Stone, Dinton, Ford, Upton, Hartwell & Bishopstone with - Part of the Wychert Vale Benefice October 2020 Issue ~ £1.00 (£7.50 annual subscription)

O give thanks to the Lord, for he is gracious, for his steadfast love endures for ever. Psalm 107.1


Benefice Rector Currently Vacant

Associate Rector 7, Badgers Rise Revd Tel: 01296 748 390 Stone Canon Email: [email protected] HP17 8RR Dr Phil Groves

Hon Treasurer 6 Eythrope Yard Tel: 01296 747689 Naomi Corbould Eythrope, Stone [email protected] HP18 0HT Curate Greenwood, Tel: 01296 747454 New Road, Revd Nigel Featherston Email: [email protected] Dinton, HP17 8UT For Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals please contact the Parish Administrator at the Benefice office St Mary’s Centre Station Road Haddenham Aylesbury HP17 8AJ or email [email protected] or [email protected] St John the Baptist, Stone Eryl Morgan 101 Baker Street Churchwarden , 07784 869430 HP18 0LQ [email protected] Raymond 10 Grenville Road Medhurst Aylesbury 07793 541456 Churchwarden HP21 8EY [email protected] St Peter and St Paul, Dinton

Rosemary Jackson Innisfree, New Road, 01296 748655 Churchwarden Dinton, HP17 8UT [email protected]

Neil Chudley 01296 748277 Churchwarden [email protected] St Michael & All Angels, Aston Sandford

Marilynne Morgan [email protected] Hon Treasurer 20 Wykeham Gate, David Peck Haddenham, Aylesbury, 01844 292110 Churchwarden. Bucks. HP17 8DF [email protected]

Nick Morgan 01844 291217 Churchwarden [email protected]

Front Cover: Harvest at Saint Peter and St Paul, Dinton

______Parish News 2 October 2020 Parish news

NOTE: Events and services published in the magazine are correct at the time of print though may change in light of the Coronavirus advice.


I wonder if people will continue to use facemasks long after they really need to. Some cautious people may want to use them just in case of other infections. For others they may become a fashion item. Perhaps there may one day be a nostalgic retro vogue for them. Certainly at some time this pandemic will be a memory then history.

We experience the changing seasons and look forward to them, but this also means that everything has a season. Nothing bad, or good, lasts for ever. The coronavirus pandemic seems to have been going on for a long time. What we hoped would end by now has stretched into many months but at some time it will end. For now, we can enjoy the world we live in.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, ... Ecclesiastes 3

News team Editor: David Pickup 01296 748170 [email protected] Editorial: Carole Fryer 01296 748538 [email protected] Advertising: Sue Unwin 07760 177599 [email protected] IT Producer: Heather Harris 07766 086280 [email protected] Distributor: Fiona Rysdale 01296 747466 [email protected]

Parish News is a community magazine for the residents of Stone, Dinton, Ford, Upton, Bishopstone, Hartwell and Aston Sandford. We welcome news, announcements by societies and clubs, and articles on local and other issues. We do not charge for charities or personal notices such as weddings, baptisms or acknowledgments and welcome advertising by local businesses.

______Parish News 3 October 2020

Parish Services and Calendar

St John St Peter & Stone St Michael & October the Baptist Paul Methodist All Angels 2020 Stone Dinton Chapel Aston Sandford 4 October 10.30 10.00 11.00- Trinity 17 Morning Morning 11.30am Worship Worship Worship** 11 October 10.30 6.00pm 11.00- Trinity 18 Morning Parish 11.30am Worship Evensong Worship** 18 October 10.30 10.00 11.00- 11am Open Air Trinity 19 Morning Morning 11.30am Morning Prayer Worship Worship Worship** for Harvest Sunday 25 October 9.00 11.00- Bible Sunday Mattins 11.30am 10.30 Worship** Morning Worship 1 November 10.30 10.00 11.00- Morning Morning 11.30am Worship Worship Worship**

These will be simple said services. There will be music ** Please call but singing is still not allowed. 01296 More formal services (eg Holy Communion) will not be 748369 in resumed for some time due to the present C0VID19 advance to be regulations. sure of a socially Please bring your own Bible if you wish. distanced Complying with the Government and Diocesan seat. regulations, both churches have been properly prepared and places are socially distanced. Hand sanitiser and antibacterial cleaner are readily available.

Face masks must be worn in church. This does not apply to children under 11 years.

The porch at St John the Baptist is open every day for private prayer. The church itself is open on Sundays from 10.15 - 11.30am. 4th Sundays now open from 9.00am. St Paul & St Peter, Dinton is open for private prayer on Wednesdays from 10.00am to 5.00pm.

______Parish News 4 October 2020

For a selection of streamed services, prayers and reflections available online, visit the following websites: 19/livestream/parish-streams/

______Parish News 5 October 2020




______Parish News 6 October 2020

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2020 This year the appeal will be very different with no face to face collections at all; collecting bowls or fund raising events. We are not allowed to hold door to door or static collections, or have a collecting bucket at an open air event.

Please continue to support this important appeal. You can send me a donation by cheque or cash or pass this to one of the people who usually collect poppies where you live (if they agree). I have a small number of RBL donation envelopes which can be used and you can add gift aid to reclaim tax.

It will still be possible to obtain poppies from supermarkets. You can donate on line or send a donation directly to the Royal British Legion. I am hoping that the local schools, which are always very generous, will have collecting material and bank credit slips to make donations direct.

The work of the Legion is still essential so please donate if you can. Next year marks the legion’s centenary and we hope that will be well supported,

Any queries please let me know. David 01296 3977094 [email protected]

______Parish News 7 October 2020

Local Harvest Festivals over the years

Then shall the earth bring forth her increase, and God, our own God, will bless us. Psalm 67.6

O give thanks to the Lord, for he is gracious, for his steadfast love endures for ever. Psalm 107.1

The tradition of celebrating the Harvest Festival in churches began in 1843 when, at Morwenstow in Cornwall, The Reverend Robert Hawker conducted a special thanksgiving service at his church and blessed the crops. A year later, The Reverend Henry Alford’s hymn, ‘Come, ye thankful people, come, raise the song of harvest-home!’ was published, and we open our service with it today. In the decades that followed, Harvest Festival services grew in popularity in churches throughout the country. It was first recognised officially in the Church of England in 1862.

Harvest festivals are very popular. According to research last year,

• Two thirds of people (67%) say there is still value in children taking part in Harvest Festivals. • Half (49%) of parents say their children participate. • Three quarters (73%) remember celebrating harvest festival as a child, with most remembering bringing in food to give to people in need (61%) as well as attending Harvest services, singing hymns or saying prayers (64%). • Two thirds of participants (65%) say their memories of Harvest Festival were positive harvest-festival-their-children-poll

On 31st October 1903 the Bucks Herald reported on a harvest festival held at the small hamlet of in the parish. The service was led by Rev Morgan Rhys assistant curate at Hartwell and Stone. It was a fully choral service with the Hartwell choir. There was a good congregation for a small place who sang the “grand old harvest hymns”. Services then were held every fortnight on Sunday afternoons and on a week night in ______Parish News 8 October 2020

Winter. The previous Tuesday there had been a harvest tea in a room decorated by Miss Hance and Miss Faithfull. The audience were entertained with songs and a musical sketch. Rev Rhys’ “indefatigable energy” was praised “in working for the common good of young and old”. The newspaper report mentions surnames which crop up regularly in the village such as Small and Batson.

It is interesting that Sedrup which probably only had a population of forty or so had regular church services and a harvest festival. Hartwell church was big enough to have a church choir.

As long as the earth endures, Seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, Summer and winter, day and night Shall not cease. Genesis 8.22

In October 1888 Stone Harvest Festival for some reason was held on a Thursday. There was a service of Holy Communion at eight am. The vicarage garden was opened to the public at 2 pm and a tea was held in a tent on the lawn followed by a thanksgiving service at 6.30. On the following day 5th October there was harvest service at Bishopstone in the evening and £6.00 was collected for the Bucks General Infirmary.

In October 1893 a tea was held in Dinton schoolroom, and music played by Dinton band. There were services at 8 am and 6.30 pm. £4 4 shillings was collected at the Sunday services where Rev J M Challis preached on the text, “Man shall not live by bread alone” and he appealed to the congregation to value the bible more.

______Parish News 9 October 2020

Two ways to donate to foodbanks in Aylesbury and other local charities:

• Tinned meat, fish and veg Surplus vegetables can • Toiletries be made into healthy • Long-life milk ready-meals or used to • Cereals feed animals in the care • Chocolate of charities. • Tea, coffee Please place any donations in the yellow crates at Stone Methodist Church and Stone Service Station. Bernie the Bus will collect them on Thursdays

Thank you

______Parish News 10 October 2020

Southern Hawker Dragonfly in St John the Baptist churchyard, Stone

This is a picture of a male Southern Hawker Dragonfly which was resting in the long grass in St John the Baptist Churchyard at around 3.00pm on Monday 31st August 2020.

It is one of the largest British Dragonflies and is common in Southern England and Wales. Its abdomen is about 60mm in length and its hind wings each measure about 50mm. One of its outstanding features is the eyes which occupy most of its head and provide all round vision. This enables it to approach its prey from underneath and from the rear thus giving an element of surprise.

It feeds on flying insects such as small flies, midges and mosquitoes which it catches and devours in flight. The spines on its legs form a basket which is ideal for scooping prey out of the sky. Dragonflies are voracious feeders and consume up to 20% of their bodyweight every day. The Southern Hawker emerges from the pupal larva in July and its flight season lasts until October.

These Dragonflies have an interesting life cycle which commences with the laying of eggs in ponds and small garden pools during July and August. These eggs remain dormant during the winter months and hatch into larvae in early spring. The larvae which are very voracious feeders live under submerged plants and leaves and act as ambush predators as they pounce on small invertebrates as they pass by. The larval stage extends over three seasons or more depending on local conditions.

As the larvae grow, they shed their skins between 8 and 18 times depending on the species. During the second spring the larvae become large enough to feed on tadpoles and small fish. When they are fully mature and ready to emerge as flying insects their breathing system changes from gill-breathing to air-breathing. At this stage the fully formed adult insect is present inside the final larva stage.

In July the mature larva leaves the water during the night and climbs up a reed or small twig with the objective of transforming into a mature flying insect before dawn. At this time the larva case splits open and the mature insect emerges; it needs time for its wings and skin to harden before it can start to fly. The insect is very vulnerable at this stage and it aims to emerge during darkness to avoid being attacked by predators such as birds, ants and slugs.

Michael Pitt-Payne

______Parish News 11 October 2020

Foreign Coins or unwanted gold

Keep sending in any foreign or old coins or unwanted gold jewellery. We can convert this into funding for the church. We’ve raised much needed funds recently from a few obsolete foreign banknotes and jewellery.

You can send them to 12 Roundhill, Stone HP17 8RD Tel 01296 748170 or [email protected]

STARVEALL PICK YOUR OWN PUMPKINS ------⬧❖⬧------Come and choose your own pumpkin at Starveall Farm Come and visit our new pumpkin patch, and hand pick your perfect pumpkin ready to carve or eat this October. Our pumpkins have been grown from seed and have been carefully guarded by our growing turkeys and geese right here on our farm. Gates open on Saturday 17th October and throughout half term from 10am – 4pm daily until all our pumpkins are gone (be quick!). For further information please email us at [email protected] and keep updated with our latest news on our Facebook page. Starveall Farm, Oxford Road, Upton, Aylesbury HP17 8PZ

______Parish News 12 October 2020


Hopefully, this month the weather will be kind to gardens. It seems so far this year, we have endured some extreme conditions. Too hot, too dry, very windy and August at times very cold.

Wet or dry October is a busy time, dig up and store chrysanthemums, dahlias and gladioli and towards the month’s end plant tulip bulbs. Herbaceous plants can be lifted and divided. If they are being replanted take the opportunity of digging the soil over deeply and incorporating well-rotted compost or manure.

Lawns will always need some treatments this time of the year. Level any hills or hollows, carry out deep spiking, renew any worn patches and apply suitable fertilisers. I expect, given the very variable conditions, grass will keep growing for many more weeks.

Now is the time to pick any remaining out-door tomatoes even if they are still green. Keep them in the warm and they will generally ripen quite quickly.

Plants growing outdoor in containers, will need to be inspected quite often to ensure that they do not become too wet or too dry. Plants growing indoors also need to be treated kindly and have a good look at them from time to time as it is amazing how quickly they can get infected with pests.


______Parish News 13 October 2020

Simply Walk in Stone, Haddenham & Dinton

Welcome Back! To Simply Walk for an hour or so in the countryside. Group numbers are restricted, so you will need to LOOK For the venues below at Where there are walk dates/details and how to BOOK A place on our walks at:-

Methodist Chapel, Eythrope Road – STONE Wednesday: 7th and 21st October

Bradmoor Farm (rear) car park, Stanbridge Road – HADDENHAM Wednesday: 14th October

Seven Stars PH, New Road – DINTON Wednesday: 28th October

We meet in the morning for 10.30 It’s friendly, fun and free We’re not quite back yet, to normality When it comes to the coffee or tea!

Walking for Health with Simply Walk For details visit Or call Fiona Broadbent on 01494 475367

Stay well & keep walking!


______Parish News 14 October 2020

Mystery House (No 6 in the series) - who can remember this building? Answer on page 22


Michael’s Peace Woodland, near Ford

We featured Michael’s Peace Woodland, near Ford in last month’s magazine and would like to point out that anyone wishing to visit should stay on the designated footpaths and not venture onto surrounding private land. A map showing the public rights of way for the area can be viewed via the Bucks County Council website link below

More information is also available on the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty website

______Parish News 15 October 2020

Would you like to join the editorial committee?

We’re looking for someone to join us voluntarily to help out with putting together the monthly magazine on alternate months. We’re a small team who meet monthly (currently via Zoom) though usually locally and in between meetings we correspond via email.

The person we’re seeking would need to have reasonable IT skills on a home computer or laptop and be especially familiar with Microsoft Word.

If you’re interested or would like further details please contact the Editor, David Pickup on 01296 748170 or email [email protected]

______Parish News 16 October 2020

NEWS FROM CHAPEL HILL STONE METHODIST CHAPEL Eythrope Road, Stone HP17 8PH Minister: Revd. Keith Edwards Tel: 01296 423363 [email protected] Village contact: Mrs. Sue Spinks Clowesbourne, Upton, HP17 8UA [email protected]

The Chapel with heart, at the heart of the village

Sadly for the moment we are unable to offer an open welcome to Sunday Services due to the restrictions of social distancing in our small space. Please know that all village friends are in our prayers, week by week, using an alphabetical list of village streets. Please use the ‘Prayer Letter Box’ on the Chapel porch for your personal prayer requests – anonymous if you prefer.

* * * * * *

This month as we give thanks for the harvest of our gardens and fields, I would like to share with you this special version of


OUR FATHER - who is in us here on earth HOLY IS YOUR NAME - in the hungry who share their bread YOUR KINGDOM COME - a generous land, flowing with milk and honey LET US DO YOUR WILL - standing up when it would be easier to sit it out YOU GIVE US OUR DAILY BREAD - in the beauty of nature and the miracle of harvest FORGIVE US - for keeping silent in the face of injustice; for not sharing your gifts DON’T LET US FALL INTO TEMPTATION – of resigning ourselves to injustice BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL – giving us perseverance to look for love SO SHALL WE KNOW YOUR KINGDOM WHICH IS BEING BUILT FOR EVER AND EVER. AMEN

______Parish News 17 October 2020


This year I’m not asking for individual itmes to pack as all the current restrictions are making this difficult. Instead, LINK TO HOPE suggest alternatives:

[1] I will ‘bulk pack’ items already donated and Link To Hope staff will use these to pack boxes themselves

[2] Send donations which will be used to buy ‘shortfall’ items.

PLEASE WILL YOU MAKE A DONATION which I will forward to LINK TO HOPE with the items I have already received.

Please leave in a sealed envelope in our postbox at CLOWESBOURNE, UPTON, HP17 8UA [Cheques payable to LINK TO HOPE]

Do log on to the LINK TO HOPE website to read about their valuable work and for the latest information about current needs

______Parish News 18 October 2020

Letter from Aston Sandford

St. Michael and All Angels held its last service before the COVID 19 lockdown on 16th February. On hearing the news, in July, that churches were allowed to reopen for public worship we eagerly assessed the situation. Unfortunately, because our church is so small, with social distancing applied we could seat only ten people, so it was deemed to be impractical to hold a service. Towards the end of July, however, I think the Lord took a hand in things. My wife had been encouraging me to hold a service of some sort and by chance I spotted a Facebook post from our previous Rector, Margot Hodson, about an open air service she had held in her new parish. At almost the same time I received a call from the Ven Dr Gordon Kuhrt, asking if we had any plans to restart services at Aston Sandford. At this point I realised that the prompts were coming from all directions and an “Open Air Service” had to be organised. Plus it would make a change from spending my time in lockdown doing gardening and clearing the loft! After a considerable amount of time spent reading the Church of England’s and Government COVID regulations for public gatherings, not to mention insurance policies, I came to the conclusion that a service in the churchyard was possible. We decided to hold it on our usual third Sunday of the month,16th August, and we were delighted with the enthusiastic response we received when we asked the congregation if they would be interested in attending. My next task, with help from my wife, was to write a Risk Assessment (RA), I hadn’t realised that there were quite so many hazards in a churchyard! I then had to decide on the type of service and taking the RA into account I went for Morning Prayer and fortunately I found a suitable version on the C of E website which had the necessary copyright agreement. Based on this outline and with considerable help from Gordon, I finalise the wording for the service sheet and distributed it to the congregation by email so that they could print it off and bring it along. By the middle of the week before the service I thought that most things were in place, but there was still one major problem, the weather! The forecast for the Sunday was rain and thunderstorms, not what I wanted to hear. We needed a plan B and as there was no suitable building or barn nearby, lateral thinking was called for. We finally came up with the idea of a drive-in service using the Manor Courtyard (our usual carpark next to the church). We planned to erect a gazebo in one corner ______Parish News 19 October 2020 for Gordon to take the service from and the congregation would stay in their cars with their windows down. I felt with plans A and B in place that maybe we were ready. Saturday morning saw my wife, daughter, son in law and grandson and myself erecting two gazebos and placing waterproof cables through the trees in the drizzle and wondering if it was all a waste of time. We decided to be positive, however, and on our return home I sent out the email to the congregation to say the service would go ahead whatever the weather! After a sleepless night and lots of prayers. Sunday dawned and the weather looked OK and we began to hope. The service was due to start at 11am so the team met up at church at around 9am to prepare everything. We had a few, very worrying, spots of rain around 9.30am but, thank goodness, that was it and later on we even had sunshine. We had a very busy couple of hours, half the team measuring out seating positions with garden canes and football dots, while the other half organised lecterns, a table for the cross and flowers and the very necessary PA system. At 10.30am Gordon arrived, fully robed and he and Olive, his wife, set themselves up in the gazebo, which included space for Olive’s portable organ. Soon the congregation started to arrive, carrying their chairs, and being checked in and given their seating instructions at the gate. We did have some 72 hour quarantined chairs set out for those we knew couldn’t carry their own, but it was a very hectic fifteen minutes for the team. The service, however, started bang on time and we had 32 adults and three children in the congregation, all suitably social distanced in the churchyard. Gordon took a wonderful service, Olive played some lovely music for our times of reflection and also some well-known hymns, which we were not allowed to sing, but that could be hummed quietly. After the service most people lingered in the churchyard and really welcomed the chance to catch up with people they hadn’t seen for six months. Subsequently we have received messages saying how much people had enjoyed the service and would like a similar one next month. Many people enjoyed it so much they suggested it could become an annual summer event! We are planning to hold another churchyard service and hoping that we don’t have to resort to plan B. Finally, I must say that this type of event could only happen with the wonderful help of Gordon and Olive, our loyal Aston Sandford congregation and, of course, my family. I would like to thank them all. David J Peck Churchwarden, Aston Sandford

______Parish News 20 October 2020

YParish Virtual Garden Show

We were pleased to receive several entries for the Virtual Garden Show though not enough in numbers to cover all the suggested classes. Here are a selection of entries received:

Our Best in Show award goes to Dee James of Stone who wins a garden plant.

______Parish News 21 October 2020

Mystery House no 6 answer (from page 15):

Littleworth Farm

Part of the Hartwell Estate and now completely gone, Littleworth Farm was hidden away, north east of Burn Hill and north west of Whaddon Hill Farm, facing north to the . The N Bucks Way now passes the site

In 1864 Admiral Smyth recorded in his Addenda to the Aedes Hartwellianae that Littleworth, 125 acres in all, 107 acres of pasture, and 25 of arable, was tenanted by George Thorpe. George followed a 4 year rotation, with turnips and swedes, barley with clover, wheat and beans and peas. He also grew mangold wurzels to feed his cattle – they made “beautiful butter”. Farmyard manure was used generously as a fertilizer. The pasture held dairy cows – the Stone farms were big milk producers. Smyth complemented Thorpe on his “careful husbandry”.

From the early C20 the farm was tenanted by the White family until Jack White died in 1955 – his widow Nell (nee Plested) and sons moved to Sedrup Farm. Local children played here in the ‘70s and ‘80s and watched the slow deterioration and eventual demolition of this attractive farmhouse.

Two ladies who visited the SLHG exhibition in 1912 remembered being evacuated to relations at Littleworth at some time during WWII to avoid the London bombing - but one of the few bombs that did fall on Stone hit the cowsheds at Littleworth. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

The Littleworth acreage, still part of the Hartwell Estate, now Ernest Cooke, is now farmed by Jack and Mike Woodford of Lower Farm, Hartwell.

The photograph shows William and Elizabeth White with daughter Jane, c 1920

With thanks to Janet and Brian White for information and the photograph Stone Local History Group

______Parish News 22 October 2020

A message from the PACE charity:

______Parish News 23 October 2020

______Parish News 24 October 2020

______Parish News 25 October 2020

Pickup & Scott - A Specialist Local Firm


We can help with nationality applications, immigration advice and asylum cases.

Mental Health Law

We have many years of experience in advising in all matters relating to Mental Health Law.

Crime and Prison law

We can assist with motoring offences, police investigations and court proceedings. We also advise on parole hearings. Wills, Probate and Power of Attorney

Wills, Trust and Probate provide a means of preparing for what lies ahead.

6 Bourbon St, Aylesbury HP20 2RR Telephone: 01296 397794

Appointments: [email protected]

______Parish News 26 October 2020

Day Trips in the UK & Europe by Coach

New Day Trips now on sale! with COVID Safe Operation Procedures in place 01296 336666

October at Waterperry

This is an ideal time to see the Formal Garden and enjoy an autumn stroll along the River Walk as the leaves begin to fall.

Apple Weekend: Sat 10 & Sun 11 Oct Apple Weekend is back for 2020 here at Waterperry Gardens. Given the current situation we’ve implemented a number of hygiene and safety measures to offer you a safe and enjoyable visit. This year our popular guided tours of the orchards and fruit sheds will also include the chance to go behind-the-scenes and see our apple press in action. Orchard Tours are £2.50 per adult or free with garden entrance and for season ticket holders. Tickets available on the day from our Garden Shop. The Tea Shop will be offering a fruity menu all weekend so be sure to visit whilst you’re here!

The Great Bat Hunt: 24 Oct – 1 Nov Find the Bats hidden in the ornamental gardens and win a prize! A great chance for the kids to have fun and get some fresh air at the same time! £2.50 per child. Children must be accompanied by an adult for whom the garden entrance fee applies.

For further details and updates please visit:

Waterperry Gardens, Nr Wheatley, Oxford, OX33 1LA

______Parish News 27 October 2020


Proprietor: Dennis Cook


9am-6pm Tel: 07850 635 844

All other times 01296 624221 Full Public Liability Insurance


______Parish News 28 October 2020



The Chapel Hall is available for hire at very reasonable rates Electric cooker/kettles/cutlery/ crockery all on site. Please contact Sue Spinks on 01296 748369 [email protected]

______Parish News 29 October 2020



Telephone 01844 279519

FREEPHONE 0800 7837194

Email: [email protected] Website:

Beauty Treatments


Jessica GELeration A manicure or pedicure that can last up News-Direct to 2C weeks Over 180 colours Over 50 Colour Changing Gels Newspapers & magazines Manicures & Pedicures delivered to your door including standard, deluxe & Thai

every morning. Hydrotherm Massage, Swedish Body Massage, Indian Head Massage All newspaper accounts Body Waxing – Male & Female can be settled by Male Manicures & Pedicures ------debit/credit cards using our Kuticle @ Starbank House, Stars Lane, Dinton HP17 8UL Freephone No.

[email protected][ 0800 917 3076

Call Debbie today to make an appointment 07740 348479

______Parish News 30 October 2020

STONE VILLAGE HALL 50 Oxford Road, Stone HP17 8PB

This large, well-equipped hall with stage, kitchen and committee room in the centre of Stone is available for single or regular lettings

Suitable for meetings, events, parties and receptions Disabled access

For information and bookings telephone 01296 748279

Please mention the Parish Church & Community News when contacting any of our advertisers

Still located in Bishopstone! PC and Laptop Repairs We are still open Computer Running Slow? during the Computer will not start? Coronavirus Virus or popups? pandemic. But Strange messages or Toolbars? extra quarantine Email Hacked? processes are in Replacement or Upgrade advice? place.

Telephone 01296 823009 We are a local company with 30 years’ experience. We can service/repair your PC or Laptop without affecting your Manufacturer’s Warranty. Visiting us to drop off or collect computers, is by appointment only.

______Parish News 31 October 2020

Parish and other websites


Stone with Bishopstone and Hartwell Parish Council Jubilee Pavilion Pavilion/Jubilee-Pavilion-Home Dinton with Ford and Upton Parish Council Dinton News

Benefice Website

Oxford Diocese (The Church of England serving the people of Oxfordshire, Berkshire and ) Church of England

A selection of local Facebook pages to follow for local news and events.

Parish and Community News Search Facebook with @stonedintonparishnews

Stone, Bishopstone and Hartwell Parish Council Search Facebook with: @sbhpc

Stone, Buckinghamshire – a local community page Search Facebook with: @StoneBuckinghamshire

Wychert Vale Benefice Search Facebook with: @WychertValeBenefice

Stone, Dinton & Hartwell – church news Search Facebook with: @stonedintonhartwell

Diocese of Oxford Search Facebook with: @dioceseofoxford

______Parish News 32 October 2020

T & B Ric Lee Private Hire “Handyman”

General House Maintenance 01844 261116 Painting and Decorating Mob: 07831882694 Flat Pack Furniture Assembly Email: Bespoke shelving, cupboards and [email protected] storage units built and fitted to your specification

Air Conditioned Cars/MPVs for Airport Transfers Tel: 01296 749044 Special Events, Theatres Mob: 07831 658909 Touring, Sight Seeing, Weddings

or any other special occasion


• Great venue for village activities, fund raising events, parties and groups. • Includes a well-equipped kitchen with cooker and fridge. • Changing rooms with hot showers for recreational hire. • Car park with easy access. For availability and booking enquiries contact Angela Email: [email protected] or visit

______Parish News 33 October 2020

Hartwell House Hotel

Throughout SEPTEMBER and OCTOBER SAVE £5pp PLUS enjoy a complimentary GLASS OF BUBBLY

The government's scheme 'Eat out to Help out' has now come to an end, and we know how much you enjoy our afternoon teas.

Throughout the months of September and October, we will treat you to a *£5 discount per person plus a complimentary glass of bubbly with each Traditional Afternoon Tea, valid Monday to Wednesday.

Afternoon tea is served every week day from 1.30pm to 5.00pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 3.30pm to 5.00pm.

Booking is essential at a specific time in order to allow for your safe arrival and social distancing, so book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Please visit our website to read the safety measures we have put in place to ensure your safety and wellbeing during your visit to Hartwell House. We look forward to seeing you and a warm welcome awaits!

Telephone 01296 747444 for more information and to book Terms & Conditions: Please quote Septembertea20 when making your booking, only available to new reservations and not existing bookings, and not in conjunction with any other offer or discount. Subject to availability.

Visit for more information Oxford Road, Buckinghamshire HP17 8NR