Jump the Creek

Type of Activity: Game Objective: Last child to jump the creek wins Location: Outside Equipment: 2 jump ropes

As always, supervise children when playing this or any other game.

The object of this game is simple: be the last person to jump the creek and win. To make the creek, place 2 jump ropes on the ground a few inches apart. Appoint 2 students to be the “construction workers” on the creek. They will each hold an end of 1 of ropes and move it away from the other rope as the game progresses. To begin play, line up the jumpers and have them start jumping the creek (the space between the 2 ropes). This will be easy and go fast, at first, because the creek will be very narrow, but it will quickly get harder.

After the last jumper has jumped, the construction workers yell, “Construction on the creek!” and move their rope a few inches from the other one. The jumpers line up and go again; when the last one has jumped, the workers yell and move the rope. This continues so the creek gets wider and wider. Soon, the jumpers have to get a running start to make it across the creek. Any jumper who lands in the creek, i.e. between the ropes, is out. Finally, it’ll come down to 2 jumpers. They will keep on jumping until one just can’t make it across and “falls” into the creek. When this happens, the last jumper wins, and the game is over.