Founded in 1968 the Europa Institute is a multi-disciplinary teaching and research centre within the devoted to the independent study of the laws, policies and governance and institutions of the . The Europa Institute has been designated a Centre of Excellence in 2010 in recognition of the leading role played by University of Edinburgh academics in the study of the European Union.

The purpose of the Europa Institute is to facilitate academic analysis, teaching and debate of the history and process of European Integration with specific reference to the policies and institutions of the European Union and its member states. The Europa Institute is a pre-eminent centre for the study of the European Union and enjoys close collaborations with leading research scholars in European Union studies and practitioners from across the world. The Europa Institute organises a range of seminars, conferences and lectures on themes pertaining to European Integration. While heavily focused on academic matters, the Europa Institute also provides a platform for policy makers and officials to deliver keynote lectures of interest to a wider public. **** This is a preliminary version of the report of the activities of the Europa Institute for the academic year 2012/2013. It includes information on our membership, our research activities, our revived Working Paper Series, our PhD students’ activities through the Europa Research Group, and a selection of our members’ publications. [The final version of the report will incorporate inputs and feedback from the Institute members and be published on the Europa Institute website in November 2013] For more information about the Institute, see: our new website: our Facebook profile: The University of Edinburgh Europa Institute or follow us on Twitter : @EuropaInstitute


Chairman Prof Sir David Edward, Emeritus Professor, Law


Dr Chad Damro, Senior Lecturer and Jean Monnet Chair, SSPS Dr Elisa Morgera, Senior Lecturer, Law Prof Drew Scott, Law


Dr Andy Aitchison, Lecturer, Law Dr Arianna Andreangeli, Lecturer, Law Prof Mark Aspinwall, SSPS Tobias Bednarz, PG Research Student Dr Elizabeth Bomberg, Senior Lecturer, SSPS Prof Christina Boswell, SSPS Richard Brodie, PG Research Student, SSPS Prof Peter Cameron, Honorary Fellow, Europa Institute Dr Paul James Cardwell, Honorary Fellow, Europa Institute Ross Carrick, PG Research Student, Law Rosalind Cavaghan, former PG Research Student, SSPS Prof Jochen Clasen, SSPS Dr Daniel Clegg, Senior Lecturer, SSPS Prof Eric Clive CBE, Visiting Professor, Law Dr Rachael Craufurd Smith, Reader, Law Dr Lynn Dobson, Senior Lecturer, SSPS Dr Jelena Dzankic, Research Fellow, CITSEE Project, Law Dr Richard Freeman, Senior Lecturer, SSPS Dr Carmen Gebhard, Teaching Fellow, SSPS Navraj Singh Ghaleigh, Lecturer, Law Dr Sotiria Grek, Lecturer, SSPS Dr Elke Heins, Teaching Fellow, SSPS Dr Eve Hepburn, Senior Lecturer, SSPS Prof Chris Himsworth, Professor Hemeritus, Law Dr David Howarth, Honorary Fellow, Europa Institute Prof Charlie Jeffery, SSPS Gezim Krasniqi, CITSEE Research Fellow, SSPS Prof Michael Keating, Honorary Fellow, Europa Institute Sandra Keegan, PG Research Student, Law Daniel Kenealy, Teaching Fellow, SSPS Dr Robert Lane, Senior Lecturer, Law Anja Lansbergen, PG Research Student, Law Young Lo Ko, PG Research Student, Law

2 Dr Cormac Mac Amlaigh, Lecturer, Law Dr Luke March, Senior Lecturer, SSPS Dr Gracia Marin-Duran, Lecturer, Law Dr Louise Maythorne, former PG Research Student, SSPS Richard McAllister, Honorary Fellow, Europa Institute Prof Lesley McAra, Professor, Law Dr Aileen McLeod, Honorary Fellow, Europa Institute Prof Niamh Nic Shuibhne, Law Dr Pontus Odmalm, Lecturer, SSPS Ines Sofia de Oliveira, PG Research Student, SPSS & Law Dr Richard Parry, Reader, SSPS Prof John Peterson, SSPS Mariola Seeruthun-Kowalczyk, PG Research Student, Law Prof Jo Shaw, Dean of Research and Deputy Head, CHSS; Salvesen Chair of European Institutions, Law Dr. Andy Smith, Honorary Fellow, Europa Institute Mor Sobol, PG Research Student, SSPS Ljubica Spaskovska, CITSEE Research Fellow, Law/SSPS Dr Igor Štiks, CITSEE Postdoctoral Fellow, Law Dr Wilfried Swenden, Senior Lecturer, SSPS Prof Andrew Thompson, SSPS Prof Stephen Tierney, Law Prof Neil Walker, Regius Professor of Public Law and the Law of Nature and Nations, Law Nur Abdelkhaliq Zamora, former PG Research Student, SSPS Dr Fabian Zuleeg, Honorary Fellow, Europa Institute


Europa Events During the academic year 2012/2013 the Europa Institute organized the following events: • “Europe in the World: Can EU Foreign Policy Make an Impact?” (21 February 2013): David Martin MEP, Christina McKelvie MSP (Convenor, European and External Affairs Committee) and Prof. John Peterson (University of Edinburgh) • “Governing the Social Dimension in Canadian Federalism and European Integration” (28 February 2013): Dr Donna Wood (University of Victoria); co- hosted by the Europa Institute and the Centre of Canadian Studies • UACES Lecture “The Moral Case for Europe” (8 March 2013): Professor Sir David Edward (University of Edinburgh) • Annual Mitchell Lecture “Extra-Territoriality and Territorial Extension in EU Law (Or is the EU Becoming Like the United States?)” (15 March 2013): Professor Joanne Scott (University College London) • The Erickson Lecture “Russia XXI: Challenge for the West” (24 April 2013): Dr Lilia Shevtsova (Carnegie Moscow Center)

3 • “Europe Day Seminar: Fundamental Rights in Europe between Luxembourg and Strasbourg: Which Way Now?” (9 May 2013): Dr Alexander Kornezov (référendaire at the European Court of Justice), chaired by Prof. Niamh Nic Shuibhne

Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence: Activities and Events The EU's Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture awarded the University of Edinburgh a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE). This award is in recognition of the leading role played by University of Edinburgh academics in the study of the European Union. The University of Edinburgh is the only centre awarded in the UK for the 2010-13 period. In November 2012, the European Commission conducted a site visit at the JMCE including meetings with the Institute directors and administrator and attendance of Europa/JMCE events. The Commission’s report was very positive, citing Europa’s JMCE as a ‘model’ centre.

In the 2012-13 academic year, the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence supported a number of events, including: • “Immigrant Integration Seminars” (June 2012) involving approximately 15-20 academics, party officials, and policy practitioners • Academic workshop “Seeking a Way out of the Economic Crisis: What is the Role of Competition Law?”(13 September 2012): organized by Dr Arianna Andreangeli (University of Edinburgh) and with keynote address by Prof. Luis Morais (University of Lisbon), it gathered academics, legal practitioners and economists from the EU, USA and Australia • International Conference “Managing Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union” (November 2012): a joint initiative of Michael Bergman (University of Copenhagen), Svend E Hougaard Jensen (Copenhagen Business School), Drew Scott (University of Edinburgh) and Andrew Hughes Hallett (Kennedy School, Harvard University) • Transatlantic Seminar “EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy” (8 March 2013): Willem Noe (European Commission, DG Enlargement) • The Europa Institute’s Annual Mitchell Lecture (mentioned above) • Conference “The Radical Left and Crisis in the EU: From Marginality to the Mainstream?” (May 2013): convened by Dr Luke March (University of Edinburgh) with speakers from all over Europe • PhD workshop: “The Evolving Role of Sustainable Development in EU Environmental Law and Policy” (7 June 2013): Professor Maria Lee (University College London) and Dr Apolline Roger (University of Edinburgh), chaired by Dr Elisa Morgera (University of Edinburgh) • PhD symposium “Regime Interactions in International Law” (17-18 June 2013), organized by the Scottish Centre for International Law with a contribution from the Europa Institute


In 2010, the Europa Institute launched the Edinburgh Europa Paper Series, to showcase work by members and others, including papers given at Europa Institute seminars and conferences. Since 2013, the Series has been hosted on a new website and the inclusion of new papers will be publicized on the Europa Institute’s Facebook and Twitter accounts The Series is multi-disciplinary and welcomes papers presenting original work on Europe and the European Union. Contributions are encouraged from scholars working from within a range of disciplines, including not only political science, law and economics, but also sociology, political sociology, history, anthropology, social theory, science and technology studies, geography, accountancy, social policy, educational sociology, and cultural studies. We also welcome papers from Edinburgh-based PhD students, that have the approval of their supervisor. PhD students can also of course co-author a paper with a member of the academic staff.

We warmly encourage our members to submit their papers directly (indicating "Europa Working Paper" in the box on "full citation") at the following link: Non-Edinburgh-based scholars, and those wish to discuss your paper before submitting it, are encouraged to contact the series editor in the first instance, Dr. Elisa Morgera [email protected].


The new Europa Research Group (ERG) was launched at the beginning of 2013 as an interdisciplinary project by the PhD students in the School of Law and the School of Social & Political Science under the auspices of the Europa Institute. The group replaced the former EU Postgraduate Reading Groups and is now led by four new convenors: Grant Stirling & Miroslava Hulvanova (School of Law) and Daniel Kenealy & Ines Oliveira (School of Social & Political Science).

The ERG organises fortnightly seminars and discussions on a wide range of topics relating to the European Union. The ERG also cooperates with academics and contributes to the organisation of conferences, talks and other events. Situated at the heart of the Europa Institute, the Group aims to further discussion on core aspects of the laws and policies of the EU, and is open to all (postgraduate) students and staff of the University of Edinburgh. During the academic year 2012/2013, the ERG organised the following events:

5 • “EU citizenship: a shoogly peg on which to hang the hopes of an independent Scotland?” (7 February 2013): Dr Daniel Kenealy (University of Edinburgh) • “The Responsibility to Protect and the Libyan Crisis in 2011 – implementing a collective expectation?” (21 February 2013): Marlene Gottwald (University of Edinburgh) • “The EU's Green Evangelisation - Exporting Environmental Values” (7 March 2013): Diogo de Sousa e Alvim (University of Edinburgh) • “Ambition, complexity and legitimacy of EU external environmental action” (21 March 2013): Dr. Elisa Morgera (University of Edinburgh) • “Economic and Social Rights, the EU and the ECHR: Divergent Approaches?” (4 April 2013): Tom Flynn (University of Edinburgh) • “The Legal Bases of EU External Trade Policy; What implications for the Negotiations of Economic Partnership Agreements?” (18 April 2013): James Nyomakwa-Obimpeh (University of Cologne/University of Edinburgh) • “Security issues as an existential threat to the community” (2 May 2013): Massimo Fichera (University of Helsinki) The group also contributed to the organisation and promotion of other events, such as:

• Graduate Talk (15 April 2013): Michel Petite (Clifford Chance/previously European Commission), organised by Prof. Drew Scott (University of Edinburgh) • Early Career Researcher Poster Competition “Researching the Future: EU Law” (19 April 2013): organised by Prof. Niamh Nic Shuibhne (University of Edinburgh) • PhD workshop “The Evolving Role of Sustainable Development in EU Environmental Law and Policy” (7 June 2013): Prof. Maria Lee (University College London) and Dr Apolline Roger (University of Edinburgh), organised by Dr Elisa Morgera (University of Edinburgh)

For more information and updates, please visit or find on Facebook: Europa Research Group. The Group is pleased to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about the European Union.


Edward, D. and R. Lane Edward and Lane on Edward Elgar (2013)

A comprehensively updated and expanded new edition of a classic text, this authoritative volume provides expert analysis on the key issues across all areas of European Union law – including its constitutional, procedural and substantive aspects. Importantly, the book incorporates the Treaty of Lisbon reorientation and immediate post-Lisbon developments. Throughout the book there is extensive reference to primary sources (Treaty, legislation, case law) and to issues of national adaptation which, together, bring a depth of understanding and analysis to this increasingly complex discipline.

Hepburn, E. and G. Baldacchino (eds.) Independence Movements in Subnational Island Jurisdictions Routledge (2013)

Are independence movements active today aspiring to a different kind of sovereignty from their 20th century predecessors, one that secures autonomy at home, but which maintains a special relationship with a larger, richer, country? This collection critically reviews the origins, policies and aspirations of independence movements from the world’s subnational island jurisdictions, where a distinct and separate geography tends to facilitate the emergence of an equally distinct political and cultural identity. These island territories are the world’s top candidates for achieving sovereign status. And yet various factors are preventing them from making the final push towards independence.


Kassim H., J. Peterson, MW Bauer, S Connolly, R Dehousse, L Hooghe and A Thompson The European Commission of the Twenty-First Century Oxford University Press (2013)

What lives in the European Commission at the beginning of the 21st Century? This paper charts Commission officials’ views on the governance, ideological direction, and policy scope of the European Union, employing data from a large survey conducted in Autumn 2008. First, the Commission is not a hothouse for supranationalism. True, supporters of a supranational Union with the College of Commissioners as the government of Europe and member states in the back seat are the largest minority, but they are outnumbered two-to-one by state-centric, pragmatist, and ambivalent officials. Second, where do Commission officials stand on ideology? The answer is that the Commission is broadly representative of European societies, at least on traditional economic left/right issues, though decidedly more socio-liberal. Ideological views are not randomly distributed across services, with social DGs significantly more social-democratic than DGs handling market integration. Finally, are Commission officials indeed bureau-maximizers?

Keating, MJ and D McCrone The Crisis of Social Democracy in Europe Edinburgh University Press (2013)

Is social democracy in a terminal condition in Europe? Social democracy is in office almost nowhere in Europe and appears bereft of ideas in the face of the economic crisis that might have given it a historic opportunity. While accepting the truth of this, Keating and McCrone take a stand again those who claim that social democracy is dead. By arguing that social democracy is not a single set of ideas or practices but a way of reconciling market capitalism with social inclusion and equality, they show that it has actually been remarkably successful during the 20th century. Its key principles are still relevant but must be adapted to new conditions. This book examines the fortunes of social democracy in western and east-central Europe and the policy challenges in economic policy, labour markets, social welfare, public services, European integration and decentralisation.

8 Loughlin, J., J. Kincaid and W. Swenden (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Federalism and Regionalism Routledge (2013)

Almost all states are either federal or regionalized in some sense. It is difficult to find a state that is entirely unitary and the Routledge Handbook of Regionalism and Federalism necessarily takes in almost the entire world. Both federalism and regionalism have been subjects of a vast academic literature mainly from political science but sometimes also from history, economics, and geography. This cutting edge examination seeks to evaluate the two types of state organization from the perspective of political science producing a work that is analytical rather than simply descriptive.

Nic Shuibhne, N. The Coherence of EU Free Movement Law: Constitutional Responsibility and the Court of Justice Oxford University Press (2013)

This book presents a critical analysis of the European Courts' jurisprudence on free movement, examining the Court's constitutional responsibility to articulate a coherent vision of the EU internal market. Through analysis of restrictions on free movement rights, it argues that four main drivers are distorting the system of the case law and its claims to coherence. The drivers reflect 'good' impulses (the protection of fundamental rights); avoidable habits (the proliferation of principles and conflicting lines of case law authority); inherent ambiguities (the unsettled purpose and objectives of the internal market); and broader systemic conditions (the structure of the Court and its decision-making processes). These dynamics cause problematic instances of case law fragmentation - which has substantive implications for citizens, businesses, and Member States participating in the internal market as well as reputational consequences for the Court of Justice and for the EU more generally. However, ultimately the Member States must take greater responsibility too: only they can ensure that the Court of Justice is properly structured and supported, enabling it to play its critical institutional part in the complex narrative of EU integration.


Stiks, I. and J. Shaw Citizenship Rights Ashgate (2013)

This volume presents some of the most important reflections and studies on citizenship rights, both past and present. The contributions provide both thorough description and incisive analysis and place the question of citizenship rights into a wider historical, social and political perspective. As such, it offers a timely introduction to the current debates surrounding the rights and duties of both citizens and non-citizens alike, with a focus on the many ways in which citizenship is contested in the contemporary world. The volume is invaluable to scholars and students of citizenship studies, political and critical theory, human rights, sociology, urban development and law.

Boswell, C. with G. D’Amato (eds.) Immigration and Social Systems: Collected Essay of Michael Bommes Amsterdam University Press (2012)

This posthumous collection brings together a selection of [Michael Bommes's] most important work on immigration and the welfare state, immigrant integration, discrimination, irregular migrations, migrant networks and migration policy research.

10 Bouchard, C., J. Peterson, and N.Tocci (eds.) Multilateralism in the 21st Century Routledge (2012)

This volume focuses on multilateralism in the 21st century and examines how, and how effectively, the EU delivers on its commitment to effective multilateralism. Presenting results generated by MERCURY, an EU research programme into multilateralism, this book addresses a central research question: does the EU deliver on its commitment to effective multilateralism? Globalisation has created powerful new incentives for states to cooperate and has generated renewed interest in multilateralism. While a large body of work exists on multilateralism as a concept, it continues to be ill-defined and poorly understood. This book sheds new light on 21st century multilateralism by exploring conceptual approaches as well as generating innovative, empirical knowledge on its practice.

Gagnon, A-G and MJ Keating (eds.) Political Autonomy and Divided Societies: Imagining Democratic Alternatives in Complex Settings. Palgrave Macmillan (2012)

Autonomy has been widely advocated as a means of managing national diversity, whilst meeting the demands of justice and stability. It comes in a variety of forms, both territorial and non-territorial and spans the categories of secession, confederation, federalism, devolution, local government and cultural self-management. Using the term in a broad way, this book examines its meanings in political and legal theory and its application in a variety of settings in Europe, North America and Asia. Among the issues discussed are: normative theories of self-determination; the definition and boundaries of autonomous communities; secession and its alternatives; the political economy of autonomy; the policy capacity of autonomous governments; legal conceptions of autonomy and the international context.


Jeffrey, C., A. Henderson and D. Wincott (eds.) Citizenship after the Nation State Palgrave Macmillan (2012)

An outstanding cast of contributors led by Charlie Jeffery, Ailsa Henderson and Daniel Wincott, confront the idea of 'methodological nationalism', that is the uncritical choice of the

'nation-state' as a unit of analysis that dominates postwar social science. It looks within the state to a regional-scale unit of analysis. Using specially collected data from 14 regions across five European states Citizenship After the Nation State explores how citizens define and pursue collective goals at regional scale as well as at the scale of the 'nation-state'. It shows that regional institutions, actors and processes have transformed the state, in many Cormacways 'de Mac-nationalizing' Amhlaigh, it, andClaudio recasting Michelon, it as a more Neil complex Walker form After of Publicpolitical Law organisation, Oxfordone that University needs to respond Press to(2013) the demands of distinctive regional political communities as well as the political community as organized at the state-level. What comes 'after the nation- state' is, in other words, not the regional disintegration of the state or the emergence of a 'Europe of the Regions', but rather the consolidation of multi-levelled statehood.

Mac Amhlaigh, C, C. Michelon and N. Walker (eds.) After Public Law Oxford University Press (2013) Public law has been conceived in many different ways, sometimes overlapping, often conflicting. However in recent years a common theme running through the discussions of public law is one of loss. What function and future can public law have in this rapidly transforming landscape, where globalized states and supranational institutions have ever- increasing importance?

The contributions to this volume take stock of the idea, concepts, and values of public law as it has developed alongside the growth of the modern state, and assess its continued usefulness as a distinct area of legal inquiry and normativity in light of various historical trends and contemporary pressures affecting the global configuration of law in general.

12 Marin-Duran, G. and E. Morgera Environmental Integration in the EU’s External Relations: Beyond Multilateral Dimensions Hart Publishing (2012)

The book examines the integration of environmental protection requirements into EU external relations focusing on unilateral, bilateral and inter-regional instruments, which have been less explored than the multilateral dimension of EU environmental policy. The book also explores for the first time the complex interplay and mutual influences between EU environmental integration initiatives and environmental multilateralism. On the one hand it identifies the legal and other instruments used by the EU to support the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements in third countries (particularly developing ones). On the other hand, it singles out the legal and other tools employed by the EU as a means to build partnerships with third countries in order to influence ongoing multilateral negotiations concerning the environment and sustainable development, or to contribute to the development of new international environmental norms in the absence of such multilateral negotiations. Ultimately, the book traces the significant evolution of the various tools deployed by the EU to integrate environmental concerns in its external relations, with a view to identifying emerging challenges and future directions.

Morgera, E. (ed) The External Environmental Policy of the European Union: EU and International Law Perspectives Cambridge University Press (2012)

This collection of essays comprehensively and systematically analyzes the various instruments and innovative approaches through which the EU is forging its external environmental policy, the legal implications of its multifaceted practice and interactions with international environmental law. It explains the legal and institutional framework for EU external action on environmental protection and sustainable development, identifying the changes introduced, and challenges posed, by the Lisbon Treaty. It explores key tools and trends in defining and implementing EU external policy across a broad range of environmental issues, as well as linkages with trade and human rights. It also assesses the reciprocal influences between the development and implementation of EU environmental law and of international environmental law.


Tierney, S. Constitutional Referendums: The Theory and Practice of Republican Deliberation Oxford University Press (2012)

The use of referendums around the world has grown remarkably in the past thirty years and, in particular, referendums are today deployed more than ever in the settlement of constitutional questions, even in countries with little or no tradition of direct democracy. This is the first book by a constitutional theorist to address the implications of this development for constitutional democracy in a globalizing age, when many of the older certainties surrounding sovereignty and constitutional authority are coming under scrutiny. - The first full-length analysis of constitutional referendums, examining their democratic legitimacy and growing role in modern constitutional politics. - Provides a full analysis of the issues involved in referendum design, aiding constitutional lawyers and theorists working on the creation and operation of referendums. - Presents a diverse range of case studies to provide a comprehensive, inter-disciplinary account of the issues in political theory and legal and political practice which surround the recent proliferation of referendum use.

Shaw, J. and I. Stiks Citizenship after Yugoslavia Routledge (2012)

This volume shows how important it is for the field of citizenship studies to take into account the main changes in and varieties of citizenship regimes in the post-Yugoslav states, as a particular case of new state citizenship. At the same time, it seeks to show scholars of (post) Yugoslavia and the wider Balkans that the Yugoslav crisis, disintegration and wars as well as the current functioning of the new and old Balkan states, together with the process of their integration into the EU, cannot be fully understood without a deeper understanding of their citizenship regimes.

14 Nic Shuibhne, N. and L. Gormley (eds.) From Single Market to Economic Union: Essays in Memory of John A Usher Oxford University Press (2012)

The essays in the collection offer in-depth reflections on different 'parts' of this evolving transnational economic union, linked together as a whole by cross-cutting thematic concerns about competence and regulation, and about where and how the economic law of the EU fits within the broader integration narrative. Together, these different elements of the proposed collection demonstrate the different facets of EU economic law and its regulation; and this approach, in turn, reflects the extraordinary breadth of John Usher's remarkable contribution to scholarship.

Nic Shuibhne, N., M. Dougan and E. Spaventa Empowerment and Disempowerment of the European Citizen Hart Publishing (2012)

This collection of essays engages with a central theme in scholarship on EU citizenship – the emancipation of certain citizens, the alienation of others – and seeks to expand its horizons to interrogate whether similar debates and trends can be identified in other fields of European integration. The focus of the book is distinctly citizen focused. It delivers the potential for the opening out of analysis of the implications of European citizenship beyond the parameters of Articles 18-25 TFEU and beyond the disciplinary confines of legal analysis alone. The book construes 'EU citizenship' in its broadest sense, and explores the extent to which the European citizen is, or indeed is not, genuinely at the heart of EU law and policy- making. Within the broader theme of empowerment and disempowerment, the contributors reflect on a range of cross- cutting themes; for example, the extent to which channels of citizen participation (can) inform EU policy-making in a 'bottom-up' sense; or whether the EU is a catalyst for the construction of new spaces and new identities.

15 Peterson, J. and M. Shackleton The Institutions of the European Union Oxford University Press (2012)

The Institutions of the European Union is the key text for anyone wishing to understand the functions, powers, and composition of the EU's institutions. From the Council of Ministers to the European Central Bank, all of the most important organizations are analysed and explained by international experts.

The third edition has been fully updated and includes the impact of the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty and the financial crisis in the Eurozone on the EU's institutions. Authoritative yet accessible, it remains the best guide to how this range of different bodies work together to provide political direction, manage policies, and integrate contrasting interests within the European Union.

Walker, N. MacCormick's Scotland Edinburgh University Press (2012)

This volume started as a series of papers to mark the contribution of the late Sir Neil MacCormick and to celebrate his scholarship and life.