How and Why Do Migrate? Richard A. Holland, et al. Science 313, 794 (2006); DOI: 10.1126/science.1127272

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35. K. Bo¨hning-Gaese, L. I. Gonzales-Guzman, J. H. Brown, 38. H. Mouritsen, T. Ritz, Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 15, 406 (2005). tion literature. Valuable suggestions were provided by two Evol. Ecol. 12, 767 (1998). 39.IamverygratefultoJ.Ba¨ckman for advice and help with anonymous referees. This work was supported by the 36. S. Johnsen, K. J. Lohmann, Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 6, 703 (2005). figures, T. Fransson for providing Fig. 1 basis, J. Metcalfe for Swedish Research Council. 37. W. Wiltschko, R. Wilschko, J. Comp. Physiol. A 191, 675 information, and the Royal Institute of Navigation and (2005). D. Grocott for extensive information about naviga- 10.1126/science.1129048

describe movements; instead, all long-range PERSPECTIVE movements of insects would be considered ‘‘migrations’’ (1, 7, 10, 11). How and Why Do Insects Migrate? Migration by vertebrates is often viewed as a mechanism for exploiting high-quality resources Richard A. Holland,1,3 Martin Wikelski,1* David S. Wilcove1,2 that are available during only a portion of the year [typically the breeding season (7, 10)]. In the case Countless numbers of insects migrate within and between continents every year, and yet we know very of insect migrations, which we define here as little about the ultimate reasons and proximate mechanisms that would explain these mass repeated phenomena of directional movement that movements. Here we suggest that perhaps the most important reason for insects to migrate is to are cyclical in nature, the ultimate reasons are less hedge their reproductive bets. By spreading their breeding efforts in space and time, insects clear. If insects are not able to return to a high- distribute their offspring over a range of environmental conditions. We show how the study of quality patch in a subsequent year, then why individual long-distance movements of insects may contribute to a better understanding of migrate at all? Although considerable progress migration. In the future, advances in tracking methods may enable the global surveillance of large has been made toward understanding patterns of insects such as desert . (1, 11), especially with respect to certain (12), the ultimate selection pressures arge-scale movements of insects have round-trip journey that returns them to the area resulting in these spectacular and ubiquitous move- enormous implications for human welfare from which they departed. Even in the case of the ments remain mysterious. Intuitively, one expects L(1), including catastrophic losses of crops monarch (Danaus plexippus)(Fig.1A), migratory movements to evolve only when the on March 6, 2007 (2), the spread of diseases to people and livestock one of the best-studied migratory insects, few if any fitness benefits exceed those of remaining in the (3), and the provisioning of essential ecosystem of the individuals wintering in return to current habitat (13). Whether this reasoning applies services such as crop pollination (4). In sheer num- their natal areas. Instead, monarchs repopulate in the case of insect migrations is unclear. Because bers of individuals, insect migration far outweighs northern latitudes through a process of intergenera- insects do not have to provide long-term care for other migratory phenomena (5). Moreover, in terms tional migration, whereby successive broods ad- their offspring, they can in theory reproduce in of total moving biomass, the migrations of indi- vance northward (8, 9). Thus, return migration, the their natal area, along a migratory route, or in a vidual insect species rival and sometimes outstrip most common type of migration in birds and mam- discrete ‘‘winter range.’’ This differentiates them the largest extant and flocks of some well- mals (7), has yet to be documented in insects. from the classic vertebrate return-migration model. known migratory mammals and birds (Table 1). By spreading their breeding efforts both spatially And yet there is at least one fundamental difference Migration Strategies in Insects and temporally, insects have the ability to ‘‘hedge between insect and most vertebrate migrations Researchers accustomed to viewing long-range their bets’’ by distributing their offspring across a (6, 7): As a rule, individual insects do not make a animal movements through the prism of classic range of areas and conditions that may be return (i.e., round-trip) migration would likely amenable for future reproduction (14). 1 2 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Woodrow categorize many so-called insect migrations as To determine whether this bet-hedging hy- Wilson School, Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544, USA. 3Institute for Integrative and Comparative Biology, dispersal events (6). Entomologists, however, pothesis is a valid explanation for most (or any) University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK. would disagree. Indeed, major reviews of this sub- insect migrations, one would need to know the Downloaded from *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: ject in the entomological literature have recom- reproductive output (and, ideally, success) of [email protected] mended abandonment of the term ‘‘dispersal’’ to individual insects along their migratory route. Do

Table 1. Biomass of migrating .

Class Species Location Size of , , or Biomass (tons) Source (reference) Insects Darner (), Argentina 4–6 billion 4000 (15) Aeshna bonariensis , Winter grounds 100–200 million 40–80 (39, 40) Danaus plexippus in Mexico Desert , Africa, Middle 109–1011 200,000 (5) Schistocerca gregaria East, Mammals Wildebeest, Serengeti, 1.3 million 280,000 (41) Connochaetes taurinus Kenya and Tanzania, Africa Mexican free-tailed bat, Carlsbad Cavern, 20 million 300 (42) Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana New Mexico, Birds Lesser sandhill crane, Platte River, 450,000 1440 (43) Grus c. canadensis Nebraska, North America

794 11 AUGUST 2006 VOL 313 SCIENCE SPECIALSECTION individual insects simply continue to migrate until turally important pests [e.g., , Schis- sequent years (21). If migratory insects do not they die from exhaustion, or do they terminate their tocerca gregaria (18) (Fig. 1B)] is that insects are make round-trip journeys, then it is unlikely they migration when reaching a suitable habitat? That often facultative migrants that respond to changes develop navigational mechanisms based on expe- is, do they simply move along a habitat cline and in habitat availability, quality, and level of rience (22). Yet, in the case of monarch , spread out their propagules, or do they search for a crowding (17, 19). A large majority of insects that winter sites are highly localized year after year spatial peak in the reproductive landscape, as most migrate do so pre-reproductively, suggesting that (22), suggesting some tight control of spatial move- long-distance migratory birds do (6)? For exam- such migration is in response to some indication ments across the 3000 km of North American ple, green darner (Anax junius) that reproduction will be suboptimal in the natal landmass. To find their wintering sites, an environ- engage in spectacular autumn migrations along area (17). This behavior may represent a multi- mental cue or a genetic vector engrained in an the eastern seaboard of the (15). generational bet-hedging strategy that allows the endogenous program similar to that used by juve- Many of the females captured in the fall are offspring to avoid overcrowding or deteriorating nile migrating birds (6) is presumably employed. gravid, yet we do not know whether a given environmental conditions. Spatial heterogeneity of Insects that migrate in the flight boundary layer female is traveling to a particular site or region the habitat—in particular, the existence of good (23), below the prevailing winds, must have a to lay its eggs, or whether it is slowly moving and bad patches—may also select for migratory mechanism to maintain a heading. This has been south and laying a portion of its eggs in suitable behavior as a bet-hedging strategy (14). However, proposed for monarch butterflies, with a 1- per day ponds along the way. There is no shortage of too little is currently known about the strategies of change accounting for the orientation of these questions to challenge (or frustrate) researchers individual insects to generalize about the ultimate animals through the course of a year (9). However, interested in insect migration. factors responsible for the movements of megatons more recent data do not fully support this hypoth- Despite the importance of knowing the be- of insects within and between continents. esis (24). Geographical features may play an addi- havior of individual insects, the study of insect tional role in determining direction for monarchs migratory movement in the field is usually only Migration Mechanisms in Insects (24). Orientation mechanisms to allow a migrating possible at the population level using radar At small scales, insect navigation is one of the best insect to maintain a heading have been investigated observations (16), huge aerial samplers, and/or understood subjects in (20). Far in a number of butterflies and moths and include a ground surveys (17). What seems to be emerging less is known about the orientation of migratory sun (25, 26) and possibly a magnetic from several major research programs on agricul- insects, however. In particular it is unclear how and compass (27). Migrating butterflies and moths on March 6, 2007 whether insects decide to terminate migration, and may also compensate for wind drift (28, 29), and what decision rules they employ during migration. anecdotal evidence suggests that individuals are Inthecaseofmigratingbirds,aspecies-specific able even to compensate for large displacements wintering ground is usually the goal, and it is (30), although this finding is controversial (22). located by an endogenous program of vector navi- The genetic control of insect migratory flight gation in the first migratory journey, and possibly directions has yet to be confirmed. by ‘‘true navigation’’ based on experience in sub- Why We Don’t Know More: The Future of

Insect Migration Studies The problems associated with studying insect mi- gration are the same ones bedeviling anyone who wishes to study large-scale movements in a small flying animal, whether it is a bird, bat, or insect. Tracking the path of the animal over long distances has been the primary obstacle (31). Only recently have radio transmitters become small enough to Downloaded from attach to small birds and large insects (32)(Fig.2), and the tracking of such animals has provided exciting new insights into migratory behavior (31, 33). For example, radio tracking aided by small search planes has revealed that green darner dragonflies use falling nocturnal temperatures as a cue to initiate their southward migration (34). Individuals generally with the prevailing winds, but change or even reverse their migratory direc- tion when encountering large geographical barriers such as ocean bays. Similar behavior in similar sites has been recorded in migratory songbirds, raising the possibility that both birds and drag- onflies follow similar navigational rules (6). We are entering an exciting new era for the study of insect migration. The genetic basis of in- Fig. 1. Examples of large insects that migrate Fig. 2. Attachment of microtransmitters to migrat- sect migration can now be investigated using in swarms (see Table 1). (A)Monarch(Danaus ing dragonflies (34). (A) Green darner resting on modern genomic methods (35). Ideally, lab-based plexippus); (B)desertlocust(Schistocerca gregar- vegetation, with microtransmitter attached to experiments could be linked to field measurements ia). [Credit: (A) U.S. and Wildlife Service; (B) ventral thorax. (B)Swampdarnerwarmingupon of genetic polymorphisms of migratory potential J. E. Estes (1939–2001), University of California finger before continuing migration along the that occur in certain insects; these polymorphisms, Santa Barbara Geography Department] Delaware Bay, New Jersey. [Credit: C. Ziegler] in turn, could be related to habitat heterogeneity, a SCIENCE VOL 313 11 AUGUST 2006 795 MIGRATION AND DISPERSAL

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Am. Midl. Nat. 140, 325 (1998). and Conservation of an Ecosystem, A. R. E. Sinclair, on March 6, 2007 on targeted and nontargeted species. Until the 16. V. A. Drake, R. A. Farrow, Annu.Rev.Entomol.33, 183 (1988). P. Arcese, Eds. (Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1995). migratory behavior of individuals can be separated 17. A. G. Gatehouse, X. X. Zhang, in Insect Migration: 42. M. J. Harvey, J. S. Atlenbach, T. L. Best, Bats of the United out from the behavior of populations, insect Tracking Resources Through Space and Time, V. A. Drake, States (Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, Little Rock, migration is likely to remain a poorly understood A. G. Gatehouse, Eds. (Cambridge Univ. Press, AR, 1999). Cambridge, 1995), vol. 193–242. 43. P. A. Johnsgard, Crane Music: A Natural History of but immensely important phenomenon. 18. R. A. Farrow, in The Biology of the Grasshoppers, American Cranes (Smithsonian Institution, Washington, R. F. Chapman, A. Joern, Eds. (Wiley, London, 1990), DC, 1991). References and Notes pp. 227–314. 44. We thank W. W. Cochran for inspiration and the National 1. V. A. Drake, A. G. Gatehouse, Eds., Insect Migration: 19. M. P. J. Shaw, Ann. Appl. Biol. 65, 197 (1970). Geographic Society and the National Science Foundation Tracking Resources Through Space and Time (Cambridge 20. M. Collett, T. S. Collett, Curr. Biol. 16, R48 (2006). (SGER-0528881) for support. R.A.H is supported by a Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1995). 21. A. C. Perdeck, Ardea 46, 1 (1958). Marie Curie Outgoing international fellowship (MOIF-CT- 2. J. I. Magor, in Insect Migration: Tracking Resources Through 22. V. P. Bingman, K. Cheng, Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 17, 295 (2006). 2005-021508). Space and Time,V.A.Drake,A.G.Gatehouse,Eds. 23. L. R. Taylor, J. Anim. Ecol. 43, 225 (1974). (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1995), pp. 399–426. 24. W. H. Calvert, J. Lepid. Soc. 55, 162 (2001). 10.1126/science.1127272

pecially those based on the maternally inherited REVIEW mitochondrial DNA) strongly suggest that a small subset of these African populations made Downloaded from the crossing from northeastern Africa, probably Going East: New Genetic and over the mouth of the Red Sea, and subse- quently dispersed into Arabia and southern Asia Archaeological Perspectives on the sometime before 50,000 years before present (yr B.P.) (2, 8, 12–17) (Fig. 1). Recent studies Modern Human Colonization of Eurasia have suggested that these populations expanded rapidly along the coastlines of southern Asia, Paul Mellars southeastern Asia, and Indonesia to arrive in both Malaysia and the Andaman Islands by at The pattern of dispersal of biologically and behaviorally modern human populations from their least 55,000 yr B.P., and conceivably as early as African origins to the rest of the occupied world between È60,000 and 40,000 years ago is at present 60,000 to 65,000 yr B.P. (12, 18–21)—though a topic of lively debate, centering principally on the issue of single versus multiple dispersals. Here I more recent estimates of mitochondrial DNA mu- argue that the archaeological and genetic evidence points to a single successful dispersal event, which tation rates (8) suggest that these figures may be took genetically and culturally modern populations fairly rapidly across southern and southeastern overestimates. As Carl Sauer pointed out in 1962 Asia into Australasia, and with only a secondary and later dispersal into Europe. (22), a strongly coastal pattern of dispersal would make good sense in ecological and demographic esearch over the past 20 years has dicate that human populations that were essen- terms, because this would presumably have re- provided an increasingly clear picture tially Bmodern[ both anatomically and in their quired only limited economic adaptations from R of the way in which our own species mitochondrial and Y-chromosome lineages had one coastal location to another. (Homo sapiens) emerged and subsequently emerged in Africa by at least 150,000 years ago, spread across the rest of the occupied world. perhaps closer to 200,000 years ago (1–11). Department of Archaeology, Cambridge University, Cam- DNA evidence and fossil skeletal remains in- Studies of present-day world populations (es- bridge CB2 3DZ, UK. E-mail: [email protected]

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