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ON AIU> AFTER FRIDAY, the 29TH INST THE TEES DALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1869. 'lNEST PETROLEUM LAMP OIL, free from HOLWICK, mi HTGH FORCE. Tide-end House, Teddir.^'ton, lute the re Barnard Castle Medial F Smell, perfectly Safe, at 2s. 4d. per gallon, at T. TAIN A:.D SON- lidencr of Benjamin Higga, the d»fajj:ing ca-'iiert Penny Readings.—The first of thsl J. M. MARSHALL, JAMES HARRIS'S, Grocor, &c., Market-plac?, Barnard RE instructed to Sell by Auction, on Saturday, the the Great Central Gas Company, has been purchved jeo^on will he held on Friday eve| 20tb day of Nov., 18(i0, at Hoi wick, all the Earni­ by Sir Clifford Constable. The sum realised » MARKET - PLACE, BARNARD CASTLE, Castle. A ls in-t. ng STOCK AND CROP, belonging to Mr Peter £6,500. The Annual Pennons in mHREE SCOTCH EWES LOST from a field at Wilkinson, consisting of 1 present calving cow; 2 B J. Hullam, on November 5th, Horn Burn C. B.; ilch cows, spring calvers; 1 barren heifer, 3 yrs. old; Messrs Hurworth Brothers, Stone the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, BC3 to announce bis return from the Markets, and that Tar-mark on near side, C. B.; A bit cut out of near heifers, rising 2 years old, spring calvers; 2 heifer Merchants, Barnard Castle, have, we are informed, preached on Sunday last, by the f York. A collection was made i ear: Tar-mark, Tail Head. calves; 1 bull calf; 50 good young black-faced ewes, obtained the contract for the stone for the new mansion 0 of John Bowes, E«j., building at Barnard Castle. service, in aid of the chapel fund*. AIU> THE 29TH which may be depastured on Holwick Moor till the ON AFTER FRIDAY, INST., TO BE LET, 26th March next; 20 do. gimmer hogs ; 2 stacks of The stone will be procured from Messrs. Hurworth's THE WO-AND-A-HALF ACRE8 OF FOG. — Apply well-won hay, to be consumed on the premises; 14 Croesberry Quarries, (on the estate of Mr Bowse) at COTHERSTOl ARRANGEMENTS FOR SHOWING THB LATEST FASHIONS T to Mr. BINES, Darlington District Bank, Barnard acres meadow land eatage; 5 do. of pasture eatage. the Tees side, near the village of Westwick. It appears MILLINERY, BONNETS, HATS, 15 SHAWLS, MANTLES, JD Castle. Credit will be given on approved security till the 1st that Rokeby Hall and Church were built of stone from Last night * meeting in RESSES, these old quarries, the stone being dressed on the spot, the London Missionary Society i PTC, day of April next, or4d. in the pound for cash. WILL BE COMPLETED. SALE AT 2 O'CLOCK. and ferried across the Tees. gregstional Chapel. Mr Mateer (1 DE LA RUE'S try) represented the parent societjf Durham Fusilier Militia.— His Rojal dress similar to that delivered on thJ J. M. M. begs to call especial attention to large purchases made in PLAYING CARDS, MONTHLY CATTLE SALE, Highness the Field Marshal Commanding in Chief, BARNARD CASTLE. in this town. Collections of a WHBETING8, PILLOW-LINEN'S, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, TOWELLING 4 GENERAL DRAPERY having been pleased to grant a silver medal (without taken at the close of the meeting. Which, owing to the Depression in Trade, and Reduced Prioes in Raw Material, offers a ALL THE NEWEST~PATTERNS FOR THE gratuity) forlong service and good conduct to Sergeant T. TARN and SON Instructor of Musketry Saniuel Kenningham, (late GILMONB1 Favourable opportunity to Purohasers. EG respectfully to announce that, if all be well, they SEASON. Colour Sergeant Royal Marine Artillery), the There is a beautiful anl will Sell by Auction, on WEDNESDAY, tho 17th B medal was presented to Sergt. Kenningham by Lieut.- spring of water at Gilmonby, which | R. W. ATKINSON, BOOKSELLER, BARNARD CASTLE. day of November, 1869, the following choice lot of made useful, a reservoir having MR. JOSEPH COLLING, DECEASED. CATTLE, consisting of 10 present calving cows, of Col. Maude, commanding the Durham Fusiliers, at W. H E S L O P, a full dress parade of the permanent staff, on Wednes­ its channel for the supply of the (NEAR THE CROSS, BARNARD CASTLE,) great promise; 80 barren cows and heifers,' of good Pursuant to the Statute 22nd and 23rd Vic, cap. 35 quality and condition ; a number of young bullocks, day, the 10th instant. Sergeant Kenningham is the being available, as before, for the EGS to inform his Friends and Customers that he has received his STOCK of WINTER GOODS, and various othercattle; 1 draught horse, good worker; 10th Sergt. on the permanent staff of the Durham tion. This spring which, on a cur B comprising OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all Persons gig and harness. Fusiliers with good conduct medals. should say yields not less than 50 has its source in a field at the southl having any Claims against the Estate of JOSEPH The whole of the above cattle belong to the Auction­ A Special Meeting of the Shareholders of A*D OTHER N WOOLS HAWLS, "WATERPROOF CLOAKS, BLACK OLOTH JACKETS COLLING, late of the RIGA, in the Township of Lar- eers, and will be sold without the slightest reserve. the North-Eastern Railway Company was held on Fri­ gushing out of the earth in transp WOOL. PLAID, FIGURED, AND PLAIN REPPS, tington, in the*Parish of Romaldkirk, in the North All cattle put into this sale must be sold under day last, in the De Grey Rooms, York—Mr n. S. village of Gilmonby, in possessinl French Merinos, from Is. Gd.; Winceys ; Coloured and White Flannels, Shirts, Men's Caps & Hats, Riding of the County of York, farmer, deceased, who the same couditions aB the Auctioneers' own stock. Thompson, of Kirbv Hall, presiding. The primary a treasure which, in the droughts q In large Variety. died on the 20th day of December, 1868, and whose Sale to commence precisely at 11 o'clock with the bu«i ness of the meeting was the proposed consolidation we have experienced of late years, Also a Large Stock of Unbleached, and White Calicoes, Cotton Sheets, Bed Ticks and Quilts, Blankets, Etc. Will was proved in the District Registry of Her calving cows. of the ordinary stocks of the various sections of the ordinary value, and deserving of] Majesty's Court of Probate at York, on the 6th day of company. The meeting was eventually adjourned till preservation. April, by us, Thomas Colling, of the Rigg aforesaid, STOCK SALE AT BOWES. the 3rd proximo. Power was also given to the direct­ STAIN DROI Selection of COLOURED SCRAP PRINTS E TEESDALE GLOSSARY, by F. DIISSDALE, and Cuthbert Colling, of Towler HiU, in the Township ors to apply to Parliament for an Act to construct a of Cotherstone and Pariah of Romaldkirk, farmer, Large Cabbage.— Mr He! A for SCREENS, at R. W. ATKINSON'S, Book­ r Esq., LL.D., price 2s. 6d., may be had of T. TARN and SON railway from Leyburn to Hawes—there to form a the executors therein named, are hereby required to Stiindrop. last week, cut a cabb seller, Barnard Castle. R.W. ATKINSON, EG respectfully to announce that they have received junction with the Settle a-d Carlisle Railway—in lien send in the particulars of their claims to us, the said garden, which weighed 24 Jibs or eqtj Bookseller, Barnard Castle. instructions to Sell by Auction, on Friday, the of the line from Hawes to iielmerby; and to con«truct executors, on or before the 27th day of NOVEMBER B THOMAS BORRCWDALE, 26th day of November, at Bowes, the following val­ bridges over various level cro sings, and to subscribe London Missionary Societ) instant, after which day we will proceed to distribute MONUMENTAL SCULPTOR, uable farming STOCK, Ac., belonging to Mr. George an additional capital of £6,000 towards the Tees aid of this Institution were held in I MRS. PATTON, the Assets of the deceased, having regard to the claims KING-STREET, Pickering and another, consisting of 5 useful milch Valley Railway. Chapel, Staindrop, eu Sunday mor only of which we shall then have had notice; and all BARNARD CASTLE. MARKET PLACE, BARNARD CASTLE, cows, spring caivers ; 2 barren cows ; 6 steers, rising eloquent sermon was preached by persons indebted to the said Estate are hereby required EGS to announce that she is now SELLING-OFF, 3 years old ; 12 bullocks do., 2 do.; 3 heifers, do., do., of Stockton. The collection was lib VLTAK3, PULPITS, FONTS, TABLETS, to pay the amount of their debts to us forthwith. The Church of England Night Schools, at a Great Reduction in Prices, the stock of 2 spring calves ; 2 heifer calves, 2 months old ; lo very nesday) evening, at a quarter to TOMBS, B Dated this 6th day of November, 1869. Barnard Castle, (re-opened on the 4th inst), continue MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MEN'S and BOYS' READY-MADE CLOTHING, good Leicester and three-parts bred ewes ; 1 do, tup to be well attended, a large number of pupils being meeting will be held in the Chapel, also her Stock of AUTUMN and WINTER GOODS. THOS. COLLING. lamb, 1 gimmer do.; 40 black-faced ewes, for tupping ; enrolled. These schools are for the benefit of young will be delivered by the Revds. J. ] ADD CUTHBERT COLLING. CARVING EXECUTED two colts, rising two years old, by Luck's All : people, of both sexes, whose means, or whose" daily from India), W. Darwent, Lrwin, TO ORDER. TO FARMERS, ROAD SURVEYORS, Ac. 1 colt foal, by do.; the eatage of 20 acres of grass duties.prevent their taking ad vantage of the day-schools bum.
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