Poster Title: All Authors College Or University Understanding Psychological Distress Within the Christian Student Jeanine L
Poster# Poster Title: All Authors College or University Understanding psychological distress within the Christian student Jeanine L. Campbell, Janet B. Dean, Ph.D. Asbury University UG01 community: The influence of resilience and God representations Effects of Gender Stereotype Priming on Teamwork Communication Aubrey K. Charette, Janet B. Dean, Ph.D. Asbury University UG02 Styles UG03 Religiosity and the Expression of Faith‐Based Sexual Ideals Shannon Kenny, Dr. Janet Dean, Ph.D. Asbury University Emoticons and me:? Emoticon usage, personality, and self‐esteem in Kayla A. Sheeran, Janet B. Dean, Ph.D. Asbury University UG04 undergraduates Hannah C. Stewart and Janet Dean, Ph.D. Asbury University UG05 Predicting Sexual Desire: Do Anxiety and Sexual Beliefs Play a Role? My rookie status matters: Rape myth stereotypes with college athletes Kaylee Noel, Sarah Rao, Kendrick Settler, Murray State University Quinn Lambert, Tommy Derossett, Morgan UG06 Ownes, Breanna Lowrance, Elizabeth Sakran, Patrick Cushen, Ph.D. Paul Anderson, Ph.D. There is (Usually) No Crying in Sport Tommy DeRossett, Morgan Owens, Brighton Murray State University Hollingsworth, Kaylee Noel, Kendrick Settler, UG07 Quinn Lambert, and Meagan Smith, Dan Wann, Jana Hackathorn,Ph.D., Sean Rife, Ph.D. A Little Birdie Told Me: Social Media and the Misinformation Effect Todja Mitchell, Patrick Cushen, Ph.D. Murray State University UG08 The Effects of Cognitive Dissonance on Altruism Christopher G. Dobson, Patrick Cushen, Ph.D. Murray State University UG09 Differential effects between finger and brush painting on stress. Nicole Baker and Janet Jean, Ph.D. Asbury University UG10 UG11 The Perceptions of Gifted Education Held by Gifted Students and Virginia Jacobs, Haley Turner, Ph.D.
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