Jump Spin – Control

Pre-contact phase 1. Server starts approximately 3 meters behind the end line to allow for a full approach. The server tosses the ball in line with the hitting shoulder and the serving target zone. The ball is released with a forward spin by flicking the wrist. The toss is lower than the toss of the power jump serve but still leads the server forward. The lower toss is meant to give the server more control over the ball rather than more power. The ball is tossed as the left step is taken, just before the left foot touches the floor. Both arms are in front of the body and the eyes are on the ball. 2. The server quickly takes a big right step towards the ball while lowering their center of gravity. At the same time, both arms are drawn backwards. 3. The approach ends with the left foot planted in front of the right foot to allow some forward drifting. As the left foot plants and both legs start pushing hard on the floor, both arms swing upward. The server jumps with the left arm leading. 4. After take off, the hitting arm, with high elbow, draws back which opens the shoulders and hips to the ball (“bow and arrow“). The legs are bent so they can be extended later for more power. 5. The abdominal muscles contract to initiate the rotation as the left arm is pulled down by the side of the body. The right arm swings towards the ball.

Contact phase 6. The contact happens in line with the right shoulder. The hand hits the back of the ball and rolls on it to give it topspin. At contact, the body and the legs are straight. The left shoulder is low to allow the server to reach higher with the right arm.

Post-contact phase 7. The hitting arm follows through in the direction of the serve and the shoulders bend forward. The server lands balanced on both feet, drifting two or more meters inside the court, followed by defensive readiness.

*Both Spin Power Control Serve and the Jump Spin Power Serve are similar except that the Control Serve is more directional and tactical rather than ‘power’ orientated Source: Volleyball Canada