February 9, 1984, Page 5 Newsfile

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February 9, 1984, Page 5 Newsfile _^»I»BI | !*?" r~ -,'.■• Jamea Madlaon Untwrarty Thursday, February 9,1984 Vol. 61 No. 33 Popular place Applicants like JMU's cost and reputation By Mark Miller becoming more attractive to Virginia staff writer residents." , JMU has a good reputation and More people applied to JMU this good leadership, and students are year than ever, and the reason seems pleased with it, he said. to be the university's relatively low Students who like the university cost and improving academic reputa- recommend it to others, and "that's tion. the best advertising an institution For at least 11 years the number of can have," he said. people applying to JMU has increas- JMU received 11,433 ed. undergraduate applications for this About 11,700 undergraduate ap- year. In 1982-83, it received 10,257 plications had been received as of applications. last week, which is about 200 more As the number of applicants has than the same time last year. Ap- increased, a smaller percentage of plications must be postmarked by students have been accepted (see box Feb. 1 and still are being counted. on page 2). The percentage of first- Francis Turner, director of admis- time students accepted has decreased sions, said, "We are increasing in from 48 percent in 1978-79 to 39 per- popularity ... 1 wouldn't be sur- cent in 1982-83. prised if we received 12,000." This year about 10,000 first-time Turner said a reason more people students will apply, but the number are applying here is that they are accepted and enrolled hasn't been considering public rather than determined. private institutions for economical The size of the freshman class will reasons. depend on dormitory space and the "It looks to me that the quality (of number of transfer students ac- applicants) is stronger than in the cepted. Turner said he wants to see Sliding down the slopes — JMU student past," he said. more freshmen enrolled, but the Chris Pfeifer takes a run on Massanutten's Rebel Yell Barry Dorsey, assistant director of number of transfer students would slope Tuesday afternoon. (Photo by Greg Fletcher) the State Council of Higher Educa- tion, said, "The institution is See ADMISSIONS, page 2 ► of constituents to promote morale, development, By Gwen Fariss excellence, and JMU's purpose. assistant news editor On Wednesday, the committee will reread the 23 applications using the same scale, "but in much A search committee Wednesday narrowed the greater depth," to narrow the list to 10or 12 can- list of candidates for vice president for academic didates, McConkey said. affairs to 23. "On the first cut, we evaluate these candidates Dr. Donald McConkey, committee chairman, quantitatively. On the (next) cut, we go through Choosing a chief said the committee read and rated ISO applications and engage in a much more quality evaluation," he according to a predetermined rating scale. said. The committee measured six items on a scale of The 10 or 12 names then will be submitted to of JMU academics: one to five. The evaluation form lists the following President Ronald Carrier, who will narrow the list items: to about five applicants. Panel narrows list ► Earned doctorate, broad educational The candidates Carrier chooses will be inter- background. viewed. Some might be interviewed in the next two ► Significant faculty experience and productivi- weeks, but some will be interviewed after spring to 23 applicants ty. break, which ends March 11. ►• Senior-level administrative experience. "If interview scheduling goes well, we could ► Appropriate scholarly activity. have the final candidates picked by the first of ► Demonstrated experience in budgeting, pro- April," McConkey said. gram development, personnel activities, planning, Carrier will submit the namesof final candidates coordination and communication. to JMU's Board of Visitors, which has final ap- ► Demonstrated ability to work with a variety proval. \Dukes hit The basketball team has SlUuGnt Beth Kesier lobbied against 41*** m*~-l two important road ■ f_f_ •-»* raising the legal drinking Iff 6 TOaU games this week. Page 13 lODDyiSt age Monday. Page 3 V Page 2, The Breeze, Thursday, February 9,1984 tions as last year, but the number has Admissions decreased during the past five years, said Judy Knudson, assistant dean »*■ (Continued from page 1) I of admissions. have to be decreased. William and Mary is experiencing Turner also said more students some "self-selection," Knudson will be enrolled in the early action said. Some students see the school's program this year than ever. rigorous requirements and expecta- Every applicant is considered, and tions and do not apply, she said. those with exceptional high school ► According to Andrew Bales, records and college board exams are director of admissions at Radford chosen. Students do not request to University, Radford experiences a 3 be in the program. to 5 percent increase in applications every year. Here is how other Virginia univer- +■ University of Richmond's sities are doing in the admissions ap- number of applicants has generally plications numbers game: increased in the past 10 years, said •»• University of Virginia will Bruce Hunter, assistant director of receive about 15,000 first-time stu- admissions. dent applications, about the same as ► Virginia Commonwealth last year, said John Blackburn, assis- University probably will receive tant dean of admissions. Last year about the same or slightly more ap- U.Va. received the most applications plications than last year, according ever — about 14,850 — which was 8 to Horace Woolridge, assistant percent ahead of the previous year. director for recruitment. •*• Virginia Tech will receive fewer »*• George Mason University also applications than in previous years, should get about the same number of said Nancy Corvjn, assistant director applications as last year, which is not Tlinnel VISI0I1 — Two JMU workers approach the of admissions. Virginia Tech has many more than five years ago, said tunnel that links campus to the Convocation Center. received fewer applications each year George Gangloff, assistant director of admissions. (Photo by Ming Leong) since 1982-83. One reason for fewer applications ■»■ Old Dominion University pro- is the decreasing number of Virginia bably will receive about the same high school graduates, Corvin said. number of applications as last year, ► William and Mary will receive according to Mike Smith, manager MISTAEKES about the same number of applica- of public information. This year JMU has received at least 11,700 applica- Everyone makes mistakes now and then. tions. Here are the numbers for applications received, students accepted and students enolled for the previous five years. ► If you see something in The Breeze that warrants correction, or if you have a question Year Applied Accepted Enrolled about coverage policy, call Ian Katz, editor, at 1979-80 8,271 4,221 2,152 (433)-6127. 1980-81 8,836 4,420 2,254 Or write him at The Breeze, JMU, 1981-82 9,336 4,311 2,232 Harrisonburg VA 22807. 1982-83 10,257 4,512 2,256 1983-84 11,433 4,639 2,348 The Breeze listens. Because nobody's perfect. SGA file By Donna Sawyers Memphis, Tenn. from March 28 to 31. SGA reporter The proposal was sent to the Finance Committee. The following proposals were rais- *> Commuter senator Tim Cralghead, ed at Tuesday's SGA meeting: proposed that lights be installed at the base of the United States and Virginia h ^Bt&eze »> Hoffman Hall senator Dan Caprio flags in front of Wilson Hall. Displaying proposed that the SGA comprise a list of the flags at night without lights is Editor Iwi Katz students living off campus who would let disrespectful, he said. other students stay with them over spr- The proposal was sent to the B & G Committee. Managing editor Daniel Flnnegan Business manager Rusty Jones ing break so they could attend the ECAC- South basketball tournament. ■►Commuter senator Joni Shelton News editor Tammy Se art on Assistant Business manager Marlon McOulaton The tournament will be March 8 to 10 Assistant news editor Owen Fartss Ads design manager Theresa Welling proposed that dietitian Jean Copper be Futures editor Ch.rles Taylor Residence halls are closed over break recognized in a letter for her 35 years of Assistant features editor Constance Walker which is March 2 to 11. service here. Sports editor Slave Lockard The proposal was sent to the Student Assistant sports editor The proposal passed unanimously. JohnCaataMI Services Committee. Assistant sports editor Scott ToHey Tie Breeze is published Monday and Thurs- *• Greek senator Mark Douglas pro- Editorial edltor Woes Richardson day mornings and distributed Ihrougnout JMU »► Logan senator Karen Moore propos- Asslstant editorial editor CayFulU posed that varsity athletes should Mailing address Is Tfte Sreue. Anthony. ed that a light be put between Gibbons receive three physical education credits. Assistant editorial editor Pat Plummer Seeger Mall. JMU. Harrisonburg. VA 22807 Dining Hall and the Warren Campus Photo editor YoNagaya For advertising, call 433-6506. For editorial of- The proposal was sent to the Cur- Wire editor David Traub fices, call 433-6127 riculum & Instruction Committee. Production manager MlkeAhart Comments and complaints should be The proposal was sent to the Buildino ■*• Bell senator Greg Perry proposed Editorial assistant directed to Ian Katz. editor and Grounds Committee. JaneChecca that the SGA allocate $800 to send the In- »> Commuter senator Jeanne Slye Dro- tervarsity Christaln Fellowship leaders to *,)U iOKl posed that the SGA allocate $1,162 to the Flip Oe Luea t pamp. National Collegiate Association for The proposal was sent to the Finance Secretaries to go to a convention in Committee. sea The Breeze, Thursday, February 9,1984, page 3 House to vote on raising drinking age By Donna Sawyers During the public hearing Mon- the drinking age has been increased, SQA reporter day, Beth Kesler, a JMU SGA alcohol-related fatalities of teenagers Legislative Action Committee dropped 28 percent.
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