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THE BUXTONS OF EASNEYE: AN EVANGELICAL VICTORIAN FAMILY AND THEIR SUCCESSORS BY R E DAVIES 2006 (Revised 2007) CONTENTS PREFACE CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION CHAPTER II: SPITALFIELDS AND LEYTONSTONE CHAPTER III: THE MOVE TO EASNEYE CHAPTER IV: THE MINISTRY OF DOING GOOD CHAPTER V: FAMILY LIFE AT EASNEYE OVER THE FIRST FORTY YEARS CHAPTER VI: THE GREAT WAR CHAPTER VII: BETWEEN THE WARS CHAPTER VIII: THE SECOND WORLD WAR CHAPTER IX: 1945 ONWARDS CHAPTER X: A NEW CHAPTER! APPENDIX 1: OWNERS AND INHABITANTS OF EASNEYE PREFACE I first came to Easneye in 1964, when I had been appointed as the Resident Tutor at All Nations Missionary College, which had just moved there from Taplow, near Maidenhead, Berkshire. I lived with my family in North Lodge, one of the cottages on the Easneye estate, for the next four years, but my connection with All Nations and Easneye has continued up to the present. I worked for thirty-four years full-time and for another seven years part-time, and now my son, who was only eighteen months old back in 1964, is a member of the All Nations faculty. I feel, therefore, that my long connection with the place gives me the interest and ability to look into and record something of the past history of Easneye and its inhabitants. Mr David Morris, the Principal of All Nations when it was at Taplow as well as for several years after the move to Easneye, and whose vision and hard work were vital in making the college what it is today, used to give a very informative and entertaining history of the site, the building, the Buxton family and the college (never dull but sometimes bordering on the over-imaginative!) When he retired, the Rev.
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