

Dear Siblings in Christ,

Alleluia, Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed, alleluia! I am simply loving spring this year. Looking at my gardens and seeing buds emerge from the ground and enjoying the blooms as they begin to open and fill the brown ground with a colorful palate has provided me with a reminder of the rebirth, we all experience and are gifted through Christ our Lord.

The past year has provided us with ample opportunity to reflect and reassess our lives and how we spend our time, our money and use our talents and gifts. As we move forward into the celebration of Christ’s resurrection, we have a new opportunity to be renewed, refreshed in this spring’s rebirth along with Christ’s emergence from death to life. We are promised new life through Christ – eternal life through the grace and love of God. I pray that the flowers, the sunshine, the celebration of Christ’s resurrection inspire in you a new heart, a new joy through God. May this newness help us all to share God’s love with one another – with all people. May we gather together (using safe practices) to renew and refresh in God’s love and call to worship, prayer and praise. And may you know that you are loved by Christ our risen Lord!

Yours In Christ, Pr. Becky Horn

Are you or a loved one desiring a visit from the pastor? Please contact Pastor Becky if you would like her to call or visit you at home, in the hospital, or another location. (office: 364-9154, cell: 215-208-5535, email: [email protected]) *If you desire Communion at home, please contact Pr. Becky so that arrangements can be made.

St. Luke Contact Numbers: Church Office 814-364-9154 or email at [email protected] Pastor, Rev. Becky Horn 215-208-5535 or email [email protected] Church Secretary, Patty Lehman 814-933-6296 or email: [email protected] Council President, Susan Stover 814-349-5173 or email: [email protected] St. Luke Mailing Address PO Box 331, Centre Hall, PA 16828 St. Luke Website http://StLukeCentreHall.org

QUESTIONS TO PONDER – Where does our Mission Support Go? Mission Support: A Deep Dive Did you know that ELCA members in more than 8,900 congregations in the United States and Caribbean give approximately $1.7 billion in regular offerings annually to support ELCA ministries in their local communities and worldwide? When members give through their congregations, about 5.5% of that money is shared with the local synod, which then shares a portion with the national churchwide office. This unrestricted giving from congregations is called Mission Support. Mission Support gives the ELCA both the foundation and the fuel to do God’s work in the world locally, nationally and internationally. Thank you for your faithful support!

41% OF MISSION SUPPORT GROWS THE ELCA IN THE UNITED STATES:  Plant and support hundreds of new congregations.  Enable congregations to renew their ministries and reach out to their surrounding communities.  Develop and share resources for faith, discipleship, prayer, stewardship and worship.  Work together with our African-descent, American Indian, Alaska Native, Arab, Middle Eastern, Asian, Pacific Islander and Latino/Latina leaders and members.  Invest in technology and communication.  Grow and sustain financial resources.  Engage in research and strategic planning.

22% OF MISSION SUPPORT GROWS THE LUTHERAN CHURCH AND ADDRESSES ISSUES AROUND THE WORLD:  As a member of the Lutheran World Federation, the ELCA is in communion with 147 other churches.  ELCA synods relate directly to 65 companion churches through a total of 127 official relationships.  The ELCA accompanies new Lutheran churches, expands ministries and trains leaders and evangelists.  The ELCA sends missionaries — including Young Adults in Global Mission — who are the hands and feet of Jesus around the world.  The ELCA addresses social issues and works for justice.

37% OF MISSION SUPPORT HELPS DEVELOP CURRENT AND FUTURE LEADERS IN THE ELCA:  Prepare and implement a system for recruitment and assignment of rostered ministers.  Identify and provide ministry resources and opportunities to lay leaders for networking.  Offer events and leadership opportunities for youth and young adults.  Support the work of seven ELCA seminaries and 26 ELCA colleges and universities.  Provide coordination and support for churchwide ministries.  Provide governance and leadership.  Sustain ecumenical and interfaith relations.

For additional resources, go to ELCA.org/SOFIA

In Person Worship at St. Luke: In Person Worship has resumed. We are holding one In Person worship service on Sundays at 10:30am. Covid-19 procedures will continue to be in place with your temperature taken and a limited attendance of 45 people. Please enter the entrance doors which will open at approximately 10:15am. Please do not attend if you are not feeling well or have been exposed to someone with covid-19, are awaiting test results, or have tested positive in the past 14 days. Please wear a mask and social distance in designated pew spaces.

St. Luke's Worship Service will also continue to be posted weekly to St. Luke’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCndvYdWpi7qSKld6Y8cnHMg

Live Worship on Zoom - In addition to St. Luke returning to In Person Worship on Sundays at 10:30am, and St. Luke's pre-recorded online YouTube Service, St. Luke will also offer Live streaming of our Sunday Worship Service over Zoom at 10:30am. Please see the below to participate: Topic: Sunday Morning Worship Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82737550247?pwd=LzNSTmdVWFU3enlaOEJ2Q0wwaTF4QT09 Meeting ID: 827 3755 0247 Passcode: 201808 One tap mobile +13126266799,,82737550247#,,,,*201808# US (Chicago) +16468769923,,82737550247#,,,,*201808# US (New York) *A weekly bulletin will be sent via email for those who choose to join via Zoom. It is slightly different than the YouTube Worship at Home bulletin.

Groups in St. Luke - The St. Luke Council voted to allow groups to use the building for activities and events. Groups that wish to resume using the building must schedule through the Church office and follow the protocols established for worship including wearing masks, remaining physically distant, answering health questions, and taking attendance for contact tracing. Groups must also designate a person to be the 'Cleaning Person.' Prior to the group's use of the building, the Cleaning Person must contact Pastor Becky, Derek Shaffer or Larry Frazier to set up a time to meet and discuss where the cleaning supplies are and learn the cleaning protocols. Once this meeting has occurred, the group may proceed with in person meetings that abide by current St. Luke policy. Currently the limit is up to 15% capacity for indoor events and gatherings. *Please be sure to see all policies and procedures for groups and in person worship that is posted in the narthex of St. Luke.

Worship At Home—The Worship At Home service continues to be posted on the St. Luke Centre Hall YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCndvYdWpi7qSKld6Y8cnHMg for the foreseeable future. If you desire Communion at home, please contact Pr. Becky so that arrangements can be made.

IMPORTANT - Please Note—If you do not have email or online access and would like to receive the printed Worship At Home Mailing, please speak with Pastor Becky or Patty or leave a message at the Church Office at 814-364-9154.

Worship Plan: The 8:00 am has been temporarily suspended while we continue to navigate the pandemic. There are several required procedures that we are instituting in order to provide the least risk for gathering as a group. We ask that those who plan to attend any gatherings, including worship, at the church agree to abide by the recommendations for the health of all. Currently, Gov. Wolf has recommended 15% capacity for indoor events and gatherings and Council has agreed to follow the recommendations from the governor’s office.

Procedure for In House Worship: A. Entry to the building will be limited to the main front doors. Doors will open approximately 15 minutes before the start of the service. Requirements will include: temperature check via an infrared thermometer, answering a few questions about any symptoms or exposure to Covid-19, a mask covering the nose and mouth, and having their name recorded for the potential of contact tracing. If a person has a fever over 100F, we will ask them to not join us inside for worship. If a person answers 'Yes' to any of the following questions, they will be asked to not join us inside for worship. They may be given a copy of the bulletin and reminded that virtual worship is available on St. Luke's YouTube channel. a. Do you have any cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms? b. In the last 14 days have you been in close contact with anyone who has had COVID-19 or COVID- 19-like symptoms? c. In the last 10 days have you tested positive or are you awaiting results of a COVID-19 test? B. If a person meets the temperature and question requirements, but does not have a mask, one will be provided. C. People are asked to use hand sanitizer upon entry to the building. There is an automatic hand sanitizer stand in the narthex. D. Once in the sanctuary, people may sit by household or ‘pods’ in physically distanced pews. Bulletins are in each pew. Worshipers are asked to take bulletins with them and either deposit in the recycling bin on their way out or to bring them home. E. The worship service will be modified to limit time, congregational responses, and singing. We will have some music. People are welcome to hum along, or if so called, to sing 'lightly', but they are requested to wear their mask over their nose and mouth. Communion will be offered as the final part of the service. Elements will be pre-packaged, individual servings of wafer and grape juice. The logistics of distribution of Communion will be explained during the worship service. F. Pastor Becky will wear a mask throughout the entirety of the worship service. She will lead all of her parts of the service from the pulpit. If we have lectors or worship assistants, we will only have one per service. He or She will be asked to sit near the lectern, either in the transept or the choir loft for the entirety of the service and they will only use the lectern for their speaking parts. When speaking at the lectern they will wear a mask. G. During the worship service, Air Conditioning will remain off. Prior to the worship service we can pre-cool the sanctuary (in warm months). Sanctuary and external doors (when weather allows) will be propped open to increase airflow and dissipation of potential COVID-19 particles. H. Exiting the building: if people would like to share in Communion, they can pick up the elements on their way out of the main entry doors. Otherwise, people may leave by the West or doorways. Please maintain 6 feet distance from other people not in your ‘pod’ or household. I. In the parking lot, gathering is discouraged. However, should people want to converse, we ask that they continue to wear their masks.

Good Friday Worship - St. Luke will hold an in person Good Friday Worship Service on Friday, April 2, 2021 at 7:00 pm. The Good Friday service will be available on Zoom at 7pm. The Zoom link is the same as listed for Sunday worship. The Good Friday worship service will be recorded and posted to YouTube after 8:30pm.

Easter Sunday Worship - St. Luke will have two in person worship services on Sunday, April 4th in celebration of the Festival of Easter. Services will be at 7:30 am and 10:30 am. You do not need to sign up for services. We will observe physical distancing by household/pod and masks will be required to be worn throughout the entirety of the worship service. The 10:30am worship service will be available on Zoom. The Zoom link is the same as listed for Sunday worship. There will be a prerecorded Worship At Home service on YouTube as well. If you have any questions, please contact Pr. Becky.

Centre Hall/Potter Township Food Pantry - Food Pantry Distribution will be held on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 from 1:30-4pm (please note updated start time) at Grace United Methodist Church. If you, or someone you know, has lost their job due to COVID-19, you are welcome to attend the Food Pantry Distribution. If you have any questions, you may call the Food Pantry at 814-883-3589.

Donations of Toilet Paper and Paper Towels are currently needed. You may place donations in the bin in the narthex by Sunday, April 18, 2021.

COVID-19 has required changes to the way the Food Pantry has traditionally worked. The orders will be prepared by a limited number of individuals to fulfill the social distancing requirement. This will remain in effect for future months until COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. We look forward to the day when we can gather as a family of community volunteers to serve those in need. God bless and stay healthy. - Erskine Cash

We are still actively doing ministry at St. Luke and we need your help! The past year created many challenges for us and we are looking to 2021 to dive into our ministry opportunities renewed with God's love, hope and joy for the opportunity of a new year and many blessings. We are looking for representatives to serve on Council of Churches (2 people), Interfaith Human Services (1 person), and our in house committees: Congregational Relations, Community Relations, Spiritual Relations and our Sewing group. If you are interested, contact Pr. Becky or Patty and we will get you in touch with people from each group. Thank you for sharing your gifts, talents and faith.

If anyone would like to join the Sewing Group, please call Bonnie Brown at 814-883-3589, Marjorie Korman at 814-364-9189 or Connie Zellers at 814-364-1330. There are several ways to be a part of this Ministry:

-Donate cotton fabric, new and used sheets, and crochet thread. -Sew quilt tops at home. (Fabric is provided) -Cut fabric into squares. -Layer quilts and pin borders. (Done at our monthly meetings) -Sew borders. -Knot finished quilts. (Done both at our monthly meetings as well as individually at home)

Join us! We’d be happy to have you. We usually meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month, except during summer months. During the pandemic a few people are meeting remotely; while others are working from home. Give us a call and find out how you can help.

IHS Donations Reminder…Interfaith Human Services is a good place to call if you have gently used furniture or large electric appliances to donate. Items especially in need right now include beds, dressers, and sofas. Large electric appliances are always needed, including washers, dryers, and refrigerators. Items that we DO NOT accept include: pianos or organs, baby cribs, large desks, large entertainment centers, or large file cabinets. Anyone wishing to donate furniture may call the IHS office at: 814-234-7731. A Furniture Coordinator, will follow up with the caller to arrange a pick up time.

St. Luke Congregation, I wanted to express my thanks for all the prayers, kind words, and get well wishes. Sandy and I can't adequately express how much your kindness meant to us. Sincerely, Dave Ferree

Parishioners of St. Luke, Thank you for your recent financial donation. The staff and clients of the Centre Hall Potter Twp. Food Pantry appreciate your generosity and know that it makes this community a better place to live. Sincerely, Nancy Hawn, Secretary Centre Hall/Potter Twp Food Pantry

St. Luke Lutheran Church, Thank you for your generous gift to Lutheran World Relief's Quilt and Kit Shipping Fund! Your donation ensures that LWR Quilts and Kits get into the hands of a person who needs it. Small excerpt from letter from Lutheran World Relief The letter is posted in the narthex

St. Luke Congregation, Thank you to all who participated in the JJ Powell Church Program. JJ Powell donated $48.63 from the gallons of oil delivered July 1 to December 31, 2020 to those from St. Luke participating in the church program. JJ Powell donates $.03/gallon of oil delivered to participants from St. Luke. The donation distribution is done twice per year. Every gallon helps! Thank you, Jack Sharer, St. Luke Treasurer

Thank You - Thank you for your continued contributions to our ministry at St. Luke. Pr. Becky continues to try to find different ways to serve the ministry needs. Council continues to find ways to meet the needs of the people in our congregation and our communities. Thank you for your financial support of our ministry together. You may continue to mail in your contributions to St. Luke (PO Box 331, Centre Hall, PA 16828) or use the Vanco website by clicking the donate button on our St. Luke website (stlukecentrehall.org). If you prefer to donate using your cell phone, see https://www.vancopayments.com/ egiving/church-app to download the mobile app. Thank you so much for your support and sharing of your gifts. *If mailing, it is important to use our PO Box 331 and NOT the street address. Thank you! Prayer Concerns Pray for the recovery and the Lord’s healing and peace on our brothers and sisters.

The Family and Friends of Dean Crater Scott Given…Covid-19 Dotti Roberts...declining health Hallie Celebuski...cancer Michael Rozzi…recov. from surgery Dawn Holsopple…recov. from surgery Robert Wendt…declining health Ron George…health concerns Cameron…Ependymoma cancer stage III Darlene …upcoming surgery Jeff…cancer & surgery complications Bill Wheeler...cancer & eye surgery Darlene Wheeler...strength & support Linda Dutrow…health concerns Eric Young…Covid-19 and Lymes Disease Ongoing Prayer Concerns: Paul Dietrich…cancer Marvin Lehman, Jr….MS & kidney disease Jen Parsons…recov. from brain tumor Robert Sauerwein…heart and health concerns Bryn Cashell…leukemia Audrey Oakes…cancer Greg Bohn…kidney issues Gordon Yearich…cancer Charlotte Miller…cancer Rycen Musser…leukemia Ginger…stager 4 colon cancer Beverly Haines…recov. surgery Don Brown…health concerns Tanya Evens…health concerns Vicki Garvin…kidney disease TJ Coursen…cancer Jim Evans…health concerns Mae Judy…health concerns Pat Krisch…cancer Will Wise…cancer Ronnie Ticknor…leukemia Susie Wicker…breast cancer Mike Moyer...bladder cancer Melody …family and health issues Susan ...recov. hip replacement Patti Bramson…health concerns Brenda Stover…cancer/stroke Linda Beiler…stage 4 colon cancer All affected by Covid-19 Michele Peese…melanoma Heather Korman…recov. brain surgery …homelessness Staff & Residents of Care Facilities Bob Ishler...cancer Tom Dutrow...recov. brain surgery Melvin and Jeanne Dutrow...strength and hope Dorothy Chambers...brain tumor Rosemary Wherry...bladder cancer Lee Kolos...multiple health concerns Dr. Post...diabetes issues Shawn Homan…mass in brain Dan Schluter...non hodgkin’s lymphoma Linda Murphy...health concerns Paulette Smigo…health issues Belize Children…Susie Westby, Myrtle Tracy, Ashanti Obrien, Orlando Jackson, Stephanie Logan Please Pray for the health of our Homebound: Dorothy Chambers (Foxdale Village, 500 E. Marylyn Ave. State College, PA 16801—Rm 317 (814)954-8317 Donna Fetterolf (Wynwood House, Room 19, 122 Wynwood Dr, Centre Hall, PA 16828) Phyllis Kerlin (The Inn at Juniper Village, 1930 Cliffside Dr., Room 136, State College, PA 16801) Fred Lohr. Jr. (244 S. Pennsylvania Ave, Centre Hall, PA 16828 (814)364-9368) IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADD OR REMOVE A PRAYER CONCERN: You may notify the church office of your prayer concerns by calling 364-9154 or emailing the church office at [email protected] . Please remember that a prayer request will remain on the prayer list for three weeks unless otherwise noted as an ongoing concern. Ongoing prayer concerns will remain on the prayer list for three months. You may renew a prayer request as often as you wish. We also ask that you notify the church office when someone is able to be removed from the prayer list. Updated 3/30/2021


April 2, 2021—Good Friday at 7pm Head Usher: Pat Strouse Lector: Deb Frazier

April 4, 2021—Easter 7:30am and 10:30am Head Usher 7:30am: Carla Cipro Head Usher 10:30am: Shari Welch Worship Assistant 7:30am: Susan Stover Worship Assistant 10:30am: Peg Leedy Counters: Deb Frazier and Jim Shunk

April 11, 2021—Second Sunday of Easter at 10:30am Head Usher: Krystal Josephson Worship Assistant: Jim Shunk Counters: TBA

April 18, 2021—Third Sunday of Easter Head Usher: Dawn Holsopple Worship Assistant: Norma Crater Counters: TBA

April 25, 2021—Fourth Sunday of Easter Head Usher: Don Anderson Worship Assistant: Susan Stover Counters: TBA

May 2, 2021—Fifth Sunday of Easter Head Usher: Susan Stover Worship Assistant: Shawn Lehman Counters: TBA

*Please notify the Church Office at 814-364-9154 or email [email protected] if you know in advance that you will be unable to attend the Sunday that you have been scheduled. Thank you!

April Birthdays Continued… 15 Doug Strouse

16 Ted Dutrow 17 Ally Tingle Bair 18 Joshua Araujo 19 Dave Bierlein Owen Carper

Dave Corl Andy Long 20 Marjorie Groff 7 Kenneth and Ruth Long Jazmyne Shaffer 11 Kermit and Lori Long 21 Don Derr 12 Stan and Audrey Herrold Phyllis Kerlin 17 Michael and Linda Sheaffer Brian Long 23 Jeff and Lisa O'Hara Linzy Fetterolf 26 George and Barb Garman Reagan Reiter John and Mindy Tracy 22 Kimberly Brooks 27 Marshall and Linda Brooks Bonnie Brown 28 Kurt and Kimberly Brooks 23 Joe Hammaker 30 Brian and Mary Royer 26 Ty Corl Ciara Lohr Benjamin Blankenberg 30 Lois Albright Joshua Carper Sydney Shawver

1 Curtis Decker 2 Kelsie Witmer Lewis Delaney

3 Jerry Homan Johnathan Seiler 5 Kimberly Johnson Sunday School Classes will remain Kaleb Wolfe 6 Patty Lehman suspended through the remainder of this Matthew Ilgen school year. We hope to resume classes in 7 Jamie Homan September. Sydney Kubalak 8 Dulcie Hollobaugh

Brian Royer Rachel Lieb St. Luke member, 9 Daniel McAllister Dean Crater, joined the Marty Ilgen Church Triumphant on 10 Mike Saturday, March 27, 2021. Crew Riggle Please keep Dean's family 11 Donna Fetterolf and friends in your prayers. Zakkary McClenahan 13 Betty Ishler

Our next Council Meeting is Monday, April 12, 2021 at 7:00pm - The regular meets are held 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 pm, Zoom is available for those who are unable to attend in person. Council Executive Committee meets the 1st Thursday of the Month at 6:30 pm over Zoom (This month's Council Executive meeting will be Thursday, April 8th due to Holy Week). If you are interested in attending, please email Pr. Becky, Pres. Susan Stover or V.P. Shari Welch for the login information.

Council Officers and Council Members for 2021: Susan Stover (21), President; Shari Welch (21), Vice- President, Jazmyne Shaffer (22), Secretary; Jack Sharer, Treasurer, Don Anderson (21), Larry Frazier (21), Carla Cipro (22), Krystal Josephson (22), Pat Strouse (22), Alice Cromwell (23), and Dawn Holsopple (23).

Cemetary Association Board Representatives: Bob Long (21), Joe Hammaker (22) and Michele Brown (23)

*The numbers in parenthesis indicates the year their term is complete.

Looking ahead…Please note that if you have news or articles for the May 2021 issue of the St. Luke Newsletter, please submit them to the church office no later than Thursday, April 22, 2021.

Offering Counters - If anyone is interested in helping with counting and preparing the offering deposit after the 10:30am worship service each week, please contact Norma Crater (814-360-4111). Norma will give training after worship on Sunday, April 11, 18 and 25.

St. Luke's Annual Congregational Meeting will be rescheduled. In the meantime, copies of the Annual Congregational Report are available to be picked up in the narthex or you may request a copy be mailed to you by contacting the church office at 814-364-9154.

Prayer Group – We are gathering in person in the social hall and also on Zoom on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 am. We always have Zoom available. In person depends on the weather and the Governor’s current order. Please wear a mask and bring a Bible for in person so we can read through the upcoming lectionary texts before praying for those on our prayer list. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/142841832?pwd=WTdNS1RqY0hqNmpyRnRaMmFuZW1odz09 Meeting ID: 142 841 832 Passcode: 017725

Our next book is It's Not All Downhill from Here by Terry McMillan and we will meet to discuss on April 14th at 8:30 am in the Social Hall. Zoom is also available. Zoom will also be available at the same link as Prayer Group listed above.

April 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3

AA Meeting Dean Crater Good Friday In 7pm in Funeral Service Person Worship 7pm Social Hall 10am Zoom also available. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Prayer Group & Lectionary Study Meeting 10am in the Social Hall. Zoom also available

In Person Worship Cub Scout Bear 7:30am and Den Meeting Zoom Council Cub Scout Tiger & AA Meeting Executive Committee Wolf Den Meetings 10:30am 6-7:30pm 7pm in Meeting 6:30pm 6-7:30pm *Zoom also available. Social Hall 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 In Person Worship Sewing Group Book Group 8:30am 10:30am in the Social Hall

*Zoom also available. Zoom also available.

Prayer Group & Lectionary Study Meeting 10am in the Social Hall. Council Meeting Zoom also available 7:00pm AA Meeting Social Hall 7pm in Zoom also available Social Hall 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 In Person Worship Food Pantry Prayer Group & 10:30am Distribution Lectionary Study Meeting 10am in the *Zoom also available. 1:30-4pm at Social Hall. Grace UMC Zoom also available (please note updated start time)

Cub Scout Tiger & AA Meeting Cub Scout Bear Pack 20 Committee Wolf Den Meetings Meeting 6:30-8pm Den Meeting 7pm in 6-7:30pm Social Hall 6-7:30pm Social Hall 25 26 27 28 29 30 In Person Worship Prayer Group & 10:30am Lectionary Study * Zoom also available Meeting 10am in the Social Hall.

Zoom also available

St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church 301 North Pennsylvania Ave. P. O. Box 331 Centre Hall, PA 16828

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St. Luke


Mission Statement: Inviting all into relationship with Christ, Church and Community

St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church Centre Hall, Pennsylvania