Report for Financial Year Ending 30Th June 1899 Corporate Author: Western Australia Aborigines Department
1899. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ABORIGINES DEPARTMENT. TO g> TO Q VQ /TSV FOR FINANCIAL YEAR ENDING 30TH JUNE, 1899. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command. PERTH: BT AUTHORITY: RICHARD PETHER, GOTERNMBNT PRINTER. 1899. No. 40. Digitised by AIATSIS Library ABORIGINES DEPARTMENT. Report for Financial Year ending 80th June, 1899. THE BIGHT HONOURABLE THE PREMIER. SIR, I beg to submit my 'Report on the working of the Aborigines Department for the year ending 30th June, 1899, and the general condition of the Aborigines throughout the settled portions of the Colony. A preliminary report for the three months ending 30th September, 1898, was forwarded to you for your perusal, and is attached, which shows how the Department commenced its duties and the state of things then existing. Expenditure.—The expenditure of the Department for the financial year ending 30th June was =£10,823 16s. 3d. The statutory vote of =£5,000, increased by ,£424 10s. (balance from last financial year), having been expended in December, an excess vote, under your recommendation, was obtained for ,£3,000. This, again, was expended in May, and it was found necessary to ask for a further excess of ,£2,400, of which only 13s. 9d. remains in hand. As required by Section 10 of " The Aborigines Act, 1897 " (61 Vict., No. 5), I attach a balance- sheet for presentation to the Legislature. The work of the Department has been carried on by me, with the assistance, in office, of one clerk, and also, as an accountant, the late Secretary, who, though not able to give the whole of his time to the work, was specially useful in enabling me to pick up many loose threads of the business of the late Aborigines Board.
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