Adapted from notes by ECE 5317-6351 Prof. Jeffery T. Williams

Fall 2019 Prof. David R. Jackson Dept. of ECE

Notes 18 Impedance Matching

jX L

Z =100 Ω Th [ ] jBc

ZL =1000 [ Ω]

1 Impedance Matching

Impedance matching is used to: We have ZLL= R + jX L . Maximize power from source to load We want Z= R + jX . Minimize reflections in in in

(usually zero) Considerations: ⇓ Two constraints • Complexity • Implementation • Bandwidth • Adjustability A matching circuit typically requires at least 2 degrees of freedom.

2 Impedance Matching (cont.)

Matching Methods:

1) Lumped element matching circuits

2) matching circuits

3) Quarter-wave impedance transformers

3 Lumped-Element Matching Circuits


4 Lumped-Element Matching Circuits (cont.)


One extra degree of freedom


mm+2+2 elements

mm extra degrees of freedom

5 Smith Chart Review

Short-hand version

Γ plane

6 Smith Charts Review (cont.)

Γ plane

7 Smith Charts Review (cont.)

ZY- Chart

- +

+ -

Γ plane

8 Series and Shunt Elements

- + Γ plane


Center of Smith chart:

ZZYY=0, = 00 = 1/ Z + - ZZ0 ≡ in

Note: The Smith chart is not actually being used as a transmission-line calculator but an impedance/admittance calculator. Hence, the normalizing impedance Z0 is arbitrary. (Usually we choose it to be the desired input resistance R .) in 9 High Impedance to Low Impedance

Use when GL < Yin (The load is outside of the red G = 1 circle.)

(High pass) Shunt-series “ell” C L Series Shunt Load ZZ0 ≡ in

Shunt C Series L (Low pass)

The shunt element puts us on the R = 1 Two possibilities circle; the series element is used to “tune out” the unwanted reactance.

10 Low Impedance to High Impedance

Use when RL < Rin (The load is outside of the black R = 1 circle.)

(Low pass) Series-shunt “ell”

ZZ0 ≡ in Shunt C Series L

Load Shunt L Series C

(High pass) The series element puts us on the G = 1 Two possibilities circle; the shunt element is used to “tune out” the unwanted susceptance.

11 Example

Use high impedance to low impedance matching. We want Zin =100 [ Ω ]

jX L

Z =100 Ω Th [ ] jBc

ZL =1000 [ Ω]

Z = 10 0.3 Ln, BB=0.3 ⇒= =3 [mS] Cn, C 100[Ω ] 1 XB=−=−Ω1/ 333 [ ] X C = − Cc ωC

XXLn, =−=⇒= n 3 XL 3( 100[ Ω ])

X L =300 [ Ω ] ( XLL = ω ) Bn = 0.3 and X n = −3.0

12 Example (cont.)

Here, the design example was repeated using a 50 [Ω] normalizing impedance.

Note that the final normalized input impedance is 2.0.

5 GHz design frequency C = 0.096 [pF] L = 9.55 [nH]

13 Matching with a Pi Network

Zin This works for low-high or high-low.


Note: This solution is not unique. Different ZL (load) Z (match) values for Bc2 could have been chosen. in

Note: We could have also used parallel and a series , or other combinations.

14 Pi Network Example

(1000 Ω →100 Ω)

Note that the final normalized input impedance is 2.0.

15 High Impedance to Low Impedance

Exact Solution > RRL in GRLL= 1/ Shunt-series “ell” BX22= −1/


Rin jB2 RL

1 22+ GBL 2 B=±− GG G Re= Rin = G 2 L( in L ) G+ jB in L 2 GL

Then we choose: 2 GL B = R 2 1 B2 22 in GGL +=in =−= GB+ X1 Im22 L 2 GL GLL++ jB22 G B

16 High Impedance to Low Impedance

Exact Solution RR> L in GR= 1/ Summary LL BX22= −1/


Rin jB2 RL

B2 =±− GGL( in G L )

B2 X1 = 22 GBL + 2

17 Transmission Line Matching

 Single-stub matching

. This has already been discussed.

 Double-stub matching

. This is an alternative matching method that gives more flexibility (details omitted – please see the Pozar book).

18 Quarter-Wave Transformer

@ ff= 0 2ππλ β =g = λg 42

2 ZT ⇒=Zin ZL

Γ=when = in 0 ZTL ZZ0 =λ Only true atf0 where  g /4

Note: If ZL is not real, we can always add a reactive load in series or parallel to make it real (or add a length of transmission line between the load and the transformer to get a real impedance).

19 Quarter-Wave Transformer (cont.)

At a general frequency:

ZLT+ jZ tan β T ZZin= T  ZTLT+ jZ tan β 

ZLT+ jZ t = ZtTT≡ tan β  ZTL+ jZ t

After some algebra (omitted): ZZ-- ZZ Γ=in 00 = L ZZin + 0 ZLL++ Z00 j2 t ZZ

where we have used ZTL= ZZ0

20 Quarter-Wave Transformer (cont.) ZZ- Γ= L 0 ZLL++ Z00 j2 t ZZ

After some more algebra (omitted):

1 Γ= θβ≡  4ZZ T 1+ 0 L sec2 θ 2 (ZZL - 0 )

2222 where we used 1+=+t 1tanββθTT ll = sec = sec

21 Quarter-Wave Transformer (cont.)

The bandwidth is defined by the limit Γm (the maximum acceptable value of Γ).

For example, using Γm = 1/3 corresponds to SWR = 2.0. This corresponds to Γm = - 9.54 dB.

We set: Bandwidth region of transformer: 1 Γ=m  π 4ZZ0 L 2 ∆=θββ( -)  = 2- θ 1+ 2 sec θm 21TT 2 m (ZZL - 0 )

Solving for θm: Solve for θm Γ 2 ZZ θ = -1 m 0 L m cos  -1 Γ2 ZZ- Note: cosx ∈( 0,π /2) 1- m L 0 22 Quarter-Wave Transformer (cont.)

For TEM lines:

π ff2 0 θβ=T  = ⇒=f θ 2 f0 π

2 f0 ⇒=fmmθ  π

∆ff2-( ff0 m ) 24mmθ ⇒==BW =2- = 2- (relative bandwidth) ff00 f 0π

4θm Note: BW= 2 - Multiply by 100 to get BW π in percent.

Hence, using θm from the previous slide,

4 Γ 2 ZZ BW= 2 - cos-1 m 0 L π 2 |-|ZZ 1-Γm L 0 23 Quarter-Wave Transformer (cont.)


λg /4 @ f0


4 Γ 2 ZZ BW= 2 - cos-1 m 0 L π 2 |-|ZZ 1-Γm L 0

Smaller contrast between ZZ0 andL ⇒ larger BW

Larger contrast between ZZ0 andL ⇒ smaller BW

24 Example

λg /4 @ f0 Given: Z =100 [ Ω ] Z0 ZL L

Z0 =50 [ Ω ]

We’ll illustrate with two choices:

dB Γ=mm1/ 3( Γ = -9.54 [dB]) ⇒ BW = 0.433( 43.3%)

dB Γ=mm0.05( Γ = -26.0 [dB]) ⇒ BW = 0.060( 6.0%)

4 Γ 2 ZZ BW= 2 - cos-1 m 0 L π 2 |-|ZZ 1-Γm L 0