GEN 2.2 Abbreviations Used in AIS Publications
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12-AUG-2021 AIP Belgium and Luxembourg GEN 2.2-1 12-AUG-2021 GEN 2.2 Abbreviations Used in AIS Publications Abbreviations marked by an asterisk (*) are either different from A/G Air-to-ground or not contained in ICAO Doc 8400. AGA Aerodromes, air routes and ground aids AGL Above ground level AGN Again A AIC Aeronautical information circular AIDC Air traffic services interfacility data communication A Amber *AIM ATFM information message *A Ampere AIM Aeronautical Information Management AAA (or AAB, AAC, etc. in sequence) Amended meteoro- AIP Aeronautical information publication logical message (message type designator) AIRAC Aeronautical information regulation and control A/A Air-to-air AIREP Air-report AAD Assigned altitude deviation AIRMET Information concerning en-route weather phenome- AAIM Aircraft autonomous integrity monitoring na which may affect the safety of low-level aircraft op- AAL Above aerodrome level erations AAR Air to air refuelling *AIRPROX Aircraft proximity ABI Advance boundary information AIS Aeronautical Information Services ABM Abeam ALA Alighting area ABN Aerodrome beacon ALERFA Alert phase ABT About *ALO Air Liaison Officer ABV Above ALR Alerting (message type designator) AC Altocumulus ALRS Alerting service ACARS Aircraft communication addressing and reporting ALS Approach lighting system system ALT Altitude ACAS Airborne collision avoidance system ALTN Alternate or alternating (light alternates in colour) ACC Area control centre or area control ALTN Alternate (aerodrome) ACCID Notification of an aircraft accident AMA Area minimum altitude *A-CDM Airport collaborative decision making *AMC Airspace Management Cell ACFT Aircraft *AMC ATC microphone check ACID Aircraft identification AMD Amend or amended (used to indicate amended me- ACK Acknowledge teorological message; message type designator) ACL Altimeter check location AMDT Amendment (AIP amendment) *ACL ATC clearances and instructions *AMHS ATS message handling system *ACM ATC Communications Management *AMO Aerodrome Meteorological Office ACN Aircraft classification number AMS Aeronautical mobile service ACP Acceptance (message type designator) AMSL Above mean sea level ACPT Accept or accepted AMSS Aeronautical mobile satellite service ACT Active or activated or activity *ANA Administration de la navigation aérienne *ACU Air control unit ANC Aeronautical chart - 1:500000 (followed by name/ti- AD Aerodrome tle) ADA Advisory area ANCS Aeronautical navigation chart - small scale (followed ADC Aerodrome chart by name/title and scale) *ADC Air defence controller *ANM ATFM notification message ADDN Addition or additional ANS Answer *ADEP Airport of departure AO Aircraft Operator *ADES Airport of destination AOC Aerodrome obstacle chart (followed by type and ADF Automatic direction-finding equipment name/title) ADIZ Air defence identification zone AP Airport ADJ Adjacent APAPI Abbreviated precision approach path indicator *ADNC Air Defence Notification Cell APCH Approach ADO Aerodrome office (specify service) APDC Aircraft parking/docking chart (followed by name/title) *ADP Automatic data processing APN Apron ADR Advisory route APP Approach control office or approach control or ap- ADS-B Automatic dependent surveillance - broadcast proach control service ADS-C Automatic dependent surveillance - contract APR April ADS The address [when this abbreviation is used to re- APRX Approximate or approximately quest a repetition, the question mark (IMI) precedes APSG After passing the abbreviation, e.g. IMI ADS] (to be used in AFS as APU Auxiliary power unit a procedure signal) APV Approach procedure with vertical guidance ADSU Automatic dependent surveillance unit *AR Authorization required ADVS Advisory service ARC Area chart ADZ Advise *ARES Airspace reservation AES Aircraft earth station ARNG Arrange AFIL Flight plan filed in the air ARO Air traffic services reporting office AFIS Aerodrome flight information service ARP Aerodrome reference point *AFISO Aerodrome flight information service officer ARP Air-report (message type designator) *AFIZ Aerodrome flight information zone ARQ Automatic error correction AFM Yes or affirm or affirmative or that is correct ARR Arrival (message type designator) AFS Aeronautical fixed service ARR Arrive or arrival AFT After . (time or place) ARS Special air-report (message type designator) AFTN Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network ARST Arresting [specify (part of) aircraft arresting equip- ment] © AIM BELGIUM AMDT 008/2021 12-AUG-2021 GEN 2.2-2 AIP Belgium and Luxembourg 12-AUG-2021 AS Altostratus ASAP As soon as possible C ASC Ascend to or ascending to ASDA Accelerate-stop distance available C Centre (runway identification) ASE Altimetry system error C Degrees Celsius (centigrade) ASHTAM Special series of NOTAM notifying, by means of a CA Course to an altitude specific format, change in activity of a volcano, a vol- CAA Civil Aviation Authority or Civil Aviation Administra- canic eruption and/or volcanic ash cloud that is of sig- tion nificance to aircraft operations *CANAC Computer Assisted National Air traffic control Centre ASPH Asphalt *CAS Close Air Support *ASR Aerodrome surveillance radar CAT Category AT At (followed by time at which weather change is fore- CAT Clear air turbulence cast to occur) CAVOK Visibility, cloud and present weather better than pre- ATA Actual time of arrival scribed values or conditions ATC Air traffic control (in general) CB Cumulonimbus *ATCC Air traffic control centre (military abbreviation) *CBA Cross-border area ATCSMAC Air traffic control surveillance minimum altitude chart CC Cirrocumulus (followed by name/title) CCA (or CCB, CCC, etc. in sequence) Corrected meteoro- ATD Actual time of departure logical message (message type designator) ATFCM Air traffic flow and capacity management CCO Continuous climb operations ATFM Air traffic flow management *CCTV Closed circuit television ATIS Automatic terminal information service CD Candela ATM Air traffic management CDN Co-ordination (message type designator) ATN Aeronautical telecommunication network CDO Continuous descent operations ATP At . (time or place) CDR Conditional route ATS Air traffic services *CENOR Central and Northern region (an organisaton of ATTN Attention NATO nations that developed specifications for aero- AT-VASIS Abbreviated T visual approach slope indicator sys- nautical charts for the use of MIL crew) tem *CEU Central executive unit ATZ Aerodrome traffic zone CF Change frequency to . AUG August CF Course to a fix *AUP Airspace Use Plan *CFIT Controlled flight into terrain AUTH Authorized or authorization CFM Confirm or I confirm (to be used in AFS as a proce- AUTO Automatic dure signal) AUW All up weight CGL Circling guidance light(s) AUX Auxiliary CH Channel AVBL Available or availability CHEM Chemical AVG Average CHG Modification (message type designator) AVGAS Aviation gasoline CI Cirrus AWOS Automatic Weather Observation System CIDIN Common ICAO data interchange network AWTA Advise at what time able CIV Civil AWY Airway CK Check AZM Azimuth CL Centre line CLA Clear type of ice formation CLBR Calibration B CLD Cloud CLG Calling BBlue CLIMB-OUT Climb-out area BA Braking action CLR Clear(s) or cleared to . or clearance BARO-VNAV Barometric vertical navigation CLRD Runway(s) cleared BASE Cloud base CLSD Close or closed or closing BCFG Fog patches CM Centimetre BCN Beacon (aeronautical ground light) CMB Climb to or climbing to BCST Broadcast CMPL Completion or completed or complete BDRY Boundary CNL Cancel or cancelled BECMG Becoming CNL Flight plan cancellation (message type designator) BFR Before CNS Communications, navigation and surveillance BKN Broken COM Communications BL Blowing (followed by DU = dust, SA = sand or SN = *COMOPSAIR Commando Air Operations snow) CONC Concrete BLDG Building COND Condition BLO Below clouds CONS Continuous BLW Below . CONST Construction or constructed BOMB Bombing CONT Continue(s) or continued BR Mist COOR Coordinate or coordination BRF Short (used to indicate the type of approach desired COORD Coordinates or required) COP Change-over point BRG Bearing COR Correct or correction or corrected (used to indicate BRKG Braking corrected meteorological message; message type BS Commercial broadcasting station designator) BTL Between layers COT At the coast BTN Between COV Cover or covered or covering BUFR Binary universal form for the representation of mete- CPDLC Controller-pilot data link communications orological data CPL Current flight plan (message type designator) CRC Cyclic redundancy check AMDT 008/2021 © AIM BELGIUM 17-JUN-2021 AIP Belgium and Luxembourg GEN 2.2-3 17-JUN-2021 *CRC Control and reporting centre = snow) CRM Collision risk model DRG During *CRNA Centre en Route de la Navigation Aérienne DS Duststorm CRP Compulsory reporting point DSB Double sideband CRZ Cruise DTAM Descend to and maintain CS Call sign DTG Date-time group CS Cirrostratus DTHR Displaced runway threshold *CSAR Combat search and rescue DTRT Deteriorate or deteriorating CTA Control area DTW Dual tandem wheels CTAM Climb to and maintain DU Dust CTC Contact DUC Dense upper cloud CTL Control DUPE This is a duplicate message (signal for use in the tele- CTN Caution typewriter service only; to be used in AFS as a proce- *CTOT Calculated take-off time dure signal) CTR Control zone DUR Duration CU Cumulus D-VOLMET Data link VOLMET CUF Cumuliform DVOR Doppler VOR CUST Customs DW Dual wheels CVR Cockpit voice recorder DZ Drizzle CW Continuous wave CWY Clearway E D E East or eastern longitude *eAIP Electronic