ENERGY PROFILE - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 7: ENERGY INDICATORS (2018) Renewable energy (% of TFEC) 86.8 Access to electricity (% of population) 29.0 Energy efficiency (MJ per $1 of GDP) 8.7 Access to clean cooking (% of population) <5 Public flows renewables (2018 USD M) 4.7 Per capita renewable capacity (W/person) 0.624 TOTAL PRIMARY ENERGY SUPPLY (TPES)

TPES 2013 2018 Total primary energy supply in 2018 Non-renewable (TJ) 4 430 5 324 Oil Renewable (TJ) 24 783 26 438 17% Total (TJ) 29 213 31 762 Gas Renewable share (%) 85 83 Nuclear Growth in TPES 2013-18 2017-18 Non-renewable (%) +20.2 +4.9 Coal + others Renewable (%) +6.7 +1.2 83% Total (%) +8.7 +1.8 Renewables

Primary energy trade 2013 2018 Renewable energy supply in 2018 Imports (TJ) 4 924 5 888 0% Exports (TJ) 5 3 Hydro/marine Net trade (TJ) - 4 919 - 5 885 Wind Imports (% of supply) 17 19 Exports (% of production) 0 0 Solar Energy self-sufficiency (%) 85 83 Bioenergy Net trade (USD million) n.a. n.a. 100% Net trade (% of GDP) n.a. n.a. Geothermal


Consumption by source 2013 2018 Renewable energy consumption in 2018 Electricity (TJ) 0 7 0% Heat (TJ) #N/A 0 Electricity Bioenergy (TJ) 23 044 24 483 Solar + geothermal (TJ) 0 0 Heat Total (TJ) #N/A 24 490 Electricity share (%) n.a. 0 Bioenergy 100% Consumption growth 2013-18 2017-18 Solar + Renewable electricity (%) n.a. 0.0 geothermal Other renewables (%) n.a. +1.1 Total (%) n.a. +1.1 0% Industry 9% Consumption by sector 2013 2018 Industry (TJ) 0 2 Transport Transport (TJ) 0 0 Households (TJ) 21 021 22 219 Households Other (TJ) 2 023 2 269 91% Other Renewable share of TFEC 87.7 86.8 ELECTRICITY CAPACITY AND GENERATION

Capacity in 2020 MW % Renewable capacity in 2020 Non-renewable 28 96 Renewable 1 4 Hydro/marine Hydro/marine 0 0 Solar 1 4 Solar Wind 0 0 Bioenergy 0 0 Wind Geothermal 0 0 Total 29 100 Bioenergy

Capacity change (%) 2015-20 2019-20 100% Geothermal Non-renewable 0 0.0 Renewable + 275 0.0 Net capacity change (MW) Hydro/marine 0 0.0 Non-renewable Renewable Solar + 275 0.0 1 Wind 0 0.0 1 Bioenergy 0 0.0 Geothermal 0 0.0 1 Total + 3 0.0 1

Net capacity change in 2020 (MW) 1 Non-renewable Hydro and marine 0 0 0 0 0 0 Solar Wind 0 0 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Bioenergy Geothermal Capacity utilisation in 2019 (%) 0 0 Fossil 15 Nuclear Generation in 2019 GWh % Hydro/Mar Non-renewable 38 95 Renewable 2 5 Solar 18 Hydro and marine 0 0 Wind Solar 2 5 Bio Wind 0 0 Bioenergy 0 0 Geo Geothermal 0 0 Total 40 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Per capita electricity generation (kWh) Renewable generation (GWh) Total Renewable Hydro/marine Solar Wind Bio Geo 25 2 20 2 15 1 10 5 1 0 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 TARGETS, POLICIES AND MEASURES 3 7 4 Most immediate clean energy targets & NDCs year target Renewable energy: 2030 30 % Renewable electricity: Renewable capacity: Renewable transport: Liquid Biofuel blending mandate: Other transport targets: Renewable heating/cooling: Renewable Hydropower 2030 1 650 MW Off-grid renewable technologies: Energy efficiency (Energy): Energy efficiency (Electricity): Latest policies, programmes and legislation

References to sustainable energy in Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Conditional Unconditional unit - Renewable energy - electricity - transport - heating/cooling - Energy efficiency ENERGY AND EMISSIONS

Energy-related CO2 emissions by sector Elec. & heat generation CO2 emissions in 2019 Elec. & heat Other Industrial Transport Other Buildings +18% 0.5 0% Coal + others 0.4 0.3

0.1 Gas Emissions 2 0.2 Mt CO2

Mt CO Mt 0.1 Oil 0.0 100% 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Avoided emissions from renewable elec. & heat CO2 emission factor for elec. & heat generation Emitted CO2 RE Avoided CO2 GNB 0.1 3 000 0.1 2 500 2,534 2,300 0.1

Emissions 2 000 2

0.1 /GWh 1 500 2 2

Mt CO Mt 0.0 tCO 1 000 0.0 500 0.0 0.0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Avoided emissions based on fossil fuel mix used for power Calculated by dividing power sector emissions by elec. + heat gen. RENEWABLE RESOURCE POTENTIAL Distribution of solar potential Distribution of wind potential World Guinea Bissau World Guinea Bissau

100% 100%

80% 80%

60% 60%

40% 40% Proportion of of arealand Proportion Proportion of of arealand Proportion 20% 20%

0% 0% <1200 1200-1400 1400-1600 1600-1800 1800-1900 1900-2000 >2000 <260 260-420 420-560 560-670 670-820 820-1060 >1060 Annual generation per unit of installed PV capacity (kWh/kWp/yr) Wind power density at 100m height (W/m2)

Biomass potential: net primary production Indicators of renewable resource potential

5 6 Solar PV: Solar resource potential has been divided into seven classes, each representing a range of annual PV output per unit 7 4 of capacity (kWh/kWp/yr). The bar chart shows the proportion of a country's land in each of these classes and the global distribution of land area across the classes (for comparison). 8 3 Onshore wind: Potential wind power density (W/m2) is shown in the seven classes used by NREL, measured at a height of 100m. The bar chart shows the distribution of the country's 2 9 land area in each of these classes compared to the global distribution of wind resources. Areas in the third class or above are considered to be a good wind resource. Biomass: Net primary production (NPP) is the amount of 1 10 carbon fixed by plants and accumulated as biomass each year. 0.5 It is a basic measure of biomass productivity. The chart shows 0 11 the average NPP in the country (tC/ha/yr), compared to the tC/ha/yr global average NPP of 3-4 of carbon per year.

= Global average of 3-4 tC/ha/yr

Sources: IRENA statistics, plus data from the following sources: UN SDG Database (original sources: WHO; World Bank; IEA; IRENA; and UNSD); UN World Population Prospects; UNSD Energy Balances; UN COMTRADE; World Bank World Development Indicators; EDGAR; REN21 Global Status Report; IEA- IRENA Joint Policies and Measures Database; IRENA Global Atlas; and World Bank Global Solar Atlas and Global Wind Atlas.

Additional notes: Capacity per capita and public investments SDGs only apply to developing areas. Energy self-sufficiency has been defined as total primary energy production divided by total primary energy supply. Energy trade includes all commodities in Chapter 27 of the Harmonised System (HS). Capacity utilisation is calculated as annual generation divided by year-end capacity x 8,760h/year. Avoided emissions from renewable power is calculated as renewable generation divided by fossil fuel generation multiplied by reported emissions from the power sector. This assumes that, if renewable power did not exist, fossil fuels would be used in its place to generate the same amount of power and using the same mix of fossil fuels. In countries and years where no fossil fuel generation occurs, an average fossil fuel emission factor has been used to calculate the avoided emissions.

IRENA Headquarters These profiles have been produced to provide an overview of developments in renewable energy in different countries and areas. The IRENA statistics team Masdar City would welcome comments and feedback on its structure and content, which can P.O. Box 236, Abu Dhabi be sent to [email protected]. Last updated on: 29th September, 2021