Qualification for Devotional Service - Part 1

Date: 2015-03-13 Author: Narahari das

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

The Lord clearly states in the Gita and Bhagavatam that He can be understood only by devotional service. Any amount of material qualifications without devotional service cannot please Him. At the same time, if a person has unalloyed love for the Lord even if he does not have any material qualifications, the Lord is very pleased with Him and showers His grace for the devotee to reach Him. This is stated by the great devotee Prahlada Maharaja in Srimad Bhagavatam verse 7.9.9 as follows:

manye dhanābhijana-rūpa-tapaḥ-śrutaujas- tejaḥ-prabhāva-bala-pauruṣa-buddhi-yogāḥ nārādhanāya hi bhavanti parasya puṁso bhaktyā tutoṣa bhagavān gaja-yūtha-pāya

Prahlada Maharaja continued: One may possess wealth, an aristocratic family, beauty, austerity, education, sensory expertise, luster, influence, physical strength, diligence, intelligence and mystic yogic power, but I think that even by all these qualifications one cannot satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. However, one can satisfy the Lord simply by devotional service. Gajendra did this, and thus the Lord was satisfied with him.

Srila Prabhupada explains in the commentary to the verse, "In a prayer to Krishna expressing her feelings, Srimati Kuntidevi called Him akincana-gocara. The prefix a means "not" and kincana means "something of this material world." One may be very proud of his prestigious position, material wealth, beauty, education and so on, but although these are certainly good qualifications in material dealings, they are not necessary for achieving friendship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One who possesses all these material qualities is expected to become a devotee, and when he actually does, the qualities are properly utilized."

As our beloved spiritual master HH Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj says, "If you have material qualifications, please use them in Krishna's service. If you don't have any, don't worry. Just forget about everything and run towards Krishna." But it is difficult to gain faith in this statement. Because we usually see that devotees who have better material qualifications or material situation do more service or usually their service is, 'more visible', than the service rendered by devotees who have low material profile and who struggle in their lives. So usually devotional service is judged in terms of external success which are mostly related to one's material qualifications. This may be true from the worldly point of view. But from the Supreme Lord's point of view, the real success is in terms of the love we have developed for the Lord which may or may not be reflected in one's external success. But when we look only at external success and become enamored by it, then in the pretext of praying for sincere bhakti, we usually start praying for better material qualifications/situation so that we can perform better bhakti. Srila Rupa Goswami in his prayers called Padyavali says as follows:

vyādhasyācaraṇaṁ dhruvasya ca vayo vidyā gajendrasya kā kubjāyāḥ kim u nāma rūpam adhikaṁ kiṁ tat sudāmno dhanam vaṁsaḥ ko vidurasya yādava-pater ugrasya kim pauruṣaṁ bhaktyā tuṣyati kevalaṁ na ca guṇair bhakti-priyo mādhavaḥ

If the Supreme Lord would can be pleased with only good occupation, then where is the good occupation of Dharmavyadha (the butcher). If age is the qualification for pleasing the Lord, then where is the age of Dhruva Maharaja (who was only five)? If material knowledge is the qualification for pleasing Him, then what knowledge Gajendra possessed? If physical beauty is the qualification to please God, then what beauty Kubja possessed? If the Lord can be pleased only by wealth, then what wealth Sudhama possessed? If the Lord can be pleased by the persons born in high class families, then what high birth Vidura had? If the Lord can only be pleased by great physical power then what prowess Ugrasena had? Lord Sri Madhava, who loves devotional service becomes very pleased with a person who takes shelter of Him at His lotus feet with pure devotion, not by the adorable material qualities of a person who does not engage in devotional service.

In this prayer, Srila Rupa Goswami lists seven different devotees who were disqualified in different ways and still attained the Lord's grace by devotion. Krishna willing, we will see about these devotees in some detail in the subsequent offering.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Narahari Krishna das Chennai. Qualification for Devotional Service - Part 2

Date: 2015-03-14 Author: Narahari Krishna das

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic titled, "Qualification for Devotional service", wherein we saw how devotional service alone can satisfy the Lord and even if a devotee does not have material qualifications, he can satisfy the Lord by devotional service.

1. Occupation:- It is not required that one has to do a very high end occupation to please the Lord. The Varaha purana talks about the life of a hunter by name Dharmavyadha. He was a hunter by birth and he was taught that profession by his elders. But still he could become a successful devotee of Lord and he composed the famous Vishnu Stuti (Prayer to Lord Vishnu) which is recorded in the Varaha purana.

2. Age:- Dhruva Maharaja attained the Lord's vision just at the age of 5 years. Usually people say the spiritual life is meant only for old people. Dhruva Maharaj and Prahlada Maharaja proved that age is not a qualification for bhakti. Dhruva Maharaj also had mixed motives in performing his bhakti and he just followed the instructions of Narada Muni (his spiritual master) and within 6 months he could see the Lord in person and be touched by His conch shell to attain transcendental knowledge.

3. Knowledge:- Gajendra (elephant) did not have any material knowledge. But by the dint of his devotional service in his previous life as King Indradyumna, He was blessed by the Lord to recollect the prayers he learnt in his previous life and he chanted it with sincerity and the Lord came in person and awarded him a spiritual body.

4. Physical beauty:- Kubja was a lady living in and she used to prepare sandalwood paste for . Since her body was bent she was called Trivakra (one who had three bends in her body) and was ugly looking due to these bends. When Lord Krishna and Lord entered the city of Mathura, they asked her to give sandalwood paste for them. She gave the best sandalwood paste and the Lord applied it on His body. He was very pleased with this offering and freed her body from the ugly bends.

5. Wealth:- (Kuchela) was quiet learned in the but he was materially very poor and was struggling to maintain his family. But the Lord blessed Sudama washed his feet and proclaimed to the world that Sudama is His dear friend.

6. Aristocratic birth:- Vidura was born to a maid servant by the blessings of Vyasadeva. He was constantly insulted by Duryodhana as dasi-putra (son of a maid servant). But when Lord Krishna came to Hastinapura as the messenger for the Pandavas, He went to the house of Vidura (please by the devotion of Vidura) and accepted the food offered by him and He refused to take food in the palace of Duryodhana.

7. Physical prowess:- Ugrasena was imprisoned by Kamsa and he could not fight with Kamsa due to his lack of physical prowess and advanced age. But he was eagerly waiting for Lord Krishna's appearance in this world. The Lord appeared in this world, killed Kamsa and released Ugrasena from prison. In addition, the Lord made him the King again and served him as his minister without considering his lack of prowess.

All the above devotees attained the Lord's mercy in spite of their material disqualification since they had sincere devotion. Now the next question is what is the qualification to attain sincere devotion? If we say by material qualification one can attain devotion, then it would mean that only those who have these qualifications are eligible for bhakti and others are not. This would in turn mean that the Lord is partial and accessible to those who have those qualifications and not to others. This will make bhakti a material activity which requires material qualifications. The acharyas state and explain the only qualification needed for bhakti and Krishna willing we will see that in the next offering.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Gurudeva, Narahari Krishna das Chennai. Qualification for Devotional Service - Part 3

Date: 2015-03-15 Author: Narahari Krishna das

Hare Krishna prabhujis and matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic titled, "Qualification for Devotional service", wherein we saw that no material qualification is necessary for doing devotional service. Now we shall see what is the single qualification required for bhakti.

The acaryas explain that sincere and intense desire to serve the Supreme Lord is the only qualification for bhakti. Srila Prabhupada states in the commentary to verse 5.19.7, "One's devotion and sincere desire to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead are the only qualifications. Rupa Goswami has also said that the price for achieving God's favor is simply one's sincere eagerness to have it (laulyam ekam mūlyam)." Srila Rupa Goswami states this as tatra laulyam api mūlyam ekalaṁ janma-koṭi-sukṛtair na labhyate. "This intense hankering is the only price for attaining this devotional mellow of Lord Krishna which is unattainable even by engaging in pious actions for millions of births." (Sri Padyavali-14).

When one has such intense desire, it crystalizes into determination and by determination one can invoke the Lord's mercy who gives the ways to serve Him and the intelligence to attain Him. Even if the material situation where we are put in is not favourable, if we somehow keep the flame of desire burning, the Lord takes care of our spiritual welfare. It may take time to receive the Lord's reciprocation. But it will happen for sure. On the other hand even if we have all material qualifications and favourable situation, if we do not have the strong desire, we will not attain the Lord's mercy. The Lord Himself states in the Gita verse 10.10 as follows:

teṣāṁ satata-yuktānāṁ bhajatāṁ prīti-pūrvakam dadāmi buddhi-yogaṁ taṁ yena mām upayānti te

To those who are constantly devoted to serving me with love, I give the intelligence by which they can come to Me.

So the Vedas glorify the Lord as 'Bhagavan' for this very reason. The Atharvasiras Upanishad states why the Lord is called as 'Bhagavan’.

atha kasmād ucyate bhagavān yas sarvān bhāvān īkṣati ātmajnānam nirīkṣayati yogam gamayati sa eva tasmād ucyate bhagavān

Why the Supreme Lord is called 'Bhagavan'? Because He closely sees the bhaavaa (desire) of every living entity and reveals the knowledge about Himself (atma jnaanam nirikshayati) and also gives the linking process (yogam gamayati) to attain him, He is called Bhagavan.

There is a nice pastime in this regard and Krishna willing we shall see that in the next offering.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Narahari Krishna das Chennai. Qualification for Devotional Service - Part 4

Date: 2015-03-16 Author: Narahari Krishna das

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the previous topic titled, "Qualification for Devotional service", wherein we saw that no material qualification is necessary for doing devotional service. The Lord only sees the sincere desire of the devotee to serve Him and reciprocates accordingly. The below pastime brings out this point very nicely.

Once a muslim merchant who was a seller of stones and diamonds reached Mathura for his trade. At that time, a devotee was giving Bhagavatam class on the 10th canto in Mathura where he explained the beauty of Lord Krishna. He explained how Mother Yashoda used to decorate Lord Krishna and send Him to forest for herding the cows. When the merchant heard the beauty of the Lord, he became very attracted and wanted to see the Lord in person. After the class was over, he went to the speaker and asked, "Where I can find this Kannaiyah (Lord Krishna)?" The speaker answered, "You can see Him in ." Immediately the merchant just left the box of jewels and stones in his hand and started running towards Vrindavan. On reaching Vrindavan, he asked many people on the way about Lord Krishna, he was directed to Srinathji temple which is located near the . The merchant ran there and tried to enter the temple with a strong desire to see the Lord. But since he was in muslim attire, the security people thought him as mleccha and stopped him from entering the temple and pushed him out. But the merchant did not give up. He just sat near the bank of Yamuna river and kept on crying, "I want to see Kannaiyah." This went on for 9 days. He became tired and weak due to lack of food and water, but his crying did not stop.

At that time, the temple was managed by Vittalanatha who was son of Sri Vallabhacharya (a great exponent of devotional service and founder of Vallabha sampradaya) and a great devotee himself. The devotees and the security guards who saw this merchant crying constantly went to Vittalanatha and informded him. Vittalanatha immediately ran towards Yamuna river and saw the merchant crying and asked him, "What do you want and why are you crying like this?" The merchant could not get up and walk due to his weakness. He limped slowly towards Vittalanatha and fell at his feet and said, "I want to see Kannaiyah." Vittalanatha was moved to tears by his strong desire to see the Lord. He picked him up and embraced him saying, "One who calls you a mleccha is actually a mleccha. You need not wait even a moment from now. Please take bath in Yamuna and come. I will give you sambandha (process of spiritual initiation according to Vallabha sampradaya) and make you a formal Vaishnava." After the merchant took bath Vittalanath initiated him and said, "Since you are the fountain head of Bhakti rasa, I give you the name Rasa Khan." Rasa Khan later composed wonderful poems on the glory of the Lord and they are famous till today. In this pastime, we see that Rasakhan was disqualified by birth or he did not have any knowledge of scripture from childhood. But he had a strong desire to see the Lord and serve Him. So the Lord broke all the barriers and gave him the shelter of His pure devotee. Rasakhan was having a desire which is intense and unwavering and that gave him the determination which attracted the mercy of Vittalanatha (spiritual master) and Sri Nathji.

Once I was complaining about the problems I am having in my family life which is causing slack in my spiritual life to our beloved spiritual master HH Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj. Maharaj after listening to everything said, "You have only one problem. That you do not have desire to become devotee. This problem you have to solve. All other problems can be handled later."

I pray at the lotus feet of our beloved Gurudeva, Srila Prabhupada and the Supreme Lord so that I will develop a genuine desire for devotional service.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Narahari Krishna das Chennai.