fully insured against accident and damage Tel: Helen - 07950 096512 19 Please mention HHW Parish Magazine when responding to an advert.

TREE SERVICES Serving Herts, Beds, Essex and the South of England. We provide a professional& reliable service in all aspects of Tree Surgery, 07468 456732 including: Reducing, Pruning, Thinning, Crown raising, Hedge Trimming, Topping, Pollarding,. Felling and Stump grinding,

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20 Please mention HHW Parish Magazine when responding to an advert.


EDGE Traditional Chimney Sweep with brushes, GARDENS fireplace sealed and advance

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21 Brickendon Liberty Brickendon Green Chapel of the Holy Cross & St. Alban

Dear Parishioners Brickendon

As you have no doubt heard, Churches Petanque Boules Club

are being allowed open for private (playing at the Farmers Boy) prayer. We are reviewing this at The Brickendon Petanque Boules Club Brickendon with a risk assessment, is in lockdown. and will be able to advise you of any

opening times with information on the Play can only resume once the notice board. Alternatively, call me or Farmer’s Boy is able to reopen. Virginia Haryott for an update. A Covid 19 risk assessment will be Stay safe and keep well. carried out to ascertain the safest way Churchwarden to resume play always following Gerry Gay 01992 465304 Government’s guidelines and social Virginia Haryott 01992 51157 distancing.

We look forward to openIng up again as soon as we can.

Janet Rees-Secretary Brickendon Petanque Boules Club

Further information from Janet Defibrillator 511515

is outside the Village Hall.

For access you need either to ring 999 or get the access code from the Farmer’s Boy (during opening hours)

22 Brickendon Liberty Tennis Courts. Dates for 2020

Whist Drive: 1.30pm start in The Bookings can be made via the Fanshaws Room, 3rd Thursday every Farmer's Boy public house on 01992 month. 511017, from where the keys are New players welcome. also collected.

The fee is £5 per court, per hour, for everyone. Under 16 year olds living Friendly Club: 2pm start in The rd in the parish can play free of charge Fanshaws Room 3 Monday of every if they have a permit. To obtain a month. permit phone 01992 511551. Brenda Lambie

Parish Council

Meetings 2020 In The Gutter Meetings are held in the Fanshaws Room at 7.30pm and all parishioners are welcome to attend and to raise any Gutter Cleaning & Repairs issues of concern. Agendas are posted Blocked Gutters, on Noticeboards at least 3 days before the meeting.

Meetings: 07891 967217 23rd July, 24th September, 26th November.

Parish Clerk: Laura Brooks-Payne Brickendon Liberty Parish Council PO BOX 81, , SG3 6YZ

Email [email protected] [email protected] Mobile 07803 906291 In-thegutter.com

23 Please mention HHW Parish Magazine when responding to an advert. All About Me. LOOKING FOR FRIENDS, FUN AND Sam’s Beauty ADVENTURE?

Private Home based st Beauty Salon THE 1 NORTHAW SCOUT in Essendon GROUP

Although we cannot physically meet   Waxing during these difficult times, we are   Spray tans continuing with activities and   Lash lift & tint badgework supported by regular   Gel polish teleconferencing each week at our   nch loss treatments normal times. and more

If any youngsters would like to join in,

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24 Please mention HHW Parish Magazine when responding to an advert.

[email protected]


Beaver Colony - Thursday 5.30pm - 6.45pm Cub Pack - Thursday 7.00pm - 8.30pm Scout Troop - Monday 8.00pm—9:30pm 1st Birch Green Brownies - Monday 6.30pm - 7.45pm

Meetings are held at Cowper Hall, Cowper Junior School, Birch Green, SG14 2LR

C.J.A UPHOLSTERY Heating / Plumbing • New Designs To Your Own Specification • Made To Measure Furniture • Home Visits - Portfolio Available • Have Your Old Furniture Re-Upholstered Heating installation & repairs. Northam • 45 North Street General plumbing.

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25 Essendon Essendon, Woodhill, Wild Hill & Woodside St. Mary the Virgin

Church Flowers

The church is normally open every Sunday 2 – 4pm for private prayer, but not when Communion is held in the morning. Please refer to the churchwardens for details.

Sunday Club. FOOD BANK.

Our Sunday Club is held in St Mary’s We have been reminding ourselves at Church Room, Essendon every Sunday St Mary’s Church, especially during from 9.30am – 10.30am in term time, winter, of the challenges faced by (except on the 2nd Sunday, when there many in our area. is the Family Service). It is open to all We take our Food Bank hamper to the children from our parishes and altar with the collection for blessing at outside! the monthly Family Service. It is then If you would like to know more please taken by a churchwarden to the Food contact me or just pop along and see Bank in Hertford. what we are all about! There is a container in the church Pauline Alleyne 01707 261346 porch where donations can be left. There is a list of suggested food on the Essendon Parish Council container.

Meetings are held in Essendon Village Hall on Mondays at 7pm. All Welcome.


Meeting Agendas/Minutes available on the website www.essendonpc.org.uk email: [email protected] or tel: 07535803529 for advice.



Please note that following Government Guidelines, regular Parish Council meetings have been suspended, pending the lifting of the Coronavirus restrictions.

Any member of the public needing to raise any issue with the Parish Council should contact us by email or telephone, details of which are on the PC website. Where necessary, meetings will be held via Zoom, in which case details will be shared on the agenda. Councillors will maintain contact by email or video conferencing.

The Chair and Vice Chair have been empowered to take any necessary decisions to keep the workings of the Parish Council running.

Essendon Tennis Club 2020

Subscriptions are now due. Members are given the padlock code and may play at any time. There is no booking system.

Enquiries to treasurer: [email protected]. Members must adhere to Essendon Tennis Club rules.

Family membership £30, Individual membership £20, Junior membership £10

Essendon Tennis Court is open to members under Covid restrictions. Singles play is permitted. Doubles play is only permitted with members of the same household. Maintain physical distancing of 2m with persons who are not members of your household. Bring disinfectant wipes for padlock, gate latch, and net cord handle. If the court is busy, come back later. One hour play during busy times.

Essendon Tennis Club Committee

27 Essendon Village Hall 200 Club

I realise that many of you are already members, however for those of you who are not, then a way that you can support the Village Hall is by joining our "200" club.

For £1 per month you have the chance of winning inflated cash prizes while at the same time knowing that your membership is helping towards the upkeep of the Village Hall. Its a WIN WIN situation!

Thank you for you support. Paul Plail (Chair, Essendon Village Hall Management Committee)

Send your name, address and (optionally) telephone number by e-mail to [email protected] or by post to “200 Club”, Essendon Village Hall, School Lane, Essendon, AL9 6HD. Payment . Please make initial direct payment of £12.50, then annual standing order of £12 to: sort code: 20-92-54, account no: 40356727, reference: Your initial & surname e.g. J Smith or by cheque payable to “Essendon Village Hall Committee”

28 MOBILE HAIRDRESSER Diamond Pest Control

Diamond Pest Control I am a traditional hairdresser for the have a solution to any over 60s, specialising in elderly and pest problems you may housebound clients. I have full DBS be encountering. and am fully insured.

References available on request.

Over 60s price list: If you need a wasp nest removed Shampoo and set £10, or are experiencing issues with Blowdry £10, rodents, moths, cockroaches, Wet cut £10, pigeons or any other pests you can Perms £25 contact us on the number below.

Call Leigh We are recruiting for new and leave a technicians to join our team. Call us message) on or send us your CV if you are 07854 371716 interested!

0208 889 1036 [email protected] www.diamondpestcontrol.co.uk

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29 Please mention HHW Parish Magazine when responding to an advert.

SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT My Linchpin understands the pressures of running a small business and are here to help with flexible cost effective support.   Help with year end admin duties   Preparation of VAT returns   Invoice and debtor management   General secretarial and admin support Temporary Cover, Holiday Relief and Volume Overflow Email: [email protected] www.linchpin.co.uk Telephone: 07948 503768


All aspects undertaken TELEPHONE: 01707 882927 home : Excellent references of 07899 964 436 mobile Character & workmanship

Master Locksmiths and Security Engineers KEVIN S IVES Maintenance Services G J Locksmiths T r e e w o r k : 9 The Broadway, felling, lopping, Old Hatfield, AL9 5BG p r u n i n g , woods thinned. Tel: 01707 515 510 P a v i n g . Mob: 07774 866333 F e n c i n g . Turfing etc. www.gjlocksmithshatfield.co.uk [email protected]

Free estimates given Fast reliable service FREE surveys to insurance or police specification. Tel: 07720 287 215 phone Martin Shadbolt 07930 350 029 Company member of the Master Locksmiths 01438 861387 (Home) Association

30 Please mention HHW Parish Magazine when responding to an advert.

Herts Computer Services Male Voice Choir

Call Iain on 07787 157 937 or email: Gentlemen, did you know singing is [email protected] good for your health! Home or small business IT support We are looking for singers. No need to be able to read music. Please contact Bob 07940565379 PC health checks & virus removal or come along to Broadband internet issues The Methodist Church, Woodhall, Welwyn Data recovery Garden City Laptop repairs such as screen replacement on Thursday nights at 7.30 to either PC hardware repairs & installations listen or join in Wireless networking Website & internet address setup Microsoft server installations & small business support

Microsoft & Comptia Certified Microsoft Small Business Specialist

Repairs to Fine Antiques And Contemporary Furniture

Re-upholstery Leather Lining

Caning and Rushwork Repairs to Metal Artefacts

Carving and Turning French Polishing

All work guaranteed to the highest standards David T Oakes 01992 511251 / 07860 954977

31 Little Berkhamsted Little Berkhamsted, Howe Green & Epping Green St. Andrew

Church Cleaning

Have you noticed the Bus Shelter? Thank you to Simon, Derek and Bridget for bringing about the transformation! 32 Little Berkhamsted Friends of St Andrew’s Church

SPICK & SPAN We are looking for extra help to keep our beautiful church looking good. If you have any spare time to help with VILLAGE FOOD BANK cleaning or general help with odd jobs

There is a box containing food bank in and around our church it would be items in the church porch. brilliant! Contact; Sandie Ash 01707 875221 Please help yourself or take items on behalf of a neighbour in need.

All contributions to the box welcome. MONDAY—FRIDAY, Daytime Table Thanks Tennis. The hall is now open during the day. Book on 01707 875221

SATURDAYS Master Art Classes 10am to 4pm, Contact Angie 01707 872554 or Joan 01707 874086

A new ‘dog poo bin’ has been installed in the Glebe Field.

Please use it!

Top-To-Toe Cleaners

For a really good clean by people you can trust. We’ll leave your bathroom sparkling and your furniture shining.

We already clean homes in your neighbourhood.

References provided.

Tel Cathy: 01992 462644 Mob: 07930 482646

33 Little Berkhamsted Parish Council News from Little Berkhamsted Parish Council

Parish Council Meeting The Parish Council are extremely busy at the moment and have decided to hold an extra meeting of the Council on Wednesday 19th August at 8pm. If government regulations allow, this will be held in the Village Hall with social distancing measures in place. If you wish to attend, please email the parish clerk as numbers will be limited. Otherwise, the meeting will be held via Zoom. For the meeting ID and other details email [email protected] If you are unable to attend please let the clerk know if there are comments or questions that you wish to be raised at the meeting. Thank you.

Children’s Playground The children’s play area on the recreation field has been reopened and the children are already making good use of the equipment. Please note that the playground is not supervised or regularly cleaned so we ask that parents and carers read, and take heed of, the notices in place, to ensure safe play for all.

Cricket Pavilion You will probably have noticed that cricket was being played on the field this weekend. The current refurbishment work on the pavilion was completed just in time for the late start to the cricket season, although, due to the need to do some finishing off and the COVID -19 regulations, the players had only limited use of the facilities.

The cricket and community pavilion has been updated for use by the whole village and wider community and we want it to be used to host a range of other activities outside of cricket. If you would like to enquire about using the pavilion please contact the parish council [email protected] We are hoping that in the autumn it will be possible to organise a village day on the recreation field at which you will all be able to view inside the pavilion as well as meet up for some socially distanced fun with your neighbours. Watch this space!

All the best LBPC

34 Little Berkhamsted Road Sign Competition Winners.

Sign Competition Congratulations to Niamh, Orla, Jack and Charlie for winning the competition and having their designs made up into road signs asking drivers to slow down

35 L & M SWAIN






TELEPHONE: 01992 511343

36 Little Berkhamsted

YOGA Now On-Line

Monday, Wednesday Friday - 8 am for half an hour - £3 – gentle morning stretch. Energise the body and keep the body and mind moving and active developing balance strength and breathing to start your day.

Tuesday and Thursday – 9-10 am £5 – strong steady sequence to Connect movement and breathe and find that much needed time and space to regain your sense of calm.

Info and booking is on Yogasal.com or call Sally on 07799 314412

Please visit YOGASAL.COM or call Sally on 07799 314412

Edward Oliver & Co

Alan Goldberg David Aumayer B.A.Hons.


Local Solicitors dealing with Residential and Commercial Conveyancing, Wills, Probate, Divorce and Litigation

38/40 Crossbrook Street, , Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire EN8 8JQ

01992 633491 (8 lines) Fax: 01992 634004 DX 80804 Waltham Cross [email protected]

37 Newgate Street Newgate Street Ponsbourne St. Mary

Church Cleaning

Next What’s On in Newgate Street

VILLAGE Table Tennis: Tuesday evenings 7.30 - 9.30pm in the Village Hall. £1 pay COFFEE MORNING and play

First Monday Tennis - Tuesday mornings 9.30- 10 am until 12 noon 10.30am Village Courts. Term time only. Contact 07710 507215 Come and enjoy Coffee, Tea and Biscuits Book Swap - Pre read books to buy £1 and a chat with neighbours or swap 50p, in the Village Hall Post Office Tuesday & Thursday mornings.

Village Chat - WhatsApp group for people living in the village. To join the group contact 07710 507215

Village Pub Social - 8pm the second Friday of every month in either The Crown or The Coach & Horses Pubs, VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS come along to meet friends and make new ones. See Village Chat Whatsapp All bookings can now be made group or Village website for details. through the Village website Post Office. www.newgatestreet.org/ A small Post Office is open on Tuesday Follow the link to Hall Rental and and Thursday mornings in the village Book the Hall . hall.

38 “ A Reckless Wild Beauty”

The title of an article from the Daily Telegraph written many years ago by their Gardening correspondent, Fred Whitsey. I laminated a copy and kept it in a safe place in one of the piles of papers surrounding my desk.

The title of the article refers to a yellow rose of Chinese origin--- Rosa Banksiae Lutea and its name honours the wife of Sir Joseph Banks, the 18th century botanist and wealthy patron of horticulture who sailed with Captain Cook and was one of the founders of Kew Gardens.

A fine specimen has grown with its customary reckless profusion against the West wall of Ponsbourne Church for at least 50 years, warmed by the heat of the sun on the Bath Stonework

Only rarely available in garden centres, (but currently listed by two specialist rose growers), I took cuttings some years ago carefully following the detail advice that this should only be performed on February 14th, St Valentine’s Day . Result: success and the next generation is growing well against the end wall of our house . Michael Sutcliffe

39 Newgate Street

The West Window

Comfy Soles Chiropody BigBlackHen.com

The beautifully simple way 27 High Street to sell your home. Welwyn AL6 9EE

Thinking of selling your home? (above SuSu’s Ladies Clothes Shop) I offer local expertise (I grew up in “Little B”), innovative marketing and personal Nail cutting All Day, Every Friday “service” all for a low fixed fee and Saturday afternoons £20 By a Qualified Foot Care Call Nigel Adams on: Practitioner 01992 878580 Or For all your other Foot care needs Book in with the Chiropodist/ Podiatrist Home visits also on request

Call 07775952310 or 01707894900 www.comfysoleschiropody.org.uk BigBlackHen.com

40 Please mention HHW Parish Magazine when responding to an advert.

Dog Lovers Wanted! Would you like the company of a dog, but can’t commit to full time ownership? If you’re at home during the day, have a secure garden, and no dog of your own (or one friendly dog), you could join us as a carer and earn some additional income, looking after dogs in your home while their owners are away. Previous experience of dog ownership required.

For more information, call Kevin on 01438 798484, visit www.waggingtailsuk.co.uk/al/ carers or email [email protected]

BK Marquee Hire DO YOU

For all your special events. NEED a strong pair of hands for Free quotations and site visit. those garden jobs? NEED your vegetable garden Table and chair hire. rotavated? Catering, BBQs NEED your grass cutting? Hog Roast NEED logs moving/splitting? Staging and Dance Floor.

01707 271054 Please ring

Mobile: 0796 0842998 Paul Curson e-mail: [email protected] 01707 875622 Web site: bkmarqueehire.co.uk £9 per hour or £12 if facebook.com/bkmarqueehire. using own tools.

Looking for a Country Setting to Plan your Wedding?

Why not consider Brickendon Church, where complete wedding packages are available, on a simple or grand scale. Contact us on: 01992 465304

41 Please mention HHW Parish Magazine when responding to an advert.

Flowers for funerals Ltd t/a

First Impression Flowers

01707 876357

Unit 29a East Lodge Village, East Lodge Lane, Enfield, Middx. EN2 8AS

Funeral tribute specialist, traditional and themed : such as favourite pet, car or football team tributes Home visits offered,


42 Please mention HHW Parish Magazine when responding to an advert.

Reformer Pilates

Tranquil private studio in Bayford offering 121 or 221 bespoke lessons to strengthen, stretch and align the body for beginners to experienced. JUST FEET Foot Health.

Small group mat session also available Nail cutting, Corns, Verrucas, for 3/4 people so bring your friends! Thickened Nails, Split Heels, Athlete’s Foot, Mat Pilates classes Warts, Hard Skin, Calluses Brickendon village hall Tuesday 9.15am - 10.15am - weekly Mobile Foot Health

For more info or to book your space, Professional contact Sam on 07827 440709 or see me on Facebook and instagram. Deborah McLoughlin, MCFHP MAFHP Tel: 07973 872967

e-mail: [email protected]



Editorial and Advertising Michael Wainwright, 12 Church Road, Little Berkhamsted, Hertford. SG13 8LY 01707 875 970 email:- [email protected] Proof readers: Anne Mitcheson, Judy Rennie

Graphics All photographs M E Wainwright. Drawings by Brenda Luck.

Treasurer Peter Chivers, FCA. 53 Wildhill, Essendon, AL9 6EA 01707 642622 Gardening Royal Horticultural Society

General Distributors Gill & Mike Sutcliffe, School Cottages, Ponsbourne 01707 874 388

Parish Distributors BAYFORD: Jane Honeyman, 22 Well Row 01992 511 391 BRICKENDON: Virginia Haryott, Wellpond Cottage 01992 511 575 ESSENDON: Shirley Christison, 24 Rectory Close 01707 261 437 WILD HILL: Sue Horner, Butlers Mead, 3 Hornbeam Lane 01707 643 260 LITTLE BERKHAMSTED: Melvyn Byrne, Rose Cottage 01707 876 674 NEWGATE STREET: Angela Bryant, 29 Newgate Street Village 01707 874 805 WOODHILL: Anne Mitcheson, Farmleigh, Berkhamsted Lane 01707 658 057 Copy for the magazine, please by the th 12 of each month,

or earlier if possible. Please note this is the deadline for copy and not the target date.

Subscription rates: 60p per copy or £6 for a year. Postal rates: 2nd class only £13.50 The Editor reserves the right to shorten or omit articles or refuse advertisements. The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of Clergy, Editor or Publishers. The inclusion of advertisements in the magazine does not imply their endorsement by Clergy, Editor or Publishers.

Village Halls. WILD HILL 01707 642632 LITTLE BERKHAMSTED BAYFORD 01992 511247 01707 875221 (Facilities for the disabled BRICKENDON 01992 511551 NEWGATE STREET ESSENDON 07442 499601 01707 874388 + online (Facilities for the disabled) (Facilities for the disabled) Please mention HHW Parish Magazine when responding to an advert.

‘Creating Memorials that stand as a lasting act of remembrance’