Membership Tim Wickens (Chairman), Keith Whitfield (Vice-Chairman), John Matthews, Alan Grant, Jean Baty, Judy Robinson, Bev Bagnall, Leonard Netts, Tony Stephenson, Ron Baston, Charles Fleming, Toby Hedworth.

Apologies for absence Keith Whitfield

Attending Tim Wickens (Chairman), John Matthews, Alan Grant, Jean Baty, Judy Robinson, Bev Bagnall, Leonard Netts, Ron Baston, Charles Fleming, Toby Hedworth.

Minutes of the October and The Minutes were approved as a true record of the proceedings. September 2018 meetings

Matters arising out of the Jean Baty was missed off the membership on the last Minutes. Minutes


2018/0960/01/LBC Newcastle Central Station Neville Street Newcastle upon Tyne Listed Building Application: Internal alterations to the porte-cochere including the installation of a platform, stud walls, toilets, kitchen and fixed seating to create a cafe/restaurant (Class C3). As amended by plans submitted 16.11.2018. The Committee felt that there was no material change to the earlier application, and the plans submitted on the 16th November did not address the issues raised previously. Decision: An objection to the proposal to be submitted and the Society fully supports the comments and objection raised by Historic . Th Committee noted that the ventilation from the toilet areas was not addressed, as was that from the kitchen area into the main porte-cochere. Concern was also expressed as to the method of waste disposal from these areas.

2018/1399/01/DET Towers, Benwell Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne NE15 6LX Proposed conversion and alteration of part of the first floor, and associated areas for means of escape at ground floor, of the existing Grade II Listed Building into an education facility (maximum 60 pupils) (Class D1) with associated 30 car parking spaces, hard and soft landscaping including removal and works to protected trees, alterations to boundary treatment, external lighting, plant and equipment

Minutes of the November 2018 meeting & Newcastle Society (Tyneside Committee) Page 1 of 4

2018/1400/01/LBC Listed Building Application: Internal alterations for proposed conversion and alteration of part of the first floor, and associated areas for means of escape at ground floor, into an education facility with associated installation of plant and equipment The Committee noted that there were objections to the building being used for educational purposes but felt that the potential preservation of the building overrides the objection to the change of use. Decision: Support

2018/1317/01/DET Land to Rear Of 44 Terrace Newcastle upon Tyne Erection of dwelling house (Use Class C3) The Committee felt that this proposal was overdevelopment and was inappropriate for the area. It was perceived that the proposal did not conform to the planning guidelines for the area. Decision: Object.

2018/1404/01/DET Newcastle Racecourse High Park Gosforth Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 5HP Change of use of former tea room (Class A3) to ancillary accommodation (Class C3) for plot 1 of the Walled Garden development including alterations to elevations It was noted that there was a stated intention not to use or convert the property to an independent dwelling house. Decision: No observations.

2018/1313/01/DET Tyne Bridge Tower Quayside Lombard Street Newcastle upon Tyne Change of use of vacant warehouse to mixed use events/gallery space (Class D2) and food and drink (Class A3/A4) (Sui Generis) The Committee was in favour of the premises being brought into use as the original proposal at the time the Tyne Bridge was constructed was for warehousing. This was not never implemented. However, the Committee was of the opinion that there was insufficient information on the application and that the lower part of the building would be “neutralised. Decision: Object.

2018/1427/01/LBC Milburn House Dean Street Newcastle upon Tyne Listed Building Application: Removal and replacement of internal signage on floors A to F While it was appreciated that new and more modern signage night be beneficial to visitors to the building, the Committee felt that the existing, more traditional signs should be retained, they being of historical interest and of character. Decision: Comment to be submitted.

Banqueting Hall, Jesmond Dene. The Committee was of the opinion that the City Council was attempting to abrogate its responsibility with regard to Jesmond Dene as laid down by the original deed of gift by Lord Armstrong. It was not in favour of this.

Kingston Park – potential redevelopment The Committee examined the information available and would consider that matter further when a formal planning application was submitted.

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18/01374/LBC and 18/01373/FUL Holywell Engineering Station Road NE27 0AE Demolition of several existing buildings. Conversion of existing Backworth Lodge, Diary Cottage and Ivy Cottage to form 4no flats and 2no. dwellings. Erection of new apartment building (13 no. apartments) and 27 no. dwellings The Committee welcomed the improvement proposed for the area and approved the renovation of the original buildings. Decision: No observations.

18/01497/FUL Borough Road Footbridge connecting Tennyson Terrace and Waldo Street Spanning Borough Road and The Embankment , Demolition of Borough Road Footbridge including works to the abutments and masonry walls at both bridge approaches, and stopping-up the existing public right of way including closing the footway off Tenyson Terrace. The Committee noted the comments submitted by FISH. Decision: Comments to be submitted by JM and BB.

18/01561/ADJLPA Cell A and B1 Land South of Coach Lane, , East of Brunton Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne Outline Planning Application (Amended Proposal): (all matters reserved): Development of 66.55ha of land comprising up to 1,200 residential dwellings (Class C3), education provision for both primary and secondary aged children (Class D1), changing pavilion, car parking, playing fields with fencing, strategic routes, public open space and associated infrastructure (amended plans received on 5 November 2018) (as amended and or supplemented by details received on 20 September 2017, 21 September 2017, 3 November 2017, 22 November 2017, 5 November 2018), ecological enhancements and habitat creation (as per Updated Biodiversity Mitigation and Management Plan received on 5 November 2018), including Addendum to EIA - Ecology and Landscape and Visual Impact Chapters (received on 5 November 2018) The Committee was concerned about the sustainability of this proposal, albeit being in outline. There appeared to be no provision for local shops or services and no encouragement for public transport to be a viable alternative for the use of cars. Decision: Comments would be made when the full application was registered.

18/01458/FUL Preston Towers Preston Road North Shields Tyne and Wear NE29 9JU Change of use of existing Preston Towers from Nursing home (C2) into 4no 3-bedroom houses and 6no 2-bedroom apartments, together with parking and new access from Preston Road. Installation of timber windows The Committee considered the proposal t be acceptable. Decision: No observations.

18/01595/LBC Tynemet College Queen Alexandra Road West North Shields Tyne And Wear NE29 9BZ Display of banner advertisement on the side of the building and freestanding sign within side garden Decision: No observations

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18/01600/LBC 1 Road North Shields Tyne and Wear NE30 4AY Alterations to loft layout and alterations to boundary wall/railings It was considered that the proposal was an improvement to the property. Decision: Support

Any Other Business • City Development Plan. It as agreed that the Society should make comment. There were not many responses to date. • The Cooperage. Information update. Ian Ayriss and Kath Lawless were to meet with the owner. Further information to be posted as and when available. • Listed buildings also under Threat. Keelmans’ Hospital and All Saints Church. • Dial Cottage. JM reported that the property was up for sale by North Tyneside Council. The ground floor had been used as an exhibition and the upstairs as accommodation. The Local History Group had been approached by the body that had restored Town Hall. The Cottage was the only Grade II listed building in the area. • An article by the Newcastle Journal was brought to the attention of the Committee by RB.

The being being no further business, the meeting was closed. The next meeting would be held on the 18th December 2018.

Certified that the above minutes are a true record of the proceedings. Signed…………………………………………………………………………… In the capacity of …………………………………………………………………………………… Dated…………………………………………………………………………….

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