GERIATRIC MEDICINE SYMPOSIUM: Presentself‐Care Among Older Adults: Promoting Their Physical, Cognitive and Mental Health
The University of Toledo Department of Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Center for Successful Aging, Center for Continuing Medical Education and The Ohio Geriatrics Society (OGS) Present the: 20TH ANNUAL GERIATRIC MEDICINE SYMPOSIUM: PresentSelf‐Care among Older Adults: Promoting their Physical, Cognitive and Mental Health Friday, March 4, 2016 8:00 a.m. ‐ 4:15 p.m. Hilton Garden Inn Perrysburg, Ohio Hospice of Northwest Ohio Sincera Supportive Care and Symptom Relief, A Signature Service of Hospice NWO Please be sure to visit the exhibitor booths. Area Office on Aging of Northwest Ohio, Inc. Heartland of Waterville Kindred at Home‐ Home Health and Hospice Kingston Healthcare Orchard Villa Senior Independence Home Health & Hospice Please be sure to visit the exhibitor booths. PLANNING COMMITTEE A special thanks to the members of our planning committee listed below who contributed their time and effort to ensure the success of this program: Victoria Steiner, PhD Symposium Director UT Public Health and Preventive Medicine Center for Successful Aging Darlene Ault Center for Successful Aging Murthy Gokula, MD, CMD UT Family Medicine Geriatric Medicine Barbara Hicks, MSN, RN UT Nursing Alumnus Cletus Iwuagwu, MD UT General Internal Medicine Geriatric Medicine Gayle Kamm, PharmD, BCPS UT Pharmacy Lisa Keaton, MSW, LSW UT Outpatient Social Work Barbara Kopp Miller, PhD UT Online Education Center for Successful Aging Michelle Masterson, PT, PhD UT Rehabilitation Science Deborah Mattin, PhD, MBA, MSN, RN UT Nursing A. John McSweeny, JD, PhD, ABPP (CN) UT Psychology Barbara J. Messinger‐Rapport, MD, PhD, FACP, CMD Geriatric Medicine Hospice of the Western Reserve Britney Molnar UT Center for CME FACULTY James B.
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