e Q� OU ... DeDJL Mc�� TllOops, 9Je wouhl �� to -tROW2 �ou {JOJL �oWL oo.�cw ebiJO!Lt 00 COWLage dwu� DeseJLt Stollwl (Jrut. 16, 1QQ1- 9eb. 28, 1QQ1). �oWL dedieatio� rutd Rmd wollk?. sRowed us wRot o posrriO-e gJLoup ebiJO!Lt erut �eO'e. �OU wtOde US Cl� pllOUci 1ROW2 OU, 1Re. Studems ot QS Faculty David Nonnenmacher Sandra Cheng Carl Bruetsch Thomas Nuttycomb Cathleen Spall Joseph Walsh Lynne Kraack Robert Wolfe John Ogozalek Hugh McCammon Lionel Billard Clifford Kelly Harriet Luben Robert Olear, Jr. Roseann Auditor! Robert Elco Debra Ravitz Marlene Buhrmaster Anne Jaggie Barry Bea Battina Farber Ronald Scheuren Patricia Feagles Karen Bliss Steven Layman Administration and Staff Cheryl Weber Carol Yewchuck Anne King Sophie Schneider Martin Christen Sandra Bodine Linda Knecht Carolyn Tyler, Emily Bud and denhagen, Virginia Ferranti Diana Cormier and Ruby Kraus Joseph Kilker Athletics '91 -- Soccer '90 Bottom Row (L to R): A. Crocitto, J. Meyer; left wing, L. Hawker; right full, A. Reeves, T. Jay, K. Grund; left half. Second Row: A. Crandall, R. Reeves, B. Gonzalez, C. Grunf; right wing, D. Jungblut; left full, M. Feagles; left striker, K. Knecht; Goalie Fourth Row: L. Umnlk, C. Scheuren; center half, L. Kelly; right half, V. Walter; right striker Top Row: T. Lohmann, Coach Scheuren Missing from picture; B. Starner Breaktime 5 J. V. Boys and Girls Basketball . ·\\l': . �a;-...,._ ........ ·. ' t. ... , .•--- - ,.\ . , . ' � �, ,, . .. .. _.. - � . - Kneeling (L to R): L. Hawker, A. Crocitto, J. Meyer. Standing: A. Agnello, K. Lingle, H. Emigh, A. Reeves. Kneeling (L to R): J. Knapp, D. Prendergast, J. Curreri, D.
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