September 2013 A New Haven Tradition since 1892 bulletin Elul 5773 - Tishri 5774 Vol. 19 Issue 8 Page 18: Dear Rabbi Yamim Noraim: Days of Awe Online Holy Day Info Selihot at Temple Beth Sholom A complete schedule of High Holy Days services, along Our affiliated Temple Beth Sholom in Hamden will host with additional information and forms, is available at www. the Conservative-Masorti Community First Selihot Service A schedule of Sukkot and Sh- on Saturday night Aug. 31. Maariv and Havdala will be emini Atseret services is available at held at 8:30 p.m.; at 8:45 p.m., the film “The Flat” will be html. screened; 10:15 to 11 p.m., discussion and refreshments; Volunteers Needed 11 p.m. Selihot service (ending at midnight). The selihot (penitential) prayers are said during the mid- To volunteer either to help with planning or to partici- dle of the night during the period immediately before Rosh pate in our High Holy Day worship services, please contact HaShana and Yom Kippur. It is believed that a heightened Darryl Kuperstock at
[email protected]. Help is needed for sense of spiritual awareness can be achieved during those mailings, Break Fast shopping and planning, greeters and hours. The Conservative Communal service is sponsored by ushers, minyan makers (early attendees), English readings, Congregations B’nai Jacob, Beth Sholom, Or Shalom and printing Yizkor Memorial Book, and more. If you have any BEKI. questions, please speak with Darryl. High Holy Days Participation Need a Letter for Employer or School? Please be sure to return your High Holy Days volunteer Shul members occasionally need letters to employers and participation forms.