The Old World species of (, tribus Boehmerieae) a taxonomic revision Wilmot-Dear, Christine Melanie; Friis, Ib

Published in: Blumea

DOI: 10.3767/000651913X674116

Publication date: 2013

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Citation for published version (APA): Wilmot-Dear, C. M., & Friis, I. (2013). The Old World species of Boehmeria (Urticaceae, tribus Boehmerieae): a taxonomic revision. Blumea, 58(2), 85-216.

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The Old World species of Boehmeria (Urticaceae, tribus Boehmerieae). A taxonomic revision

C.M. Wilmot-Dear1, I. Friis2

Key words Abstract This is the second part of a world-wide revision of the genus Boehmeria, the previously-published part having dealt with the New World species. The Old World species are widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics Boehmeria from West Africa to islands in the Pacific Ocean and from Japan and China to Southern Africa, Madagascar and conservation assessment Australia, with the highest species richness in the Himalayas and their extension into China and Indochina. No descriptions indi­genous species is common to both the Old and New World. The species represent taxonomic units of very dif- distribution ferent complexity: most species exhibit little infraspecific variation; in several others formal taxonomic infraspecific ecology units can be recognised; however, in two, B. virgata and B. japonica, a highly complex variation is seen, fitting keys with difficulty into the normal hierarchy of taxonomic classification. With the conclusions reached here, 33 species, Old World including 31 varieties, are recognised and over one hundred previously established names are placed in synonymy. taxon richness Four new taxa are described: B. pilosiuscula var. suffruticosa, B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. minuticymosa, taxonomic revision B. virgata subsp. virgata var. velutina and B. virgata subsp. virgata var. maxima. The following new combinations are Urticaceae made: B. densiflora var. boninensis, B. heterophylla var. blumei, B. japonica var. silvestrii, B. japonica var. tenera, B. sieboldiana var. fuzhouensis, B. ternifolia var. kamley, B. virgata subsp. macrophylla, B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. canescens, B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. densiglomerata, B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. longissima, B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. macrostachya, B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. molliuscula, B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. rotundifolia, B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. scabrella, B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. strigosa, B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. sumatrana, B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. tomentosa and B. virgata subsp. virgata var. austroqueenslandica.

Published on 27 September 2013

Introduction analysing the anatomy of the fruiting perianth and the achene wall (Wilmot-Dear et al. 2009). New species of Boehmeria Friis (1993: 623–624) concluded that the two genera Boeh­ also appeared in Wilmot-Dear et al. (2010) and new species meria and Pouzolzia were in great need of revision and that the of Pouzolzia and new extensions of distributions of New World delimitation between them had to be clarified. In many herbaria Boehmeria in Wilmot-Dear & Friis (2011). large quantities of material of these two genera remained un­ The present paper completes our world-wide revision of Boeh­ identified, the incorporated material was often misidentified and meria and Pouzolzia. It considers all published names and is the nomenclature used was confusing. A revision of the New based on an examination of the extensive herbarium collections World species of Boehmeria and Pouzolzia (Wilmot-Dear & Friis of 38 major herbaria. 1996) recognised 14 species of Boehmeria and 14 species of Pouzolzia, of which a considerable number of new taxa were described and named and a large number of new synonyms and Materials and methods transfers between genera were established. Subsequently, a The methods have been those of classical herbarium , number of shorter papers were published which established the with special attention to small morphological details, as in taxonomic importance of anatomical characters in the fruiting previous parts of the project, particularly in the large revisions perianth and the fruit wall in a range of species of Boehmeria by Wilmot-Dear & Friis (1996, 2006). Frequently, we have not and Pouzolzia (Kravtsova et al. 2000, 2003). A supplement chosen a lectotype from amongst a group of syntypes because to Boehmeria in the New World with additional discussion of where it was not necessary for taxonomic reasons we consid- the distinction between Boehmeria and Pouzolzia was pub- ered it desirable to retain useful information concerning material lished by Wilmot-Dear et al. (2003). Then followed a revision seen by the original author. Lectotypes have been selected only of Pouzolzia in the Old World (Wilmot-Dear & Friis 2006), in in cases where not to do so would cause confusion or loss of which 24 species and 13 infraspecific taxa were recognised, taxonomic precision, for example, where collections represent- 5 new taxa and names were proposed and Boehmeria australis ing several taxa have been included among the syntypes, where Endl. was transferred to Pouzolzia. The distinction between there is rather wide morphological variation between syntypes/ Boehmeria and Pouzolzia was further elucidated in connection isotypes or where there is doubt which material was seen by the with a transfer of a species of Boehmeria, B. rugulosa Wedd., author. As previously, it has been necessary to consult material to Pouzolzia, as P. rugulosa (Wedd.) Acharya & Kravtsova, from a large number of herbaria in order to be reasonably sure that the entire range of variation was seen and that rare taxa 1 The Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, England, were reasonably covered. Unidentified material, especial from UK; corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]. 2 The Herbarium, Natural History Museum of Denmark, Sølvgade 83, Opgang G, K and L, has been looked through for specimens not previ- S, DK-1307 Copenhagen K, Denmark; e-mail: [email protected]. ously identified as Boehmeria, and in K and L we have looked

© 2013 Naturalis Biodiversity Center You are free to share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work, under the following conditions: Attribution: You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Non-commercial: You may not use this work for commercial purposes. No derivative works: You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work, which can be found at Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author’s moral rights. 86 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013 through the other genera in the tribe Boehmerieae to extract after the early-caducous stigma has fallen. Cypholophus differs misidentified material. Herbaria from which we have borrowed mainly in the minute tightly curled stigma and fleshy fruiting or studied material: A, AAU, ABD, B, BISH, BKF, BM, BO, BR, perianth. The morphological relationships between these three C, CAL, E, F, G, HK, IBSC, K, L, LE, M, MO, MSC, NAS, NEB, genera are dealt with in key form in Friis (1993: 618-619) and P, PE, PNH, S, TAI, TCD, TI, U, UC, UPS, US, W, WU, Z. A discussed in more detail in Wilmot-Dear (2009). total of about 10 000 specimens, representing c. 4 000 collec- tions have been seen for this revision. We have listed circa The history of discovery of the 3 000 collections, leaving out some material of common and genus Boeh­meria in the Old World widespread taxa. Specimens without collection numbers or other unique data and therefore of which duplicates are unlikely The earliest established taxa dealt with in this revision are Lin- to be identifiable with certainty have also been omitted from naean and were placed in the genus Urtica (Urtica nivea L., our listing in this paper. The collecting localities of a selection Urtica japonica L.f.). Subsequent early taxa were also placed in of the specimens which could be reasonably georeferenced Urtica, e.g. by Blume (1825), but already Thunberg (1794a, b) were plotted in ArcView, v. 3.3. The map showing species and began transferring taxa to the genus Boehmeria, which had taxon richness was produced from the same dataset with the been established by Jaquin (1760). The genus was named after use of the ‘Analysis/Point to Grid’ function in Diva-GIS, v. 7.5. Georg Rudolph Böhmer (1723–1803), German botanist and phy- The parameters defined by IUCN (2001) ‘extent of occurrence’ sician at the University of Wittenberg. (EOO) and ‘area of occupancy’ (AOO) have been calculated Monographic treatments of Boehmeria have been produced by using ArcView and the CATS extension developed at the Royal Weddell (1856, 1869), who based his taxonomic conclusions Botanic Gardens, Kew (Moat 2007). on the collections held at K, P and G and G-DC, while Blume When referring to a geographical distribution, the following ter- (1857), basing his work mainly on the collections at L, published minology is used. For New Guinea, any reference to ‘New Gui- a considerable number of new Old World taxa in the genus. In nea’ or ‘the island of New Guinea’ includes both regions, Indo- the last revision by Weddell (1869) a total of 47 species and nesian Papua and Papua New Guinea. ‘China’ without further 48 varieties were recognised. detail refers only to mainland China and where a distribution In the 19th century, when the largest number of Boehmeria- includes the islands of Taiwan and/or Hong Kong this detail species was described, a certain number of different taxa were is added. Similarly, island groups belonging to countries with given identical specific epithets, thus creating a number of a large mainland territory (for example Japan, incl. Ryukyu homonyms for several widespread and well-known taxa (e.g., Islands) are always specified. several species were named B. caudata, B. macrophylla or B. platyphylla). This is partly due to the overall similarity of spe- The position of Boehmeria in cies in easily-observed characters of leaf- and - tribus Boehmerieae morphology. This trend has continued by various authors almost to the present day, even by the present authors (Wilmot-Dear & The definition of the tribus Boehmerieae used here is the one Friis 1996: 35; corrected Friis & Wilmot-Dear 1999: 956), creat- proposed by Friis (1993), with the modifications by Kravtsova ing B. dolichostachys Friis & Wilmot-Dear, a later homonym for (2009: 12–24, 342–345). Its two largest genera are Pouzolzia the Chinese species B. dolichostachya W.T.Wang. and Boehmeria. Species of Boehmeria are normally perennial No world-wide revision of the genus has been attempted since herbs, or small with opposite or alternate leaves those produced by Weddell, but many regional accounts have and petiolate or sessile lamina; the leaves of a pair in the op­ been published and many species and infraspecific taxa pro- posite-leaved species or two leaves next to each other in the posed on local material, thereby multiplying the number of taxa alternate-leaved species may be almost identical or dimorphic. from that recognised in the last revision by Weddell (1869). The flowers are always unisexual and variously arranged in Together with our previous work (Wilmot-Dear & Friis 1996) axillary clusters or in clusters along spike-like or paniculate flow- the current revision shows that many species of Boehmeria ering axes (modified stems). The male flowers have 3–5(–6) are widespread and variable, but no species of the genus is more or less free perianth-lobes, the same number of indigenous in both the New and Old Worlds. and a pistillode. The female flowers consist of a perianth which completely encloses the ovary; the stigma is filiform and pro- trudes from the opening of the perianth. The female perianth Species delimitation and the categories of persists during the ripening of the fruit, a moderately thin-walled species and infraspeciFIc taxa and smooth, but dull rather than shiny achene, which remains Nearly all taxonomic revisions of extensive tropical genera completely enclosed in the perianth at maturity, only partially involve a number of species which defy traditional hierarchical filling the fruiting perianth. classification. The family Urticaceae is particularly notorious Species belonging to the genus Boehmeria are distinguished for certain tropical species-groups being difficult to treat in a from species of most other genera in the tribe by their filiform hierarchical taxonomy because of the morphological variation rather than capitate stigma, but confusion may occur with the that defies traditional hierarchical taxonomy and nomenclature. identification of Pouzolzia, Pipturus and Cypholophus, which Many of these problems were already noted by Weddell, in also have a filiform stigma. the following three quotations (in our translation from French) Pouzolzia often differs in its caducous stigma and strongly which we think are very important also for the users of this longitudinally ribbed perianth, but the only absolute distinction revision to consider. is its shiny rather than dull achene easily detachable from Weddell (1856: 4) wrote in the introduction to his large mono- perianth at maturity and (usually) caducous stigma; the major graph of the family: “... there is no family where the spe- differences between the two are in the anatomy of the fruiting cies are more variable, none, in other words, where it is more perianth and outer layers of the achene (Kravtsova et al. 2000, difficult to recognise the species and even the genera by a 2003, Kravtsova 2001, 2009, Wilmot-Dear et al. 2009). Pipturus simple inspection of appearance ... there is hardly any part of is distinguishable only by the pistillate perianth, which is suc- the plant which is not subject to considerable variation. There- culent at maturity with a dark opening, a ‘dark hole’, at the apex fore there is no group where it is more necessary to examine C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 87 large quantities of material in order to form a correct idea of Yahara (1983a) tested the hypothesis of Kitamura & Murata the limits between which a species varies”. that hybridisation is involved. His work somewhat clarified the In particular, the complex taxonomy of the genus Boehmeria factors contributing to complicated morphological variation was noted by Weddell (1856: 344): “... the extreme polymor- and in commenting on his results he stated (1984a) that it is phism of certain species, often combined with a wide geographi- very difficult to distinguish species from varieties in Japanese cal distribution, makes their study very difficult, and in attempt- Boehmeria­ because of the presence of apomictic polyploid ing to correct the errors of my predecessors I do not claim to races which sometimes bear male flowers and then hybridise have avoided mistakes”. Weddell (1856: 364–370) proposed with neighbouring sexually reproducing diploid taxa. an infraspecific classification of B. platyphylla (in the present Yahara (1983a) conducted three experiments. Firstly, he studied revision treated as the major part of the even more complex the relationship of a sympatric group of taxa, which he referred and widespread species B. virgata) including 12 varieties and to as the B. longispica (= B. japonica) complex to a partly sym- three subvarieties. About this complex Weddell commented: patric species, B. holosericea. He found that B. holosericea “... this species, one of the most polymorphic in the family, was diploid, reproducing sexually and was morphologically plays the same role in the Old World as do B. cylindrica and and ecologically distinct, while all members of his B. longispica B. caudata in the New, but it tries the patience of the researcher complex were apparently mainly apomictic (well-developed even more, because there is no specimen which does not ex- fruits being found even though male flowers were rarely present) hibit some notable feature. I regret that I have myself added to with both tetraploid and pentaploid races of morphologically the multiplicity of species names referable to it. It is also worth identical material, suggesting occasional interbreeding (when pointing out that many of these forms so distinct in appearance male flowers were produced), giving rise to new races different do not have a particular geographical distribution, which makes in ploidy level. Initially, he found no evidence of hybridisation me wonder about their true nature. For example, var. macro­ between his B. holosericea and his B. longispica complex, but stachya, the most distinct form, which I first thought restricted to later (Yahara 1984a: 141) he considered one of these entities the Mascarenes, ... is also found in southern . ... Whoever to be a hybrid with B. holosericea. has available specimens representing only small parts of the Secondly, he studied the very distinctive species B. splitger­ variation will be eager to find fault with my interpretation, but bera (cited by him as B. biloba) and several taxa claimed by whoever is able to study a large number of specimens will see various previous Japanese botanists to be related to it. He that one passes from one form to another in almost impercep- found that B. splitgerbera was diploid, sexually reproducing tible steps and that there is no part of the plant in particular on and distinct from the other six taxa in gross morphology and which one can rely for defining the forms”. habitat, while the other six taxa were apomictic, each stable in Weddell’s continued attempts at improving previous less sat- its ploidy level, but the complex included triploid and tetraploid isfactory taxonomic concepts in Boehmeria are particularly races, some of these entities having leaf characters otherwise well demonstrated when one compares his two monographic unique to B. splitgerbera. He suggested that some of these treatments of the genus (Weddell 1856, 1869). In his second taxa might have arisen by hybridisation between B. splitgerbera revision (Weddell 1869: 203–216) the number of varieties that and other more distantly related species. These experiments he recognised in B. platyphylla had increased from 12 to 21. are discussed more briefly in the systematic part of this paper After having worked with Urticaceae for more than 20 years and under the relevant species. with the Old World species of the genus Boehmeria for more Thirdly, to ascertain whether hybridisation produced new apo­ than ten years, the present authors fully subscribe to Wed- mictic races, he cultivated material of two closely similar taxa dell’s words. We would add that the small size of the flowers showing partial altitudinal separation together with intermediate and the need to have both male and female flowers add to the from intermediate altitudes. His cytological investigation complications pointed out by him. strongly suggested the intermediates to be of hybrid origin Several subsequent studies, including chromosome studies, between the higher-altitude sexually reproducing diploid taxon experimental taxonomy and studies of apomixes in Boehmeria B. gracilis and the lower-altitude mainly apomictic triploid ‘B. ja- in Japan, have contributed to the understanding of the evolution ponica’ (these taxa both later (1984a) referred to as races of of the genus (Okabe 1956, 1963, Yahara 1983a, 1984a, 1986, ‘B. spicata’). This cultivation experiment is discussed in detail 1990). Kitamura & Murata (1961) have attempted to explain the under B. japonica (see Note 6). complex taxonomy of some species of Old World Boeh­meria. According to Cronk (1998), there are monotypic species (with no In particular, cytological studies of the complexes associated infraspecific taxa), polytypic species (which can often be mean- with B. japonica and B. splitgerbera have revealed that many ingfully divided into subspecies), species which form a species forms of Boehmeria in Japan are polyploids, reproducing mainly group, and species that defy normal taxonomic treatment, the apomictically. Thus a formal classification is artificial and unsat- ‘ochlospecies’. In this treatment two species, both including isfactory, as is well-illustrated by the taxonomic history. Initially, complexes that Weddell had already found difficult, might be Satake (1936, 1938a, b, c) recognised c. 30 Japanese taxa, characterised as ‘ochlospecies’: Boehmeria virgata (including which he considered species, but his keys and descriptions Weddell’s B. platyphylla) and B. japonica. As described above, “did not adequately identify many of the variants encountered” the latter has partly been analysed with cytological methods, (Yahara 1983a: 218). Later, Ohwi (1953, 1965) and Kitamura and some explanations for the notable variation have been & Murata (1961) recognised c. 20 taxa but differed in their found, but the taxonomic complexity of the very widespread circumscription. Kitamura & Murata (1961) proposed that the B. virgata remains unexplained. complicated morphological variation is partly due to occa- sional hybridisation between sexually reproducing and mainly Nevertheless, we have tried to approach the structure and con- apomictically reproducing races of Boehmeria. Subsequently tents of a traditional hierarchical classification and traditional the population studies and cytological investigation of Okabe nomenclature even for these groups, utilising both the catego- and Yahara clarified some of the relationships. Okabe (1956) ries of subspecies and varieties. In this way it is possible to examined 21 Japanese taxa of Boehmeria and found that 14 connect our findings with the tradition for classification in Boeh­ were apomictic triploids, six were sexually reproducing diploids, meria, where, since Weddell’s two monographs, the concept and one included both ploidies and reproductive systems. of variety has had a prominent role. 88 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

Within (Urticaceae), Friis (1981) concluded that G. di- undistinguishable from vegetative stems. In a few species (e.g., versifolia (Link) Friis is highly polymorphic and infraspecific B. clidemioides) clusters are nearly always borne on distinc- taxa could not readily be circumscribed. Consequently, he tive, partly-leafless, axes with an apical tuft of normal leaves or did not attempt to establish an infraspecific classification and returning to vegetative growth distally. In many species, clusters nomenclature for the immense variation observed. However, are borne on specialised, entirely leafless axes which may be since the revision was published, a number of new species have terminal or axillary, paired or single, branched or unbranched. been described within the complex of G. diversifolia without any All of these character-states are useful diagnostically. The term discussion of their status in relation to the complex as a whole. used in this paper, ‘inflorescence-bearing axis’, refers to both This situation seems unsatisfactory, and therefore, to avoid a of these two types of modified axes, partly or entirely leafless. similar situation within the much more widespread and variable The arrangement of male and female flowers along modified genus Boehmeria, we have decided to follow the established inflorescence-bearing axes is also diagnostic. These axes may tradition in the genus and to recognise infraspecific taxa where be entirely unisexual, may have male and female flower-clusters this has some correlation with geographical distribution. It will on different parts of the same axes or male clusters and female be easier and more practical for the users to relate to such a clusters both scattered throughout the axis, or varying propor- classification than to leave the complexes as broadly defined tions of male and female flowers may be present in the same species without further formal subdivisions. In our expe­rience, cluster. In only one species (B. zollingeriana) the two sexes an infraspecific classification will contain an element of sub- are differently arranged, female clusters being borne on highly jective judgement and the production and use of keys for modified leafless and branched axes, whereas male clusters the identification of the infraspecific taxa may sometimes be are found in axils of normal leaves on the main stems. This is difficult. These are the reasons why it has been necessary to a much more varied set of character-states than is seen in the give such detailed descriptions and extensive discussions, as New World species. well as a lengthy key which takes account of the whole range The size and shape of the bract subtending each flower-cluster of variation within species. The main key in this revision takes is sometimes diagnostic (B. kurzii and B. siamensis have larger account of infraspecific variation but leads only to species bracts than other taxa). Bracteoles subtending individual flowers level. Some polymorphic species key out at several places in vary in size relative to the flowers and are sometimes diagnos­ the main key, while shorter keys, under the relevant species, tic, whereas in the New World species they are of limited size identify the infraspecific taxa. range and consistently inconspicuous; see Wilmot-Dear & Friis (1996: 15). Terminology and diagnostic characters for The male flower is 4-merous in most species, 5–6-merous in species and infraspeciFIc taxa B. zollingeriana and 3-merous in B. didymogyne. The female flowers are usually sessile or almost so, but consistently and Habit is occasionally diagnostic in the Old World species of distinctly pedicellate in B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. minu­ Boehmeria (B. didymogyne is a slender herb), but most species ticymosa, and occasionally distinctly pedicellate in B. virgata are quite variable, some varying from being herbs to subshrubs, subsp. macrophylla var. canescens. The fruiting perianths may while others vary from being shrubs to trees. In the New World be completely filled by the fruit or markedly flattened dorsi­ most species vary from being shrubs to trees. ventrally to form a marginal rim or wing on either side. This Nature and density of indumentum on stems and leaves are vari­ation is similar to that of the New World taxa (Wilmot-Dear useful diagnostically. In the New World taxa only leaf indumen- & Friis 1996: 15). tum was found to be diagnostic (Wilmot-Dear & Friis 1996: 13– 14). Distribution patterns and habitats of Old Leaf form and arrangement are usually diagnostic. Leaves may World Boehmeria be asymmetrical; opposite or adjacent alternate leaves may be dimorphic in size and/or shape. We have used the same terminol- A descriptive summary of the geographical range of each ogy, of symmetry vs asymmetry and ‘smaller’ vs ‘larger’ leaves of taxon, as well as a distribution map, is provided. Intermediate dimorphic leaf-pairs, as in Wilmot-Dear & Friis (1996: 12–14, f. 1). forms and their distribution are discussed informally under the Notable difference in size of the ‘larger’ and ‘smaller’ leaves is heading ‘Discussion’. seen in, e.g., B. densiflora, B. leptostachya, B. multiflora, B. sub­ Only two species are widespread, B. virgata and B. depauper­ integra (opposite leaves) and in, e.g., B. beyeri, B. heterophylla ata. Boehmeria virgata is the most widespread of all, occurring and B. manipurensis (alternate leaves). from West Africa to the Marquesas and Society Islands in the The shape and proportions of the lamina and the number, pro- Pacific, and from Sudan, Pakistan and China in the north to portions and shape of its marginal teeth are often diagnostic, Zimbabwe, Madagascar and Australia in the south. It comprises as in Wilmot-Dear & Friis (1996: 14). In this paper the term two subspecies, one (subsp. macrophylla) occurring almost ‘up-curved’, referring to marginal teeth indicates that the distal entirely to the west of Wallace’s line, the other (subsp. virgata) margin of each tooth is somewhat concave such that their tips almost entirely to the east of this line. Boehmeria depauperata are directed towards the leaf apex; similarly, ‘outward-pointing’ is found from India (where it is especially common in the Hima- indicates a ± straight distal margin or, where specifically stated, layas) to Indonesian Papua and Papua New Guinea with no a convex one. east-west division into infraspecific taxa. Inflorescence architecture is at least as variable as in the New One species (together with one variety of B. virgata) is restricted World taxa (Wilmot-Dear & Friis 1996: 14–15) and can be sum- to Indochina and southern China; three others are also found marised as follows: The basic inflorescence unit in Boehmeria in and three others (together with one variety of is the flower-cluster which is a dense conglomeration of sessile B. virgata) are also found in Indonesia, southern India and or shortly-pedicellate flowers. These clusters are in this paper . Seven species (together with three varieties of considered the in the strict sense. In some spe- B. virgata) are narrowly distributed in the Himalayas and the cies (e.g., B. didymogyne, B. helferi, B. heterophylla), these eastern extension of this mountain range into Indochina and flower-clusters are borne only or predominantly in the axils of China. Five species are found in the Philippines, two of which unmodified leaves which are spaced along stems otherwise also occur in Indonesia and/or Papua New Guinea and one C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 89

a b

Map 1 Richness of species and infraspecific taxa in eastern Africa, Madagascar and Asia, recorded in 3 by 3 degree squares. a: richness of species; b: rich- ness of infraspecific taxa, including unnamed but mapped intermediate forms. Numbers on colour-scale indicate numbers of taxa per square. of which also occurs in Indonesia and Japan (Ryukyu Islands) An analysis similar to this one was not undertaken in our revision and west to southern China. Four closely similar species are of the New World species (Wilmot-Dear & Friis 1996), but it is mainly restricted to Japan and adjacent islands, some of these clear from the data there presented that the highest number also being found in China. Ten species are narrow endemics of species is found in the northern part of the Andean region. as follows: northern Madagascar (one); part of the Himalayas Habitat preference seems to be rather similar in most species (three); Burma (one); Japan (Ryukyu Islands, two); Philippines of Boehmeria. In both the Old and the New World almost all (Luzon, one); Papua New Guinea (one); Hawaiian Islands species occur in shaded places in secondary forest, in some­ (one). Boehmeria nivea has an uncertain natural distribution; what disturbed areas in primary forest, at forest edges and in the highest number of records is from China, Indochina and primary or secondary evergreen bushland or grassland sur­ Japan, but the natural distribution of this cultivated and widely rounding these habitats. On the main islands of Japan and naturalised species may be even narrower. the surrounding smaller islands there are several species and The number of species and infraspecific taxa were mapped in infraspecific taxa occurring in shady places near the sea. Boeh- grids of different sizes and it was decided that 3 by 3 degree meria yaeyamensis is the species most strongly adapted to squares gave the result that best conformed to our other habitats near the sea, restricted to cliffs and rocks on the findings. These results are illustrated in Map 1. Map 1a shows shores of the Ryukyu Islands. Most species occur at altitudes the species richness in 3 by 3 degree squares in the most below 1600–1800 m, but some of those in the Himalayas and species-rich part of the Old World (outside the area shown on their extension into China and Indochina, or in the mountains the map only one or two species occur per square). Species of Japan, are found in montane forest and evergreen bushland richness is seen to be greatest in the eastern Himalayas and at higher altitudes: one to 2000 m; six to 2600–2700 m and their extension into China and Indochina, with 11–12 species one to 3500 m. per square, which would seem to indicate the most prolific speciation in that area. Also squares in south-eastern China, Taiwan, northern Philippines, western Sumatera, western Jawa Relationships between Old and New World and Japan have five or more species. Map 1b shows the rich- species of Boehmeria ness of infraspecific taxa in 3 by 3 degree squares and includes varieties and unnamed but mapped intermediate forms; this In the New World 14 species have been recognised by us map demonstrates basically the same pattern as the map of the (Wilmot-Dear & Friis 1996, Wilmot-Dear et al. 2003); this species richness but it also shows that the infraspecific variation excludes B. nivea, which is only cultivated and naturalised in is very high (17–18 taxa) in squares in the eastern Himalayas the New World. No indigenous species is common to both the and (15–16 taxa) in the border region of Burma and . Old and New World, but there are species showing a similar Map 1b also shows the high infraspecific variability in Japan overall morphology. Such species have been tabulated in Ta- (7–8 taxa), represented mainly by the variation in B. japonica ble 1. Apart from these, there are several species with overall and B. sieboldiana. This would seem to indicate that the specia- morphology distinctive for either the Old or the New World. tion of which we now see the results has taken place mainly in In the Old World there are none analogous with the creeping the same regions where there is also high infraspecific variation. herbaceous New World species B. repens. Conversely, there

Table 1 Species with analogous overall morphology in Old and New World.

Character Old World species New World species

Leafless unbranched pendulous inflorescence-bearing axis; B. siamensis, B. virgata (most varieties) B. caudata leaves hardly dimorphic Inflorescence-bearing axis with apical tuft of leaves; B. clidemioides B. cylindrica leaves hardly dimorphic Inflorescence-bearing axis partly-leafless B. depauperata B. brevirostris Flower-clusters in axils of leaves; leaves markedly dimorphic B. heterophylla B. aspera, B. bullata, B. celtidifolia, B. excelsa, B. pavonii, B. radiata, B. ramiflora, B. ulmifolia, Flower-clusters in axils of leaves; plant herbaceous, B. helferi B. burgeriana erect, leaves opposite, not markedly dimorphic 90 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013 are no indigenous New World species exhibiting the branched Key to the species leafless inflorescence-bearing axes seen in many Old World species. As is apparent from the discussion above of morpho- This key includes taxa from Cypholophus and Pouzolzia because they are logical terminology and diagnostic characters, interspecific frequently misidentified as Boehmeria. morphological variation is much greater amongst the Old World 1. Female and male flower-clusters both present on the same taxa, and for the most part each overall morphological type is plant and males and females differently arranged: clusters represented by more species in the Old World than in the New. of one sex all in leaf axils, of the other all dispersed along However, as appears from Table 1, the type with flower-clusters long leafless axes ...... 2 axillary and leaves markedly dimorphic seems to have speci- 1. Flowers of only one sex present; or plant with clusters of both ated in the New World proportionally much more than in the Old. sexes present on same plant and then males and females These similar morphological patterns in the Old and New World similarly arranged: either both in leaf axils or both on long suggest that some New World species may be more closely leafless axes ...... 3 related to certain Old World taxa than to each other; however, 2. Male flower-clusters axillary, flowers 5(–6)-merous with very a deeper analysis must wait for phylogenetic reconstruction of long pedicels (4–8 mm long), these usually still present after the genus Boehmeria world-wide. flowers have fallen; female clusters on long, usually much- branched, leafless axes; stigma straight. — Widespread . Conservation status for taxa in Old World ...... 9. B. zollingeriana Boehmeria 2. Male flower-clusters along long branched leafless axes, flowers 4-merous, subsessile; female clusters axillary, stigma Because of the complex taxonomic situation discussed above minute, tightly-curved ...... [Cypholophus spp.] in the section on species delimitation and infraspecific taxa, we assess formal conservation status (IUCN 2001) only for species, 3. Leaf apex bifurcated or consisting of 2–several almost equal- subspecies, those varieties well-circumscribed morphologically ly long apical teeth such that apex appears as 2–3-lobed and in geographical distribution, and those varieties where ...... 4 abundant material exists which is clearly referable to that variety 3. Leaf apex rounded, acute or acuminate, marginal teeth all (despite the presence also of intermediate material). In other of uniform size or larger towards apex but not ± equalling cases, conservation status is discussed using informal criteria. the terminal tooth ...... 7 4. At least some leaves alternate; flower-clusters borne on ± leafless axes with a tuft of leaves at apex. — China . . Boehmeria ...... 8. B. clidemioides Boehmeria Jacq. (1760) 9, 31. — Type: Boehmeria ramiflora Jacq. 4. Leaves all opposite, inflorescence-bearing axes entirely Perennial herbs, shrubs or small trees; stems erect or some- leafless ...... 5 times scrambling. Stipules lateral or ± intrapetiolar, free or 5. Leaf margin with teeth 30–40 either side, shallow outward- partly so, mostly long-persistent. Leaves opposite or alternate, pointing of uniform size, indistinct or up to 6 mm long, leaf usually petiolate, often dimorphic (those of a dimorphic pair of apex asymmetrically bilobed; indumentum of leaves and opposite or adjacent alternate leaves are here referred to as stems of two distinct kinds, long robust curved hairs mixed ‘smaller’ and ‘larger’ leaves in the descriptions of the species); with short spreading hairs. — Pioneer on rocky cliffs; South lamina 3-veined from base and with variable number of upper Korea; Japan ...... 29. B. splitgerbera lateral veins, margin dentate, serrate or crenate, often asym- 5. Leaf margin with teeth 5–15 either side, up-curved and pro- metrical with a wider half with many teeth and a narrower half gressively markedly larger towards leaf apex, uppermost with fewer teeth; indumentum variable (often characteristic for ones ≥ 10 mm long and forming 2–3 apical lobes; indumen- a species or infraspecific taxon); cystoliths punctiform. Plants tum of leaves and stems ± uniform, adpressed or spread- monoecious or dioecious. Inflorescence-bearing axes terminal ing ...... 6 or axillary, branched or unbranched, sometimes modified by 6. up to 2.5 m, with soft spreading indumentum on most partial or complete reduction of leaves. Flowers grouped into parts. — Northern India; Nepal; . 24. B. ternifolia inflorescences which are dense, rather small to medium-sized 6. Herb or subshrub up to 1 m, often unbranched, glabrous or sessile bisexual or unisexual clusters of flowers, clusters single adpressed-hairy or with coarser indumentum. — China; either in axils of normal leaves or arranged along modified South Korea; Japan ...... 28. B. japonica axes and each subtended by a single bract and well-spaced to contiguous. Each flower subtended by a triangular chaffy 7. Flower-clusters both in leaf axils and along axillary branches often reddish bracteole. Male flowers (3–)4(–5–6)-merous; which are ± leafless throughout most of length but with a tuft stamens of the same number as perianth, opposite perianth- of small (otherwise unmodified) leaves at tip or returning to lobes; vestige of gynoecium present. Female flowers with peri- normal vegetative growth with typical foliage at apex; leaves anth tubular, completely enclosing ovary, contracted and with often variously both alternate and opposite . . . . . 8 several small teeth at apex; style linear, usually short; stigma 7. Flower-clusters either in axils of normal stem leaves or in linear, long, unilaterally papillose or long-papillose on all sides, entirely leafless modified lateral and/or terminal axes; leaves nearly always long-persistent. Fruiting perianth persistent and either all opposite (at least on main stems) or alternate to firmly attached to achene, with which it is dispersed, sometimes subopposite ...... 14 markedly dorsiventrally flattened into ‘shoulders’ or prominent 8. Female and male flowers very loosely arranged such that lateral wings. Achenes ovoid, surface dull. some flower-bases ± visible even in flowering state; bracte- A genus of 47 species, with 33 indigenous species in the Old oles conspicuous often as long as flowers; stigma caducous; World and 14 indigenous species in the New World (Wilmot- fruiting perianth with several robust longitudinal ribs on each Dear & Friis 1996, Wilmot-Dear et al. 2003), pantropical and face but scarcely dorsiventrally flattened and without distinct extending into warm temperate regions, but absent from Europe marginal rim, perianth detaching from mature shiny achene; and with limited distribution in Australia. male flower buds conical-apiculate, with lacking dorsal appendages; leaves alternate. — Widespread, excl. Philip- pines ...... [Pouzolzia sanguinea] C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 91

8. Female and male flowers more crowded such that only 14. Leaves all opposite at least throughout most of length of apical part visible, bracteoles inconspicuous at most half main stems ...... 15 the length of flower; stigma persistent; fruiting perianth with 14. Leaves consistently alternate or at most some subopposite, or without marginal wing or rim but without ribs on each none strictly opposite ...... 106 face, perianth adnate to mature dull achene; male flower 15. Leaves apparently with entire margin, glabrous above, buds ovoid or globose with distinct appendages or, if ap- narrowly ovate, length c. 3.5× as long as wide; plants with pendages absent, then leaves always opposite . . . 9 flower-clusters borne along leafless flower-bearing axes 9. Subshrub, shrub or with ultimate flowering stems ...... 16 leafless towards apex and bearing only flower-clusters but 15. Leaves toothed, often hairy above, length often ≤ 3× width returning to vegetative growth with normal leaves above; (plants with flower-clusters axillary or on leafless axes) 17 male flower-clusters 2–10 mm diam; fruiting perianth 16. ‘Larger’ leaf of dimorphic pair at least 17 cm long, length usually asymmetrical; achene yellow-brown or deep red- up to 1.25× length of ‘smaller’ leaf; apex of ‘smaller’ leaf brown ...... 10 acute to acuminate, not mucronate; entire margin smooth; 9. Herb or straggling subshrub with flower-clusters borne mainly bracts subtending clusters almost as broad as long; fruiting on distinct side branches 3–15 cm long with only a small tuft perianth minute, up to 0.6 mm long, ovoid, unwinged. — of leaves at tip; male clusters ≤ 2 mm diam; fruiting perianth Burma ...... 15. B. kurzii usually symmetrical; achene light yellowish brown or black 16. ‘Larger’ leaf of dimorphic pair up to 10 cm long, length ...... 12 usually > 1.5× length of ‘smaller’ leaf; apex of ‘smaller’ leaf 10. ‘Smaller’ leaves of markedly different shape to ‘larger’ ones; usually conspicuously mucronate; distal part of margin not subshrub with ultimate stems slender, ≤ 1 mm diam near strictly entire, vestiges of teeth visible as slight thickenings; tip; leaves abundantly hairy on both sides; marginal teeth bracts subtending flower-clusters narrow, length 4× width; always distinct, often 2–3 mm long; male clusters with fruiting perianth large, 1–1.5 mm long, extremely flattened few–15(–20) loosely-arranged buds; female flowers with with conspicuous wing surrounding achene. — Papua New style eccentric; fruiting perianth distally inflated or mark- Guinea ...... 22. B. subintegra edly laterally flattened, proximal half of perianth scarcely 17. Flower-clusters in axils of normal stem leaves, no modified laterally flattened and without a distinct wing surrounding axes present ...... 18 the thickened achene-bearing part; achene yellow-brown, 17. Flower-clusters mainly along specialised leafless axes occupying proximal half of perianth. — Philippines; Indo- arising from leaf axils (with or without some clusters also nesia - Sulawesi; Papua New Guinea 5. B. heterophylla in leaf axils) ...... 21 10. ‘Smaller’ leaves similar to ’larger‘ leaves or only slightly 18. Male flowers 5–6-merous on conspicuous pedicels 4–8 broad­er; tree or shrub with ultimate stems robust and woody, mm long; female flowers not occurring in axillary clus- c. 2 mm diam near tip; leaves mostly glabrous above, mar- ters. — China; southern India; Burma; Thailand; Indochina; ginal teeth often very indistinct, sometimes up to 1.5 mm Indonesia – Jawa; Philippines . . . 9. B. zollingeriana long; male clusters with 20–more than 50 densely congest- 18. Male flowers 4-merous, subsessile; female flowers in axil- ed buds; style terminal; fruiting perianth obovoid-oblong, lary clusters ...... 19 sometimes several-angled but not markedly flattened, never winged, achene deep red-brown ± filling perianth 19. Leaves asymmetrical, with distal lateral veins on either side ...... 11 markedly dissimilar in number and arrangement; stipules large and broad 10–20 by 3–4.5 mm; stigma minute < 0.5 11. Lateral veins similar in number and arrangement on two mm long ...... [Cypholophus spp.] sides of leaf; length of the ‘larger’ of the dimorphic leaves 19. Leaves ± symmetrical, with venation similar on both sides; c. 2× width and 1.5–2.5× length of ‘smaller’ leaf. — Wide- stipules 4–8 by 1.5–2 mm; stigma 1.5–2 mm long . 20 spread ...... 2. B. depauperata 11. Lateral veins markedly dissimilar in number and arrange- 20. Marginal teeth 3–4 mm long, width ± equalling length, up ment on two sides of leaf; length of the ‘larger’ of the di- to 25 either side. — North-eastern India; Burma . . . morphic leaves 3–3.5× width and c. 3× length of ‘smaller’ ...... 7. B. helferi leaf. — Papua New Guinea ...... 20. Marginal teeth short and wide, ≤ 1 mm long, width 3–5× . . . . . Undescribed taxon near 2. B. depauperata length, usually 30 or more either side. — Widespread . . (see under 2. B. depauperata, Note 5) ...... 2. B. depauperata 12. Length of ‘larger’ leaf of dimorphic pair 2–5× length of 21. Marginal teeth progressively markedly wider and/or longer ‘smaller’ leaf, leaves alternate, opposite or variably arrang­ and increasingly up-curved in distal part of leaf, acute, re­ ed along stem, length (1.5–)2–4× width; fruiting perianth latively large, (2.5–)3–15 mm long; leaf apex acuminate markedly laterally flattened with narrow marginal wing sur- consisting of a single long tooth ...... 22 rounding often centrally-located thickened achene-bearing 21. Marginal teeth ± uniform in size and shape along most part. — Widespread west of Wallace’s line . . . . . of margin but sometimes indistinct close to leaf base, ...... 8. B. clidemioides (rounded or acute, numerous or not), or if progressively 12. Length of ‘larger’ leaf of a dimorphic pair only 1–1.5× length larger distally then teeth extremely short (< 1 mm long) of ‘smaller’ leaf; leaves always opposite, length usually and margin completely entire in proximal part; leaf apex only 1–1.4× width; fruiting perianth without distinct uniform often toothed to tip ...... 27 marginal wing. — Japan; China; Indochina . . . . 13 22. Leaves markedly dimorphic in size, length of ‘larger’ leaf 13. Leaves and stems with spreading, often dense hairs; fruit- 2–5× that of ‘smaller’ one. — Widespread, excl. Philippines ing axis erect, clusters densely congested; leaves often and Pacific ...... 8. B. clidemioides thin-coriaceous. — Limestone at seashore; South Korea; 22. Leaves not or only moderately dimorphic, length of lamina Japan ...... 26. B. holosericea of ‘larger’ leaf of dimorphic pair less than twice that of 13. Leaves and stems adpressed-hairy; fruiting axis pendu- ‘smaller’ one ...... 23 lous, clusters not densely congested; leaves thin-charta- 23. Stem hairs closely-adpressed ...... 24 ceous.— China; Indochina ...... 23. B. virgata 23. Stem hairs spreading ...... 25 92 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

24. Leaf margin with 15–40 teeth on either side, these usually spicuous both sides, upper veins slender often inconspicu- outward-pointing, distal ones wider but only slightly longer ous and margin shallowly crenate. — Indonesian Papua; than proximal ones; leaves mostly 10–40 cm long; terminal Papua New Guinea ...... 23. B. virgata tooth comprising up to a quarter of total lamina length; 30. Leaves smaller, up to 15 cm long and often much narrower leaves rhombic-ovate with length 2–4× width. — China with length at least 2.5× width, or if > 15 cm long with length (incl. Taiwan); Japan (incl. Ryukyu Islands) . . . . . < 2.5× width then margin serrate to dentate or leaf surface ...... 27. B. sieboldiana distinctly bullate (hairy or not, veins robust or not) . . 31 24. Leaf margin with 6–12 teeth on either side, and either all 31. Veins markedly dissimilar on two sides of lamina, basal vein teeth markedly up-curved or length of distal ones (2–)3– on narrower side reaching nearly to apex, on other side to 10× length of proximal ones; leaves mostly ≤ 9 cm long slightly above middle, upper veins on narrow side either but if up to 11 cm long, then with terminal tooth comprising absent or 1–3 all arising near apex, on wide side 2–3 ad- × 0.3–0.5 total lamina length; leaves often ovate, with length ditional veins arising below lowermost on narrow side 32 × often only 1.5 width. — China; South Korea; Japan . . 31. Veins on two sides of leaf less dissimilar: basal vein on ...... 28. B. japonica one side extending at most slightly further into distal half of 25. Much-branched shrub; length of distal marginal teeth up to lamina than basal vein on other side, upper veins at most 2(–3)× length of proximal ones, acute, longer than wide; 1 more on one side than other ...... 33 hairs on stem and leaves soft and all of similar length. — 32. Petioles and leaves beneath both with mixed hairs of two Northern India; Nepal; Bhutan . . . . 24. B. ternifolia types, abundant fine minute (< 0.1 mm long) pubescence 25. Herb; either length of distal marginal teeth ≥ 4× length of and sparse coarser and longer (0.5–1 mm) curved hairs; proximal ones and hairs on adaxial leaf surface rough, upper lateral veins on narrow side 3; both male and female or if distal teeth not markedly longer than proximal ones clusters arranged along long (often bisexual) axes, stigma then hairs on leaves much longer than those on stem and 1–2 mm long. — North-eastern India; Bhutan; Bangladesh; marginal teeth wider than long, often rounded. — China; Burma ...... 33. B. listeri South Korea; Japan ...... 26 32. Petioles and leaves beneath with hairs of uniform texture 26. Distal marginal teeth only slightly larger than proximal 0.2–0.5 mm long, never of two different types; upper lateral ones, with distal ones up to 2× length of proximal ones, veins on narrow side 0–2; female clusters absent (never on usually more than 19 in number; leaf with relatively long specialised axes); stigma minute < 0.5 mm long. — Papua hairs (0.4–0.7 mm long); leaf surface sometimes bullate; New Guinea; Pacific, excl. Hawaiian Islands . . . . . female inflorescence-bearing axes erect. — South Korea; ...... [Cypholophus decipiens] Japan ...... 26. B. holosericea 26. Distal marginal teeth markedly larger than proximal ones, 33. Leaves with upper veins (5–)6–9 either side, similarly ar- with the most distal ones 3–10× length of proximal ones, ranged on both sides of leaf, impressed above, prominent less than 17 in number; leaf-hairs often minute (0.1-0.2 beneath, arising in distal half but often hardly distinguish- mm long); leaf surface never bullate; female inflorescence- able from robust coarser tertiary veins arising lower on mid- bearing axes pendulous. — China; South Korea; Japan rib; stipules large, boat-shaped (10–)25–65 by (3–)7–20 ...... 28. B. japonica mm. — Hawaiian Island; naturalised in Reunion ...... 20. B. grandis 27. Leaves, at least some, slightly misshapen with bifurcated 33. Leaves, at least on narrow side, with only 1–3(–4) distinct midrib, always markedly asymmetrical, with width of one upper veins, these often arising nearer apex than on wide half of lamina up to 1.5× width of other half and basal side, either inconspicuous or prominent but clearly distinct veins usually extending almost to tip; lateral veins robust from tertiary veins, all arising near or above middle of and reticulation often conspicuous; inflorescence-bearing lamina; stipules 7–10(–25) by 1–2 mm ...... 34 axes single in each axil, unbranched. — Japan ...... 29. B. splitgerbera and hybrids 34. Indumentum on stem and leaves close-adpressed; stipules 27. Leaves with midrib never bifurcated; both sides of leaf up to 12 mm long ...... 35 often scarcely dissimilar; venation often slender and/or 34. Indumentum on stem and leaves ± spreading; stipules basal veins extending little into distal third of lamina; inflo­ various ...... 37 rescence-bearing axes often branched or several from 35. Leaves drying dark brown above, chestnut-brown and each axil ...... 28 spreading-hairy beneath, usually thick-chartaceous; 28. Mature leaves with at least 50 marginal teeth on either stem hairs half-adpressed; stipules mostly 12–24 mm side ...... 29 long. — Philippines; Indonesia – Sumatera, Jawa, northern 28. Mature leaves with less than 50 marginal teeth on either Sulawesi ...... 31. B. rugosissima side ...... 39 35. Leaves drying either uniformly green both sides or dark green above and paler green beneath, often with fine ad- 29. Leaves linear-ovate, length 5–7× width, rather thick-charta­ pressed hairs beneath (thin- or thick-chartaceous); stem ceous or coriaceous; adaxial surface (excluding youngest leaves in distal node) glabrous or glabrescent; inflores- hairs close-adpressed; stipules 7–10 mm long ...... 36 cence-bearing axes unbranched or with 1–2 branches 36. Tertiary veins prominent, conspicuous, coarser ones close- at base, with flower-clusters congested. — Northern and spaced scalariform; lamina often thick-chartaceous; inflo- central India; Nepal; Bhutan; Burma; China; Thailand; Indo- rescence-bearing axes branched throughout length and china; naturalised in Mascarenes . . 17. B. penduliflora with 2nd-order branching. — North-eastern India; Nepal; 29. Leaves ovate and relatively broader with length ≤ 3× Burma; China ...... 13. B. polystachya width (hairy or not) or if up to 4× width then with dense 36. Tertiary veins slender, inconspicuous; lamina thin-char­ta­ spreading hairs above; leaves often rather thin-textured, ceous; inflorescence-bearing axes unbranched or branched inflorescence-bearing axes often branched and/or with only near base and without 2nd-order branching. — Indian flower-clusters well-spaced ...... 30 subcontinent; China ...... 23. B. virgata 30. Leaves large, broadly ovate, 24–35 cm long, length < 2× 37. Leaf abundantly hairy on adaxial surface, length 3–4× width, thin-textured, indumentum abundant but very incon- width, marginal teeth blunt; stem and petiole hairs dense, C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 93

uniform; inflorescence-bearing axes unbranched. — Philip- teeth usually up to 20, with width c. 4× length; male clusters pines; Indonesia - Sulawesi . . . . . 19. B. multiflora present or not on plants with female inflores­cences, but 37. Leaf with adaxial surface glabrous or with single hair in always sessile on main stem, never on the long, branched centre of each areole (leaf relatively wider or not, mar- inflorescence-bearing axes with female clusters. — China; ginal teeth acute or blunt); stem and petiole hairs often of southern India; Burma; Thailand; Indochina; Indonesia - two distinct kinds, coarse curved and minute spreading; Jawa ...... 9. B. zollingeriana inflorescence-bearing axes often branched . . . . 38 44. Stems (at least near apex) adpressed-hairy; leaf with incon- 38. Lamina with length (2.5–)2.7–3× width, drying grey-green spicuous fine hairs above, margin dentate; male clusters or blackish, marginal teeth always acute; stipules up to 11 (if present) also on long axes ...... 45 by 2 5 mm. — North-eastern India; Bhutan; Bangladesh; 45. Leaf apex ± acuminate but toothed almost to tip; marginal Burma ...... 33. B. listeri teeth not or only slightly up-curved. — Widespread, excl. 38. Lamina with length 1.3–2.3× width, drying dark brown Japan and Pacific ...... 23. B. virgata above, markedly paler chestnut-brown beneath; stipules 45. Leaf apex abruptly acuminate consisting of a single long mostly 12–25 by 3–5 mm (marginal teeth acute or obtuse). tooth; marginal teeth markedly up-curved, increasingly so — Philippines; Indonesia – Sumatera, Jawa, northern Sula­ near leaf apex ...... 46 wesi ...... 31. B. rugosissima 46. Leaf base truncate or cordate. — China, Indochina, Indo- 39. Female inflorescence-bearing axis with basal part long, nesia - Sumatera ...... 23. B. virgata naked, erect, robust and straight, upper (flower-bearing) 46. Leaf base cuneate or rounded ...... 47 part with many long and ± drooping branches (male clusters 47. Leaves rhombic or rhombic-ovate, with outward-pointing present or not on plants with female inflorescences, but teeth; male tepals without dorsal appendage. — China; always sessile on main stem, never on the long, branch- South Korea; Japan ...... 27. B. sieboldiana ed axes with female clusters). — China; Thailand; Indo- 47. Leaves ovate, teeth upward-pointing, male tepals with china ...... 9. B. zollingeriana dorsal appendage ...... 48 39. Female axis not as above, either unbranched, branched only at base or much-branched throughout; male clusters 48. Distal marginal teeth of leaves longer than proximal ones. (if present) also on long axes ...... 40 — Widespread, excl. Philippines and Pacific ...... 8. B. clidemioides 40. Length of lamina up to 1.5(–1.6)× width ...... 41 48. Marginal teeth all of similar length. — North-eastern India; 40. Length of lamina at least 1.7× width ...... 64 Nepal; Bhutan ...... 23. B. virgata 41. Stem and leaves glabrous or with uniform straight very 49. Stems with both spreading hairs c. 1 mm long and adpress­ closely-adpressed hairs, those on abaxial surface of leaf ed hairs 0.2–0.4 mm long, the spreading hairs con­cealing all pointing in same direction or lying in an orderly pattern the adpressed ones at nodes and near apex but often lack- towards centre of areoles ...... 42 ing from lower internodes. — North-eastern India; Nepal; 41. Stem with spreading or half-adpressed hairs at least near Bhutan; southern China ...... 23. B. virgata apex, hairs uniform or of two distinct types; leaves (at least 49. Stems with spreading hairs which are ± uniform or of two beneath) with ± spreading short velvety or longer often different types, minute fine ones, < 0.1 mm long, mixed curved hairs not lying in an orderly pattern when pressed with coarser curved ones, 0.2–0.4 mm long . . . . 50 and dried ...... 49 50. Stem hairs all spreading but of two kinds (distinguishable 42. Stipules large, boat-shaped (10–)25–65 by (3–)7–20 mm; with ×10 hand lens), dense velvety fine minute ones < 0.1 upper lateral veins (5–)6–9 either side, ± impressed above, mm mixed with sparse coarser curved longer ones 0.2–0.4 prominent beneath, all in distal half of lamina but often mm long ...... 51 hardly distinguishable from coarser tertiary veins arising 50. Stem hairs all of same nature: ± uniform in texture and not lower on midrib. — Pacific - Hawaiian Islands; Reunion widely varying in length ...... 55 (naturalised) ...... 20. B. grandis 42. Stipules < 8 mm long or < 2 mm broad or both; upper lat- 51. Leaf margin broadly crenate with only 7–12 teeth, lamina eral veins slender, prominulous beneath, ± inconspicuous ≤ 10 cm long, length ≤ 1.3× width; base ± symmetrical, above and/or only 1–3 either side, variously spaced but rounded to truncate or ± cordate, female inflorescence- distinct from tertiary veins ...... 43 bearing axes congested, male flowers occasional scattered in mainly female clusters, tepals without dorsal append- 43. Inflorescence-bearing axes (either sex) with short unbranch- age. — Maritime; Japan - south-western Ryukyu Islands ed lateral branches throughout their length, these progres­ ...... 30. B. yaeyamensis sively and regularly markedly shorter towards apex giving 51. Leaf margin dentate or crenate, with (15–)25–45 teeth; conical appearance, main axis of this composite struc- lamina > 10 cm long or not, base symmetrical or asymmetri- ture up to 8 cm long, ± erect; leaf apex abruptly short- cal, male flowers on separate lower inflorescence-bearing acuminate, base broadly rounded to cordate, rarely broad- axes or not, tepals with dorsal appendage or not . . 52 acuminate, margin crenate, crenations 20–30 either side, shallow, broad and rounded. — North-eastern India; Nepal; 52. Female inflorescence-bearing axes so congested that in­ Bhutan; Burma; south-western China . . .14. B. conica dividual flower-clusters are indistinguishable . . . . 53 43. Inflorescence-bearing axes, especially female, unbranched 52. Female inflorescence-bearing axes with clusters contigu- or with irregular lateral branches in basal part, these mostly ous but distinct ...... 54 ± equalling main axis of the composite structure or if with 53. Upper lateral veins similarly arranged, 1–2 on each half short branches throughout length then these not progres- of lamina, arising above middle, lamina thin-chartaceous, sively shorter and marginal teeth acute, markedly up- length ≥ 1.6× width; male flowers in clusters on unisexual curved (axes often very long, often pendulous; leaf apex branched axes ≤ 6 cm long or in small clusters at apex of often long-acute or obtuse, base cordate to cuneate) 44 mainly female inflorescence-bearing axis; fruiting perianth 44. Stems and inflorescence-bearing axes glabrous, often dry- ≤ 1.2 mm long and almost equally wide. — Evergreen for- ing red-brown; leaf ± glabrous above (rarely occasio­nal sin- est; Burma; China (incl. Taiwan); northern Thailand . . gle hair in centre of areole); margin usually broad-crenate, ...... 32. B. pilosiuscula 94 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

53. Upper lateral veins on one side more numerous than on unisexual or with male clusters on short lateral branches other, 2(-3) on one side, 4-5 on other, some arising below near base of mainly female axis; leaves often asymmetrical, middle; lamina often thick-chartaceous or coriaceous, with or bullate or base cuneate; indumentum often pale, sparse prominent close reticulation, length often < 1.5× width; male or dense, sometimes very short and always much shorter and female inflorescence-bearing axes unbranched, male than above ...... 60 ≥ 10 cm long; fruiting perianth often 1.5 mm long, length 60. Indumentum dense and relatively long, 0.4–0.7 mm, ± ob- usually 3× width. — Pioneer on maritime cliffs and road- scuring surface of stem and leaves beneath (often also sides; Japan ...... 29. B. splitgerbera above), very pale giving silvery sheen to plant; leaves 54. Leaves ± symmetrical, 10–25 cm long, marginal teeth (15–) thick-chartaceous or coriaceous, marginal teeth 30–40 20–27 either side, these broad 3–10 by 6–15 mm. — either side. — Afro-Malagasy region . . . . . 23. B. virgata South Korea; Japan ...... 26. B. holosericea 60. Indumentum sparse or if fairly dense then shorter, ≤ 0.3 54. Leaves with asymmetrical base, usually ≤ 10 cm long, mar- mm, not obscuring surface and darker giving brownish ginal teeth (25–)35–45 either side, these 1–2 by 2–4 mm. sheen to plant, leaves mostly thinner-textured; teeth few — India; Sri Lanka; Philippines; Indonesia ...... or many ...... 61 ...... 32. B. pilosiuscula 61. Abaxial leaf surface drying chestnut or blackish brown usu- 55. Leaf apex abruptly acuminate, consisting of a single tail-like ally much paler than the dark brown adaxial surface, adaxial ± linear tooth only 1–2(–8) mm broad, abruptly constricted surface almost glabrous, with single hair or its bulbous base at base, with length 5–20× width; stem hairs velvety, minute in centre of each areole, abaxial surface with hairs less ≤ 0.3 mm long; leaf base broad often truncate, marginal sparse; leaves usually bullate and thick-textured; stipules teeth 12–25 either side; lamina length 1–1.25× width. — 9–10 mm long; inflorescence-bearing axes unisexual, both Northern India; Nepal; Bhutan . . . . 24. B. ternifolia sexes branched throughout length. — Indonesia . . . 55. Leaf apex variously rounded, attenuate or acuminate but ...... 31. B. rugosissima not abruptly tail-like; lamina relatively narrow or not, teeth 61. Without above combination of characters: leaves in dry more numerous or not; stem indumentum long or short state mostly similarly coloured both sides, greenish or ...... 56 greenish brown, smooth and thin-textured or if bullate and 56. Leaves large, broad-ovate, 24–35 cm long, length less than thick-textured then hairs on adaxial surface several per are- 2× width, thin-textured, indumentum abundant but very ole (leaf-size and margin various); stipules 4–7(–10) mm inconspicuous, adpressed above and spreading below, long; inflorescence-bearing axes mostly either unbranched upper veins slender often inconspicuous, margin shallowly or bisexual, with short male branches at base of mainly crenate, teeth many (40–50) either side, these up to 3 mm female inflorescence-bearing axis, only the entirely male long, their width 4–6× length. — Indonesian Papua; Papua axes (if present) sometimes much-branched throughout New Guinea ...... 23. B. virgata length ...... 62 56. Leaves ≤ 16 cm long or if up to 20 cm then either marginal 62. Marginal teeth 35–45 either side, 1.5–2 by 2–3 mm, their teeth up to 30 either side, these often longer than wide and width usually < 1.5× length; leaves stiff-hairy above mostly indumentum on both sides of leaf spreading, conspicuous; < 10 cm long, base often oblique; stem hairs stiff and rough, or leaves thick-textured and often bullate and/or with robust half-adpressed, 0.3–0.4 mm long. — Himalayas; Burma; upper veins and major tertiary veins robust . . . . 57 south-western China; Indonesia - Jawa, Borneo . . . 57. Lateral and often also tertiary veins robust, prominent be­ ...... 23. B. virgata neath, often impressed above; stipules (11–)15–65 by 3–20 62. Marginal teeth up to 15 either side or if up to 27 then longer mm; leaves ± symmetrical, with indumentum sparse above, and relatively broader, 3–10 by (3–)5–15 mm, their width restricted to veins beneath ...... 58 1.5–3× length; leaves soft-hairy both sides, 10–25 cm 57. Plant without this combination of characters: either upper long, base ± symmetrical truncate; stem hairs soft, minute lateral veins slender and tertiary veins very indistinct above spreading at right angles, 0.1–0.3 mm long, often dense or, if veins fairly robust, then leaves with abundant indu- and velvety. — Himalayas; South Korea; Japan . . . 63 mentum, sometimes also markedly asymmetrical; stipules 63. Indumentum on stem minute, 0.2(–0.3) mm long, on leaves often much shorter and narrower ...... 59 much longer, 0.5–0.7 mm, curved and often half-adpress­ 58. Upper lateral veins (5–)6–9 either side, all arising in dis- ed; marginal teeth mostly more than 20 either side, outward- tal half of lamina but often scarcely distinct from coarser pointing and often rounded. — Limestone near seashore; tertiary veins arising lower on midrib: stipules large, boat- Japan ...... 26. B. holosericea shaped mostly ≥ 25–65 by 7–20 mm. — Pacific - Hawaiian 63. Indumentum on leaves and stem similar, minute, ≤ 0.3 Islands; Reunion (naturalised) . . . . .20. B. grandis mm long, spreading at right angles to stem; marginal teeth 58. Upper lateral veins on narrow side of lamina only 2–4 mostly more than 20 either side, up-curved acute. — North- and all arising in distal half, on wide side often 3–5 and ern India; Nepal; Bhutan ...... 24. B. ternifolia arising slightly lower; stipules narrowly triangular, ≤ 25 by 64. Stem and leaves above glabrous or with uniform closely- 5 mm. — Indonesia - Sumatera, Jawa; Philippines . . adpressed fine hairs ...... 65 ...... 31. B. rugosissima 64. Stem with spreading or half-adpressed hairs at least near 59. Inflorescence-bearing axes erect, unbranched, mostly bi- apex, hairs uniform or of two distinct types; leaves above sexual and congested, with a few pedicellate male flowers often also spreading-hairy ...... 96 in mainly female clusters near apex, male flowers more nu- 65. Leaf margin entire in proximal quarter or half of lamina, merous near apex; leaves ± symmetrical, velvety, smooth, indistinctly serrate towards apex, teeth only 0.1–1(–1.5) base truncate to cordate; indumentum 0.5–2 mm long, at mm long but their width 5–20× depth ...... 66 least on stem, often dense giving golden-brown sheen to 65. Leaf margin ± uniformly toothed almost to base of lamina most parts of plant. — North-eastern India; Burma; south- (teeth often longer and/or relatively narrower); if leaves ern China; Thailand ...... 25. B. ourantha obovate then their length 3–4× width and apex gradually 59. Inflorescence-bearing axes pendulous or, if erect, then with attenuate; (inflorescence-bearing axes slender or robust) several lateral branches, often not congested, always either ...... 67 C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 95

66. Leaves obovate to elliptic, with length ≤ 2.8× width, sparsely North-eastern India; Nepal; Bhutan; Bangladesh; Burma; minute-hairy above; leaf apex broadly rounded terminated south-western China; Thailand . . .12. B. hamiltoniana abruptly by short broad acumen; marginal teeth in distal 73. Leaves drying brownish black above, often thick-charta- part 0.3–1.5 mm long; petiole relatively long, half of lamina ceous and relatively broader or with upper veins 4–5 in length; length of ‘larger’ leaves up to 1.5× ‘smaller’. — number spaced throughout lamina length; distal 2/3 of Mada­gascar ...... 21. B. tsaratananensis margin with distinct teeth often > 1.5 mm long by 6–8 mm 66. Leaves narrowly ovate to elliptic with length 3.5–4× width, broad; female inflorescence-bearing axes (20–)30–40 cm glabrous and shiny above; leaf apex gradually attenuate; long, glabrous, these and stem drying red-brown (male marginal teeth ≤ 0.2 mm long; petiole only 0.1–0.25× clusters absent, never on long axes). — Southern India; lamina length; length of ‘larger’ leaves often 2–4× ‘smaller’. Burma; China; Thailand; Indochina; Indonesia - Jawa — Papua New Guinea ...... 22. B. subintegra ...... 9. B. zollingeriana 67. Leaves (except sometimes the very immature pair of leaves 74. Leaf apex attenuate-acuminate formed by a single long at the most distal node) ± glabrous above or with only a tooth; leaf rhombic-ovate to narrowly ovate, ± symmetrical, single hair in centre of each areole ...... 68 membranous to thin-chartaceous; abaxial surface usually 67. Leaves (at least fairly young leaves but not restricted to glabrous, number of upper lateral veins 3–5 . . . . 75 the distal node) clearly, even if finely and inconspicuously, 74. Leaf apex broad-acute or attenuate but toothed to tip; hairy above ...... 81 leaves elliptic, elliptic-ovate or obovate with often slightly 68. Upper lateral veins (5–)6–9 either side, robust, clearly oblique base, or obovate-oblong; abaxial surface usually visible, all in distal half of lamina but often scarcely distinct hairy at least on veins, upper lateral veins usually fewer from robust coarser tertiary veins arising lower down: stip- ...... 76 ules large, boat-shaped, (10–)25–65 by (3–)7–20 mm. — 75. At least some leaves with (13–)15 or more marginal teeth Pacific ...... 69 either side, most leaves > 10 cm long, with length mostly 68. Upper veins 1–3(–4) either side, usually slender, tertiary more than 2× width; flower-clusters often ± contiguous along veins even more slender and less distinct than lateral veins; axes. — China; South Korea; Japan . . 27. B. sieboldiana stipules ≤ 10 mm long ...... 70 75. All leaves with up to 12 marginal teeth either side, most 69. Margin of leaf serrate, leaf surface often bullate; inflores- leaves < 10 cm long, with length more than 2× width; flower- cence-bearing axes always branched. — Pacific - Hawai- clusters always well-spaced. — Northern and southern ian Islands; naturalised in Reunion . . . 20. B. grandis China; South Korea; Japan ...... 28. B. japonica 69. Margin of leaf crenate, leaf surface always smooth; inflo­ 76. Leaves widest above middle, narrowly obovate-oblong, with rescence-bearing axes often unbranched. — Pacific, excl. length 3–4× width and only the basal pair of veins clearly New Caledonia, Solomon Islands and Hawaii . . . . visible beneath, lamina symmetrical, thin-chartaceous; ...... 23. B. virgata (Polynesian forms) fruiting perianth very short and wide, 0.8–0.9 by 0.7 mm, 70. Length of leaf-blade 5–7× width; leaves thick-chartaceous subspherical. — China; Indochina; Malaysia . . . . . or coriaceous, marginal teeth 35 or more either side, close- ...... 11. B. lanceolata spaced, shallow, ≤ 0.8 by 2.5 mm. — Northern and central 76. Leaves widest at or below middle, elliptic, rhombic-ovate India; Nepal; Bhutan; Burma; China; Thailand; Indochina; or ovate, with at least one pair of upper veins visible or if naturalised in Mascarenes . . . . .17. B. penduliflora lamina asymmetrical at least one upper vein present on 70. Length of leaf-blade ≤ 4× width or if up to 6× width then wide side (proportions and texture various); fruiting peri- leaves very thin-textured; marginal teeth often fewer and/ anth often longer and relatively narrower, elliptic-ovoid or or broader ...... 71 obovoid ...... 77 71. Leaf with margin so indistinctly and wide-spaced serrate 77. Lamina membranous to very thin-chartaceous, narrowly as to appear entire, teeth only 10–15 either side 2–5 mm ovate-attenuate, with length 3–6× width and 1–3 upper apart, up to 0.2 mm long or only a slight callus; leaves lateral veins usually all arising well into distal 2/3 of leaf; markedly dimorphic in size and shape, their length/width male inflorescence-bearing often 1–2× dichotomous at ratio (1.5–)2–5 : 1, ‘larger’ leaves linear-ovate-attenuate, extreme base. — North-eastern India; Nepal; Bhutan; up to 12 cm long, ‘smaller’ leaves much broader, obtuse Bangladesh; Burma; south-western China; Thailand . . to very short-acuminate, with distinct mucro 1–2 mm long; ...... 12. B. hamiltoniana stem with dense fine hairs. — Papua New Guinea . . 77. Lamina thin- or thick-chartaceous but never membranous, ...... 22. B. subintegra at least 1 upper lateral vein present on at least one side 71. Leaf without this combination of characters; either distinctly and arising in lower half; inflorescence-bearing axes not (even if shallowly) serrate to dentate or crenate, with teeth dichotomous, either unbranched or with lateral branches at least 0.5 mm long, or if indistinctly serrate and markedly which are not restricted to base ...... 78 dimorphic in shape then the ‘larger’ leaves longer, with 25 78. Leaf asymmetrical with number of upper veins on wide side or more teeth, and ‘smaller’ leaves not mucronate (stem 3–5, on narrow side 0–2(–3), drying grey-brown, bullate; hairy or glabrous) ...... 72 margin minutely close-serrate, teeth < 1 mm long, width 72. Stem glabrous; leaves beneath glabrous or with extremely of teeth equalling length ...... 79 sparse fine hairs on veins only ...... 73 78. Leaf not markedly asymmetrical, number of upper veins 72. Stem hairy at least near apex (leaves beneath glabrous or on wide side usually 1–2 and only 1 more than on narrow hairy) ...... 74 side; drying green or yellow-green, often smooth (margin 73. Leaves drying light or dark green, membranous or very thin- various, but not as above) ...... 80 chartaceous, length 3–6× width; upper veins 1–2(–3) in 79. Narrow half of leaf with usually 3 upper veins; both female number, all arising in distal third, marginal teeth indistinct and male clusters arranged along long (often bisexual) inflo- only 0.5–1 mm long but relatively broad, up to 2–5 mm rescence-bearing axes, stigma 1–2 mm long; indumentum wide; flower-clusters on axes 4–20 cm long, male and on petioles and leaves beneath mixed, hairs of two distinct female inflorescence-bearing axes fine adpressed-hairy, kinds, abundant fine minute (< 0.1 mm long) pubescence these and stem drying greenish or dull brownish black. — and sparse coarser longer (0.5–1 mm) curved hairs. — 96 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

North-eastern India; Bhutan; Bangladesh; Burma . . . distal half; flower-clusters female or bisexual, all on leafless ...... 33. B. listeri inflorescence-bearing axes 10–50 cm long. — Southern 79. Narrow half of leaf with 0–2 upper veins; female clusters China; Peninsular Thailand; Indonesia - Sumatera . . absent (never on specialised inflorescence-bearing axes); ...... 10. B. leptostachya stigma minute, < 0.5 mm long; petioles and leaves beneath 85. Leaves ovate, adaxial surface with at most occasional with hairs uniform or all of similar texture and 0.2–0.5 mm single hair in centre of some areoles, basal veins extend- long. — Papua New Guinea; Pacific - Solomon Islands; ing less far, upper lateral veins spaced throughout lamina Vanuatu; New Caledonia . . [Cypholophus decipiens] length, often 4–5 at least on wide side; male clusters 80. Abaxial leaf surface and petioles with ± uniform short or absent or, if present, only axillary on main stem and never long fine or coarse adpressed or spreading hairs; fruiting on long axes. — Southern India; Burma; China; Thailand; perianth with distinct wing, female inflorescence-bearing Indochina; Indonesia - Jawa . . . .9. B. zollingeriana axes 20–70 cm, axes usually branched throughout length; 86. Length of ‘larger’ lamina in dimorphic leaf-pair > 3.5× width leaf margin with relatively wide-spaced teeth, their width ...... 87 3–4× length. — Indonesia; Philippines; Pacific, excl. New 86. Length of ‘larger’ lamina in dimorphic leaf-pair < 3.5× width Caledonia and Hawaii ...... 23. B. virgata ...... 91 80. Abaxial leaf surface and petioles with two distinct kinds of 87. Apex of leaf attenuate-acuminate formed by a single long hairs, abundant fine minute (< 0.1 mm long) pubescence tooth; hairs above few, scattered; marginal teeth 15–25 and sparse coarser longer (0.5–1 mm) curved hairs; fruiting either side ...... 27. B. sieboldiana perianth obovoid or obovoid-truncate without wing; inflores- 87. Apex of leaf attenuate but toothed almost to tip; hairs above cence-bearing axes 2–11 cm, both sexes unbranched or abundant; marginal teeth often more than 35 either side branched very close to base; marginal teeth closer-spaced, ...... 88 their width usually 1-2× length. — North-eastern India; 88. Leaves not markedly asymmetrical, veins similarly arrang­ Bhutan; Bangladesh; Burma ...... 33. B. listeri ed on both sides or 1 more on one side ...... 89 81. Upper lateral veins robust, conspicuously impressed above 88. Leaves markedly asymmetrical, veins dissimilar on two and prominent beneath, 3 or more either side; tertiary veins sides ...... 90 distinctly scalariform, often close-spaced only 2–4 mm 89. Leaf fine-adpressed-hairy beneath, coarser tertiary veins apart and ± as conspicuous as secondary veins especially reticulate; leaves ≤ 12(–16) cm long; length (3.7–)4–7× between basal vein and margin ...... 82 width, marginal teeth up to 30 in number, shallow and 81. Upper lateral veins slender, fine-prominulous beneath, or wide, 0.3–0.7 mm long, width often > 6× length. — China – if prominent then only 1–2 either side (tertiary veins much south-western China, Taiwan, Hong Kong; Japan – Ryukyu less conspicuous than lateral veins and often reticulate Islands, Bonin Islands; Philippines – Luzon ...... 84 ...... 18. B. densiflora 82. Upper lateral veins (5–)6–9 either side, all in distal half of 89. Leaf spreading-hairy beneath, coarser tertiary veins ± sca- lamina but often scarcely distinct from coarser tertiary veins lariform; leaf often longer and relatively broader, marginal arising lower down: stipules large, boat-shaped (10–)25– teeth often more numerous, longer and relatively nar- 65 by (3–)7–20 mm. — Pacific - Hawaiian Islands; Reunion rower. — Widespread, excl. Japan . . . 23. B. virgata (naturalised) ...... 20. B. grandis 90. Number of upper veins on wide side of leaf 3–5, on nar- 82. Upper veins 3–4(–5) either side, all arising in distal half row side 0–2; leaves drying grey-brown, bullate; female of lamina; stipules ≤ 10 by 2 mm ...... 83 clusters absent (never on long inflorescence-bearing axes). 83. Inflorescence-bearing axes 10–17 cm long, 1 from each — Papua New Guinea; Pacific - Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, axil, with short lateral branches throughout length, these New Caledonia ...... [Cypholophus decipiens] secondarily branched; bracts subtending clusters incon- 90. Number of upper veins on wide side of leaf usually 1–2 spicuous, shorter than clusters, 1–1.5 by 0.5–0.8 mm; and only 1 more than on narrow side; leaves often drying leaf apex short-attenuate, petiole c. 0.25× lamina length. green, often smooth; female clusters (if present) also on — North-eastern India; Nepal; Burma; China . . . . . long inflorescence-bearing axes. — Philippines; Indone- ...... 13. B. polystachya sia; Papua New Guinea; Pacific excl. New Caledonia and 83. Inflorescence-bearing axes 3–5(–10) mm long, paired Hawaii Islands ...... 23. B. virgata or apparently many unbranched from each axil; bracts 91. Inflorescence-bearing axis branched throughout length and subtending clusters persistent, conspicuously longer than with 2nd-order branching, often bisexual. — North-eastern even fruiting clusters, 2–2.5 by 1.5–2 mm; leaf apex broad- India; Nepal; Bhutan; Burma; China ...... acute, sometimes with abrupt tiny acumen at extreme tip, ...... 13. B. polystachya petiole c. 0.05× lamina length. — Burma; south-western 91. Inflorescence-bearing axis unbranched or with several long China; Thailand; Indochina . . . . . 16. B. siamensis branches close to base, no 2nd-order branching, mostly uni- 84. Stem and inflorescence-bearing axes glabrous, drying red- sexual ...... 92 brown; leaf margin usually crenate, teeth broad, often short, 92. Lamina rhombic-ovate, with rounded base, ± symmetrical, 0.5–2 by 4–8 mm, number often less than 20 either side; upper lateral veins 3–5 either side, apex consisting of a female clusters on long inflorescence-bearing axes, male single long tooth; marginal teeth often > 4 mm long; leaves clusters on long inflorescence-bearing axes or axillary on with only occasional scattered hairs; inflorescence-bearing leafy shoots ...... 85 axes unbranched. — Taiwan; Japan incl. Ryukyu Islands; 84. Stem (at least near apex) with fine or conspicuous hairs; China ...... 27. B. sieboldiana leaf margin serrate or dentate, teeth longer and/or more 92. Lamina ovate or elliptic, rarely rhombic-elliptic but then with numerous than above; both female and male clusters on long-cuneate base; marginal teeth up to 2(–3.5) mm long; long inflorescence-bearing axes ...... 86 leaves either with inconspicuous but abundant hairs both 85. Leaves (at least most) elliptic, with both surfaces sparsely sides or with only 1–2 veins either side and apex toothed minute-hairy, basal veins at least on narrow side extending ± to tip, base often oblique; inflorescence-bearing axes almost to tip, number of upper lateral veins 2(–3) all arising in often much-branched ...... 93 C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 97

93. Leaves large and broad, ovate and subcordate, 24–35 cm times shorter, with densely crowded clusters, stipules and long with length less than 2× width, thin-textured, upper leaves sometimes smaller, teeth sometimes fewer) . 99 veins inconspicuous, margin shallowly crenate. — Indo- 99. Lamina length ≥ 2.3× width, marginal teeth mostly more nesian Papua; Papua New Guinea ...... 23. B. virgata than 45 either side, ≤ 1 mm long; leaves often markedly 93. Leaves usually smaller and often much narrower but if asymmetrical (outline of two sides of lamina dissimilar), large and broad then either thick-textured and bullate with with upper lateral veins often 2 more on one side than robust veins, or margin dentate ...... 94 other and arising much nearer leaf base; inflorescence- 94. Lamina markedly asymmetrical, upper veins on wide side bearing axes 5–13 cm, mostly with 1–2 long branches 3–5, on narrow side 0–2; leaf drying grey-brown, bullate, very close to base and therefore appearing as if several margin minutely close-serrate, teeth < 1 mm long, width axes per axil, the bisexual ones with male clusters in lower ± depth; female clusters absent or, if present, not on long part of axis or abundant along most of length; clusters inflorescence-bearing axes. — Papua New Guinea; Pacific well-spaced or contiguous but not congested; fruiting - Solomon Islands, Vanuatu; New Caledonia . . . . . perianth scarcely laterally flattened. — North-eastern ...... [Cypholophus decipiens] India; Bhutan; Bangladesh; Burma . . . .33. B. listeri 94. Lamina not markedly asymmetrical, upper veins the same 99. Lamina length 1.75–2.25× width, marginal teeth mostly number on both sides or on one side only 1 more than 20–40 either side often 2 mm long; outline and venation on other; leaf often drying green, often smooth, marginal of two sides of lamina similar; inflorescence-bearing teeth much longer and/or relatively wider, with width 3–10× axes mostly < 6 mm long, the female and bisexual ones length; both male and female clusters on long inflores- unbranched, the bisexual ones with male flowers either cence-bearing axes ...... 95 occasional in mainly female clusters or in small male 95. Male and female inflorescence-bearing axes with contigu- clusters a few at apex; female clusters often a dense ous clusters, female erect, unbranched, < 12 cm long, clus- congested mass; fruiting perianth laterally flattened near ters forming a dense congested mass; stem and leaves (on apex. — India; Sri Lanka; Burma; southern China; Thai- both sides) with abundant adpressed hairs; marginal teeth land; Philippines; Indonesia . . . .32. B. pilosiuscula shallow but wide ≤ 0.7 mm long, with width 4–10× length. 100. Length of lamina (2.7–)3–4× width; indumentum on stems — China – south-western China, Taiwan, Hong Kong; and leaves soft, on leaves sometimes sparse and incon- Japan – Ryukyu Islands, Bonin Islands; Philippines . . . . spicuous ...... 101 ...... 18. B. densiflora 100. Length of lamina ≤ 2.5× width (indumentum soft or coarse) 95. Male and female inflorescence-bearing axes with well- ...... 103 spaced clusters, usually pendulous, often ≥ 20 cm, male 101. Marginal teeth 2–4 mm long, 15–30(–35) either side; axes often branched throughout length; stem and adaxial lamina not or scarcely bullate, basal veins reaching distal surface of leaves glabrescent or hairs spreading at least third of lamina. — Afro-Malagasy . . . 23. B. virgata on leaves beneath; marginal teeth often much longer and 101. Marginal teeth 0.5–1 mm long, often more than 35 either relatively narrower than above, ≥ 1.5 mm long, with width side; lamina bullate or not, basal veins extending to middle 1.3–3× length. — Widespread, excl. New Caledonia and of lamina or further ...... 102 Hawaii ...... 23. B. virgata 102. Inflorescence-bearing axes unbranched, male axes ≤ 11 96. Upper lateral veins (5–)6–9 either side, robust and all cm, female axes 15-30 cm; leaves usually bullate and arising in distal half but often hardly distinguishable from thick-chartaceous, short and narrow, < 15 cm long, length rather robust coarser tertiary veins arising lower on midrib, ≥ 3× width; basal veins only reaching middle of lamina, these and often fine reticulation prominent beneath and upper veins 3–4 either side, reticulate tertiary vena- impressed above; leaves only sparsely adpressed-hairy tion prominent beneath; marginal teeth with width often above, hairs restricted to veins beneath; stipules large, only 1-2× length; petiole often short relative to lamina, boat-shaped (10–)25–65 by (3–)7–20 mm. — Pacific - 0.1–0.3× length. — Philippines; Indonesia – Sulawesi Hawaiian Islands; Reunion (naturalised) .20. B. grandis ...... 19. B. multiflora 96. Upper lateral veins fewer and more easily distinguishable 102. Inflorescence-bearing axes mostly longer, male axes 10– from slender tertiary venation (prominent or not), lowermost 20 cm, female axes 20–70 cm, often branched; leaves arising near middle of lamina; indumentum on leaves often mostly smooth thin-chartaceous and/or larger and rela- denser and more widespread (stipules usually shorter) 97 tively broader; basal veins extending to distal quarter of 97. Hairs on leaf underside, petiole and often also stem of 2 lamina or almost to tip, upper veins 1–2 (or up to 3 only distinct kinds (visible with ×10 lens): dense fine minute, on one side), slender, prominulous beneath; marginal ≤ 0.1 mm long, velvety, and sparse coarser and much teeth with width usually ≥ 4× length; petiole > 0.3× lamina longer, 0.5–1 mm long ...... 98 length. — Indonesia; Philippines; Pacific, excl. New Cale­ 97. Hairs on leaf underside, petiole and stem ± uniform short donia and Hawaii ...... 23. B. virgata or long ...... 100 103. Leaves ± bullate and mostly thick-textured, glabrous above 98. Fruiting perianth ovoid to obovoid, not markedly flattened, except for single hair in centre of each areole, spreading- with or without slight marginal rim, apex not truncate nor hairy beneath; fruiting perianth ≤ 1.2 mm long, scarcely with abrupt beak; inflorescence-bearing axes always uni- laterally flattened, with or without slight marginal rim, sexual and always 6–15 cm long, clusters well-spaced; achene ± filling perianth; stipules large and conspicuous, stipules large, 10–25 mm long; leaves 13–25 cm long 10–25 by (2–)3–5 mm; male and female inflorescence- always glabrous above except for one hair in centre of each bearing axes ≤ 15 cm long; leaf apex short and broad, areole, marginal teeth 35 or more either side. — Philip­ attenuate-acuminate. — Philippines; Indonesia – Suma­ pines; Indonesia – Sumatera, Jawa, northern Sulawesi tera, Jawa, northern Sulawesi . . 31. B. rugosissima ...... 31. B. rugosissima 103. Leaves smooth thin-textured, hairs above fine and in- 98. Fruiting perianth obtriangular in outline, with truncate apex, conspicuous but fairly abundant, several per areole or if with or without an abrupt minute beak, often laterally flatt­ leaves ± bullate and thick-textured then hairs above dense ened or several-angled (inflorescence-bearing axes some- and spreading (hairs beneath sometimes adpressed; 98 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

stipules mostly smaller, fruiting perianth often larger and Burma; China; Indochina; Thailand; Philippines; Indonesia winged, female inflorescence-bearing axes often > 30 cm – Jawa ...... 9. B. zollingeriana long, leaf apex often gradually long-attenuate) . . 104 111. Stem and inflorescence-bearing axes hairy, mostly bi- 104. Margin of leaf with 35 or more small shallow teeth either sexual; stigma usually ≥ 2 mm long; fruiting perianth not side, 0.2–1 by 2–4.5 mm long, or if up to 3 mm long then or slightly laterally flattened but with several prominent longitudinal ribs and usually > 1 mm long. — Widespread 40–60 either side. — Widespread . . . 23. B. virgata ...... [Pouzolzia sanguinea] 104. Margin of leaf with up to 27 large, broad teeth either side, 3–10 by 6–15 mm ...... 105 112. Female and male inflorescence-bearing axes 2 per axil, slender, pendulous, ± paniculate, with up to 4th-order 105. Marginal teeth of leaves acute, up-curved, distal ones pro­ branching, successive orders of branches shorter and gressively more markedly so; leaf apex consisting of 1 ± ultimate branches usually < 1 cm long, with clusters of- linear narrow tooth, (5–)15–20 by c. 2 mm, with 1–2 pairs ten mostly along one side of axis; leaves with abundant of in-curved lateral teeth at its base. — North-eastern spreading hairs beneath, clearly alternate throughout India; Nepal; Bhutan; Burma; south-western China . . stem. — China; Indochina; Thailand; Japan ...... 23. B. virgata ...... 1. B. nivea (concolorous form) 105. Marginal teeth of leaves rounded or broad-acute, outward- 112. Female inflorescence-bearing axes 1 per axil and ter- pointing; leaf apex consisting of a short relatively much minating leafy branches, sometimes pendulous with a broader acumen. — Limestone, seashore; South Korea; few long lateral branches, sometimes robust and erect Japan ...... 26. B. holosericea with pendent apex and 1st- or 2nd-order branching with 106. Plants bisexual with sexes differently arranged, female ultimate branchlets not markedly shorter than main clusters borne along long leafless inflorescence-bearing branches; clusters spirally arranged (male flowers not axes arising from leaf axils, male clusters in axils of stem present, not on long axes); leaves with sparse adpressed leaves, male flowers with long (at least 5 mm) pedicels hairs beneath, subopposite to opposite in lower part of usually still present after male flowers have fallen. — Bur- stem. — China; southern India; Burma; Indochina; Thai- ma; China; Thailand, Philippines; Indonesia – Jawa . land; Philippines; Indonesia – Jawa .9. B. zollingeriana ...... 9. B. zollingeriana 113. Leaves entire in basal half or third, distally with 5–15 broad 106. Plants without this combination of characters; if plant conspicuous teeth, up to 1.5–2.5 by 3–7 mm, membra- bisexual then male and female clusters similarly arranged nous, shiny and ± glabrous above; slender herb to 0.5 m, either both along leafless inflorescence-bearing axes or with few branches near apex; flowers with conspicuous both in axils of stem leaves; male pedicels 0–2 mm long hooked hairs, male flowers 3(?–4)-merous, female often (or male clusters absent) ...... 107 with paired stigmas. — Burma . . . 3. B. didymogyne 113. Leaves with margin either conspicuously toothed through­ 107. Flower-clusters borne mainly along leafless inflorescence- out or entire to indistinctly toothed, chartaceous or coria­ bearing axes (occasionally with tuft of small leaves at ceous (glabrous or conspicuously hairy); subshrub to tree, apex) and/or leaves markedly discolorous not or only flowers variously hairy or glabrous, male flowers 4-mer- slightly asymmetrical ...... 108 ous, female with single stigma ...... 114 107. Flower-clusters sessile in axils of existing or fallen leaves; 114. Male buds conical-apiculate without dorsal appendages; leaves never discolorous, often markedly asymmetrical female and male flowers usually loosely arranged, flower- and sideways-curved ...... 113 bases ± visible, bracteoles conspicuous often equalling 108. Leaves markedly discolorous, with either dense silvery flowers; female perianth conical, not or only slightly later- adpressed hairs or white tomentum beneath . . . 109 ally flattened, unwinged, detaching from mature achene; 108. Leaves ± concolorous, greenish or drying brownish be- stigma usually > 2 mm long, persistent; leaves ± sym- neath ...... 110 metrical. — Widespread, excl. Philippines . . . . . 109. Lamina densely white-tomentose (or green, spreading- ...... [Pouzolzia sanguinea] hairy) beneath, with tangled fine hairs but never with 114. Male buds ovoid or globose, with distinct appendages; silvery sheen; broadly ovate or elliptic, mostly ≤ 1.5–2× female (often also male) flowers tightly congested, only as long as wide; margin with 15–20 large, distinct teeth; apical part visible, bracteoles usually inconspicuous at inflorescence-bearing axes paniculate with 2nd–4th- most half of flower length; female perianth usually later- order branching. — China; Japan; widely cultivated and ally flattened and often winged, adnate to mature achene; naturalised ...... 1. B. nivea stigma usually < 2 mm long; leaves asymmetrical or not 109. Lamina silvery-white beneath, with shiny-silky sheen ...... 115 due to dense adpressed long hairs in addition to short 115. Leaves markedly dimorphic, alternately ‘larger’ and ‘small- fine spreading hairs; narrowly elliptic or ovate, 2.5–3× as er’ along stem, with length of ‘larger’ lamina (3–)5–12× long as wide, margin with (20–)30 indistinct shallow teeth; that of ‘smaller’, conspicuously hairy above, often mark- inflorescence-bearing axes unbranched. — Himalayas edly asymmetrical ...... 116 ...... [Pouzolzia spp.] 115. Leaves scarcely or moderately dimorphic, with length of ‘larger’ lamina only 1.5–2.5× that of ‘smaller’ (or, if ≥ 3×, 110. Inflorescence-bearing axes unbranched; male flowers ab- then leaves glabrous above), outline not or slightly asym- sent or tepals without dorsal appendages . . . . 111 metrical, at most with oblique base ...... 118 110. Inflorescence-bearing axes, at least upper ones, branch­ 116. Leaf-pairs dimorphic only in size, lamina ± symmetrical; ed, often terminating leafy branches; male flowers, if fruiting perianth narrowly or broadly ellipsoid to obovoid present, with distinct dorsal appendage on each up to 0.4 mm broad, base often tapering and apex with- ...... 112 out distinct beak, markedly dorsiventrally flattened, with 111. Stems and inflorescence-bearing axes glabrous drying distinct marginal wing around relatively small swollen reddish, inflorescence-bearing axes entirely female (male part of achene which is situated in distal part of perianth, not present, not on long axes); stigma minute ≤ 1(–1.5) ± bilaterally symmetrical with central style. — Eastern mm; fruiting perianth markedly laterally flattened, with Himalayas; Burma; China; Thailand; Indochina; Indone- marginal rim or wing and < 1 mm long. — Southern India; sia ...... 117 C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 99

116. Leaf-pairs markedly dimorphic in both size and shape, 1. Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. — Fig. 1; Map 2, 3 lamina with two sides often markedly dissimilar; fruiting Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. (1830) 499. ― Urtica nivea L. (1753) 985. ― perianth broadly obovoid, up to 1 mm broad, only slightly Ramium niveum (L.) Kuntze (1891) 632. ― Type: Unknown collector in laterally flattened, achene filling proximal part of perianth Herb. Linn. 1111.19 (lecto LINN, selected by Ghafoor 1977: 18). – See below the inflated or flattened apex and usually markedly Note 1. asymmetrically swollen on one side with eccentric style Urtica candicans Burm.f. (1768) 197. ― Boehmeria candicans (Burm.f.) Hassk. on narrow side. — Philippines . . . 5. B. heterophylla (1844) 79. ― Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. var. candicans (Burm.f.) Wedd. (1869) 207. ― Type: Rumphius, Hortus Amboinensis 5: t. 79 (lectotype, 117. Leaf length 5× width; female flowers tightly congested, selected here). more than 100 in number, stigma 2–3 mm long; fruiting Urtica tenacissima Roxb. (1832) 590. ― Boehmeria tenacissima (Roxb.) Blume perianth markedly laterally flattened, with broad thin- (1857) 211, f. 56. ― Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. var. tenacissima (Roxb.) textured marginal wing. — North-eastern India . . . Miq. (1859) 253. ― Type: Roxburgh s.n. (holo BM; iso BR, G), cultivated ...... 6. B. manipurensis in Calcutta Botanic Gardens. – See Note 2. 117. Leaf length 2–4× width; female flowers loosely arranged, Boehmeria mollicoma Miq. in Zollinger (1854) 100, 104. ― Type: Zollinger 1454 (holo BO, n.v.), Indonesia, Jawa [Java]. – See Note 3. up to 60 in number; stigma 1–1.5 mm long; fruiting peri- Boehmeria compacta Blume (1857) 210. ― Type: Unknown collector (possibly anth only moderately laterally flattened, marginal wing Blume) s.n. (holo L), Indonesia, Jawa. thick-textured and often narrow. — Widespread, excl. Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. var. reticulata Blume (1857) 211. ― Syntypes: Philippines and Pacific ...... 8. B. clidemioides Blume & Sieber s.n. (L, several collections, presumed syntypes), Japan. 118. Adaxial leaf surface glabrous, smooth, leaves mostly fall- Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. var. concolor Makino (1909) 251. ― Boeh­ meria frutescens (Thunb.) Thunb. var. concolor (Makino) Nakai (1927) en from axils bearing flower-clusters; most ‘larger’ laminas 515. ― Boehmeria nipononivea Koidz. var. concolor (Makino) Ohwi (1953) on plant > 12 cm long ...... 119 441. ― Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. forma concolor (Makino) Kitam. in 118. Adaxial leaf surface hairy (leaves and axil various) 120 Kitamura & Murata (1962) 208. ― Syntypes: T. Makino s.n. (not traced), 119. Lateral veins similar in number and arrangement on Japan, Ryukyu Islands, Yamashiro Island, Takao; K. Ikeda s.n. (not traced), both sides of leaf; length of ‘larger’ leaf c. 2× width and Harima Prov., Mt Masui, 1902. Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. var. viridula Yamam. (1932) 50. ― Boeh­ 1.5–2.5× length of ‘smaller’ leaf; stipules short, broad, meria frutescens (Thunb.) Thunb. var. viridula (Yamam.) T.Suzuki (1936) thick-textured, c. 4 by 1.5 mm, length < 3× width. — Wide- 20. ― Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. forma viridula (Yamam.) Hatus. spread ...... 2. B. depauperata (1971) 234. ― Types: Yamamoto 542 (not traced), Taiwan, Kwarenko Pr., 119. Lateral veins markedly dissimilar in number and arrange­ Beisan; Suzuki 1168 (not traced), Taiwan, between Doba and Taiheizan, ment on either side of leaf; length of ‘larger’ leaf 3–3.5× 28 July 1928. width and c. 3× length of ‘smaller’ leaf; stipules longer Boehmeria nipononivea Koidz. (1941) 223. ― Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. subsp. nipononivea (Koidz.) Kitam. in Kitamura & Murata (1962) 208. ― (c. 8–2 mm) and thinner-textured. — Papua New Guin- Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. forma nipononivea (Koidz.) Hatus. (1971) ea ...... 2‘a’. B. sp. cf. depauperata 234. ― Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. var. nipononivea (Koidz.) W.T.Wang ...... (see 2. B. depauperata, Note 5) (1981a) 320. ― Type: No material cited or traced. 120. Fruiting perianth broadly ovate to obovate ± asymmetrical, Boehmeria thailandica Yahara (1981) 4. ― Type: Tagewa et al. 11233 (holo only c. 1 mm long, and almost as wide, often moderately KYO, seen as digital image), Thailand, Phiitsanulok. laterally flattened and several-angled but never winged; Shrub or subshrub, rarely robust herb, 1–4(–7) m tall; ultimate achene ± filling perianth, red-brown and slightly asym- branches robust, 3–4 mm diam, with abundant to dense hairs, metrical, with slightly eccentric stigma; hairs on stem and these short fine adpressed, or variable (0.1–≥ 0.5 mm long) fine leaves beneath minute, ≤ 0.1 mm long; marginal teeth or coarse spreading. Stipules linear-lanceolate, connate in prox- ≤ 1 mm long, their width 3–7× length ...... imal part or free to base, 5–12 by 1–2 mm. Leaves alternate, ...... 2. B. depauperata (Philippine form) not or scarcely dimorphic in size, broadly ovate to elliptic (rarely 120. Fruiting perianth narrowly ovoid to ellipsoid, 1–2 mm long, almost orbicular), very variable in size and proportions, 7–20 length c. 2× width (distinctly winged or not); achene vari- by 4–18 cm, length (1–)1.52(–3)× width; margin very coarsely ous but with centrally apical stigma; hairs on stem and dentate, dentate-serrate or crenate, teeth 14–20(–25) either leaves longer than above, often 0.5–1 mm long; marginal side, these larger on larger leaves (rather than more numerous) teeth longer than above and/or their width only 1.5–2× and therefore relatively few for size of lamina, ± uniform in size, length ...... 121 (2–)3–4 by 4–10 mm, or proximal ones progressively shorter 121. Fruiting perianth up to c. 1 mm long, ellipsoid, tapering into and less distinct; leaf apex usually with abruptly narrowing long narrow base and apex and laterally flattened to form long acumen (rarely broadly acute); base sometimes cordate, ± distinct thick-textured marginal wing around relatively usually truncate or broadly rounded but often abruptly narrowly small achene; leaves membranous or thin-chartaceous. cuneate at extreme base; basal veins extending into distal half — Widespread, excl. Philippines and Pacific . . . . or third of lamina, upper lateral veins (1–)2–3(–4) either side, ...... 8. B. clidemioides well-spaced with lowermost arising from proximal quarter or 121. Fruiting perianth c. 2 mm long, narrowly ovoid, not mark- near middle of lamina, inconspicuous on both sides of lamina or edly flattened nor winged; leaves thin-coriaceous. — Phil- finely prominent abaxially; coarser tertiary venation more or less ippines - Luzon ...... 4. B. beyeri scalariform, most visible abaxially; texture membranous or fairly thin-chartaceous; adaxial surface either glabrous, with sparse coarse cystoliths giving rough feel, or also with sparse hairs, Enumeration and description of taxa these fine, adpressed, ± 0.4 mm long; abaxial surface with or without shining white tomentum of long tangled hairs varying in With the methodology utilised in this revision it seems not pos- density from thick and obscuring coarser reticulation to thinner sible to draw formal conclusions about the closest affinities of and patchy with even fine reticulation visible; indumentum on each species. However, on the basis of gross morphology, most veins and, where tomentum is entirely absent, also on rest of species fall into one of several informal groups, while a few are abaxial surface, consisting of sparse to abundant spreading fine not closely similar to any other species. The following sequence hairs of varying lengths, usually longer on main veins, rarely best expresses these morphological relationships and these even young leaves soon glabrescent; petiole relatively long, relationships are clarified in the discussions under the species. often half of lamina length, (3–)6–11 cm. Flower-clusters partly axillary but most arranged along specialised and very slender 100 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

n j

h l b

m i k



g f d c Fig. 1 Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. a. Female branch; b. male branch; c, d. leaves of varying form; e. discolorous leaf, detail of abaxial surface; f. concolorous leaf, detail of abaxial surface; g. stipule; h. detail of male inflorescence-bearing axis with two flower-clusters; i. male bud; j, k. details of female inflorescence- bearing axes with (j) congested and (k) loosely arranged flower-clusters; l-n. fruiting perianths of different form (l and m from same plant) (a, f, k: Henry 12542, K; b, g-i: Suddee 968, K; c, e, j, n: Balansa 2508, K; d: Teijsmann s.n., L; l, m: Hansen 12748, K). — Scale bars: a-d = 2 cm; e-h, j, k = 2 mm; i, l–n = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 101 axes 3–10 cm long, arising as a pair from each axil, mostly tose, rough-hairy adaxially. Female inflorescence-bearing axes much-branched throughout length, often with 2nd–4th-order axillary dichotomously branched, with interrupted glomerules, branching, initial branches often partly dichotomous, succes- fruiting perianth ovoid white-hairy”. sive orders of branching shorter and final branchlets very short 4. “Boehmeria utilis Blume (1853) 483” – This name is cited < 1 cm long; flower-clusters mostly only on one side of axes; by both Blume (1857: 211) and Miquel (1859: 253) in synonymy bracts minute, broadly triangular, 0.5–1 by 0.3–0.5 mm; plants (under B. tenacissima and B. nivea var. tenacissima, respec- unisexual or with female inflorescence-bearing axes towards tively). The reference given is “Indisch Bij. (1853): 483 n. 4”, stem apex, male towards base, some axes with both male and but we have not been able to trace such a reference, nor have female clusters, male towards base; clusters small, 2–4 mm we been able to find the name in any other of Blume’s known diam, flowers in male clusters recorded as tinged pink, up to works which might have been cited incorrectly. 10, in female clusters greenish yellow, 10–30 densely crowded; 5. Boehmeria nivea is easily recognisable by its combination bracteoles inconspicuous, only up to 0.3 mm long. Male flowers of consistently alternate leaves which are often discolorous 4-merous, sessile, large, mature buds depressed-globose, 1.5 (indumentum tomentose, with hairs shining, white) and often mm diam, tepals without dorsal appendages, sparsely hairy broader than long and its very slender much-branched pedun- (hairs spreading). Female flowers narrowly ovoid, 0.5–0.8 by cles which are usually partly dichotomous, some branches 0.3 mm, with abundant coarse often hooked hairs; stigma often usually with 3rd or 4th-order branching giving a clearly panicu- minute, 0.3–1 mm. Fruiting perianth 1–1.5 by c. 0.6 mm, ovoid late appearance to the inflorescence architecture. Boehmeria or ellipsoid without beak, ± flattened, with marginal ridge and zollingeriana has branched (female) axes and sometimes often tapering to pedicel region up to 0.3 mm long; surface with some leaf-pairs alternate leaves but is so dissimilar in stems conspicuous long spreading hairs. glabrescent reddish, leaves with adaxial surface glabrescent, Distribution ― Presumed native to China, Indochina and shiny smooth, drying dark brownish black rather than green, Japan, but natural distribution difficult to ascertain. The species abaxial surface with inconspicuous adpressed hairs and male has been in cultivation for over 3000 years in China (see Note clusters axillary with long-pedicellate flowers, that the two would 7) and is now widely naturalised in the Old World as well as not be confused. being widely cultivated for fibre. 6. Boehmeria nivea is very variable in density of indumentum Habitat & Ecology ― Evergreen forests especially along on abaxial leaf surface, leaf-size, shape and proportions and streams; widely naturalised at forest margins, in ravines and in length of marginal teeth although teeth are always relatively thickets, along roadsides and in other disturbed areas, often few even on large leaves; stigma is very short but variable on limestone; 70–1700 m altitude. in length (in Japan and China mostly only 0.3–0.5 mm long; Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). It is impossible in Indochina, Thailand, Indonesia usually 0.5–1 mm long). now to establish the natural distribution of this common, widely Variants have often been recognised formally at the level of cultivated and naturalised species. species, variety or form, distinguished on characters such as Notes ― 1. The authority of B. nivea is normally cited as “(L.) size of leaves, shape of leaf base, length of acuminate apex, Gaud.” even though Gaudichaud cites Linnaeus’s U. nivea with density or presence or absence of white tomentum on abaxial only a quotation mark. Despite this expression of doubt we have leaf surface and stipules connate or free, but a range of inter- accepted that Gaudichaud in effect made a new combination. grading forms exists with all characters varying independently 2. The combination B. tenacissima, based on U. tenacissima, such that formal distinction is artificial. was apparently first made by Blume (1857) but he wrongly Walker (1976: 413) stated that it was not possible to define limits attributed it to Gaudichaud (1830: 500) where neither the com- between the varieties which had been formally described as pre- bination nor the epithet appear. Miquel (1859: 243) repeated sent on Ryukyu Islands and Weddell (1856: 391), in discussing the error. the variation, had earlier come to a similar conclusion. However, 3. The name B. mollicoma is tentatively placed in synonymy Yahara (1981: 4), while noting the widely varying density of here since its description conforms to this taxon: “young parts indumentum, formally distinguished those forms which entirely golden-hairy, leaves alternate with long petiole, acuminate, lack white tomentum as B. thailandica. He stated that they are fine-serrate, coriaceous, adult leaves glaucous grey tomen- distinctive also in unbranched habit, very thin-textured leaves

Map 2 Distribution of Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. (discolorous). 102 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

Map 3 Distribution of Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. (concolorous). and more extensively branched inflorescence-bearing axes fruiting perianth. When inflorescence-bearing axes are only often longer (rather than shorter) than petiole of subtending small and little-branched, concolorous forms can be confused leaf, and restricted to tropical dry evergreen forest, whereas with the widespread B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. macro­ discolorous forms occur in disturbed vegetation and dry soil. We stachya which differs in inflorescence-axis only branched near have seen similar thin-leaved concolorous material in China, base and with only 1st-order branching. and Japan (Ryukyu Islands), often with particularly 9. Discolorous forms would not be mistaken for other spe- narrow leaves (length up to 3× width), much narrower than cies of Boehmeria, but, when sterile, are frequently confused any seen in the white form, but the distinctions mentioned by with discolorous-leaved species in other genera of the tribe, Yahara do no hold up because we have observed sparsely especially Oreocnide frutescens (eastern and south-eastern white-tomentose forms also having thin-textured leaves and Asia), Debregeasia australis (Australia) and various species extensively branched inflorescence-bearing axes and occur- within Leucosyke once separated as Maoutia (Asia and the ring in undisturbed habitat, and similar concolorous material Pacific). Fertile material is easy to distinguish since all three sometimes occurring in disturbed or degraded forest. Therefore genera have a capitate stigma and inflorescence-bearing axes a formal distinction between strictly concolorous and sparsely strictly dichotomously branched, with all clusters at the apex discolorous forms cannot be maintained on grounds of either of branches rather than mostly laterally branched with clusters habitat or morphology. lateral as well as terminal on branches. Additionally, Oreocnide 7. Chen et al. (2003: 167) states that it is now widely culti- also has a conspicuous fleshy receptacle surrounding each vated in eastern Asia, especially China, where the history of fruiting perianth, and the leaves of O. frutescens are always cultivation can be traced back at least 3000 years. The species relatively narrow, sometimes obovate. Debregeasia australis was introduced to Europe and the Americas in the 18th century. has much more conspicuous leaf venation than B. nivea be- They suggest that B. nivea originated in eastern Asia and that cause the white tomentum is almost absent from veins, and the forms with white tomentum absent or very sparse may be the apex of its fruiting perianth opens with a ‘mouth-like’ slit rather original wild form. Our observation that entirely concolorous than being tightly constricted as normally seen in Boehmeria. forms seem to be restricted to eastern Asia and are mostly Leucosyke has a very short perianth not reaching the base of found in relatively undisturbed vegetation together with forms the stigma, often also thick-textured bullate leaves. However, with erratic patches of thin sparse tomentum, whereas forms sterile material of L. puya and related Pacific taxa can be with dense white or grey tomentum are mostly found in dis- impossible to distinguish with certainty, although their leaves turbed areas, supports this suggestion. However, since these have less clearly scalariform tertiary venation than B. nivea. sparsely tomentose forms have a wider distribution and wider Pipturus argenteus, also discolorous-leaved, is distinguished habitat-range and also grade into the clearly discolorous entity by stigmas long, straight and caducous, inflorescence-bearing via a continuous series of intermediate forms, it is not possible to axes solitary in axil and tomentum less bright white, consisting define and recognise formally this supposed naturally-occurring of extremely short hairs, this tomentum also present on male variety. As discussed above, separation of merely those forms and female flowers. with leaves entirely lacking white tomentum from similar and apparently also naturally-occurring but sparsely tomentose forms would be artificial and misleading. We therefore here treat 2. Boehmeria depauperata Wedd. ― Fig. 2; Map 4 the variation as one polymorphic taxon at the rank of species. Boehmeria depauperata Wedd. (1854) 202. ― Boehmeria malabarica Wedd. Nevertheless, a separate map of the completely concolorous (1856) 355, nom. illeg. superfl., Weddell cites B. depauperata in synonymy. variants has been provided (Map 3), since, even without being ― Boehmeria malabarica Wedd. var. depauperata (Wedd.) Wedd. (1856) able to include the full range of the putative original wild form, it 356. ― Type: Zollinger 977 (holo G; iso BM, K, U, Z), Indonesia, Jawa [Java]. shows clearly the restriction of these variants to eastern Asia. – See Note 1. Boehmeria glomerulifera Miq. in Zollinger (June 1854) 101, 104. ― Type: 8. Concolorous forms are sometimes mistaken for two con- Zollinger 977 (holo Z; iso BM, G, K, U), Indonesia, Jawa [Java], humid sistently opposite-leaved taxa. Boehmeria polystachya (Hima- woods near Tjikoya. – See Note 1. layas, China) is distinguished by tertiary leaf-veins more robust, Boehmeria subperforata Wedd. (1856) 383. ― Type: Gaudichaud s.n. in inflorescence-axis with only 2nd-order branching and a winged herb. Wallich s.n. (holo P; iso G, L), India. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 103

Boehmeria neglecta Blume (1857) 200. ― Boehmeria comosa Wedd. var. times slightly bullate; adaxial surface grey-green or glossy dark neglecta (Blume) Wedd. (1869) 206. ― Type: Blume s.n. (holo L; iso U), green in living state, glabrous (rarely occasional scattered hairs Indonesia, western Jawa [Java]. or (Philippines, Thailand) hairs more numerous, bulbous-based) Boehmeria monticola Blume (1857) 227. ― Type: Korthals s.n. (holo L; iso and with abundant but minute cystoliths and with hydathodes U), Indonesia, Sumatera [Sumatra], Myrapa. Boehmeria travancorica Bedd. (1873) 225. ― Syntypes: Beddome s.n. (K), often conspicuous; abaxial surface paler and with red-tinged India, Travancore Mts, southern Canara Ghats (male specimen); Beddome veins in living state, with hairs sparse, extremely short, fine, s.n. (not traced), Brumagherry Hills, Wynaad. spreading, restricted to veins or abundant on whole surface; Boehmeria ramiflora Bedd. (1873) t. 27, f. 2. ― Name in error on figure of petiole variable but often rather long, (0.1–)0.25–0.5× lamina B. travancorica, not Boehmeria ramiflora Jacq. length, up to 10 cm long. Flower-clusters partly in leaf axils on Pipturus mindanaensis Elmer (1910) 898. ― Type: Elmer 10520 (iso K, LE), upper part of stems but also along partly-leafless lower, often Philippines, Mindanao, Todaya. Boehmeria cypholophoides Merr. (1913) 368. ― Type: Wenzel 35 (iso A, woody part of stems and subtended only by a single bract, BM, F, G, L), Philippines, Leyte, Dagami, 20 May 1913. each branch usually entirely unisexual, less often both male Boehmeria klossii Ridl. (1920) 117. ― Type: Boden-Kloss 6903 (not traced), and female flowers occurring in same cluster; male clusters Thailand, Tasan, near boundary between Ranong and Chumporn. (3–)4–6(–10) mm diam, with 20–50 crowded flowers, mature Boehmeria glomerulifera Miq. var. leioclada W.T.Wang (1981a) 318. ― Boeh­ buds usually so densely congested as to appear a solid mass; meria malabarica Wedd. var. leioclada (W.T.Wang) W.T.Wang in Wang & female clusters 2–5(–8) mm diam, with (1–)10–30(–50) Chen (1995) 326. ― Type: Exp. compl. 7817 (holo PE), China, flowers; bracteoles often conspicuous and almost as long as Yunnan, Puwen, 17 Apr. 1957. Boehmeria leiophylla W.T.Wang (1981a) 318. ― Type: Exped. Luchun 275 flowers, broadly ovate, (0.5–)1 mm long. Male flowers 4-mer- (holo PE), China, Yunnan, Luchun. ous, subsessile or on pedicels 0.5(–1) mm long, mature buds Boehmeria oblongifolia W.T.Wang (1981a) 319. ― Type: H.Y. Liang 66619 ± globular or sometimes ovoid, 1–1.5 mm diam, tepals with long (holo IBK), China, Guangxi, Lungzhou, 30 Apr. 1974. flap-like dorsal appendages, densely adpressed-hairy. Female flowers c.1 by 0.3 mm, ± obovoid with short beak; stigma very Subshrub to small tree, evergreen, erect or ± scrambling, (0.5–) variable in length, (1–)1.3–3(–4) mm long. Fruiting perianth 1–8 m tall; ultimate stems fairly robust and often slightly zig- 0.8–1.2 by 0.6–1.2 mm, often as wide as long, broadly ovoid zagged between nodes, (1–)1.5–1.8 mm diam, indumentum or obovoid, often ± asymmetrical, several-angled and/or mod- very variable, some hairs dense or sparse, quite long (up to erately laterally flattened, always abruptly narrowed at apex, 0.2 mm), curved, half-adpressed or spreading, minute fine often only with minute apical teeth and without distinct beak, hairs (less than 0.1 mm long), spreading often also present, but sometimes with abrupt asymmetrical or symmetrical beak but stem often soon glabrescent. Stipules variably short and up to 0.5 mm long, sparsely hairy or glabrous. Achene 0.8 mm thick-textured to long, with broad hyaline margin, 4–7 by 1.5–2 long and wide, ± filling fruiting perianth, red-brown, slightly mm, hairy outside. Leaves opposite, subopposite or alternate, asymmetrical with slightly eccentric style. slightly dimorphic with ‘larger’ leaves 1.5–2.5(–3)× length of Distribution ― Widespread from the Indian subcontinent ‘smaller’, usually ± symmetrical (or sometimes outline of two (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh), Bhutan and Sri Lanka, eastwards sides slightly dissimilar), elliptic or elliptic-ovate, or sometimes to Burma, south-western China and in Indochina (Thailand, Viet­ obovate, with wide size range but usually fairly large, (7–)12–20 nam), Malaysia, Indonesia (Sumatera, Jawa, Borneo, Papua), by (2.5–)7–10 cm, length 2–2.5(–3)× width; ‘smaller’ leaves of Philippines and Papua New Guinea. similar shape; margin shallowly and broadly crenate-serrate, Habitat & Ecology ― Shade in the understory of moist ever­ teeth (15–)30–40 either side, short, broad, up to 1(–1.5) by green or mixed primary or secondary forest or forest edges, often 4.5 mm, width (3–)4–5× length (but sometimes progressively riverine, often calcareous rock, on banks of rivers and streams; less distinct or absent towards base or margin only indistinctly scrubland limestone at cliff base; 100–1700 m altitude. irregularly undulate throughout length); leaf apex gradually Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). The species attenuate-acuminate or with abrupt acumen, this long, ± un- is known from several hundred collections, and occurs in in- toothed, base broadly rounded to slightly cuneate; basal veins numerable locations and in a wide range of habitats, with an extending to middle of lamina or on one side slightly further, EOO of 1 656 800 km2. upper veins 2–3(–4) either side, similarly arranged or on one side one more (arising lower down) than on other side, lower- Notes ― 1. Boehmeria depauperata was independently most arising near middle of lamina, inconspicuous adaxially, described in the same year as B. glomerulifera and based on finely prominent abaxially; tertiary venation very finely prominent a different duplicate of the same collection. The exact month abaxially; texture thin- or thick-chartaceous and leaves some- of publication (and therefore priority) cannot be ascertained for

Map 4 Distribution of Boehmeria depauperata Wedd. 104 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013



f h


e i


j c k

Fig. 2 Boehmeria depauperata Wedd. a. Branch with axillary male flower-clusters (inflorescences); b, c. leaves; d. leaf, detail of adaxial surface and margin; e. stipule; f. part of stem with male flower-clusters (inflorescences); g. male bud; h, i. detail of glabrous (h) and densely hairy (i) stem and female flower-clusters (inflorescences); j, k. fruiting perianths of different form (from different plants) (a, f, g: Haines 1066, K; b–d: Tadong 250, BO; c, i, j: Eyma 2535, K; e, k: Balansa 2514, K; h: Hooker & Thompson s.n., K). — Scale bars: a-c = 2 cm; d-f, h, i = 2 mm; g, j, k = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 105 either name, but B. depauperata is maintained here to maintain and often short. Cypholophus is distinguished on its consist- consistency with our decision on exactly the same situation ently opposite leaves, tightly recurved style and fleshy fruiting within B. zollingeriana (see Note 1 under that species). perianth. 2. This species does not closely resemble any of the other 5. Boehmeria depauperata was not hitherto recorded from In- species with variably alternate to opposite leaves, axillary flower- donesian Papua or Papua New Guinea and only two collections clusters and eccentric style. It is distinctive within the genus in of certain identity have so far been seen (Indonesia, Papua, its thick, soon-woody stems often zigzag between nodes and Ramu Flusse, Jan. 1902, Schlechter 13868 (G); Papua New with leaves often fallen from most flowering axils except near Guinea, Central Dist., Sogeri plateau, 1 Oct. 1962, Schodde stem apex, its leaves often elliptic or slightly obovate rather 3137 (G). Another collection of uncertain identity has also than ovate, drying very greyish green mostly glabrescent, its been seen (Papua New Guinea, Bourawarri, Sayers in herb large male clusters closely-adpressed to stem with densely von Mueller s.n. (L)). It appears to be either a regional vari- congested flowers and its fruiting perianth broad, many-angled, ant of B. depauperata or a distinct but morphologically similar very smooth glabrescent with achene dark red-brown. species, differing in leaf proportions, venation and appearance 3. Boehmeria depauperata shows a wide variation in size, of male flower-clusters but the material is inadequate for a shape and indumentum of leaves, with some regional variation. formal description, lacking female flowers and with most of the Subshrubs less than 1.5 m tall (rather than shrubs or trees) ‘larger’ leaves being incomplete. It differs from B. depauperata with leaves oblong or oblong-ovate, greyish hairy abaxially, as follows: Stem hairs only c. 0.1 mm long, leaves markedly marginal teeth relatively large and a distinct fruiting perianth- dimorphic, length of ‘larger’ leaves 3–3.5× width and 3× that of beak were stated (Yahara 1981) to occur only in Malaysia, ‘smaller’ leaves; veins on two sides of leaf very dissimilar, on Indonesia (Jawa) and Thailand and in low altitude secondary one side all arising near apex, on the other with an additional rather than primary forest or at forest margins. Yahara regarded 2 arising lower down; petiole relatively short, c. 0.1–0.2× lamina these (which he considered to be B. glomerulifera (= B. depau­ length. Male clusters only c. 4 mm diam, not densely congested. perata s.str.) as distinct from the remaining variation, shrubs Female flowers not seen. or trees 2–4 m tall with leaves ovate or elliptic often sparsely long-hairy abaxially with less distinct teeth, fruiting perianth 3. Boehmeria didymogyne Wedd. — Fig. 3; Map 5 without beak, occurring in dense primary forest (which he rec- ognised as B. malabarica), an entity more widespread both in Boehmeria didymogyne Wedd. (1869) 204. ― Type: Parish s.n. (holo K; iso Thailand and Indonesia and extending to Himalaya. However, NY), Burma, Moulmein, 1862. collections seen especially from Thailand and Himalayas did Slender herb, up to 0.5 m tall; main stem leafless in lower part not show such clear correlation between greyish indumentum, with few branches near apex, ultimate branches c. 0.8 mm diam, tooth size and habitat, and many Himalayan (primary forest) glabrous or with indumentum of scattered fine soft long hairs, collections had leaves without greyish indumentum abaxially soon becoming thick (possibly fleshy) and glabrous. Stipules but large marginal teeth as in secondary forest material. The narrowly triangular, thin-chartaceous, 4–5 by 1.2 mm, glabrous collections were therefore not separable into two distinct groups or with hairs abaxially like the stem. Leaves alternate, mark- without intermediate material. Some of this variation may also edly dimorphic in size and somewhat in shape, with length of be habitat-induced. ‘larger’ leaves c. 3× that of ‘smaller’; ‘larger’ leaves ovate but Collections with leaves conspicuously hairy adaxially have only often slightly asymmetrical (outline of one half ovate, of other been seen from Thailand and Philippines, but Yahara (1981) half elliptic), medium-sized, 7–10 by 4–5 cm, length c. 2× width; does not mention this aspect of the variation. margin entire in proximal third or half, crenate-dentate distally 4. Boehmeria depauperata was hitherto not recorded from with (5–)10–15 teeth either side, these broad, conspicuous, the Philippines and material was described under two other 1.5–2.5 by 3–7 mm; leaf apex abruptly acuminate with single names, firstly as Pipturus mindanaensis with leaves hairy long tooth; base asymmetrically cuneate; basal veins running adaxially, and secondly as B. cypholophoides, a depauperate into margin beyond middle of lamina (on one side slightly specimen with very small leaves but otherwise conforming to further than other), upper lateral veins 1–2, arising near apex this taxon. The latter epithet highlights the similarity of this taxon but hardly distinguishable from coarser reticulation, visible to the genus Cypholophus in its clusters closely-adpressed to adaxially, fine-prominulous abaxially; texture membranous; the stem with densely congested flowers, and style eccentric surface smooth and glabrous adaxially or with occasional

Map 5 Distribution of Boehmeria didymogyne Wedd. (▲), B. helferi Blume (●) and B. manipurensis Friis & Wilmot-Dear (■). 106 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013




e f

a g i h Fig. 3 Boehmeria didymogyne Wedd. a. Habit; b. large leaf; c. leaf, detail of adaxial surface and margin; d. detail of abaxial surface; e. axillary male flower- cluster (inflorescence); f. male flower; g. axillary female inflorescence; h. female perianth and single stigma; i. female perianth and paired stigmas (all: Parish 400; K). — Scale bars: a = 2 cm; b = 1 cm; c, d = 5 mm; e–i = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 107 long fine hairs, similar hairs present and less sparse abaxially, 4. Boehmeria beyeri C.B.Rob. — Fig. 4a–d; Map 6 mostly restricted to veins; petiole very variable short or up to Boehmeria beyeri C.B.Rob. (1911) 309. ― Type: Beyer BS 13540 (iso K, half of lamina length, 1.5–5 cm, glabrous or sparsely hairy NY), Philippines, Luzon, Ifugao, Bila. like the leaf; ‘smaller’ leaves relatively broader, often acute at apex, often toothed nearer to base and usually with very short Shrub (habit and height not clear from the scarce material); petiole. Flower-clusters axillary, lower ones male or bisexual, ultimate stems 1.5–2 mm diam, with sparse or abundant short 2–4 mm diam, with c. 15–30 crowded flowers, upper ones adpressed and distinctly longer (0.5–1 mm) spreading hairs. female, of similar size or smaller with fewer flowers; bracteoles Stipules narrowly ovate, 7–8 by 1.5–2 mm, ± membranous, inconspicuous, up to 0.3 mm long, linear, oblong to obovate. pubescent outside. Leaves alternate, markedly dimorphic only Male flowers 3- (or 4-, according to Weddell)merous, subses- in petiole, ‘larger’ leaves with lamina length only up to 2.5× that sile, mature buds depressed-globose, c. 1 mm diam, tepals of ‘smaller’ but with petiole up to 10× as long, ‘larger’ leaves with prominent dorsal appendages and abundant conspicuous not markedly asymmetrical, narrowly ovate to narrowly elliptic, hooked hairs. Female perianth rather long, narrowly ovoid to medium, c. 9 by 3 cm; margin serrate with 30–40 large teeth ellipsoid, 1–1.2 by c. 0.6 mm, narrowing gradually or abruptly either side, up-curved (their upper margin slightly or markedly into markedly long beak up to 0.4 mm and up to c. half of flower concave), 1 mm long, 1.5–2 mm broad with width 1.5–2× length, apparently much-flattened (possibly feature of drying length; leaf apex short-acuminate only slightly sideways-curved; and/or pressing) with hairs abundant, fine, long, spreading; base asymmetrically cuneate to rounded; basal veins extending stigmas 1–2 (or stigma possibly bilobed), only 0.4–0.6 mm into distal third or half of lamina, upper lateral veins 2–3(–4) long. Mature achenes not seen. but hardly distinct from coarser tertiary veins, all arising in distal Distribution ― Burma. half or distal third of lamina, finely impressed adaxially, finely Habitat & Ecology ― Unknown, as there is no information on prominent abaxially; finer reticulation inconspicuous; texture the specimens and the exact locality is not known with sufficient thinly coriaceous and leaves distinctly shallow-bullate, both precision to obtain modern information. Since the known col- surfaces with abundant hairs, these long and spreading like lections are from near-coastal localities and the habit is slender on the stem; petiole very short relative to lamina, up to 1.2 cm with membranous leaves, it is presumed that the species occurs long, c. 0.1× length of lamina; ‘smaller’ leaves relatively broader, in coastal rainforest or other shaded habitats. subsessile. Flower-clusters axillary, male clusters large, 6–7 Conservation status ― Data Deficient (DD). Known from mm diam, with over 30 flowers, these fairly loosely arranged, only one locality (Moulmein) and two old collections (the type female clusters small, 2–3 mm diam, with less than 10 flowers; and 18 Oct. 1875, Kuntze 6274 (NY)). However, the area has bracteoles very conspicuous often almost enveloping flower undergone considerable conversion from natural habitats to buds, 1–1.5 mm long, with long hairs like on the stem. Male farmland and the species is probably at risk. flowers 4-merous, subsessile, mature buds globose, 1–1.5 mm diam, lobes with slight dorsal thickening and fine adpressed Note ― This species appears to be unique in the Old World pubescence. Female flowers 1–1.5 mm long; stigma c. 1.5 mm species of Boehmeria in its tendency to paired stigmas (sug- long. Fruiting perianth relatively large, 2 by 0.8 mm, narrowly gesting paired fused fruiting perianths as seen otherwise only ellipsoid tapering gradually into beak and with abundant long in the Central American endemic B. burgeriana (Wilmot-Dear hairs. Achene appears to be symmetrical, but more material is et al. 2003) and apparently 3-merous male flowers. It is also needed to ascertain this. distinctive in its axillary flower-clusters, slender habit and leaves Distribution ― Philippines (restricted to Luzon). which are alternate, membranous, glabrous or sparsely hairy Habitat & Ecology ― Roadside banks; no natural habitats adaxially, with conspicuous teeth only in distal part. It does not indicated, probably forest edges or scrub. Altitudinal range not closely resemble any other species of Boehmeria. known.

Map 6 Distribution of Boehmeria heterophylla Wedd. var. blumei (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (●) and B. beyeri C.B.Rob. (ä). 108 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

h f






k l

b a c d

Fig. 4 a–d: Boehmeria beyeri C.B.Rob. a. Part of stem showing leaves dimorphic in petiole length; b male flower; c. axillary female flower-cluster (inflo- rescence); d. female perianth. — e–j: Boehmeria heterophylla Wedd. var. heterophylla. e. Stem with alternate dimorphic leaves and axillary flower-clusters (inflorescences); f. detail of stem with fine adpressed indumentum; g. leaf with adpressed indumentum on adaxial surface; h. axillary female flower-cluster (inflorescence); i, j. fruiting perianths of different form (from same plant). — k–m: Boehmeria heterophylla var. blumei (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. k. Stem with subopposite dimorphic leaves; l. detail of stem with coarse and fine spreading indumentum; m. male flower in bud (a–d: Beyer 13540; e: Cuming 1561; f, h: Borbon 8866; g: Elmer 15627; i, j: Edano 19876; k, l: Cuming 731; m: PPI 11815; all K). — Scale bars: a, e, g, k = 2 cm; c, h = 2 mm; b, d, f, i, j, l, m = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 109

Conservation status ― Critically Endangered (CR). Only metrically rounded or slightly cuneate; basal veins extending to known from 4 collections from two localities in northwest Luzon middle of lamina or less (narrow side) or distal third (wide side) (Benguet, Bangue). Since the natural vegetation throughout of lamina, number of upper lateral veins 3–4 on wide side, 1–2 Luzon is seriously degraded, and indeed the entire Philippine on narrow side, all arising in distal 1/2 or 2/3 of lamina, finely Islands have lost more than 2/3 of their old-growth rainforest impressed adaxially, thinly prominent abaxially; tertiary vena- since the early 1900s, much of this in the last 20 years, and tion finely prominent abaxially; texture very thin-chartaceous or since the AOO is calculated as only 8 km2 we propose the IUCN slightly thicker and leaves somewhat bullate, adaxial surface category CR B2ab (severely fragmented species in a region with hairs abundant, adpressed or spreading (longer than on suffering severe and continuing habitat decline). stem); abaxial surface with hairs sparse or abundant, longer, more or less spreading; petiole short but variable relative to Note ― This species is very similar to B. heterophylla var. size of lamina, 0.1–0.3× lamina length, pubescent like stem, blumei in bullate leaves and indumentum, and might have been considered merely a variant of B. heterophylla with unusually sometimes also with longer spreading hairs; ‘smaller’ leaves symmetrical leaves but for the female clusters which are only relatively broader, rounded to broadly acute (rarely narrowly few-flowered and the markedly different ellipsoid fruiting peri- acute) and often subsessile with cordate base. Flower-clusters anth which tapers gradually into a beak rather than being either axillary, male clusters 2–4 mm diam, with flowers few or up apically inflated or flattened with an abrupt beak. Although only to 15(–20), not very densely congested, female clusters up to 4 collections have been seen, we consider that these three 5(–8) mm diam, with flowers 50–70(–more than 100) in number, correlated characters make it worthy of recognition at specific densely crowded; some clusters with both sexes; bracteoles level. From the appearance of the fruiting perianth the achene in male clusters conspicuous, up to 0.8(–2) by 1 mm, ovate is probably also symmetrical with a central rather than eccentric or obovate, rounded or acute at apex, pubescent like stem, style, which would be a significant difference. bracteoles in female clusters mostly inconspicuous linear-ellip­ tic, < 0.5 mm long. Male flowers 4-merous, subsessile or on pedicel up to 0.5 mm long, mature buds globose up to 1.3 mm 5. Boehmeria heterophylla Wedd. — Fig. 4e–l; Map 6, 7 diam, tepals with prominent dorsal appendage, pubescent Boehmeria heterophylla Wedd. (1856) 351, non Boehmeria heterophylla like the leaves. Female flowers mostly subsessile but in larger (Wedd.) Blume (1857), nom. illeg. (see Note 1 under var. blumei). ― Type: clusters sometimes grouped into highly reduced cymes with Cuming 1561 (iso BM, G, K, M, P), Philippines, Luzon, Manila. peduncle and pedicels lengthening in fruit, overall length of Small subshrub or shrub, 0.5–2(–4) m tall, rather juicy; ulti- peduncle becoming up to 2 mm long; perianth narrowly ovoid, mate branches slender, up to 1 mm diam, with abundant hairs, 1 by 0.3–0.4 mm, often flattened towards apex; stigma 1–3 mm these either ± adpressed, fine, uniform, straight and up to long, extremely slender. Fruiting perianth 1–1.8 by 0.6–1 mm, 0.2 mm long or a mixture of two kinds, usually spreading, some broad or narrow, very variable in shape often even in one very short (0.2 mm long), others much longer (0.4 mm long), cluster, ± oblong in outline or ovoid, (slightly or) markedly asym- stems sometimes later glabrescent. Stipules lanceolate, long- metrical, achene occupying only basal half, base ± narrowly acuminate, membranous, ((in specimens from Mindanao only) rounded, distal part either inflated to markedly dorsiventrally 3–)6–9 by (1–)1.5–2 mm. Leaves alternate or subopposite, flattened giving winged or shouldered appearance, ± without dimorphic in size and relative width, often also in shape with beak (2-toothed) or else narrowed into abrupt long beak up to the ‘larger’ ones (at least those on main stems) 3–10× as 0.3× total length. Achene 0.7–1 by c. 0.4–1 mm, obovoid slightly large as the ‘smaller’; larger leaves (slightly or) usually mark- laterally flattened but usually markedly asymmetrical, swollen edly asymmetrical (outline of one side ovate, of other elliptic) on one side in apical part and with style slightly asymmetrically and sometimes slightly sideways-curved at apex, narrowly inserted, yellowish, with sometimes tuberculate surface. ovate or linear-lanceolate (rarely ± obovate), medium or large, Distribution ― Indonesia (restricted to Sulawesi), Philippines (6–)8–16 by 1.4–4 cm, length 2.5–5(–6)× width; margin with (Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Panay), Papua New Guinea (West (15–)25–40 teeth either side, these broad, relatively shallow, Sepik, Milne Bay). acute or rounded, 1–3(–4) mm long, 2–5(–7) mm broad; leaf Habitat & Ecology ― Secondary forest, evergreen forest apex short-acuminate or attenuate-long acuminate; base asym- margins; 200–1100 m altitude.

Map 7 Distribution of Boehmeria heterophylla Wedd. var. heterophylla. 110 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

Conservation status ― Near Threatened (NT). The species sparsely hairy adaxially and minute pubescence abaxially, and is known from c. a hundred collections, but most of them are stigma with unusually long hairs giving a ‘bottle brush’ appear- more than 50 years old and as discussed under B. beyeri, ance. In other respects it conforms to B. heterophylla and the Philippines have been subject to severe and continuing is therefore included here. degra­dation of their natural habitats. The three widely scattered records from outside the Philippines make the figure for EOO Key to varieties (355 398 km2) rather misleading. The AOO is calculated as less than 500 km2. Although it appears to occur in too many 1. Hairs on stem short (up to 0.2 mm), fine, adpressed, uniform; localities to qualify formally for Endangered status it is probably leaves clearly alternate, thin-chartaceous, relatively narrow under threat. Of the two varieties, var. blumei, almost entirely (length (3–)4–7× width), marginal teeth with concave upper restricted to Luzon, is probably the more endangered. margin ...... a. var. heterophylla 1. Hairs on stem of two distinct kinds, minute, < 0.1 mm long, Notes ― 1. Boehmeria heterophylla was hitherto thought to spreading and longer (c. 0.5 mm long), curved; leaves often be a Philippine endemic and the few records from Indonesia subopposite, often thicker-textured and/or bullate or rela- (one from Sulawesi, two from the island of New Guinea) sug- tively broader (length 2.5–4.5× width), marginal teeth with gest that it is under-collected. convex upper margin ...... b. var. blumei 2. This and B. beyeri form a distinct small group mainly or entirely found in the Philippines, unique among the Old a. var. heterophylla — Fig. 4e–j; Map 7 World taxa in having a combination of consistently alternate Boehmeria cumingiana Blume (1857) 199. ― Type: Cuming 1561 (holo L; to subopposite (rather than variable or consistently opposite) iso G, M, P), Philippines. – See Note 1. arrangement of leaves and simple axillary flower-clusters. Boehmeria heterophylla is distinguished from B. beyeri by its Ultimate stems slender, up to 1 mm diam, with abundant hairs, markedly asymmetrical and dimorphic leaves, female clusters these fine, adpressed or half-adpressed, straight, up to 0.2 mm many-flowered and fruiting perianth apically inflated or with long, sometimes later glabrescent. Leaves alternate, the ‘larger’ abrupt beak rather than gradually tapering to beak. ones 3–10× length of ‘smaller’ ones; ‘larger’ leaves slightly or 3. It can be confused with the widespread Pouzolzia san­ markedly asymmetrical, narrowly ovate or linear-lanceolate, guinea (sympatric in Indonesia) which sometimes has flower- (6–)8–16 by 1.4–4 cm, length (3–)4–5(–6)× width; margin clusters large and densely congested and appears superficially with up to 35 teeth either side, these acute, broad, shallow, rather similar. Leaves in P. sanguinea are not markedly asym- 1–2(–3) by 2–3(–6) mm, with their upper margin concave, metrical but the only consistent gross morphological distinctions base asymmetrically rounded or slightly cuneate; texture very are the male tepals without dorsal appendage and the conical, thin-chartaceous, adaxial surface with hairs abundant, more only slightly laterally flattened, bilaterally symmetrical fruiting or less adpressed, longer than on stem, abaxial surface with perianth with several longitudinal ribs. Boehmeria heterophylla hairs sparse or abundant longer, more or less spreading; pe- can also be confused with B. clidemioides which differs in tiole short but variable relative to size of lamina, 0.1–0.3× leaves dimorphic only in size and not markedly asymmetrical, lamina length, pubescent like stem, sometimes also with longer and fruiting perianth markedly laterally flattened with a distinct spreading hairs. Female flower-clusters up to 5 mm diam, with wing, often symmetrical. 50-70(-100) densely crowded flowers; bracteoles up to 0.8 mm 4. The two varieties here recognised were hitherto consid- long, rounded. Male flowers sessile. Stigma 1–1.4 mm long, ered as separate species, and at the extremes of the variation extremely slender. Fruiting perianth 1–1.2 by c. 0.6 mm. Achene (as represented by the respective type collections) they do look 0.7–1 by c. 0.4–0.6 mm, (excluding apical stylar projection). very different, var. blumei having two markedly different lengths Distribution ― Philippines (Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Pa­ of indumentum on the stem, relatively broader thicker bullate nay), Indonesia (Papua), Papua New Guinea. leaves, marginal teeth longer and mostly relatively broader with Habitat & Ecology ― Margins of evergreen forest adjoining convex rather than concave upper margin; stipules also seem riverine forest; secondary forest; 200–500 m altitude. to be often longer-persistent. However, there is overlap with Notes ― 1. The holotype of B. cumingiana belongs to the var. heterophylla in leaf proportions and in tooth size and shape same collection as B. heterophylla but represents a different and considerable variation in leaf texture; many collections are duplicate. difficult to assign to either entity, being somewhat intermedi- 2. This variety is very variable in leaf shape. See under the ate in indumentum with the two sizes of hair only moderately species for discussion of differences from var. blumei. different (longer indumentum only 0.2 mm long) or with most 3. There is some regional variation. In Mindanao, as well characters as in var. heterophylla but leaves subopposite. There as more ‘typical’ material, small-leaved collections have been also appears to be little difference in flower and fruiting perianth, seen with stipules short and relatively broad, acute rather than except the tendency to larger female clusters and sometimes acuminate (length only 3× rather than 4× width). In Mindoro, the tuberculate achene surface in var. blumei. It therefore seems only 3 collections seen differ in young fruiting perianth having better to recognise these two entities only as varieties. They apparently a long and narrow achene nearly as long as the are only partly sympatric, var. blumei being apparently less fruiting perianth, and a broad marginal winged region as well widespread in the Philippines and absent from the island of as an apical winged region. However, the fruiting perianths of New Guinea but also recorded from Sulawesi (see above). It these specimens are too immature to determine its adult form, is unfortunate that there is very little habitat information for var. and as the material vegetatively falls within the above range blumei, to ascertain whether the variation may be correlated of variation and is therefore included here. with habitat differences. 5. Type material of the following name is intermediate be- tween the two varieties. b. var. blumei (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. & stat. nov. — Fig. 4k, l; Map 6 Boehmeria villosa C.B.Rob. (1911) 3. ― Type: Fenix BS 3754 (holo PNH n.v.; iso BO, NY), Philippines, Batan Islands, Basionym: Boehmeria blumei Wedd. in A. de Candolle (ed), Prodromus sys- Santo Domingo de Basco. tematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, vol. 16, 1 (1869) 204. ― Margarocarpus heterophyllus Wedd. (1854) 204. ― Boehmeria heterophylla (Wedd.) Blume One collection from Luzon (Ramos BS 13580, BM. K, L) has (1857) 204, nom. illeg., non Wedd. (1856). ― Type: Cuming 731 (holo L; narrowly obovate (rather than ovate) cuneate leaves only iso BM, G, K), Philippines. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 111

Ultimate stems 1.5–2 mm diam, with mixed indumentum, some margin convex; base ± cuneate; texture fairly thin-chartaceous hairs sparse or abundant, short (< 0.1 mm long) spreading but leaves often somewhat bullate, with abundant spreading or half-adpressed, others distinctly longer (c. 0.5 mm long), hairs like the stem or longer both sides or hairs half-adpressed spreading, usually sparser. Leaves alternate or subopposite, adaxially; petiole very short c. 0.1× lamina length. Female ‘larger’ leaves 5–9× length of ‘smaller’ but on some lateral flower-clusters sometimes (especially on main stem) very large, shoots of similar size; ‘larger’ leaves asymmetrical, narrowly up to 8 mm diam, with more than 100 flowers; bracteoles up to ovate, 8–13 by 2.5–5 cm, length 2.5–4(–4.5)× width; margin 2 mm long, usually acute. Male flowers often clearly pedicellate. with up to 40 teeth either side, these rounded or acute, slightly Stigma 1–3 mm long. Fruiting perianth 1–1.8 by 0.5–1 mm. broader than long (1–)2–3(–4) by 2–5(–7) mm, with their upper Achene 0.8–1 by 0.4–1 mm, often with tuberculate surface.







Fig. 5 Boehmeria manipurensis Friis & Wilmot-Dear. a. Upper part of stem of fruiting female plant with axillary flower-clusters (inflorescences); b. leaf; c. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; d. detail of abaxial surface; e. axillary female flower-cluster (inflorescence); f–h. fruiting perianths of different form (f, g from same plant); i. fruit with perianth removed (a–g, i: Mee­ c d bold 6253; h: McClelland s.n.; all K). — Scale bars: a = 2 cm; b = 5 mm; c, d, f–h = 1 mm; e = 2 mm; i = 0.5 mm. b 112 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

Distribution ― Indonesia (Sulawesi), Philippines (Luzon, Min- Conservation status ― Data Deficient (DD). The conserva- danao). tion status was discussed by Wilmot-Dear et al. (2010). The Habitat & Ecology ― Secondary forest; 250–1100 m altitude. species is only known from one single collection made in 1907, and it is presumed to be rare and local, but no conclusions can Notes ― 1. Weddell (1856: 352) refers to the type collection be drawn as to habitat or conservation status from the minimal of this entity in a footnote under his new species B. heterophylla, label data. The region from which the species has been re- regarding it as “a variety of B. heterophylla” but not formally corded is remote and under-collected and has still large areas transferring it from Margarocarpus to Boehmeria. Therefore his of undisturbed vegetation. new name B. heterophylla (1856) (for a different entity with a dif- ferent type collection), is valid, even though his Margarocarpus Notes ― 1. This species, which is only known from its type, heterophyllus, also validly published, antedates it. Blume (1857) is distinctive in its combination of alternate small narrow thick- formally transfered the epithet of Margarocarpus heterophyllus textured markedly dimorphic leaves and very large axillary to Boehmeria, creating an illegitimate later homonym which is female clusters with tightly congested pedicellate (often also corrected by Weddell (1869) with a new epithet. The facts that pedunculate) flowers and long stigmas. Most Old World taxa both type specimens of these closely-related entities have the have opposite leaves and flowers on long leafless axes, and same collector and that at some point they have each been flower-clusters are rarely so large or tightly packed. The material given the same species epithet, create many possibilities for was hitherto misidentified as Pouzolzia sanguinea var. fulgens, confusion. probably due to the distinctive leaf characters mentioned above, 2. For differences from var. heterophylla and discussion of which are similar to those of that taxon. its distribution see under the species. 2. In habit it is reminiscent of the Philippine B. heterophylla 3. This variety is more similar than var. heterophylla to which also has dense sessile clusters and alternate markedly B. beyeri in leaf texture and indumentum. dimorphic sometimes thick-textured leaves (differing in be- ing markedly asymmetrical with hairs spreading rather than adpressed abaxially, not sufficiently dense as to obscure the 6. Boehmeria manipurensis Friis & Wilmot-Dear — Fig. 5; surface); however, B. heterophylla has a very dissimilar fruit- Map 5 ing perianth, sessile, round-based, inflated to dorsiventrally Boehmeria manipurensis Friis & Wilmot-Dear in Wilmot-Dear et al. (2010) flattened in the distal part giving a ‘shouldered’ appearance 438. ― Type: Meebold 6253 (holo K), India, Manipur, Irang River, Nov. 1907. (rather than having a distinct marginal wing surrounding a central thickened part) and often entirely without a beak; the Subshrub (habit and height not clear from scarce material); ulti­ achene occupies only the basal half of the fruiting perianth and mate branches slender, c. 0.7 mm diam, with hairs abundant, is markedly asymmetrical, apically swollen on one side with the short, fine, adpressed. Stipules not seen. Leaves alternate, style asymmetrically inserted. markedly dimorphic in size and moderately so in shape with 3. Boehmeria manipurensis could be confused with depau- ‘larger’ leaves (2–)5–10× length of ‘smaller’ ones, linear-elliptic perate material of the often alternate-leaved B. clidemioides and slightly sideways-curved, relatively small c. 5 × 1 cm, (sympatric but widespread) where the diagnostic partly-leafless length c. 5× width; margin sharply serrate with 15–20 teeth short lateral inflorescence-bearing axes of the latter are miss- either side, these up-curved, c. 1 by 3 mm; leaf apex gradu- ing; B. clidemioides has a similar fruiting perianth but with a ally attenuate; base narrowly cuneate; basal veins extending narrower thicker-textured wing and usually sessile; vegetatively into distal half of lamina and arching and joining upper lateral it is very variable but its leaves are never coriaceous and are veins, upper lateral veins slightly dissimilarly arranged on either also usually relatively broader and less markedly dimorphic side, 2–3 either side but scarcely distinct from coarser tertiary with at least some of the ‘larger’ leaves on a stem petiolate. veins especially on one half, lowest arising near middle of lamina, lateral veins and coarser reticulation deeply impressed 7. Boehmeria helferi Blume — Fig. 6; Map 5 adaxially, fine but prominent abaxially; texture thin-coriaceous and leaves slightly bullate, adaxial surface with sparse or Boehmeria helferi Blume (1857) 201. ― Type: Helfer 4585 (holo W; iso CAL, abundant hairs, a mixture of coarse adpressed and sparser, K), Burma, Tenasserim, 13 May 1838. longer, finer, spreading; abaxial surface with hairs dense, Subshrub (height not clear from the scarce material); ultimate adpressed or half-adpressed, ± obscuring surface; ‘smaller’ branches 1–1.5 mm diam, with sparse inconspicuous ad- leaves very variable in size relative to adjacent ‘larger’ leaves, pressed hairs, soon robust and glabrous. Stipules broadly or sometimes resembling ‘larger’ ones but relatively broader, narrowly triangular, 4–8 by 1.5–2 mm, thin-chartaceous with or sometimes reduced almost to being bractiform, only 2–3 scattered hairs outside. Leaves opposite, dimorphic in peti- mm long; all leaves subsessile. Flower-clusters axillary, only ole length (‘larger’ petiole at least 2× length of ‘smaller’) and female clusters seen, large, 5–8 mm diam, with well over 100 sometimes slightly in lamina size, all leaves broadly ovate, sym- flowers, these very densely congested forming almost a solid metrical, 5–10 by 3.5–6 cm, length (1.4–)1.8× width, margin mass; flowers pedicellate and often borne on 2–3-branched deeply serrate with 15–25 teeth, these acute, up-curved, 3–4 peduncles; bracteoles inconspicuous less than half of flower by 3–4 mm; leaf apex abruptly acuminate consisting of one long length. Stigma relatively long, 2–3 mm. Fruiting perianth small tooth with 1–2 lateral teeth at base; base rounded and slightly and narrow, 1–1.2 by 0.3–0.5 mm, spindle-shaped or obovoid cordate; basal veins extending slightly into distal half or to distal to ovoid (varying even on one plant) with short (c. 0.1 mm third, upper lateral veins c. 2 each side, similarly arranged but long) apical beak, always greatly laterally flattened with central hardly distinct from coarser tertiary venation, lowermost arising part thickened only in distal half or third and surrounded by a near or below middle of lamina, inconspicuous adaxially, finely marginal wing, this broad, thin-textured; at base long tapering prominulous abaxially; texture very thin-chartaceous, adaxial flattened and winged running into the winged pedicel; sparsely surface with sparse fine inconspicuous adpressed hairs; abaxial hairy near apex, hairs adpressed. Achene narrowly obovoid, surface with longer hairs and also minute and often spreading 0.5–0.7 by 0.3–0.4 mm, yellow-brown. hairs; petiole long compared to lamina length, on ‘larger’ leaf Distribution ― India (only known from south-western Mani­ often almost equalling lamina, 3–8 cm long. Flower-clusters pur). axillary, large, 4–5 mm diam, with more than 50 flowers, these Habitat & Ecology ― No details certain. Presumably mon- densely crowded, all flowers female or clusters with a few male tane forest habitats. ones; bracteoles narrowly elliptic to obovate, ± acute, ≤ 0.3 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 113



e f

Fig. 6 Boehmeria helferi Blume. a. Upper part of stem showing axil- lary flower-clusters (inflorescences); b. leaf; c. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; d. detail of abaxial surface; e. stipule; f. pair of axillary bisexual flower-clusters (inflorescences); g, h. female perianths of different form (from same plant) (a–e, g, h: Helfer 4585; f: Helfer 125; all K). — Scale a c d bars: a = 2 cm; b = 1 cm; c-e, g, h = 1 mm; f = 2 mm. b

Male flowers 4-merous, depressed-globose, mature buds large, Note ― A species of very restricted distribution unique c. 1.8 mm diam, with slight dorsal thickening and sparse ad- among the Old World taxa in its combination of opposite leaves pressed hairs. Female flowers ellipsoid to or ovoid with short and axillary flower-clusters. Its leaves which are large, broad beak, 0.8–1 by c. 0.5 mm, slightly laterally flattened; stigma and deeply-up-curved-toothed are rather similar to smaller long, 1.5–2 mm. Fruiting perianth very small, c. 1 by 0.5 mm, forms of B. japonica (which differs in marginal teeth progres- ovoid to ellipsoid, moderately flattened and with slight marginal sively markedly larger towards leaf apex) and also similar to wing and broad beak. Achene ± filling fruiting perianth, fawn. some forms of B. clidemioides. Both these taxa differ from it Distribution ― India (West Bengal), Burma (Tenasserim). in inflorescence architecture, flower-clusters being borne in Habitat & Ecology ― No details in original description, pre- B. japonica on specialised leafless axes and in B. clidemioides sumably coastal rainforest. mostly on short lateral axes which are partly-leafless. Conservation status ― Critically Endangered (CR). The spe- cies is known from only two collections, both from the 1830s, 8. Boehmeria clidemioides Miq. — Fig. 7; Map 8, 9 the type (from Tenasserim in Burma) and a collection from India, West Bengal, Kolkota [Calcutta], 1836–1838, Helfer 125 Boehmeria clidemioides Miq. (1851) 34. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don (K). Since these two collections are from localities far apart, var. clidemioides (Miq.) Wedd. (1856) 366. ― Type: Junghuhn s.n. (holo L; iso A, CAL), Indonesia, Jawa [Java], Mt Merapi. both regions where major habitat loss has occurred (one being Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. cinerascens Hook.f. (1888) 579. ― Syn- within the urban expansion of Kolkota), and the AOO is only types: Booth s.n. (K), India, Arunachal Pradesh, Duphla Hills; Wallich 4591 2 8 km , we propose the IUCN category Critically Endangered (K-WALL), Nepal, 1821. – See Note 6. CR 2Bab(iii). 114 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

i g c



j l



e k a

Fig. 7 a–e: Boehmeria clidemioides Miq. var. clidemioides. a. Part of stem showing pair of partly-leafless inflorescence-bearing axes with flower-clusters (inflorescences); b, c. leaves; d. stipule; e. flattened winged fruiting perianth. — f–k: Boehmeria clidemioides var. diffusa (Wedd.) Handel-Mazzetti. f. Habit of stem showing axillary, partly-leafless inflorescence-bearing axes with flower-clusters (inflorescences); g. leaf; h. part of male inflorescence-bearing axis with two flower-clusters (inflorescences); i. male flower; j. part of female inflorescence-bearing axis with two flower-clusters (inflorescences); k. unwinged fruiting perianth. — l: Boehmeria clidemioides var. umbrosa Hand.-Mazz. Leaf (a: Henry 12795; b, d: Hancock 375; c: Faber 431; e, h, i: Ferguson s.n; g, k: Henry 2924; j: Forrest 15885; h: Wilson 5157; all K). — Scale bars: a–c, g, l = 1 cm; d, h, j = 2 mm; e, i, k = 1 mm; f = 2 cm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 115

Herb to shrub; woody-based, erect and few-branched or pros- Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). The species is trate and ascending, laxly branched, 0.4–3 m tall; ultimate known from at least 400 collections, many of which are recent, branches fairly slender, up to 1 mm diam, with fine hairs, these and occurs in innumerable locations, and in a wide range of sparse short (c. 0.2 mm long) and adpressed or conspicuous habitats, with an EOO of 8 165 970 km2. long (up to 1 mm) and spreading. Stipules narrowly triangular, Notes ― 1. This species is distinctive in the presence of acuminate, 3–5 by 1 mm, pubescent outside on midrib. Leaves lateral flowering branches which are almost leafless, often short, opposite, subopposite or alternate, (mostly alternate in var. dif­ with a small tuft of leaves at their apex, occasional specimens fusa), usually markedly dimorphic (opposite leaves sometimes having been seen with most flowering axes lacking apical isomorphic) with both lamina and petiole of ‘larger’ leaf 2–5× leaves. (Boehmeria holosericea occasionally has an apical tuft length of ‘smaller’ lamina and relatively narrower but otherwise of leaves on its male axes, but does not otherwise resemble of similar shape, ± symmetrical, narrowly linear-ovate, ovate, B. clidemioides, having large broad ± cordate leaves with teeth ovate-elliptic or rhombic-ovate, rarely broadly ovate to almost outward-pointing often rounded and male axes branched.) In orbicular, very variable in size and proportions (3–)4–16(–19) this character B. clidemioides is reminiscent of the New World × by (1.5–)3–7(–12) cm, length (1.1–)2–4 width; margin up- species B. cylindrica, the only other species where tufts of curved-serrate or dentate, size and number of teeth very leaves at the end of the flowering axes are usual. Boehmeria variable, mostly 15–30(–35) either side, ± uniform in size, clidemioides can also often be recognised by leaves being (1–)4(–7) by 3–5(–7) mm, but in broader-leaved variants subopposite or variably ± opposite and distinctly alternate on sometimes few (5–15) and markedly larger and increasingly a single stem (this character is especially useful when apical up-curved towards apex, up to 15 mm long; leaf apex ranging leaf-tufts are lacking). from abruptly acuminate or caudate, with a single long tooth 2. Boehmeria clidemioides is extremely variable in texture, and 1–2 smaller lateral teeth to deeply laciniate with several size and shape of the lamina and in size and proportions of its long teeth giving irregularly bilobed or trilobed appearance; marginal teeth, also in density of the inflorescence architecture base symmetrical or slightly oblique, narrowly rounded or and shape of fruiting perianth, especially the relative width of the short-cuneate; basal veins extending to middle of lamina, up- marginal wing. There is some correlation between characters per lateral veins 1–3 either side, lowermost arising at or below and geographical distribution. middle of lamina, finely impressed adaxially, finely prominent Pedunculate and pedicellate female flowers, correlated with abaxially; tertiary venation often visible both sides; texture fruiting perianth markedly pale near base and markedly dark membranous to thin- or (some small-leaved forms) thick- in middle region, have only been seen in a few collections from chartaceous, leaves sometimes slightly bullate; both surfaces the eastern Himalayas. with sparse or abundant hairs, these adpressed or spreading, fine, very long (≥ 0.5 mm), cystoliths prominent adaxially; petiole In China flower-clusters are rarely contiguous and leaves at the very variable in length compared to lamina, 0.1–0.3(–0.5)× apex of flowering axes are usually well-developed; in China and lamina length. Flower-clusters partly axillary on main stems and Himalayas leaves are rarely thick-textured; in Indochina, Thai- partly well-spaced or almost contiguous along modified lateral land and Indonesia most leaves are narrow, length 3–4× width. branches which are short or fairly long, 5–15 cm long, partly or In China three taxa can be recognised, with most collections almost entirely leafless, mostly erect, unbranched or laterally falling within one or other of two distinct and apparently common branched and with a tuft of crowded very small leaves at apex entities with only a few intermediate individuals impossible to (rarely most of these modified axes lacking any apical leaves), assign to either. Var. clidemioides is an erect shrub with (few or sometimes the axis returning to vegetative growth with well- or many) lateral branches mostly much shorter than main stem spaced normal sized leaves; axes often with both unisexual with flower-clusters mainly in lower part which is often entirely and bisexual clusters; male clusters 1.5–2 mm diam, with leafless, leaves medium-sized often relatively broad, almost 20–30(–40) crowded flowers, female clusters 2.5–6 mm diam, all opposite. It appears to be restricted to southern China. Var. with flowers 20– more than 50 in number, loosely arranged; in diffusa is a herb or shrub, much-branched often straggling (pros- larger clusters flowers sometimes borne in groups of 2–3 along trate and ascending), with lateral branches of similar length to main stem bearing flower-clusters and scattered leaves along minute flattened peduncles up to 1 mm long and/or individual most of their length, leaves being mainly alternate (sometimes flowers on pedicels up to 1 mm long; bracteoles inconspicuous, some lower ones opposite), often small and usually narrow; half of mature flower length. Male flowers 4-merous, sessile, it is more widespread, occurring also further north in China. mature buds globose, 0.6–1.2 mm diam, each lobe with fairly distinct dorsal thickening, adpressed or spreading-hairy. Female Outside China this distinction becomes obscured; some collec- flowers with stigma rather variable in length, 1–1.5(–2) mm tions in the eastern Himalayas and Burma conform to each long, sometimes hooked. Fruiting perianth 0.8–1.5 by 0.3–0.5 of these two entities and a few collections in Indochina and mm, rather variable in shape, ellipsoid-ovoid gradually tapering Thailand conform to the typical variety but most material to apex, often also to base, without distinct beak (rarely with outside China consists of a range of intermediates in which short abrupt beak), with short pale hairs especially near apex, the character-states vary independently. Yahara (1981: 11) markedly dorsiventrally flattened along margins or in distal observed habitat differences between the two entities in Thai- half, the flattening giving rise to an indistinct marginal rim or a land and recognised them as species, with B. clidemioides fairly distinct thick wide marginal and sometimes apical wing. s.str. restricted to more moist habitat especially along streams, Achenes tuberculate or smooth. B. diffusa abundant in the dry inland region at the edges of dry Distribution ― Widespread from eastern Himalayas (north- evergreen forest and in somewhat disturbed areas, which may eastern India, Nepal, Bhutan) to Burma, Thailand, , Viet- account for its wider distribution in China. nam, China, and south to Malaysia and Indonesia mostly west In China the typical form also grades via a range of intermedi- of Wallace’s line (Sumatera, Jawa, Nusa Tenggara [Lesser ates into var. umbrosa, a form which at the extreme of its vari- Sunda Islands]). ation is very distinctive in leaf characters. Its leaf is broader, Habitat & Ecology ― Very varied; dry or moist primary ever­ often almost orbicular apart from its long apical tooth, irregularly green forest, moist slopes and ravines, margins, deciduous deeply cleft at apex or truncate with several long teeth; marginal forest with bamboo, secondary forest and forest edges and teeth are fewer, and gradually markedly larger towards leaf paths, scrubland, exposed cliff tops; 200–2600 m altitude. apex, the largest at least 10 mm long. This range of variation 116 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013 parallels that seen in some forms of B. japonica such that Key to varieties specimens of var. umbrosa where inflorescence-bearing axes mostly lack conspicuous apical tufts of leaves can be confused 1. Leaf apex deeply 2–3-lobed–laciniate; marginal teeth pro­ with B. japonica. gressively markedly larger, increasingly up-curved and rela- 3. Opposite-leaved specimens ± conforming to var. clide­ tively narrower towards apex, distal ones 3–5× length of proximal ones. — China ...... c. var. umbrosa mioides with apical leaves lacking from most inflorescence- 1. Leaf apex long-acuminate; teeth not or only slightly larger bearing axes can be confused with thin-leaved forms of either towards apex. — Widespread ...... 2 B. japonica or B. virgata subsp. macrophylla (especially var. scabrella which has short inflorescence-axes), or, where 2. Leaves opposite, main stems erect, often woody; lateral flower- flower-clusters are particularly crowded, with B. pilosiuscula. bearing branches mostly much shorter than main stem, These taxa are distinguished from B. clidemioides as follows: almost or entirely leafless in lower part a. var. clidemioides Boehmeria japonica usually has leaves much less dimorphic in 2. Leaves alternate, plant ± herbaceous, laxly branched often size, length of ‘larger’ less than 2× that of ‘smaller.’ Leaf apex prostrate and ascending; lateral flower-bearing branches in B. virgata subsp. macrophylla rarely consists only of a single of similar length to main stem, often with scattered leaves long tooth and is never laciniate and the broader-leaved forms throughout length ...... b. var. diffusa of B. clidemioides which would be confused with it tend to have leaves with marginal teeth increasingly long and up-curved a. var. clidemioides — Fig. 7a–e; Map 8 towards leaf apex rather than uniform (see further discussion Boehmeria sidaefolia Wedd. (1854) 203. ― Type: Not traced. under B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. scabrella). Boehmeria Boehmeria clidemioides Miq. var. platyphylloides Yahara (1981) 11, syn. pilosiuscula differs from B. clidemioides in its spreading stem nov. ― Type: Shimizu et al. 20469 (holo KYO; photo K), northern Thailand, indumentum of two distinct kinds, leaves often markedly asym- Chiang Mai, Doi Chang. – See Note 2. metrical and in its fruiting perianth obconical-truncate, flattened Herb or robust shrub, woody-based erect (few–)many-branched, near apex but without a true wing. 0.4–3 m tall; lateral branches much shorter than main stems, 4. Alternate-leaved specimens of B. clidemioides can be 5–10(–15) cm, mostly unbranched with few or no leaves in difficult to distinguish from B. heterophylla, which differs in lower part subtending the well-spaced or crowded flower- leaves markedly dimorphic in shape as well as size and mark- clusters. Leaves opposite or subopposite, rarely alternate edly asymmetrical, fruiting perianth not markedly flattened with near branch apex, ovate to elliptic-ovate or rhombic-ovate, stigma often slightly eccentric and the achene ± filling the lower medium, (4.5–)6–16(–19) by (2–)2.5–7(–12) cm, proportions part of the perianth (rather than surrounded by a distinct wing) very variable, length (1.3–)2–2.5(–4)× width; marginal teeth and with stigma eccentrically located. (10–)15–30(–35) either side, uniform or slightly larger and in- 5. Alternate-leaved specimens can be difficult to distinguish creasingly up-curved near leaf apex, 4(–7) by 5(–7) mm, width from Pouzolzia sanguinea var. sanguinea, which is distinguish- (1–)1.5–2(–3)× length; leaf apex acuminate to caudate; base able as follows: male flowers larger, mature buds conical, narrowly rounded to short-cuneate. Stigma often short, 1–1.5 c. 1 mm diam, tepals without dorsal appendage, stigma usually mm long. Fruiting perianth up to 1.5 mm long, length often 3× longer (usually at least 2 mm long, rather than usually up to 1.5 width, wing distinct. Achene smooth. mm), flowers less tightly congested, most clusters bisexual; its Distribution ― Widespread from eastern Himalayas (north- fruiting perianth detaches easily from the shiny mature achene; eastern India, Nepal) to Burma, Thailand, Vietnam. leaves are thicker with coarser tertiary venation more robust Habitat & Ecology ― Forest, mostly moist places and near ± scalariform (rather than all venation reticulate) and their hairs streams; 1000–2500 m altitude. are more conspicuous and adpressed. Notes ― 1. See general discussion of variation under the 6. Material intermediate between var. clidemioides and var. species. Leaves are rarely over 8 cm and often less than 6 cm diffusa includes the type of B. platyphylla var. cinerascens. This long, often relatively broader than in var. diffusa or with marginal is cited above under the species. teeth more numerous; lateral branches mostly short and con-

Map 8 Distribution of Boehmeria clidemioides Miq. var. clidemioides (●) and B. clidemioides Miq. var. umbrosa Hand.-Mazz. (ä). C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 117 spicuously leafless in lower part. Said to be edible, according which of the preserved material of B. diffusa Weddell considered to Poilane 4259. to represent the typical variety, and we have seen no material 2. Var. platyphylloides, distinguished on branched stems, annotated by Weddell with varietal names; we have therefore larger leaves, longer acumen and smaller teeth, is here reduced decided to list the varietal names other than var. diffusa under to synonymy since there is a continuous range of intermediates names of uncertain identity, rather than sinking them into syn- with the typical variety. Yahara himself noted the existence of onymy of var. diffusa. We have seen six collections which we intermediate forms. believe are syntypes of B. diffusa: J.D. Hooker s.n. (K), India, Khasia; J.D. Hooker s.n. (K), Sikkim; J.D. Hooker s.n. (K), Ne- pal; Griffith s.n. (K), Mishmi; MacClelland s.n. (K), Pegu and b. var. diffusa (Wedd.) Hand.-Mazz. — Fig. 7f–k; Map 9 Rangoon; J.D. Hooker s.n. in Herb. Hooker & Thomson (K), Boehmeria clidemioides Miq. var. diffusa (Wedd.) Hand.-Mazz. (1929) 152. ― eastern Nepal, Jambing River, 3000 ft. For taxonomic precision Boehmeria diffusa Wedd. (1856) 356. ― Boehmeria comosa Wedd. (1869) we have chosen the latter collection as lectotype. 205, nom. superfl. illeg., based on Boehmeria diffusa Wedd. ― Type: J.D. 2. Variation is discussed fully under the species as a whole; Hooker s.n. in Herb. Hooker & Thomson (lecto K, selected here), eastern leaves are mostly alternate and generally smaller and nar- Nepal, Jambing River, 3000 ft. – See Note 1. Boehmeria maugereti H.Lév. & Vaniot in Léveillé (1907) 144. ― Syntypes: rower than in typical variety, often less than 6 cm, rarely over Bodinier 1715 (E), China, Guizhou, Mont du Collège, July 1897; L. Martin 8 cm long, with teeth fairly large and relatively narrow; lateral 1715 (P, n.v.), China, Gan-pin, 20 Aug. 1897. branches longer and more lax with scattered leaves; stigma Boehmeria thorelii Gagnep. (1928) 127. ― Type: Thorel 2379 (holo P), Laos. 1.5–2 mm long, mostly longer than in typical variety. Herb, laxly branched, often prostrate and ascending up to 1.5 m, rooting at nodes; lateral branches often branched, 5–15 cm c. var. umbrosa Hand.-Mazz. — Fig. 7l; Map 8 long with clusters, especially female, often so crowded as to be Boehmeria clidemioides Miq. var. umbrosa Hand.-Mazz. (1929) 152. ― almost contiguous, some subtended by leaves. Leaves mostly Boehmeria umbrosa (Hand.-Mazz.) W.T.Wang (1981a) 324. ― Syntypes: alternate (sometimes some lower ones opposite), ovate to ellip- Handel-Mazzetti 9340 (not traced), China, north-western Yunnan, Taran, tic-ovate, (3–)4–8(–16) by (1.5–)2–3(–6.5) cm, length (1.75–) 5 July 1916; Maire s.n. (W), China, Dschenfung-schan; Wilson in Veich 2–3.5(–4)× width; marginal teeth 7–20(–30) either side, rela- Exped. 5157 (K), China, Mt Omei. tively narrow, 1–4 by 1.5–4 mm, width 0.75–1.5(–3)× length; Boehmeria bicuspis C.J.Chen in W.T.Wang & C.J.Chen (1979) 109. ― Type: T.S. Ying & D.Y. Hong 575 (holo PE), China, Tibet, I-Kung, 15 July 1965. leaf apex as in typical variety; base usually short-cuneate. Boehmeria pseudotricuspis W.T.Wang (1981a) 324. ― Type: C.W. Wang Stigma 1.5–2 mm long, extremely slender. Fruiting perianth up 85419 (holo KH, not traced; iso PE), China, Yunnan, Xichou, 7 Dec. 1939. to c. 1 mm long, with length usually c. 2× width, often scarcely flattened and with marginal rim rather than wing. Achene usu- Perennial herb, unbranched or few-branched, up to c. 1 m tall. ally tuberculate. Leaves all or mostly alternate, often almost orbicular apart from Distribution ― Widespread from eastern Himalayas (north- long terminal tooth, medium, (5–)7–15 cm long, length 1.1–1.5× eastern India, Nepal) to Burma, Thailand, China. width; marginal teeth few, 5–10(–15), relatively narrow, near Habitat & Ecology ― Forest margins, thickets, open sunny leaf base 3–5 mm long and wide, gradually markedly longer slopes and dry disturbed areas; 200–2400 m altitude. towards leaf apex, those near apex 10–25 mm long, length Conservation status ― See under the species. 1.5–5× width; either apex irregularly deeply bilobed, deeply trilobed or deeply laciniate with a long apical tooth terminating Notes ― 1. When Weddell (1856) created his three varieties one lobe or inserted between two lobes, or apex truncate, with under B. diffusa (var. hirta Wedd. 1856: 356, var. strigosa several almost equal long apical teeth 0.3–1.5× lamina length; Wedd. 1856: 357 and var. canescens Wedd. 1856: 357), he base short-cuneate. Inflorescence-bearing axes usually un- also created the autonym var. diffusa, which was transferred branched, clusters well-spaced. Stigma 1.5–2 mm long. Fruiting to B. clidemioides by Handel-Mazzetti (1929). We are not sure perianth up to c. 1 mm long, with length usually c. 2× width.

Map 9 Distribution of Boehmeria clidemioides Miq. var. diffusa (Wedd.) Hand.- Mazz. (●) and intermediates between var. clidimioides and var. diffusa (ä). 118 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013


d h c


f e a

Fig. 8 a–c: Boehmeria zollingeriana Wedd. var. zollingeriana. a. Habit of plant with female inflorescence-bearing axes; b. leaf; c. winged fruiting perianth. — d–h: Boehmeria zollingeriana var. podocarpa (W.T.Wang) W.T.Wang & C.J.Chen. d. Habit of plant with axillary male flower-clusters (inflorescences) on main stem and branched inflorescence-bearing axes with female clusters (inflorescences); e. detail of stem with stipule and pair of male flower-clusters (inflores- cences), flowers pedicellate; f. male bud; g. detail of female axis with three flower-clusters (inflorescences); h. unwinged fruiting perianth (a: Winit 1422; b, c: Henry 12541A; d–f: Ford 33; g, h: Collett 922; all K). — Scale bars: a = 5 cm; b, d = 2 cm; c, f, h = 1 mm; e, g = 2 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 119

Distribution ― Scattered distribution in southern China. extremely sparse adpressed hairs only on veins; petiole of Habitat & Ecology ― Forest, mostly shady moist places and ‘larger’ leaf variable with respect to leaf-size but relatively short near streams; 1100–2600 m altitude. 0.1–0.25× lamina length, relatively even shorter on ‘smaller’, glabrous or sparsely hairy like the stem. Male flower-clusters Note ― This variety can be confused with B. japonica (see simple axillary, up to 15 mm diam, sessile with 5–30 flowers, discussion under the species as a whole). A range of intermedi- these loosely arranged, long-pedicellate; female clusters borne ates with the typical variety exists (discussed above under the along ± leafless axes (occasionally with 1–2 pairs of leaves in species), sometimes with leaves of various forms on one plant. lower half, these much smaller and narrower than main-stem leaves and often alternate), axes terminal and 1 per axil in upper 9. Boehmeria zollingeriana Wedd. — Fig. 8; Map 10, 11 axils, glabrous or very sparsely spreading-hairy, drying red- brown, 20–40 cm long, sometimes pendulous and unbranched, Boehmeria zollingeriana Wedd. (1854) 201. ― Type: Zollinger 2765 (holo P; iso BO, G, U), Indonesia, Jawa [Java], Bandowosso Prov., Warmagen. more often erect and robust (sometimes pendulous towards Boehmeria diversiflora Miq. in Zollinger (1854 June) 101, 104 ― Type: apex) with basal third or half of main axis often naked (i.e., no Zollinger 2765 (iso BO, G, U), Indonesia, Jawa [Java], Bandowosso Prov., flower-clusters or leaves present), much-branched in upper “ad rupes prope Warringin”. – See Note 1. half with lateral branches often equalling main axis and often 1-branched again, these ultimate branches also long; bracts Shrub, sometimes scrambling, 3(–4) m tall; ultimate branches minute, inconspicuous, < 1 mm long; clusters well-spaced, slender, up to 0.5 mm diam, glabrous or sometimes hairy, hairs 2–more than 10 mm apart, in flowering state small, up to 3 sparse fine weak ± spreading; drying often red-brown. Stipules mm diam, with 10–30 flowers, densely congested; bracteoles lanceolate, 7–11(–15) by 1–1.5(–3) mm, fairly thick-textured. narrowly linear-oblong, sometimes conspicuous, 0.5–1 mm Leaves opposite (but often subopposite or alternate close to long. Male flowers 5–6-merous with a conspicuous pedicel apex, especially those just below terminal inflorescence-bearing 5–8 mm long, mature buds depressed-globose, c. 2 mm diam, axes), not or moderately dimorphic with length of ‘larger’ leaves with conspicuous dorsal thickening on each lobe, glabrescent up to 2× that of ‘smaller’ and ‘larger’ leaves often also relatively or with very sparse hairs near apex, these very fine. Female wider, symmetrical or with apex slightly sideways-curved, ovate flowers up to 0.5 mm long, stigma variable in length but often to narrowly ovate (to deltate), small to large 7–19 by 2–14 cm, minute, curved, 0.5–1(–1.5) mm. Fruiting perianth only 0.5–1 length 1.3–4× width; margin crenate or bluntly, rarely (China) by 0.4–0.8 mm, broadly obovoid or ellipsoid with minute beak, sharply, serrate, teeth relatively few ether side, 8–20(–30), markedly dorsiventrally flattened with marginal rim or distinct distinct, 0.5–2(–4) by 4–11 mm, becoming indistinct or absent thick-textured marginal wing, with inconspicuous hairs, these in proximal quarter of lamina; leaf apex gradually long-attenuate very sparse, short, fine; achene filling most of fruiting perianth. to indistinctly long-acuminate or abruptly short-acuminate; Distribution ― South-eastern India and from Burma to south- base rounded to slightly cuneate, truncate or slightly cordate, western China (including Taiwan), Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, usually slightly asymmetrical; basal veins extending to middle Indonesia (Jawa) and Philippines (Luzon). of lamina or on adaxial side sometimes into distal third, up- Habitat & Ecology ― Evergreen and deciduous forest, mari­ per lateral veins 2–4(–5) either side, on abaxial side usually time forest and open shrubby areas; sea level–1400 m altitude. arising slightly lower, lowermost often arising in proximal third Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). The species is of lamina, these and coarser ± scalariform tertiary venation known from at least 200 collections, many of which are recent, (especially veins arising between basal vein and margin) often and it occurs in many widely scattered location, and in a wide fine-prominent abaxially; texture very thin-chartaceous, rarely range of habitats, with an EOO of 6 683 520 km2. thicker and leaves slightly bullate, drying dark brownish black, lighter brown below, adaxial surface usually glabrous and Notes ― 1. Boehmeria zollingeriana was independently des- ± shiny, rarely (Thailand) with an occasional minute adpressed cribed in the same year as B. diversiflora and based on a dif- single hair in centre of some areoles, abaxial surface with ferent duplicate of the same collection; the exact month of publi-

Map 10 Distribution of Boehmeria zollingeriana Wedd. var. zollingeriana. 120 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013 cation (and therefore priority) of both names cannot be ascer- female axes generally shorter (up to 25 cm), much-branched tained but B. zollingeriana is maintained here as it is the name and erect (except for pendulous tip) with clusters often absent in current use. from lower quarter or half of axis. At the extremes of their range 2. This species is normally easily recognisable. It is unique of variation the two varieties look very different, but forms impos- in the genus in having male and female clusters very differ- sible to assign to either variety, with leaves shallowly crenate ently arranged, female on specialised leafless axes, male ones as in var. podocarpa but of intermediate length and proportion simple axillary; male flowers are also unique in the Old World have been seen from Indochina, Philippines and Jawa. Yahara in being 5–6-merous (rather than 4-merous) and in pedicels (1981: 13) noted this variation in leaf proportions and margin being many times longer than in any other species. Axillary in Thai material. In Taiwan var. podocarpa sometimes has fine clusters of pedicels usually remain long after male flowers weak hairs on young stems and petioles; the glabrous more have fallen and are good distinguishing character from all other widespread forms were recognised by Chen et al. (2003) as species even in fruiting specimens. Its glabrous appearance var. blinii (H.Lév.) C.J.Chen, but indumentum in Taiwan ranges in most parts, stems and inflorescence-axes drying red-brown, from (rarely) abundant to sparse to ± absent and no formal inflorescence-bearing axes long but robust, erect, ± branched, distinction is possible. the fruiting perianth often very small and broad and leaves 6. Leaves of var. podocarpa are rather like those of the partly ± glabrous, shiny, usually with rounded base, are also useful sympatric B. hamiltoniana in shape but drying dark brownish distinguishing characters. black rather than green, usually shinier, never membranous and 3. Boehmeria leptostachya which was hitherto confused with sometimes thick-chartaceous and upper veins are more numer- this species, has similarly red-tinged stems, petioles and axes ous spaced throughout length rather than only in distal half. but differs markedly in its male flowers ± sessile and borne along 7. Var. podocarpa is easily distinguishable from most other the slender leafless bisexual axes and in its leaves ± elliptic, species of Boehmeria (even when the diagnostic male clusters abundantly minute-hairy adaxially with basal veins extending are absent) by leaves narrow, attenuate, ± glabrous, rather nearer to lamina apex and lowermost lateral veins arising nearer shiny with relatively numerous lateral veins throughout length apex. and female axes much-branched erect with a long naked lower 4. Specimens consisting only of the apical part of a branch portion. Var. zollingeriana is less distinctive with its broader, and therefore lacking the distinctive axillary male clusters can acuminate leaves with lateral veins fewer, often all in distal half be mistaken for B. virgata subsp. virgata var. virgata (sympatric of lamina, and female inflorescence-bearing axes often pen- only in Jawa) whose wide range of variation in leaf shape, dulous, unbranched or few-branched, and has been confused -texture and indumentum overlaps. However, B. virgata never with broader cordate forms of the widespread B. virgata subsp. has alternate leaves even in the upper part of stems. macrophylla, which, however, has leaves dentate rather than 5. Two varieties are recognised, partly sympatric (Burma, crenate always with inconspicuous hairs adaxially (rather than China, Thailand and Indonesia (Jawa)). Var. zollingeriana is shiny ± glabrous or with occasional scattered hairs), and the also known from southern India (from only one collection, sug- stem is hairy at least near its apex. gesting that it is under-collected) and occurs in both forest and 8. Var. podocarpa is also often vegetatively somewhat similar more open habitat. It has leaves broadly ovate to deltate with to Pouzolzia sanguinea var. sanguinea, and can be misidentified relatively long, rounded teeth, female axis with clusters through- when flowers and fruiting perianths are absent. Pouzolzia san­ out length, often unbranched and very long (up to 40 cm), guinea differs in flower-clusters all similarly arranged, mostly ± pendulous. Var. podocarpa is also known from Taiwan and axillary and often bisexual; male flowers are subsessile and the Philippines and appears to be restricted to forest; it has female flowers are large (0.8–1.3 mm diam) with stigma often leaves narrowly ovate, with shallow, sometimes acute teeth, very long (1.5–5 mm); the fruiting perianth is large (1.5–2 mm diam), ribbed but not flattened or winged.

Key to varieties

1. At least lower leaves broadly ovate or deltate-truncate with length only up to 1.4× width and apex abruptly short-acumi- nate; female inflorescence-bearing axes often pendulous, (20–)30–40 cm long, with clusters throughout most of length, few-branched or sometimes entirely unbranched ...... a. var. zollingeriana 1. All leaves narrowly ovate with length more than 2× width, apex gradually long-attenuate; female inflorescence-bearing axes much branched and erect, 20–25 cm, with clusters often absent from lower quarter or half of axis ...... b. var. podocarpa

a. var. zollingeriana — Fig. 8a–c; Map 10 Boehmeria heteroidea Blume (1857) 216. ― Type: Helfer s.n. (holo L; iso W), Himalaya. Boehmeria heteroidea Blume var. latifolia Gagnep. (1929) 844. ― Boehmeria zollingeriana Wedd. var. latifolia (Gagnep.) T.H.Nguyên (2003) 210. ― Syn- types: Pierre 4808 (P; isosyn NY), Vietnam, [Cochinchina], Monts Dinh, Baria; Kerr s.n. (n.v.), Thailand, Doi Sutep. Stem and petioles glabrous. Leaves broadly ovate or deltate, Map 11 Distribution of Boehmeria zollingeriana Wedd. var. podocarpa medium or large, 14–19 by 9.5–14 cm, length 1.3–1.4× width; (W.T.Wang) W.T.Wang & C.J.Chen (●) and intermediates between var. margin always crenate, teeth c. 2 by 8 mm; leaf apex with zollingeriana and var. podocarpa (ä). abrupt short acumen; base rounded to truncate or cordate; C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 121 upper lateral veins usually only 2–3, lowermost often arising base and only discernible in distal 2/3 of margin, up to 0.7 by near middle of lamina, coarser scalariform tertiary veins often 5–8 mm; leaf apex short-attenuate to indistinctly or abruptly conspicuous ± prominent abaxially. Male clusters often with short-acuminate; base slightly asymmetrically short-cuneate; only 5–10 flowers. Female inflorescence-axes often pendu- basal veins extending to distal third of lamina or on adaxial side lous, without robust naked basal region, (20–)30–40 cm, often almost to tip, upper lateral veins 2(–3), lowermost on adaxial unbranched or few-branched. side arising near middle of lamina, on adaxial side in distal Distribution ― Throughout the range of the species exclud- third, slender inconspicuous adaxially, fine-prominent abaxially, ing Taiwan and the Philippines. coarser tertiary venation ± scalariform fine-prominent abaxially; Habitat & Ecology ― Deciduous or evergreen forest or open texture membranous or very thin-chartaceous, both surfaces areas with shrubs and stunted trees, including beach forest, green when living but drying consistently dark brownish black often on limestone; sea level–1100 m altitude. adaxially and lighter brown abaxially with especially veins red- Note ― See under the species as a whole. tinged, adaxial surface ± shiny (said to be sticky when live: Yahara 1981) with sparse hairs, these minute (< 0.2 mm long), b. var. podocarpa (W.T.Wang) W.T.Wang & C.J.Chen — Fig. adpressed; abaxial surface with sparse hairs even smaller, finer, 8d–h; Map 11 often ± spreading; petiole hairy as lamina, drying red-tinged, in ‘larger’ leaves relatively long, 0.3–0.5× lamina length, in Boehmeria zollingeriana Wedd. var. podocarpa (W.T.Wang) W.T.Wang & ‘smaller’ leaves much shorter (often only 0.1× lamina length). C.J.Chen in Chen et al. (2003) 168. ― Boehmeria blinii H.Lév. var. podo- Flower-clusters borne along leafless axes, these ± pendulous carpa W.T.Wang (1981a) 323. ― Type: Masamune 827 (not traced), Tai- wan, Xindien, 19 June 1930. very slender, 10–50 cm long, unbranched; bracts minute, in- Boehmeria blinii H.Lév. (1913) 551. ― Boehmeria wattersii (Hance) B.L.Shih conspicuous, 1–1.5 by 1-1.5 mm; clusters well-spaced, 2–more & Yuen P.Yang var. blinii (H.Lév.) B.L.Shih & Yuen P.Yang (1998) 151. than 5 mm apart, most clusters with both sexes, clusters small, ― Boehmeria zollingeriana Wedd. var. blinii (H.Lév.) C.J.Chen in Chen et 1.5–2 mm diam, with up to 10(–15) flowers; bracteoles minute al. (2003) 168. ― Type: Esquirol 940 (holo P, not traced), China, Guizhou, inconspicuous. Male flowers 4-merous; pedicels up to 0.5 mm Potchang, Aug. 1908. long, mature buds depressed-globose, 1.2–1.5 mm diam, with Boehmeria wattersii (Hance) B.L.Shih & Yuen P.Yang (1998) 150. ― Pilea conspicuous dorsal thickening on each lobe and sparse fine wattersii Hance (1885) 327. ― Type: Watters in herb Hance 22296 (holo BM, photo K), Taiwan, Tam Sui, Apr. 1882. hairs like leaves. Female flowers up to 0.5 mm long, stigma often minute, down curved, 0.3–1.5 mm long. Fruiting perianth Stem and petioles sometimes hairy, hairs sparse (to abundant), only 0.7–0.9 by 0.5–0.7 mm, very broadly ovoid or ellipsoid with fine, weak. Leaves narrowly ovate, small to medium, 7–15 minute beak, markedly dorsiventrally flattened with marginal by 2–4.5 cm, length 2.2–4× width; margin crenate or bluntly ridge or narrow thick-textured wing, sparsely hairy, hairs short, (China rarely sharply) serrate, teeth 0.5–1 by c. 4 mm; leaf ± spreading. Achene filling most of fruiting perianth. apex gradually long-attenuate to indistinctly long-acuminate; Distribution ― Southern China, southern Thailand, Indone- base rounded to slightly cuneate or slightly cordate; upper sia (Sumatera). lateral veins often prominent, mostly 4–5 at least on abaxial Habitat & Ecology ― Evergreen forest on clay or shale, often side, lowermost always arising in lower quarter to third so that in damp places along stream banks; 500–900 m altitude. lateral veins are spaced ± throughout leaf, coarser scalariform Conservation status ― Vulnerable (VU). The conservation tertiary veins not markedly prominent. Male flower-clusters with status was assessed by Wilmot-Dear et al. (2010: 443). It has 20–30 flowers; female inflorescence-bearing axes erect and been collected so seldom that it is believed to be uncommon often robust in basal part, pendulous only near apex, 20–25 and vulnerable to extinction if habitat conversion continues. cm long, much-branched, lateral branches often once-branched again, but main axis with a long basal region (up to 0.5× total axis length) which is unbranched and naked (i.e., without nodes bearing clusters). Distribution ― Burma, southern China (including Taiwan), northern Thailand, Indonesia (Jawa), Philippines (Luzon). Habitat & Ecology ― Forest, especially dense montane forest, sometimes on exposed rocky outcrops within forest; (100–)300–1400 m altitude. Note ― See under the species as a whole.

10. Boehmeria leptostachya Friis & Wilmot-Dear — Fig. 9; Map 12

Boehmeria leptostachya Friis & Wilmot-Dear in Wilmot-Dear et al. (2010) 441. ― Type: Geesink et al. 7428 (holo K; iso AAU, BKF, L, S), Thailand, Peninsula, Ranong, Khao Pawta Luang Keow, 22 June 1974. Boehmeria erythropoda sensu Yahara (1981) 15, non Miq. – See Note 1. Shrub, 2–4 m tall; ultimate branches 1–15 mm diam, glabrous drying red-brown. Stipules lanceolate 4–7 by 1–1.5 mm, rather thick-textured. Leaves opposite, very variably slightly or moderately dimorphic in size, with length of ‘larger’ leaves 1.3–1.7(–2.7)× ‘smaller’, ± symmetrical or with abaxial side slightly broader than adaxial, most leaves on most branches elliptic, often a few elliptic-ovate, medium to large, ‘larger’ 13–18 by 5–7 cm, length 2.1–2.8× width; margin shallowly and broadly crenate to bluntly serrate, with 30–35 teeth either visible throughout length or progressively shallower towards Map 12 Distribution of Boehmeria leptostachya Friis & Wilmot-Dear. 122 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013


j i






d b

Fig. 9 Boehmeria leptostachya Friis & Wilmot-Dear. a. Part of stem with opposite leaf-pairs and bisexual inflorescence-bearing axes; b. detail of leaf margin; c. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; d. detail of abaxial surface; e. stipule; f. detail of inflorescence-bearing axis showing two bisexual flower-clusters (inflores- cences) in flowering stage; g. detail of inflorescence-bearing axis showing one bisexual flower-cluster (inflorescence) in fruiting stage (with pedicels of fallen male flowers); h. male bud; i, j. fruiting perianths (from different plants) (a–d, g: Geesink 7428, K; e, f, h, i: Kerr 16899, K; j: ‘Class of 1958’ 2437, PE). — Scale bars: a = 5 cm; b = 5 mm; c-j = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 123

Notes ― 1. Yahara (1981: 15) recognised and mentioned teeth (number increasing with leaf-size), 0.5–1 by 3 mm, rather the distinctive appearance of this taxon but did not describe rounded in outline but each with an abruptly apiculate tip; leaf it as new, apparently believing that the name B. erythropoda apex broad-acute or with short indistinct broad acumen; base applied to this taxon. He had probably not seen the type of gradually attenuate to short-cuneate or narrowly rounded, out- B. erythropoda (from Jawa) which is a different entity refer- line of base and apex often similar; basal veins extending into able to the Southeast Asian taxon B virgata subsp. virgata var. distal third or nearly to tip, upper lateral veins 1–2(–3) either virgata. Thin-leaved forms of B. virgata var. virgata are often side but very indistinct, with lowermost arising in distal quarter similar in leaf shape and teeth, but differ in stems hairy, fruiting or third, inconspicuous adaxially, basal veins finely prominent perianth with a wide wing and plants drying green rather than abaxially; coarser tertiary venation somewhat scalariform often brown, flower-clusters often crowded along axis, male flowers visible abaxially; texture thin-chartaceous; glabrous adaxially (or in unisexual clusters on separate axes or separate branches. with occasional single hair in centre of areoles, these always 2. This species appears to be rare and with a strangely present in very young leaves at stem apex), adaxial surface disjunct distribution, but it is possibly overlooked, and might be with numerous cystoliths; abaxial surface hairy on veins only, expected to occur also in Indochina. Material seen is as follows: hairs very sparse, inconspicuous, adpressed; petiole 0.5–2.5 China, Yunnan, Xishuangbanna Dist., Jing Hong city, 21 v 1958, cm long, only 0.1–0.2× lamina length. Flower-clusters borne Class of 1958 no. 2437 (PE); Thailand (Pen.), Ranong, Khao on leafless axes, these straight erect, up to 11 cm long, 1 per Pawta Luang Keow, 30 i 1929, Kerr 16899 (K) & 22 vi 1974, axil, but often with 1–2 branches close to base and thus ap- Geesink et al. 7428 (AAU, BKF, K, L, S); Indonesia, Sumatera pearing as if several axes from axil; clusters spaced only 1–3 Utara [North Sumatra], Karo, Laubaleng, 4 ix 1974, S. Yoshida mm apart and thus almost contiguous when mature, 2–3 mm 1975 (L). diam, male clusters in distal part of axis with up to 10 flowers, 3. It is very distinctive in its leaves extremely thin-textured, female clusters proximal with up to c. 15 flowers; bracteoles relatively large, shiny, elliptic, with hairs abundant and minute, broadly triangular but minute, inconspicuous, < 0.3 mm long. marginal teeth indistinct, its veins, petioles and inflorescence- Male flowers 4-merous, sessile or subsessile, mature buds bearing axes distinctly red-tinged, and its slender inflorescence- c. 1 mm diam, tepals with very distinct dorsal appendages up bearing axes with clusters few-flowered and bisexual. However, to 0.2 mm long, sparsely hairy. Female flowers with stigma only some duplicates of these four collections were previously iden- 0.8–1.2 mm long. Fruiting perianth very short and broad, 0.8– tified as either B. zollingeriana or B. hamiltoniana. 0.9 by 0.7 mm, subspherical-obovoid (to ovoid) with broadly Boehmeria zollingeriana (sympatric but common and wide- rounded base, variable either scarcely laterally flattened and spread) is rather similar in habit, fruit-form, leaf shape and with no marginal rim or distinctly laterally flattened with marginal -texture and in its red-tinged petioles, stems and inflorescence- wing-like rim to 3–4-angled; glabrous or short-spreading-hairy. bearing axes. Fertile specimens of B. zollingeriana are easily Achene filling fruiting perianth. distinguished by their male clusters sessile, axillary with long- Distribution ― Southern China (including Hainan), northern pedicellate 5–6-merous male flowers and their inflorescence- Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia (Perak). bearing axes entirely female, robust with large flower-clusters; Habitat & Ecology ― Primary season or mixed evergreen leaves of B. zollingeriana are also ovate, ± glabrous adaxially and deciduous forest, secondary forest, thickets, moist open or with hairs longer (0.3–0.4 mm) but extremely sparse, basal areas, rocky areas in ravines; 180–700 m altitude. veins extending little into distal half and some lateral veins Conservation status ― Near Threatened (NT). The species arising nearer leaf base than in B. leptostachya. is known from only 20 collections, some of which are recent, from fairly scattered locations, with some considerable gaps Boehmeria hamiltoniana (sympatric but slightly more wide- in the range. The EOO of 1 153 440 km2 is therefore probably spread) is somewhat similar to B. leptostachya in leaf shape exaggerated. The AOO gives a figure of less than 500 km2. It and -texture and in the shape of its fruiting perianth, differing occurs in a moderate range of habitats, mainly forests, and in leaves entirely glabrous adaxially, relatively narrower with although the habitats are not currently threatened by serious acumen markedly long and marginal teeth mostly closer- degradation, and it therefore does not meet the criteria for a spaced, female flower-clusters usually crowded along the axes formal status of Vulnerable (VU), it may become so in the future and often many-flowered; in the dry state the two are easily with increasing agriculture in the region. distinguished, the leaves of B. hamiltoniana drying consistently distinctly greenish. Notes ― 1. Boehmeria tonkinensis was reduced to syn- onymy by Chen et al. (2003, 2005), since its distinctive char- 11. Boehmeria lanceolata Ridl. — Fig. 10a–j; Map 13 acters fall within the range of variation of B. lanceolata (Ridley was mistaken in describing the male flowers of B. lanceolata Boehmeria lanceolata Ridl. (1911, nec 1910) 94. ― Type: Ridley 14645 (holo as 5-merous). Hainan and Tonkin have a very similar flora with K; iso BM), Malaysia, Perak State, Tenmangoh, July 1909. many species in common, these often localised around the Boehmeria tonkinensis Gagnep. (1928) 127. ― Syntypes: Petelot 723 (P), Vietnam, Tonkin, Pia-ouac; Poilane 10474 (P; isosyn A), Vietnam, Annam, Beibu [Tonkin] Gulf. Mai Lanh, pres de Quang Tri, 21 May 1924; Poilane 12172 (P), Laos, 2. Boehmeria lohuiensis is here reduced to synonymy. Al- Tchepone; McClure 9146 (P), China, Hainan. – See Note 1. though the type has not been seen, its identity is clear from its Boehmeria lohuiensis S.S.Chien in Chun et al. (1963) 355, syn. nov. ― Type: description and diagnosis. The leaves are larger than otherwise Z.S. Chung 534 (holo HC), China, Hainan, Lohui Dist., 15 Sept. 1953. – seen (up to 14 cm rather than 11 cm long) and marginal teeth See Note 2. are stated to be ‘larger’ (size not stated) but other stated dif- Shrub or subshrub, 1–2 m tall; ultimate branches quadrangular, ferences (leaf base cuneate, inflorescence-bearing axis up to up to 1.2 mm diam, hairy, hairs abundant but inconspicuous, 10 cm long, branched dichotomously at base and with scattered adpressed. Stipules linear, fairly long, c. 9 by 1.2 mm, glabrous clusters) in fact fall within the range of variation of B. lanceo­ very soon caducous. Leaves opposite, not or slightly dimorphic lata. In addition, many of the particularly distinctive features of in size with ‘larger’ up to 1.5× length of ‘smaller’ and sometimes B. lanceolata (leaves thin-textured ± glabrous, marginal teeth relatively narrower, ± symmetrical, linear-oblong-obovate (i.e., sharply apiculate, flowers minute and fruiting perianth very small margins almost parallel for most of length, but widest above ovoid), are clearly depicted in the ample description. the middle), small or medium-sized, 6–11(–14) by 3(–5.5) cm, 3. Boehmeria lanceolata is apparently rare (only a few length 3.5–more than 4× width; margin dentate with 20–30 populations so far known), but probably also under-collected, 124 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013



a e d f l

g i j h n m k Fig. 10 a–j: Boehmeria lanceolata Ridl. a. Habit, upper part of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b. leaf; c. detail of leaf apex; d. stipule; e. detail of male inflorescence-bearing axis showing one cluster (inflorescence); f. detail of female inflorescence-bearing axis showing one cluster (inflorescence); g–j. fruit- ing perianths of different form (from same plant: g, h. unribbed; i. four-angled; j. fruiting perianth with marginal rim). — k–n: Boehmeria hamiltoniana Wedd. k. Leaf; l. detail of leaf margin; m. detail of male inflorescence-bearing axis showing one cluster (inflorescence); n. fruiting perianth (a–f: Hiep 130; g–j: Tsang 30455; k, l: Gamble 7291; m, n: Clarke 27246; all K). — Scale bars: a, b, k = 2 cm; c, e-j, m, n = 1 mm; d, l = 2 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 125 only one collection so far seen from each of Laos, Thailand venation somewhat scalariform often visible abaxially; texture and Malaysia. It is easily distinguished from all other species membranous or very thin-chartaceous, drying light or deep dark of Boehmeria by its leaves linear-oblong-obovate (i.e., margins green; adaxial surface glabrous and almost shiny with many almost parallel for most of length, but widest above the middle) prominent cystoliths; abaxial surface glabrous or with hairs with base and apex similar in outline or with base more tapering on veins, these very sparse, adpressed; petiole 5–6 cm long, than apex and its fruiting perianth small almost spherical with very variable, relative to lamina, often more than half of lamina a broadly rounded base. length. Flower-clusters borne on leafless axes, these 1–several 4. It can also be distinguished from most taxa by its leaves from each axil and each axis often forked once or twice near being thin-textured, ± glabrous adaxially, with long basal base, male inflorescence-bearing axes 4–9 cm long in lower veins and few upper veins, and its inflorescence-bearing axes axils, female ones ± pendulous, (7–)10–20 cm long in upper short, slender, erect, dichotomously branched close to base. axils, some axes with both sexes; clusters very crowded almost The partly sympatric B. hamiltoniana is somewhat similar but contiguous or spaced, up to 5 mm apart, male clusters 2–4(–5) leaves are membranous often relatively narrower, stems gla- mm diam, with c. 3–10 crowded flowers; female clusters 1.5–3 brescent and female inflorescence-bearing axes ± pendulous, mm diam, with 15–30(–more than 50) flowers; bracts broadly often longer. The partly sympatric B. densiflora is also similar triangular but minute, 0.5–0.8 mm long. Male flowers 4-merous, in general appearance, but has inflorescence-bearing axes sessile, mature buds globose and slightly depressed, relatively unbranched, solitary and leaves often thicker-textured. large, 1.5 mm diam, tepals with prominent dorsal appendage, glabrous or very sparsely adpressed-hairy. Female flowers up 12. Boehmeria hamiltoniana Wedd. — Fig. 10k–n; Map 13 to 0.8 mm long, sparsely fine-hairy; stigma only 0.7–0.8(–1) mm (–1.2 mm in Thailand). Fruiting perianth only 0.6–1 by Boehmeria hamiltoniana Wedd. (1856) 371. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. hamiltoniana (Wedd.) Wedd. (1869) 213. ― Type: Wallich 4590 (holo 0.3–0.4 mm, ellipsoid or obovoid, somewhat laterally flattened K-WALL), Nepal, 1821. with marginal rim becoming ± wing-like in distal part, (sparsely-) Boehmeria ingjiangensis W.T.Wang (1981b) 414, syn. nov. ― Type: G.D. Tao abundantly hairy, hairs spreading, usually very short. Achene 13627 (holo KUN), China, Yunnan, Ingjiang, 4 Oct. 1974. filling most of fruiting perianth. Shrub, up to 5 m tall; ultimate branches fairly slender, 0.8–1.2 Distribution ― Eastern Himalayas: north-eastern India (Sik- mm diam, glabrous or with sparse fine hairs near apex, soon kim, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland), Nepal, Bang- glabrescent. Stipules very narrowly triangular, 7 by 1.5 mm, ladesh, Bhutan, Burma, southern China, northern Thailand. The robust, glabrescent, soon deciduous. Leaves opposite, slightly single record from Indonesia (Jawa) is presumed introduced, dimorphic in size and shape with ‘larger’ leaves c. 1.5× length see discussion in Note 1. of ‘smaller’ leaves; asymmetrical or not, narrowly ovate-attenu­ Habitat & Ecology ― Steep valleys in subtropical forest, ate, fairly long, (6–)12–20 by (1.5–)2–4.5 cm, length 3–6× gallery forest, open limestone outcrops in mixed forest; 800– width; margin irregularly and often indistinctly serrate (rarely 2000 m altitude. largest leaves crenate), teeth 20–30(–40) either side, shal- Conservation status ― Near Threatened (NT). The species low, 0.5–1 by (1.5–)2–5 mm, their upper margin convex; leaf is known from c. 50 collections, some of which are recent, with apex gradually tapering long-attenuate and sometimes slightly an estimated EOO of 962 172 km2, but an AOO of less than sideways-curved; base short-cuneate; basal veins usually 500 km2. It occurs in many scattered locations and in fairly extending almost to tip, upper lateral veins rather indistinct, restricted forest habitat. Although the habitats in many of its unequally arranged 1–2 on one side with both arising near localities are not currently threatened by serious degradation, tip and 2(–3) on other side with lowermost arising in distal and it therefore does not meet the criteria for a formal status of third or rarely near middle of lamina; venation inconspicuous Vulnerable (VU), it may become so in the future with increasing adaxially, basal veins finely prominent abaxially, coarser tertiary agriculture in these regions.

Map 13 Distribution of Boehmeria hammiltoniana Wedd. (▲) and B. lanceolata Ridl. (●). 126 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013


a d


f g

b c Fig. 11 Boehmeria polystachya Wedd. a. Habit with branched, immature inflorescence-bearing axes; b. part of stem with branched, mature inflorescence- bearing axes; c, d. leaves of different form (from different plants); e. detail of stem indumentum and stipule; f. detail of inflorescence-bearing axes with female and bisexual clusters (inflorescences); g. male bud; h. fruiting perianth (a: Gamble 906A; b: Gamble 7103; c, e: KEKE 897; d: Hooker & Thomson s.n.; f, g: Clarke 26736B; h: Clarke 26467C; all K). — Scale bars: a-d, f = 2 mm; e = 5 mm; g, h = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 127

Notes ― 1. The record from Jawa is probably an accidental glabrescent. Stipules linear-lanceolate rather thin-textured introduction, since the collection (Van Harreveld 6665 (L)) states ± membranous, 7–10 by 1–2 mm. Leaves opposite, not or “Experimental station of the Javanese sugar industry”. It has very slightly dimorphic in size only, ovate, medium or large, therefore not been mapped or included in the assessment of (8–)11–23 by (4–)6–12 cm, little-varying in relative propor- conservation status. tions with length usually c. 2× width; margin sometimes cre- 2. Distinctive in its leaves membranous, long-attenuate, nate, usually serrate or dentate, teeth acute or obtuse, often drying consistently light or dark green, often glabrous and/or slightly up-curved, 30–55 either side, varying in number and only indistinctly toothed, with basal veins long and upper veins size depending on lamina size, 1–1.5 by 2–4.5 mm; leaf few, inconspicuous, its inflorescence-bearing axes often dicho­ apex short-attenuate; base slightly asymmetrically rounded to tomously forked at the extreme base, the males axes short slightly cuneate or cordate; basal veins extending into distal and slender with few-flowered clusters, and its fruiting perianth half of leaf, upper lateral veins 3–5 subopposite, lowermost small, relatively broad with width often almost equalling length. usually arising in distal half, finely impressed adaxially, robust It is otherwise rather similar to the partly sympatric (China) and prominent abaxially; coarser tertiary veins close-spaced B. densiflora which differs in leaves mostly thicker-textured scalariform (0.3–0.5 cm apart, up to 1 cm apart in largest with fine adpressed hairs adaxially and tepals of male flowers leaves) and very prominent abaxially, especially those arising without dorsal appendages. from outer side of basal veins, giving a very ridged appear- 3. The sympatric but rare B. leptostachya has been misiden- ance to young leaves; fine reticulation often also relatively tified as this species, having leaves thin-textured with in­con- prominent; texture thin- or thick-chartaceous; adaxial surface spicuous veins but differing in its leaves shorter, wider, broader- drying markedly dark, hairy, hairs sparse (rarely abundant), toothed, shiny and distinctly minute-hairy adaxially, drying con- very fine, adpressed, cystoliths abundant but minute; abaxial sistently brownish black with veins, petioles and inflorescence- surface rather paler green in both living and dry state, hairs bearing axes all distinctly red-tinged, and its flower-clusters often restricted to veins, sparse (rarely abundant), extremely well-spaced with few flowers. fine, adpressed; petiole usually c. 0.25× lamina length. Flower- 4. The partly sympatric B. lanceolata also has similar vena- clusters borne on leafless axes, these fairly long, pendulous tion but leaves obovate, thicker-textured, relatively wider, stem or drooping, 10–17 cm long, arising one from each axil with fine-hairy and female inflorescence-bearing axes erect. many much shorter lateral branches throughout length which 5. Boehmeria zollingeriana var. blinii has somewhat similar are also branched (i.e., inflorescence-bearing axes with 2nd- leaves but drying markedly brownish black with upper veins order branching), axes unisexual or bisexual (female clusters in more numerous and conspicuous; fertile material is easy to apical part; entirely female axes also generally towards branch distinguish, with male flowers long-pedicellate and in simple apex); bracts short, ovate-triangular, thick-textured, 1–1.5 by axillary clusters and female inflorescence-bearing axes often 0.5–0.8 mm; flower-clusters spaced 2–4 mm apart, recorded branched. as dark crimson, small, 2–3 mm diam, flowers in male clusters 5–10, in female clusters 20–30(–40), densely crowded; brac- teoles oblong, inconspicuous, 0.2–0.3 mm long. Male flowers 13. Boehmeria polystachya Wedd. — Fig. 11; Map 14 4-merous, sessile, mature buds depressed-globose, 0.8–1 mm Boehmeria polystachya Wedd. (1856) 370. ― Type: Wallich 4584 (holo K- diam, without appendage or with slight dorsal thickening, hairy, WALL; iso G, K), Nepal. hairs abundant, minute, spreading or adpressed. Female flow­ Boehmeria tibetica C.J.Chen in Wang & Chen (1979) 109. ― Type: Chinghai- ers narrowly oblong, c. 0.8 by 0.2 mm; stigma minute, 0.3–0.6 Tibet exped. 2775 (holo PE), China, Tibet, Tsona, 4 Oct. 1974. mm long, hooked. Fruiting perianth 1–1.5 by 0.5–0.8 mm, el- Urtica venosa Wall. (1831) 164, nom. nud. – See Note 1. lipsoid without distinct beak, markedly flattened either side of Robust herb or subshrub, up to 1.5 m tall; ultimate branches achene into distinct wing either side comprising 0.25(–0.3)× at extreme apex 1–1.5(–2) mm diam, but soon becoming very whole width; hairs minute, spreading. Achene in central part of robust, hairy, hairs sparse or dense fine short adpressed, soon fruiting perianth, occupying less than half of it.

Map 14 Distribution of Boehmeria conica C.J.Chen, Wilmot-Dear & Friis (●), B. polystachya Wedd. (▲) and B. kurzii Hook.f. (ä). 128 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

Distribution ― Eastern Himalayas: north-eastern India (Sik- figure of less than 500 km2, its localities in the Himalayas are kim, Assam, Meghalaya, Uttarakhand), Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, not currently threatened by serious habitat degradation, and China (Tibet border region with India). it therefore does not meet the criteria for a formal status of Habitat & Ecology ― Mixed broad-leaved deciduous forest, Vulnerable (VU). forest margins, scrub, open slopes, walls and banks in disturbed Notes ― 1. The nomen nudum U. venosa, cited by Weddell ground; 1300–3300 m altitude. (1856: 378) as a synonym under B. rugulosa, is referable to Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). The species is this species. known from at c. 50 collections, some of which are recent. It 2. Distinctive in its leaves relatively large broadly-toothed occurs in many scattered locations and in fairly restricted forest with hairs very inconspicuous adpressed and tertiary veins habitat. The EOO is 284 285 km2. Although the AOO gives a scalariform closely-spaced prominent (giving a ridged appear-

Fig. 12 Boehmeria conica C.J. Chen, Wilmot-Dear & Friis. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b. male bud; c. male flower; d. fruiting perianth; e. fruit with perianth removed (a: Sino-Russian Expedition 1358; b, c: Tsiang 13400; d, e: Henry 12070; all PE). — Scale bars: a = 2 cm; b-e = 1 mm.


c d

b a C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 129 ance to young leaves), its inflorescence-bearing axes with short perianth broadly ovoid, only 0.8–1.2 by 0.6–1 mm, markedly branches throughout length and with 2nd-order branching, tiny dorsiventrally compressed either side of the achene to form stigma and fruiting perianth broadly-winged. an indistinct marginal wing, base ± rounded, apex with very 3. The sympatric B. conica has been confused with this short beak; sparsely hairy like stem especially towards apex. species but differs in its inflorescence-bearing axes small, neat Achene ovoid, slightly dorsiventrally compressed, occupying and rather conical, its leaves thin-textured often truncate with 0.7× length of fruiting perianth, fawn. slender veins and its fruiting perianth short and broad. Distribution ― North-eastern India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma (not 4. The partly sympatric B. siamensis with its very similar georeferenced and not shown on map), south-western China. scalariform venation prominent close-spaced can also be con- Habitat & Ecology ― Forest, often dense, shady wet places fused with B. polystachya but differs in leaves often relatively in ravines; (700–)1200–2600 m altitude. narrower, petioles extremely short relative to lamina and bracts Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). The species at the flower-clusters always conspicuous, longer than mature is known from c. 30 collections, many of which are recent. It clusters and often almost as wide as long, inflorescence-bearing occurs in locations along the Himalayas and their extension axes paired and unbranched. into southern China, and in fairly restricted forest habitat. The 5. Several sympatric varieties of B. virgata subsp. macro­ EOO is 505 840 km2. Although the AOO gives a figure of less phylla have similar leaf shape to B. polystachya and branched than 500 km2; its localities in the Himalayas are not currently inflorescence-bearing axes, especially var. scabrella and var. threatened by serious habitat degradation, and it therefore does rotundifolia which have male axes much-branched throughout not meet the criteria for a formal status of Vulnerable (VU). length (although always without 2nd-order branching) but Notes ― 1. This species is distinctive in its inflorescence- venation is always finer and not conspicuously scalariform. bearing axes of both sexes small, branched and having lateral Var. scabrella can also be distinguished by its hairs on stem branchlets progressively shorter towards the apex of the main and adaxial leaf surface conspicuous, coarse, rough and var. axis, producing a markedly neat conical appearance, its leaves rotundifolia also by its leaves thinner-textured with a distinct broad, thin-textured, crenate and often truncate and fruiting abrupt acumen consisting of a single tooth and by its marginal perianth small, relatively broad. teeth markedly up-curved especially near the leaf apex. 2. Boehmeria conica has been confused with B. polystachya (sympatric but not extending so far east) which differs in its in- 14. Boehmeria conica C.J. Chen, Wilmot-Dear & Friis — Fig. florescence-bearing axes large, crowded, much more irregular, 12; Map 14 secondarily branched with large clusters bearing 40–50 flowers and its leaves narrower, thicker-textured, serrate, gradually Boehmeria conica C.J.Chen, Wilmot-Dear & Friis in Chen et al. (2003) 173; (2005) 449. ― Type: A. Henry 12070 (holo K), China, Yunnan, Szemao. acuminate, cuneate at the base, with secondary veins promi- nent close-spaced scalariform. Boehmeria polystachya also Large subshrub or shrub, up to 4 m tall, often dioecious, some- has larger bracts subtending its flower-clusters, stigma even times monoecious; ultimate branches 4-angled, 2–2.5 mm shorter (0.3–0.6 mm long) and fruiting perianth relatively nar- diam, sparsely hairy, hairs fine, minute adpressed, soon gla- row with length c. 2× (rather than at most 1.3×) width, tapering brescent. Stipules narrowly triangular, 3–4 by 1.5 mm, connate rather than rounded at the base. at base. Leaves opposite, not or slightly dimorphic in size, 3. The sympatric but more widespread B. virgata subsp. ovate-orbicular to suborbicular or broadly ovate, 8–13(–17) by macrophylla can sometimes be confused with B. conica, since 6.5–12.5(–15) cm, length 1.2–1.5× width, margin crenate, teeth some variants have male axes of similar architecture, but differ 20–30 either side, shallow but very broad, 1–1.5(–2) by 3–6 in leaves relatively narrower usually thicker-textured with mar- (–10) mm, with width 3–5× length; leaf apex consisting of a single ginal teeth relatively much narrower usually acute and female long tooth, cuspidate to short-acuminate, rarely long-acuminate; inflorescence-bearing axes usually unbranched. base broadly cordate, rounded-truncate or rarely broadly cune- ate, sometimes oblique; basal veins distinctly curved, extending 15. Boehmeria kurzii Hook.f. — Fig. 13; Map 14 into apical fifth of lamina (almost to apex in very broad leaves), upper lateral veins 2(–3) either side, lowermost arising just in Boehmeria kurzii Hook.f. (1888) 577. ― Type: Kurz 3115 (holo K; iso CAL), distal half of lamina (on one side veins often fewer and nearer Burma, Pegu. apex), finely prominent abaxially; coarser scalariform tertiary Habit unknown; ultimate stems up to 1.3 mm diam, glabrescent veins and reticulation visible abaxially; texture ± membranous; or hairy, hairs very fine, short adpressed. Stipules very early adaxial surface dark green when dried, hairy like the stem, soon deciduous, not seen. Leaves opposite, scarcely dimorphic with glabrescent; abaxial surface light green, subglabrous; petiole ‘larger’ up to 1.25× length of ‘smaller’, narrowly ovate, 13.5–19 very variable relative to lamina size, 4–11 cm, usually over half by 5–5.5 cm, length 3.5× width; margin entire; leaf apex at- of lamina length, sometimes longer than lamina, indumentum tenuate to indistinctly acuminate; base broadly cuneate; basal like that of the stem. Flower-clusters borne on leafless axes, veins extending almost to apex, upper veins 0–1(–2), arising these ± erect axillary, 4–8 cm long, each with lateral branch- very near apex but scarcely distinguishable from coarser tertiary lets throughout its length, these short (< half of length of main venation, coarser tertiary venation conspicuously scalariform, axis), spreading, unbranched and progressively and regularly close-spaced, 2–4 mm apart, finer tertiary venation reticulate, shorter towards apex of main axis, some axes arising from all veins finely prominent abaxially; texture membranous; upper leaf axils unbranched; some axes bisexual with female glabrous both sides or hairy on main veins, hairs very sparse and bisexual clusters in apical part; bracts broadly triangular, adpressed; adaxial surface with abundant cystoliths giving conspicuous, 0.7–1 by 0.7–0.8 mm; clusters spaced 1–2 slightly rough feel; petiole c. 2.5 cm long, 0.13× lamina length. mm apart, male clusters 1.5–2 mm diam, with 1–c. 5(–c. 10) Flower-clusters borne on leafless inflorescence-bearing axes, flowers, female clusters similar or rarely up to 3.5 mm, with up these apparently always bisexual, unbranched, up to 20 cm to 25 flowers; bracteoles inconspicuous, c. 0.4–0.5 mm long. long, 1 per axil; male clusters in lower part of axil, female above, Male flowers 4-merous, sessile; mature buds ± globose or a few clusters with both sexes; bracts very conspicuous, broadly depressed-globose, usually apiculate, c. 1 mm diam, tepals triangular-cordate, c. 1.4 by 1.6 mm, with broad apex sharply without dorsal appendages, sparsely hairy like stem. Female acute at extreme tip; clusters spaced 2–3 mm apart, 2–4 mm flowers with very slender stigma only 0.8–1.2 mm long. Fruiting diam, male clusters with (1–)5–10 relatively densely crowded 130 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013






c d e

Fig. 13 Boehmeria kurzii Hook.f. a. Upper part of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; c. detail of one node with young flower-clusters (inflorescences); d. detail of male part of inflorescence-bearing axis with flower-clusters (inflorescences); e. male bud; f. detail of female part of inflorescence-bearing axis with flower-clusters (inflorescences); g. female perianth in flower; h. fruiting perianth (all: Kurz 3115, K). — Scale bars: a = 2 cm; b–d, f = 2 mm; e, g, h = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 131 flowers, female clusters with 25–35 flowers; bracteoles incon- length 2–3× width; margin shallowly serrate (rarely more deeply spicuous. Male flowers 4-merous, subsessile, mature buds crenate-serrate, teeth 25–40 either side, 1(–3) by 1.5–5(–7) depressed-globose, c. 1.2 mm diam, tepals without dorsal ap- mm; leaf apex broadly acute sometimes with abrupt tiny acumen pendage, hairy, hairs abundant, long, spreading. Stigma 0.8–1 at extreme tip; base broadly or narrowly cuneate to more or less mm long, hooked. Fruiting perianth ovoid, minute c. 0.6 by 0.3 rounded, sometimes slightly asymmetrical; basal veins hardly mm, not markedly laterally flattened but with ± distinct marginal curved, extending into distal third or quarter of lamina; upper rim. Achene more or less filling fruiting perianth. lateral veins similarly arranged on both sides of midrib, 3(–4), Distribution ― Burma (Pegu). often hardly distinct from coarser tertiary venation, all arising Habitat & Ecology ― No certain data available. Probably in distal third of lamina, inconspicuous adaxially, prominent collected in coastal rainforest or further inland in drier ± forested abaxially; coarser tertiary venation conspicuously scalariform, habitats. close-spaced, 2–4 mm apart, finer tertiary venation reticulate, Conservation status ― Critically Endangered (CR). The all venation visible adaxially, rather reddish, prominent abaxially; species is known from only one old collection from the 1800s texture coriaceous (rarely thin-chartaceous in dense forest); from Pegu in Burma. No EOO or AOO can be calculated, but adaxial surface pubescent, hairs abundant, fine, ± adpressed, the locality is within areas of urban development; we therefore giving rather rough feel; abaxial surface with hairs on veins suggest that the species is Critically Endangered with the cri- only, these very sparse, otherwise glabrous, rather yellowish teria CR 2Bab(iii). and slightly gleaming in dry state; petiole very short relative to lamina, c. 0.05× length, 0.7–1 cm. Flower-clusters borne on Note ― This species is easily distinguished from all others in leafless axes, these pendulous, unbranched, a pair (rarely only the genus in its entire leaves (the only Old World species known one) arising from each axil or sometimes apparently many in with truly entire leaves with no trace of marginal teeth); however, a congested mass but these in fact arising from axils of short only one collection is known. The scalariform coarser tertiary axillary leafy shoots; male and female inflorescence-bearing venation and conspicuous inflorescence-bracts are distinctive, axes often on same plant with male ones in upper axils; male being similar only to those of B. siamensis, but B. siamensis axes relatively short, 3–5 cm long, female axes up to 15 cm differs markedly in venation robust rather than slender, leaves long, some axes bearing both male and female clusters; bracts serrate, not membranous nor glabrous, often also relatively exceeding mature clusters and therefore conspicuous (recorded broader and flower-clusters much more crowded. as pink in bud), often visible even in fruiting clusters, broadly ovate-triangular, 2–2.5 by 1.5–2.5 mm, width often equalling 16. Boehmeria siamensis Craib — Fig. 14; Map 15 length, apex often broadly rounded, blunt; clusters crowded, Boehmeria siamensis Craib (1916) 269. ― Syntypes: Kerr 538 (K; isosyn usually more or less contiguous, male clusters 3–4 mm diam, TCD), northern Thailand, Chiang Mai, Doi Sutep; Hosseus 455 (K), Thai- with c. 10 flowers, female clusters 4–5 mm diam, with over land, Chiang Mai [Chengmai]. 30 densely crowded flowers. Male flowers 4-merous, sessile, Boehmeria spirei Gagnep. (1950) 35. ― Type: Spire 1546 (holo P), Laos, mature buds globose sometimes slightly flattened, (1.2–)1.5–2 Xieng-Kung. mm diam, dorsal thickening inconspicuous, pubescence dense, Boehmeria chiangmaiensis Yahara (1981) 18, syn. nov. ― Type: Nimanong short, spreading. Female flowers recorded as white tinged pur- et al. 1726 (holo BKF), northern Thailand, Chiang Mai, Hod. – See Note 2. ple, 1–2 by 0.3–0.6 mm, spindle-shaped tapering into indistinct Large or small shrub, up to 3.5 m, often sparsely-branched, pedicel, hairy like male; stigma 0.6–1 mm. Fruiting perianth rarely small tree; ultimate branches robust, 2–2.5 mm diam, yellow-brown, spindle-shaped or elliptic in outline, markedly hairy, hairs sparse or abundant, fine, short, adpressed soon laterally flattened into distinct marginal wing up to quarter of glabrescent. Stipules narrowly triangular, c. 6 by 2 mm, thick- total fruiting perianth width either side, also with very short broad textured. Leaves opposite (sometimes some subopposite on beak and two distinct apical teeth. Achene spindle-shaped, lateral stems), scarcely dimorphic with ‘larger’ leaves up to large, c. 2.3 by 0.8–1 mm, filling fruiting perianth. 1.2× length of ‘smaller’ ones, narrowly elliptic or ovate, usually Distribution ― Nepal, Burma, southern China, northern and medium or large, (4–)12–24(–28) by (1.5–)4.5–12(–15) cm, western Thailand, Laos.

Map 15 Distribution of Boehmeria siamensis Craib. 132 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013




g f d b Fig. 14 Boehmeria siamensis Craib. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b. leaf, abaxial surface; c. detail of one node with young inflorescence- bearing axes; d. detail of male inflorescence-bearing axis with congested flower-clusters (inflorescences) and bracts; e. male bud; f. detail of female axis with congested flower-clusters (inflorescences) and bracts; g. fruiting perianth (a, g: Harder et al. 4928; b: Kerr 538; c: Geesink 8042; d, e: Nooteboom 791; f: Hosseus 455; all K). — Scale bars: a, b = 2 cm; c = 5 mm; d, f = 2 mm; e, g = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 133

Habitat & Ecology ― Evergreen forest, and disturbed areas Subshrub or dense often arching shrub, 1–4(–7) m; ultimate in forest remnants, secondary grassland on granite, open hill- stems 1–1.2 mm diam, hairy, hairs abundant, adpressed or sides; (300–)500–2750 m altitude. half-adpressed, pale, fine, uniform; soon glabrous. Stipules Conservation status ― Near Threatened (NT). The species conspicuous, triangular, 10–17 by 2–3 mm, membranous. is known from c. 30 collections, some of which are recent, and Leaves opposite, not or slightly dimorphic, with ‘larger’ leaves it occurs in fairly scattered locations, with some considerable up to 1.4× length of ‘smaller’ ones and relatively narrower, gaps in the range. The EOO of 1 401 620 km2 is therefore prob- narrowly ovate-lanceolate to linear-ovate, straight or slightly ably exaggerated, and the AOO gives a figure of less than 500 sideways-curved, widely ranging in length (6–)10–32 by (1.2–) km2. It occurs in a moderate range of habitats, mainly forests. 2–5 cm, length (4–)5–7× width; margin finely denticulate, teeth Although these are not currently threatened by serious degra- (35–)50–85 either side, 0.4–0.8 by 1.5–2(–3) mm, distinct and dation, and it therefore does not meet the criteria for a formal acute throughout most of leaf length, with width 2–4× length, status of Vulnerable (VU), it may become so in the future with but often becoming indistinct close to leaf base; leaf apex increasing agriculture in the region. gradually acuminate; base rounded (rarely slightly cuneate), slightly asymmetrical; basal veins extending almost to apex, Notes ― 1. This species is not easily confused with any other upper lateral veins 1–3 arising in distal third or quarter but often taxa. It is distinctive in its leaves with tertiary veins scalariform, indistinguishable from coarser tertiary venation, inconspicu- prominent, reddish, giving a reached appearance to leaves, and close-spaced, apex broad-acute, teeth numerous, abaxial ously slightly impressed adaxially, finely prominent abaxially; surface drying markedly paler (yellow-brown or chestnut-brown) texture fairly thickly chartaceous or coriaceous, leaves often and almost glabrous, leaves usually also thick-textured (only markedly bullate; adaxial surface very dark green in live state, some very low altitude collections thin-textured), in its inflores- with fine adpressed hairs often present in youngest 1–2 pairs cence-bearing axes at least 2 from each axil, with subtending of very immature leaves at uppermost nodes but always very bracts conspicuous, broad, longer than the flower-clusters and soon ± glabrous, with large often prominent cystoliths; abaxial in its fruiting perianth and achene spindle-shaped. surface fine-pubescent, hairs long curved or very short spread- ing, dense in young leaves, later sparse or absent, also longer The species which it most closely resembles is B. kurzii which fine hairs on main veins, these sparse adpressed; petiole very differs in leaves entire, membranous and flower-clusters well- short for length of leaf, up to 2.5 cm, hairy like the stem. Flower- spaced. The ridge-like close scalariform venation is also very clusters borne along leafless inflorescence-bearing axes, these like that of B. polystachya which differs in branching inflores- pendulous, usually unbranched, 1 per axil (rarely several or cence-bearing axes with inconspicuous bracts. branched very close to base so as to appear several), male 2. Yahara (1981) discussed in detail the similarities and clusters 5–15(–20) cm, female clusters (6–)10–25(–more differences amongst Thai species of Boehmeria, but was ap- than 30) cm long; inflorescence-bearing axes usually unisexual parently unaware of the publication of the name B. siamensis, but often both sexes on same plant, female axes in upper to which the description of his new species B. chiangmaiensis axils, male ones below; axes hairy, hairs sparse or abundant, clearly conforms. spreading, often minute; bracts triangular, short, up to 1.5 mm long; clusters often so crowded as to be contiguous along axis, 17. Boehmeria penduliflora Wedd. ex D.G.Long — Fig. 15a–g; male clusters c. 2 mm diam, with less than 10 flowers, female Map 16 clusters 3–4 mm diam, with more than 50 densely crowded Boehmeria penduliflora Wedd. ex D.G.Long (1982) 130. ― Boehmeria flowers; bracteoles obovate, in male up to 0.6 mm long, in densiflora Hook. & Arn. var. penduliflora (Wedd. ex D.G.Long) Acharya & female inconspicuous. Male flowers 4-merous sessile, mature Yonek. in Acharya et al. (2002) 8. ― Type: Buchanan-Hamilton s.n. (lecto buds c. 1 mm diam, depressed-globose, with very slight dorsal BM, selected by Long 1982: 130), Nepal, Narainhetty, 5 Sept. 1802. thickening and sparse hairs, these conspicuous, long, spread- Boehmeria macrophylla D.Don (1825) 60, nom. illeg., non B. macrophylla ing. Female flowers narrowly obovoid, beaked, c. 0.6 by 0.2 Hornem. (1815). ― Syntypes: Wallich 4595A (K-WALL; isosyn G, K, M), mm, with abundant hairs, these conspicuous, spreading, pale; Nepal; Buchanan-Hamilton s.n. (BM), Nepal, Narainhetty. – See Note 1. Boehmeria densiflora Hook. & Arn. var. intermedia Acharya & Yonek. in stigma 1–1.5 mm long. Fruiting perianth 1.5–2.5 by 0.5–0.8 Acharya et al. (2002) 8. ― Type: Dobremez 673 (holo BM), Nepal, Gandaki mm, markedly flattened but very variable in shape, ranging from Zone, Gorkha Dist., syn. nov. – See Note 2. narrowly obovoid, with truncate apex and long tapering base,

Map 16 Distribution of Boehmeria penduliflora Wedd. 134 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

n m l




g j


e f b c d a Fig. 15 a–g: Boehmeria penduliflora D.G.Long. a. Leaf; b. leaf, detail of margin and adaxial surface; c. detail of abaxial surface; d. stipule; e. detail of inflorescence-bearing axis with male flower-cluster (inflorescence); f. detail of inflorescence-bearing axis with female flower-cluster (inflorescence); g. fruiting perianth. — h–o: Boehmeria densiflora Hook. & Arn. var. densiflora. h. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; i. leaf; j. detail of leaf margin and adaxial surface; k. detail of abaxial surface; l. stipules; m. detail of inflorescence-bearing axis with male flower-cluster (inflorescence); n. detail of inflorescence-bearing axis with female flower-cluster (inflorescence); o. fruiting perianth (a-d: Strachey & Winterbottom 7; e-g: Boyce 842; h-l: Furuse 4743; m, n: Furuse 5404; o: Woo 13744; all K). — Scale bars: a, h, i = 2 cm; b, c, j, k = 5 mm; d, l = 2 mm; e-g, m-o = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 135 to ovoid-spindle-shaped, with long apical beak, but always with rough texture (rather than even young leaves soon glabrescent), distinct marginal rim and fairly broad wing surrounding small abaxial leaf surface with only adpressed hairs. The marginal thickened middle or basal part and with sparse coarse hairs teeth, although tiny in both taxa, differ in proportions and often near apex. Achene minute for size of fruiting perianth, c. 0.3 number, giving the leaf margin always a rather different appear- mm diam. ance even to the naked eye, as follows: teeth in B. densiflora Distribution ― Northern India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, north- are sometimes reduced to a tiny mucro but where of similar ern Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, south-western China; naturalised depth to those of B penduliflora they are much wider relative in Mascarenes (Reunion). to depth (width 7–more than 10× length (rather than 2–4×)) Habitat & Ecology ― Ravines in monsoon forest; evergreen and therefore much less numerous, mostly only 20–30 either forest; dry open Fagaceae forest; scrub and disturbed land; side, occasionally up to 40 in larger leaves. (Only one, unusu- often near water; 550–2000 m altitude. ally small-leaved, collection of B. penduliflora has been seen Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). The species is with teeth as few as 35 either side, although still close-spaced known from c. 300 collections from many locations in the Hima- and of narrow proportions; all other material seen had 50–85 layas and their eastern extension with an EOO of 14 999 300 teeth either side). Leaves of B. densiflora are never very long km2. It occurs in a range of moist forest habitats, which in many (only up to 16 cm) and also often relatively broader, (length of its localities are not currently seriously threatened. 3–5(–7)× width rather than almost always 5–7× width) and often not bullate; stipules are shorter and relatively broader Notes ― 1. Boehmeria penduliflora was published as a new and the female inflorescence-bearing axes are rarely as long, name for Boehmeria macrophylla D.Don, non Hornem., taking mostly ≤ 10 cm rather than mostly 10–30 cm long. up the nomen nudum Boehmeria penduliflora Wedd. (1854) 5. Boehmeria multiflora (allopatric, Philippines & Indonesia 199. (Sulawesi: Bouton)) is less easily confused with B. penduliflora. 2. Wang (in Wang & Chen 1995) regarded B. penduli­flora It differs in leaves relatively broader (length up to 3.5× width), and B. densiflora as varieties of the same species. Acharya (in spreading-hairy both sides (rather than glabrescent) with mar- Acharya et al. 2002) followed this, observing that the youngest ginal teeth blunt, usually fewer and often up to 1 mm long. leaves of B. penduliflora initially have similar indumentum to 6. The partly sympatric (eastern Himalaya) B. listeri can that of B. densiflora. He pointed out that differences in fruit- also be misidentified as B. penduliflora, being similar in leaves ing perianth given in earlier literature are not consistent and with numerous marginal teeth and mixed indumentum on the described a new variety, B. densiflora var. intermedia, for col- abaxial leaf surface. It differs in having mixed indumentum also lections with leaves like B. penduliflora and a fruiting perianth on stem, petiole and inflorescence-bearing axis, relatively much which he considered to conform to that of B. densiflora (taper- broader leaves (length up to 3× width) and its fruiting perianth ing, without beak, hairy throughout rather than rounded, with lacks a marginal wing. distinct beak). However, we have observed that both fruiting perianth shape and presence of a beak vary widely (and inde- 18. Boehmeria densiflora Hook. & Arn. — Fig. 15h–o, 16; pendently) amongst otherwise identical collections (as has been Map 17, 18 observed in several other Old World Boehmeria taxa) whereas two entities, conforming to the types of the two names B. pen­ Boehmeria densiflora Hook. & Arn. (1838) 271. ― Type: Voyage of Capt. duliflora and B. densiflora, can be separated on a consistent Beechey, Lay & Collie in herb. Arnott s.n. (holo E, n.v.), Japan, Ryukyu set of vegetative characters discussed below (see Note 4) to Islands [Lou-tchou Islands]. which these authors did not attach significance. We observed Shrub, 0.3–2(–7) m tall but often low and spreading, stem that this distinction correlates with two distinct geographical up to 1.5(–5) cm diam; ultimate branches c. 1.2 mm diam, distributions; the two taxa as thus separated are sympatric only adpressed-hairy, hairs dense, fine, giving rather greyish ap- in south-eastern China, B. densiflora var. densiflora otherwise pearance, later glabrescent. Stipules 5–10 by 1.5–2 mm, rela- restricted to the adjacent island groups, often occurring at lower tively thick-textured. Leaves opposite (rarely a few alternate), altitude and always in dry habitats. We have therefore here (slightly to) markedly dimorphic with lamina of ‘larger’ leaves maintained B. penduliflora and B. densiflora as distinct species (1.1–)1.5–2.5× length of ‘smaller’ ones and usually relatively easy to recognise vegetatively, with no intermediate forms, narrower, with more tapering apex; ‘larger’ leaves usually but both with fruiting perianth form unreliable for identification. slightly asymmetrical, ovate to linear-ovate (rarely elliptic or The type and other collections seen of Acharya’s new variety obovate), small or medium 6–14(–20) by (1–)1.5–6(–9) cm, B. densiflora var. intermedia all conform to B. penduliflora as length 2–5(–7)× width, margin finely-serrate, teeth 20–30(–40 here conceived. on longest leaves) either side, sharply acute and shallow but 3. This species shares with B. densiflora and B. multiflora markedly wide-spaced, 0.3–0.7(–1) mm long (sometimes re- several rather distinctive characters; leaves are minutely-tooth- duced to hard mucro), tooth-apices 3–6 mm apart; leaf apex ed, narrow (length always over 3× width), often thick; inflores- gradually tapering attenuate or very indistinctly acuminate cence-bearing axes are long, often very congested, usually and often sideways-curved, or acute but extreme tip abruptly unbranched; the achene is tiny in a large ± winged fruiting long-mucronate; base shortly cuneate or narrowly rounded, perianth. Boehmeria penduliflora is distinguished from both in often slightly asymmetrical; ‘smaller’ leaves relatively slightly leaves somewhat bullate, very soon glabrous adaxially, usually broader and less tapering, narrowly to broadly acute; basal extremely long ± linear and marginal teeth particularly numer- veins extending into distal third of lamina or almost to tip, upper ous. It is more widespread than the other two species, although lateral veins (1–)2–3, all arising in distal half or in distal third of its presence in the Indian Ocean Island of Reunion is presumed lamina, indistinct adaxially, distinct and finely prominent abaxi- to be the result of introduction by early settlers. ally; tertiary venation reticulate, distinct or not; texture thin- or 4. The typical variety of B. densiflora (partly sympatric; Guang- thick-chartaceous, leaves smooth or slightly bullate, adaxial dong) is the most closely similar taxon and the two are easily surface abundantly hairy, hairs very fine, inconspicuous, ad- confused. Although leaves in B. penduliflora are often much pressed, giving a slightly rough feel, cystoliths large, prominent; longer than in B. densiflora, the only consistent difference from abaxial surface with similar hairs on main veins and finer hairs var. densiflora is in leaf indumentum and marginal teeth. Mature on tertiary venation, these so fine that surface appears almost leaves of B. densiflora differ in leaves adaxially, consistently glabrous; petiole short relative to lamina, 0.13–0.2× length, 1–2 hairy, hairs abundant, adpressed, inconspicuous but giving a cm long. Flower-clusters borne along leafless inflorescence- 136 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013






g h e

c Fig. 16 Boehmeria densiflora var. boninensis (Nakai) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b, c. detail of stems with di- morphic leaf-pairs of varying form (from different plants); d. leaf, detail of margin and adaxial surface; e. detail of abaxial surface; f. stipules; g. detail of male inflorescence-bearing axis with crowded flower-clusters; h. male bud; i. fruiting perianth (a, d-h: Yoshida & Tannowa s.n., K; b, i: Yasui s.n., TI; c: Tsuiyama s.n., TI). — Scale bars: a-c = 2 cm; d, e = 5 mm; f, g = 2 mm; h, i = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 137 bearing axes, these unbranched, unisexual or bisexual, 1 per For var. boninensis, we consider it meaningful to give a formal axil, up to 12 cm long, male axes ± pendulous 5–10 cm long threat rating of Endangered (EN) since it is restricted to two often arising mainly from lower axils, female axes erect but island habitats (Bonin and Ryukyu Islands) which have suffered pendulous near tip (1.5–)5–10(–18) cm; axes with abundant major habitat destruction from factors such as the introduction adpressed or ± spreading hairs; bracts broadly triangular, 2 by of goats. We base this on the criteria EN B2ab(iii). 1 mm, acute or acuminate; male clusters usually ± contiguous, 2–3 mm diam with less than 10 flowers, female clusters densely Notes ― 1. The two regional variants of this species are here congested into thick continuous mass along axis, each cluster recognised as partly sympatric varieties, var. densiflora occur- 3–4 mm diam, with more than 50 densely crowded flowers (light ring from Ryukyu Islands to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Luzon, pink in live state); bracteoles inconspicuous less than half of var. boninensis restricted to two island groups, Ryukyu and the flower length, oblong to broadly triangular, with rounded or acute Bonin Islands further west. The two varieties are usually easily apex. Male flowers 4-merous, sessile, mature buds depressed- distinguished, leaves in var. boninensis being relatively broad, globose, c. 1.5 mm diam, dorsal appendage of tepals indistinct (length 2–2.5× width) mostly broad-acute or obtuse, in var. or broad flap-like, pubescence abundant, fine, adpressed. densiflora usually much narrower (length ≥ 4× width), mostly Stigma 0.5–1 mm long. Fruiting perianth narrowly ellipsoid or narrow-acute to attenuate. However, a few collections of var. obovoid, very variable in length, (1–)1.5–2(–2.5) mm long, but densiflora from Taiwan have leaves approaching the propor- consistently narrow, c. 0.5 mm wide, much-flattened except for tions of var. boninensis (length only 3.2–3.5× width) and the central thickened part, occupying only distal third or quarter of range of variation in leaf apex partly overlaps; they are therefore fruiting perianth; leaf apex ± truncate, without beak or abruptly recognised only at varietal rank. slightly constricted at apex into minute or conspicuous beak; 2. Var. densiflora is distinguishable from other Boehmeria base gradually long tapering; indumentum spreading, abundant taxa in its leaves long, narrow, hairs fine, adpressed, marginal but minute and inconspicuous. teeth minute but wide-spaced, sharp-acute, stipules rather Distribution ― Southern China (including Hong Kong and short broad. Broad-leaved forms with length < 5× width are not Taiwan), Japan (only Ryukyu and Bonin Islands), Philippines easily confused with other taxa, but leaf proportions are rather (Luzon). variable and narrower-leaved forms can be confused with the Habitat & Ecology ― Dry broad-leaved primary forest, sec- partly sympatric (China, Guangdong) B. penduliflora which ondary forest; forest margins and thickets, rocky riverbanks, is distinguished by leaves (except the youngest pair at the roadsides, cliffs often amongst Selaginella; walls; coral lime- extreme stem apex) glabrous adaxially and spreading-hairy stone rock; 20–1650 m altitude. abaxially, with marginal teeth closer-spaced usually much more Conservation status ― Formal assessment for each variety numerous, giving the margin a very different appearance clearly is considered meaningful in this case, where geographical range visible to the naked eye, also often markedly bullate and stipules and identity can be established with certainty. We consider longer and narrower. As discussed in detail in Note 2 under the typical variety as Near Threatened (NT). It is known from B. penduliflora, Wang (in Wang & Chen 1995) and Acharya c. 150 collections but most of these are over 50 years old. Its et al. (2002) regarded B. penduliflora and B. densiflora (var. main distribution is on Luzon in the Philippines, Taiwan and densiflora) as varieties of the same taxon (these authors did adjacent parts of south-eastern China with a few widely scat- not refer to var. boninensis). tered records, one from Yunnan and a few from the Ryukyu 3. Both varieties of B. densiflora are rather similar to the Islands. For this reason, and because of the many old records, Philippine endemic B. multiflora which differs in leaves with the EOO of 2 260 570 km2 is misleadingly optimistic. It occurs in spreading hairs both sides and mostly relatively broader, length a range of fairly dry habitats. As discussed under B. beyeri and 3(–4) rather than (3.7–)4–7× width, inflorescence-bearing axis B. heterophylla, natural habitats in the Philippines are subject often much longer and stipules longer, narrower. to severe and continuing degradation; there is similar, but less 4. Var. densiflora is sometimes confused with B. hamiltoniana serious, pressure on the natural habitats in Taiwan. Although (partly sympatric but found in south-western rather than south- it does not meet the criteria for a formal status of Vulnerable eastern China) which has leaves of somewhat similar shape but (VU), it appears to be at risk. glabrous adaxially and always thin-textured, its inflorescence-

Map 17 Distribution of Boehmeria densiflora Hook. & Arn. var. densiflora. 138 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

Table 2 Distinction of the varieties of Boehmeria densiflora from B. virgata var. virgata.

B. densiflora var. densiflora B. densiflora var. boninensis B. virgata var. virgata

Hairs on young stems Dense adpressed Dense adpressed Spreading or sparse adpressed or none Indumentum on leaf surfaces Abundant adpressed hairs on Abundant adpressed hairs on ‘Ad’ glabrescent (‘ab’ various) or (‘ad’ = adaxial; ‘ab’ = abaxial) both sides both sides ‘ad’ adpressed and ‘ab’ spreading Apex and proportions of marginal teeth Acute, 0.3–0.7(–1) by 3–6 mm Acute or obtuse, 0.5–1 by 3.5–4.5 mm Acute or obtuse, (0.2–)0.5–1 by 2–4.5 mm Ratio leaf width : length 1 : 4–5(–7) 1 : 2–3 1 : 1.8–3.5 Apex and dimorphism of ‘larger’ and Always ‘larger’ attenuate, ‘smaller’ Both ‘larger’ and ‘smaller’ obtuse or ‘Larger’ attenuate, ‘smaller’ acute or ‘smaller’ leaf acute or obtuse ‘larger’ attenuate, ‘smaller’ always both attenuate obtuse bearing axis dichotomous at the base and a higher, only partly a. var. densiflora — Fig. 15h–o; Map 17 overlapping, altitudinal range. Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. loochooensis Wedd. (1869) 213. ― Boeh­ 5. The leaves of B. zollingeriana var. podocarpa (long, nar- meria penduliflora Wedd. var. loochooensis (Wedd.) W.T.Wang in Wang row, tapering, occasionally sparsely hairy) can also be confused & Chen (1995) 355. ― Type: Wright 303 (holo K), Japan, Ryukyu Islands with var. densiflora when the diagnostic axillary male clusters [Loo Choo Islands]. and long apically branched female axes are lacking; they differ Boehmeria weddelliana S.Vidal (1886) 256. ― Type: Vidal 1784 (iso A, K, L, PNH), Philippines, northern Luzon, Bontoc. in teeth usually much finer and blunt, at least one lateral vein arising somewhat lower, and petiole often longer relative to Stipules only 5–6 mm long. Leaves narrowly ovate to linear- lamina. ovate, small or medium 6–12(–16) by (1–)1.5–4 cm, length 6. Boehmeria densiflora has also been confused with some 4–5(–7)× width (sometimes only 3.2–3.5× width in Taiwan), variants of the very variable and widespread B. virgata subsp. marginal teeth acute, only 0.3–0.7 mm long and wide-spaced, virgata var. virgata (sympatric in the Philippines). Boehmeria 3–6 mm apart, with width 7–more than 10× length (or some- virgata var. virgata is easily distinguishable in flower and fruit times reduced to minute hard mucro); leaf apex of ‘larger’ leaves from both varieties of B. densiflora, having inflorescence- gradually tapering attenuate or very indistinctly acuminate bearing axes ± pendulous, slender with well-spaced clusters, and often sideways-curved, or acute but extreme tip abruptly the females long (20–70 cm) and sometimes branched, male long-mucronate; ‘smaller’ leaves relatively slightly broader and axes also often > 15 cm long, usually branched throughout less tapering, narrowly to broadly acute; basal veins extending length, but it is almost identical to B. densiflora in stipules and almost to tip, upper lateral veins 2–3, all arising in distal half range of leaf texture and is rather variable vegetatively. or in distal third of lamina; tertiary venation mostly indistinct; texture thin- or thick-chartaceous (if thick then leaves often Table 2 gives the characters for distinguishing sterile material slightly bullate). Inflorescence-bearing axes unbranched, male of B. virgata var. virgata from B. densiflora. It is distinguishable axes often arising mainly from lower axils, female axes (1.5–) from both varieties by its indumentum, and additionally from var. 5–10(–18) cm. Fruiting perianth with apex ± truncate, without densiflora on leaf proportions, sometimes also on marginal tooth beak or abruptly slightly constricted at apex into minute beak, shape and proportions, and from var. boninensis additionally on 0.1–0.2 mm long (apical teeth clearly visible), base gradually shape and/or dimorphism of apex of larger and smaller leaves. long tapering; indumentum spreading, abundant but minute and inconspicuous. Key to varieties Distribution ― Throughout the range of the species except Bonin Islands. 1. Leaf length (3.2–)4–7× width. — China (incl. Taiwan); Japan Habitat & Ecology ― As for the species as a whole. (Ryukyu Islands); Philippines (Luzon) . .a. var. densiflora Conservation status ― See under the species as a whole. 1. Leaf length 2–2.5(–3)× width. — Ryukyu and Bonin Is- lands ...... b. var. boninensis Notes ― See under the species as a whole.

Map 18 Distribution of Boehmeria densiflora Hook. & Arn. var. boninensis (Nakai) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 139 b. var. boninensis (Nakai) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. & stat. width; margin finely serrulate, teeth (30–)35–45(–55) either nov. — Fig. 16; Map 18 side, up-curved, blunt, c. 1 by (1–)1.5–2(–4) mm; leaf apex long-acute to long-attenuate and often slightly sideways-curved; Basionym: Boehmeria boninensis Nakai (1918) 217; Makino (1925) 1062; Makino & Nemoto (1931) 222. ― Type: Maximowicz 37 (holo TI), Japan, base asymmetrically rounded or slightly cuneate; basal veins Bonin Islands, July– Aug. 1905. extending just into distal half of lamina, upper lateral veins 3–4 but often indistinguishable from coarser tertiary veins, usually all Stipules up to 10 mm long. Leaves ovate, elliptical or obovate, arising in distal half of lamina, these and fine reticulation robust ± symmetrical, slightly or moderately dimorphic in size and and prominent abaxially; texture fairly thick-chartaceous and either all leaves of similar shape with broadly acute to obtuse leaves usually slightly bullate; adaxial surface with abundant apex, or leaves markedly dimorphic with the ‘larger’ leaves hairs like the stem but softer, pale or brownish; hairs on abaxial differing in being distinctly attenuate-acuminate; ‘larger’ leaves surface denser, greyish; petiole very variable relative to lamina, × 10–14(–20) by 4–6(–9) cm, length 2–2.5(–3) width, mar- (0.1–)0.2–0.3× length, 1–4 cm long. Flower-clusters borne ginal teeth rounded or acute, 0.5–1 by (usually) 3.5–4.5 mm; along leafless inflorescence-bearing axes, these unbranched leaves always smooth (never bullate), texture varying from (or rarely male branched), pendulous or apically drooping, thin-chartaceous with secondary and coarser tertiary veins 1 per axil, plants mostly bisexual, with male axes up to 11 cm prominulous abaxially, to coriaceous with even fine reticulation long borne in upper axils, female axes 15–30 cm long borne in prominent, lateral veins similar on both sides of lamina, basal lower leaf axils, some intermediate axes with bisexual clusters; veins extending just into distal half of lamina, upper veins 1–3 bracts c. 1.5 mm long, narrowly triangular long-acuminate; either side arising in distal half. Male inflorescence-bearing axes flower-clusters closely-spaced or (especially female) contigu- few-branched near base or unbranched, female unbranched, ous along axis, male clusters c. 3 mm diam with less than 10 < 10 cm long. Fruiting perianth narrow-ellipsoid or sometimes loosely arranged flowers, female clusters 5–6 mm diam, with obovoid, beak conspicuous or very short. 30–more than 50 densely crowded flowers; bracteoles in male Distribution ― Endemic to Japan (Ryukyu and Bonin Islands). clusters narrowly triangular or obovate up to 0.4 mm long, in Habitat & Ecology ― Thickets and sunny rocky clearings, roadsides; 150–910 m altitude. female clusters narrower, linear-ovate, up to 0.7 mm long, c. Conservation status ― See under the species as a whole. half length of fruiting perianth. Male flowers 4-merous, sessile, mature buds depressed-globose, c. 1.5 mm diam, tepals with Notes ― See under the species as a whole. apiculus and without dorsal appendages or sometimes with distinct dorsal thickening, with dense indumentum like the stem. 19. Boehmeria multiflora C.B.Rob. — Fig. 17; Map 19 Female flowers ovoid to obovoid, up to 0.7 by 3 mm, beaked; stigma small, 0.8–1 mm long, hooked. Fruiting perianth obovoid Boehmeria multiflora C.B.Rob. (1908) 179. ― Type: R.S. Williams 1088 (iso to spindle-shaped (tapering to base and to distinct apical beak), NY), Philippines, Luzon, Benguet, Baguio, 6 June 1904. up to 1.5 by 0.7 mm, much-flattened with indistinct or distinct Shrub or small tree, 2–5 m tall; ultimate branches 1–2 mm marginal wing, hairs sparse or abundant, short, fine, spreading. diam, indumentum dense, velvety, hairs short (c. 0.3–0.4 mm Achene ellipsoid, c. 0.6 mm long. long), robust, ± spreading, white. Stipules linear-ovate, long- Distribution ― Philippines (Luzon, Bohol, Mindanao), Indo- acuminate, 8–13 by 2–2.5 mm, thick-textured, hairy, hairs on nesia (Bouton [also Buton or Butung, island adjacent to Sula­ midrib dense, ± adpressed, longer than on stem, elsewhere wesi]). sparse very short and fine. Leaves opposite, not or moderately Habitat & Ecology ― Margins of pine and oak or oak-erica­ dimorphic with ‘larger’ leaves 1.2–2× length of ‘smaller’ ones ceous forest; disturbed roadsides in forest; 750–2600 m altitude. and relatively narrower with more distinctly acuminate apex; Conservation status ― Vulnerable (VU). The species is slightly asymmetrical, narrowly ovate, small to medium-sized, known from c. 30 collections, most of them more than 50 years 9–14 by 3–5 cm, relative proportions little-varying, length 3(–4)× old. Its main distribution is on Luzon in the Philippines; as

Map 19 Distribution of Boehmeria multiflora C.B.Rob. 140 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013








d b

Fig. 17 Boehmeria multiflora C.B.Rob. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b. leaf; c. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; d. detail of leaf margin and abaxial surface; e. stipule; f. detail of male inflorescence-bearing axis showing one flower-cluster (inflorescence) and bract; g. detail of female inflorescence- bearing axis showing one flower-cluster (inflorescence); h, i. fruiting perianths of different form (from different plants) (a, i: Elmer 21976, K; b–e, h: Gaerlan 26686, L; f: Elmer 14275, K; g: Williams 1088, K). — Scale bars: a = 2 cm; b = 1 cm; c, d, f-i = 1 mm; e = 2 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 141 discussed under B. beyeri and B. heterophylla, the Philippines distal third of lamina, upper lateral veins numerous (5–)6–9, are subject to severe and continuing habitat degradation. The subopposite, all arising in distal half of lamina but often hard to EOO of 601 968 km2 is misleading because of the many old distinguish from robust coarser tertiary veins in proximal half, records and the single (old) record that documents the exten- veins visible or somewhat impressed adaxially and finely promi- sion to Sulawesi, the AOO is calculated as less than 500 km2 nent abaxially, coarser tertiary veins scalariform, conspicuous and it is recorded from only c. 30 collections. For these reasons or sometimes inconspicuous; texture chartaceous, leaves thin we will propose the criterion VU B2ab(iii). or thick and bullate; adaxial surface glabrous or with sparse adpressed hairs except on veins; hairs on abaxial surface Notes ― 1. This species is distinctive in leaves relatively usually on veins only, sparse, adpressed or abundant, longer, narrow, with spreading indumentum on both sides (velvety spreading; petiole relatively long, 0.3–0.5(–0.8)× lamina length. abaxially), often slightly bullate with prominent reticulation. It Flower-clusters borne on ± erect leafless inflorescence-bearing is similar in general appearance to two other narrow-leaved axes, these arising one from each axil, mostly unisexual, taxa, the partly sympatric but more widespread B. densiflora branched throughout length; male axes 20–30 cm long with var. densiflora which differs in leaves mostly narrower (length robust main axis and long lateral branches with 2nd-order 4–10× width, rather than 3(–4)× width) with adpressed hairs branching, female more slender, 7–13 cm with lateral branches adaxially and marginal teeth shallow, acute, mostly more widely shorter and unbranched; bracts triangular, 2 by 1 mm; male spaced, and the allopatric (Indian subcontinent to China and clusters spaced 2–10 mm, tiny with 1–few flowers, female Indochina) B. penduliflora which differs in much narrower gla- clusters generally more crowded, spaced 1–3 mm, clusters brescent leaves with more than 50 acute teeth. 1.5–2 mm diam, with few–20(–more than 40) fairly crowded 2. Boehmeria multiflora can be confused with certain dense­ flowers; bracteoles obovoid or oblong-spathulate, 0.3–0.5 mm ly-pubescent forms of B. virgata var. virgata which differ in in- long, only conspicuous once flowers have fallen. Male flowers florescence-bearing axes usually branched and generally 4-merous, sessile, mature buds depressed-globose, 1.2–1.4 longer (male 10–20 cm rather than ≤ 10 cm, female up to 70 mm, segments divided almost to base, dorsal appendage of rather than ≤ 30 cm), leaves not bullate, often longer and rela- tepals thick, prominent, hairs abundant, fine, spreading. Female tively broader, marginal teeth relatively broader, upper veins flowers broadly ovoid, flattened, 0.5 by 0.3 mm with abundant only 1–2(–3), basal veins reaching nearly to tip. However, coarse hairs; stigma 1–1.5 mm long. Fruiting perianth 1–1.2 these densely hairy forms of B. virgata are found mostly in the by 0.5–1 mm, ovoid or with rhombic outline, markedly later- island of New Guinea whereas its forms found in the Philippines ally flattened into narrow or wide wings up to 0.3× total fruiting are mostly much more easily distinguished, being sparsely perianth width. Achene elongate and occupying middle third adpressed-hairy and broader-leaved. of fruiting perianth. 3. Boehmeria multiflora can also be confused with narrower- Distribution ― Hawaiian Islands (incl. Hawaii, Mauai, Lauai, leaved forms of the sympatric B. rugosissima which differs Molokai, Oahu, Kauai); presumed naturalised in Reunion and in leaves relatively broader with length at most 2.5× width, Mauritius. only sparsely hairy adaxially, and inflorescence-bearing axes Habitat & Ecology ― Ravines and clearings in rainforest, branched. exposed slopes and ridges, often forming dense thickets; 130– 4. Boehmeria multiflora is possibly under-collected and might 1100 m altitude. be expected to occur also in the intermediate islands of the Central Philippines.

20. Boehmeria grandis (Hook. & Arn.) A.Heller — Fig. 18; Map 20

Boehmeria grandis (Hook. & Arn.) A.Heller (1897) 812. ― Urtica grandis Hook. & Arn. (1837) 95. ― Type: Beechey s.n. (holo BM; iso K), Hawaiian Islands, Oahu. Boehmeria stipularis Wedd. (1854) 200. ― Syntypes: du Petit-Thouars s.n. (not traced), Mascarene Islands; Gaudichaud s.n. (not traced), Reunion; Commerson (P), Mauritius. Boehmeria amplissima Blume (1857) 219 ― Type: Richard 690 (iso P), Réunion. Boehmeria grandis (Hook. & Arn.) A.Heller var. kauaiensis Skottsb. (1926) 220. ― Type: Skottsberg 951 (holo GB, n.v.), Hawaiian Islands, Kauai, Waimea. Boehmeria grandis (Hook. & Arn.) A.Heller var. cuneata Skottsb. (1944) 350. ― Type: Cranwell 3392 (holo GB), Hawaiian Islands, Molokai, 20 Sept. 1938. Shrub, to 7 m tall; ultimate stems relatively robust, (1.5–)2.5–3 mm diam, hairs sparse or abundant, adpressed or spreading, ≤ 0.4(–0.5) mm long. Stipules connate to apex, large, boat- shaped, (10–)25–65 by (3–)7–20 mm, pubescent outside in a broad band and with prominent parallel venation, very soon deciduous. Leaves opposite, not or slightly dimorphic in size and shape (‘smaller’ leaves slightly relatively broader), el- liptic or elliptic-ovate, often very large and broad, (9–)12–21 by (4–)7–12.5 cm, length (1.2–)1.5–2(–3)× width; margin up-curved-serrate, teeth (20–)25–50 either side, medium or large, well-spaced, 1–2 by 2–6 mm; leaf apex short broad attenuate-acuminate; base narrowly rounded or slightly cordate Map 20 Distribution Boehmeria grandis (Hook. & Arn.) A.Heller; indigenous (in the Mascarenes distinctly cordate, with auricles overlapping on the Hawaiian Islands (above) and naturalised distribution on the Mas- or wrapped around the petiole); basal veins extending into carenes (below). 142 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

d c



h g f b Fig. 18 Boehmeria grandis (Hook. & Arn.) A.A.Heller. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b. detail of one node with branched inflorescence- bearing axes; c. leaf; d. detail of stem apex with leaf and stipule; e. detail of male inflorescence-bearing axis with branch, flower-clusters (inflorescences) and bracts; f. male bud; g. detail of female inflorescence-bearing axis with flower-clusters (inflorescences) and bracts; h. fruiting perianth (a: Selling 3098; b, e, f: Cowan 679; c: Boyer 3; d: Christofferson 3702; g: Degener 8696; h: Bosser 20880; all K). — Scale bars: a, c, d = 2 cm; b = 1 cm; e, g = 2 mm; f, h = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 143

Conservation status ― Vulnerable (VU). The species is pletely breaks down and it is therefore not formally recognised known from c. 300 collections, although most of them are more here. than 50 years old. There is habitat destruction on all the Hawai- 6. Two forms occur on Reunion (Boyer, pers. comm.) almost ian Islands, but also conservation efforts and the existence of identical in leaves and flowers but very different in habit. A forest reserves where many of the collections come from. The large shrub, 2–4 m tall, is widespread on the island, with many EOO in its presumed native distribution is 16 760 km2, which weak arching branches which send up vertical leafy shoots to meets the criteria for Vulnerable, as does the AOO of less than 7–10 m, with fibrous aerial roots at shoot junctions, stipules per- 500 km2. This would justify the conservation status VU 2Bab(iii). sistent and flowering once a year. However, in only one locality However, if one includes the records from the Mascarene Is- the species occurs as trees up to 8 m, 13–20 cm diam, with lands where the habitat destruction is as severe as in the Hawai- a single unbranched trunk or with one or two strong branches ian Islands, the EOO becomes meaninglessly large, and criteria in upper half of plant, without arching branches or aerial roots, based on EOO can no longer be used. But the AOO remains stipules deciduous even from near stem apex, flowering twice less than 500 km2, and would still justify a status of Vulnerable. a year, in July and October. Boyer has suggested that this However, with two far removed populations it seems unlikely variation is a result of environmental damage from which the that the species would become extinct. widespread form is regenerating whereas the very localised tree form grows in a locality which has somehow escaped damage. Notes ― 1. This is the only species of Boehmeria known from Hawaii. It is distinctive in stipules extremely large, connate Leandri — Fig. 19; Map 21 and boat-shaped, (10–)20–60 mm long, and leaves large, only 21. Boehmeria tsaratananensis sparsely hairy, relatively broad, often bullate and ridged, drying Boehmeria tsaratananensis Leandri (1950) 59. ― Syntypes: Humbert 18285 brownish, with many upper veins and almost equally robust (syn P, n.v.), Madagascar, Centre Tsaratanana and Sambirano, Andavaka; tertiary veins spaced throughout lamina. Its strongly-veined Perrier de la Bâthie 15501 (P) & 9972 (P), Madagascar, Tsaratanana; Per­ leaves and branched female inflorescence-bearing axes are rier de la Bâthie 17678 (P), Madagascar, Ambre. Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. masoalensis Leandri (1950) 59. ― Type: reminiscent of those of the Himalayan B. polystachya. Perrier de la Bâthie 9973 (holo P), Madagascar, Masoala. – See Note 2. 2. Marginal teeth in B. grandis are very varied in number and width relative to leaf-size and some forms can be confused with Shrub, ± scrambling, 1–3 m tall, branches rather fleshy; ultimate some Southeast Polynesian forms of the very variable B. virgata branches slender, c. 1 mm diam, hairs dense, minute (up to var. virgata which also have large thick leaves and stipules 0.1 mm long), fine, closely-adpressed, eventually glabrescent. unusually large for B. virgata. However, B. virgata differs in male Stipules broad- or narrow-triangular (shortest in high altitude axis without 2nd-order branching, female axes unbranched or specimens), 3.5–10 by 1–1.5 mm, fused for 0.3–0.5× length, with short male branches at base; larger-toothed forms often usually cordate in basal part, sparsely hairy outside as stem. also have margin crenate (teeth rounded) rather than serrate, Leaves opposite and slightly or moderately dimorphic with leaf texture smooth rather than bullate and secondary veins length of ‘larger’ leaves up to 1.5× ‘smaller’ ones, elliptic or distinct from tertiary. Some collections of B. virgata appear elliptic-obovate, sometimes asymmetrical with one half slightly somewhat intermediate with B. grandis (discussed in Note 5 wider, small or medium, 5–16 by 2.5–7 cm, length 1.7–2.2 under B. virgata var. virgata). (–2.8)× width; margin entire in basal quarter or half, distal part 3. Forms with the smallest stipules are rather similar to the indistinctly serrate, teeth 10–15(–20) either side, these very largest forms of B. rugosissima (Jawa, Philippines) which dif- fers in lateral veins fewer but more distinct all clearly arising in distal half, and fruiting perianth less markedly flattened with indistinct wing and relatively large achenes. 4. The material found in Mascarenes (B. stipularis) is indis- tinguishable from that found in Hawaii. The differences sug- gested in literature (e.g., Hillebrand 1888: 412) between these two taxa are non-existent; B. stipularis appears to differ from B. grandis only in leaves strongly cordate, often with marked auricles overlapping each other or wrapped round the petiole, lamina often abundantly velvety hairy abaxially, stigma 1.5 mm. Wagner et al. (1999: 1300) note that Heller (1897) recognised the Hawaiian taxon as distinct “without any comment other than, when considered conspecific with B. stipularis, it had an odd distribution”. It is presumed to be an early introduction to the Mascarenes from Hawaii (just as is the presence there of the East Asian B. penduliflora). The species was cultivated by the early Hawaiians for fibre (Degener 1947: Fam. 97, Urticaceae, Boehmeria). 5. There is some regional variation within the Hawaiian Is- lands which appears to be genetic rather than environmentally- induced. Throughout the Hawaiian Islands occur typical forms with stems robust, stipules very large, leaves broad, prominently reticulate-veined and often very large, but a variant which has been recognised as var. kauaiensis occurs only in Kauai, with ultimate stems slender, c. 1.5 mm diam (rather than c. 3 mm), stipules only 10–35 (rather than 25–65) mm, leaves only up to 12 cm long, length 2–3× (rather than 1.2–2.2×) width, margins with only up to c. 30 teeth, veins less prominent and tertiary reticulation inconspicuous. The two forms are fairly distinct in Kauai but elsewhere (especially in Molokai) the distinction com- Map 21 Distribution of Boehmeria tsaratananensis Leandri. 144 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013 shallow but broad, 0.3–1(–1.5) by 3–8 mm, length usually when live, coarser tertiary venation ± scalariform, prominent 5–10× width, the longest near apex; leaf apex broadly rounded abaxially; texture thin- or thick-chartaceous to ± coriaceous terminated abruptly by short acumen tapering to fine point; base (leaves sometimes slightly bullate), adaxial surface hairy, hairs broadly rounded to broadly cuneate, often slightly oblique; basal like the stem but sparse, extremely inconspicuous and often veins extending to distal quarter of lamina, upper lateral veins lying in a rather regular pattern pointing towards the centre of (1–)2 on wide side, 1(–2) on narrow side, all arising in distal areoles; abaxial surface with similar hairs on veins and reticu- third or near apex, inconspicuous or (in thick leaves) deeply lation but denser and even smaller; petiole long with respect impressed adaxially, prominent abaxially, recorded as purple to lamina, half of to almost equalling lamina length, pubescent



d e



i h g

Fig. 19 Boehmeria tsaratananensis Leandri. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b, c. leaves of different form (from different plants); d. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; e. detail of abaxial surface; f. detail of stem and stipules; g. detail of male inflorescence-bearing axis with flower-clusters (inflores- cences) and bract; h. detail of female inflorescence-bearing axis with flower-clusters (inflorescences) and bract; i. fruiting perianth (a, f: Schatz 2402, K; b, g: Andrianantoanina 343, K; c-e, h: Lowry 4084, K; i: Bathie 9972, P). — Scale bars: a–c = 2 cm; d, e = 5 mm; f-i = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 145 like stem. Flower-clusters borne along leafless inflorescence- glabrescent. Stipules narrowly triangular-attenuate, ± free to bearing axes, these extremely slender, (0.2–0.5 mm diam when base, fairly long and conspicuous, 7–8 by c. 1 mm, but very dry), (red in live state) 1–several arising from thicker basal part soon caducous. Leaves opposite, dimorphic in size and shape, which is extremely short 2–5 mm long; axes rarely bisexual, usually markedly so, with ‘larger’ leaves, (1.5–)2–4× length of more often unisexual but both sexes sometimes on same plant ‘smaller’ ones and relatively narrower, slightly sideways-curved, with male axes in upper axils; male axes 3–10 cm, erect, female linear-ovate to narrowly elliptic-ovate, fairly small, (3.5–)5–12 ones (10–)15–40 cm, pendulous; flower-clusters often rather by (1–)1.5–3 cm, length 3.5–4× width; margin often ± entire wide-spaced, 2–20 mm apart, up to 2.5 mm diam, with only and slightly undulate throughout most of its length but towards 1–5(–10) flowers; bracts broadly ovate, acuminate 1.5 by 1 mm; leaf apex indistinctly serrate, teeth 10–12(–15) either side, in- bracteoles very conspicuous, triangular or elliptic, acute, distinct shallow, sometimes up to 0.2 mm long but often reduced 0.5–0.8 mm long. Male flowers 4-merous, subsessile, male to slight thickening or tiny mucro, very widely spaced, 2–5 buds globular, large c. 1.5 mm diam, with slight dorsal thickening mm apart; leaf apex gradually attenuate to ± long-acuminate, and sparse hairs as stem. Female perianth small, c. 0.5 mm sometimes mucronate at extreme tip; base narrowly cuneate; long, ovoid without distinct beak; stigma 1–1.5(–2) mm. Fruit­ basal veins extending into distal third or nearly to tip, upper ing perianth ellipsoid short and broad 1–1.2 by 0.6–0.7 mm, lateral veins similarly arranged on both sides of leaf, 2–4 slightly laterally flattened with marginal rim and short beak, hairs either side but scarcely distinct from coarser tertiary veins, sparse, minute, spreading. Achene ± filling fruiting perianth. lowermost arising just in distal half of lamina; inconspicuous Distribution ― Madagascar (northern and eastern part). (rarely impressed) adaxially, finely prominulous abaxially; tex- Habitat & Ecology ― Cloud forest, moss forest, wet hollows ture fairly thin-chartaceous to (dry habitat) very thin-coriaceous, in dense undisturbed primary forest, on siliceous soil; 400– adaxial surface glabrous and shiny (dark green when live); 1000 m altitude. abaxial surface paler, hairy on veins, hairs sparse or dense, Conservation status ― Endangered (EN). The species is adpressed; petiole short relative to lamina, 0.1–0.25× lamina known from c. 10 collections from five localities. The material length. ‘Smaller’ leaves relatively broader, broadly elliptic or is both old and relatively recent, the latest from 2005. There is ovate with apex obtuse, broadly acute or rarely short-acuminate, habitat destruction on Madagascar, but also conservation ef- extreme tip usually also distinctly mucronate, mucro 1–2 mm forts, and forest reserves exist. The EOO is 96 172 km2, which long, base broadly cuneate. Flower-clusters borne on leafless would give it a conservation status as Near Threatened (NT) inflorescence-bearing axes, these pendent, unbranched, uni- but, the AOO is only 24 km2. Taking into account the few, small sexual, 1 per axil, male axes up to 10 cm long, female ones very and scattered populations in restricted habitats it can be given variable in length, 10–35 cm long; bracts narrowly triangular, a status of Endangered with the criteria EN 2Bab(iii). c. 2 by 0.5 mm, soon caducous; flower-clusters spaced 2–5 mm apart, male clusters up to 2 mm diam, with 1–5 flowers, Notes ― 1. This species is endemic to Madagascar (one of female clusters c. 2.5 mm diam, with 10–30 flowers; bracteoles only three taxa native to the region, the other being two varie- inconspicuous, linear-elliptic, 0.3–0.5 mm long. Male flowers ties of B. virgata subsp. macrophylla) and does not closely 4-merous, pedicels 0.5–1 mm long, mature buds c. 1 mm diam, resemble any other taxon. It is distinctive in its leaves obovate dorsal appendages of tepals small, hairs sparse coarse stiff to elliptic-obovate with teeth sharply-up-curved but very shallow ± spreading hairs. Female flowers c. 0.6 by 0.3 mm, ellipsoid, and wide-spaced, these progressively shallower proximally and hairy like male; stigma 1–1.5(–2) mm long. Fruiting perianth finally absent in basal part of leaf margin, upper veins only 1–2, arising close to apex, its petiole very long relative to lamina; its inflorescence-bearing axes extremely slender with large male flowers and its short broad fruiting perianth. The character of partly-entire leaf margin is also seen only in two allopatric and otherwise very dissimilar species. The ex- tremely rare Burmese endemic B. didymogyne is a slender herb with leaves membranous and flower-clusters axillary. The Papua New Guinean endemic B. subintegra has leaves much narrower (length 3.5–4× width), glabrous and shiny above with apex gradually attenuate, marginal teeth only up to 0.2 mm long, petiole relatively much shorter (0.1–0.25× lamina length), leaves often markedly more dimorphic with length of ‘larger’ leaves up to 4× ‘smaller’ ones. 2. Leandri (1950), at the same time as describing B. tsara­ tananensis, also described material of it as B. platyphylla var. masoalensis. Subsequently (Leandri 1965), he remarked on the long petiole and shallow teeth, but had presumably not seen a sufficiently wide range of variation of B. tsaratananensis to define its other distinguishing characters of leaf shape, venation and progressive change in form of marginal teeth.

22. Boehmeria subintegra Friis & Wilmot-Dear — Fig. 20; Map 22

Boehmeria subintegra Friis & Wilmot-Dear in Wilmot-Dear et al. (2010) 444. ― Type: Brass 23704 (holo K; iso A), Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay, Gwariu River, Biniguni camp, 30 July 1953. Map 22 Distribution of Boehmeria subintegra Friis & Wilmot-Dear (Ê), B. vir- gata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. virgata var. velutina Friis & Wilmot-Dear (●), Shrub or small tree, 2–4 m tall, with erect branches; ultimate B. virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. virgata var. maxima Friis & Wilmot-Dear stems slender (but soon becoming thick and woody), c. 1 mm (ä) and B. virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. virgata var. austroqueenslandica diam, hairs dense, short fine, closely-adpressed, white; later (Domin) Friis & Wilmot-Dear ( ). 146 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013 obovate in outline and extremely laterally flattened, with dis- Conservation status ― Vulnerable (VU). The conservation tinct marginal wing surrounding the part filled by the achene, status was established by Wilmot-Dear et al. (2010: 448). The 1–1.5 by c. 0.8 mm. Achene located in middle or distal part of species is known from five localities and 11 collections, mainly fruiting perianth. made between 1935 and 1953 in remote areas of Papua New Distribution ― Papua New Guinea. Guinea, and the EOO is 16 604 km2, while the AOO is 16 km2, Habitat & Ecology ― Ridge forest, secondary forest, brushy according to which it is endangered. However, the remoteness seral growth on ravines and steep riverbanks, regrowth vege­ of the region in which the species occurs would seem to indicate tation on steep slope, grassy slopes (Arundinella); 200–1760 m that it is not currently threatened. altitude.





i a


h f Fig. 20 Boehmeria subintegra Friis & Wilmot-Dear. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b. leaf; c, d. detail of leaf margin and abaxial surface (different plants); e. pair of stipules; f. detail of male inflorescence-bearing axis with flower-cluster (inflorescence) and bract; g. male bud; h. detail of female inflorescence-bearing axis with flower-cluster (inflorescence); i. fruiting perianth (a, e, i: Brass 23704; b, c, f, g: Hoogland 3988; d: Stevens 58169; h: Carr 15315; all K). — Scale bars: a = 2 cm; b = 1 cm; c–e = 2 mm; f–i = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 147

Notes ― 1. An endemic of restricted distribution and one of crowded or rather loosely-arranged flowers; bracts triangular, up only four species known from the island of New Guinea, the to 2 mm long; bracteoles up to 0.3(–0.5) mm long. Male flowers others being B. virgata (three varieties), B. depauperata and 4-merous, sessile, mature buds depressed-globose, c. 1 mm B. heterophylla, none of which would be confused with it. It is diam, dorsal appendages of tepals usually prominent, hairs very distinctive in the whole genus in its relatively small leaves sparse (rarely dense), adpressed or spreading. Female flowers which are so indistinctly toothed as to appear almost entire, and fairly narrowly ovoid, up to 0.5 mm long; stigma rather vari- in its ‘smaller’ leaves usually conspicuously long-mucronate. able, 0.6–2 mm long. Fruiting perianth 0.7–2 by 0.3–0.5(–1) The Burmese endemic B. kurzii is the only other Old World mm, always with minute or longer beak, otherwise extremely species with entire (but truly entire) leaves and is otherwise varied in form, ovoid-conical or ellipsoid to obovoid ± inflated very dissimilar. in distal part, or obtriangular in outline with truncate apex, and 2. The long pendulous unbranched crowded inflorescence- either scarcely laterally flattened with achene ± filling fruiting bearing axes with broadly-winged fruiting perianths are like perianth, or more markedly laterally flattened with or without those of B. penduliflora, B. multiflora and B. densiflora (this last distinct marginal rim or narrow to broad wing and achene not also has well-spaced teeth and somewhat similar leaf shape), filling fruiting perianth, glabrescent or more often hairy, hairs but leaves in all three are easily distinguished by being uniformly sparse to abundant, minute or coarse. and distinctly toothed throughout. Distribution ― Tropical Africa, from Sierra Leone and Sene­ gal to Ethiopia, south to Angola, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, Comoro Islands, Madagascar, Mascarene Islands, Pakistan, (G.Forst.) Guill. — Fig. 21–29; Map 23. Boehmeria virgata India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Thailand, 23–30 Laos, Vietnam, southern and south-western China (includ- Boehmeria virgata (G.Forst.) Guill. (1837) 182. ― Urtica virgata G.Forst. ing Hong Kong), Malaysia (Selangor), Indonesia (Sumatera, (1786) 66, no. 345. ― Boehmeria taitensis Wedd. (1854) 200, nom. illeg. Kalimantan, Jawa, Nusa Tenggara [Lesser Sunda Islands], superfl., based on Urtica virgata G.Forst. (1786). ― Boehmeria platyphylla Sulawesi, Moluccas, Papua), Philippines, Papua New Guinea, D.Don var. virgata (G.Forst.) Wedd. (1856) 366. ― Type: G. Forster s.n. Australia (Queensland, New South Wales), Solomon Islands, (iso K), the locality indicated is “Society Islands” in the protologue, but the K isotype material indicates two localities on the label: “Tongo Tabo, Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga Islands, Samoan Islands, Society Islands, Taheetee” [Tonga Tapu, main islands in the Tonga Islands, and Tahiti, main Marquesas Islands, Austral Islands. island in the Society Islands]. Habitat & Ecology ― See under infraspecific taxa. Conservation status ― See under each subspecies. Erect or scandent subshrub, shrub or tree (rarely woody-based herb), 0.5–8 m tall; ultimate stems fairly robust, 1.5–2 mm Notes ― 1. This species is much more widely-distributed diam, soon becoming thicker and woody, with widely varying geographically than any other species of Boehmeria and indumentum, hairs sparse, inconspicuous, adpressed short, exhibits a wide range of variation, especially in leaf shape. stiff or fine, or dense, spreading longer and soft. Stipules nar- However, as discussed below, it is not possible to divide this rowly triangular mostly rather small and inconspicuous, ± free taxon into species by applying the same criteria as elsewhere to base, 4–6(–11) by 1(–2.3) mm, thin- or thick-chartaceous, in this revision. See comments by Weddell (1856: 369) exten- hairy outside or sometimes glabrescent. Leaves mainly oppo- sively quoted in the introduction to this paper. We have found site (sometimes some on ultimate lateral branchlets alternate), it necessary to widen the concept of this species even more with laminas not or only slightly dimorphic in size and shape than Weddell. Well over 30 basionyms have been proposed but petioles often more markedly dissimilar; lamina ovate to for the taxa which we here refer to this very variable species, rhombic-ovate or elliptic, with wide range of size and relative for which we have tried to establish a reasonably satisfactory proportions, (5–)10–24 by 3–16 mm, length (1.2–)1.5–3.5× infraspecific classification. width; almost symmetrical or slightly asymmetrical especially 2. Summary of the infraspecific classification within at base and apex; margin regularly toothed throughout length, B. virgata teeth widely varying in number, size and shape, minute and Fourteen varieties with varying degree of distinctiveness are indistinct or large and conspicuous, rounded or narrow-acute, recognised in this treatment, most of which fall clearly within 10–60 either side, (0.2–)1–4(–7) mm long; leaf apex attenuate one of two subspecies with centres of distribution either side of or distinctly acuminate, toothed to tip or consisting mainly of a Wallace’s line, subsp. virgata to the east (Indonesia, Australia single long terminal tooth; base slightly or markedly asymmetri- and the Pacific) and scarcely crossing the line (c. 20 collec- cal, cuneate to narrowly or broadly rounded, rarely ± truncate or tions out of several hundred seen), subsp. macrophylla entirely slightly cordate; basal veins extending into distal half or well into to the west of it (Afro-Malagasy region, Indian subcontinent, distal third of lamina, upper lateral veins 1–3(–[very rarely] 7) ei- Indochina, China, Sumatera and Jawa). The distinctions be- ther side, similar or dissimilarly arranged on the two sides of the tween subsp. virgata and subsp. macrophylla are summarised lamina, usually inconspicuous adaxially, these and coarser often in Table 3. inconspicuously scalariform tertiary reticulation visible abaxially; texture thin- or thick-chartaceous, leaves rarely slightly bullate For two reasons these two entities cannot satisfactorily be rec- or rugulose, both surfaces with indumentum usually similar to ognised as separate species. Firstly, two regional variants are that of stem, often sparser below or sometimes adaxial surface intermediate in leaf morphology between the two subspecies glabrous; petiole (0.1–)0.25–0.7(–1.3)× lamina length. Flower- and are here considered as best placed within subsp. virgata clusters borne on leafless inflorescence-bearing axes, these only because of their distribution (see following paragraph). short and ± erect to apically pendent or more often medium to Secondly, in the northern and western part of its distribution the long and pendulous, arising one from each axil, (5–)10–40 cm most variable and frequently collected variety (subsp. virgata long, axes unbranched or sometimes male or both sexes with var. virgata) appears to approach subsp. macrophylla var. a few long lateral branches near base or throughout length but macrostachya via a range of forms progressively less distinct without 2nd-order branching; both sexes often on same plant from var. macrostachya. This variation is discussed in detail with male axes usually in lower axils or forming short lateral below (Note 3). branches at base of mainly female inflorescence-bearing axis; Subsp. virgata comprises the widespread and variable var. clusters well-spaced or crowded; male clusters with up to c. 15 virgata and three narrowly distributed regional variants; two flowers, female clusters with (less than 10–)20–more than 50 are sympatric with var. virgata and endemic to the island of 148 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

Table 3 Characters of the subspecies of Boehmeria virgata summarised.

B. virgata subsp. virgata B. virgata subsp. macrophylla

Habit Tree / shrub / scandent Shrub / subshrub / woody-based herb Leaf shape Elliptic / elliptic-ovate, thick, narrow Ovate / rhombic-ovate / (elliptic), thin, broader Leaf apex Attenuate / indistinct acumen, toothed to tip Distinct acumen(-attenuate), often tip made up of single tooth Marginal teeth Dentation shallow, teeth 0.2–1.5(–2) mm long rounded / Dentation deep, teeth (1–)1.5–6 mm long, acute, up-curved; out-pointing; number more than 25 number sometimes less than 25 Basal veins Extend almost to apex Scarcely into distal half Lateral venation Robust, arise in distal half Slender, lowest arise at or below middle Tertiary venation ± Scalariform, close-spaced ± Reticulate, wider-spaced Adaxial leaf indumentum Glabrous / adpressed / spreading (glabrescent-) / adpressed / (-spreading) Stipule length 7–10 mm ≤ 7 mm Fruiting perianth Strongly laterally flattened, winged Flattened or not, with marginal rim (or sometimes wing)

New Guinea, one closely similar to it; the other, var. maxima, is adaxial (or both) surfaces often glabrous. However, certain intermediate in certain leaf characters with subsp. macrophylla variants (Rapa and Tahiti) have teeth up to 2 mm long and var. macrostachya, as is the third variety, var. austroqueens­ leaves broad, adpressed-hairy; these are distinguished landica (eastern Australia, allopatric to the rest of the species). from var. macrostachya by being always thick-textured with Subsp. macrophylla comprises ten varieties. The variation here veins robust, upper veins rather numerous and stipules recognised at varietal rank is correlated with geographical dis- unusually large, up to 20 mm long. Plants at the extremes tribution and some of these entities are strikingly different from of this range of variation (for example leaves small narrow one another; however, the existence of a range of intermediate thin-textured and shallowly crenate as compared to large forms where their distributions overlap, especially in the Hima- broad thick-textured and dentate) appear very different from layas, makes it impossible to recognise them at anything other one another, but the continuous matrix of variation (most than varietal rank. Molecular and classical cytological work characters varying independently of one another) makes would be very helpful in clarifying the relationships between all any further formal distinction impossible. these entities and better interpreting this confusing variation, in ii. In Fiji leaves vary in size and texture but less in marginal the same way that cytological work on B. japonica and its allies teeth and indumentum and are distinguished from those of (discussed elsewhere) has led to understanding of that hitherto var. macrostachya in being shallowly-toothed (mostly cre- equally confusing matrix of intergrading entities. The entities nate), mostly narrow, often asymmetrical, often glabrous; here formally recognised are discussed in detail in what follows. the apex of the ‘smaller’ leaves (sometimes also the ‘larger’ The wide range of variation still included within the two most leaves) is unusual in being often broad-acute rather than variable varieties subsp. virgata var. virgata and subsp. macro­ attenuate. phylla var. macrostachya also shows some correlation with iii. In the Samoan Islands leaves are even less variable, mostly geographical distribution but further regional variants cannot small (< 10 cm long), thin-textured, veins slender, teeth be formally recognised for the reasons discussed below. The rather few (20–25 either side); these forms are clearly pattern of variation within and between the two subspecies and distinct from var. macrostachya in being narrow, shallowly their varieties is as follows. crenate, mostly elliptic and glabrous, often markedly asym- 3. The range of variation within subsp. virgata var. vir­ metrical. (Only one collection has been seen with large gata and its approach to that of subsp. macrophylla broad leaves, 17 by 9 mm.) var. macrostachya iv. In Melanesia (Vanuatu) leaves are relatively large, thin- textured, veins rather indistinct, teeth only 25–30 either As summarised in Table 3 the two subspecies differ in the side; these forms still ± conform to var. virgata in being range of variation in leaf proportions, shape and texture and glabrous adaxially, crenate and often asymmetrical, but characters of the marginal teeth. Subsp. macrophylla var. mac­ are less distinct from var. macrostachya since marginal rostachya is further distinguished from subsp. virgata var. vir­ teeth are often larger, some > 1 mm long. gata by its leaves always thin-textured, relatively broad (length v. From the island of New Guinea little material has been ≤ 2(–2.25)× width), marginal teeth acute, at least 1.5 mm long, seen; marginal teeth are mostly relatively large (as in var. although both varieties show a wide range in number of teeth. macrostachya) but otherwise leaves conform to subsp. Var. virgata is often further distinguishable from var. macro­ virgata, being thick-textured with robust veins and mostly stachya by leaves often much more distinctly asymmetrical in narrow, closely similar to or intermediate with the sympatric outline and venation and sometimes with hairs on stem and var. velutina (see below). upper leaf surface spreading (rather than adpressed). However, vi. From Sulawesi and Moluccas (i.e., towards the western var. virgata becomes progressively less distinct in the northern limits of the distribution of var. virgata) material is abundant and western part of its distribution (Vanuatu, Indonesia and the with widely varying leaf-size and -texture. The majority of Philippines), as follows. collections are easily distinguished from var. macrostachya, In the Pacific var. virgata shows considerable variation between having leaves relatively narrowly elliptic-ovate, attenuate, (sometimes also within) the various island groups but is mostly shallowly crenate, many-toothed, ± glabrous adaxially and very distinct from var. macrostachya. often thick-textured with venation ± distinct, scalariform. i. In Southeast Polynesia (Marquesas, Austral and Society Is- However, some material is less distinct, having leaves lands) plants are often scandent; there is an especially wide thin-textured, teeth acute, > 1 mm long, and adaxial surface range of variation in leaf-size, texture, relative proportions, abundantly adpressed-hairy. indumentum density and marginal tooth length. Most vari- vii. At the northern and western limits of its range, crossing ants are distinguished from var. macrostachya by leaves Wallace’s line (Malaysia, Sumatera, Jawa, Bali) and in the relatively narrow, marginal teeth short and often blunt and Philippines, var. virgata appears to be uncommon. Most C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 149

material is somewhat intermediate with var. macrostachya greatly flattened. It is somewhat intermediate in leaf cha- in leaf texture and/or shape and size of marginal teeth. In rac­ters between the two subspecies, having marginal teeth the Philippines some material is impossible to assign to 1–2 mm long (rather than mostly < 1.5 mm in subsp. vir­ either taxon. gata, mostly > 1.5 mm in subsp. macrophylla). It is similar In summary, forms of var. virgata seen in most of the Pacific firstly to certain narrow-leaved Indonesian forms of var. are clearly distinct from var. macrostachya, becoming less so virgata (these forms differing in teeth smaller and shorter, from east to west. In Indonesia east of Wallace’s line some male axes branched), and secondly to narrow-leaved material is less distinct than in the Pacific, but distinction is the forms of the African subsp. macrophylla var. molliuscula least clear in some of the few collections of var. virgata which with fruiting perianths only moderately laterally flattened cross Wallace’s line, where much material seen has most char- (these forms differing in leaves often glabrous adaxially, acters of var. virgata but indumentum and teeth conforming to teeth larger, leaf apex mostly a single long tooth and stem var. macrostachya. hairs spreading). Because of the distribution of the two subspecies with respect to Wallace’s line, this intermediate 4. Distribution and variation in regional variants of variety is also here included under subsp. virgata. subsp. virgata Two regional variants are sympatric with var. virgata in the 5. Distribution and variation within and between regional island of New Guinea. variants of subsp. macrophylla i. Var. velutina is distinctive in its indumentum long and i. Subsp. macrophylla var. molliuscula (Afro-Malagasy) and dense, leaves thick-textured, often distinctly subcordate, var. macrostachya (Indian subcontinent), both frequently marginal teeth longer and its inflorescence-bearing axes collected and rather variable, were hitherto considered always much-branched. It is formally recognised only at as one taxon. Var. molliuscula is distinguishable from var. varietal level because it grades into var. virgata via a range macrostachya as summarised in Table 4. of intermediate forms with leaves cuneate and/or more Although var. molliuscula is generally rather unlike var. sparsely pubescent and thinner-textured. macrostachya in overall appearance, those collections ii. Var. maxima is distinctive in its extremely large leaves, the with the broadest leaves and the smallest teeth overlap largest seen in this species, their size overlapping only in variation with narrow-leaved large-toothed forms of var. with the largest forms of var. macrostachya. It is somewhat macrostachya, being clearly distinct only in their spreading intermediate between the two subspecies; its marginal stem indumentum. (Notably, most material from Réunion teeth of leaf rounded, much broader than long, and fruit- has leaves rather broad and stem hairs half-adpressed; a ing perianth with a broad thin wing surrounding a relatively few collections from Bioko and Cameroon also have stem small achene conform to subsp. virgata, but its thin leaves hairs half-adpressed.) However, from Tanzania most mate- with large long teeth are closer to subsp. macrophylla. As rial (e.g., Harris 5095, Renvoize 1509) has more closely- discussed above (Note 2), it is included under subsp. vir­ adpressed stem hairs; these variants somewhat obscure gata because of its distribution, being allopatric to subsp. the main distinction from var. macrostachya. Nevertheless, macrophylla and within a small part of the distribution of we consider the Afro-Malagasy entity worthy of formal subsp. virgata var. virgata. recognition in view of its geographical separation and the It is distinguished from var. virgata on leaves thin-textured, fact that these variants conform to Afro-Malagasy material both very large and relatively broad (at least some ≥ 24 cm (rather than to var. macrostachya) in other characters. long, longer than any seen in var. virgata) with length mostly The density of indumentum on stem and leaves of var. < 1.8× width; (in any collections of var. virgata where leaves molliuscula varies greatly and seems to be correlated with are fairly long 15–22 cm they will also be relatively much habitat, with almost glabrous forms in dense rainforest and narrower and/or thick-textured); the number of marginal much more hairy ones in open or riverine forest. teeth is mostly more than 45 either side (mostly less than ii. These latter forms of var. molliuscula intergrade via a con- 45 in var. virgata). tinuous range of intermediates with var. tomentosa which iii. Var. austroqueenslandica, allopatric to the rest of the spe- is found only in open forest and appears to be relatively cies (eastern Australia), is distinctive in narrow attenuate uncommon and is presumed to be the dry habitat variant, leaves with marginal teeth relatively few, large, and hairs occurring sporadically throughout the range of var. mol­ on adaxial surface and stem close-adpressed, abundant liuscula. It is distinguished from var. molliuscula by indu- but extremely fine and inconspicuous, male inflorescence- mentum on most parts of plant dense, long, pale, spreading bearing axes long, unbranched, female axes with flower- and leaves thick-textured with robust main veins all arising clusters often densely crowded and fruiting perianth not in the distal half of the lamina, often rhombic-ovate and

Table 4 Characters of Boehmeria virgata subsp. macrophylla: distinction between var. molliuscula and var. macrostachya.

B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. molliuscula B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. macrostachya

Stem hairs Spreading / half-adpressed, mostly curved, brown Closely-adpressed, straight, pale Leaf texture Smooth Often bullate Leaf adaxial surface Often almost glabrous With sparse or abundant hairs Leaf shape Length 1.5–3.5× width, often elliptic Length 1.5–2(–2.25)× width, ovate, rarely elliptic-ovate Leaf base Often narrowly subcordate Mostly cuneate to rounded Marginal teeth 15–35, slightly up-curved, > 2 mm long (22–)25–50(–60), often markedly up-curved, 1.5–2 mm long Male inflorescence-bearing axes Unbranched, pendulous Often branched, basal part often ± erect Female axes Unbranched Often with 1–2 branches near base Female clusters With 10–40(–more than 50) flowers, loosely arranged Mostly with 30–more than 50 flowers, often densely congested Fruiting perianths Only moderately laterally flattened with marginal rim Mostly much-flattened with distinct marginal wing and apical beak, or indistinct wing, ellipsoid or ovoid without distinct beak sometimes obovoid or ± spindle-shaped 150 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

short-petioled. The material of var. tomentosa seen from of the diameter of other varieties) with clusters sparse, Nigeria and Tanzania is the most distinctive with narrow widely spaced and very few-flowered, its female perianth thick leaves densely hairy adaxially. Many collections extremely small in both flower and fruit and its stem indu- intermediate between the two varieties have been seen mentum of two kinds, dense fine closely-adpressed hairs from Zaire, Cameroon and Angola (a few also from Nigeria, which at the stem apex and at upper nodes are completely Uganda and Zambia), mostly from more moist habitat, with concealed by dense coarser spreading much longer hairs. markedly thick-textured narrow leaves but indumentum Hairs on the abaxial leaf surface are soft and of varying (especially on leaves) much sparser. lengths, usually much more abundant than in other varieties iii. Var. macrostachya is widespread and apparently common of subsp. macrophylla, often giving the distinctive whitish in the northern and central part of the Indian subcontinent, cast to the leaf indicated by its name. Some material from with a few collections also seen from the southern part the eastern Himalayas of var. minuticymosa and var. rotun­ of peninsular India and Sri Lanka. (According to Chen et difolia (see Notes viii, ix) with a few long spreading hairs al. (2003) it also occurs in China, but all collections seen near the stem apex in addition to their shorter adpressed hitherto identified as this entity were intermediate with var. hairs tends somewhat towards this taxon. rotundifolia, var. scabrella or var. strigosa. It is character- viii. Var. rotundifolia (eastern Himalayas, south-western China) ised by stem hairs closely-adpressed and a combination also has marginal teeth relatively narrow, but fewer than of other characters as listed in Table 4, but leaf shape and in var. canescens and is distinctive in its terminal tooth of indumentum of abaxial leaf surface are extremely variable. the leaf apex abrupt, very narrow, long and ± tail-like and Most collections from the eastern and western Himalayas its marginal teeth strongly up-curved, distal ones markedly and all from central India have relatively wide leaves (length more in-curved than proximal ones. Stem indumentum is 1.25–1.5(–1.75)× width), with marginal teeth numerous, abundant, short and adpressed, but longer hairs which (30–)40–50(–60) and often small, 1.5–2 by 4–5 mm. In are sparse, coarser and spreading (as in var. canescens the eastern Himalayas some material has relatively nar- but much more sparse) are sometimes also present; col- rower elliptic-ovate leaves with fewer larger teeth more lections have also been seen ± intermediate in leaf-shape similar to var. molliuscula. with var. canescens with leaf-acumen abrupt but short and iv. Many collections of subsp. macrophylla have been seen inflorescence-bearing axes rather slender. Forms some- from the Indian subcontinent; many of these, especially what intermediate with var. macrostachya or var. scabrella from the Himalayas (including the type of B. massuriensis) have been seen from the eastern Himalayas and south- exhibit a range of intergrading forms intermediate between ern China with leaves much narrower and less abruptly the various entities whose different distributions overlap in acuminate but with distal teeth markedly up-curved. From that region (var. canescens, var. macrostachya, var. minuti­ Sikkim and Burma other forms of more obscure identity cymosa, var. rotundifolia and var. scabrella). Most of these have been seen less abruptly acuminate and with hairs on have some leaf characters of var. scabrella (marginal teeth leaves on stems conspicuous, coarse and spreading but numerous and relatively narrow, leaves often asymmetri- with leaves broad and sometimes two kinds of hair near cal in outline, often thick-textured with hairs conspicuous the stem apex. From Vietnam similar intermediate forms, rather stiff, or asymmetrically cordate with sparse hairs; see but with soft rather than coarse spreading hairs, have been Note x below) but inflorescence-bearing axes pendulous seen. as in var. macrostachya. Some of these forms also have ix. Var. minuticymosa is the only variety seen from Thailand minute peduncles in the flower-clusters as in var. minuti­ and extends eastwards to Indochina and South China cymosa. From mainland China and Vietnam relatively few and westward to the Himalayas where it is sympatric to collections of the subspecies as a whole have been seen; var. macrostachya. It is especially distinctive in its often five varieties are known (see Notes viii–x, xii, xiii below) elongate female clusters with many minute flattened pedun- and some material is intermediate between them. cles bearing several pedicellate flowers (otherwise seen v. Three varieties are sympatric to var. macrostachya but only in var. canescens); it is also characterised by leaves restricted to small parts of its distribution, two others partly medium-sized with base cuneate to rounded, thin-textured sympatric but more widespread and four others allopatric. and often slightly bullate like those of var. macrostachya vi. Var. longissima (Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka) is restricted to but more uniform in size and narrower with marginal teeth high altitude evergreen rainforest; it is more similar in its numerous (40–45 either side) and rather small as in var. narrow leaves with relatively few teeth to the Afro-Malagasy canescens, while hairs on adaxial surface are conspicuous, var. molliuscula (also restricted to moist forest) than to the usually coarse and rough and female inflorescence-bearing Indian var. macrostachya which occurs in a wide range axes rather short (c. 13 cm) and often erect with clusters of habitats. It is distinctive in its spreading but minute often crowded as in var. scabrella; fruiting perianths are straight stem hairs, its fruiting perianth densely minutely- distinctive, broadly ovoid with rounded base, pale yellow- red-pubescent, broad, scarcely flattened and its leaves ish brown (rather than darker reddish brown), glabrous often rhombic-ovate. Although it is restricted to a small except at apex. Yahara (1981: 21) included this taxon within part of the range of var. macrostachya and no collections ‘B. platyphylla’ (= var. macrostachya) but noted that its intermediate in stem indumentum or fruit form have been leaves were more uniform than in material from elsewhere seen, the distinctive characters are so slight that we see and its inflorescence-bearing axes often bisexual (males no reason to raise it to higher rank. on short branches near the base of the axis). vii. Var. canescens (eastern Himalayas, sympatric within part In the Himalayas and further south in C. India a range of the distribution of var. macrostachya, var. minuticymosa of variants intermediate between var. minuticymosa and and var. scabrella), is similar to var. minuticymosa (see var. macrostachya also occurs, with female flowers clearly Note ix), in its marginal teeth numerous, relatively narrow pedunculate and/or pedicellate but fruiting perianths nar- and flower-clusters elongate rather than ± globose with row, tapering, sometimes much more hairy and leaves female flowers pedicellate often pedunculate. However, broader or cordate. A few collections from the Himalayas it differs markedly from that and all other varieties in its are somewhat intermediate with var. canescens in stem inflorescence-bearing axes extremely slender (only half indumentum, leaf shape and inflorescence architecture. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 151

x. Var. scabrella is sympatric to var. macrostachya in the (bisexual) axes of var. sumatrana and leaves differ from it Indian subcontinent but more widespread, occurring from only in indumentum less sparse and marginal teeth mostly the Himalayas (most material seen being from there) to fewer (10–13), less up-curved. south-western and southern China (incl. Hong Kong), and xiii. Var. strigosa, sympatric to var. densiglomerata in southern in Indonesia west of Wallace’s line in Jawa, Bali and south- China but extending to Vietnam, is distinguished from both eastern Borneo. It is often very similar to var. rotundifolia var. sumatrana and var. densiglomerata in its indumentum of in marginal teeth numerous, markedly up-curved and leaf underside conspicuously dense and shining silky, leaves inflorescence-bearing axes short, erect, much-branched, mostly larger, marginal teeth more numerous and usually the male axes often with short branches throughout length, smaller and narrower, female inflorescence-bearing axes but is distinctive within subsp. macrophylla in its leaves long, pendulous, unbranched (as in var. macrostachya­ ). rough-hairy (abaxial hairs spreading), relatively small, It differs additionally from var. sumatrana in axes never broad, mostly asymmetrical, often thick-textured and bul- bisexual and from var. densiglomerata in female clusters late; marginal teeth small; leaf apex with short, broad, rather well-spaced. A few collections seen from Vietnam are some- gradual acumen toothed in its basal third and inflorescence- what intermediate with var. densiglomerata (not recorded bearing axes with clusters often congested. It has a slightly from Vietnam) in having small leaves and fewer (only 16) lower altitudinal range than var. rotundifolia and occurs in teeth although the silky hairs are fairly dense. A few col- forest and thickets. Var. scabrella is sympatric with subsp. lections have been seen somewhat intermediate with var. virgata var. virgata where the latter crosses Wallace’s line in macrostachya, with leaves broad ± cordate membranous Jawa and Bali but the two entities are morphologically very but indumentum on abaxial surface soft and spreading. distinct with no intermediate forms nor possibility of confu- xiv. Several varieties can be confused with other species. This sion, since subsp. virgata has inflorescence-bearing axes is discussed under the subspecies as a whole. long, pendulous and usually also leaves narrow, smooth shallowly crenate, adpressed-hairy abaxially. Forms of Key to subspecies and varieties of B. virgata ssp. virgata with leaves slightly less dissimilar vegetatively (spreading-hairy abaxially, teeth comparatively long) have 1. Leaves symmetrical, truncate to cordate, lamina broad (length been seen (restricted to the island of New Guinea), but only 1–1.2(–1.8)× width, thin-textured with hairs both sides, have a very different overall appearance, leaves sym- these fine, closely-adpressed, sometimes dense and silky metrically broadly subcordate to truncate with marginal abaxially, marginal teeth only 13–25(–30) either side; petiole teeth relatively much broader (usually ≥ 4 mm wide). From usually ≥ 0.6× lamina length; stem hairs straight, closely- various parts of the Indian subcontinent abundant mate- adpressed. — Indochina; southern and central China; rial has been seen intermediate between var. scabrella Indonesia – Sumatera ...... 2 and var. macrostachya, and from the Himalayas material 1. Leaves without above combination of characters: either nar- intermediate with var. rotundifolia in leaf shape. In Jawa rowly rounded to cuneate at base and relatively narrower, or some collections approach the allopatric but neighbouring if broad and truncate to cordate then hairs, at least abaxially, var. sumatrana in leaf-size and shape but var. scabrella coarse, spreading, rough and/or texture thick and/or lamina differs from that variety in hairs on abaxial surface spread- markedly asymmetrical; marginal teeth usually 35–60 either ing, on stem and adaxial surface often half-adpressed, side; petiole usually less than half lamina length (stem hairs indumentum often dense, rather than all indumentum adpressed or spreading) ...... 4 close-adpressed and very sparse. 2. Hairs on abaxial surface of leaf dense, ± obscuring surface xi. Var. sumatrana and the remaining two varieties, var. den­si­ and lying in a regular pattern giving conspicuously shiny- glomerata and var. strigosa, form a distinctive small group silky appearance, marginal teeth (16–)20–30 either side; with leaves ± symmetrical broad ± membranous, base female inflorescence-bearing axes pendulous, 10–40 cm truncate to cordate, marginal teeth few and hairs fine and long. — Southern China; Vietnam ...... adpressed. Var. sumatrana is allopatric to the rest of the ...... o. subsp. macrophylla var. strigosa subspecies (Sumatera) and is distinguished from both 2. Hairs on both sides of leaf sparse, leaves not shiny-silky var. strigosa and var. densiglomerata by inflorescence- abaxially, marginal teeth 10–17 either side; female inflores- bearing axis rather short, erect, bisexual, often branched cence-bearing axes erect, 1.5–12 cm long ...... 3 and leaves extremely sparsely hairy, distal marginal teeth markedly more up-curved than proximal ones; distinct ad- 3. Inflorescence-bearing axes mostly unisexual, the female ditionally from var. densiglomerata by female clusters not ones only 1.5–4.5 cm long, unbranched, densely congested densely congested and from var. strigosa by leaves small with individual clusters usually indistinguishable; male and and stipules rather long. No intermediate forms have bisexual axes mostly < 5 cm; fruiting perianth broadly ob- been seen. In addition to the characters of leaf shape and conical, inflated at apex; leaves with up to 13 teeth either marginal teeth, var. sumatrana is easily distinguished from side. — Southern China ...... var. macrostachya by its petiole long relative to lamina ...... n. subsp. macrophylla var. densiglomerata length and its inflorescence-bearing axes short and erect. 3. Inflorescence-bearing axes mostly bisexual and branched In general appearance it is somewhat similar to certain but if female, and also unbranched, then 8–12 cm long; fairly symmetrical-leaved thin-leaved forms of var. sca­ individual female clusters contiguous or not, but distinguish- brella (allopatric but neighbouring), but these differ in leaf able; fruiting perianth conical or obovoid, somewhat laterally indumentum coarse and spreading. flattened; leaves with more than 13 teeth either side. — Indo­ xii. Var. densiglomerata, known only from rather scanty mate- nesia – Sumatera .m. subsp. macrophylla var. sumatrana rial from southern and central China, has small leaves like 4. Leaf apex abruptly acuminate, a single tooth, (5–)15–20 those of var. sumatrana but usually less sparsely hairy and mm long, very narrow and ± linear ‘tail-like’, c. 2 mm wide for inflorescence-bearing axes unisexual, the females very dif- most of its length, with 1–2 pairs of often markedly in-curved ferent from both var. sumatrana and var. strigosa, very short lateral teeth at its base; marginal teeth acute and markedly (less than 5 cm), unbranched and flower-clusters so tightly up-curved, distal ones increasingly in-curved, 2–5 mm long congested that individual flower-clusters are indistinguish- and relatively narrow with width rarely > 1.25× length; leaves able; male and bisexual axes are similar to the branched sparsely hairy adaxially; stem with adpressed hairs (rarely 152 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

also long spreading hairs near apex). — Eastern Himala- base broadly cuneate to rounded or narrowly subcordate; yas; south-western China ...... low subshrub, ≤ 1.5 m tall. — Afro-Malagasy ...... j. subsp. macrophylla var. rotundifolia ...... f. subsp. macrophylla var. tomentosa 4. Leaf apex gradually attenuate or if an abrupt acumen 11. Inflorescence-bearing axes much-branched, male axes then not linear tail-like and basal third of acumen toothed; sometimes ± erect; fruiting perianth with distinct relatively (marginal teeth often shorter and broader, often only slightly broad marginal wing either side comprising 0.5–0.7× total up-curved, leaf sparsely or densely hairy; stem hairs ad- fruiting perianth width; hairs on stem and leaves beneath pressed or spreading or both) ...... 5 shorter and velvety, ≤ 0.2 mm, brownish; leaf base broadly 5. Female flowers with minute flattened pedicels, often in subcordate to truncate; large shrub or tree, 1.5–2.5 m tall. small groups on minute branched peduncles . . . . 6 — Indonesian Papua; Papua New Guinea ...... 5. Female flowers sessile ...... 9 ...... b. subsp. virgata var. velutina 6. Stem with both spreading and adpressed indumentum 7 12. Leaves very large and broad, at least some on plant 6. Stem with only adpressed indumentum, hairs all of similar 24–35 by (11–)15–20 cm, thin-textured, length only up to nature and mostly ± same length ...... 8 1.75(–2)× width; marginal teeth 40–60 either side, large (1.5–3 mm long); hairs both sides fine and inconspicuous, 7. Stem with abundant short hairs (0.2–0.4 mm long), which adpressed adaxially, spreading abaxially; stem hairs half- are fine, closely-adpressed and clearly visible lower on adpressed ...... 13 stem but at apex and upper nodes concealed by much long- 12. Leaves much shorter or if up to 20(–22) cm long then er hairs (c. 1 mm) which are coarser, dense and spreading; much narrower and/or number of marginal teeth up to 35 leaves abaxially with sparse hairs of varying length, soft, either side (leaves thin or thick-textured, hairs on leaves fine and often giving a whitish cast; inflorescence-bearing and stem adpressed or spreading, marginal teeth long or axes very slender, ≤ 0.2 mm diam, pendulous with small short) ...... 14 well-spaced clusters; fruiting perianth small and narrow, ≤ 0.5 by 0.3 mm, apex ± beak-like. — Eastern Himala- 13. Marginal teeth broad-acute, 1.5–2 by (2–)4–7 mm, width yas ...... i. subsp. macrophylla var. canescens (1.3–)2.5–3.5× length. — Indian subcontinent . . . . 7. Stem with all hairs of similar texture and length, c. 0.5–0.7 ...... g. subsp. macrophylla var. macrostachya mm long, the abundant adpressed hairs not concealed 13. Marginal teeth rounded, 1.5–3 by (5–)8–12 mm, width by the sparse spreading hairs present at apex; leaves 4–5× length. — Indonesian Papua ...... not whitish abaxially; inflorescence-bearing axes robust ...... c. subsp. virgata var. maxima (0.4–)0.6–1 mm diam, ± erect, with crowded clusters; 14. Marginal teeth of leaves indistinct or up to 1 mm long (or fruiting perianth broadly ovoid, 0.7–1.2 by 0.5–0.8 mm, if ≥ 1 mm long then rounded) and with width usually ≥ 4× without beak. — Himalayas to Indochina ...... length; leaf length ≥ 1.8× width; leaves glabrescent or with ...... k. subsp. macrophylla var. minuticymosa inconspicuous adpressed hairs adaxially, basal veins ex- 8. Leaves cuneate, thin-textured; fruiting perianth broadly tending well into distal half and on one side often almost to ovoid without beak. — Himalayas to Indochina . . . . tip, upper lateral veins all arising in distal half. — Indonesia; ...... k. subsp. macrophylla var. minuticymosa Pacific ...... a. subsp. virgata var. virgata 8. Leaves cordate at base, often thick-textured; fruiting peri- 14. Marginal teeth of leaves acute, mostly ≥ 1.5 mm long and anth often narrowly spindle-shaped ...... relatively narrower; leaves often much broader and/or ...... subsp. macrophylla intermediate between with spreading hairs (basal veins extending less far or not, ...... var. macrostachya and var. minuticymosa lowermost upper vein often arising below middle of lamina) 9. Stem with two distinct kinds of indumentum, long spread- ...... 15 ing hairs (c. 1 mm) which are dense at stem apex and 15. Inflorescence-bearing axes erect, only 5–10 cm long, male nodes where they conceal abundant shorter (0.2–0.4 axes with lateral branches throughout length; leaves at mm) closely-adpressed hairs clearly visible lower on stem; least slightly asymmetrical with outline of two sides of lami­ inflorescence-bearing axes very slender, ≤ 0.2 mm diam, na often dissimilar and base often oblique, often ± bullate pendulous with small well-spaced clusters; fruiting perianth and coarsely rough-hairy adaxially, usually < 10(–13) cm small and narrow, ≤ 0.5 by 0.3 mm; leaves abaxially with long. — Eastern Himalayas to southern China; Indonesia rather sparse soft fine hairs of varying lengths often giving – Jawa, Borneo . . l. subsp. macrophylla var. scabrella whitish cast, adaxially with long soft curved hairs. — East- 15. Inflorescence-bearing axes pendulous, 10–40 cm long, ern Himalayas . . i. subsp. macrophylla var. canescens branched at base or unbranched; leaves not or scarcely 9. Stem with either spreading or adpressed indumentum, asymmetrical, ≥ 10 cm long (bullate or not, hairs often fine, hairs all of similar nature and mostly ± same length; soft and inconspicuous) ...... 16 inflorescence-bearing axes robust, (0.4–)0.6–1 mm diam; 16. Stem hairs spreading, marginal teeth 2–5 mm long, only fruiting perianth usually > 0.7 by 0.5 mm; (axes sometimes 15–35 either side, lamina length (1.5–)2–3.5× width; erect, clusters sometimes contiguous; leaves densely or inflorescence-bearing axes always unbranched, clusters sparsely hairy, if whitish abaxially then hairs ± uniform, spaced 2–10 mm apart ...... 17 mostly > 0.5 mm long) ...... 10 16. Stem hairs closely-adpressed; marginal teeth 1.5–2 mm 10. Leaves (both sides) and stems with hairs spreading, dense, long (teeth often more than 35 either side; lamina length ± obscuring surface; leaves thick-textured . . . . . 11 often less than 2× width; male inflorescence-bearing axes 10. Leaves and stems with hairs either closely-adpressed sometimes with several long branches near base, clusters (dense or sparse) or spreading but sparse (leaves thin or sometimes contiguous) ...... 19 thick-textured) ...... 12 17. Fruiting perianth with broad distinct wing either side com­ 11. Inflorescence-bearing axes unbranched or (male) few- prising 0.5–0.7× total fruiting perianth width; stipules 15– branched near base, pendulous; fruiting perianth with 20 mm long ...... a. subsp. virgata var. virgata marginal rim, achene ± filling fruiting perianth; hairs on stem (Southeast Polynesian form, see under var. virgata, Note 5) and leaves beneath 0.5–1 mm long, often pale giving whit- 17. Fruiting perianth with only a marginal rim or at most a nar- ish sheen to whole plant especially leaves abaxially; leaf row indistinct wing; stipules ≤ 10 mm ...... 18 C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 153

18. Stem hairs fine and straight but very short, 0.1–0.2(–0.3) subcordate becoming abruptly cuneate at extreme base; basal mm long; fruiting perianth densely-pubescent throughout and upper lateral veins very variable, similar or dissimilar on the with minute reddish hairs (< 0.1 mm long) and broadly two sides of lamina, upper lateral veins on one side 1–5(–7) ovoid, ≤ 1.5 mm long with distinct beak up to 0.3× whole but often hardly distinct from coarser tertiary veins, on other length, not or scarcely laterally flattened with slight marginal side usually one fewer, often inconspicuous adaxially; texture rim; seed ± filling perianth. — South India; Sri Lanka . . thin- or thick-chartaceous, both surfaces hairy or adaxial surface ...... h. subsp. macrophylla var. longissima glabrous; petiole variable but usually long relative to lamina 18. Stem hairs, at least some, > 0.4 mm long, often curved; fruit- (0.15–)0.3–0.5(–0.75)× lamina length, hairy like lower leaf ing perianth without distinct beak, often obovoid, dis­tinctly surface. ‘Smaller’ leaves of similar form or with apex broad- laterally flattened and often ± winged with hairs usually acute. Inflorescence-bearing axes glabrous or with hairs sparse, longer, often pale and restricted to apex. — Afro-Malagasy fine, spreading or adpressed; male axes pendulous or the ...... e. subsp. macrophylla var. molliuscula shorter ones erect or with drooping apex, (5–)10–20 cm long 19. Leaves thick-textured, often glabrescent adaxially with robust (unbranched or) with short lateral branches usually throughout veins and large stipules 15–20 mm long; fruiting peri­anth length; female (or mainly female) inflorescence-bearing axes with broad thin-textured wing comprising 0.5–0.7× total pendulous, very long, (6–)20–70 cm, variably unbranched to fruiting perianth width; stipules 15–20 mm long . . . . branched, or with short male branches near base; bracts robust, ...... a. subsp. virgata var. virgata 1–2 mm long; flower-clusters usually well-spaced along axis (Southeast Polynesian form, see under var. virgata, Note 5) (rarely almost contiguous), male clusters 3–4 mm diam, flow- 19. Leaves thin-textured with fine adpressed hairs adaxially ers up to c. 15, very crowded; female clusters 1.5–3 mm diam, and slender veins; stipules ≤ 10 mm long (fruiting perianth flowers up to c. 30(–more than 50) densely crowded; bracteoles with or without wing) ...... 20 ovate or rhombic, in male clusters very inconspicuous, in female 20. Marginal teeth (22–)35–60 in number, lamina relatively ones up to 0.4 mm long. Male flowers with dorsal appendages broad with length 1.5–2(–2.25)× width; fruiting perianth of tepals usually broad flap-like, sometimes reduced to wart- often much-flattened and distinctly winged. — Indian sub- like thickening, almost glabrous or with coarse hairs. Female continent . . g. subsp. macrophylla var. macrostachya flowers up to 0.8 by 0.2 mm, stigma variable often even on 20. Marginal teeth 20–30 in number; lamina length (2.5–)3– one plant ranging from short and hooked, 0.4–0.6 mm long, 3.5× width; fruiting perianth only slightly laterally flattened to longer, straight and 1.5–2 mm long. Fruiting perianth 1.5–2 with marginal rim. — Eastern Australia ...... by 0.6 mm, quite variable in shape, ranging from obtriangular- . . . . . d. subsp. virgata var. austroqueenslandica truncate in outline, and slightly constricted into minute beak at extreme apex, to spindle-shaped or ellipsoid-ovoid with distinct beak; always markedly flattened into usually broad wing around i. subsp. virgata — Fig. 21–23a–c; Map 22, 23 relatively small achene, glabrous or with hairs fine often min- Scandent or erect shrub or slender tree; ultimate stems glabrous ute, straight, spreading. Achene minute, up to 0.6 by 0.3 mm, or with fine adpressed or coarser spreading hairs. Stipules 7–10 elongate or almost spherical. by 1–2 (rarely up to 25 by 4) mm, rather thick-textured. Leaves Distribution ― Malaysia (Selangor), Philippines (Luzon, Bohol, slightly dimorphic in size with ‘larger’ lamina up to 2× length of Mindanao), Indonesia (a few records to the west of Wallace’s ‘smaller’ ones and relatively narrower, elliptic or elliptic-ovate, line: Sumatera, Jawa and Bali; east of this line Nusa Tenggara very variable in size and relative proportions, 5–22(–30) by [Lesser Sunda Islands], Sulawesi, Maluku [Moluccas], Papua), 3–12(–20) cm; margin indistinctly or sharply fine-serrate to Papua New Guinea, Australia, Pacific incl. Solomon Islands, bluntly crenate-serrate or large-crenate (sometimes irregularly Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga Islands, Samoan Islands, Society Islands, double-toothed), teeth (20–)25–45 either side, shallow but Marquesas Islands, Austral Islands). often relatively broad for size of lamina, (0.2–)0.5–1 by 2–4.5 Habitat & Ecology ― Very varied: dense or open primary or (rarely up to 2 by 7) mm; leaf apex attenuate to indistinctly secondary often wet montane forest and forest edges, clearings, short-acuminate and usually toothed ± to apex; base not or dry rocky forest, cliffs and rocky riversides; (30–)300–1400 m slightly asymmetrical, broadly cuneate to rounded, truncate or altitude.

Map 23 Distribution of Boehmeria virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. virgata var. virgata. 154 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013




c d e f a


Fig. 21 Boehmeria virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. virgata var. virgata. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b. detail of one node showing dimorphic leaf-pair; c. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; d–f. leaf, detail of margin and abaxial surface (from different plants); g. detail of stem and stipules; h. male bud; i. fruiting perianth (a, g, h: Smith 8761; b: Christofferson 3070; c, d, i: Kostermans 6362a; e: Degener 15008; f: Johanis 5248; all K). — Scale bars: a, b = 2 cm; c-g = 2 mm; h, i = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 155

Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). Widespread, in Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga Islands, Samoan Islands, Society Islands, a wide range of habitats and presumed often abundant. Over Marquesas Islands, Austral Islands). 400 collections, many recent, seen from much of its distribution. Habitat & Ecology ― As for the subspecies as a whole. Formal assessment is given separately only for the abundant Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). Widespread in var. virgata and the well-circumscribed var. austroqueens­ a wide range of habitats and presumed often abundant. Over landica. 400 collections, many recent, have been seen clearly referable to this widespread variety. Note ― One widespread and three regional varieties are recognised, two sympatric with the typical (widespread) variety. Notes ― 1. No type collection was cited for B. microcarpa For a discussion of their relationship see Notes 2 and 4 under Wedd. in 1854 (only “Ins. Molucc.”) but Weddell (1856: 369) the species as a whole and for comparisons with other species cites for var. microcarpa and var. moluccana several collections see further under each variety. including this one: “η & θ Labillardiere, Blume, D’Urville, Milne” and the Labillardiere sheet at G has the epithet microcarpa in Weddell’s hand. a. var. virgata — Fig. 21; Map 23 2. The variation within this variety and its relationship with Urtica celebica Blume (1825) 492. ― Boehmeria celebica (Blume) Blume the rest of the species are discussed fully under the species (1857) 217. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. celebica (Blume) Wedd. as a whole (Notes 2–4). (1869) 211. ― Boehmeria caudata (Burm.f.) J.J.Sm. var. celebica (Blume) 3. This variety is one of only two Boehmeria taxa native to J.J.Sm. (1910) 709. ― Type: Blume s.n. (holo L), Indonesia, Sulawesi. Boehmeria erythropoda Miq. in Zollinger (1854) 101, 104. ― Type: Zollinger the Pacific (the other being the Hawaiian B. grandis with which 534 (holo U), Indonesia, Jawa [Java], shady woods near Lamadjang, Tenga. it sometimes appears ± intermediate as discussed below (Note Boehmeria microcarpa Wedd. (1854) 201. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don 5). It is extremely variable in leaf-size, relative proportions and var. microcarpa (Wedd.) Wedd. (1856) 366, 369. ― Type: Labillardiere texture, sometimes also in stipule length (Southeast Polynesia), s.n. (lecto G, selected here; isolecto P), Indonesia, Sulawesi, Bouton specimens at the extremes of variation looking very different; Island. – See Note 1. this variation is partly correlated with geographical distribution Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. marquesensis F.Br. (1935) 49. ― Type: but in each region a range of intermediates with more ‘typical’ Brown 986 (holo BISH), Marquesas Islands, Uapou, 25 Febr. 1922. – See Note 2. material also occurs. For this reason variants from Southeast Polynesia (Marquesas Islands and Tahiti) with unusually small Scandent or erect shrub or slender tree, 1–8 m tall, with trunk leaves and only moderately flattened indistinctly winged fruiting up to 30 cm diam, often with drooping branches; stems glabrous perianth, which were described as var. marquesensis, are not or with pale or brownish sparse adpressed closely-adpressed formally distinguished here. fine hairs or hairs dense, coarser, half-adpressed to spread- 4. Boehmeria virgata var. virgata is so variable that it has ing. Stipules up to 10 by 2 mm (up to 25 by 4 mm in Southeast often been confused with four other species of Boehmeria. It can Polynesia), glabrous or adpressed-hairy abaxially on midrib or be rather similar vegetatively to one or other variety of B. den- (New Guinea) whole surface. Leaves almost symmetrical or siflora the allopatric var. boninensis (Bonin and Ryukyu Islands) two sides dissimilar; ‘larger’ leaves (5–)10–22 by 3–12 cm, and the partly sympatric var. densiflora (China, Japan and length 1.8–3.5× width; marginal teeth (20–)25–45 either side, sympatric in the Philippines). In flower or fruiting perianth both rounded or acute but not or scarcely up-curved, indistinct or varieties are easily distinguished from B. virgata var. virgata by distinct, (0.2–)0.5–1 by 2–4.5 mm (–2 by 7 mm in Southeast female inflorescence-bearing axes erect, densely congested, Polynesia and New Guinea); leaf apex gradually short-atten- often short and male axes unbranched with usually contiguous uate with fine tip; base broad-cuneate to narrowly rounded; clusters. Forms of var. virgata from Fiji with thick-textured leaves upper lateral veins on one side 1–3 (up to c. 7 in Southeast and acute rather than acuminate leaf apex are vegetatively Polynesia), often only basal vein visible (impressed) adaxially, rather similar to B. densiflora var. boninensis. Var. virgata is lateral veins and coarser often ± scalariform tertiary veins usually easily distinguished from var. densiflora in having leaves finely prominent abaxially; texture thin- or thick-chartaceous, larger, relatively broader ± glabrous adaxially; however, without adaxial surface often somewhat shiny with prominent minute flowers certain Indonesian variants with leaves small, narrow, cystoliths, glabrous or with very sparse (Indonesia, abundant) thin-textured, abundantly adpressed-hairy adaxially, can only hairs, short, fine, straight, closely-adpressed, usually lying in be distinguished from B. densiflora var. densiflora by spread- pattern pointing towards centre of areoles, or (New Guinea, ing rather than adpressed hairs abaxially and tertiary venation forms somewhat intermediate with var. velutina) sparse longer clearly scalariform and fairly conspicuous. (See further discus- half-adpressed soft wavy hairs giving rough feel to leaf; abaxial sion under B. densiflora as a whole.) surface with hairs on veins only or whole surface, sparse close- 5. Certain other, very different, variants found in Southeast adpressed or ± spreading; petiole usually 0.3–0.5× lamina Polynesia (Tahiti and Rapa) with large stipules (> 10 mm long) length. Male inflorescence-bearing axes 10–20 cm with short and leaves large, broad, thick-textured with 4–7 upper veins lateral branches usually throughout length; female (or mainly are strikingly similar to forms of the allopatric but ‘neighbouring’ female) inflorescence-bearing axes 20–70 cm, and of varying B. grandis (Hawaii) with large sparsely hairy leaves. Small- form, in the Pacific usually unbranched or with a few short leaved variants of the two taxa are fairly easily distinguished (in lateral entirely male branches near base, in New Guinea these B. grandis they have marginal teeth 1–2 mm long, in B. virgata lateral branches entirely female, more numerous, longer and var. virgata much shorter) but in large leaves the size range of sometimes with 2nd-order branching, in Maluku and Sulawesi teeth overlaps. However, leaves of these particular variants of with 1st-order branching throughout length; clusters crowded B. virgata are mostly crenate and smooth with inconspicuous or well-spaced. Male flowers almost glabrous or (Indonesia) fine reticulation, whereas leaves of B. grandis are always with sparse coarse hairs. Fruiting perianth with a wide range serrate and large ones usually bullate due to close-spaced of shape, ovoid-conical or ellipsoid to obovoid or obtriangular adpressed robust reticulate veins which are impressed adaxi- in outline but always with a distinct often broad wing. ally, prominent abaxially. Boehmeria grandis is easier to distin- Distribution ― Malaysia (Selangor), Philippines (Luzon, Bohol, guish in flower and fruit, differing in inflorescence-bearing axes Mindanao), Indonesia (a few records to the west of Wallace’s always branched, the male ones secondarily branched. A few line: Sumatera, Jawa and Bali, east of this line as for the collections (e.g., Tahiti, Florence 3854, P and Rapa, St. John species), Papua New Guinea, Pacific (incl. Solomon Islands, 15359, A) appear entirely intermediate and it is possible that 156 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013


c a



h f g d Fig. 22 a–e: Boehmeria virgata subsp. virgata var. velutina Friis & Wilmot-Dear. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b. leaf, detail of margin and adaxial surface; c. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; d. detail of stem and stipule; e. fruiting perianth. — f–i: Boehmeria virgata subsp. virgata var. maxima Friis & Wilmot-Dear. f. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; g. leaf; h. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; i. fruiting perianth (a–e: Davis 596; f, h, i; Mahyar 436; g: Van Royen 7542; all K). — Scale bars: a, g = 2 cm; b-d, h = 2 mm; e, i = 1 mm; f = 10 cm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 157 these variants of B. virgata, from the eastern extreme of its on at least one side 1–3, lateral and coarser tertiary venation distribution and closest to the distribution of B. grandis) may robust and conspicuous abaxially; thick-textured, leaves often represent an intermediate between the two taxa. bullate, often drying grey-green, with spreading hairs both sides, 6. Certain variants from Indonesia and Philippines with leaves abundant, giving a ± velvety appearance; petiole relatively short broad and large-toothed, relatively hairy abaxially can be con- usually 0.25–0.35× lamina length. Inflorescence-bearing axes of fused with less bullate forms of the partly sympatric but less both sexes much-branched, 7–20 cm long. Male flowers densely widespread B. rugosissima (Indonesia mostly west of Wallace’s hairy. Fruiting perianth broadly ellipsoid to obovoid, 0.8–1.2 line and Philippines). Boehmeria rugosissima differs from these by 0.5–0.8 mm, markedly laterally flattened into a broad thin- variants in stipules almost always larger, inflorescence-bearing textured marginal wing around thickened ovoid middle portion axes ≤ 15 cm long, achene almost filling fruiting perianth and comprising 0.3–0.5× total fruiting perianth size. leaf apex more distinctly acuminate, but two collections impos- Distribution ― Endemic to New Guinea (Indonesian Irian sible to place in either taxon have been seen from Mindanao Jaya, Papua New Guinea). (discussed under B. rugosissima). Habitat & Ecology ― Lowland rainforest, sandy riverbanks, 7. Most forms of var. virgata are easily distinguished from grassy roadside; 150–580 m altitude. B. multiflora (Philippines and Sulawesi) by leaves larger and relatively broader, adaxially glabrous or adpressed-hairy, but Notes ― 1. This variety, sympatric with var. virgata in New variants from Indonesia with leaves relatively narrow and Guinea, is distinctive in its indumentum and several leaf char- spreading-hairy can be confused with it. Boehmeria multiflora acters; it grades into var. virgata via a range of intermediate is distinguishable by inflorescence-bearing axes unbranched forms, as discussed under the species (Note 4-i) and formal mostly shorter and leaves narrower usually bullate with length conservation status assessment is therefore not meaningful. ≥ 3× width (rather than, in this form at least, only up to 2.5× Although less than ten collections have been seen clearly width), basal veins scarcely extending to the distal half of lamina referable to this variety, habitats in these areas appear not to and marginal teeth often relatively narrower. be suffering deterioration and we do not consider it currently 8. Forms with leaves ± glabrous, thin-textured and crenate at risk. can be confused with the widespread B. zollingeriana where 2. Leaf shape, texture and indumentum are rather reminis- the diagnostic male flowers are lacking. cent of the allopatric B. multiflora which can be distinguished 9. Var. virgata often has leaves long, narrow and asym- by inflorescence-bearing axes unbranched and leaves always metrical in outline, which leads to confusion with the genus small often relatively narrower. Cypholophus and especially with C. decipiens which has female clusters simple, axillary, stigma minute, curved and c. var. maxima Friis & Wilmot-Dear, var. nov. — Fig. 22f–i; fruiting perianth succulent (see discussion in Wilmot-Dear & Map 22 Friis 1998: 920–921). The distribution of C. decipiens over- × laps in Papua New Guinea (where it is not easily confused A var. virgata foliis maioribus relative latioribus 24–35 15–20 cm (nec 5–22 × 3–12 cm) distinguenda. — Type: Mahyar 436 (holo K; iso A, BISH, with the relatively broad-leaved long-toothed regional variants BO, L, MAN, NSW), Indonesia, Indonesian Papua [Irian Jaya], Arfak Mts, of var. virgata found there) and Melanesia (Bougainville and Mupi Valley System. Vanuatu), where B. virgata is narrower-leaved and less eas- ily distinguished. Vegetative differences are not absolute but Shrub, to c. 2 m. Stem, at least when young with dense but fine C. decipiens always has leaves narrow, closely-finely-serrate rather inconspicuous half-adpressed to close-adpressed pale (tooth width often equalling length) drying dull greyish brown or straight hairs up to 0.5 mm long. Stipules 11–15 by 3 mm, blackish brown (rather than usually greenish or yellow-brown), with hairs dense, adpressed, finer than on stem. Leaves broad- often markedly asymmetrical and sideways-curved at the apex ly ovate to elliptic, 24–35 by (11–)15–20 cm with length 1.5– and with the upper lateral veins on the two halves usually very 1.75(–2)× width; marginal teeth 40–60 either side, shallow dissimilar, 3–5 and 0–2, respectively, (rather than usually 1–2 but very broad, usually rounded, 1.5–3 by (5–)8–12 mm; leaf and 0–2). (The many-veined variants of var. virgata found in apex attenuate-acuminate; base narrowly rounded or subcor- Southeast Polynesia would not be confused with C. decipiens date; upper lateral veins on at least one side (3–)4–5, lateral as their leaves are relatively broader, ± symmetrical and veins and tertiary venation fine and rather inconspicuous; texture similarly arranged on both halves of the lamina.) thin-chartaceous but sometimes slightly bullate; both surfaces with hairs fine, inconspicuous, pale, much shorter than on stem (≤ 0.2 mm long), abundant and adpressed adaxially, sparse b. var. velutina Friis & Wilmot-Dear, var. nov. — Fig. 22a–e; and spreading below; petiole long relative to lamina 0.4–0.6× Map 22 lamina length. Inflorescence-bearing axes unbranched, 12–20 A var. virgata indumento densisimo patenti longiore usque 0.5 mm longo cm. Male flowers sparsely hairy. Fruiting perianth broadly ovoid (nec in foliis sparso neque saupe adpresso), foliis ad basin subcordatis to obovoid, 1–1.5 by 0.5–1.3 mm, much-flattened laterally into (nec cuneatis neque rotundatis) et ad marginem dentibus maioribus 1.5–2 broad thin-textured wing, central thickened portion sometimes mm (nec plerumque 0.5–1 mm) longis ornatis atque axe inflorescentiarum multo ramosa differt. — Type: Streimann & Kairo 30765 (holo K; iso A, BISH, spherical and minute. BO, BRI, CANB, E, L, PNH, SING, SYD, US), Papua New Guinea, Central Distribution ― Endemic to Indonesia (Papua). Distr., Sogeri. Habitat & Ecology ― Disturbed forest or amongst shrubs along riverbanks; 550–650 m altitude. Large shrub or small tree, 1.5–2.5 m tall. Stem with hairs abun- dant, up to 0.5 mm long, coarse, spreading or only half-ad- Note ― This variety, sympatric with var. virgata in New pressed, dark brown. Stipules 8–10 mm long, with hairs dense, Guinea, is distinctive in its leaves extremely large, thin-textured adpressed, finer than on stem. Leaves ovate, mostly symmetri- with numerous large long marginal teeth. A formal conservation cal, medium or large with rather variable proportions (9–)15–20 status assessment is not meaningful. Only three collections by 3.5–8 cm, length 1.6–3× width; marginal teeth 30–40 either have been seen, all from the same region (Bird’s Head Pen- side, medium-sized, usually acute, not or slightly up-curved, c. insula) but habitats in this region appear not to be undergoing 1.5(–2) by 2.5–5 mm; leaf apex attenuate-acuminate, base serious deterioration and we do not consider it currently at risk. broadly subcordate or sometimes ± truncate; upper lateral veins See detailed discussion in Note 4-ii under the species. 158 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013


n a o c



e k


d l g h i Fig. 23 a–c: Boehmeria virgata subsp. virgata var. austroqueenslandica (Domin) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. a. Leaf; b. detail of stem and stipules; c. fruiting perianth. — d–h: Boehmeria virgata subsp. macrophylla var. molliuscula (Blume) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. d. Leaf; e. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; f. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; g. detail of stem and stipules; h. fruiting perianth. — i–l: Boehmeria virgata subsp. macrophylla var. tomentosa (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. i. Leaf; j. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; k. detail of stem and stipules; l. fruiting perianth. — m–o: Boehmeria virgata subsp. macrophylla var. longissima (Hook.f.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. m. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; n. detail of stem and stipules; o. fruiting perianth (a–c: Melville & Hunt 3628; d–h: Manning 2007; i, j: McClintock 147; k, l: Daramola 67450; m, o: Gamble 1260B; n: Bourne s.n.; all K). — Scale bars: a, d, i, m = 2 cm; b, e-g, j, k, n = 2 mm; c, h, l, o = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 159 d. var. austroqueenslandica (Domin) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, ing and longer. Stipules mostly rather small and inconspicuous, comb. nov. — Fig. 23a–c; Map 22 4–6(–11) by 1(–2.3) mm, chartaceous. Leaves not or slightly dimorphic with length of ‘larger’ lamina up to 1.5(–2)× ‘smaller’ Basionym: Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. austroqueenslandica Domin in Bibliotheca Botanica 22, Heft 89 (1921) 576. ― Type: Domin s.n. (holo PRC and relatively narrower but petioles of ‘larger’ leaves often up or PR, n.v.), Australia, Queensland, Tamborine and Beech Mts [Beechmont], to 5× length of ‘smaller’ ones, ovate to rhombic-ovate or elliptic, March 1910. – See Note 1. with wide range of size and relative proportions, (5–)10–24 by (3–)7–16 mm, length (1.2–)1.5–2(–3.5, Africa only)× width; Shrub, 1–2 m tall. Stem with hairs (sparse-)abundant or dense, margin regularly dentate throughout length, teeth 10–60 either adpressed, stiff, straight. Stipules 6–8 mm long, hairy like stem side, (1–)1.5–3(–5) mm long, these acute ± mucronate at apex on outside. Leaves moderately dimorphic in size with length and usually slightly (to markedly) up-curved; leaf apex attenuate of ‘larger’ lamina up to 2× length of ‘smaller’, narrowly elliptic- or more often narrowed into distinct acumen sometimes mark- ovate, (6–)11–22 by (2.5–)4–7 cm, length 2.5–3.5× width, mar- edly sideways-curved and often consisting mainly of a single ginal teeth distinct 1–1.5 by 2.5–5 mm, not or slightly up-curved; long terminal tooth; base slightly or markedly asymmetrical, leaf apex gradually attenuate to indistinctly short-acuminate, cuneate to narrowly or broadly rounded, rarely ± truncate or mostly toothed to tip but sometimes terminated by a single tooth slightly cordate; basal veins extending into distal half or well slightly longer than the width of marginal teeth; base slightly into distal third of lamina, upper lateral veins 1–2(–3) either asymmetrical, narrowly rounded to narrow-cuneate; basal veins side, not markedly dissimilar on two sides of lamina, lower- often extending almost to apex, slender; adaxial surface with most arising at or below middle of lamina (var. tomentosa in abundant hairs like the stem but very fine and inconspicuous, distal half), usually inconspicuous adaxially, these and coarser abaxial surface with shorter hairs, sparser mostly restricted tertiary reticulation visible abaxially; texture usually relatively to veins or sometimes almost absent; petiole very variable thin-chartaceous, rarely thicker and leaves bullate or rugose; with respect to leaf-size, 0.2–0.5(–0.75)× lamina length. adaxial surface rarely glabrescent, usually with abundant indu- Inflorescence-bearing axes unisexual or sometimes bisexual mentum similar to that of stem, hairs inconspicuous, adpressed with male clusters near base, pendulous, unbranched, 8–25 often stiff, or conspicuous soft and spreading; abaxial surface cm long, flower-clusters often contiguous, sometimes spaced with adpressed or spreading indumentum often restricted 2–3 mm apart; female clusters 2–3 mm diam, with c. 20– to veins; petiole very variable between or within varieties more than 30 flowers. Fruiting perianth ellipsoid to ovoid, 1–1.5 (0.1–)0.25–0.7(–1.3)× lamina length. Inflorescence-bearing by 0.5–0.7 mm, scarcely laterally flattened or more so with axes erect short or pendulous, medium to long, (5–)10–40 cm marginal rim or indistinct wing and abundant hairs, these fine, long, usually unbranched, sometimes, especially male ones, minute and hooked. with a few long lateral branches near base (in var. scabrella Distribution ― Australia (south-eastern Queensland, north- male axes may be branched throughout length); axes mostly eastern New South Wales). unisexual; flower-clusters well-spaced or crowded; male clus- Habitat & Ecology ― Montane rainforest understory and for- ters up to 2 mm diam, with few–10(–15) flowers, female clus- est margins and clearings, often on steep-sided river valleys; ters (1–)2–4 mm diam, with (10–)20–more than 50 crowded 300–800 m altitude. or rather loosely-arranged flowers; bracteoles inconspicuous, Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). This well-cir­cum- linear-oblong or spathulate, 0.3(–0.5) mm long. Male flowers: scribed variety has a restricted distribution and is known from tepals with dorsal appendages usually prominent, knob-like, only c. 40 collections from a relatively small area with an EOO of sparsely to densely adpressed- or spreading-hairy. Female 7 429 km2. However, its habitat (rainforest) in eastern Australia flowers fairly narrowly ovoid tapering to indistinct beak, small, is now well-protected and not greatly subject to disturbance. up to 0.5 by 0.2 mm; stigma usually fairly short, 0.6–1.5(–2) Several recent collections of this plant exist and it is reasonable mm long. Fruiting perianth 0.7–1.5(–2) by 0.3–0.5(–1) mm, to assume that its populations remain fairly stable. extremely varied in form and indumentum, sometimes ovoid- Notes ― 1. The type of B. platyphylla var. austroqueens­ conical, scarcely laterally flattened with narrow marginal rim landica was not traced by either us or Chew (1989: 85), but and achene ± filling fruiting perianth, densely minute-pubescent there is no doubt about its identity and, apart from cultivated throughout; sometimes ellipsoid to obovoid ± inflated in distal and escaped populations of B. nivea, this is the only Boehmeria part, scarcely laterally flattened and with sparse coarse pale which has been collected in Australia. hairs near apex, sometimes ovoid to obovoid or spindle-shaped 2. Distinguished on indumentum, leaf shape, number and markedly laterally flattened with a narrow thick-textured wing proportions of marginal teeth, male and female inflorescence- and achene not filling fruiting perianth, glabrescent or with bearing axes long, unbranched and fruiting perianth little- coarse or fine pale hairs at apex or throughout. flattened. See detailed discussion under the species as a whole Distribution ― As for the species west of Wallace’s line. (Note 4-iii). It is allopatric to the rest of the species and very Habitat & Ecology ― Lowland rainforest, riverine forest, mon- localised, restricted to low altitude rainforest in north-eastern tane evergreen or seasonal forest, secondary scrub, open areas; New South Wales and south-eastern Queensland and often 100–3500 m altitude. noted as ‘rare’ or ‘occasional’ by collectors. Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). Widespread, in a wide range of habitats and presumed often abundant. Well over 1 000 collections, many recent, have been seen from the ii. subsp. macrophylla (Hornem.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. subspecies as whole. Formal assessment is given separately & stat. nov. — Fig. 23d–o, 24–29; Map 24–30 for the widespread varieties var. macrostachya, var. minuti­ Basionym: Boehmeria macrophylla Hornem., Hortus Regius Botanicus Haf- cymosa, var. molliuscula and the well-circumscribed varieties niensis, Vol. 2 (1815) 809, non B. macrophylla D.Don (1825), nec B. macro- var. longissima and var. sumatrana. phylla (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. (1846). ― Type: Hornemann s.n. (holo C; photo E, K), cultivated in Copenhagen Botanic Garden. Notes ― 1. The name ‘subsp. macrophylla’ was created as Non B. macrophylla D.Don (1825) nec B. macrophylla (Thunb.) Siebold & an autonym by Panigrahi & Murti (1999) who were the first to Zucc. (1846). publish a subspecies (subsp. canescens) under B. macrophylla Erect shrub, subshrub or woody-based herb, 0.5–2 m tall; ulti- Hornem. Since these two subspecies are united here, the auto- mate stems with widely varying indumentum, hairs sparse, stiff or nym takes priority according to the Vienna Code (art. 11.6) and fine, inconspicuous, adpressed and short or dense, soft, spread- the authority is to be cited according to Art. 26.3 and Ex. 6. 160 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

2. Relationships within subsp. macrophylla and between it 8. Var. minuticymosa has sometimes been mistaken for and subsp. virgata are discussed under the species as a whole B. ourantha (sympatric in the Himalayas) which has similar (Notes 2, 3, 5). Various varieties of subsp. macrophylla are also erect female inflorescence-bearing axes with congested clus- frequently confused with other species, as follows. ters but which differs in indumentum long, soft usually dense, 3. Boehmeria pilosiuscula (partly sympatric but more wide- leaves often truncate and marginal teeth usually rounded and spread) has often been confused with var. scabrella due to the especially in its inflorescence architecture with male clusters similar leaf shape and short erect inflorescence-bearing axes located at the apex (rather than base) of mainly female axes. with crowded clusters but can always be distinguished by its 9. Boehmeria conica, a species of very restricted distribution stem indumentum of mixed minute and long hairs, its distinctive (south-western China, north-east Himalaya) has been confused inflorescence-bearing axes with male flowers mostly in small with broad- and thin-leaved forms of var. macrostachya with clusters near the apex of an unbranched mainly female inflores- branched male axes; B. conica can be distinguished by ± gla- cence-bearing axes and its female flowers obconical-truncate brous leaves and a distinctive ‘conical’ branched inflorescence and extremely densely congested in the cluster. Boehmeria architecture. pilosiuscula var. suffruticosa is the easier of its two varieties to 10. Chinese material of var. macrostachya with large leaves distinguish, with its leaves soft-hairy, thin-textured, markedly has been confused with the allopatric B. holosericea (Japan, asymmetrical, and its female and bisexual axes extremely South Korea) which differs in leaves with marginal teeth larger short (< 2 cm long) and densely congested. The material of var. and broader and hairs conspicuous, long, curved, stem with hairs scabrella vegetatively most similar to B. pilosiuscula (leaves spreading, dense, short (up to 0.2 mm long) (rather than stem thin-textured and markedly asymmetrical) occurs in Assam and and leaves both with hairs inconspicuous short, adpressed), Bihar, from which B. pilosiuscula is absent. See under B. pilo- also in female inflorescence-bearing axes robust erect thick with siuscula (Note 8) for detailed discussion of differences. large contiguous clusters, 4–7 mm diam. Var. strigosa can have 4. Broad-leaved opposite-leaved forms of the widespread similar leaf shape to B. holosericea but differs in adpressed silky and highly variable B. clidemioides are often similar in leaf indumentum. shape, texture and fruiting perianth shape to some variants 11. Var. macrostachya and sometimes also var. strigosa of var. macrostachya, var. rotundifolia and var. scabrella and and var. densiglomerata can be confused with some variants incomplete specimens lacking the diagnostic apical leaf-tufts of the partly sympatric and rather variable species B. japonica on inflorescence-bearing axes can be misidentified as these (China, South Korea, Japan), which is distinguished from all varieties. (Var. scabrella also rarely has an apical tuft of leaves three varieties by its marginal teeth progressively markedly on occasional axes, causing further confusion.) Boehmeria larger towards leaf apex, those close to the leaf apex up to 15 clidemioides can usually be distinguished by leaf base ± sym- mm long (rather than < 5 mm), with length (2–)5–10× that of metrical, female axes often with many lax branches and male lower ones or so large as to form a broad 3–5-toothed apex; and female clusters often mixed throughout the same axis; the B. japonica can be distinguished additionally from the latter two above-mentioned particularly similar forms of B. clidemioides varieties by its leaf base often cuneate and never cordate, from can usually also be distinguished by relatively narrower leaves var. densiglomerata on female clusters never tightly congested with relatively narrower marginal teeth which are increasingly along axis, and from var. macrostachya by its marginal teeth long and increasingly up-curved towards leaf apex and some relatively few, only up to 25 even on large leaves, rather than leaves alternate. usually over 25, often 30–50 on large leaves. 5. Thai collections of B. zollingeriana var. zollingeriana with 12. Unidentifiable collections from Taiwan (from which subsp. long unbranched female inflorescence-bearing axes and scat­ macrophylla has not been recorded), Taipei; Hsie s.n. (UC) and tered hairs on the adaxial leaf surface have often been mis- Hsie s.n. 15 Aug. 1988 (NY), conform to B. sieboldiana in leaves identified as ‘B. platyphylla’ (= subsp. macrophylla) but are dis- glabrous very thin textured and absence of dorsal appendages tinguished (besides the diagnostic male flowers in axillary on male tepals, but to B. virgata subsp. macrophylla in its ovate clusters and long-pedicellate) by stems entirely glabrous, leaf rather than rhombic-ovate leaves. margin very shallowly crenate rather than dentate (teeth < 1 mm 13. Var. macrostachya is strongly reminiscent of the New long) and adaxial surface ± shiny often glabrous, lowermost World species B. caudata Sw. in general appearance, with its upper veins also sometimes arising in basal third of leaf. leaves often large, close-serrate with ± uniform teeth and its 6. Boehmeria ternifolia can sometimes be confused with inflorescence-bearing axes long, pendulous, although B. cau­ var. strigosa (allopatric, China), var. macrostachya, and often data is often densely spreading-hairy and has fruiting perianths with var. rotundifolia whose leaves with terminal tooth long and more than twice as large, c. 2.5 by 1.5 mm, wide stipules and tail-like and distal marginal teeth markedly in-curved are often longer stigma. almost identical in form to B. ternifolia var. ternifolia. However, 14. Material of subsp. macrophylla of uncertain identity inter­ B. ternifolia is distinguishable by its hairs on stem and often mediate between var. macrostachya and other varieties (dis- also on leaves spreading, dense, minute (≤ 0.3 mm long) and cussed in Note 5-iv under the species) includes the following velvety, marginal teeth often fewer and from var. rotundifolia types: additionally on its shrubby habit, its inflorescence-bearing axes Boehmeria massuriensis Blume (1857) 216. ― Type: Hugel 49 never branched throughout length and its habitat, forest (rather (holo L; iso W), Himalaya, Massuri [Mussoori], etc. – Inter- than more open areas) and at low altitude. mediate with var. scabrella. 7. In India and China thinner-leaved forms of B. polystachya Boehmeria huegeliana Blume (1857) 218. ― Type: Hugel may be confused with var. rotundifolia or var. scabrella but 1935 (holo L; iso W), eastern India. – Intermediate with var. B. polystachya is distinguished by its scalariform venation scabrella. distinctive, prominent, its inflorescence-bearing axes (often Boehmeria cuspidata Blume (1857) 216, non Wedd. (1856) bisexual) branched throughout its length and with 2nd-order 345, nec Boehmeria platyphylla var. cuspidata Wedd. (1856) branching; male axes of var. scabrella and var. rotundifolia 365. ― Type: Unknown collector in Herb. Blume s.n. (holo may also be branched throughout length but without 2nd-order L), Nepal. – Intermediate with var. rotundifolia. branching. Var. scabrella also differs from B. polystachya in hairs on stem and leaf coarse conspicuous (rather than fine inconspicuous). C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 161 e. var. molliuscula (Blume) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. nov. — Distribution ― Tropical Africa (from Sierra Leone and Sen- Fig. 23d–h; Map 24 egal to Ethiopia, south to Angola, Zimbabwe, Mozambique), Comoro Islands, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion. Basionym: Boehmeria mauritiana Wedd. var. molliuscula Blume, Museum Botanicum Lugduno Batavum, Vol. 2 (fasc. 13–16) (1857) 216. ― Syn- Habitat & Ecology ― Lowland rainforest, often in riverine types: Sieber, Fl. Maurit. II, n. 375 (L; isosyn P), Mauritius; ex Herb. Mus. forest undergrowth or among rocks in moist woodland, often Paris 689 (L, not traced), Reunion. – See Note 1. near streams; 800–2100 m altitude. Urtica caudata Poir. (1798) 640, nom. illeg., non. Burm.f. (1768) 197, nec Blume Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). Widespread, in (1825) 492. ― Boehmeria mauritiana Wedd. (1854) 200, nom. nov. for a wide range of habitats and often common. Several hundred Urtica caudata Poir. (1798) 640. ― Type: Sonnerat in Herb. Poiret s.n. collections have been seen. (holo P), Mauritius. Boehmeria elliptica Wedd. (1854) 200. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. Notes ― 1. The origin of the type specimen of B. macrophylla macrostachya (Wight) Wedd. subvar. elliptica (Wedd.) Wedd. (1856) 367. Hornem. (cited under B. virgata subsp. macrophylla) is not ― Type: M. Richard 291 (lecto P, selected here because label has the anno- known, as the plant was grown from seeds of unknown origin, tation in Weddell’s handwriting ‘subvar. elliptica’), Madagascar, Ile Mohilla. Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. macrostachya (Wight) Wedd. subvar. but the specimen agrees with material from Mauritius and Re- phyllostachya Wedd. (1856) 367. ― Type: Bory de St. Vincent s.n. (lecto union, and we suggest it referred to var. molliuscula. Therefore, P, selected here as the only identifiable part of the original material possible var. molliuscula is the typical variety of subsp. macrophylla, but to trace for this account), Reunion [Bourbon]. the varietal epithet B. mauritiana Wedd. var. molliuscula Blume Boehmeria mauritiana Wedd. var. luxurians Blume (1857) 216. ― Type: (1857) was published earlier than B. macrophylla Hornem. var. Richard 696 (holo L), Reunion. macrophylla (created as an autonym by Long (1982), when Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. angolensis Rendle (1917) 201. ― Syn- he made three other new combinations at the level of variety types: Gossweiler 4656 (BM) & 4851 (BM), Angola. under B. macrophylla Hornem.: var. canescens (Wedd.) Long, Understorey shrub, subshrub (sometimes scrambling) or small var. tomentosa (Wedd.) Long and var. scabrella (Roxb.) Long). fleshy robust herb, up to 2–3 m tall. Stems with hairs sparse to Subsp. macrophylla is not the typical subspecies of B. virgata, abundant, spreading (rarely half-adpressed), fine, soft, weak and the epithet var. molliuscula has priority and has to be used often curved and often of varying lengths but at least some at this rank. 0.4–0.5 mm long. Stipules 6–9 mm long, glabrous or sparsely 2. As discussed in detail under the species (Note 5-i, Table hairy abaxially. Leaves slightly or moderately dimorphic in size 4), this variety is distinguished from the allopatric var. macro­ with length of ‘larger’ lamina up to 2× length of ‘smaller’, elliptic, stachya in its stem indumentum spreading, its leaf shape ovate or rhombic-ovate to narrowly ovate, 4–25 by 2.5–15 cm, and proportions, and characters of the marginal teeth and length 1.5–3.5× width, marginal teeth relatively few, 15–35 inflorescence-bearing axes. either side, 2–5 by 4–7 mm, distal ones sometimes slightly 3. Forms in moist habitats (such as rainforest) often have al- up-curved; leaf apex attenuate to indistinctly long-acuminate most glabrous stem and leaves while those in drier habitats have mostly consisting of a single long tooth; base narrow, cuneate much denser indumentum, with a range of forms (including the or narrowly rounded but often subcordate; texture very thin- to type of B. platyphylla var. nigeriana) intermediate with the dry- thick-chartaceous, leaves smooth or sometimes slightly bul- habitat var. tomentosa. This intermediate material includes the late; both surfaces glabrescent or with hairs abundant, fairly type collections of var. nigeriana, and var. ugandensis, as follows: soft, curved, sometimes giving adaxial surface a rough texture; Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. nigeriana Wedd. (1869) 213. veins slender or robust; petiole very variable with respect to ― Type: Barter s.n. (holo K; iso P), Nigeria, Aboh. lamina 0.25–more than 0.5× lamina length (in moist habitats Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. ugandensis Rendle (1917) sometimes longer than lamina). Inflorescence-bearing axes 201. ― Syntypes: E. Brown 2040 (BM; isosyn K), Uganda, unisexual or sometimes bisexual, pendulous, unbranched, Mawokota; Dawe 423 (K) & Scott Elliott 7531 (BM; isosyn K), 5–50 cm long, flower-clusters spaced 2–6 mm apart, female both Uganda, Ankole; Bagshawe 799 (BM), Uganda, Mengo, clusters 2–5 mm diam, flowers c. 10–40(–more than 50), usu- Entebbe; Dummer 89 (BM; isosyn K), Uganda, Kirerema; ally loosely arranged. Fruiting perianth ovoid to obovoid without Schweinfurth 3203 (K; not found), Sudan/Zaire, Monbuttu, distinct beak, up to 2 by 1 mm, moderately or markedly laterally Kussumbo River. flattened with distinct marginal rim or indistinct thick-textured wing, glabrescent to abundantly hairy at apex or throughout, hairs sometimes minute, usually fairly long and conspicuous.

Map 24 Distribution of Boehmeria virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. macro­ phylla (Hornem.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear var. molliuscula Blume) Friis & Wilmot- Dear ( ) and B. virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. macrophylla (Hornem.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear var. tomentosa (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (●). 162 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013 f. var. tomentosa (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. nov. — literature (e.g., Chen et al. 2003: 170). Most confusingly, the Fig. 23i–l; Map 24 combination B. macrophylla Hornem. var. tomentosa (Wedd.) D.G.Long (1982: 130) was made in the Flora of Bhutan due to Basionym: Boehmeria tomentosa Wedd. in Annales des Sciences Naturelle, Sér. 4, Botanique, Vol. 1 (1854) 200. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. this misapplication (see discussion under B. ourantha, Notes tomentosa (Wedd.) Wedd. (1856) 367. ― Boehmeria macrophylla Hornem. 3 and 4). This validly published new combination as a variety var. tomentosa (Wedd.) D.G.Long (1982) 130. ― Type: Chapelier s.n. under B. platyphylla (= B. virgata var. macrostachya in our (lecto P, selected here as part of the original material best conforming to sense) was applied to Bhutanese material of B. ourantha. This the original description), Madagascar. Southeast Asian species, B. ourantha, is easily recognised Non Boehmeria tomentosa sensu auct., which is B. ourantha. – See Note 2. by its distinctive inflorescence architecture with male flowers Low subshrub branching from base, up to 1.5 m tall; ultimate pedicellate and scattered along unbranched mainly female stems very robust, 2–3 mm diam, with hairs dense, spreading, inflorescence-bearing axes or in a few clusters at their apex stiff, straight, pale or brownish, 0.4–0.7(–1) mm long, often so (rather than on short lateral side branches near the base); dense as to completely obscure surface, persistent on older female and bisexual inflorescence-bearing axes are also short branches. Stipules 8–11 by 2–2.5(–3) mm, fairly thick-textured, mostly ≤ 10 cm (rather than ≥ 15 cm) with clusters larger and hairy abaxially. Leaves scarcely or markedly dimorphic in size more densely crowded. Boehmeria ourantha is also distinctive with length of ‘larger’ lamina 1.1–2× length of ‘smaller’, rhombic- in its indumentum golden-brown, often very long (up to 2 mm), ovate (Nigeria) to broadly ovate (Cameroon, Madagascar), giving a distinct golden-brown rather than pale sheen to plant, medium, 8–12(–16) by 3.5–6(–10) cm, length (1.6–)1.75–2× leaves broader, often crenate, not distinctly acuminate, base width; margin dentate, teeth 30–40 either side, shallow, distal often truncate and marginal teeth fewer and often larger. ones sometimes slightly up-curved, (1–)1.5–3 by 1.5–3.5(–6) mm; leaf apex attenuate-acuminate or abruptly short-acuminate g. var. macrostachya (Wight) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. nov. consisting mostly of a single tooth c. 1 mm long; base broadly — Fig. 24a–i; Map 25 cuneate to rounded, sometimes narrowly subcordate; texture thick-chartaceous to thin-coriaceous; both surfaces velvety with Basionym: Splitgerbera macrostachya Wight, Icones Plantarum Indiae Orien- talis, vol. 6 (1853) 10, pl. 1977. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. macro­ dense spreading indumentum like the stem, or (Cameroon, Ma- stachya (Wight) Wedd. (1856) 367. ― Boehmeria wightiana Blume (1857) dagascar) hairs half-adpressed and sparser adaxially; veins 217, nom. superfl. illeg. ― Boehmeria macrostachya (Wight) F.M.Bailey robust; petiole variable but often very short relative to lamina, (1888) 55. ― Type: Wight s.n. (not found), India. – See Note 1. 0.1–0.3(–0.4)× lamina length. Inflorescence-bearing axes Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don (1825) 60. ― Type: Hamilton s.n. (holo BM), pendulous, sometimes bisexual, 15–30 cm long, female un- Nepal, Narainhetty, 3 Sept. 1802. branched, male and bisexual branched or not; clusters mostly Boehmeria macrophylla Hornem. var. dongtouensis W.T.Wang (1996) 248. ― Type: ZH Chen 910339 (holo PE), China, Zhejiang, Dongtou Island, unisexual, almost contiguous to well-spaced, male clusters 27 July 1991. very variable in size, 2.5–4 mm diam, with less than 10–more than 40 flowers; female clusters 2–3.5 mm diam (3–4 mm in Woody-based herb, subshrub or shrub, up to 2 m tall. Stems fruit), with 30–more than 50 flowers. Male and female flowers with fine inconspicuous straight closely-adpressed short hairs densely hairy. Fruiting perianth relatively large and broad, ovoid 0.2–0.4 mm long. Stipules 4–9(–11) mm long. Leaves widely to ellipsoid, c. 1.5 by 1 mm, with tapering or broadly rounded varying in shape, proportions and number of teeth, ovate to base and acute apex without beak, moderately laterally flat- rhombic-ovate or elliptic, medium or large, (4–)10–20(–26) tened in fruiting part and with either winged ‘shoulders’ or narrow by (2.5–)7–16(–24) cm, usually relatively broad, length 1.5–2 marginal rim around achene, with dense short spreading dark (–2.25)× width; marginal teeth (22–)25–50(–60) either side, brown pubescence. Achene ± filling fruiting perianth. slightly or distinctly up-curved (especially towards apex or in Distribution ― Africa (Nigeria, Cameroon, Congo Republic, larger leaves), fairly short and wide, 1.5–2 by (2–)4–7 mm, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia), Madagascar, Comoro Islands, width (1.3–)2.5–3.5× length, on individual specimens usually Reunion. greater in width rather than in number on larger leaves; leaf apex Habitat & Ecology ― Open dry rocky hillsides, savannah, with acumen either short and broad with many-toothed margin disturbed land (millet cultivation terraces); 1250–3500 m alti- or made up mainly of a single long terminal tooth to 0.7× total tude. acumen length; base only slightly asymmetrical, narrowly or broadly cuneate or rounded; texture relatively thin-chartaceous, Notes ― 1. Formal conservation assessment is not given for but leaves often slightly bullate; hairs on adaxial surface like this variety which intergrades with the typical one. Only c. 30 those on the stem, sparse or abundant soft (rarely stiff) often collections have been seen clearly referable to this variety but rather inconspicuous, on abaxial surface either similar or it is widespread and not considered at risk. ± spreading usually restricted to veins; petiole widely varying rel- It appears to be a dry-habitat variant of var. molliuscula, distinc- ative to lamina, 0.25–0.5(–0.7)× lamina length. Inflorescence- tive in indumentum and leaf texture and uncommon compared bearing axes (5–)10–50 cm long, pendulous, unbranched or to var. molliuscula. As discussed under the species as a whole with a few long branches close to base or sometimes male with (Note 5-ii) the two taxa intergrade, with many intermediate col- lateral branches throughout length and ± erect with pendent lections seen mostly from more moist habitat. apex; axes unisexual or sometimes mostly female with a few 2. According to our circumscription and lectotypification the short lateral male branches near base, clusters usually relatively epithet tomentosa has been persistently misapplied to a very well-spaced, 2–5 mm apart, sometimes almost contiguous different Southeast Asian entity for which the name B. ou- along parts of axis; female clusters 2–5 mm diam, with c. 20– rantha Miq. (1851: 33) already existed. Weddell (1856: 367) more than 50 often densely crowded flowers. Fruiting perianth appears to have assumed the South-east Asian material to 0.7–1(–1.5) by 0.3–0.5(–1) mm, widely varying in shape but be conspecific with his earlier-described Malagasy species mostly markedly laterally flattened with distinct marginal rim or B. tomentosa (Weddell 1854: 200). Hochreutiner (1925), in wing, broadly or narrowly ovoid or obovoid sometimes with an making the combination B. platyphylla var. ourantha, noted the indistinct beak (in Indian subcontinent sometimes ± spindle- Asian material as distinct from the Malagasy entity bearing the shaped, ± pedicellate), length 1.5–3× width, less often broadly epithet ‘tomentosa’ but the misapplication of the epithet ‘tomen­ obovoid, with width equalling length and slightly inflated at apex, tosa’ to material of B. ourantha continued in much subsequent moderately laterally flattened but without distinct marginal rim C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 163

h i

g o

f b e





j l m d n Fig. 24 a–i: Boehmeria virgata subsp. macrophylla var. macrostachya (Wight) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; c. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; d. detail of stem and stipules; e. detail of male inflorescence-bearing axis and flower-clusters (inflores­ cences); f. male bud; g. detail of female inflorescence-bearing axis and flower-cluster (inflorescence); h, i. fruiting perianths of different form (from different plants). — j–o: Boehmeria virgata subsp. macrophylla var. scabrella (Roxb.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. j. Habit of stem with branched inflorescence-bearing axes; k. leaf; l. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; m. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; n. detail of stem and stipules; o. fruiting perianth. — p: Boehmeria virgata subsp. macro­ phylla var. canescens (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. Leaf, detail of adaxial surface (a–c, h: Gamble 9034; d, i: Haines 5068; e, f: Haines 2309; g: Clarke 34129; j: Schiffner 1900; k, n: Hooker & Thompson s.n.; l, m, o: Ford 173; p: Wallich 4582; all K). — Scale bars: a, j, k = 2 cm; b-d, l-n = 2 mm; e-h, i, o = 1 mm. 164 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013 or wing and with relatively large achene; indumentum widely varying from sparse long conspicuous white hairs throughout or restricted to apex, or hairs shorter and more inconspicuous or fruiting perianth glabrescent. Distribution ― India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka. Habitat & Ecology ― Very varied: forests and forest margins, streams, scrub, roadsides and open stony areas; 100–2600 m altitude. Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). Over a hundred collections have been seen clearly referable to this variety and it is widespread in a wide range of habitats. Notes ― 1. Wight (1843: 10) cites the localities “Coimba­tore, Nilgiris, Courtallum, etc” for his species Splitgerbera macro- stachya. The taxonomical identity of the name can be estab- lished with certainty from the plate in the Icones (Wight 1843: pl. 1977). We do not propose a formal lectotypification, in case an original specimen is later found. Wight does not mention the manuscript name U. macrostachya Wall. for this taxon, but he states that his species belongs to the same genus as U. sca­ brella Roxb. Weddell (1854: 199) cites B. macrostachya as a nomen nudum, referring to the specimen Wallich 4582B. The first to take up the combination B. macrostachya is therefore Bailey (1888: 55), and this combination is not illegitimate as Map 25 Distribution of Boehmeria virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. macro­ phylla (Hornem.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear var. macrostachya (Wight) Friis & was suggested by Chew (1989: 85). Wilmot-Dear (●) and B. virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. macrophylla (Hor- 2. This variety appears to be common in the northern part nem.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear var. longissima (Hook.f.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (ä). of the Indian subcontinent (many collections seen) but rare in peninsular India and Sri Lanka. It exhibits a wide range of partly geographically-correlated variations, intergrading in Habitat & Ecology ― In and along edges of high altitude ever- parts of its geographical range with other varieties (Map 29) green forest (in southern India called Shola forest) characteristic and is frequently confused with other species. Its relationship of Western Ghats (Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu); 2000–2300 m to other varieties within the species is discussed above under altitude. the species as a whole (Notes 2, 3, 5), and its confusion with Conservation status ― Vulnerable (VU). This well-circum- B. clidemioides, B. conica, B. holosericea, B. japonica, B. terni- scribed variety is known from c. 15 collections in six localities folia and B. zollingeriana is discussed above under the subspe- in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. The EOO of 48 346 km2 sug- cies (Notes 4–6, 9–11). gests a status of Near Threatened, but its narrow distribution with an AOO of under 500 km2 and the increasing pressure on and fragmentation of its Shola forest habitat suggests that it is h. var. longissima (Hook.f.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. nov. Vulnerable (VU) with the criteria of VU 2Bab(iii). — Fig. 23m–o; Map 25 Note ― As discussed in detail under the species as a whole Basionym: Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. longissima Hook.f., Flora of (Note 5-vi), this variety is more similar to var. molliuscula (also British India, vol. 5, part 15 (1888) 574. ― Boehmeria macrophylla Hornem. restricted to moist forest) than to var. macrostachya. It is distinc- var. longissima (Hook.f.) V.S.Ramach. & V.J.Nair (1988) 436. ― Syntypes: tive in its fruiting perianth morphology, minute indumentum and Wight 2707 (K), southern India, Pulney Mts; Gardner s.n. (K), southern often rhombic-ovate leaves. No collections intermediate with India, Nilgiris; Walker s.n. (K), Sri Lanka. other varieties have been seen. Shrub or subshrub, to 4 m. Stems with hairs sparse to abundant, minute (0.1–0.2(–0.3) mm long), ± spreading, fine and soft i. var. canescens (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. nov. — but straight. Stipules 7–10 mm long. Leaves ovate to rhombic- Fig. 24p, 25; Map 26 ovate, medium-sized and relatively narrow, 9–20 by 4.5–9 cm, length (1.5–)2–2.4× width, marginal teeth few, 25–30 Basionym: Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. cuspidata Wedd. subvar. ca­ nescens Wedd., Archiv. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 9 (1856) 365. ― Boehmeria either side, large, acute, only slightly up-curved, 2–4 by 4–7 canescens Wedd. (1854) 200, nom nud. ― Boehmeria canescens (Wedd.) mm; leaf apex attenuate to indistinctly long-acuminate, often Blume (1857) 224. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. canescens (Wedd.) terminated by a single tooth up to 5 mm long or sometimes Wedd. (1869) 213. ― Boehmeria macrophylla Hornem. var. canescens toothed almost to tip; base almost symmetrical, cuneate to (Wedd.) D.G.Long (1982) 129. ― Boehmeria macrophylla Hornem. subsp. narrowly rounded, sometimes subcordate; texture thin- (some- canescens (Wedd.) Panigrahi & Murti (1999) 558. ― Type: Wallich 4582D times thick-)chartaceous, leaves usually smooth, both surfaces (lecto K; isolecto BM, G, K [non K-WALL]; lectotype selected here), Nepal. – See Note 3. glabrescent or hairs very sparse, short, fine, adpressed both sides or spreading abaxially; petiole 0.25–0.5× lamina length. Subshrub, to 2 m. Stems with two kinds of indumentum, abun- Inflorescence-bearing axes unisexual or sometimes bisexual, dant fine hairs 0.2–0.4 mm long, close-adpressed, inconspicu- 15–40 cm, pendulous, clusters spaced 2–10 cm apart; female ous, and coarser longer (c. 1 mm) hairs spreading, curved hairs, clusters 2–3 mm diam, with c.10–more than 30 flowers. Fruiting the latter sparse or absent in lower part of stem but dense at perianth 1.2–1.5 by c. 0.7 mm, broadly ovoid tapering gradually upper nodes and stem apex and concealing the adpressed or abruptly into distinct beak up to 0.3× entire fruiting perianth hairs. Stipules 6–9 mm long, with adpressed hairs on abaxial length and scarcely laterally flattened but with a distinct marginal surface and long hairs only on midrib. Leaves ovate-elliptic, rim. Achene ± filling fruiting perianth, indumentum abundant with a wide size range 4.5–16 by 3–12 cm, length 1.3–1.8× minute (< 0.1 mm long) spreading red-brown. width, rather variable in proportions and in number of mar- Distribution ― Southern India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu), Sri Lanka. ginal teeth, marginal teeth (22–)25–45(–50) either side, small C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 165






f h e Fig. 25 Boehmeria virgata subsp. macrophylla var. canescens (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; c. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; d. detail of stem and stipules; e. detail of male inflorescence-bearing axis with flower-clusters (inflorescences) and bracts; f. male bud; g. detail of female inflorescence-bearing axis with flower-cluster and bract; h. pedicellate fruiting perianth (a, d, g, h: Kanai 6307148, BM; b, c: Wallich 4582, K; e, f: Wallich 4582D, K). — Scale bars: a = 2 cm; b–d = 2 mm; e-h = 1 mm. 166 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

Map 26 Distribution of Boehmeria virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. macrophylla (Hornem.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear var. canes­ cens (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear.

narrow-acute up-curved, 2–3 by 2–3.5(–5.5) mm, with width tum. The indumentum on the K specimen is of two kinds, long 1–1.25(–1.75)× length; leaf apex short-attenuate or with indis- spreading hairs sufficiently dense in the upper part of stem as tinct short acumen 2–5 mm long, toothed nearly to tip; base to conceal an under-layer of also dense but much shorter and slightly asymmetrical, cuneate or narrowly(-broadly) rounded; finer adpressed hairs, while that of K-WALL lacks the spreading texture thin-chartaceous, adaxial surface with long curved hairs indumentum. Only the K specimen has leaves with sufficiently like those on the stem, sparse or abundant, abaxial surface dense indumentum to conform well to Weddell’s description with spreading hairs of varying lengths, these usually abundant “leaves ... canescent” and it is therefore here selected as the giving whitish cast to leaf; petiole rather variable (0.25–)0.3– lectotype. (By contrast, another specimen, Nepal, 1831, Wal­ 0.6× lamina length, hairy like the stem. Inflorescence-bearing lich 4582 (K), without the letter ‘D’ as suffix to the number, very axes 10–20 cm, pendulous with a few long branches near closely resembles the lectotype and may be an isolectotype). base, or sometimes male ones ≤ 5 cm and ± erect with drooping The numbering of the K-WALL specimen is somewhat doubtful branches, always very slender, only 0.2–0.4 mm diam (in dry since it is annotated by C.B. Clarke merely “Napalia, 4582“; state); both sexes on same plant, male in lower axils; flower- the ‘D’ and the epithet canescens were inserted by Hooker clusters rarely ± contiguous, mostly spaced 0.5–1(–2) mm who also states there and in Hooker (1888) 579, that “Herb apart, c. 1.5–1.75 mm diam, male clusters with few ± sessile Madras” in Herb. Wallich is probably an error. This specimen flowers, female clusters with less than 30 flowers often with and a possible duplicate of it at E also labelled Wallich 4582D pedicel to c. 0.5 mm long and flowers often borne a few together with a few spreading hairs at stem apex, are best considered on minute peduncles (up to c.1 mm long) which are flattened, as somewhat intermediate, possibly with var. minuticymosa. (A strap-shaped; clusters rather elongate (due to the region of further specimen in K-WALL, “4582?D” is a mixture of leaves insertion of the peduncles onto the stem being unusually long and inflorescence from different taxa, one leaf probably of B. and narrow). Fruiting perianth small c. 0.5 by 0.25–0.3 mm, nivea; none of its material conforms to the K specimen.) narrowly ellipsoid with base rounded or tapering and running into pedicel, with fine hairs near apex or throughout. Achene j. var. rotundifolia (D.Don) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. nov. — almost filling fruiting perianth. Fig. 26; Map 27 Distribution ― Eastern Himalayas: India (Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh), Nepal, Bhutan. Basionym: Boehmeria rotundifolia D.Don, Prodromus Florae Nepalensis (1825) 60. ― Boehmeria macrophylla Hornem. var. rotundifolia (D.Don) Habitat & Ecology ― Mixed forest, 1800 m altitude. W.T.Wang in Wang & Chen (1995) 337. ― Type: Hamilton s.n. (lecto BM; Notes ― 1. As discussed in detail under the species as left-hand specimen only, lectotype selected here), Nepal, Upper Nepal, Suembu. – See Note 2. a whole (Note 5-vii), it is distinctive in its extremely slender inflorescence-bearing axes, its minute female perianth, two Woody-based herb, 1–2 m tall. Stems with abundant fine hairs kinds of indumentum abundant on the stem and the white cast 0.2–0.4 mm long, close-adpressed, inconspicuous, and some- to the abaxial leaf surface (where present). Pedicellate and times also sparse longer (c. 1 mm long) hairs, spreading, pedunculate female flowers are otherwise seen only in var. curved, coarser. Stipules 7–10 mm, with long hairs on midrib minuticymosa. and short adpressed hairs elsewhere like those on the stem. 2. Even the few collections seen (only 11 clearly referable Leaves broadly elliptic to almost orbicular, small or fairly to var. canescens) are rather variable and probably do not large, 5–20 by 3.5–16 cm, length 1–1.25(–1.4)× width; mar- represent its full range of variation. A few collections have been ginal teeth (20–)25–30 either side, (2–)2.5–5 by 2.5–7 mm, seen intermediate with var. rotundifolia and var. minuticymosa, longer and relatively broader on larger leaves and with width and formal conservation status assessment is not meaningful. 1–1.25(–2)× length, markedly up-curved and usually increas- The variety is thought to be rare as it is so far only known from ingly so towards leaf apex; leaf apex with abrupt distinct narrow a few locations along the Himalayas, and in fairly restricted acumen (5–)15–20 mm long, mostly only c. 2 mm wide but forest habitat, but is probably not currently at risk since these sometimes widening to 3–5 mm close to its base, consisting localities in the Himalayas are not currently threatened by seri- mostly of a single long tooth but with 1(–2) pairs of teeth close ous habitat degradation. to base; base broadly cuneate to broadly rounded (rarely ± trun- 3. The specimens at K and K-WALL labelled Wallich 4582D cate); texture thin-chartaceous, adaxial surface with sparse both have inflorescence-bearing axes slender, pendulous and adpressed (rarely curved) hairs like those on the stem, abaxial marginal teeth many, rather narrow, but appear to represent surface with sparse fine hairs mostly restricted to veins, these different collections since they differ markedly in stem indumen- half-adpressed, straight, those on main veins the longest, C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 167




i b a


g c e d Fig. 26 Boehmeria virgata subsp. macrophylla var. rotundifolia (D.Don) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b. detail of stem with branched male inflorescence-bearing axes; c–e. leaves from different plants; f. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; g, h. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; i. detail of stem and stipules; j. detail of female inflorescence-bearing axis with flower-clusters (inflorescences) and bracts; k. fruiting perianth (a, h: Hooker s.n., K; b, e-g, i: Stainton 1622, BM; c, j, k: Kanai 6307118, BM; d: Nicholson 2359, BM). — Scale bars: a–e = 2 cm; f-j= 2 mm; k = 1 mm. 168 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

Map 27 Distribution of Boehmeria virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. macrophylla (Hornem.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear var. rotundifolia (D.Don) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (●) and intermediates between B. vir­ gata subsp. macrophylla var. rotundifolia and other varieties (ä). rarely with shorter finer less sparse hairs on whole surface; terminal tooth (15 mm) but the right hand one less distinctive, petiole variable but often relatively long 0.4–0.8(–1)× lamina with an acumen only c. 5 mm long; these are sufficiently dis- length, hairy like the stem. Inflorescence-bearing axes ± erect similar that they may have come from separate plants and we or drooping, male axes 5–13 cm long, female ones 8–14 cm therefore select the left-hand specimen as lectotype. long, sometimes unbranched or with a few long branches near 3. As discussed under the subspecies as a whole (Notes 4, base or male ones mostly (female rarely) with short (2–3 cm) 6, 7), var. rotundifolia can be confused with B. ternifolia and branches throughout most of length, sexes sometimes on same narrow-leaved forms also with the sympatric but more wide- axes with male clusters on lateral branches; clusters spaced spread B. clidemioides and B. polystachya. (2–)3–5 mm apart or sometimes, especially female clusters, ± contiguous in parts of the axis, male clusters with up to c. 10 k. var. minuticymosa Acharya, Friis & Wilmot-Dear, var. nov. flowers, female with usually 30–40 flowers. Fruiting perianth — Fig. 27; Map 28 rather small ≤ 0.8 by 0.4–0.5 mm, broadly ellipsoid with rounded base and without distinct beak, with abundant fine spreading Ab omnibus ceteris varietatibus var. canescenti excepta glomerulis secus axem aliquantum elongatis (nec globosis) flores pedicellatos atque saepe hairs throughout. Achene ± filling fruiting perianth. in cymis minutis bracteolatis dispositos ferentibus differt; a var. canescenti Distribution ― Eastern Himalayas: India (Sikkim), Nepal, axe florifero robusto 0.4–1 mm diametro (nec gracillimo usque 0.2 mm Bhutan, Burma; south-western China. tantum diametro), perianthio fructifero longiore atque multo latiore 0.7–1.2 Habitat & Ecology ― Open grassy areas and secondary vege­ × 0.5–0.8 mm (nec usque 0.5 × 0.3 mm tantum) subglabro luteo-brunneo tation around field-edges or amongst dense herbaceous vege- (nec badio-brunneo) et caule ad apicem adpresse piloso vel sparsissime tation, usually in moist places, rarely as successional regrowth (nec densissime) patente piloso differt. — Typus: J.F. Maxwell 89-1370 in fire-damaged evergreen broad-leaved forest; (1600–)2000– (holo E; iso L), northern Thailand, Chiang Mai, Chiang Dao, Doi Chiang Dao, north-eastern side of Sop Huay Pa Dang Huay Na Lao Forest Station, 3000 m altitude. alt. 550 m, 5 Nov. 1989. Notes ― 1. As discussed in detail under the species as a Herb or subshrub, 0.5–1.5 m tall, branched (from horizontal whole (see Note 5-viii), var. rotundifolia is distinctive in its leaves stems rooting at the nodes) or unbranched. Stems with hairs with terminal tooth long and tail-like and distal marginal teeth short, closely-adpressed, rarely also (eastern Himalayas) with markedly in-curved; it is often rather similar to var. scabrella sparse spreading hairs near apex. Stipules 0.5–1.2 cm long, which has a slightly lower altitudinal range and occurs in forest hairy abaxially. Leaves slightly or moderately dimorphic in size and thickets. Only ten collections clearly referable to this variety and shape, length of ‘larger’ leaves 1.1–1.5× that of ‘smaller’ have been seen, together with other material intermediate with ones; ‘larger’ leaves fairly narrowly ovate or elliptic-ovate, 5–20 var. macrostachya or var. scabrella; therefore formal conserva- by 3–10 cm, length 1.7–2.3× width, marginal teeth 40–45 ei- tion status assessment is not meaningful. It occurs in locations ther side, acute fairly narrow up-curved, 1.25–3 by 2–5 mm, along the Himalayas and the extension of this mountain range with width 1.5–1.7× length; leaf apex with long or short acu- into southern China. It is not clear whether the open and often men, up to 1.7 cm long; base not or slightly (rarely markedly) somewhat disturbed habitats in which it is often found are cur- asymmetrical, short-cuneate or sometimes rounded; texture rently threatened by serious degradation. thin-chartaceous, but leaves often slightly bullate; adaxial 2. As discussed under the species, most material of var. surface with abundant ± spreading coarse stiff hairs; abaxial rotundifolia has only adpressed hairs on the stem; only the type surface with hairs denser and finer; petioles (0.2–)0.25–0.5× from Nepal and the single collection seen from Bhutan have lamina length, hairy like the stem; ‘smaller’ leaves relatively both kinds of stem-hairs like those found in var. canescens broader with petiole shorter relative to lamina. Inflorescence- (but much sparser). The type specimen is ‘atypical’ in various bearing axes with both sexes usually on same plant; male characters, appearing to represent one extreme of the range of axes in lower axils, erect, often branched at base, 5–7 cm variation, with both kinds of hairs on the stem and is also the only long, clusters well-spaced with few flowers; female axes in material seen with rather slender inflorescence-bearing axes upper axils, ± erect but often pendent at apex, 5–20 cm long, approaching those of var. canescens. This material consists of unbranched or with short (up to 1 cm) lateral sometimes male two detached stems, the left-hand one with the distinctive long branches near base, clusters usually densely congested along C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 169



d b



g c h Fig. 27 Boehmeria virgata subsp. macrophylla var. minuticymosa (Acharya & Yonek.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. a. Habit of stem with female inflorescence-bearing axes; b. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; c. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; d. detail of stem and stipules; e. detail of branched male inflorescence-bearing axes with flower-clusters (inflorescences); f. male bud; g. detail of female inflorescence-bearing axis with one flower-cluster (inflorescence), flowers pedicellate; h. detail of part of fruiting cluster, showing fruiting perianths arising from common peduncle; i. fruiting perianth (a-d, g-i: Chantaranothai et al. 90/452; e, f: Chantaranothai et al. 90/68; all K). — Scale bars: a = 2 cm; b = 5 mm; c-e, g = 2 mm; f, h, i = 1 mm. 170 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

Map 28 Distribution of Boehmeria virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. macrophylla (Hornem.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear var. minuticy­ mosa Acharya, Friis & Wilmot-Dear (●) and intermediates between B. virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. macrophylla var. minuticymosa and other varieties (ä). axis, sometimes spaced 1–2(–3) mm apart; bracts 5–6 mm l. var. scabrella (Roxb.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. nov. — long; female clusters 2–4 mm diam in flower (4–6 mm in Fig. 24j–o; Map 29 fruit) but mostly somewhat elongate, with many peduncles up Basionym: Urtica scabrella Roxb., Flora Indica, vol. 3 (1832) 581. ― Boeh­ to 1.5 mm long, these flattened, strap-shaped, often once or meria macrophylla Hornem. var. scabrella (Roxb.) D.G.Long (1982) 129. ― twice branched, each with conspicuous scattered straight hairs Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. scabrella (Roxb.) Wedd. (1856) 365. ― and bearing several flattened-pedicellate flowers; bracteoles Syntypes: Wallich 4581A (K-WALL), India, Assam, Goalpara; Wallich 4581B subtending peduncles reddish, narrowly ovate or obovate up (K-WALL; isosyn G, M), Bangladesh, Silhet; Wallich 4581C (K-WALL), Ne- to c. 0.4 mm long, smaller bracteoles often also present along pal; Wallich 4581D (K-WALL), cultivated in Hort. Bot. Calcutta. – See Note 1. peduncles. Male flowers spreading-hairy. Female flowers up to Urtica caudata Burm.f. (1768) 197, non Poir. (1798) 640, nec Blume (1825) c. 1 mm long excluding pedicel; stigma 0.5–1 mm long. Fruiting 492. ― Boehmeria caudata (Burm.f.) J.J.Sm. (1910) 706, nom. illeg., non perianth broadly ovoid or subspherical 0.7–1.2 by 0.5–0.8 mm, Sw. (1788) 34. ― Type: Unknown collector (not traced), Indonesia, Jawa [Java]. – See Note 2. moderately laterally flattened with indistinct or distinct marginal Urtica caudata Blume (1825) 492, nom. illeg., non Burm.f. (1768) 197, nec rim, without apical beak, rounded or slightly tapering at base, Poir. (1798) 640. ― Type: Unknown collector (not traced), Indonesia, Jawa light yellowish brown (in dry state) and glabrous except for a [Java], Tjanjor. – See Note 2. few conspicuous hairs, like those on the pedicels, near apex. Achene filling fruiting perianth. Woody-based herb, to 1 m tall. Stem with very sparse to dense Distribution ― Northern India, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Laos, hairs only 0.3–0.4 mm long, these fine or coarse, ± uniform, Vietnam, South China. usually stiff and straight, closely-adpressed or half-adpressed, Habitat & Ecology ― Primary or secondary evergreen or mixed sometimes (only where long and dense) slightly curved. Stipules seasonal forest or forest margins, often along tracks or in dis- often conspicuous, up to 11 mm long. Leaves ovate and often turbed areas; dry or wet places and beside streams; 160–1300 m markedly asymmetrical with outline of two sides and length of altitude. basal veins dissimilar; usually small or medium, 5–10(–13) by Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). Nearly 200 col- 3–7(–10) cm, relatively broad, length 1.2–1.5(–1.8)× width; lections, many recent, clearly referable to this variety have acumen short and broad consisting mainly of a single tooth (with been seen. It occurs in a wide range of habitat and does not 1–2 teeth in its lower third or half); base broad-cuneate, broadly appear to be currently at risk, but in future may become so with rounded, to markedly obliquely truncate or subcordate; marginal increasing pressure on habitats in Indochina. teeth numerous, (30–)35–45 either side, small close-spaced distinctly up-curved, 1.5–2 by 2(–3) mm, relatively narrow with Notes ― 1. Var. minuticymosa is the only variety known from width 1–1.3(–1.5)× length; texture (thin-) or thick-chartaceous, Thailand. It is distinctive in its female flowers pedunculate, its leaves often rugose, adaxial surface with adpressed or half- short ± erect congested female axes and its yellowish almost adpressed hairs like those on stem (but usually longer, up to glabrous broad round-based fruiting perianths and relatively narrow, thin-textured, leaves, short-cuneate with many teeth. 0.7 mm), stiff giving rough texture; abaxial surface with hairs Forms intermediate with var. macrostachya and var. canescens stiff but shorter ± spreading; petiole usually relatively short rela- exist (see detailed discussion Note 5-ix under the species as tive to lamina, 0.25–0.4(–0.7)× length. Inflorescence-bearing a whole). axes short only 2–8(–12) cm long, ± erect (female sometimes 2. Although pedicellate female flowers on minute flattened pendent at tip), male axes with lateral branches throughout peduncles are unusual, certain other species exhibit these length which are shorter than or equalling its main axis, female sporadically (for example B. heterophylla and B. clidemioides, axes unbranched or with short side branches 1–3 cm long near where they are not correlated with geographical distribution and base bearing male clusters, also very occasionally its main axis are seen on material otherwise indistinguishable from that with with a tuft of leaves at tip; female clusters crowded sometimes sessile flowers); this character is therefore here considered to ± contiguous along parts of axis, especially on shorter axes. be of taxonomic significance only when correlated with other Fruiting perianth not widely varying, mostly ovoid to ellipsoid morphological characters and/or distribution. with minute abrupt beak, moderately laterally flattened with or 3. As discussed under the subspecies (Note 8), this variety without distinct marginal rim. has sometimes been mistaken for B. ourantha. Distribution ― Eastern and western Himalaya: northern In- 4. The joint publication of this new taxon was accepted by N. dia, Nepal; southern China, Indonesia (west of Wallace’s line: Acharya and is partly based on his earlier unpublished findings. Jawa, Bali, Borneo). C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 171

Map 29 Distribution of Boehmeria virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. macro­ phylla (Hornem.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear var. scaberrima (Roxb.) Friis & Wilmot- Dear (●), B. virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. macrophylla (Hornem.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear var. sumatrana (Miq.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (▲) and intermediates between B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. scaberrima and B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. macrostachya (ä).

Habitat & Ecology ― Shaded places in forest, scrub and m. var. sumatrana (Miq.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. nov. — disturbed old cultivations; 200–2400 m altitude. Fig. 28a–e; Map 29 Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). Approximately Basionym: Boehmeria sumatrana Miq., Plantae Junghuhnianae, Pars 1 100 collections clearly referable to this variety have been seen. (1851) 32. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. virgata (G.Forst.) Wedd. Its locations in forest along the Himalayas and the extension subvar. sumatrana (Miq.) Wedd. (1856) 367. ― Boehmeria platyphylla of these mountains into southern China, are probably not cur- D.Don var. sumatrana (Miq.) Wedd. (1869) 211. ― Type: Junghuhn s.n. rently at risk, although it is not clear whether the open and often (holo U; iso BO, L), Indonesia, Sumatera, Tapanuli, Sipirok plain, Warseh, somewhat disturbed habitats elsewhere in which it is also found Battarum Dist. are currently threatened. Subshrub or possibly shrub (height unknown). Stem with hairs 0.2–0.4 mm long, sparse to abundant, closely-adpressed, fine, Notes ― 1. In 1832 Roxburgh refers to his Urtica scabrella straight. Stipules usually relatively long, 7–10 mm. Leaves as “native of Chittagong” [Bangladesh] without citing any col- broadly ovate (deltate-ovate), small or medium, 5.5–10 by 4–8.5 lections; his Catalogue (1814: 67) lists living material from cm, length only 1.1–1.3(–1.4)× width; margin dentate, teeth Chittagong (donated by a “Mr J. R.”) and Wallich 4581D may only 13–17, relatively short and broad, 2–3 by 5–6 mm, with represent this plant although it bears no further information width (1.5–)2–3× length, of ± uniform size but proximal ones and all four specimens under K-WALL 4581 bear Roxburgh’s progressively less up-curved, those near apex with their upper name. Weddell (who cites Wallich 4581 without qualification) margin distinctly concave, those near base often ± rounded and does not mention Sylhet but only ’Assam and ?Nepal’ so had outward-pointing (both margins convex); leaf apex with short perhaps not seen 4581B. abrupt acumen, (5–)10–15 mm long, consisting mostly of single 2. Var. scabrella is the only taxon within B. macrophylla tooth; base truncate or ± cordate, rarely broadly rounded; texture Hornem. known from Jawa. In spite of missing type mate- very thin-chartaceous; both surfaces with rather sparse fine ad- rial of Urtica caudata Burm.f. the taxon is placed here based pressed hairs like the stem; petiole variable but extremely long on later material from Jawa, as was implied by Friis & Marais relative to lamina, 0.6–1.2× lamina length. Inflorescence-bearing (1982: 163). Urtica caudata Blume, nom. illeg., is also placed axes ± erect and mostly bisexual, sometimes unbranched and here on the authority of Weddell (1856: 365) who referred it to relatively long, 8–12 cm, sometimes with lateral branches B. platyphylla D.Don var. scabrella (Roxb.) Wedd. throughout lower half and then often shorter, 5–8 cm, distal 3. As discussed (see Note 5-x under the species as a whole), clusters female, proximal ones and those on lateral branches var. scabrella is distinctive its combination of short ± erect often bisexual, some lower lateral branches and some axes in inflorescence-bearing axes, the male ones much-branched, lower leaf axils entirely male; clusters contiguous (but distin- the female axes with congested clusters, and small or medium guishable) or spaced up to 1(–2) mm apart, only 1–2 mm diam, leaves, usually rough-hairy with numerous close- spaced teeth, with few–10(–20) flowers. Fruiting perianth ovoid to obovoid often thick-textured and/or asymmetrical. It is partly sympatric flattened or inflated in distal part but without distinct marginal to var. macrostachya (which occurs in much of the Indian sub- rim, c. 0.8 mm long, almost without beak, hairy like stem. continent), and a range of material exists intermediate in leaf Distribution ― Indonesia (western Sumatera). and/or inflorescence-morphology with either var. macrostachya Habitat & Ecology ― No label data but the localities are or var. rotundifolia. In Jawa occur also forms with leaf shape within the ridge of mountains in western Sumatera, so it is as- (but not indumentum) approaching var. sumatrana. sumed to inhabit forest at fairly high altitude. 4. Var. scabrella is one of only two varieties of subsp. mac­ Conservation status ― Near Threatened (NT). The lack of ha- rophylla partly sympatric with subsp. virgata (var. virgata west bitat data for this well-circumscribed variety makes formal as- of Wallace’s line in Jawa and Bali) but, as discussed in detail sessment tentative. It is known from only six collections from under the species, the two entities are morphologically very the early 1900s from three localities, with an EOO of only 2 343 2 2 distinct with no intermediate forms nor possibility of confusion. km and AOO of only 12 km . Habitat in this region is apparently 5. Var. scabrella has been confused frequently with the sym- not currently seriously degraded and Kerinci [Kerinchi] has patric but more widespread B. pilosiuscula and sometimes also protected status but with so few collections it is probably at risk. with B. polystachya and B. clidemioides (see detailed discussed Notes ― 1. This variety is apparently allopatric to the rest (Notes 3, 4, 7) under the subspecies). of the subspecies (and species). As discussed (Note 5-xi–xiii 172 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013



k l


d a

b j g h f Fig. 28 a–e: Boehmeria virgata subsp. macrophylla var. sumatrana (Miq.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. a. Habit of stem with branched bisexual inflorescence-bearing axes with flower-clusters (inflorescences); b. detail of stem with unbranched female inflorescence-bearing axis; c. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; d. detail of stem and stipules; e. detail of lower part of branched bisexual inflorescence-bearing axes. — f–l: Boehmeria virgata subsp. macrophylla var. strigosa (W.T.Wang) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. f. Habit of stem with branched bisexual inflorescence-bearing axes with flower-clusters (inflorescences); g, h. leaves from different plants; i. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; j. detail of stem and stipules; k, l. fruiting perianths (from different plants) (a, c-e: Praet s.n., L; b: Bunnemeijer 4828, L; f, j, k: Chow & Wai 79126, E; g, l: Balansa 595, K; h, i: Cuong 150, L). — Scale bars: a, b, g, h = 2 cm; c–e, i, j = 2 mm; f = 10 cm; k, l = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 173 under the species as a whole), this and the following two varie- long with clusters usually so densely congested along the axis ties, var. densiglomerata and var. strigosa, are distinctive in leaf that individual clusters are indistinguishable (axis thus rather shape, texture and indumentum; var. sumatrana is distinguished thick, c. 3 mm diam in fruit); each cluster with less than 10 from the other two on morphology of the inflorescence-bearing densely crowded flowers; bracts inconspicuous. Fruiting peri­ axes and marginal teeth, and sparse indumentum. anth broadly obconical, small, c. 1 by 0.5 mm, ± 3-angled or 2. Little material has been seen, possibly not reflecting the slightly laterally flattened, distal part ± inflated into collar and full range of variation. One less distinctive collection has been hairy like stem with abrupt minute beak, lower part rugulose. seen with obtuse marginal teeth and lacking the distinctive Distribution ― Southern and south-western China. cordate base but otherwise conforming to this variety: Suma­ Habitat & Ecology ― Forests, thickets, often in marshy tera, Kerinchi, Robinson & Kloss Apr. 1914 (BM). The material places and along streams; 200–700(–1200) m altitude. represents a small herb to 60 cm with leaves 4–9 by 2.5–6 cm, Notes ― 1. As discussed (Note 5-xi–xiii under the species length c. 1.5× width, margin crenate-dentate (i.e., teeth obtuse as a whole), the leaves of var. densiglomerata are closely similar although still up-curved with their upper margin concave), base only to those of var. sumatrana and var. strigosa. It is distinctive broadly rounded to broadly cuneate and inflorescence-bearing in its congested female axes and fewer marginal teeth. Only axes 12 cm, unbranched, mainly female, with scattered male 13 collections clearly referable to this variety have been seen; flowers throughout length. material intermediate between this and var. strigosa has been seen from Vietnam (outside the known distribution of var. densi­ n. var. densiglomerata (W.T.Wang) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. glomerata), making formal conservation status assessment not & stat. nov. — Fig. 29; Map 30 meaningful. The variety is probably at risk from the increasing Basionym: Boehmeria densiglomerata W.T.Wang, Acta Bot. Yunnanica 3, 4 pressure on natural habitats in these parts of China. (1981b) 408. ― Type: S.S. Sin 844 (holo IBSC), China, Guangxi, Dayao­ 2. As discussed under the subspecies (see Note 11), var. shan, 24 June 1928. densiglomerata can be confused with small forms of the partly sympatric (China, Japan) B. japonica. Perennial herb, 0.3–0.5 m, branched or not; ultimate stems 1–1.5 mm diam, hairs sparse, adpressed, short, fine, soon glabrous. Stipules 5–9 mm long. Leaves broadly ovate-cordate o. var. strigosa (W.T.Wang) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. nov. — to ovate-truncate, not or slightly asymmetrical, relatively small Fig. 28f–l; Map 30 (3.5–)5–10 by (3–)5–7.5 cm, length only 1.1–1.25× width; Basionym: Boehmeria holosericea Blume var. strigosa W.T.Wang, Acta Bot. margin dentate, teeth few, 10–13 either side, large 2–4 by 4–5 Yunnanica 3, 4 (1981b) 404. ― Type: Guangxi Exped. 3818 (holo PE), mm, acute or mucronate, usually outward-pointing (their upper China, Guangxi, 27 Sept. 1953. margin straight); leaf apex with abrupt acumen, this relatively Boehmeria dolichostachya W.T.Wang (1981b) 405. ― Type: P.X. Tan 2715 short (≤ 1 cm), narrow and consisting entirely or mostly of a (holo IBSC), China, Guangxi, Lungzhou, 1 Dec. 1957. Boehmeria strigosifolia W.T.Wang (1983) 77. ― Type: W.T. Tsang 28128 single tooth; base cordate or truncate, not or slightly asym- (holo IBSC), China, Guangxi, Guilin, 26–31 Aug. 1937. metrical; texture membranous or very thin-chartaceous; adaxial surface rather shiny with scattered adpressed hairs like stem, Herb, subshrub or shrub, 0.5–1(–3) m tall. Stipules usually abaxial surface recorded as purple when live, with less sparse relatively short, 5–6(–8) mm long. Stem with hairs sparse to hairs; petiole often very long for leaf-size, 0.7–1× lamina length. abundant, closely-adpressed, fine, straight, 0.3–0.4 mm long. Inflorescence-bearing axes 1 per axil, mostly unisexual, male Leaves broadly ovate (deltate-ovate) or almost orbicular, me- and bisexual axes 2–5.5(–7) cm long often with several short dium or large 6.5–19 by 6–17.5 cm, length 1–1.2(–1.8)× width, branches at base, female axes unbranched, 1.5–4(–4.5) cm margin dentate, teeth few, usually only (16–)20–25 either side,

Map 30 Distribution of Boehmeria virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. macrophylla (Hornem.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear var. densiglomerata (W.T.Wang) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (Ê), B. virgata (G.Forst.) Guillem. subsp. macrophylla (Hornem.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear var. strigosa (W.T.Wang) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (●), interme- diates between B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. densiglomerata and B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. strigosa (ä) and intermediates between B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. strigosa and other varieties (✱ under ● representing var. strigosa). 174 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013




f g

d a

Fig. 29 Boehmeria virgata subsp. macrophylla var. densiglomerata (W.T.Wang) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; c. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; d. detail of stem and stipules; e. portion of female inflorescence-bearing axis showing ex- tremely congested flower-clusters (inflorescences); f, g. fruiting perianths of different form (from same plant) (all: Luo 0132, K). — Scale bars: a = 2 cm; b, c = 5 mm; d = 2 mm; e–g = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 175 usually 3–5 by 3–10 mm (sometimes only 2 by 2 mm and up plants, small to large, (1.5–)2–6 by 4–11 mm, length 1.25–4× to 30 in number), with width 1–2× length, proximal ones mostly width, all ± uniform or distal ones progressively larger, also more outward-pointing (their upper margin convex), sometimes usually increasingly up-curved with the pair of teeth either side most teeth ± outward-pointing); leaf apex broadly rounded and of the apex often markedly in-curved; leaf apex either with with abrupt short acumen which is sometimes ± linear and tail- 2–3 lobes of ± equal length giving truncate outline to apex, or like; base distinctly truncate or ± broad-cordate; texture very abruptly terminated by a terminal tooth which is long, narrow ± thin-chartaceous; adaxial surface with hairs like the stem, rather linear and tail-like; base often ± oblique, very broadly cuneate sparse but conspicuous, fine, adpressed; abaxial surface with or ± truncate with cordate extreme base, sometimes broadly similar but finer hairs, dense and lying in a regular pattern giving rounded to ± cordate; texture thin-chartaceous or (mostly in a conspicuously shiny-silky appearance; petiole variable but Nepal) membranous; leaves recorded as greenish purple in often extremely long relative to lamina, 0.4–1× lamina length. live state; adaxial surface with hairs sparse or fairly abundant, Inflorescence-bearing axes unisexual, leafless throughout most fine, half-adpressed or spreading, soft, bulbous-based; abaxial of length but sometimes returning to vegetative growth at apex; surface velvety with hairs ± spreading denser and finer (not male axes 5–10 cm long, erect, often branched at base, female bulbous-based), rarely on veins only, often whole surface axes (10–)15–40 cm long, pendulous, unbranched; clusters densely hairy. Flower-clusters on leafless inflorescence-bearing sometimes contiguous but more often spaced 1–2 cm apart, axes, these pendulous slender, unisexual but often on same female clusters c. 2 mm diam, with c. 10–20 flowers. Fruiting stem with male axes in lower leaf axils; male axes 4–15 cm, perianth variable, broadly ovoid to obovoid, slightly laterally unbranched or more often with several branches at or close flattened with distinct marginal rim or more markedly flattened to base; female axes 10–20(–30) cm, rarely branched; clus- ± winged, c. 0.8 by 0.6 mm, without beak, hairy like stem, ters on both male and female axes spaced 1–2 mm apart or always slightly rugulose. contiguous, female clusters 3–4 mm diam in fruit, with bracts Distribution ― Southern China, Vietnam. often conspicuous up to 1 mm long but soon caducous from Habitat & Ecology ― Thickets in hills, moist or disturbed female clusters. Male flowers 4-merous, ± sessile, mature buds places; 100–1300 m altitude. c. 1.5 mm diam, globose, tepals with dorsal appendage. Fruiting perianth ellipsoid or obovoid, without or with very slight beak, Notes ― 1. As discussed (see Note 5-xi–xiii under the spe- with distinct marginal rim or occasionally ± winged, ± rounded, cies as a whole), the distinctive leaves of var. strigosa are rarely slightly tapering at base, 1–1.5(–2) by 0.6–0.8 mm, similar only to var. sumatrana (allopatric) and var. densiglome­ rata (sympatric) but larger with more numerous teeth and densely minute-hairy. dense shiny-silky hairs abaxially, and it differs also from both Distribution ― Eastern and western Himalayas: northern India, in inflorescence-morphology. (The difference in habit stated by Nepal, Bhutan. Chen et al. (2003) is not consistent since var. strigosa can be Habitat & Ecology ― Dense montane forest, forest clearings a herb as well as a shrub). and margins, often in damp shady ravines or by waterfalls; 2. Only 21 collections clearly referable to this variety have 1000–2300 m altitude. been seen, with a few others from Vietnam somewhat inter- Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). It is known from mediate with var. densiglomerata (not recorded from Vietnam). over 50 collections from many locations along the Himalayas. Formal conservation status assessment is therefore not mean- It occurs in fairly restricted forest habitat, but is probably not at ingful for this variety. It is probably at risk from the increasing risk since these localities in the Himalayas are not threatened pressure on natural habitats in these regions of China and by serious habitat degradation. Separate formal assessments Indochina. are not considered meaningful for the two intergrading varieties. 3. As discussed under the subspecies as a whole (see Notes Notes ― 1. This species is a small shrub distinctive in the 6, 11), this variety has sometimes been mistaken for B. japonica appearance of its marginal teeth and in its abundant minute and B. ternifolia. spreading brown stem indumentum (often also dense on most 4. As discussed under the species as a whole (see Note parts of plant) and in its leaf shape and marginal teeth which 5-xiii), a range of somewhat intermediate material has been distinguish the two varieties from one another. It is restricted seen with only half-adpressed or ± spreading indumentum on to the southern foothills of the Himalayas from Garhwal and stem, petioles and leaves abaxially; this includes the following Kumaon to Bhutan (and possibly extending into Burma). type and names based on it: 2. The typical variety is distinctive in its leaves with an abrupt Boehmeria strigosifolia W.T.Wang var. mollis W.T.Wang (1983) long single terminal tooth which may be long-triangular but is 78. ― Boehmeria dolichostachya W.T.Wang var. mollis often very narrow ± linear ‘tail-like’ and constricted at its base (W.T.Wang) W.T.Wang & J.C.Chen in Chen et al. (2003) 171. and is usually much longer than marginal teeth (a character ― Type: Z.T. Li 661100 (holo PE), China, Guangxi, Nandan, otherwise seen only in B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. 1 Aug. 1958. rotundifolia, which differs as discussed below, see Note 5). The marginal teeth of var. ternifolia are sometimes ± uniform 24. Boehmeria ternifolia D.Don — Fig. 30; Map 31 along most of margin but usually distinctive in distal ones being progressively wider (but scarcely longer) than proximal ones, Boehmeria ternifolia D.Don (1825) 59. ― Type: Hamilton s.n. (holo BM), Nepal. often markedly so, also usually progressively more up-curved Subshrub, shrub or small tree, 0.5–4.5 m. Stems with hairs abun- (even if proximal ones are out-pointing and rounded) and the dant to very dense, minute (≤ 0.3 mm long), fine, soft, spreading, uppermost pair often markedly in-curved towards the terminal brown. Stipules long and narrow, 8–9 by 1–2 mm, densely hairy tooth, giving a distinctive claw-like appearance to the leaf apex. outside like the stem. Leaves scarcely or markedly dimorphic 3. In the eastern part of its range var. ternifolia merges gradu- in size with length of ‘larger’ 1–1.5(–2)× ‘smaller’ ones, very ally via a range of intermediate forms into var. kamley whose broadly elliptic or deltate, rarely obovate-obdeltate or rhombic- leaves are often less densely hairy and have fewer marginal ovate to ovate-truncate, slightly or moderately asymmetrical, teeth, distal ones progressively markedly larger (both longer widely varying in size (4–)7–14(–20) by (3–)7–13.5(–16) cm and wider) and leaf apex with 2–3 large broad apical teeth or excluding apical tooth (see below), length 0.8–1.25× width; lobes rather than a single tail-like tooth. The two variants of margin dentate or sometimes ± crenate with 7–20(–25) teeth B. ternifolia are recognised only at varietal level because of either side, these up-curved with a wide size range on different the range of intermediates. Leaf form in the species changes 176 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013





l n

h b g



d o c e Fig. 30 a–l: Boehmeria ternifolia D.Don var. ternifolia. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b. detail of stem showing basal branching of male inflorescence-bearing axes; c–e. leaves from different plants; f. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; g. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; h. detail of stem and stipules; i. male bud; j. detail of female inflorescence-bearing axis with two flower-clusters (inflorescences); k, l. fruiting perianths from different plants. — m, n: Boeh­ meria ternifolia var. kamley (Acharya & Yonek.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. Leaves from different plants. — o: Intermediate between var. ternifolia and var. kamley. Leaf (a: Duthie 24955; b: Thomson 701; c, l: Gamble 7006; d: Gamble 26635; e-i: Wallich 1262; j, k: Grey-Wilson 271; m: Clarke 13029; n: Grierson 4161; o: Bourne s.n.; all K). — Scale bars: a, c-e, m–o = 2 cm; b, h, j = 2 mm; f, g, i, k, l = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 177 from west to east with some material from Nepal and Sikkim 6. Forms of var. ternifolia with fairly uniform teeth and dense being impossible to assign to either variety, while further west indumentum are easily confused with the sympatric but more all conforms to var. ternifolia and almost all from Bhutan and widespread B. ourantha which also has dense soft indumen- some from Sikkim conforms to var. kamley. tum. The clearest distinguishing character of B. ourantha is 4. The allopatric B. japonica is also characterised by change its unusual inflorescence architecture, with male flowers dif- in form of marginal teeth towards leaf apex, its distal teeth mark- ferently arranged, being mostly in a few clusters at the apex edly longer as well as wider. It would not easily be confused of a mainly female axis or scattered flowers in mainly female with var. ternifolia (which has distal teeth scarcely longer), but clusters; female and bisexual axes are always unbranched and broad-leaved apically 3-toothed variants of B. ja­ponica var. mostly much more congested, and the apical tooth of leaves is japonica are almost identical in leaf shape to var. kamley. Boeh­ never tail-like nor basally constricted; marginal teeth are mostly meria japonica is distinguished by unbranched herbaceous more numerous (more than 25) and distal ones not in-curved; (rather than branched shrubby) habit, adaxial leaf-hairs coarse indumentum is also longer, (0.5–)1–2 mm long, (rather than and stiff (rather than fine and soft) and male tepals without a ≤ 0.3 mm) and always dense on the abaxial surface of leaves. dorsal appendage. The cytological work of Acharya (in Acharya 7. Leaves of var. ternifolia with fairly uniform marginal teeth et al. 2003) shows var. kamley to be diploid and sexually re- are also somewhat similar to those of B. holosericea but this producing whereas Okabe (1956) and Yahara (1983a, 1984a) species is allopatric (eastern Asia) and less likely to be confused demonstrated (as discussed in the introduction) that B. japonica with it, being a herb with marginal teeth wider than long (rather comprises a polyploid complex of partly apomictic and partly than length exceeding width) and with its leaf indumentum hybridising entities. This indicates that hybridisation between much longer than its stem indumentum (rather than both leaf these two neighbouring but allopatric taxa has not occurred and stem indumentum similar, very short). despite the remarkably intermediate appearance of var. kamley and its occurrence where the distribution of B. ternifolia is least Key to varieties far from that of B. japonica. This is a good example of the way cytological information can clarify relationships where taxa are 1. Leaf apex consisting of a single terminal tooth, long, linear similar in gross morphology. tail-like; marginal teeth 12–25 in number, uniform or distal 5. Boehmeria ternifolia var. ternifolia can be confused with ones progressively wider but scarcely longer. — Eastern certain Himalayan varieties of the very variable B. virgata and western Himalayas ...... a. var. ternifolia subsp. macrophylla. Var. rotundifolia is the most similar with 1. Leaf apex with 2–3 ± equally large teeth or lobes; marginal a tail-like terminal tooth and increasingly up-curved marginal teeth up to 10(–13) in number, distal ones much larger. teeth but is distinguished by its stem hairs closely-adpressed — Eastern Himalayas ...... b. var. kamley rather than spreading (sometimes longer (c. 1 mm long) curved hairs also present), its marginal teeth often more numerous and its inflorescence-bearing axes (especially the male ones) erect a. var. ternifolia — Fig. 30a–l; Map 31 and often branched throughout length; it is also a herb rather Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. cuspidata Wedd. (1856) 365, non B. cuspi- than a shrub, occurring in more open habitat at higher altitude. data Blume (1857) 216. ― Boehmeria caudigera Wedd. (1854) 199, nom Himalayan forms of the very variable subsp. macrophylla var. nud. ― Type: Wallich 4585, specimen marked “U. blanda” [= Urtica blanda] macrostachya can also be somewhat similar to B. ternifolia but (lecto K-WALL; isolecto BR, G; lectotype selected here), Nepal, Nag-arjuhn, 1821. – See Note 1. never have a distinctive basal constriction to the terminal tooth nor distal marginal teeth progressively wider nor uppermost Leaf length 1–1.25× width; marginal teeth 12–20(–25) either teeth in-curved, and these particular Himalayan forms are also side, these all of similar size or progressively wider but not distinguished by smaller more numerous teeth. Subsp. macro­ or scarcely longer towards apex, uppermost distal ones at phylla var. strigosa (allopatric, China and Indochina) can also most 2× length of proximal ones; leaf apex obtuse or broadly have an abrupt tail-like leaf apex but would not be confused rounded in outline excluding terminal tooth, this sometimes only with B. ternifolia, differing markedly in closely-adpressed ± silky ± twice as long as wide and twice as long as distal marginal indumentum on stem and leaves. teeth, constricted at its base, but usually extremely narrow and

Map 31 Distribution of Boehmeria ternifolia D.Don var. ternifolia (●) and B. ternifolia D.Don var. kamly (Acharya & Yonek.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear ( ). 178 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013 tail-like, 10–30 by 1.5–2(–35) mm, length (4–)5–20× width or broadly rounded); basal veins extending into distal half of and (0.1–)0.2(–0.4)× length of rest of lamina. Hairs on fruiting lamina, upper lateral veins 1–2 either side, similarly arranged in perianth usually ≤ 0.1 mm long. both sides or sometimes 3 veins on one side, lowermost arising Distribution ― As for the species as a whole. near middle of lamina or all arising in distal half, basal veins Habitat & Ecology ― As for the species as a whole. thinly prominent abaxially, upper veins and reticulation rather indistinct; texture thin- or thick-chartaceous; both surfaces Notes ― 1. Weddell cites “U. caudigera & U. blanda, Wal- velvety with spreading hairs like stem, so dense as to give lich 4585” which represents two different collections. The one golden sheen to leaf, or sometimes shorter and sparser adaxi- selected here has the number “4585” inserted only in pencil on ally (rarely both sides); petiole quite variable relative to lamina, Wallich’s original label and is not listed in Wallich’s Catalogue, 0.15–0.25(–0.3)× lamina length. Flower-clusters borne on but was selected rather than the one listed in the Catalogue, leafless inflorescence-bearing axes, these ± erect, unbranched, which is “U. caudigera Wall., Mont ad Bumpady, 17 Dec 1821”. 1 per axil, (4–)6–10(–15) cm long; entirely male axes some- The latter is less helpful as a type, being of unclear identity times present in lower part of plant, upper axes either entirely somewhat intermediate with B. virgata var. macrostachya. female or bisexual with mainly female flowers, male flowers 2. For further taxonomic discussion see under the species being either restricted to a few male clusters at extreme apex as a whole. Over 40 collections clearly referable to this variety or as scattered flowers in mainly female clusters, more numer- have been seen. ous towards axis apex and with uppermost clusters sometimes entirely male; flower-clusters ± contiguous or male ones often b. var. kamley (Acharya & Yonek.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. (female rarely) spaced up to 2 mm apart, entirely male clusters & stat. nov. — Fig. 30m–o; Map 31 only 2–3 mm diam, with few–15 flowers; entirely female clus- ters (2–)5–6(–8) mm diam, with c. 40–more than 100 flowers; Basionym: Boehmeria kamley Acharya & Yonek. in Acharya et al., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 53, 1 (2002) 4. ― Type: Stainton 6995 (holo E), Nepal, bracts 2–3 by 1–1.5 mm, narrowly or broadly triangular with Koshi Zone, Inkhuwa Khola, 5 July 1974. narrowly acute tip, sometimes conspicuous in male clusters; bracteoles variable in shape and size, obovate or spathulate- Leaf length 0.5–1.25× width; margin with 7–13 teeth either lanceolate, 0.5(–1) mm long but inconspicuous in the densely side, distal ones both longer and wider than proximal; leaf apex congested clusters. Male flowers 4-merous, subsessile or on 2-lobed or with relatively broad terminal tooth and 2 subapical pedicels up to 1 mm, mature buds globose, c. 1.5 mm diam, teeth almost equalling terminal tooth, giving a 3-lobed appear- tepals with prominent dorsal appendage; hairs dense, short, ance, subapical teeth or lobes often secondarily toothed. Hairs spreading. Female flowers flattened-ovoid, c. 1 by 0.3–0.5 on fruiting perianth usually ≥ 0.1 mm. mm, tapering to apex, densely hairy; stigma 1–1.5(–2) mm. Distribution ― Eastern Himalayas: India, Nepal, Bhutan. Fruiting perianth quite variable in shape and proportions, ovoid Habitat & Ecology ― Forests and forest margins; 1700– to ellipsoid or obovoid and often 3-angled, 1.5–2 by (0.5–)1–1.5 2000 m altitude. mm with apex acute, rounded or truncate, rarely with indistinct Notes ― See under the species as a whole. beak, moderately laterally flattened, sometimes more flattened around the achene forming a ± distinct rim or narrow indistinct wing, with dense spreading hairs in distal half. Achene occupy- 25. Boehmeria ourantha Miq. – Fig. 31; Map 32 ing most of fruiting perianth, ovoid. Boehmeria ourantha Miq. (1851) 33. ― Boehmeria caudata (Burm.f.) J.J.Sm. Distribution ― North-eastern India, Burma, Thailand, south- var. ourantha (Miq.) J.J.Sm. (1910) 714. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don western China, Indonesia (Jawa). var. ourantha (Miq.) Hochr. (1925) 344. ― Type: Junghuhn s.n. (holo U), Indonesia, Jawa [Java], Bantam Dist. – See Note 1. Boehmeria pseudotomentosa Yahara (1981) 16, syn. nov. ― Type: Shimizu et al. 22457 (holo KYO, n.v.), north-eastern Thailand, Phu Kradung. – See Note 2. Boehmeria tomentosa sensu auct., incl. Wedd. (p.p.), non B. tomentosa Wedd. s.str.; B. macrophylla Hornem. var. tomentosa (Wedd.) D.G.Long, sensu D.G.Long, non var. tomentosa (Wedd.) D.G.Long, s.str. – See Note 3 and 5. Robust erect subshrub or shrub, 0.1–2(–4) m tall; ultimate stems robust, 2–3 mm diam, hairs dense, spreading, soft golden- brown, (0.5–)1–2 mm long; eventually glabrescent. Stipules conspicuous, narrowly triangular, tapering to apex, (5–)6–11 by 2–3 mm, length 3× width, thin(–thick)-textured, densely hairy outside on midrib. Leaves opposite, not or moderately dimorphic in size only, ‘larger’ leaf with length of lamina 1–1.5×, but petiole 1–2(–2.5)×, length of ‘smaller’ ones; broadly ovate or deltate, at least some usually medium or large, (7–)10–20 by (5.5–)7–15 cm, length (0.8–)1.3–1.5(–1.8)× width; margin dentate, most or all leaves with (20–)25–30(–33) medium-sized teeth either side, teeth 2–3 by 4–6.5(–8) mm (wider rather than more nu- merous on largest leaves but some of the smallest leaves with only c. 17 teeth, these 1.5 by 3 mm), their width 2–3× length, acute or obtuse but mucronate, slightly up-curved (their upper margin convex or ‘S’-shaped), ± uniform size but leaf margin entire near base; leaf apex acute, short-attenuate or indistinctly acuminate, acumen consisting mainly of one short broad apical tooth only 1.5–3× length of marginal teeth and length often only 2× width, usually rounded at tip; base symmetrical or almost so, ± truncate or broadly shallowly cordate (rarely broad-cuneate Map 32 Distribution of Boehmeria ourantha Miq. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 179

Fig. 31 Boehmeria ourantha Miq. a. Habit of stem with bisexual inflorescence-bearing axes; b. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; c. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; d. detail of stem and stipules; e. detail of inflorescence-bearing axis showing bisexual clusters; f. male bud; g, h. fruiting perianths from different plants (a-d: Clarke 19262, K; e: Van Beusekom 1316, BKF; f: Hooker & Thomson s.n., K; g: Griffith s.n., K; h: Handel-Mazzetti 5619, US). — Scale bars: a = 2 cm; b-e = 2 mm; f-h = 1 mm.





d h g e

Habitat & Ecology ― Dense evergreen forest, open scrub, Although the habitats in many of its localities are not currently grassland, disturbed land (old cultivations), roadside banks threatened by serious degradation, and it therefore does not (under Cinchona); 1000–2300 m altitude. meet the criteria for a formal status of Vulnerable (VU), it may Conservation status ― Near Threatened (NT). The species become so in the future with increasing agriculture in these is known from c. 50 collections, some of which are recent. The regions. EOO of 3 372 270 km2 is misleading due to the distance be- Notes ― 1. Blume (1857: 221) cites the name of this spe- tween Jawa and its known localities in Indochina, but its AOO cies as “B. urantha” but refers it to Miquel, so it is considered of less than 500 km2 suggests that it is at risk. It occurs in 15 an orthographic error, not a new name. rather scattered locations, and in fairly restricted forest habitat. 180 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013





a h j

g i b Fig. 32 Boehmeria holosericea Blume. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes, lowermost entirely male, branched axes, uppermost bisexual branched, bisexual axes and unbranched female axes; b. leaf; c. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; d, e. leaves, detail of abaxial surface (different plants); f. detail of stem and stipules; g. detail of male inflorescence-bearing axis with flower-clusters (inflorescences) and bracts; h. male bud; i. detail of female inflorescence-bearing axis with congested flower-clusters (inflorescences) and bracts; j. fruiting perianth (a, c, d, g, i: Iwatsuki et al. 399, L; b, f: Furuse 42899, TI; e, j: Sieber s.n., L; h: Burger s.n. [L 908.185-1665], L). — Scale bars: a, b = 2 cm; c-f = 2 mm; g–j = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 181

2. The holotype of B. pseudotomentosa has not been seen narrower and hairs stiffer giving a rough texture to the surface; but most other collections cited in the original description have both var. rotundifolia and var. scabrella are also distinguished by been studied. Yahara (1981) in describing B. pseudotomentosa the entirely male inflorescence-bearing axes being branched, noted its general resemblance to B. ternifolia (see Note 7) and and var. rotundifolia by its leaf apex abruptly narrowly long- the similar inflorescence architecture to that of B. yaeyamensis acuminate. (see Note 4); he also noted the earlier misapplication of the 7. Forms of the sympatric but less widespread B. ternifolia epithet tomentosa (see Note 3) to his ‘new’ species but was var. ternifolia with densely-pubescent stems and leaves are apparently unaware that the earlier name B. ourantha applied very easily confused with B. ourantha but differ in the leaf apex to this entity. abruptly acuminate consisting of an apical tooth which is usually 3. See under B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. tomentosa long and tail-like and/or constricted at its base; inflorescence- for discussion of this confusing situation of valid publication of bearing axes are also usually less congested, never bisexual a new combination based on application of epithet to a different and the male ones are often branched; the indumentum is also taxon. usually shorter (≤ 0.3 mm) and sparser and thus does not give 4. Boehmeria ourantha is distinctive in its male flowers ar- a distinctive golden sheen to the plant; the leaf margin usually ranged at the apex rather than base of mainly female inflores- bears less than 25 teeth either side and the distal teeth are cence-bearing axes, its long spreading golden indumentum (of- often progressively markedly wider than the lower ones. ten at least 2× the length of hairs seen in most other taxa) which 8. The more densely hairy forms of B. holosericea (Japan, is often so dense on most parts as to give a distinctive golden South Korea), allopatric but rather similar in its leaf shape and sheen to the plant and its broad truncate to cordate velvety its erect often thick female inflorescence-bearing axes with large leaves. It was reduced to a variety of the very variable entity B. crowded clusters, are distinguished by male flowers (sessile) virgata subsp. macrophylla (as B. caudata (Burm.f.) J.J.Sm. var. on separate pendulous axes, minute stem hairs, rounded and ourantha) by Smith (1910) who is stated by Hochreutiner (1925) outward-pointing marginal teeth of their often thinner-textured to have seen collections originally identified by Miquel, but it is leaves. here considered worthy of recognition as a species because of this unusual arrangement of male flowers. In most species Blume — Fig. 32; Map 33 of Boehmeria including B. virgata, male flowers, if found on a 26. Boehmeria holosericea mainly female axis, are located in the basal part, often on short Boehmeria holosericea Blume (1857) 221. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don entirely male branches; in B. virgata male flowers also differ in var. holosericea (Blume) Wedd. (1869) 212. ― Type: Burger s.n. [L 908.185- being subsessile rather than pedicellate. Only B. pilosiuscula 1666] (lecto L, selected here), Japan. – See Note 1. (sympatric) and B. yaeyamensis (allopatric, Ryukyu Islands) Boehmeria hispidula Blume (1857) 223, syn. nov. ― Type: Burger s.n. [L 908. 185-1665] (lecto L, selected here), Japan. – See Note 2. have the same unusual arrangement of male flowers; these two Boehmeria gigantea Satake (1936) 513, syn. nov. ― Type: Nakai & Maekawa taxa also resemble it in their densely congested female clus- s.n. (holo TI), Japan, Honsyu, Suo, 22 July 1935. ters giving a distinctively cylindrical appearance to the fruiting Boehmeria quelpaertensis Satake (1936) 514 & Nakai (1936) 152, syn. nov. axis but differ in their stem indumentum of mixed minute and ― Type: Nakai 4999 (holo TI), South Korea, Quelpaert Island [Quelpart], long hairs not giving a golden sheen. Boehmeria pilosiuscula 3 Nov. 1917. – See Note 6. also differs in smaller leaves with a distinctly oblique base and Boehmeria grandissima Nakai (1927) 18 [Japanese description only]; Nakai B. yaeyamensis in broadly crenate leaves. in Satake (1936) 514 [latin description]. ― Type: Nakai s.n. (holo TI, n.v., 5. Hochreutiner (1925), in making the new combination B. but photograph of type specimen in Satake 1936), Japan, Sikoku, Iyo, 9 June 1927. platyphylla var. ourantha, noted the apical male clusters on un- Boehmeria grandissima Nakai var. serrulata Satake (1938c) 512. ― Type: branched bisexual axes and the long indumentum as distinctive, Hatusima 25 (holo TI), Japan, Kyusyu, Tikuzen, Sikanosima Island [Pen- suggesting that var. ourantha might be worthy of recognition as insula], 1937. a species but not wishing to over-ride existing taxonomy. He Boehmeria tosaensis Miyazaki & H.Ohba (2003) 63, syn. nov. ― Type: Miya- also noted it as distinct from the Malagasy entity bearing the zaki s.n. (holo TI, photo K), Japan, Shikoku, Kochi Pref., Tosa, 10 Aug. epithet “tomentosa” (here placed as B. virgata subsp. macro­ 1992. – See Note 4. phylla var. tomentosa (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear). Nevertheless, the misapplication of the epithet “tomentosa” to material of B. ourantha has continued in much subsequent literature (e.g., Chen et al. 2003: 170). Most confusingly, the combination B. macrophylla Hornem. var. tomentosa (Wedd.) Long, based on the Afro-Malagasy B. tomentosa Wedd., was misapplied for Asian material in the Flora of Bhutan (Grierson & Long 1983: 126). Boehmeria virgata subsp. macrophylla var. tomentosa (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear is an Afro-Malagasy taxon and in addition to the different arrangement of male flow- ers is also rather dissimilar in its overall appearance with velvety but whitish indumentum giving a grey rather than golden cast to the plant, leaves narrower and not truncate with teeth smaller, more numerous (35–40) and inflorescence-bearing axes long, slender with well-spaced clusters. 6. Hochreutiner (1925) also remarked that B. ourantha somewhat resembled B. rotundifolia (= the Himalayan B. vir­ gata subsp. macrophylla var. rotundifolia); the partly sympatric subsp. macrophylla vars. macrostachya and scabrella are also sometimes similar to B. ourantha in general appearance; the first two varieties are easily distinguished by hairs on the stem and adaxial (often also abaxial) leaf surface inconspicuous adpressed, var. scabrella by its short usually adpressed stem indumentum, leaves often smaller with teeth smaller relatively Map 33 Distribution of Boehmeria holosericea Blume. 182 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

Robust erect woody-based herb, up to 1.5 m tall; ultimate stems marked ‘Burger’. We therefore select the specimen Burger s.n. robust, 1.5–2 mm; hairs dense, curved ± spreading, pale, soft as the lectotype of B. holosericea. minute (< 0.2 mm) or rarely half-adpressed, sparser, slightly 2. According to Blume (1857) his B. hispidula comes from longer (up to 0.3 mm); later glabrescent. Stipules relatively “Sumatra, Palembang.” However, Koidzumi (1926: 346) has broad, not markedly tapering to apex, 4–7 by 1.5–4 mm, thin- recorded two specimens as types: Burger s.n. [L 908.185- textured. Leaves opposite, not or slightly dimorphic in size only, 1665] Japan, and Siebold [L 908.185-1680], without locality, ‘larger’ leaf with length of lamina up to 1.2×, but petiole up to and stated that Blume had apparently mistaken the locality for 2× length of ‘smaller’; very broadly ovate or deltate, usually this plant. We have seen both specimens and select the one medium or large, 10–25 by 7–21 cm, length equalling or up to with the epithet in Blume’s original handwriting as lectotype. 1.4(–1.7)× width; margin dentate or crenate, teeth (15–)20–27 3. This and the following two species, B. sieboldiana and either side, outward-pointing broadly rounded or broadly acute, B. japonica, are closely similar and appear to constitute a large 3–10 by 5–15 mm, width 1.5–3× length, distal ones complex of partly intergrading taxa. Boehmeria japonica is progressively slightly longer and wider (length of distal teeth extremely variable. Boehmeria holosericea and B. sieboldiana up to 2× proximal ones) towards leaf apex or of ± uniform size (partly sympatric with one another and both sympatric within along most of margin, but always short and indistinct near part of the distribution of B. japonica and extending to the base; leaf apex with short abrupt acumen of single tooth up to Ryukyu Islands) show much less morphological variation but 10(–20) mm, up to twice as long as distal teeth and rounded exhibit intermediates with one another and with B. japonica. or mucronate at tip, sometimes some leaves also distinctly or The extensive synonymy relating to B. japonica reflects the indistinctly laciniate with a cleft either side near apex giving ± complexity of the inter-relationships between and within the trilobed appearance; base broadly rounded, truncate or ± cor- taxa here recognised; partial apomixis within B. japonica further date (rarely slightly cuneate); basal veins extending into distal complicates the relationships. half of lamina, upper lateral veins similarly arranged on both 4. Boehmeria holosericea is endemic to Japan and South sides, 1–2 either side, arising in distal half, basal veins thinly Korea. Its spreading indumentum varies widely from dense prominent abaxially, upper veins and reticulation rather indistinct; and conspicuous to rather sparse, such that individuals at the texture chartaceous, often rather thin (rarely thicker and leaves extremes of the range of variation appear rather different but slightly bullate); adaxial surface with hairs sparse to abundant, cannot be separated as distinct taxa because they are linked by soft, curved, half-adpressed or spreading, often much longer a continuous range of intermediates. For this reason B. tosaen­ than on stem (0.5–0.7 mm long); abaxial surface with hairs sis, described in the protologue as “differing from B. gigantea shorter (0.4–0.6 mm long), curved, (sparse-)abundant, often on its sparse indumentum” is here reduced to synonymy. dense and velvety and concealing epidermis, abaxial surface 5. Boehmeria holosericea is distinctive in its very broad paler than adaxial in dry state; petiole very variable 0.25–0.6× leaves with large often rounded marginal teeth, some leaves lamina length, hairy as lamina. Flower-clusters borne on leafless being indistinctly trilobed at the apex and its thick crowded erect axes, 1 per axil, mostly unisexual but often on same plant; male ± unbranched female inflorescence-bearing axes with clusters axes pendulous, 7–12(–15) cm long, (unbranched or) often with 4–7 mm diam. many short or long lateral branches throughout length, very 6. The sympatric but more widespread B. japonica var. occasionally main axis with tuft of leaves at tip, flower-clusters japonica has similar spreading indumentum, leaves often very crowded or well-spaced, 3–5 mm diam, with few(–20) large and broad leaves with apex often trilobed. Boehmeria flowers; female (or mainly female) axes erect, (7–)15–20 cm japonica differs from B. holosericea in marginal teeth acute long, mostly entirely female and unbranched but sometimes and up-curved with distal ones progressively markedly larger bisexual with a few very short male lateral branches near base, than proximal ones (teeth usually also fewer) and apical tooth flower-clusters ± contiguous but distinguishable, 4–7 cm diam, distinct, relatively longer and narrower; leaf-hairs are often min- with over 50 densely congested flowers; bracteoles tiny and ute, the leaf is never bullate and inflorescence-bearing axes are inconspicuous in densely congested clusters. Male flowers mostly pendulous with clusters often smaller and wider-spaced 4-merous, sessile, mature buds depressed-globose, c. 1 mm along the axis. As discussed in our introduction, Yahara (1983a) diam, tepals without dorsal appendage or with slight dorsal showed ecological, cytological and reproductive separation, thickening, hairy like stem. Female flowers ellipsoid to obovoid, B. holosericea being diploid and sexual, B. japonica var. ja­ relatively broad, c. 1 by 0.3 mm, distinctly beaked, densely ponica (cited as B. longifolia) an apomictic complex of many hairy; stigma 1.5–2 mm long. Fruiting perianth slightly asym- polyploid races with occasional fertile male flowers. He did not metrically ellipsoid to obovoid-truncate, c. 2 by 1 mm, scarcely find any evidence of hybridisation between the two species, beaked, slightly laterally flattened with distinctly inflated winged although subsequently (Yahara 1984a: 141) he suggested one shoulders, pubescent. Achene ellipsoid to ovoid, 0.4–0.5 by of these entities, B. quelpartensis, to be a hybrid between B. 0.8–1.2 mm, partly filling fruiting perianth. holosericea and B. japonica. However, the type of B. quelparten­ Distribution ― South Korea (Jeju ‘Quelpart’ Island), Japan sis is extremely similar to that of B. holosericea and the two are (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyusyu, Ryukyu Islands). here considered conspecific. Habitat & Ecology ― Rocky areas near seashore; sunny or 7. However, material intermediate between B. holosericea semi-shaded mesic plains along forest margins; at or near sea and B. japonica var. japonica has also been seen (teeth many, level (most collections lack habitat data). slightly up-curved and/or larger upwards, apex sometimes ± Conservation status ― Data deficient (DD). We are not able trilobed). This intermediate (possibly hybrid) material includes to give a formal assessment of B. holosericea as either Least the types of the following names (including B. nakashimae, one Concern (LC) or Near Threatened (NT), since its particular of the entities studied by Yahara): habitats are not currently threatened, but it is known from less Boehmeria villigera Satake (1936) 516. ― Type: Satake 3541 than 20 collections, only a few of which are recent and it occurs (holo TI), Japan, Honsyu, Izu, 8 Sept. 1935. in only 15 rather scattered locations. Boehmeria praestabilis Satake (1936) 519. ― Type: Satake Notes ― 1. No material is cited in the protologue of B. holo­ 3544 (holo TI; iso TI), Japan, Honsyu, Izu, 5 Sept. 1935. sericea by Blume (1857), but Weddell (1869) cited only mate- Boehmeria nakashimae Yahara (1983b) 88. ― Type: K. Naka- rial collected by Burger. At L there are two sheets annotated shima 15 (holo TI), Japan, Kyushu, Fukuoka City, 19 Sept. by Blume with this name. One is only marked ‘B’, the other is 1937. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 183

Probably also the following type material: up to 0.2(–0.25)× total lamina length; base broadly rounded or Boehmeria quelpaertensis Satake forma glabra Satake (1936) slightly cordate or rounded with abruptly short-cuneate extreme 516. ― Type: Nakai s.n. (not traced), South Korea, Quelpart base; basal veins reaching distal third of leaf, upper lateral Island, 3 Nov. 1917. veins 3–5 either side but scarcely distinguishable from coarser 8. A range of entities of obscure identity with the same geo- tertiary venation, lowermost arising near middle of lamina, graphical range as B. holosericea also exists, having some these and the somewhat scalariform coarser tertiary venation characters of the often coastal sympatric species B. split- visible but not prominent abaxially; texture membranous or gerbera (2 kinds of hairs; leaves sometimes misshapen or thin-chartaceous, rarely thicker and leaves slightly bullate (but slightly bilobed at apex; reticulation prominent) but marginal see Note 3); surface glabrous or sometimes (especially very teeth fewer, larger, like those of B. holosericea. As discussed young leaves) with hairs both sides, these very sparse, long; in our introduction Yahara (1983a: 242) suggested that these abundant minute cystoliths visible adaxially in dry state; petiole entities originated through hybridisation of B. splitgerbera with 0.25–0.5× lamina length. Flower-clusters borne on leafless other taxa, the thinner-leaved forms possibly with the B. ja­ inflorescence-bearing axes, these unbranched, ± erect, 8–more ponica complex. However, some of this thin-leaved material is than 20 cm long, uni- or bisexual with female clusters in upper so similar in leaf shape to B. holosericea that this is as likely a part; clusters usually fairly well spaced 1–4 mm apart giving parent as B. japonica. The types of nine names, some of which slender appearance, rarely almost contiguous; male clusters were mentioned by Yahara, fall within this range of variation small, 1–2 mm diam, with few–10 flowers, female clusters and are cited in Note 5 under B. splitgerbera. 1.5–3 mm diam (up to 4(–5) mm in fruit), with 10–50 loosely 9. Some other material without the distinctive bilobed leaf arranged flowers; bracteoles obovate, inconspicuous, c. 0.3 mm apex and lacking male flowers (therefore possibly apomictic) long. Male flowers 4-merous, sessile, lobes divided more or is impossible to assign with certainty to either B. holosericea less to base, mature buds depressed-globose, c. 1.5 mm diam, or the above-mentioned probable hybrid populations. tepals without dorsal appendages, hairs sparse, adpressed. 10. Material intermediate (?hybrid) with the sympatric but Female flowers broad-ovoid, often relatively flattened, c. 0.7 more widespread B. sieboldiana has also been seen, discussed by 0.3 mm; stigma of varying length, 0.3–2 mm long. Fruiting under that species (see Note 3). Boehmeria sieboldiana differs perianth either broadly ovoid to obovoid sometimes tapering in much narrower gradually attenuate ± glabrous usually thin- to indistinct pedicel, only moderately laterally flattened but with textured leaves often with more numerous upper veins, male distinct marginal rim or ± winged, or rhombic to subglobose with and female inflorescence-bearing axes with small usually well- broadly rounded base, not or scarcely laterally flattened and spaced clusters. without marginal rim; 1–2.5 by 0.7–1.5 mm, length usually less 11. Boehmeria ourantha (China, Himalayas, Indonesia) is than 1.5× width; glabrous or very sparsely adpressed-hairy. rather similar in leaf shape and marginal teeth to B. holosericea, Distribution ― South Korea (Jeju ‘Quelpart’ Island), Japan but differs in extremely long stem indumentum, thicker-textured (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Ryukyu Islands), southern and south- leaves with up-curved teeth and the unusual arrangement of eastern China. its male flowers at the extreme apex of mainly female axes or Habitat & Ecology ― Dense forest on Eocene limestone, a few male flowers scattered along the axis. littoral forest, secondary forest, thickets, margins of cultivation, 12. Marginal teeth are reminiscent of some forms of the vari- often in partial sun in moist soil by streams or on coral; 10– able B. virgata subsp. macrophylla (allopatric) although 1400 m altitude. larger, and two varieties of B. virgata subsp. macrophylla, var. Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). It is known from macrostachya and var. strigosa, can have very similar leaf more than 200 collections from many locations in a wide range shape but stem hairs are inconspicuous and closely-adpressed, of habitats, and some of these collections are recent. Separate female inflorescence-bearing axes long, pendulous and slender formal assessments are not given for the two, intergrading, with well-spaced clusters and male axes often short, erect and varieties. with several branches; var. strigosa also differs in shiny-silky indumentum on the abaxial leaf surface. Notes ― 1. This species is distinctive in its leaves rhombic or rhombic-ovate, fairly narrow (‘nettle-like’) ± glabrous and usually thin-textured, marginal teeth fairly uniform, large but relatively 27. Boehmeria sieboldiana Blume — Fig. 33; Map 34 narrow, flower-clusters relatively small and well-spaced. Boehmeria sieboldiana Blume (1857) 220. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don 2. Two varieties of B. sieboldiana are recognised. Var. fu­ var. sieboldiana (Blume) Wedd. (1869) 213. ― Syntypes: Herb Siebold zhouensis is considered worthy of recognition in its possession s.n. [L 908.185-1370] (L), Japan; Siebold s.n. [L 908.185-1446] (L), Japan; of several correlated characters and its apparent restriction to Burger s.n. [L 908.185-1420] (L; isosyn P), Japan. part of the species range, but recognised only at varietal level Perennial herb, up to 1.3 m, often robust and thick-stemmed due to the existence of several intermediate collections from (up to 8 mm diam), ultimate stems (1–)1.5–2 mm diam; hairs part of the same region (Zhejiang). very sparse to abundant, fine, adpressed. Stipules long and 3. Forms of B. sieboldiana var. sieboldiana with marginal narrow, 4–9 by 1–1.5 mm, with long-acuminate apex. Leaves teeth slightly larger towards the leaf apex are difficult to distin- opposite, not or slightly dimorphic, with length of ‘larger’ leaves guish from some forms of B. japonica, which is partly sympatric up to 1.4× ‘smaller’ ones and relatively narrower, and narrowly with B. sieboldiana, extending to Northern China and Northern ovate or ovate-attenuate to rhombic-ovate, rarely very narrowly Japan (Hokkaido) but absent from Ryukyu Islands. Boehmeria elliptic-ovate, most leaves medium or large, (8–)10–20 by japonica differs from B. sieboldiana mainly in its leaves ovate 3.5–10 cm, length 2–3(–4.5)× width (leaves near base of stem (rather than mostly rhombic-ovate) with cuneate to truncate often longer and relatively broader, up to 24 by 15 cm, length base, also mostly relatively broader (length rarely up to 2× only 1.5× width); marginal teeth (13–)15–30(–40) either side, width); leaves differ in one or usually two of the following char- large, acute, often relatively narrow, mostly outward-pointing acters of the marginal teeth: distal ones progressively markedly (upper margin straight or slightly convex), usually fairly uniform larger than proximal; or all teeth markedly up-curved; or teeth in size (0.5–)2–5(–10) by (3–)5–9(–15) mm (rarely distal very few (only up to 12 either side) and very long such that ones larger, up to 1.5× broader but not markedly longer than leaf appears laciniate, leaves then also often being smaller proximal ones and with their upper margin slightly concave); than in B. sieboldiana with their terminal tooth often comprising leaf apex attenuate-acuminate with a single fairly long tooth up to half of lamina length. Some forms of B. japonica have 184 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013


h i j


f g




c n b m Fig. 33 a–l: Boehmeria sieboldiana Blume var. sieboldiana. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes; b. large leaf from basal part of stem; c. small leaf from upper part of stem (same plant); d, e. leaves from different plants; f. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; g. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; h. detail of stem and stipule; i. detail of male inflorescence-bearing axis with two flower-clusters (inflorescences); j. male bud; k. detail of female inflorescence-bearing axis with three flower-clusters (inflorescences); l. fruiting perianth. — m, n: Boehmeria sieboldiana var. fuzhouensis (W.T.Wang) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. m. Leaf; n. fruiting perianth (a–c, f–h: Furuse 45347; d: Wilford 547; e: Mizushima 939; i–k: Furuse 3790; l: Fosberg 37912; m, n: Chung 2798; all K). — Scale bars: a–e, m = 2 cm; f-i, k = 2 mm; j, l, n = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 185 spreading hairs, the inflorescence-bearing axes are sometimes moderately laterally flattened with distinct marginal rim or branched, and its fruiting perianth is often broadly-winged. Dif- wing. — Japan; South Korea; southern and south-eastern ferences are discussed in detail under B. japonica (see Note China ...... a. var. sieboldiana 12). Material somewhat intermediate (possibly hybrid) between 1. Leaves very narrowly elliptic-ovate, length 4–4.5× width, the two species includes the type collections of B. kiusiana and most marginal teeth only 0.5–1 mm long, up to 25 either side; B. sieboldiana var. ovata, which are cited under B. japonica fruiting perianth rounded at base, rhomboid or subspherical, var. japonica (see Note 7). not or scarcely laterally flattened and without rim. — South- 4. Material intermediate in appearance with B. holosericea eastern China ...... b. var. fuzhouensis (sympatric but less widespread: Japan, South Korea) occurs in Japan. Boehmeria holosericea differs from B. sieboldiana in a. var. sieboldiana — Fig. 33a–l; Map 34 leaves thicker, broader, sometimes somewhat bullate with short distinct acumen, fewer veins, female axes with large contiguous Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. stricta C.H.Wright (1899) 487. ― Boeh­ clusters and most parts of plant usually with spreading indumen- meria formosana Hayata var. stricta (C.H.Wright) C.J.Chen in Chen et al. tum. In the intermediate material leaves are relatively broader (2003) 171. ― Syntypes: Oldham 521 (K), Taiwan; Wilford 547 (K), Taiwan; Henry 187 (K; isosyn NY) & 1293 (K), China; Ford 107 (K), China, Guang- and mostly more thick-textured than in B. sieboldiana, female dong. axes have flower-clusters large and contiguous and fruiting Boehmeria formosana Hayata (1911) 281. ― Syntypes: Kawakami & Ko­ perianth sometimes broader-winged and tapering. This entity, bayashi 1472b (TI), Taiwan, Taito, May 1906; Nakahara 68 (not traced), described as B. egregia Satake, was considered by Kitamura no loc., June 1905. & Murata (1961) as intermediate, possibly a hybrid with B. split- Boehmeria taquetii Nakai (1914) 267. ― Type: Taquet 5965 (holo TI), South gerbera, Ohba (2006: 108) similarly suggested it to be a hy- Korea, Quelpart Island, Aug. 1911. brid between B. sieboldiana and B. splitgerbera, but Yahara Boehmeria pseudo-sieboldiana Honda (1931) 469. ― Type: K. Mayebara 318 (holo TI), Japan, Kiusiu, Higo Prov., Omura, 12 Aug. 1929. (1983a) thought hybridisation unlikely because it lacks any of Boehmeria nakaiana Satake (1936) 491; Satake in Nakai (1936) 145. ― Type: the distinctive characters of B. splitgerbera (two kinds of hairs, Nakai 6156 (holo TI), South Korea, Quelpart Island, 31 Oct. 1917. bilobed leaves, bifurcated main veins). He suggested the pos- Boehmeria hirtella Satake (1936) 493; Satake in Nakai (1936) 145. ― Type: sibility of parallel evolution, but it could equally be considered, Taquet 4433 (holo TI), South Korea, Quelpart Island, 16 Aug. 1910. and is here considered, as intermediate (possibly a hybrid) with Boehmeria stenostachya Satake (1938a) 202. ― Type: Hatusima s.n. (holo B. holosericea. This intermediate material includes the type of TI), Japan, Kyusyu, Hizen Prov., Mt Kurokamiyama, 6 Sept. 1936. B. egregia, which is therefore cited below. Boehmeria sieboldiana Blume var. sikokiana Satake (1938b) 263, syn. nov. ― Type: Koidzumi s.n. (holo TI), Japan, Sikoku, Iyo, 6 July 1915. – See 5. Walker (1976: 413) noted similarly thicker- and broader- Note 4. leaved variants (also with longer stigma and fruiting perianth) in Ryukyu Islands (which he referred to as B. sieboldiana, referring Leaves narrowly ovate, ovate-attenuate or rhombic-ovate, (8–) to the thin-leaved ones as B. formosana even though the types 10–20 by 3.5–10 cm, length 2–3× width, margin with 15–30 of both names have thin narrow leaves), but suggested that the (–40) large teeth either side, 2–5(–10) by 5–9(–15) mm. Fruit- two entities were probably variants of a single species. ing perianth broadly ovoid to obovoid tapering to base, some- The following type and the name based on it represents material times with indistinct pedicel, 1.2–2.5 by 0.7–1.5 mm, length intermediate with B. holosericea: 1.3–1.5(–1.8)× width, only moderately laterally flattened but Boehmeria egregia Satake (1936) 487. — Type: Satake 3522 with distinct marginal rim or ± winged, glabrous or sparsely (holo TI; iso TI), Japan, Honsyu, Izu Province, Izu Osima adpressed-hairy. ls., 9 Sept. 1935. Distribution ― Throughout the range of the species. Habitat & Ecology ― Dense forest on Eocene limestone, littoral forest, secondary forest, thickets, margins of cultivation, Key to varieties often in partial sun in moist soil by streams or on coral; 10– 1400 m altitude. 1. Leaves narrowly ovate or rhombic-ovate, length 2–3× width, marginal teeth 2–4 mm long, often more than 25 either Notes ― 1. Distinguished from var. fuzhouensis by its leaves side; fruiting perianth tapering to base, ovoid or obovoid, always clearly ovate with length usually only up to 3× width,

Map 34 Distribution of Boehmeria sieboldiana Blume var. sieboldiana (●) and B. sieboldiana Blume var. fuzhouensis (W.T.Wang) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (Ê). 186 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013 marginal teeth usually longer, fruiting perianth always somewhat 1–2 mm, with long-acuminate apex, with dense pubescence flattened with tapering base. on outside often restricted to midrib. Leaves opposite, not or 2. One collection of uncertain identity from the Philippines slightly dimorphic with length of ‘larger’ leaves 1–1.5(–2)× that (Luzon, Apayao, May 1917, Fenix BS28030, BO) is possibly of ‘smaller’ leaves, ovate to broadly rhombic-ovate or ovate- referable to this taxon which has not been recorded so far to truncate, rarely obovate, rather variable in size and propor- the south-east, but might possibly occur there. tions, small to very large, 2–20 by 1–17 cm, length equalling 3. Ying (1988) contains a photograph (no. 561) labelled as or up to 2× width; margin large-dentate, teeth 6–15(–25) B. formosana but clearly not of B. sieboldiana (almost cer- large, broad, slightly up-curved, acute, 1–15 by 1–15 mm, tainly of B. pilosiuscula); however, the figure on p. 465 labelled distal ones progressively markedly larger, length of those near B. formosana is indeed B. sieboldiana. Yang et al. (1996: photo apex at least twice, usually 3–10× length of those in proximal no. 78, 80 on p. 785) illustrate both these taxa. third of lamina; leaf apex varying from acuminate with single 4. The material described as var. sikokiana has small but long tooth (several times longer than most marginal teeth unusually wide leaves but is not otherwise distinct, and the and often constricted at base), to rounded-truncate in outline name is therefore reduced to synonymy here. but 3–5-toothed, with 1–2 long subapical teeth either side of 5. For discussion of similarity to B. japonica and B. holo­ terminal tooth, leaf appearing either deeply laciniate (terminal sericea, and possible hybrid material, see Notes 3–5 under and subapical teeth narrow, in-curved) or ± 3-lobed (terminal the species as a whole. and subapical teeth broad, outward-pointing, often secondar- ily toothed); base broadly cuneate to ± truncate (rarely slightly cordate), basal veins reaching distal third of leaf, upper lateral b. var. fuzhouensis (W.T.Wang) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. veins 3–5 but scarcely distinguishable from coarser tertiary nov. — Fig. 33m, n; Map 34 venation, lowermost arising near middle of lamina, these and Basionym: Boehmeria formosana Hayata var. fuzhouensis W.T.Wang (1981b) somewhat scalariform coarser tertiary venation visible but not 403. ― Type: H.H. Chung 2798 (holo F; iso K, UC), China, Fujian, Fuzhou, prominent abaxially; texture usually thin- or thick-chartaceous, 28 July 1935. sometimes ± membranous; hairs on adaxial surface abundant Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. stricta sensu Chen et al. (2003) 171, non but often minute inconspicuous, adpressed or ± spreading, Wright. – See Note 2. cystoliths fairly abundant but not conspicuous; hairs on abaxial Leaves narrowly elliptic to narrowly ovate, 7–18 by 1.8–4 cm, surface denser but finer mostly restricted to main veins and length 4–4.5× width, margin with 15–25 shallow teeth, 0.5–2 fine reticulation; petiole very variable with respect to leaf-size, by 3–6 mm. Fruiting perianth, broadly rhomboid to subspheri- 0.25–0.5× lamina length. Flower-clusters borne on leafless cal, 1–1.5 by 1–1.2 mm, not or scarcely laterally flattened and axes, these unisexual, erect or ± pendulous, (5–)10–25 cm without marginal rim, base broadly rounded. long, 1(–several) per axil, unbranched or with few long branches Distribution ― South-eastern China. near base (rarely throughout most of length); plants unisexual Habitat & Ecology ― Shaded and disturbed places, e.g., by or bisexual but male axes often rare (see discussion in Note 3); roadsides, recorded from limestone; 350 m altitude. flower-clusters rather close-spaced almost contiguous or up to 2 mm apart, male clusters small with few–c.10 flowers, female Notes ― 1. This variety is distinctive in its leaves very nar- very variable in number of flowers and size, 1.5–2(–3) mm rowly elliptic-ovate with teeth relatively few broad and short and diam in flower (up to 4–5 mm in fruit), with (10–)30–50 or more its fruiting perianth without a marginal rim and with a broadly densely crowded flowers; bracts conspicuous or inconspicuous, rounded base. It is restricted to part of the range of the typical in male clusters short, broadly triangular, up to 1.5 mm long, variety and apparently rare, only four collections seen. Four in female clusters up to 5 mm long, linear-oblong or narrowly additional collections seen from Zhejiang were somewhat triangular. Male flowers 4-merous, sessile, lobes divided more intermediate with leaves ovate-attenuate rather than linear- or less to base, mature buds depressed-globose, c. 1.5 mm elliptic-ovate, and fruiting perianth slightly flattened with slight diam, tepals without or with only slight dorsal appendages marginal rim. (male flowers often absent or infertile as discussed below), 2. Var. fuzhouensis was recognised by Chen et al. (2003: hairs sparse, spreading. Female flowers narrowly ellipsoid or 171) under the name B. formosana var. stricta, with the later ovoid, slightly flattened, c. 1 by 0.2–0.4 mm, hairs abundant, published epithet fuzhouensis in synonymy. However, although short, stiff; stigma very variable, (0.5–)1–2.5 mm long. Fruiting the description in Chen et al. (2003) conforms to var. fuzhouen­ perianth rather variable in size and shape, narrowly ellipsoid to sis all the syntypes of var. stricta (described as B. platyphylla broadly obovoid, rarely ovoid, abruptly or gradually tapering to D.Don var. stricta C.H.Wright by Wright (1899: 487)) conform to base and without or with very short abrupt apical beak, slightly the typical variety and var. fuzhouensis is therefore the earliest laterally flattened in middle portion and with distinct marginal rim name for this taxon. or (especially Japanese material) markedly flattened into wing around achene, 1–2.5 by 0.5–1.5 with length scarcely exceed- 28. Boehmeria japonica (L.f.) Miq. — Fig. 34, 35; Map 35–37 ing or up to 2.5× width; with indumentum of sparse or abundant adpressed or long to short velvety spreading hairs especially Boehmeria japonica (L.f.) Miq. (1867) 131. ― Urtica japonica L.f. (1781) 418. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. japonica (L.f.) Wedd. (1869) 213, in distal half. Achene occupying middle third of fruiting perianth nom. illeg., non Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. japonica Wedd. (1856) (broadly-winged forms) or almost filling fruiting perianth. 365. ― Type: Thunberg s.n. (lecto in Smith herbarium [Linnaean Society Distribution ― China (including Taiwan), South Korea, Japan of London], IDC microfiche LINN. no. 1456-5, lectotype selected by Yahara (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu). 1984a: 133), Japan. – See Note 1. Habitat & Ecology ― Very varied; swamps in sandy soil; Urtica spicata Thunb. (1784) 69. ― Boehmeria spicata (Thunb.) Thunb. streams and moist slopes in deciduous forest, forest margins; (1794b) 330, nom. illeg. superfl. ― Type: Thunberg 22116 (lecto UPS- open or shady damp ravines; thin evergreen forest; scrub in THUNB, left-hand plant, lectotype selected by Yahara 1984a: 130). – See Note 1. valleys; barren dry hillsides; grassland; walls and roadsides; 70–2600 m altitude. Subshrub or woody-based herb, often robust and thick-stemm­ed, Conservation status ― Least Concern (LC). It is known from 1.5–5 m tall; ultimate stems (1–)1.5–2 mm diam; hairs very more than 200 collections from many locations in a wide range sparse to abundant, fine, adpressed and short or ± spreading of habitats. Formal assessments are not given for the three, and often of various lengths. Stipules long and narrow, 4–9 by intergrading, varieties. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 187

Notes ― 1. The first name to be published on material of altitude and more moist habitats than the ovate acuminate this taxon brought back from Japan by Thunberg was Urtica forms. japonica L.f. (1781), based on an unnumbered Thunberg This variety broadly corresponds to Yahara’s B. longispica specimen in the Linnaean herbarium, followed by Urtica spicata (1983a) which he subsequently (1984a) altered to “B. longispica Thunb. (Thunberg 1784), based on 2 collections (compris- complex” in which he recognised two intergrading varieties, ing 3 specimens) in the Thunberg herbarium. Thunberg later B. japonica var. japonica and var. apiculata, the former with apex (1794b) transferred his Urtica spicata to Boehmeria and cited long-caudate and distal lateral teeth narrow and long-caudate, Urtica japonica as a synonym; his new combination B. spicata the latter more variable with distal lateral teeth broader and (Thunb.) Thunb. is therefore illegitimate, since Linnaeus’s epi- apex acute to deeply 3-toothed. However, our concept of var. thet japonica (1781), is earlier and should have been adopted. japonica is broader in including material conforming to the type Subsequently, Yahara (1984a: 135) stated that the type of of B. japonica var. tricuspis (Hance) Maxim. (leaves deeply U. japonica, (a single specimen) although considered a dupli­ laciniate, ± 3-lobed to nearly half of lamina length, width of cate of Thunberg 22115 & 22116, is similar only to the left lamina usually exceeding length). The epithet tricuspis is not half of 22116; he considered that the other two specimens of mentioned by Yahara, but some of his line-drawings of leaves Thunberg’s type material belonged to a distinct taxon, for which of his B. longispica complex represent almost this extreme vari- he maintained Thunberg’s illegitimate name B. spicata. This ant. Although the type of var. tricuspis represents one extreme distinct taxon is recognised here as B. japonica var. tenera of the range of variation, neither this nor Yahara’s concept of taking up the earliest available name at varietal rank. var. japonica and var. apiculata are maintained here because 2. Boehmeria japonica, as here circumscribed, oc- abundant herbarium material provides a continuous series of curs throughout most of Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, intergrading intermediates exhibiting various character states Shikoku), in South Korea and most of China including Taiwan. with respect to leaf proportions, apex and marginal teeth; It is a herb or subshrub characterised by ovate leaves with mar- therefore any separation into two entities would be arbitrary ginal teeth markedly up-curved, the distal ones progressively and unworkable. This contrasts with the situation between regularly longer and wider than proximal, relatively few even var. silvestrii and var. tenera discussed below (see Notes 5, on large leaves, often also a tendency to leaf apex 3–5-lobed 6), where there is a similar difference in leaf apex but where and leaf base often truncate. most entities can be referred to one or the other taxon with 3. Boehmeria japonica exhibits a matrix of variation with comparatively few intermediate collections. respect to a range of leaf characters some of which vary inde- Yahara (1983a) demonstrated various polyploid apomictic races pendently of one another: leaf-size and proportions, number and the occasional production of fertile male flowers within his of marginal teeth, leaf apex (caudate, acuminate or truncate- ‘B. longispica’. Further cytological investigation and population laciniate with 1–2 almost equally long marginal teeth or even studies including these extreme (‘var. tricuspis’) entities would lobes either side of terminal tooth), indumentum of stems, peti- be helpful to clarify the situation with respect to apomixis and oles and inflorescence-bearing axis (spreading or adpressed). possible hybridisation with the following variety, var. silvestrii. As discussed in detail in our introduction section on species 5. Boehmeria japonica var. silvestrii has leaves deeply lacini- delimitation, Okabe (1956) and Yahara (1983a, 1984a) dem- ate and few-toothed as in the apically broad-laciniate forms of onstrated apomixis and polyploidy in some parts of this group var. japonica, but thinner-textured, often smaller and the plant of taxonomic entities in Japan, complicated by the occasional is glabrous or sparsely adpressed-hairy. It is the only variety production of fertile male flowers and subsequent hybridisa- recorded as far north as Hokkaido, and in China it extends tion within the group or with other Japanese taxa, resulting further to the north, and less far south and east, than var. in “complicated morphological variation and obscure species japonica. The cytological work of Okabe (1956) showed it to boundaries” such that “Boehmeria in Japan is an example of be diploid and sexually reproducing, supporting recognition of an apomictic complex” (Yahara 1983a: 218). Thus a formal it as a distinct entity. Yahara (1983a: 232) discussed a range classification is artificial and unsatisfactory, as is well-illustrated of polyploid entities intermediate between var. silvestrii and by the complicated taxonomic history of this group discussed in his ‘B. longispica’ (= var. japonica as circumscribed here) with the introduction. Yahara’s work also strongly suggested hybridi- leaves laciniate or ± 3-lobed, very large and thick-textured but sation with taxa outside the group, B. splitgerbera (previously glabrescent. These entities included material conforming to the referred to as B. biloba) (Yahara 1983a: 243, 1984a: 141) and type of B. platanifolia. Subsequently, Yahara (1984a: 141) as- B. holosericea (Yahara 1984a: 141). sumed this material to be a hybrid between his ‘B. japonica’ (= Interpreting the range of variation seen in herbarium material in var. japonica here) and ‘B. silvestrii’ (= var. silvestrii). We follow the light of the morphological and cytological findings of Okabe his suggestion here and consider these variants as intermedi- and Yahara, this group of entities seems best considered as ates between the two varieties here recognised; they are cited comprising three partly intergrading varieties, differing in a com- under var. japonica, Note 6. The above-mentioned extreme bination of indumentum and leaf morphology with incompletely variants of var. japonica with deeply laciniate but spreading- overlapping distributions, the morphological distinctions slightly hairy (rather than adpressed-hairy) leaves, to which the epithet obscured by intermediates between them and by a group of ‘tricuspis’ applies, may also be of hybrid origin. hybrids, some of uncertain parentage. 6. Boehmeria japonica var. tenera is almost sympatric with 4. Boehmeria japonica var. japonica is characterised by its var. silvestrii (no material seen from Hokkaido but extending spreading pubescence on young stems, inflorescence-bearing further south to most of southern China, incl. Taiwan). It has axes, petioles and abaxial leaf surface, and its medium or inflorescence-bearing axes short and erect and is glabrous or large often thick-textured leaves. Inflorescence-bearing axes glabrescent with thin-textured leaves, as in var. silvestrii but vary widely in length and in spacing of clusters. Its leaf shape leaves are always fairly small and narrow, ovate or rhombic- varies greatly from narrowly rhombic-ovate and acuminate to ovate with apex long-acuminate. Leaves are of similar shape to very wide with apex laciniate-3-toothed or leaf ± 3-lobed, base the narrow acuminate forms of var. japonica but mostly much truncate or broadly rounded, and marginal teeth few and large. smaller and relatively narrower with fewer marginal teeth, these It occurs further south and less far north in China than the other longer relative to leaf-size, giving a distinctly long-toothed ap- two varieties and is absent from northern Japan (Hokkaido). The pearance, and the two varieties can be distinguished on a com- forms with broad-laciniate leaves appear to extend to higher bination of characters as follows. Leaves of var. tenera always 188 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013 have a relatively long terminal tooth and any within the size nica, being usually ± absent but in var. japonica and var. tenera range of var. japonica (i.e., 6–12 cm long) have an extremely sometimes prominent. The variability in this character also long terminal tooth comprising 0.3–0.5× total lamina length suggests a complex situation of hybridisation. whereas any narrow and acuminate leaves of var. japonica 11. The allopatric (East Himalayan) B. ternifolia var. kamley which are similarly small (only 6–12 cm) have a terminal tooth has leaf shape almost identical to the broad-laciniate variant of only 0.17–0.25× lamina length. B. japonica var. japonica, but Acharya et al. (2002, 2003), found Var. tenera broadly corresponds to Yahara’s two entities first no evidence of polyploidy and apomixis within B. ternifolia, referred to (1983a) as B. gracilis and (confusingly) ‘B. japonica’ demonstrating that B. ternifolia and B. japonica are cytologically and later (1984a) as respectively a diploid sexually reproducing distinct as well as allopatric, with no evidence of hybridisation race and a triploid apomictic race of ‘B. spicata’. Yahara (1983a) (see further discussion under B. ternifolia, Note 4). demonstrated that these two entities showed partial altitudinal 12. Boehmeria sieboldiana (sympatric but absent from north- separation and a range of forms intermediate in morphology ern China and extending to the Ryukyu Islands) is often con- and distribution which his cytological investigation strongly fused with B. japonica (var. japonica and var. tenera), distin- suggested to be of hybrid origin. An apomictic polyploid was guished by leaves rhombic-ovate rather than ovate, with base rounded rather than usually cuneate to truncate, ± glabrous, found at low to medium altitude (300–650 m), a much-branched with distal marginal teeth not or scarcely larger than proxi- woody perennial (lacking male flowers) with small leaves with mal ones and out-pointing with ± straight upper margin and relatively few very in-curved marginal teeth. The sexually re- inflorescence-bearing axis never branched. It is distinguished producing diploid (his B. gracilis) was found at medium to high additionally from var. japonica by leaves always thin-textured, altitude (600 m and above), a woody-based or annual herb with never spreading-hairy, always narrow (length of at least upper more numerous less in-curved marginal teeth, shorter terminal leaves 2–4× width) and from var. tenera by its more numerous tooth and shorter denser hairs on inflorescence-bearing axis. relatively short marginal teeth (15–40 either side rather than Intermediate plants were found at altitudes of 350-800 m. up to 12); the teeth of var. tenera are often so long relative to These usually had a few developed male flowers, were very leaf-size that the leaf appears almost laciniate, and its leaves variable morphologically and were found to include a triploid are also mostly smaller (mostly less than 10 cm long (rather and a tetraploid race (both races apparently including several than mostly over 10 cm) and relatively broader, while any leaves apomictic clones), suggesting that this complex taxonomic within the size range of B. sieboldiana have a terminal tooth situation had originated through partial introgression between 0.3–0.5× (rather than up to 0.25×) total lamina length. Flowers the supposed parental species. in B. japonica are also narrower and fruiting perianth is more These two entities, apomictic and sexually reproducing, are variable, often much more flattened and tapered. here treated as two races of the same variety, because the pres- However, forms of B. japonica intermediate between the vari­ous ence of a continuous series of intermediates makes distinction, varieties (hairs adpressed, leaves relatively large and narrow, as Yahara himself admits, “difficult” (and from herbarium mate- marginal teeth only moderately up-curved) are hard to distinguish rial in practice often impossible). The epithet tenera, the earliest from B. sieboldiana var. sieboldiana and several collections available name at varietal rank, is included in the synonymy somewhat intermediate between the two species have been of B. spicata by Yahara (1984a: 130; note that on page 132 seen, mostly from Japan; these may be hybrids since (as dis- he quotes it as “indistinguishable from typical B. japonica”, but cussed in the introduction) hybridisation has been demonstrated from the context this must be a slip of the pen for “B. spicata”). between B. japonica and other taxa (Yahara 1983a, 1984a). This 7. Most collections of B. japonica with thin leaves glabrescent intermediate material includes the type collections of B. kiusiana abaxially can satisfactorily be identified to either var. silvestrii and B. sieboldiana var. ovata which are cited below under var. (apex truncate-laciniate, leaves medium) or var. tenera (apex japonica (see Note 7). acuminate, leaves small or medium), but a few individuals with 13. Boehmeria holosericea, which is sympatric but less intermediate leaf-shapes have also been seen. Material also widespread, absent from China and extending to the Ryukyu exist with leaf apex widely varying on the same plant, from long- Islands, has large broad leaves and spreading indumentum acuminate near stem apex to truncate-laciniate in lower parts, which can be confused with those of B. japonica var. japonica, further illustrating the unsatisfactory nature of formal taxonomy differing in marginal teeth more numerous and not up-curved, within this partly apomictic group as a whole. Interestingly, var. not or scarcely larger towards leaf apex and often rounded; silvestrii appears to be much less common since more than its apical tooth is often broad and indistinct rather than mark- twice as many collections have been seen conforming to var. edly larger than the marginal teeth; hairs on leaves are soft tenera. but coarser, usually longer and its female clusters are often 8. There is fairly clear distinction (based on indumentum, larger and always densely crowded along the axis. However, leaf-size, -texture and relative proportions, relative length of forms exist with leaf margin characters intermediate between terminal tooth and number of teeth) between var. tenera and B. holosericea and B. japonica These may be hybrids the acuminate-leaved forms of var. japonica. Only a few in- between the two; see further discussion on hybridisation below termediate collections (with small sparsely hairy leaves) have and under B. holosericea (see Notes 6, 7). been seen compared to the large amount of clearly distinct 14. Material exists which is intermediate between B. japonica material of the two taxa. However, between var. japonica and and B. splitgerbera. The population studies of Yahara var. silvestrii (which differ in indumentum and leaf texture) there (1983a: 218) strongly suggested hybridisation between the two; exists a greater range of intermediate entities, as mentioned his further reflections (1984a: 141) on these studies also sug- above (see Note 5); we follow Yahara’s interpretation of such gested hybridisation between B. japonica and B. holosericea, entities (1984a: 141 referred to as B. platanifolia) as hybrids. as mentioned above. Such material is illustrated in Fig 34j, k. 15. Two varieties of the widespread B. virgata subsp. macro­ 9. Although not all types of names published for eastern phylla, the partly sympatric var. strigosa (China, Indochina) Asian entities within this complex have been seen, the discus- and var. rotundifolia (eastern Himalaya, China), have marginal sions and figures of Yahara (1983a, 1984a) make their identities teeth mostly increasingly up-curved near leaf apex and can clear. therefore be confused with B. japonica, differing in marginal 10. The presence or absence of dorsal appendages on male teeth never also markedly larger near leaf apex. Var. tenera tepals, usually consistent within a taxon, is variable in B. japo­ can be confused with the small-leaved variety B. virgata subsp. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 189 macrophylla var. densiglomerata which differs in leaf base often D.Don var. japonica Wedd. (1856) 365. ― Boehmeria miqueliana Tanaka cordate, never cuneate, marginal teeth ± uniform and outward- (1925) 198, 208, nom. illeg. superfl., based on Urtica macrophylla Thunb. ― pointing and inflorescence-bearing axes never over 6 cm long. Type: Thunberg 22160 (holo UPS-THUNB, seen on microfiche), Japan. Boehmeria longispica Steud. (1850) 260. ― Boehmeria japonica (L.f.) Miq. Acharya et al. (2002, 2003), found no evidence of polyploidy var. longispica (Steud.) Yahara (1984b) 320. ― Type: Fortune “A85” (lecto P, or apomixis within Himalayan material of ‘B. macrophylla’ (= B. selected by Yahara 1984a: 135; isolecto K), China, Ning Po. – See Note 1. virgata subsp. macrophylla), and thus found no evidence of any Boehmeria longispica Steud. var. appendiculata Blume (1857) 221. ― Boeh­ hybridisation with the Japanese and Chinese partly polyploid meria japonica (L.f.) Miq. var. appendiculata (Blume) Yahara (1984a) 134, and apomictic and partly hybridising entities which are here all f. 3 right hand. ― Type: Blume s.n. [L 908.185-1662] (lecto L, selected by included within B. japonica He suggested that the Hima- Yahara 1984a: 134), Japan. – See Note 1. layan diploid sexually reproducing taxa, which are restricted Boehmeria longispica Steud. var. heterodonta Blume (1857) 221. ― Type: Unknown collector s.n. (lecto L 908.185-1675, selected here), Japan. to warm humid habitats, may be ancestral to the Japanese Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. tricuspis Hance (1874) 261. ― Boehmeria and Chinese taxa whose polyploidy has enabled them to be japonica (L.f.) Miq. var. tricuspis (Hance) Maxim. (1876) 642; (1877) 252. tolerant of a wider range of environmental conditions. Further ― Boehmeria longispica Steud. var. tricuspis (Hance) Franch. & Sav. (1878) cytological and molecular work, also extending to Indonesian 497. ― Boehmeria tricuspis (Hance) Makino (1912) 387. ― Boehmeria material, would be helpful in clarifying relationships. platanifolia Franch. & Sav. var. tricuspis (Hance) Matsum. (1912) 42. ― Type: Otto van Moellendorff s.n. (holo BM), China, Zhejiang, Kiukiang, 2–3 Aug. 1873. Key to varieties Boehmeria spicata (Thunb.) Thunb. var. duploserrata C.H.Wright (1899) 488. ― Type: Hicken s.n. (holo K), China, Zhejiang (rec. 11-1896). 1. Young stems, petioles, inflorescence-bearing axis with spread- Boehmeria tricuspis (Hance) Makino forma viridipes Satake (1936) 481. ― ing pubescence, leaves often similarly hairy on major and Type: Satake s.n. (type not traced; identity clear from description), Japan, minor venation abaxially (adpressed or spreading adaxially); Honshu, Awa Prov., Mt Kiyozumi, 5 Nov. 1935. Boehmeria minor Satake (1936) 506. ― Type: K. Hisauchi s.n. (holo TI), leaves (6–)8–20 cm long, mostly thick-textured and/or with Japan, Honsyu, Sagami, 24 Sept. 1928. – See Note 2. more than 12 teeth either side; male flowers densely hairy. — Boehmeria tiliifolia Satake (1936) 507. ― Type: Satake 3533 (holo TI), Japan, China incl. Taiwan; South Korea; Japan (excl. Hokkaido) Honsyu, Izu, 5 Sept. 1935...... a. var. japonica Boehmeria tikusiensis Satake (1936) 510. ― Type: Nakasimia 6 (holo TI), 1. Young stems, petioles, leaves and often inflorescence-bear- Japan, Kyusyu, Tikuzen, Minamihata-mura, 26 Sept. 1937. – See Note 3. ing axis entirely glabrous or with sparse short fine adpressed Boehmeria pachystachya Satake (1936) 524. ― Type: Satake & Jotani 3577 hairs; leaves membranous or very thin-chartaceous, often (holo TI), Japan, Honsyu, Awa, 5 Nov. 1935. Boehmeria taiwaniana Nakai & Satake in Satake (1936) 526. ― Type: Mat­ < 6 cm long, teeth up to 12 either side; male flowers only suda 14 (holo TI), Taiwan, Nanto, 11 Aug. 1919. sparsely spreading-hairy ...... 2 Boehmeria robusta Nakai & Satake in Satake (1936) 528. ― Type: Hisauchi 2. Leaf apex very broadly rounded to truncate in outline, with 1(–2) s.n. (holo TI), Japan, Honsyu, Sagami, 4 Oct. 1931. very long teeth either side of terminal tooth giving 3(–5)- Boehmeria hatusimae Satake (1938a) 203. ― Type: Hatusima s.n. (holo TI), toothed-laciniate appearance; leaves very broad, length only Japan, Kyusyu, Tikuzen, 8 Nov. 1936. Boehmeria pilushanensis Y.C.Liu & F.Y.Lu in Lu (1978) 102 & photo 5. ― × 1–1.5 width. — Northern & central China (excl. Taiwan); Boehmeria taiwaniana Nakai & Satake var. pilushanensis (Y.C.Liu & F.Y.Lu) South Korea; Japan (incl. Hokkaido) . . b. var. silvestrii S.S.Ying (1988) 466. ― Type: Lu & Ou 3552 (holo TCF, seen as digital 2. Leaf apex acute or acuminate in outline with long terminal image), Taiwan, Taichung, Pilushan. tooth; leaves relatively narrower, length 1.5–2.7× width. — Boehmeria allophylla W.T.Wang (1981b) 412, syn. nov. ― Type: L.Q. Chen North, central & south-western China; South Korea; Japan 92643 (holo IBK, seen as digital image), China, Guangxi, Liang yun, 17 ...... c. var. tenera Aug. 1928. Boehmeria chingshuishaniana S.S.Ying (1988) 468. ― Type: Ying s.n. (holo NTUF), Taiwan, Hualien Co., 26 June 1988. a. var. japonica — Fig. 34a–f; Map 35 Herb or subshrub, up to 2(–5) m tall. Stem hairs abundant, ± Urtica macrophylla Thunb. (1784) 69. ― Boehmeria macrophylla (Thunb.) spreading. Length of ‘larger’ leaves 1–1.4(–2)× ‘smaller’ ones, Siebold & Zucc. (1846) 215, nom. illeg., non Hornem. (1815) 890. ― Boeh­ shape very variable ranging from broadly ovate-rhombic or meria platyphylla D.Don var. japonica Wedd. (1856) 365. ― Boehmeria grandifolia Wedd. (1854) 199, nom. illeg., based on Urtica macrophylla ovate with truncate base to very broadly elliptic or deltate (rarely Thunb. (1784). ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. macrophylla (Thunb.) obovate-obdeltate), 6–21 by 5.5–18 cm, length 0.9–1.7(–2)× Wedd. (1869) 213, nom illeg. superfl., based on Boehmeria platyphylla width; marginal teeth either 5–10 either side (broad-laciniate

Map 35 Distribution of Boehmeria japonica (L.f.) Miq. var. japonica. 190 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013



g h

f a

k d e


c Fig. 34 a–f: Boehmeria japonica (L.f.) Miq. var. japonica. a. Habit of stem with female inflorescence-bearing axes; b, c. leaves from different plants; d. leaf, detail of adaxial surface; e. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; f. detail of female inflorescence-bearing axis with crowded flower-clusters (inflorescences). — g–i: Boehmeria japonica var. silvestrii (Pamp.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. g. Leaf; h. leaf, detail of adaxial surface and large tooth near apex; i. leaf, detail of abaxial surface. — j, k: Intermediate between var. japonica and var. silvestrii. j. Leaf; k. leaf, detail of abaxial surface (a, f: Hicken s.n.; b: Suzuki s.n.; c-e: Fortune s.n.; g-i: Liou 4571; j, k: Furuse 21652; all K). — Scale bars: a-c, g, j = 2 cm; d–f, h, i, k = 2 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 191 forms) or 10–15(–17) (ovate acuminate forms), large, even 5. Relationships with other varieties and species, apomixis those at extreme base at least 1–2.5 mm long, often much and possible hybridisation are discussed in detail under the broader than long, usually larger rather than more numerous species as a whole. on larger leaves and the most distal teeth with length 3–10× 6. Material intermediate with var. silvestrii includes the fol- that of proximal ones; leaf apex varying from acuminate with a lowing types: single long tooth several times longer than most marginal teeth, Boehmeria platanifolia Franch. & Sav. (1875 ‘1873’) 440, nom. to rounded-truncate in outline but 3–5-toothed or 3-lobed, with nud., however with Savatier 1117 cited. ― Boehmeria japo­ 1–2 subapical teeth either side of terminal tooth, these long in- nica (L.f.) Miq. var. platanifolia Maxim. (1876) 643. ― Boeh­ curved or broad outward-pointing (often secondarily toothed); meria longispica var. platanifolia (Maxim.) Franch & Sav. (1878 texture usually fairly thick-chartaceous; hairs on adaxial surface ‘1879’) 497. ― Boehmeria platanifolia (Maxim.) C.H.Wright adpressed or ± spreading, often bulbous-based giving rough (1899) 486. ― Type: Savatier 1117 (holo P, on two sheets), feel; hairs on abaxial surface spreading, denser but softer (not Japan, Hakone Pass, August: year unknown. bulbous-based). Inflorescence-bearing axes (5–)10–25 cm Yahara (1984a: 141) considers this entity to be a hybrid between long, hairy like the stem; fruiting clusters large, 4–6 mm diam, var. japonica and var. silvestrii. well-spaced or often a continuous densely congested mass Boehmeria maximowiczii Nakai & Satake (in Satake 1936: along axis; male flowers rarely present, tepals with or without 522), nom. illeg. superfl. dorsal appendage. Fruiting perianth very variable in shape, Although Nakai & Satake (in Satake 1936: 522) indicate Nakai ovoid, ellipsoid or obovoid abruptly or gradually tapering to 2970 (TI), collected in Japan at Honsyu, Nagato as the type of base and with or without beak, 1–2 by 0.5–1 mm long, with a this name, they also cite B. japonica var. platanifolia Maxim. distinct marginal rim or (especially Japanese material) markedly 7. Material intermediate (possibly hybrid) with B. sieboldiana flattened into a wing around achene. includes the following types and names based on them: Distribution ― Throughout the range of the species (excl. Boehmeria kiusiana Satake (1936: 508). ― Type: Hatusima s.n. northern China), South Korea, Japan, China (including Taiwan). (holo TI), Japan, Kyusyu, Tikuzen, 26 Sept. 1932. Habitat & Ecology ― Very varied; swamps in sandy soil; Boehmeria sieboldiana Blume var. ovata Satake (1938b) 263. open or shady damp ravines; thin evergreen forest; scrub in ― Type: Suzuki s.n. (holo TI), Japan, Honshu, Uzen, Mt valleys; barren dry hillsides; walls and roadsides; 70–1500 m Tide-san, 8 Aug. 1937. altitude. 8. Material intermediate (possibly hybrid) with B. holosericea includes the types of B. nakashimae, B. praestabilis, B. quel­ Notes ― 1. The lectotypes of both var. appendiculata and partensis, B. villigera. See discussion and citations under B. holo- var. longispica fall well within the range of variation of var. ja­ sericea (Note 7). ponica as here defined (as discussed above under the species, see Note 4). It is not known why Yahara (1984b: 320) made his new combination B. japonica var. longispica when he had b. var. silvestrii (Pamp.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. nov. — earlier (1984a: 135) published the combination B. japonica var. Fig. 34g–i; Map 36 appendiculata, citing the epithet longispica in synonymy. Basionym: Boehmeria platanifolia (Maxim.) C.H.Wright var. silvestrii Pamp. 2. Ohba (2006: 107) considers B. minor as the correct name (1915) 278. ― Boehmeria silvestrii (Pamp.) W.T.Wang (1982) 204. ― Syn- for a natural hybrid involving B. splitgerbera and B. tenera. types: Silvestri 4070 (FI), 4070a (FI), China, Hubei, 1912. 3. Ohba (2006: 107) considers B. tikusiensis as the correct Usually a herb, often much-branched from the base, (rarely a name for a natural hybrid involving B. sieboldiana and B. ja­ subshrub), to 1.5 m. Stems glabrous or soon glabrescent; hairs ponica. sparse, short, fine, adpressed. Leaves broadly rhombic-ovate or 4. Var. japonica is characterised by hairs (except on adaxial ovate-truncate, 4.5–12 by 3–8 cm, length (0.4–)1–1.5× width; surface of leaf) always spreading often abundant and leaves marginal teeth only 8–12 either side; leaf apex deeply laciniate medium or large with an extremely wide range of size, shape usually to 0.3–0.5× total lamina length consisting of 1–2 very and proportions. Okabe and Yahara showed this entity to be long subapical teeth either side of terminal tooth and nearly polyploid and apomictic, only occasionally producing fertile equalling it in length; terminal tooth linear-oblong with 1–several male flowers. small teeth on each margin and often markedly constricted at its base, subapical teeth often also secondarily toothed; base

Map 36 Distribution of Boehmeria japonica (L.f.) Miq. var. silvestrii (Pamp.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. 192 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013


g i

k e j



f a d Fig. 35 Boehmeria japonica var. tenera (Blume) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. a. Habit of stem with unbranched inflorescence-bearing axes; b. leaf; c. leaf, detail of adaxial surface and margin; d, e. leaf, detail of abaxial surface from different plants; f. detail of stem and stipule; g. detail of male inflorescence-bearing axis with two flower-clusters (inflorescences); h. male bud; i. detail of female inflorescence-bearing axis with two flower-clusters (inflorescences); j, k. fruiting peri- anths from different plants (a, e, f, i: Farges 608; b-d: Henry 4728; g, h: Furuse 42315; j: Silvestri 400; k: Cheng 201; all K). — Scale bars: a = 2 cm; b = 1 cm; c-e = 2 mm; f-k = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 193 broadly cuneate or ± truncate; texture membranous or very Boehmeria spicata (Thunb.) Thunb. var. microphylla Nakai ex Satake (1936) thin-chartaceous, hairs like the stem or lamina and petiole 483. ― Type: Nakai s.n. (holo TI), Japan, Honsyu, 26 June 1931. – See glabrous. Inflorescence-bearing axes 5–20 cm long, with hairs Note 3. Boehmeria paraspicata Nakai ex Satake (1936) 483. ― Type: G. Koidzumi like the stem, sparse to abundant; fruiting clusters well-spaced s.n. (holo TI), Japan, Hokkaido, Isikari Prov., Aug. 1916. – See Note 7. or contiguous but not densely congested, individual clusters Boehmeria paraspicata Nakai ex Satake forma viridis Satake (1936) 485. distinct, 1–4 mm diam. Male tepals without dorsal appendage. ― Type: Hisauchi s.n. (holo TI), Japan, Honshu, Sagami, 19 July 1931. Fruiting perianth 1–1.5 by 0.8–1 mm (smallest in small-leaved – See Note 7. plants), winged or not. Boehmeria tricuspis (Hance) Makino var. unicuspis Makino (1948) 641, nom. Distribution ― Northern and central China, South Korea, nud. – See Note 6. Boehmeria hwaliensis Y.C.Liu & F.Y.Lu in Lu (1978) 100. ― Type: Liu & Ou Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku). 1741 (holo TCF, digital image seen), Taiwan, Hualien, Luan Shan. Habitat & Ecology ― Forest margins, streams and moist Boehmeria densiflora sensu Chen, non Hook. & Arn. (Chen et al. 2003: slopes in deciduous forest; thickets; 100–1400 m altitude (–2600 175). – See Note 4. according to Chen et al. 2003: 173). Usually a herb, sometimes a subshrub, to 1 m. Stems with fine Notes ― 1. This variety, like var. tenera, occurs further north adpressed hairs, soon glabrescent. Leaves ovate or rhombic- in China than var. japonica and is the only variety recorded from ovate, small or medium, 2–9(–14) by 1–4(–8) cm, length Hokkaido. It extends less far into south-eastern China than (1.6–)1.8–2.7× width; marginal teeth only 6–10(–12) either the other two varieties. Leaves are similar in range of shape side, those near apex sometimes only 1.5–2× length of those to broad and laciniate forms of var. japonica but thin-textured near base but then all teeth markedly up-curved and relatively and glabrous or hairs adpressed, leaves also often smaller. long relative to size of leaf (tooth depth often a quarter of total Okabe (1956) showed var. silvestrii as sexually reproducing distance to midrib); outline of apex gradually narrowing towards rather than apomictic. a single long ± linear terminal tooth which often (especially 2. The relationships with other varieties and intermediate in largest leaves) comprises a third to half of lamina length; forms are discussed in detail under the species (see Notes base cuneate to truncate; texture membranous or very thin- 5–8), and type material here considered as intermediate be- chartaceous, adaxial surface with hairs like stem, often soon tween the two is cited under var. japonica (see Note 6). A leaf glabrescent, abaxial surface often ± glabrous. Inflorescence- form intermediate with var. japonica is illustrated in Fig. 34j, k. bearing axes 5–10(–15) cm long, glabrous or hairs sparse, 3. Boehmeria japonica var. tricuspidata Maxim. is a name adpressed or spreading; fruiting clusters usually well-spaced, not validly published based on a misreading of the account by 2–4 mm diam. Male tepals with or without dorsal appendage. Maximowicz (1876). It has frequently been used in annotating Fruiting perianth 1–2 by 0.6–1.2 mm, winged or not. Japanese material. Distribution ― China (including Taiwan, but excluding the southernmost part of the mainland), South Korea, Japan (Hon- shu, Shikoku, Kyusyu). c. var. tenera (Blume) Friis & Wilmot-Dear, comb. nov. — Fig. Habitat & Ecology ― Forest margins, thickets, streams, grass- 35; Map 37 land; 100–2050 m altitude. Basionym: Boehmeria spicata (Thunb.) Thunb. var. tenera Blume (1857) 220. ― Type: Unknown collector s.n. L 908.186–164 (holo L, according to Notes ― 1. Var. tenera is distinctive in being glabrous or Yahara 1984a: 130), Japan. sparsely adpressed-hairy with thin-textured leaves, as in var. Urtica spicata Thunb. (1784) 69. ― Boehmeria spicata (Thunb.) Thunb. (1794b) silvestrii but leaves small ovate, acuminate, with marginal teeth 330, nom. illeg. superfl. (see Note 1 under species as a whole). ― Type: few and relatively long. Var. tenera appears to be more common Herb. Thunb. 22115 (lecto UPS-THUNB, selected by Yahara 1984a: 130), than var. silvestrii (many more collections seen) and to extend Japan. to drier habitat. It is absent from northern Japan (Hokkaido) but Boehmeria spicata (Thunb.) Thunb. var. akari Blume (1857) 220. ― Type: recorded further southeast in China than var. silvestrii. Like var. Unknown collector s.n. (holo L, 908.186-156; iso K), Japan. Boehmeria gracilis C.H.Wright (1899) 485. ― Syntypes: Henry 4692 (K; silvestrii it occurs further north in China than does var. japonica. isosyn A), 4728 (syn K), China, Hubei, Patung; Henry 6258 (K), China, 2. The interpretation of the variation within this variety is Changlo. – See Note 6 under the species as a whole. discussed fully under the species as a whole (see Note 6). As

Map 37 Distribution of Boehmeria japonica (L.f.) Miq. var. tenera (Blume) Friis & Wilmot-Dear. 194 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013




b k

g e f m


c d a Fig. 36 a–f: Boehmeria splitgerbera Koidz. a. Habit of stem with inflorescence-bearing axes, in lowermost part of plant pendulous male axes, above erect, congested female axes; b–d. leaves from different plants; e. male bud; f. fruiting perianth. — g–m: Boehmeria yaeyamensis Hatus. g. Upper part of stem showing congested erect inflorescence-bearing axes; h. detail of stem showing stipules and base of paired axillary inflorescence-bearing axes concealing petiole base; i. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; j. portion of inflorescence-bearing axis showing congested female flower-clusters (inflorescences) and bracts; k. male bud; l, m. fruits of different form from same plant (a, f: Furuse 26669; b, e: Hort Kew s.n.; c: Furuse 28436; d: Koyama 268; g–j: Furuse 4213; k: Furuse 3199; l, m: Furuse 4148; all K). — Scale bars: a = 5 cm; b, g = 2 cm; c, d = 1 cm; e, f, k–m = 1 mm; h-j = 2 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 195 discussed above under the species as a whole (see Note 7, sessile or subsessile, mature buds globose, c. 1 mm diam, 8), few intermediates with either var. silvestrii or var. japonica dorsal appendage prominent up to 0.2 mm long, hairs dense, have been seen compared to the large number of collections long. Female flowers narrowly oblong-ovoid, up to 1.5 by 0.3 clearly referable to this taxon. mm; stigma 1–1.5 mm long. Fruiting perianth up to 1.8 by 1 mm, 3. Yahara (1984a: 130, 132) tentatively maintained var. very variable in shape, ovoid or obovoid-oblong usually taper- microphylla differing apparently (Okabe 1956) in its chromo- ing into long-pedicellate basal portion, often rather inflated at some number (2n = 28) from typical var. spicata (2n = 42), apex and usually markedly laterally flattened except for small but stated that its “separation … as a distinct variety of diploid central part containing achene, densely hairy. Achene ellipsoid, remains an assumption because the correlation between ploidy c. 0.5 by 0.4 mm. level and phenetic features is not fully understood yet”. We here Distribution ― Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushyu, Izu Is­ consider it as representing one extreme of a continuous range lands, Bonin Islands), South Korea. of variation in leaf-size shown by var. tenera. Habitat & Ecology ― A pioneer species on volcanic rocky 4. The photo under B. hwaliensis in Yang et al. (1996: 202, cliff faces along seashore, roadsides; sea level–1000(–2000) m 785 photo 79) does not conform to the type material but to that altitude. of B. minor (small-leaved var. japonica). Conservation status ― Data deficient (DD). Its particular 5. Confusion with B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. densi­ habitats are not currently threatened, and it is known from over glomerata and B. sieboldiana is discussed under the species 50 collections but the scarcity of recent collections is puzzling. as a whole (see Notes 12 & 15). Notes ― 1. Boehmeria biloba Miq. in Zollinger ([June] 1854: 6. According to Yahara (1983a: 261) the name B. tricuspis 100), nom. superfl. illeg., based on Splitgerbera japonica var. unicuspis was widely used in Japanese floristic literature Miq. (1840) 134, t. 14, the epithet of which should have been but never validly published. adopted, as the combination B. japonica (L.f.) Miq. had not yet 7. Boehmeria paraspicata and B. paraspicata forma viridis, been proposed in 1854. The combination B. biloba had already and names based on these, represent forms closest to this been suggested by Weddell (in a preprint from March 1854, taxon although their leaves are rather broad; they possibly p. 27 (preprint of Weddell 1854: 199), similarly based indirectly represent forms intermediate with var. silvestrii. on the above-mentioned S. japonica Miq. (1840), which Wed- dell erroneously, but unambiguously, referred to as S. biloba 29. Boehmeria splitgerbera Koidz. — Fig. 36a–f; Map 38 Miq. (with full reference to page and illustration of S. japonica, Boehmeria splitgerbera Koidz. (1926) 345. ― Splitgerbera japonica Miq. but with the wrong name, S. biloba), possibly confused by the (1840) 134, t. 14, f. A–K, non B. japonica (L.f.) Miq. (1867). ― Type: Un­ presence of the nomen nudum Urtica biloba Siebold on some known collector, cultivated from Japan s.n. (iso K, WU), “Japan, E, cult in early collections of this plant. Hence the name B. biloba can- horto prope Tjpannas”. not be used. Boehmeria biloba Miq. in Zollinger ([June] 1854) 100, nom. illeg. superfl., 2. Boehmeria splitgerbera is easily distinguished espe- based on Splitgerbera japonica Miq. (1840: 134, t. 14). – See Note 1. cially in its leaves, which are thick-textured (especially on Boehmeria bifida Blume (1857) 222, nom. illeg. superfl., based on Splitger­ bera japonica Miq. sea-shores), ± bullate, fairly broad, but often rather abruptly cuneate at the base, shallowly and finely dentate, leaf shape Robust herb, 0.5–1 m tall, with 1–several stems arising from often very varied even on a single plant but usually at least woody rootstock, each stem partly prostrate in lower part and some leaves bilobed, others often misshapen and/or obovate; unbranched or little-branched; ultimate stems robust, 2–2.5 veins are robust and rather straight, basal lateral veins running mm diam, with hairs of 2 kinds, abundant stiff long curved hairs nearly to tip of lamina, often bifurcated near apex and with mixed with sparse short soft spreading ones. Stipules narrowly many rather robust tertiary veins running towards the margin. triangular, c. 10 by 2 mm long. Leaves opposite, not or slightly Its indumentum of mixed long coarse and short spreading hairs dimorphic in size only, very variable in shape and often mis- is also distinctive. Spreading stems and height only up to 1 m shapen, elliptic, broadly ovate to obovate or even orbicular or tall are features retained in cultivation (Yahara 1983a: 236 and more or less spathulate but markedly asymmetrical with width appears to be adaptation to its habitat). of one half up to 1.5× other half, medium or large, 8–14 by 5–9 3. Boehmeria yaeyamensis (allopatric, Ryukyu Islands) is cm, length (1–)1.2–2× width; margin shallowly dentate, teeth somewhat similar in habit, indumentum, leaf texture and densely 30–40 either side, outward-pointing, indistinct or up to 1.5 crowded female inflorescence-bearing axes but does not have by 2–6 mm long; leaf apex very variable, broadly acute to misshapen or bilobed leaves, bifurcate veins or winged or rounded, abruptly short-acuminate or asymmetrically bilobed- ± pedicellate fruiting perianths; both are maritime species of bi-acuminate; base narrowly long-cuneate to broad short- very restricted distributions. cuneate, rounded or even truncate; basal veins rather straight, 4. A range of entities of obscure identity exists in Japan usually extending well into distal third of lamina or almost to and South Korea (Jeju ‘Quelpart’ Island) having some or all of tip especially in non-lobed leaves; upper lateral veins 2(–3) on the following characters distinctive to B. splitgerbera (2 kinds one side, 4–5 on other and often arising in lower half of lamina, of hairs; leaves misshapen or slightly bilobed at apex; lateral these and tertiary reticulation finely prominent abaxially; texture veins bifurcated near apex; reticulation prominent), but leaf thickly chartaceous to thinly coriaceous, leaves often bullate; margin with fewer, larger, teeth, leaf texture also sometimes adaxial surface with scattered hairs like those on stem; abaxial thin. As discussed in the introduction section, Yahara (1983a) surface with abundant hairs like stem; petiole short but variable, showed populations of this nature in Izu (Honshu) to be poly- 2–4 cm long, 0.15–0.3× lamina length. Flower-clusters borne ploid, apomictic and morphologically distinct from one another. on leafless axes, unbranched, 1 per axil, male axes 10–16 He suggested that they originated through hybridisation of cm, female 4–8 cm long, some axes with both sexes; bracts B. splitgerbera with either an unknown parent (the thicker- narrowly triangular 3 by 1.5 mm with long-acute or acuminate leaved forms) or the B. japonica complex (the thinner-leaved apex; male clusters usually well-spaced, 2–3 mm diam, with forms). Some of the thin-leaved material is, however, so similar 5–10 loosely-arranged flowers; female clusters often crowded in leaf shape to B. holosericea that this is a more likely parent or contiguous, 4–5 mm diam, with 50–100 densely crowded (see further under B. holosericea, Note 8). The types of the flowers; bracteoles inconspicuous, narrowly triangular or linear, names in the following Note, some of which were mentioned c. 1/3 of flower length, 0.5 mm long. Male flowers 4-merous, by Yahara (1983a, 1984a), fall within this range of variation. 196 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

5. Material intermediate between B. splitgerbera and other broad and shallow, 1.5–4 by 4–7 mm, width 2–3× length; leaf taxa. apex obtuse or broadly acute and rounded or mucronate at Boehmeria arenicola Satake (1936) 499. ― Type: Satake 3557 extreme tip; base broadly rounded, truncate or slightly cordate, (holo TI; iso TI), Japan, Honsyu, Sagami, 16 Oct. 1935. rarely broad-cuneate; basal veins extending into distal half, Boehmeria arenicola Satake var. awana Satake (1936) 500. ― upper lateral veins similarly arranged on both sides of leaf, Type: Satake 3566 (holo TI), Japan, Honshu, Awa Prov. 1–2 arising in distal half, main veins and reticulation thinly Boehmeria dura Satake (1936) 529. ― Type: Satake 3587 (holo prominent abaxially; texture thick-(rarely thin-)chartaceous TI; iso TI), Japan, Honsyu, Izu, 5 Sept. 1935. to coriaceous; adaxial surface drying dark green, rough with Ohba (2006: 107) accepts B. dura as the correct name for a bulbous-based hairs like the longer ones on the stem, sparse natural hybrid involving B. splitgerbera and B. japonica. to abundant; abaxial surface drying much paler, with hairs Boehmeria izuosimensis Satake (1936) 532. ― Type: Y. Jotani abundant but soft, shorter, finer, often half-adpressed, often so s.n. (holo TI), Japan, Honsyu, Izu Islands, Osima Island, 9 dense that abaxial surface appears velvety; petiole relatively Sept. 1931. long often 0.25–0.75× lamina length. Inflorescence-bearing Ohba (2006: 107) accepts B. izuosimensis as the correct name axes only 1–6 cm long, unbranched, 1 per axil, all axes seen for a natural hybrid involving B. splitgerbera and B. japonica. with mostly female flowers, male flowers 1–few in occasional Boehmeria kiyozumensis Satake (1936) 497. ― Type: H. Hara clusters on some axes and mostly near the apex, clusters so s.n. (holo TI), Japan, Honsyu, Awa, 5 Nov. 1934. densely crowded as to give whole axis a cylindrical appearance Boehmeria tenuifolia Satake (1936) 501. ― Type: Y. Momiyama 5–6 cm diam with individual clusters more or less indistinguish- 529 (holo TI), Japan, Honsyu, Sagami, 3 Nov. 1934. able; each cluster with usually more than 50 densely congested Boehmeria tenuifolia Satake forma conferta Satake (1936) 501. female flowers; bracteoles 0.5–1 mm long but inconspicu- ― Type: Momiyama s.n. (holo TI), Japan, Honsyu, Sagami, ous in densely congested clusters. Male flowers 4-merous, 10 Nov. 1935. sessile, mature buds c. 1 mm diam, globose, tepals without Boehmeria tenuifolia Satake var. nigricans Satake (1936) 501. dorsal appendage, hairs abundant, mostly bulbous-based like ― Type: Satake 3572 (holo TI), Japan, Honsyu, Izu province, on stem. Female flowers ellipsoid to obovoid, c. 0.8 by 0.25 4 Sept. 1935. mm, with finer hairs than on male flowers; stigma c. 1 mm Boehmeria pannosa Nakai & Satake in Satake (1936) 510; Na- long. Fruiting perianth slightly asymmetrically ellipsoid to ob­ kai (1936) 150. ― Type: Nakai & Maekwa s.n. (holo TI, n.v.; ovoid or oblong with ± truncate apex, often 3-angled, 1.5–2 photo in Satake 1936), Japan, Honsyu, Suo, 22 July 1935. by 0.6–1 mm, without beak, slightly laterally flattened in lower part containing achene and with inflated wing-like distal part, densely hairy near apex. Achene subspherical, 0.5 mm diam. 30. Boehmeria yaeyamensis Hatus. — Fig. 36g–m; Map 38 Distribution ― Endemic to Japan (south-western Ryukyu Boehmeria yaeyamensis Hatus. (1979) 34. ― Syntypes: Hatusima 24563 Islands, Yaeyama Island: Yonakuni, Ishigaki). (KAG), 24564 (KAG), Japan, Ryukyu Islands, Yonakuni Island. Habitat & Ecology ― Roadsides and dry sunny open coral limestone cliffs near seashore; at or near sea level. Robust erect woody-based herb or subshrub, 0.3–0.8 m tall; Conservation status ― We are uncertain whether to assess ultimate branchlets robust, 1.5–3 mm diam; hairs of two kinds, it as Near Threatened (NT) or Endangered (EN). It is known dense, short (≤ 0.1 mm), spreading hairs mixed with sparser from only seven collections from two localities but the level coarser longer (0.2–0.3 mm) ones, some bulbous-based, of risk to its particular habitat, some of which is protected on soon glabrescent. Stipules 3–5 by 1.5–2.5 mm, thick-textured. these islands, is uncertain. Tentatively it is given the status of Leaves opposite, moderately dimorphic in size only, ‘larger’ leaf Endangered (EN) on the criteria EN B2ab(iii). with length of lamina only 1.2–1.5×, but length of petiole 2–3× that of ‘smaller’ ones; very broadly ovate, rhombic-ovate or del- Notes ― 1. A species endemic to the Ryukyu Islands, dis- tate, 4–10 by 3–9 cm, length 1.1–1.3× width; margin crenate, tinctive in leaves small, broad, often thick-textured, few-toothed teeth few, 7–10 either side, often of irregular width but always large-crenate, short thick unbranched inflorescence-bearing

Map 38 Distribution of Boehmeria splitgerbera Koidz. (●) and B. yaeya­ mensis Hatus. (Ê). C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 197 axes with densely congested mainly female clusters, few scat- short and broad; base narrowly rounded to slightly cuneate but tered male flowers and apparently no separate male axes, male usually slightly cordate at extreme base; basal veins extending tepals without dorsal appendage and two kinds of hairs on the into distal third, upper lateral veins on one side 3–5, lowermost stem. arising near middle of lamina, 2–4 on other side, all arising in Similar in habit, indumentum, leaf texture and crowded female distal half of lamina, impressed but often rather inconspicuous clusters to B. splitgerbera, which is often of similar habitat but adaxially, usually prominent abaxially, coarser lateral venation allopatric (eastern and north-eastern Japan) and differing in often similarly prominent; texture usually thickly chartaceous ± isomorphic somewhat misshapen leaves often bilobed at apex (some large-leaved forms thin-chartaceous) and leaves always and numerous (30–40) much smaller teeth. bullate, but bullation in large leaves sometimes reduced to small 2. It also bears some resemblance to certain individuals of projections on adaxial surface in the centre of each areole (with a range of coastal entities found in eastern and north-eastern corresponding depression in abaxial surface), drying markedly Japan and South Korea. These are allied to B. splitgerbera but brownish; adaxial surface with single ± spreading hair in centre have mostly been identified as ‘B. gigantea’ (= B. holosericea). of each bullation, later glabrescent with slight bulbous base of They are similar to B. yaeyamensis in having two kinds of hairs hair remaining, abaxial surface with hairs sparse to abundant, on the stem and thick-textured leaves, but differ in much larger short, fine and spreading, and/or with coarse longer hairs on isomorphic leaves with more numerous teeth (usually over 20 veins only; petiole very variable relative to lamina length, 1.3–16 each side) and acuminate apex. A group of such entities was cm, 0.1–0.5× (rarely almost equalling) lamina length. Flower- studied by Yahara (1983a: 234–243) in Honshu who suggested clusters partly axillary but mostly borne on leafless axes c. 6–15 them to be hybrids of B. splitgerbera with the other parent cm long and arising one from each axil but almost always with uncertain (see further discussion and list of types falling within a few long branches from basal half, some of these often so this variation under B. splitgerbera in Note 4, 5). close to base as to appear several axes per axil, unisexual, the male axes sometimes with 2nd-order branching; axes often drooping near apex; bracts 2–3 by 1–1.5 mm, short and broad 31. Boehmeria rugosissima (Blume) Miq. — Fig. 37; Map 39 but with long-acute apex; clusters spaced (1–)2–4 mm apart, Boehmeria rugosissima (Blume) Miq. (1851) 32. ― Urtica rugosissima Blume up to 3(–4) mm diam, male clusters with 2–10 flowers; female (1825) 490. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. rugosissima (Blume) clusters with 15–20(–30) quite densely crowded flowers; Wedd. (1856) 366. ― Boehmeria caudata (Burm.f.) J.J.Sm. var. rugosis­ bracteoles inconspicuous. Male flowers 4-merous, subsessile sima (Blume) J.J.Sm. (1910) 711. ― Type: Herb Reinwardt 1691 (lecto L, or with pedicel up to 0.5(–1) mm long, mature buds depressed- selected here); Herb Reinwardt s.n. (possible isolecto L), Jawa [Java], “in globose, c. 1.3 mm diam, dorsal appendages distinct, hairs fruticetes montosis”. – See Note 1. abundant, spreading, relatively coarse. Female flowers 0.6–1 Shrub, 1.5–3 m tall; ultimate branches 1.5–2.5 mm diam, by 0.3–0.5 mm, ovoid or ellipsoid, abruptly slightly tapering at hairs sparse or abundant, usually spreading, fine, short or long apex but ± without beak (apical teeth sometimes conspicuous) (≤ 0.5 m) or of mixed length. Stipules narrowly triangular free and not truncate, hairy as male; stigma (0.5–)1–2 mm long, to base, often very large and conspicuous, 10–25 by (2–)3–5 straight or hooked. Fruiting perianth 0.8–1.2 by 0.5(–1) mm, mm, thin- or thick-textured, soon caducous from second or third ovoid, ellipsoid or obovoid, slightly dorsiventrally flattened node. Leaves opposite, scarcely dimorphic or ‘larger’ ones up with slight marginal ridge or more markedly with slight winged to 2.5× length of ‘smaller’ ones, not or slightly asymmetrical, shoulders, apex acute, hairs sparse or abundant, conspicu- broadly ovate, somewhat variable in size and relative propor- ous, robust, spreading. Achene almost filling fruiting perianth, tions, usually at least some on plant large, 13–25 by (6–)8–20 yellowish brown. cm (rarely none over 9 by 5 cm), length 1.3–2.3× width; margin Distribution ― Indonesia (Sumatera, Jawa, northern Sula­ up-curved-serrate or crenate-serrate, teeth 35–70 either side, wesi), Philippines (Mindoro, Mindanao). very shallow even on large leaves, 1–2 by 2.5–4 mm, often be- Habitat & Ecology ― Evergreen forest, disturbed or culti- coming indistinct towards base; leaf apex attenuate-acuminate, vated areas; 450–1600 m altitude.

Map 39 Distribution of Boehmeria rugosissima (Blume) Miq. 198 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013



l c

a f


b n j

i k h d Fig. 37 Boehmeria rugosissima (Blume) Miq. a. Habit of stem with young inflorescence-bearing axes, branched at base; b. detail of stem with pair of mature inflorescence-bearing axes; c, d. leaves from different plants; e, f. leaf, detail of margin and adaxial surface; g. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; h. detail of stem and stipule; i. portion of young male inflorescence-bearing axis with densely congested flower-clusters (inflorescences) and bracts; j. male bud; k. portion of female inflorescence-bearing axis with flower-clusters (inflorescences) and bracts; l. female flower; m, n. fruiting perianths from same plant (a, e-g, i: Lanjouw 103; b, j: Beccari 281; c, h: Morley 21; d, k, l: Koorders 31831B; m, n: Bunnemeijer 8122; all K). — Scale bars: a-d = 2 cm; e = 5 mm; f-i, k = 2 mm; j, l-n = 1 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 199

Conservation status ― It is uncertain whether this species intermediate collections of possible hybrid origin have also should be assessed as Near Threatened (NT) or Vulnerable been seen and found impossible to assign satisfactorily to (VU). It is known from over 80 collections but rather few are either species, with leaves like B. pilosiuscula (slightly bullate) recent and it appears to occur in only ten widely scattered but inflorescence-bearing axes looser (unbranched) with well- localities. In the Philippines and some areas near Manado spaced flower-clusters. (Menado) habitat is severely degraded but in the mountain 5. Boehmeria rugosissima is rather similar to some forms of ridges in Indonesia it may be less at risk. Tentatively it is given the Hawaiian endemic B. grandis, the leaves of which are also the status of Vulnerable (VU) on the criteria B2ab(iii). large, thick-textured with prominent veins and drying brownish, but which differs in many (6–10) veins in the distal half of the Notes ― 1. Our choice of lectotype of B. rugosissima: Al­ lamina and several almost equally prominent coarse tertiary though no collection number is cited in the original description, veins arising lower on midrib and in its fruiting perianth usually one collection has been traced which bears the handwritten clearly winged with relatively small achene; stipules are also annotation “Urtica rugosa R.” This collection is selected as mostly much larger and broader. It can also be confused with lectotype as being one of only two specimens from Herb. the partly sympatric (but more widespread) B. virgata subsp. Reinwardt; it is an adequate specimen for typification and it macrophylla var. scabrella which can have bullate leaves but seems reasonable to assume that this was part of the material has smaller stipules (7 mm long or less), leaves with more Blume saw. He would not have been able to use Reinwardt’s numerous hairs, usually drying greenish, often thin-textured. preliminary label name, since the name Urtica rugosa was 6. The conspicuous stipules are very like those of Cypholo­ already occupied by Urtica rugosa Sw. (1787: 60). The other phus anisoneurus (Solomon Islands and Vanuatu), a taxon sheet from Herb. Reinwardt lacks the epithet on the label but hitherto included in this genus, which also has large leaves, is otherwise so similar that it may well be a duplicate collection but these are thin-textured drying light greenish brown, usually from a different part of the same large plant. strongly asymmetrical and with vein arrangement very different 2. This is a species of narrow geographical distribution, in the two sides; it also has female clusters in leaf axils rather mainly Sumatera and Jawa and just reaching the southern than on long axes. Philippines, from which only two collections of certain identity have been seen. It is distinctive in its leaves bullate, usually large, broad and thick-textured, drying dark brownish adaxially 32. Boehmeria pilosiuscula (Blume) Hassk. — Fig. 38; Map but often much paler chestnut-brown abaxially, and its large 40, 41 conspicuous stipules. Boehmeria pilosiuscula (Blume) Hassk. (1844) 79. ― Urtica pilosiuscula 3. It can be confused with thick-leaved forms of B. virgata Blume (1825) 491. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. pilosiuscula var. virgata (sympatric but widespread) which differs in stipules (Blume) Hand.-Mazz. (1929) 151. ― Type: Kollmann s.n. (holo G; iso NY), almost always smaller, female inflorescence-bearing axes Indonesia, Jawa [Java], “montosis”. – See Note 1. often > 30 (rather than ≤ 15) cm long, achene small relative Woody-based herb or subshrub, erect, up to 1.5 m tall, or de­ to fruiting perianth and leaves mostly relatively narrower with cumbent, trailing or scrambling and often rooting at nodes, stems apex usually attenuate. Of the very few collections of the two 0.3–5 m long; ultimate stems slender, c. 0.8 mm diam, with soft taxa seen from the Philippines, two collections from Mindanao spreading hairs of two kinds, dense minute (< 0.1 mm) and straight (Ramos et al. 38857, 39190) are intermediate and impossible mixed with sparse long (0.2–0.4 mm) and curved. Stipules to assign to either taxon. triangular and often small, 4–7(–10) by 1–1.5(–2) mm, charta- 4. Forms of B. pilosiuscula (partly sympatric) with large thick ceous. Leaves opposite, moderately dimorphic with ‘larger’ leaves can be very difficult to distinguish from small-leaved 1.3–2× length of ‘smaller’ ones and relatively narrower, broadly forms of B. rugosissima. Differences are as follows: In B. pi­ elliptic to elliptic-ovate or elliptic-obovate, lamina varying in losiuscula flowers and fruiting perianth are always truncate at shape often even on one plant, some leaves almost symmetri- apex (and at least fruiting perianth often with an abrupt distinct cal, others distinctly asymmetrical with two sides of lamina of beak, distinctly flattened and winged in apical part), and female similar width but different outlines; small or medium, 3–12(–15) inflorescence-bearing axes (especially in Jawa) usually have a by 1.5–6(–8) cm, length (1.7–)1.8–2(–2.25)× width; margin few male clusters at the apex. There is slight overlap in other serrate, teeth 25–40(–45) either side, 1–2 by 2–3(–4) mm, characters: leaf length 3–15 cm (in B. rugosissima is (9–)13–25 broader rather than more numerous in larger leaves and usu- cm); stipules 4–12 by 1–2.5 mm (even in small-leaved forms of ally slightly up-curved; leaf apex with abrupt short or relatively B. rugosissima usually broader and longer, 10–25 by (2–)3–5 long acumen toothed to tip, base distinctly oblique with one side mm); leaves of B. rugosissima dry rather blackish adaxially rounded, the other side cuneate; basal veins rather straight, and at least small-leaved forms are thick-textured and strongly fine but distinct, extending into distal third, upper lateral veins rugose with the adaxial surface consisting entirely of narrow similarly arranged on both sides of lamina, 1–2 arising near conical bullations with no space between (all these characters middle of lamina or in distal half but not very distinct from re- are rare in B. pilosiuscula). Large leaves of B. rugosissima ticulation which is also visible adaxially and finely prominent may be thin-textured and shallowly bullate, but such leaves are abaxially; texture usually rather thin-chartaceous, but leaves very much larger than any seen in B. pilosiuscula. In B. pilo­ often slightly bullate; hairs on adaxial surface all of same kind, siuscula at least female axes are always short 1–6(–10) cm, sparse or abundant, adpressed or ± spreading, on abaxial sur- clearly single and unbranched whereas axes in B. rugosissima face those on veins fairly long (0.2–0.7 mm) spreading, sparse are 6–15 cm and usually branched, whereas in B. pilosiuscula or abundant, elsewhere minute, inconspicuous and sparse; upper veins are scarcely distinct from coarser tertiary veins petiole relatively long relative to lamina, often just over half and lamina is often elliptic or elliptic-obovate and at least some of lamina length, up to 4 cm, with two kinds of hairs like the leaves often markedly asymmetrical due to the different outline stem. Flower-clusters borne on leafless inflorescence-bearing of the two sides, whereas in B. rugosissima lateral veins are axes, 1 per axil; erect and short; bisexual or unisexual; entirely clear and prominent and lamina is clearly ovate and almost or predominantly male axes rarely seen, 4–6 cm long, with symmetrical. several shorter lateral branches in lower half which are up to The two taxa are apparently sometimes found growing together 2 cm and progressively shorter towards axis apex, with female as mixed collections also exist (Jawa: Korthals s.n. (L); Rein- clusters (where present) restricted to a few along main axis; wardt s.n. 1855 (P); Zollinger 1795 (U)). A few somewhat entirely female or predominantly female axes much more 200 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013 common, unbranched, only 1–6(–10) cm long with groups of is probably under-collected, only one collection have been seen female clusters so closely contiguous and densely congested from each of North and South India, Sumatera and Borneo, so that the axis appears to be ± cylindrical, a dense mass of the material seen may not represent its complete distribution. tightly congested flowers, sometimes with well-marked sterile 4. Two almost allopatric regional varieties are recognised. basal portion or gaps between groups of clusters; if bisexual Var. pilosiuscula (north-eastern and south-eastern India, Sri then also with a few small few-flowered male clusters near tip Lanka, Burma, Philippines, Indonesia) and var. suffruticosa of axis only, these congested or spaced 2–3 mm apart; male (Burma, Thailand. China). The typical variety at its extreme clusters 1.5–2(–3) mm diam, with few–10 flowers, female presents a rather different appearance to that of var. suffruti­ clusters large, (3–)4–7 mm diam, with (30–)usually well over cosa but is rather variable. Var. suffruticosa shows little range 50 densely crowded flowers; bracts subtending male clusters of variation but forms intermediate between the two occur in abruptly fine-acuminate, c. 1–2 mm long, bracts subtending Taiwan, Hainan, Thailand and Jawa. See detailed discussion female clusters inconspicuous; bracteoles narrowly oblong, under var. pilosiuscula (Note 3). fairly conspicuous (in crowded female clusters only when 5. Boehmeria listeri (sympatric, Himalayas and Burma) also fruit fallen), 0.5 mm long. Male flowers 4-merous, on pedicels has mixed indumentum (but the minute hairs are smaller and 0.5–1.5 mm long, mature buds globose, c. 1.5 mm diam, dorsal denser giving the whole plant a grey tinge), leaves asymme­ appendage of tepals distinct, hairs of two kinds, sparse, short, trical (but relatively narrower and usually longer) and fruiting adpressed and longer hooked. Female flowers 0.7–0.8 by perianth obconical (but not apically flattened); it differs also in 0.2–0.5 mm, narrowly obconical to broadly obovoid-truncate, inflorescence-bearing axes usually longer, the bisexual (and often with abrupt beak to half of perianth length or often con- female) ones mostly with several long branches at the base spicuously 2-toothed, hairs abundant, spreading, long, white, (rather than unbranched) and male flowers mainly in the lower hooked; stigma c. 1 mm long. Fruiting perianth 1–1.2 by 0.8–1 part of the axis or abundant throughout its length. mm, broadly obconical-flattened (i.e., obtriangular in outline) 6. Only B. ourantha (partly sympatric in Himalayas and Bur­ with or without minute abrupt beak, dorsiventrally flattened ma) and B. yaeyamensis (allopatric, maritime, Ryukyu Is­lands) near apex forming winged ‘shoulders’ in distal half, abundantly also have male flowers similarly arranged in the upper parts hairy in distal part. Achene rather asymmetrically ellipsoid or of mainly female axes rather than below the female (on lateral obconical–3-angled, relatively flattened, shiny yellow-brown male branches or in entirely male axes in lower leaf axils). Boeh­ almost as long as fruiting perianth, ± rugose. meria yaeyamensis also has mixed stem hairs, small leaves Distribution ― India (Tamil Nadu, Arunachal Pradesh), Sri and rather short thick axes with densely congested female Lanka, Burma, southern China (incl. Hainan and Taiwan), clusters but is not otherwise similar, easily distinguished by its Thailand, Indonesia (Sumatera, Jawa, Borneo, Nusa Tenggara leaves ± symmetrical, truncate to cordate, thick-textured and [Lesser Sunda Islands]), Philippines (Luzon). even broader with few rounded teeth. Boehmeria ourantha has Habitat & Ecology ― Moist areas in evergreen forest, often stem hairs uniform, dense long conspicuous and golden, leaves by streams; or in clearings in disturbed areas or on roadside larger, symmetrical, truncate or cordate, marginal teeth larger banks; sea level–1650 m altitude. and inflorescence-bearing axes long. Conservation status ― Near Threatened (NT) or possibly Vul- 7. Without male flowers, forms of B. pilosiuscula with large nerable (VU). The species is known from c. 150 collections, thick-textured leaves can be confused with the partly sympatric some of which are recent, but appears to occur in only c. 25 B. rugosissima and the two are apparently sometimes found rather scattered locations in India, Indochina, Indonesia and the growing together (see detailed discussion in Note 4 under Philippines. Thus the EOO of over 8 000 000 km2 is extremely B. rugosissima). misleading. Its AOO is less than 500 km2 and it occurs in fairly 8. When male flowers are not present, B. virgata subsp. restricted forest habitat. The record from southern India may macrophylla var. scabrella and forms of B. pilosiuscula with well represent a population now extinct as the region is ex- less markedly asymmetrical leaves can readily be confused tensively cultivated, and habitats in Taiwan, the Philippines and due to the similar leaf shape and short erect inflorescence- Jawa are increasingly degraded; those in China and Indochina axes with crowded clusters. The two are partly sympatric (in are not currently so but may become so in the future with northern India, Southern China and Jawa). However, the mixed increasing agriculture. Those in the mountain ridge in West stem indumentum gives a distinctive appearance discernible Sumatera are not currently threatened. Tentatively it is given by the naked eye; var. scabrella has ± uniform usually stiff the status of Vulnerable (VU) on the criteria VU B2ab(iii). straight closely-adpressed or half-adpressed hairs and even Separate formal assessments are not given for the two, inter- forms with some hairs softer and slightly curved clearly lack grading, varieties. the minute indumentum. Female flowers in var. scabrella are obovoid, tapering towards their apex such that not even large Notes ― 1. The collector of the type of B. pilosiuscula, Koll- crowded female clusters appear like a solid mass, rather than mann, is not cited in Blume’s protologue but the label on the obconical-truncate with a broad apex. In var. scabrella female specimen in G has the basionym written in Blume’s handwriting, clusters are also mostly smaller, up to c. 4 mm diam (rather than which strongly indicates this collection is the holotype. 4–7 mm) and male clusters are always on separate branched 2. The illustrations in Yang et al. (1996: photo no. 80 on axes or short branches at the base (rather than a few clusters p. 785) and Ying (1998: 62, photo 561) are labelled as B. formo­ along the apical part) of an otherwise female axis. Fruiting sana but are almost certainly of this taxon. perianth in B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. scabrella is very 3. Boehmeria pilosiuscula is distinctive in its female and varied including ovoid ± unwinged forms and flattened spindle- bisexual inflorescence-bearing axes short and interrupted- shaped with a wing more or less surrounding the achene, rather congested with large often densely congested clusters of than consistently obtriangular with a flattened apex. Leaves tightly congested female flowers, its male flowers mainly found in B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. scabrella are also often in a few small male clusters only at the apex of these axes, broader (length often only 1.3–1.5× width). Boehmeria virgata its fruiting perianth broad obconical-truncate, its mixed stem subsp. macrophylla var. scabrella differs from var. suffruticosa indumentum of sparse relatively long curved hairs and dense additionally in longer and broader marginal teeth, 1.5–2 by minute pubescence spreading at right angles to the stem and its 3–6 mm (rather than ≤ 1.5 by 2 mm), and much longer female leaves small and thin-textured, often markedly asymmetrical. It axes (at least 5 cm long). It is less easy to distinguish from var. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 201

Map 40 Distribution of Boehmeria pilosiuscula (Blume) Hassk. var. pilosi­us­ cula (●) and intermediates between B. pilosiuscula var. pilosiuscula and var. suffruticosa (ä). pilosiuscula but its mainly male axes are many-branched and Distribution ― India, Sri Lanka, Burma, Indonesia (Suma­ frequent and male flowers are subsessile rather than usually tera, Jawa, Borneo, Nusa Tenggara [Lesser Sunda Islands]), clearly pedicellate. Philippines (Luzon). Habitat & Ecology ― Clearings in disturbed areas of ever- green primary forest; sea level–1650 m altitude. Key to varieties Notes ― 1. Hooker (1888: 578) states about the collection 1. Female and bisexual axes with clusters congested into con- Thwaites 2197 that it is “mixed with var. scabrella” and Wadhwa tinuous mass ≤ 2 mm long and lower 0.5–1 mm part of axis writes the same on the Peradenya (PDA) sheet of this collection. often naked (whole axis 1–2(–3) mm long), flower-bearing Wadhwa’s determination on the duplicate of this collection at K part ≤ 2 cm; leaves never bullate, always thin-textured, mar­ indicates that parts of the collection represents B. rugosissima, ginal teeth 1(–1.5) mm long, usually up to 30 either side; but in our opinion all the material in the duplicates we have seen entirely male branched axes absent. — Burma; Thailand; represents B. pilosiuscula. In order to avoid further doubt, we China ...... b. var. suffruticosa designate the K duplicate as lectotype. 1. Female and bisexual axes, at least some on plant, with 2. Few collections (sometimes only one) have been seen flower-bearing part 3–10 cm long; clusters contiguous along from most localities, suggesting that it is under-collected. part of length but usually distinct; leaves mostly bullate, often 3. It differs from var. suffruticosa in leaves with teeth either relatively thick, marginal teeth either more than 35 either more numerous or larger, mostly bullate, often larger or side or ≥ 2 mm long; branched (entirely male axes present thicker-textured, inflorescence-bearing axes usually longer with or not). — India; Sri Lanka; Burma; Indonesia; Philippines clusters often less crowded together along the axis, the flower- ...... a. var. pilosiuscula bearing part of at least some axes 3–10 cm (rather than ≤ 2 cm) and the occasional presence of branched mainly male axes. a. var. pilosiuscula — Fig. 38a–i; Map 40 4. Var. pilosiuscula is often less easy than is var. suffruticosa to distinguish from B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. scabrella. Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. zeylanica Wedd. (1869) 211. ― Boehmeria As discussed above in Note 8 under the species as a whole the macrophylla Hornem. var. zeylanica (Wedd.) Wadhwa (1999) 265. ― Type: Thwaites 2197 (lecto K; isolecto CAL, G, P), Sri Lanka. – See Note 1. only absolutely distinguishing features from B. virgata subsp. Boehmeria humilis Miq. (1851) 33. ― Boehmeria pilosiuscula (Blume) Hassk. macrophylla var. scabrella are the mixed stem indumentum, var. humilis (Miq.) Blume (1857) 223. ― Boehmeria platyphylla D.Don var. ‘solid’ female clusters, female flowers with a truncate apex and humilis (Miq.) Wedd. (1869) 212. ― Boehmeria caudata (Burm.f.) J.J.Sm. the presence of male clusters at tips of mainly female-axes. var. humilis (Miq.) J.J.Sm. (1910) 717. ― Type: Junghuhn s.n. (holo L), 5. Specimens with somewhat bullate leaves can be confused Indonesia, Jawa [Java], Mt Medin, Ungaran. with small-leaved forms of the sympatric B. rugosissima. Fertile Boehmeria pilosiuscula (Blume) Hassk. var. procera Blume (1857) 223. ― material is easily distinguished, with inflorescence-bearing axes Type: Not indicated or traced. always unisexual and both sexes are usually several-branched Shrub. Leaves (3–)5–12(–15) cm long, marginal teeth (25–)35– near their base with well-spaced clusters and the fruiting peri- 45, either broader or more numerous in larger leaves, 1–2 by anth of B. rugosissima is not truncate at its apex. Sterile material 2–4 mm; thin- or thick-textured, but leaves ± bullate with con­ can be distinguished by leaves ± symmetrical and either much spicuous reticulation, hairs adaxially ± spreading, often with larger or thick-textured and deeply and closely rugose-bullate, conspicuous bulbous base giving rough texture. Female or or both; stipules are also often much larger. Two clearly mixed bisexual inflorescence-bearing axes (2–)3–6(–10) cm long, collections exist, suggesting that the two species can be found the longest ones sometimes drooping in upper part, often with growing together; intermediate material of possible hybrid origin intermittent gaps between groups of clusters; entirely or pre- has also been seen. See under B. rugosissima (Note 4) for more dominantly male axes occasionally also present, 4–6 mm long, detailed discussion. branched in basal quarter, clusters contiguous or spaced up to 1 mm apart, 2–3 mm diam, with 2–5(–10) flowers. 202 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013


a e



c j i f

d Fig. 38 a–i: Boehmeria pilosiuscula (Blume) Hassk. var. pilosiuscula. a. Habit of stem with bisexual and female inflorescence-bearing axes; b. lower node of stem with branched male inflorescence-bearing axis; c. detail of stem showing two kinds of spreading hairs; d. leaf; e. leaf, detail of abaxial surface; f. detail of stem and stipule; g. upper part of bisexual inflorescence-bearing axis with congested female flower-clusters (inflorescences) below and few-flowered male clusters (inflorescences) at apex; h. male bud; i. fruiting perianth. — j: Boehmeria pilosiuscula var. suffruticosa Acharya, Friis & Wilmot-Dear. Habit of stem with bisexual and female inflorescence-bearing axes (a, e, f, h: Sinclair 10053, K; b: de Vriese s.n., L; c, d: Kostermans 18171, K; g: Henry 12370, K; i: Gammie 190, K; j: Henry 12696, K). — Scale bars: a, b, d, j = 2 cm; c, g-i = 1 mm; e, f = 2 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 203

Tree or shrub, 2–3 m tall, or rarely subshrub, < 1 m tall; young stems up to 2 mm diam with hairs of usually two kinds, some abundant and relatively long (0.2–0.3 mm), curved ± adpress­ ed) usually mixed with sparse minute (< 0.1 mm long) spread- ing hairs; later glabrescent. Stipules narrowly triangular, con- spicuous 9–11 by c. 2.5 mm, with long hairs (c. 0.5 mm long) on midrib and minute but abundant pubescence elsewhere. Leaves opposite, slightly or more often markedly dimorphic with length of ‘larger’ 1.25–2.5× length of ‘smaller’ ones and relatively broader with more distinctly acuminate apex; slightly asymmetrical (outline of two sides slightly dissimilar), nar- rowly elliptic-ovate to elliptic, 10–21 by 3.5–7.5 cm, length (2.3–)2.8–3.1× width; margin finely-serrate, teeth (40–)45–65 either side, up-curved, acute, minute 0.5–1(–1.5) by 1–3(–4) mm with width 1–2(–3)× length; leaf apex attenuate-acuminate often slightly sideways-curved, base asymmetrically rounded or slightly cuneate; basal veins extending into distal third on one side, just in distal half on other side, upper lateral veins usually dissimilar, on narrow side only 3, all arising in distal half, on other side usually an additional (1–)2 arising near or below middle of lamina, all veins inconspicuous adaxially, finely prominent abaxially, coarser tertiary veins also finely prominent; texture very thin-chartaceous, leaves drying grey-green or blackish; adaxial surface with a minute bullation in centre of Map 41 Distribution of Boehmeria pilosiuscula (Blume) Hassk. var. suf­ each areole, with single hair arising from it, otherwise glabrous, fruticosa Acharya, Friis & Wilmot-Dear. abaxial surface with two kinds of hairs like the stem, the minute ones throughout leaf surface, often giving a pale sheen, the long ones longer than on the stem (0.5–1 mm), sparse and b. var. suffruticosa Acharya, Friis & Wilmot-Dear, var. nov. — × Fig. 38j; Map 41 restricted to the venation; petiole variable, 0.2–0.3 lamina length, 2–5 cm, with two kinds of hairs like the abaxial leaf A var. typica atque a multis ceteris speciebus generis axe florali brevissima surface. Flower-clusters arranged along leafless inflorescence- atque glomerulos femineos contiguos crebrissimos ferenti structura dura bearing axes, these ± pendulous, 1–2 per axil, unbranched or interrupte subcylindrica formanti differt; a var. typica etiam parte florifera with 1–2 long lateral branches very close to base, appearing axis 1–2 cm tantum (nec 3–10 cm) longa, foliis numquam bullatis neque crasse chartaceis atque ad marginem dentes ≤ 30 tantum numero, 1(–1.5) as if several from each axil, 5–13 cm long, with long hairs and mm tantum altos (nec usque 2 mm altos) ferentibus distinguenda. — Typus: often also minute ones like the stem; both sexes often on same Larsen et al. 44502 (holo K; iso AAU), Thailand, Nan prov., Sapan falls, 600 m. axes, mostly in unisexual clusters with male clusters in lower part, female distally, but sometimes clusters mostly bisexual Subshrub or herb. Leaves 3–9(–11) cm long; marginal teeth con- and rarely also a few male flowers present in mainly female sistently only 25–30(–35), broader rather than more numerous clusters at extreme apex distal to entirely female clusters; bracts in larger leaves, 1(–1.5) by 2–3(–4) mm; texture very thin- broadly triangular, often conspicuous (especially when clusters chartaceous; hairs adaxially soft, adpressed or half-adpressed. are few-flowered), up to 1 by 1 mm; clusters spaced 1–10 cm No entirely male axes seen; female and bisexual axes 1–3 cm apart or sometimes ± contiguous; male clusters 2–4 mm diam, long but lower 0.5–1 cm of axis often naked; female clusters with few–10(–15) flowers, female clusters 2–3 mm diam, with contiguous, providing a thick (c. 0.5 cm diam) cylindrical ap- pearance of the inflorescence-architecture which seems to be made up of one inflorescence-bearing axis only. Distribution ― Burma, Thailand, southern China (including Hainan and Taiwan). Habitat & Ecology ― Moist areas in evergreen forest, often by streams; roadside banks and barren stony areas; 500–1200 (–1500) m altitude. Notes ― 1. This variety is distinctive in its female inflores- cence-bearing axes which are extremely short (at most 2 cm long) and almost ‘cylindrical’ due to congested masses of clusters, and leaves small, often markedly dimorphic in both size and shape and/or markedly asymmetrical, thin-textured, shallowly serrate soft-hairy, veins slender. 2. This variety is the easier of the two to distinguish from B. virgata subsp. macrophylla var. scabrella. See detailed dis­ cussion in Note 8 under the species. 3. The joint publication of this new taxon was accepted by Acharya and is partly based on his earlier unpublished findings.

33. Boehmeria listeri Friis & Wilmot-Dear — Fig. 39; Map 42 Boehmeria listeri Friis & Wilmot-Dear in Wilmot-Dear et al. (2010) 432. ― Type: Lister 99 (holo CAL; iso K), India, Duphla Hills, Harpili [Hapoli], 19 Dec. 1874. Map 42 Distribution of Boehmeria listeri Friis & Wilmot-Dear. 204 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013






f e b

Fig. 39 Boehmeria listeri Friis & Wilmot-Dear. a. Habit of stem with several bisexual inflorescence-bearing axes at each node; b. leaf; c. detail of lower surface of lamina, showing two types of hair; d. stipule; e. detail of male part of inflorescence-bearing axis with two flower-clusters (inflorescences) and bracts, showing two types of hair; f. male bud; g. detail of female part of inflorescence-bearing axis with one flower-cluster (inflorescence) and bract; h. fruiting perianth (a, c–g: Stainton 6723; b, h: Dec. 1890, King s.n.; all K). — Scale bars: a, b = 2 cm; c, e-h = 1 mm; d = 2 mm. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 205

(10–)20–more than 40 crowded flowers; bracteoles triangular, 3. The allopatric (Philippine) B. multiflora is somewhat simi- inconspicuous, less than 0.3 mm long. Male flowers 4-merous, lar to B. listeri in the proportions and densely grey-hairy under- sessile, mature buds globose, c. 1.5 mm diam, tepals with side of its leaves, but it lacks the mixed indumentum and differs apiculus and prominent dorsal appendages and abundant long in abundant indumentum on leaf adaxial surface, prominent dor- hairs like the stem. Female flowers obovoid (rarely ovoid) with sal appendages on male flowers, thicker female inflorescence- indistinct beak, with dense long hairs like the stem; stigma vari- bearing axes due to larger clusters and fruiting perianth usually able 1–2(–2.5) mm long. Fruiting perianth obovoid to broadly with distinct wing. obconical often broadly truncate at apex or sometimes with 4. Some variants of the sympatric (widespread) B. virgata minute beak, 1–1.3 by 0.5–1 mm, slightly laterally flattened subsp. macrophylla are superficially rather similar, especially or indistinctly several-angled but without marginal rim or wing, those forms intermediate between var. macrostachya and var. abundantly long-hairy. Achene almost filling fruiting perianth. scabrella which have inflorescence-bearing axes branched Distribution ― Eastern Himalaya: India, Bhutan, Bangla- at the base and leaves relatively long and narrow with many desh, Burma. small teeth; however, these forms do not have stem and peti- Habitat & Ecology ― Forest understory in partial shade; ole indumentum of mixed hairs of two different kinds and their slopes of subtropical forest, river margins, on limestone; 150– leaves are clearly ovate rather than elliptic-ovate and drying 1000 m altitude. greenish rather than greyish brown abaxially. Some variants Conservation status ― Near Threatened (NT). The conser­ of the allopatric (widespread) B. virgata subsp. virgata var. vation status was estimated by Wilmot-Dear et al. (2010: 435), virgata are more similar in indumentum and leaf morphology with an EOO of 97 408 km2. The species occurs in areas of but differ in marginal teeth relatively broader, fruiting perianth low habitat disturbance, while a few localities were close to winged, female axes much longer (20–70 cm) and male axes areas of intensive agriculture. However, due to the relatively also usually longer and branched throughout length. wide geographical and ecological range of the species it was 5. The allopatric (Indonesian) B. rugosissima can have mixed decided not to place the species in a threat category. stem indumentum and minutely bullate leaves almost glabrous adaxially, but leaves dry brownish rather than greyish and are Notes ― 1. Boehmeria listeri is rather nondescript in appear- usually much broader and stipules often very large. ance, resembling various different species in various characters, 6. A species of Cypholophus, C. decipiens Winkl., (allopat- such that its best placing in the genus is unclear. Its diagnostic ric, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific) has strikingly similar characters are its leaves long narrow and grey-green (drying leaves with markedly asymmetrical venation on the two sides greyish brown), often elliptic (rather than ovate which is much (differing from B. listeri only in upper veins 0–2 rather than more common in the genus) with teeth numerous and small, ve- usually 3 on narrow side) and many minute teeth, sometimes nation rather asymmetrically arranged, its indumentum of mixed also mixed stem indumentum, such that sterile material of long and minute fine hairs usually present on most parts of the B. listeri could be misidentified as this common and widespread plant, the minute ones giving a slightly greyish appearance and species; however, on fertile material the sessile axillary female its fruiting perianth unwinged, short, broad, usually obconical. flower-clusters of C. decipiens are diagnostic. It is provisionally placed here since B. pilosiuscula (sympatric 7. Two collections of uncertain identity have been seen with in India and Burma) has a similarly obconical fruiting perianth relatively much broader leaves with length only c. 1.5× width (although usually ± flattened at its apex), asymmetrical leaves but otherwise conforming to B. listeri: Forest 24801 (UC), (but shorter relatively broader with fewer longer teeth) and two north-eastern Upper Burma (leaves obovate, only 6.5–9 cm clearly different kinds of indumentum on many parts, differing long with abrupt short acumen); and Hooker et al. s.n. (NY), in the fine pubescence being less minute and more sparse on India, Sikkim (leaves elliptic 11–12 cm long). leaves, petioles and stipules, which are not distinctly greyish. Flowers are also differently arranged on the bisexual axes in B. pilosiuscula, male clusters being few, restricted to the apex Names of uncertain identity in (rather than numerous, mostly in the lower half of the axis) Old World Boehmeria and bisexual clusters are few with only a few male flowers; in Authorities of species only mentioned in this list are not included B. pilosiuscula female and bisexual inflorescence-bearing axes in the list of References. References to their works can be found are always single and unbranched, usually shorter, ± erect and in Index Kewensis or IPNI. often very congested. However, molecular work is needed to clarify its position. Boehmeria caudata (Burm.f.) J.J.Sm. var. pendula J.J.Sm. 2. On his original label King apparently considered B. listeri (1910) 708. ― Type: Koorders s.n. (holo BO, not traced), to be a variety of the sympatric but more widespread B. pen­ Indonesia, Jawa [Java], “Res. Besoeki”. ― Judged from duliflora (B. macrophylla D.Don). That species has leaves the description this is probably a synonym of B. virgata, but somewhat similar-textured with hairs of two lengths on the further identification is not possible without original material. abaxial surface but leaves are much narrower and often much longer (length 5–7× width), glabrous adaxially (except the young Boehmeria diffusa Wedd. var. canescens Wedd. (1856) 357. ― leaves at the extreme apex of the stem), its stem hairs are uni- Type not indicated or traced. ― Identification is not possible form and its fruiting perianth has a distinct broad wing. We have without original material. seen one specimen, one of two K duplicates of Griffith 4555 somewhat intermediate between the two, species with stem Boehmeria diffusa Wedd. var. hirta Wedd. (1856) 356. ― Type: indumentum uniform and perianth flattened-obovoid fruiting with not indicated or traced. ― Identification is not possible with- a distinct marginal rim as in B. penduliflora but with leaf shape out original material. and proportions as in B. listeri. This specimen appears to be Boehmeria diffusa Wedd. var. strigosa Wedd. (1856) 357. ― part of a mixed collection since the second K sheet and several Type not indicated or traced. ― Identification is not possible other duplicates are of a clearly different plant conforming in all without original material. respects to B. penduliflora and it seems very likely that the two entities were found growing together. No other intermediate col- Boehmeria greviaefolia C.Presl (1845) 540. ― Type: Hilsenberg lections have been seen; the two species overlap in altitudinal s.n. (not traced), Mauritius. ― The name was proposed for range and possibly this aberrant collection might be a hybrid. a plant originally named B. caudata Sieber, presumably an 206 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

unpublished manuscript name. Boehmeria greviaefolia Boehmeria capensis (Thunb.) Spreng. (1826) 844; Parietaria would appear to be identifiable with B. virgata subsp. capensis Thunb. (1794) 31 = Droguetia iners (Forssk.) macrophylla var. macrostachya, but certain identification is Schweinf. subsp. iners (see Friis & Wilmot-Dear 1988: 39). not possible without original material. Weddell (1869: 215) renders the name B. grewiaefolia. Boehmeria cavaleriei H.Lév. (1913: 550). Types not seen; from the description almost certainly not Boehmeria. Boehmeria jacquiniana Blume (1857) 219. ― Type: Jacquin s.n. (holo W). ― Specimen bearing the ms name Urtica inter­ Boehmeria cinerascens Blume (1857) = Pouzolzia sanguinea rupta Jacq., material only allows a very tentative identification (Blume) Merr. var. cinerascens (Blume) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (see Wilmot-Dear & Friis 2006: 30). as B. japonica var. tenera. Boehmeria dealbata Cheeseman (1892) = Boehmeria rubrinervia Hassk. (1844) 79. ― Type: Unknown Pouzolzia australis (Endl.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (see Wilmot-Dear & Friis 2006: collector [Blume] s.n. (n.v.), Indonesia, Jawa [Java], Salak. 15). ― From description probably = Nothocnide repanda, but certain identification is not possible without original material. Boehmeria delavayi Gagnep. (1928) 126. = Pouzolzia san­ guinea var. formosana (Li) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (see Wilmot- Boehmeria rupestris C.B.Rob. (1911) 5. ― Type: Ramos B.S. Dear & Friis 2006: 26). 5542 (not traced), Philippines, Luzon, Benguet, R. Trinidad. ― From description probably = B. pilosiuscula, but certain Boehmeria delavayi Gagnep. var. longifolia Gagnep. (1928: identification is not possible without original material. 127). = Pouzolzia sanguinea var. formosana (Li) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (see Wilmot-Dear & Friis 2006: 26). Boehmeria scabra (Blume) Hassk. (1844) 79. ― Urtica sca­bra Blume (1825) 504. ― Type: Unknown collector (not traced), Boehmeria elongata Blume (1857) 218, nom. illeg., non Fisch. Indonesia, Jawa [Java], “circa Batavia, in ruderatis.” ― ex Hornem. (1815). Type not traced; from the description Identification is not possible without original material. probably B. cylindrica (see Wilmot-Dear & Friis 1996: 59).

Boehmeria scabrella Gaudich. ex Miq. (1859) 252, nom. illeg. Boehmeria esquirolii H.Lév. & Blin. in Léveillé (1912: 372) = superfl. ― Type not traced. ― Miquel cites in synonymy a Maoutia puya (Hook.) Wedd. (see Chen et al. 2003: 188). range of earlier published names relating to either B. virgata Boehmeria irritans Ridl. (1926) = Pipturus argenteus (Forst.) subsp. macrophylla var. scabrella or B. ourantha, as follows: Wedd. Urtica caudata Burm.f., Boehmeria ourantha Miq., Urtica scabrella Roxb., Urtica uragera Steud. Boehmeria martini H.Lév. (1913) 551 = Pilea martinii (H.Lév.) Hand.-Mazz. (see Chen et al. 2003: 104). Boehmeria spiciflora Blume (1857) 217. ― Type: Herb. Jacquin f. s.n. (holo W; iso L), eastern India. ― Probably B. virgata Boehmeria nepalensis Wedd. = Pouzolzia sanguinea (Blume) var. macrostachya, but specimen too fragmentary for certain Merr. var. sanguinea (see Wilmot-Dear & Friis 2006: 24). identification. Boehmeria procridioides (Wedd.) Blume (1857) = Pouzolzia parasitica (Forssk.) Schweinf. (see Wilmot-Dear & Friis Excluded names 2006: 38).

Names already excluded in the extensive lists of Weddell (1856: Boehmeria propinqua Decne. = Pipturus argenteus (Forst.) 386; 1869: 216–218) are not repeated here, except for a few Wedd. cases, where we have reached a conclusion different from that of Weddell. Authorities of species only mentioned in this list are Boehmeria rigida Benth. in Hook. = Urera obovata Benth. not included in the list of References. Their works can be found Boehmeria rugulosa Wedd. = Pouzolzia rugulosa (Wedd.) Friis in Index Kewensis or IPNI. & Wilmot-Dear (see Wilmot-Dear et al. 2009: 60).

Boehmeria amarantus H.Lév. (1913) 550. Type not traced; from Boehmeria sanguinea (Blume) Hassk. = Pouzolzia sanguinea the description almost certainly not Boehmeria. (Blume) Merr. var. sanguinea (see Wilmot-Dear & Friis 2006: 21). Boehmeria anisoneura Guill. (1932) = Cypholophus aniso­ neurus (Guill.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (see Wilmot-Dear & Boehmeria sanguinea (Blume) Hassk. var. glabrata (Blume) Friis 2010: 287). Blume = Pouzolzia sanguinea (Blume) Merr. var. san­ guinea (see Wilmot-Dear & Friis 2006: 23). Boehmeria arachnoidea Walp. (1843) = Pouzolzia arach­ noidea (Walp.) Wedd. (see Wilmot-Dear & Friis 2006: 65). Boehmeria sanguinea (Blume) Hassk. var. minor Blume = Pou­ zolzia sanguinea (Blume) Merr. var. sanguinea (overlooked Boehmeria australis Endl. (1833) = Pouzolzia australis (Endl.) by Wilmot-Dear & Friis 2006). Friis & Wilmot-Dear (see Wilmot-Dear & Friis 2006: 15). Boehmeria sanguinea (Blume) Hassk. var. montana (Miq.) Blume Boehmeria australis Endl. subsp. dealbata (Cheeseman) Sykes = Pouzolzia sanguinea (Blume) Merr. var. sanguinea (see (2005) = Pouzolzia australis (Endl.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear Wilmot-Dear & Friis 2006: 23). (see Wilmot-Dear & Friis 2006: 15). Boehmeria sanguinea (Blume) Hassk. var. rubra Blume = Pou- Boehmeria bodinieri H.Lév. (1913) 550 = bulbifera zolzia sanguinea (Blume) Merr. var. sanguinea (see (Siebold & Zucc.) Wedd. (1856) (see Chen et al. 2003: 86). Wilmot-Dear & Friis 2006: 23).

Boehmeria calophleba C.Moore & F.Muell. in Mueller (1872) = Boehmeria tirapensis Deb & R.M.Dutta (1964) = Pouzolzia Pouzolzia australis (Endl.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (see Wilmot- sanguinea (Blume) Merr. var. fulgens (Wedd.) Hara (see Dear & Friis 2006: 15). Wilmot-Dear & Friis 2006: 37). C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 207

Boehmeria vanioti H.Lév. = Pilea notata C.H.Wright. Friis I, Wilmot-Dear CM. 1999. Boehmeria balslevii Friis & Wilmot-Dear. In: Jørgenson PM, León-Yánez S (eds), Catalogue of the vascular plants of Boehmeriopsis pallida Kom. = Fatoua villosa (Thunb.) Nakai Ecuador. Missouri Botanic Garden Press, St. Louis, etc. (Moraceae) (see Kitagawa 1979: 222). Gagnepain F. 1928. Quelques Boehmeria nouveaux d’Asie Orientale. Notu- lae systematicae, Herbie du Muséum de Paris 4, 4–5: 126–128. Gagnepain F. 1929. Urticaceae (sensu stricto). In: Lecomte MH (ed), Flore Acknowledgements We thank the keepers and curators of the herbaria générale de l’Indo-Chine. Vol. 5: 828–916. Masson & Cie, Paris. listed in Materials and Methods. The drawings have been excellently prepared Gagnepain F. 1950. Genres nouveaux, especes nouvelles d’Indochine Part 2. by Margaret Tebbs, Kew. We also wish to thank the Keepers of the Herbarium, Notulae systematicae, Herbie du Muséum de Paris (ed. Humbert) 14: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Professor S. Owens, and subsequently Profes- 22–43. sor D. Mabberley, and the Head of Asian section, Dr. Rogier de Kok, who Gaudichaud-Baupré C. 1830 ‘1828’. Botanique. In: De Freycinet ML, Voyage have all shown interest in and patiently supported this long-running project. Autour du monde, entrepris par ordre du roi, … exécuté sur les corvettes de S. M. l’Uranie et la Physicienne … Pillet-ainé, Paris. Ghafoor A. 1977. Urticaceae. In: Jafri SMH, El-Gadi A (eds), Flora of Libya. References Vol. 47: 1–19. Al Fateh University, Tripoli, Libya. Grierson AJC, Long DG. 1983. Flora of Bhutan, including a record of plants Acharya N, Yonekura K, Suzuki M. 2002. A new species and a new variety from Sikkim. Vol. 1, part 1. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh. of Boehmeria from the Himalayas with special reference to the status of Guillaumin A. 1932. Contributions to the Flora of the New Hebrides (contin- B. penduliflora. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, Kyoto 53, 1: 1–9. ued). Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 13: 81–126. Acharya N, Yonekura K, Suzuki M. 2003. Cytological studies of the genus Guillemin JBA. 1837. Zephyritis Taitensis. Énumeration des plantes décou- Boehmeria in Nepal. Journal of Japanese Botany 78: 95–102. verts par les voyageurs dans les Iles de la Société, principalement dans Bailey FM. 1888. A synopsis of the Queensland flora: containing the Pha- celle de Tahiti (suite). Annales des sciences naturelles. Botanique. Sér. nerogamous & Cryptogamous plants. Second Supplement. Government 2, 8: 81–126. printer, Brisbane. Hance HF. 1874. On a small collection of plants from Kiukiang. Journal of Beddome RH. 1873. Flora silvatica for Southern India. Part 27: 183–234. The Botany, British and Foreign 12 [n.s. 3]: 258–262. Forester’s manual of botany for Southern India. Gantz Brothers, Madras. Hance HF. 1885. Spicilegia florae sinensis: Diagnoses of new and habitats Blume C. 1825. 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A synopsis of Girardinia (Urticaceae). Kew Bulletin 36: 143–157. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, Kyoto 20: 195–208. Friis I. 1993. Urticaceae. In: Kubitzki K, Rohwewr JG, Bittrich V (eds), The fami- Koidzumi G. 1926. Contributiones ad Cognitionem Florae Asiae Orientalis. lies and genera of vascular plants, Vol. 2, Flowering plants, Dicotyledones, Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 40: 330–348. Magnoliid, Hamamelid and Caryophillid families: 612–630. Springer Verlag, Koidzumi G. 1941. Boehmeria nipponivea Koidz., nov. spec. Acta Phytotaxo- Berlin, etc. nomica et Geobotanica, Kyoto 10: 223. Friis I, Marais W. 1982. Name changes in well-known species of Boehmeria Kravtsova TI. 2001. Pericarp structure in representatives of tribe Boeh­ (Urticaceae). Kew Bulletin 37: 163–164. merieae (Urtcaceae). Botanicheskii zhurnal, St. Petersburg 86, 6: 18–39. Friis I, Wilmot-Dear CM. 1988. A revision of the tribe Forsskaoleae (Urtica- Kravtsova TI. 2009. Comparative carpology of the Urticaceae Juss. KMK ceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 8: 25–59. Scientific Press, Moscow. 208 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

Kravtsova TI, Friis I, Wilmot-Dear CM. 2000. Morphology and anatomy of Okabe S. 1963. Apomixis in the genus Boehmeria. Science Reports of the fruits in New World Boehmeria in relation to taxonomy. Kew Bulletin 55: Tohoku University, Ser. 4 (Biology) 29: 207–214. 43–62. Pampanini R. 1915. Le Piante vascolari raccolte dal Rev. P.C. Silvestri. Nuovo Kravtsova T, Friis I, Wilmot-Dear CM. 2003. Morphology and anatomy of fruits giornale botanico Italiano, n.s. 22: 249–296. in Pouzolzia (Urticaceae) in relation to taxonomy. Kew Bulletin 58: 297–327. Panigrahi G, Murti SK. 1999. Flora of Bilaspur District, Madhya Pradesh. Kuntze O. 1891. Revisio Generum Plantarum, Pars 1–2. Felix, etc., Leipzig. Vol. 2. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta. Leandri JD. 1950. Les Urticacées de Madagascar. Annales du Musée Co- Poiret JLM. 1798. Ortie, Urtica. In: Lamarck JBAPM (ed), Encyclopédie loniale de Marseille, Sér. 6, 7–8: 1–93. méthodique, Botanique. Vol. 4, 2: 636–646. Panckoucke etc., Paris & Leandri JD. 1965. 56e Famille. Urticaceae. In: Humbert H (ed), Flore du Plomteux, Liège. Madagascar et des Comores. Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Labo­ Presl KB. 1845. Botanische Bemerkungen. Abhandlungen der Könichlichen ratoire de Phanérogamie, Paris. Böhmischen Gesselschaft der Wissenschaften, Prague, Ser. 5, 3: 431–584 Léveillé H. 1912. Decades Plantarum Novarum, LXXV–LXXIX. Feddes [Reprint issued 1846, but said to be published in ‘1844’]. Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis 10: 369–378. Ramachandran VS, Nair VJ. 1988. Flora of Cannanore. Botanical Survey Léveillé H. 1913. Decades Plantarum Novarum, CIV–CV. Feddes Reperto- of India, Calcutta. rium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis 11: 548–552. Rendle AB. 1917. Tropical African Urticaceae. Journal of Botany, British and Linnaeus C. 1753. Species Plantarum. Vol. 2. Laurentius Salvius, Holmiae Foreign 55: 201–203. [Stockholm]. Ridley HN. 1911 ‘1910’. A scientific expedition to Temengoh, Upper Perak. Linnaeus C. 1781. Supplementum Plantarum. Impensis Orphanotrophei, Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Singapore 57: Bruns­vigae [Braunsweig]. 5–122. Long DG. 1982. Notes relating to the Flora of Bhutan 5. Notes from the Royal Ridley HN. 1920. On a collection of plants from peninsular Siam. Journal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh 40, 1: 115–138. of the Federated Malay States Museum, Kuala Lumpur 10, 2: 65–126. Lu FY. 1978. Contributions to the Dicotyledenous plants of Taiwan 4. Quar­ Ridley HN. 1926. Additions to the Flora of Malaya. Kew Bulletin 1926: 469– terly Journal of Chinese Forestry, Taipei 11, 3: 95–114. 479. Makino T. 1909. Observations on the Flora of Japan (continued). Botanical Robinson CB. 1908. Alabastra Philippinensia. Philippine Journal of Science, Magazine, Tokyo 23: 244–252. Section C, Botany 3: 175–218. Makino T. 1912. Observations on the Flora of Japan (continued). Botanical Robinson CB. 1911. Philippine Urticaceae 1 & 2. Philippine Journal of Sci- Magazine, Tokyo 26: 384–394. ence, Section C, Botany 6, 3: 1–31, 299–314. Makino T. 1925. Illustrated Flora of Japan. Hokuryukan Co., Tokyo. Roxburgh W. 1814. Hortus bengalensis, or a catalogue of the plants grow- Makino T. 1948. Illustrated Flora of Japan (revised ed.). Hokuryukan Co., ing in the honourable East India Company’s Botanic Garden at Calcutta. Tokyo. Mission Press, Serampore. Roxburgh W. 1832. Flora Indica. Vol. 3 (ed. J. Roxburgh). Serampore, for Makino T, Nemoto K. 1931. Flora of Japan. Ed. 2. Shunyodo Shoten, Tokyo. Thacker & Co., Calcutta & Parbury and Allen & Co., London. Matsumura J. 1912. Index plantarum japonicarum, sive Enumeratio plantarum Satake Y. 1936. Boehmeria japonica. Journal of the Faculty of Science, omnium ex insulis Kurile, Yezo, Nippon, Sikoku, Kiushu, Luikui et Formosa University of Tokyo, Section 3, Botany 4, 6: 467–542. hucusque cognitarum. Vol. 2, Phanerogamae. Maruzen, Tokyo. Satake Y. 1938a. Trivial notes on Japanese plants 3. Journal of Japanese Maximowicz CJ. 1876. Diagnoses plantarum novarum Japoniae & Mandshur- botany 14: 196–204. iae Decas 20. Mélanges biologique tirés du Bulletin (physico-mathématique) Satake Y. 1938b. Trivial notes on Japanese plants 4. Journal of Japanese de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St-Pétersbourg 9: 581–660. botany 14: 255–264. Maximowicz CJ. 1877. Diagnoses plantarum novarum Japoniae & Mand­ Satake Y. 1938c. Boehmeria species of Kyushu. Journal of Japanese botany shuriae Decas 20. Bulletin de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St- 14: 508–514. Pétersbourg, Sér. 3, 22: 209–264. (Verbatim reprint of 1876 publication). Shih BL, Yang YP. 1998. New names and record of Urticaceae in Taiwan. Merrill ED. 1913. Plantae Wenzelianae. Philippine Journal of Science, Sec- Taiwania 43, 2: 150–153. tion C, Botany 8: 363–390. Siebold PF, Zuccarini JG. 1846. Florae japonicae familiae naturales pars se- Miquel FAW. 1840. Commentarii Phytographichi. Fasc. 3: 93–146, pl. 12–14. cunda. Abhandlungen der Matematisch-Physikalischen Classe der König­ Luchtmans, Lugduni-Batavorum [Leiden]. lich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, München 4, 3: 123–240. Miquel FAW. 1851 [March]. Plantae Junghuhnianae. Pars 1: 1–106. Sythoff, Skottsberg CJF. 1926. Vascular plants from the Hawaiian Islands, 1. Acta Lugduni-Batavorum [Leiden] & Baillière, Paris. Horti Gothoburgensis 2: 185–328. Miquel FAW. 1859. Urticaceae. Flora Nederlandsch Indie (Flora Indiae Skottsberg CJF. 1944. Vascular plants from the Hawaiian Islands, 15. Acta Batavae). Vol. 1, 2 & 2, 1: 224–275. Van der Post, Amsterdam & Utrecht; Horti Gothoburgensis 15: 275–551. Fried. Fleischer, Leipzig. Smith JJ. 1910. Urticaceae. In: Bijdrage No. 12 tot de Kennis der Boom- Miquel FAW. 1867. Urticaceae. In: Miquel FAW (ed), Prolusio Florae Japoni- soorten op Java. Mededeelingen, uitgaande van het Departement van cae. Part 5: 130–132. Ex Annales Musei Botanici Lugduno Batavi. Vol. 3. Landbouw in Nederlandsch-Indië, Batavia 10: 672–753. Van der Post, etc., Amsterdam. Sprengel K. 1826. Boehmeria. In: Sprengel K (ed), Caroli Linnaei . . Systema Miyazaki T, Ohba H. 2003. A new species of Boehmeria (Urticaceae) from Vegetabilium. Ed. 16, Vol. 3: 844–846. Dieterich, Göttingen. Kochi prefecture, Shikoku, Japan. Journal of Japanese Botany 78, 2: 61–65. Steudel EG. 1850. Urticeae nondum descriptae. Flora, Regensburg 33: Moat J. 2007. Conservation assessment tools extension for ArcView 3.×, 257–261. v. 1. 2. GIS-Unit, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Suzuki T. 1936. Urticaceae. In: Masamune G (ed), Short Flora of Formosa. projects/cats/index.html. Kudoa, Taihoku. Nakai T. 1914. Plantae novae Coreanae et Japonicae II. Feddes Repertorium Swartz O. 1787. Tolf Nya Slag af Urticae Slägte, från Vest-Indien, uptäckte specierum novarum regni vegetabilis 13: 267–278. och beskrifne. Konglig Vetenskaps Academiens nya Handlingar, Stockholm Nakai T. 1918. Notulae ad plantas Japoniae et Koreae XVIII. Botanical 8: 58–72. Magazine, Tokyo, 32: 215–232. Swartz O. 1788. Nova genera et species plantarum, seu Prodromus decrip­ Nakai T. 1927. Report on the vegetation of Shikajima. ‘Iyonokani Sikazima tionum vegetabilium … in Indiam occidentalem. Swederi, Stockholm. n Shokubuti Chosa Gaikyo Hokoku’. No publisher, Tokyo. Tanaka T. 1925. On certain Thunbergian plants from Japan. Bulteno science Nakai T. 1936. Flora Sylvatica Koreana. Vol. 21. Forest experimental Sta- de la Fakultato Tarkultura, Kjusu Imperia Universitato 1: 188–209. tion, Chosen, Keijyo. Thunberg CP. 1784. Flora Japonica. Müller, Leipzig. Nguyên TH. 2003. Danh luc cac loai thuc vat viet nam. Vol. 2. NXB Nong Thunberg CP. 1794a. Prodromus Plantarum Capensium Part 1. Edman, nghiep, Hanoi. Uppsala. Ohba H. 2006. Boehmeria. In: Iwatsuki K, Bufford DE, Ohba H (eds), Flora Thunberg CP. 1794b. Botanical observations on the Flora japonica. Transac- of Japan. Vol. 2A. Angiospermae, Dicotyledonae, Archichlamydeae (a): tions of the Linnean Society, London 2: 326–342. 101–108. Kodansha, Tokyo. Vidal S. 1886. Revision des plantes vasculaires filipinas. Perez, Manila. Ohwi J. 1953. Flora of Japan. (Japanese ed.; title: Nippon shokubutsu shi; Wadhwa BM. 1999. Urticaceae. In: Dassanayake MD, Clayton WD (eds), text in Japanese). Shibundo, Tokyo. Revised handbook to the Flora of Ceylon. Vol. 13: 232–284. Oxford & IBH Ohwi J. 1965. Flora of Japan. (Meyer FG & Walker EH, rev. ed.; text in Publishing Co., New Delhi & Calcutta. English). Shibundo, Tokyo & Smithsonian Institution Publications, Washing­ Wagner WC, Herbst DL, Sohmer SH. 1999. A manual of the flowering plants ton DC. of Hawaii. Revised Edition. Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu. Okabe S. 1956. Chromosome numbers and apomixis in Boehmeria. Japa- Walker EH. 1976. Flora of Okinawa and the Southern Ryukyus. Smithsonian nese Journal of Genetics, Tokyo 31: 308. Institute Publications, Washington DC. C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 209

Wallich N. 1831. A numerical list of dried plants in the East India Com- Wilmot-Dear CM, Friis I. 2011. New World Pouzolzia and Boehmeria (Urti­ pany’s Museum collected under the superintendence of Dr Wallich of the caceae): A new species, Pouzolzia amambaiensis, and additional obser- Company’s botanic garden at Calcutta. Fascicle containing entries no. vations on already described species of both genera. Nordic Journal of 2604–4827. East India Company, London. Botany 29, 6: 691–695. Wang WT. 1981a. Revisio Boehmeriae Sinicae. Acta Bototanica Yunnanica Wilmot-Dear CM, Friis I, Kravtsova TI. 2003. A new species of Boehmeria 3, 3: 307–328. (Urticaceae), B. burgeriana Wilmot-Dear, Friis & Kravtsova, endemic to Wang WT. 1981b. Revisio Boehmeriae Sinicae (cont’d). Acta Botanica Yun- Costa Rica. Kew Bulletin 58: 213–218. nanica 3, 4: 401–416. Wilmot-Dear CM, Friis I, Thomas Z. 2010. New species in Old-World Boeh- Wang WT. 1982. A new rank of Boehmeria (Urticaceae). Acta Phytotaxono­ meria (Urticaceae). Edinburgh Journal of Botany 67, 3: 431–450. mica Sinica 20, 2: 204. Wright CH. 1899. Urticaceae: Urticeae. In: Forbes FB, Hemsley WB (eds), An Wang WT. 1983. Species Nova Boehmeria e Sina australe. Guihaia 3, 2: enumeration of all the plants known from China & Hong Kong (continued). 77–80. Journal of the Linnean Society 26: 471–492. Wang WT. 1996. New taxa of Urticaceae from China. Bulletin of Botanical Yahara T. 1981. Taxonomic studies of the Urticaceae, 1. The genus Boeh- Research of the North-Eastern Forestry University, Harbin 16, 3: 247–249. meria in Thailand. Acta Phytotaxonomica et geobotanica, Kyoto 32: 1–21. Wang WT, Chen CJ. 1979. Urticaceae novae e Flora Tibetica. Acta Phyto- Yahara T. 1983a. A biosystematic study of the local populations of some spe- taxonomica Sinica 17, 1: 105–109. cies of the genus Boehmeria with special reference to apomixis. Journal of Wang WT, Chen CJ. 1995. Urticaceae. In: Wang WT, Chen CJ (eds), Flora the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Sect. 3. Botany 13, 3: 217–261. Republicae Popularis Sinicae. Vol. 23, 2: 1–448. Science Press, Beijing. Yahara T. 1983b. A recognition of Boehmeria nakashimae, sp. nov. Journal Weddell HA. 1854. Revue de la famille des Urticacées. Annales des Sciences of Japanese Botany 58, 3: 82–89. Sér. 4, Botanique 1: 173–212. Yahara T. 1984a. Notes on the nomenclature and infraspecific classification of Weddell HA. 1856. Monographie de la famille des Urticacées. Archives du Boehmeria japonica (L.f.) Miq. and B. spicata (Thunb.) Thunb. (Urticaceae). Muséum d‘Histoire Naturelle, Paris 9: 1–400, pl. I–XII. Journal of Japanese Botany 59, 5: 129–142. Weddell HA. 1869. Urticaceae. In: De Candolle A (ed), Prodromus systema- Yahara T. 1984b. A correction for a combination in Boehmeria. Journal of tis naturalis regni vegetabilis, vol. 16, 1: 32–23564. Masson & fils, Paris. Japanese Botany 59, 10: 320. Wight R. 1843. Icones Plantarum Indiae Orientalis. Vol. 2, Part 4. Pharoa Yahara T. 1986. Distribution of sexual and agamous populations of Boeh- for the author, Madras. meria silvestrii and its three relatives (Urticaceae). Journal of Japanese Wilmot-Dear CM. 2009. Urticaceae for the non-specialist: identification in Botany 59: 121–132. the Flora Malesiana region, Indochina and Thailand. Blumea 54: 233–241. Yahara T. 1990. Evolution of agamospermous varieties in Boehmeria & Eu­ Wilmot-Dear CM, Acharya N, Kravtsova TI, Friis I. 2009. Pouzolzia rugulosa patorium. Plant Species Biology, Kyoto 5: 183–196. transferred from Boehmeria, and the distinction between Boehmeria and Yamamoto Y. 1932. Observationes ad Floram Formosanum, II. Journal of Pouzolzia (Urticaceae). Edinburgh Journal of Botany 66: 51–64. the Society of Tropical Agriculture, Taihoku [Taipei] 4: 49–55. Wilmot-Dear CM, Friis I. 1996. The New World species of Boehmeria and Yang YP, Shih BL, Liu HY. 1996. Urticaceae. Flora of Taiwan ed. 2, Vol. 2: Pouzolzia (Urticaceae, tribus Boehmerieae). A taxonomic revision. Opera 197–257 and photographs on p. 785–790. National Science Council of Botanica 129: 1–103. the Republic of China, Taipei. Wilmot-Dear CM, Friis I. 1998. Cypholophus decipiens (Urticaceae): Taxon­ Ying SS. 1988. Coloured illustrated Flora of Taiwan [Chinese title: Taiwan omy and range of a species often misplaced in Boehmeria. Kew Bulletin gao deng zhi wu cai se tu zhi : han yin jin zhong; text in Chinese, except 53, 4: 919–927. for Latin scientific names]. Vol. 3, Hamamelidales to Tamaricales. Zhong Wilmot-Dear CM, Friis I. 2006. The Old World species of Pouzolzia (Urtica­ wen ban, Taipei. ceae, tribus Boehmerieae). A taxonomic revision. Nordic Journal of Botany Zollinger H. 1854. Systematisches Verzeichniss der im indischen Archipel in 24, 1: 5–115. den Jahren 1842–1848 gesammelten sowie der aus Japan empfangenen Wilmot-Dear CM, Friis I. 2010. Cypholophus anisoneurus comb. nov. - an Pflanzen. Kiesling, Zürich. endemic species of Urticaceae from Vanuatu and Solomon Islands hitherto misplaced in Boehmeria. Nordic Journal of Botany 28: 285–287.

IdentiFIcation list

Only c. 4 200 collections are included in this list. Old collections without reasonably clear indication of collector and/or number have been left out, except where a collection is clearly identified by number alone or when a collector has apparently only made one unnumbered collection of Boehmeria. Where a taxon was very well represented from a given locality, not all collections were recorded, but all identified material was provided with ‘determinavit’ labels. In the case of a mixed collection or where duplicates with reasonably complete material of the same collection were identified to different taxa, this is clearly indicated below. The abbreviations behind the collectors’ numbers refer to the following names in Boehmeria: bey = B. beyeri holx = B. holosericea – presumed hybrids lis = B. listeri cli-cli = B. clidemioides var. clidemioides with other taxa mul = B. multiflora cli-dif = B. clidemioides var. diffusa jap-int-js = B. japonica – intermediates be- our = B. ourantha cli-int-cd = B. clidemioides – intermediates tween var. japonica and var. silves- pen = B. penduliflora between var. clidemioides and var. trii pil-int-ps = B. pilosiuscula – intermediates diffusa jap-int-jst = B. japonica – intermediates between between var. pilosiuscula and var. cli-int-cu = B. clidemioides – intermediates var. japonica, var. silvestrii and var. suffruticosa between var. clidemioides and var. tenera pil-pil = B. pilosiuscula var. pilosiuscula umbrosa jap-int-jt = B. japonica – intermediates between pil-suf = B. pilosiuscula var. suffruticosa cli-umb = B. clidemioides var. umbrosa var. japonica and var. tenera ply = B. polystachya con = B. conica jap-int-st = B. japonica – intermediates between rug = B. rugosissima den-bon = B. densiflora var. boninensis var. silvestrii and var. tenera rug-vir = intermediate between B. rugosis­ den-den = B. densiflora var. densiflora jap-jap = B. japonica var. japonica sima and B. virgata var. virgata (see dep = B. depauperata jap-sil = B. japonica var. silvestrii Note 3 under B. rugosissima) did = B. didymogyne jap-ten = B. japonica var. tenera sia = B. siamensis gra = B. grandis japx = B. japonica – presumed hybrids sib-fuz = B. sieboldiana var. fuzhouensis ham = B. hamiltoniana between B. japonica and unknown sib-int-sf = B. sieboldiana – intermediates hel = B. helferi species between var. sieboldiana and var. het-blu = B. heterophylla var. blumei japxsib = B. japonica and B. sieboldiana – pre- fuzhouensis het-het = B. heterophylla var. heterophylla sumed hybrids between these two sib-sib = B. sieboldiana var. sieboldiana het-int-hb = B. heterophylla – intermediates species sp.indet. = unidentified material from the island between var. heterophylla and var. kur = B. kurzii of New Guinea, possibly represent- blumei lan = B. lanceolata ing new taxa of Boehmeria hol = B. holosericea lep = B. leptostachya spg = B. splitgerbera 210 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013 spgx = B. splitgerbera – presumed hybrids vir-int-mm = B. virgata – intermediates between vir-max = B. virgata var. maxima with other species var. macrostachya and var. miniticy- vir-min = B. virgata var. minuticymosa sub = B. subintegra mosa vir-mol = B. virgata var. molliuscula ter-int-tk = B. ternifolia – intermediates be- vir-int-msc = B. virgata – intermediates between vir-rot = B. virgata var. rotundifolia tween var. ternifolia and var. kamley var. macrostachya and var. scabrella vir-sca = B. virgata var. scabrella ter-kam = B. ternifolia var. kamley vir-int-r = B. virgata – intermediates between vir-str = B. virgata var. strigosa ter-ter = B. ternifolia var. ternifolia var. rotundifolia and other varieties vir-sum = B. virgata var. sumatrana tsa = B. tsaratananensis vir-int-st = B. virgata – intermediates closest to vir-tom = B. virgata var. tomentosa vir-aus = B. virgata var. austroqueenslandica var. strigosa vir-vel = B. virgata var. velutina vir-can = B. virgata var. canescens vir-int-vm = B. virgata – intermediates between vir-vir = B. virgata var. virgata vir-int-dgst = B. virgata – intermediates between var. virgata and var. maxima zol-int-zp = B. zollingeriana – intermediates var. densiglomerata and var. stri­ vir-int-vv = B. virgata – intermediates between between var. zollingeriana and var. gosa var. virgata and var. velutina podocarpa vir-int-m = B. virgata – intermediates closest vir-lon = B. virgata var. longissima zol-pod = B. zollingeriana var. podocarpa to var. macrostachya vir-mac = B. virgata var. macrostachya zol-zol = B. zollingeriana var. zollingeriana

1984 Sino-American Expedition 691: vir-int-r – 1996 Gaoligong Shan Expedi- 7607: vir-mol – Chen KY 1281: niv – Chen LH 92386: zol-zol – Chen S tion 46: cli-cli – 1997 Gaoligong Shan Expedition 8249: cli-cli. 451: jap-jap; 603: niv; 719: niv; 786: niv; 805: jap-jap; 1632: jap-jap; 1696: Abbe et al. 9317: zol-zol – Abeba 41421: vir-sca – Adam 26271: vir-mol jap-jap; 1865: jap-jap; 1913: niv; 1996: niv; 2096: cli-int-cd; 2101: jap-jap; – Ahmad & Scolek 568: niv – Akayama et al. 2010093: ter-ter – Akogo 2236: sib-fuz; 2276: niv; 2450: jap-jap; 3611: jap-int-js; 3637: jap-jap; 3803: 19: vir-mol – Alcasid & Edano 5279: het-het – Alcasid et al. PNH5279: jap-jap; 3820: jap-ten; 3920: jap-ten; 3972: niv; 3973: niv; 4019: niv; 4048: het-het – Alsterund 29: sia – Alston 13624: cli-int-cd; 14489: dep; 15662: niv; 4234: niv; 4343: sib-int-sf; 4363: sib-int-sf; 4383: niv; 4425: niv – Chen vir-vir – Amano T 7337: yae – Amoroso 2085: rug – Anderson 869: ham; SH 13260: vir-str; 15988: sib-sib – Chen SQ 14808: vir-dgl – Chen YF 1900: 901: vir-sca; 4636: dep – Ando 605: den-den – Andrianantoanima 343: den-den; 3530: sib-sib; 4466: den-den; 4932: den-den; 4936: zol-pod; 7773: tsa – Antilahimena 379: vir-mol – Aressitt 1120: lan – Ariyanti NSW604045: niv; 15123: jap-ten – Chen YJ 15123: jap-ten – Cheng WC 201: jap-ten; dep; NSW604046: dep – Arnott 959: vir-mac – Arsin 19493: rug – Asano 222: niv; 5035: niv; 5827: niv – Cheo & Wilson 12737: jap-jap – Cheo HC K 22315: jap-ten – Atho et al. NY-HN41: vir-int-dgst – Attie 25: vir-mol – 296: niv; 18264: niv; 18427: niv – Cherian 106140: vir-int-msc – Chevalier Averyanoi 39: cli-int-cd. 15043: vir-mol – Chew RSNH234: vir-vir – Chew HF 110560: jap-jap – Chew Backer 3650: cli-int-cd; 5729: our; 25313: cli-int-cd; 36917: zol-zol; 37322: WL 1279: cli-int-cd – Chiao 2921: jap-jap – Chiao CY 2737: jap-ten; 2921: zol-zol; 37323: cli-int-cd; 37686: cli-int-cd – Baker 985: het-int-hb – Bal- jap-jap; 14250: jap-jap; 14329: jap-ten – Chien 6050: cli-umb – Chin SC akrishnan 10952: dep – Balansa 592: niv; 594: pen; 595: vir-str; 2491: 3447: vir-vir – Chin SH 13260: vir-str – China-Germany Joint Exp. 1766: niv; 2492: niv; 2495: niv; 2496: niv; 2497: niv; 2498: niv; 2499: niv; 2500: niv – Ching RC 1627: jap-jap; 2028: jap-jap; 2235: cli-dif; 2388: niv; 3184: niv; 2502: cli-int-cd; 2503: cli-int-cd; 2506: niv; 2507: zol-int-zp; 2514: dep; niv; 4888: jap-jap; 5035: niv; 5478: vir-str; 6385: vir-str; 7066: pen; 8469: 2520: pen; 2521: pen; 2523: vir-int-r; 2524: vir-int-r – Baldwin 9618: vir- jap-jap; 8472: jap-ten; 8600: jap-int-jt; 8606: jap-int-jt; 25410: sib-sib – mol – Bamps 4183: vir-mol – Banlugan 72522: niv – Barber 3064: vir-lon Chinghai-Tibet Exp. 2775: ply – Chock 9A: gra; 935: gra; 971: gra – Choi – Barbon PPI12896: mul; PPI12931: mul; PPI22681: den-den – Barchet HH 71: jap-ten – Chong K 110: pil-suf – Chou ZL 150: jap-ten – Chow 80305: 606: jap-int-js – Barclay et al. 2242: ter-ter – Barnett 319: vir-mol – Baron niv – Chow & Wan 79056: vir-str; 79124: jap-jap; 79126: vir-str – Chow 779: vir-mol; 1933: vir-mol; 3197: vir-mol; 3684: vir-mol; 3740: vir-mol – HC 1407: jap-ten – Chow HF 109645: jap-jap; 110560: jap-jap; 110948: Bartlett 357: niv; 6095: jap-int-jst; 7560: dep; 7566: dep; 7908: rug; 14275: jap-sil – Chow KS 88: jap-jap; 78100: niv; 78251: niv; 80305: niv – Chow het-int-hb; 14278: het-int-hb; 14819: het-het – Bartlett et al. 357: niv; 1155: KS et al. 78100: niv; 78251: niv – Christophersen 63: rug; 741: vir-vir; 987: vir-mol – Bathie 9972: tsa – Beauchamp 1173: den-den – Beccari 281: vir-vir; 1425: gra; 2018: vir-vir; 2022: vir-vir; 2683: vir-vir; 3070: vir-vir; 3702: rug – Beddome 87: dep; 7592: vir-int-msc – Bedi R 680: ply – Belcher 573: gra – Chu KL 3135: cli-umb; 3346: cli-umb – Chui ZQ 8111,025: niv – Chun cli-dif; 598: vir-rot; 599: vir-int-r; 657: cli-dif – Bernardi 14950: gra; 15019: SH 12927: pen; 15988: sib-sib – Chun WY 6181: den-den; 6779: den-den; gra; 15182: gra – Betche 37237: vir-aus – Beumee 846: rug – Beyer 266: 8232: jap-int-jt – Chun WY & Chien SS 8170: jap-int-jt – Chunet 787: jap- jap-ten; 13540: bey – Bhatt 193: vir-int-msc – Bhuttacharya 21283: ter-ter sil; 1246: jap-ten – Chung HH 1044: niv; 2448: niv; 2798: sib-fuz; 2842: – Bidgood 2832: vir-mol – Billiet 588: gra – Bis Ram 359: ter-ter; 110359: jap-jap; 3672: jap-jap – Chung IC 4256: niv – Clarke 46: our; 101: den-den; ter-ter – Biswas K 3846: ham – Blackburn 146: vir-mol – Blake 15817: vir- 5207: pen; 7264: our; 7368: our; 8925B: vir-int-msc; 8925C: vir-int-msc; aus – Bloembergen 4333: vir-vir; 4394: vir-vir; 4690: vir-vir – Blume 12798: 8998C: cli-dif; 9072B: vir-int-msc; 9072D: vir-int-msc; 9080A: pen; 9307B: spg – Bodinier 530: den-den; 560: den-den; 919: niv; 1452: den-den; 1649: vir-int-m; 12349B: cli-cli; 12555B: ter-ter; 12565F: ter-ter; 12589D: pen; jap-jap; 1715: cli-int-cd – Bodner 145: den-den; 228: niv; 253: niv – Boeea 13029: ter-kam; 13126A: dep; 13176B: vir-int-mm; 13222: ham; 13318A: 6484: niv – Boivin 1103: vir-mol; 1104: gra; 3115: vir-mol – Bon 1761: vir- cli-cli; 16226A: ham; 16634: our; 18899A: cli-cli; 19262: our; 21896B: ply; int-mm; 2777: vir-str; 4012: niv; 4227: niv – Bor 249: ter-ter; 20875: ham; 21917: pen; 23528A: vir-int-mm; 23803: vir-int-mm; 24947B: ham; 26242: 20882: vir-mac; 20983: cli-int-cd – Borhidi 85235: vir-mol; 86183: vir-mol; ply; 26242B: ply; 26467B: ply; 26467C: ply; 26736B: ply; 26736C: ply; 87032: vir-mol – Bosser 7362: pen; 18912: vir-mol; 20839: vir-mol; 20880: 26748A: ter-int-tk; 26930B: cli-cli; 27174B: cli-cli; 27246B: ham; 31713B: gra; 21456: gra – Boufford 25235: den-den – Bourbon et al. PPI1546: pen; 33684: vir-int-msc; 34129: vir-mac; 35022B: ter-ter; 35022E: ter-ter; het-blu – Bourdy 108: vir-vir – Bowes Lyon 96: ter-ter; 9126: ter-kam – 35184E: ter-ter; 36256E: vir-int-msc; 36583B: ham; 36661: pen; 38730: Boyce 842: pen – Brass 16057: vir-mol; 23704: sub; 23806: sub; 27469: ter-ter; 41409: ter-ter; 41530: pen; 43084: cli-dif; 44228F: our; 44994B: pen; sp.indet. – Bretschneider 77/654: jap-ten – Brinkman 612: cli-int-cd; 745: 45471A: vir-int-r – Clason-Laarman 35: zol-pod; 48: cli-int-cd; 84: zol-pod; vir-vir – Brooks 375: jap-sil; 377: jap-sil – Brown-Henry 585: vir-vir – Brug- 192: cli-int-cd – Class of 1958 2437: lep – Class of 1960 634: dep – Cleg- geman 153: rug – Brummitt 9377: vir-mol – Bryan 170: vir-vir – BSI 25147: horn 1856: zol-zol – Clemens 4238: den-den; 5811: bey; 6595: het-int-hb; cli-int-cd – Bullock 608: vir-int-mm; 779: vir-int-mm; 891: pen – Bunchuai 7262: mul; 16282: mul; 17642: het-blu; 26400: cli-int-cd; 26400A: cli-int-cd; 1203: niv – Bunnemeyer 4828: vir-sum; 7947: cli-int-cd; 8122: rug; 11132: 27344: dep; 29612: dep; 42937: vir-aus; 51879: bey – Clutton-Brock 367: vir-vir; 11248: vir-vir; 11307: vir-vir; 11813: vir-vir; 12356: vir-vir; 12487: vir-mol – Coert 38,39: dep – Collett 308: ter-ter; 565: ter-ter; 658: vir-mac; vir-vir – Burkill 171: our; 34065: pen – Burley 35: mul; 3894: vir-vir; 3991: 922: zol-pod – Collins 1425: niv – Colville Barclay 1196: gra – Commerson vir-vir – Buwalda 3689: vir-vir; 3755: vir-vir. 675: vir-mol – Conklin PNH16773: het-het; PNH19213: het-het – Conklin Cabalion 2521: vir-vir – Caille 14861: vir-mol – Calder et al. 1601: dep – Can- & Buwaya 78688: den-den; 78718: niv – Conklin et al. 2553: mul – Conn ton Ch. Coll. 12386: vir-dgl – Carles 159: jap-ten – Carlquist 1888: gra – Carr & Solomon 4118: den-den – Coode 4167: gra; 4348: vir-mol – Cooke 136: 13931: sub; 15046: sub; 15315: sub; 15443: sub; 16100: sub – Carvalhu niv – Cooper 1205: ter-kam; 1564: ply; 2786: ply; 3281: vir-rot; 5976: our; 4453: vir-mol – Cavalerie 4381: vir-int-r – Celestino PNH7833: den-den; 5976A: our – Corbisier 1567: vir-mol – Cours 3621: tsa – Coveney 10556: PNH7951: mul – Chan FRI19929: dep – Chan KY 1281: niv – Chand TR vir-aus; 10570: vir-aus; NSW152202: vir-aus; NSW152203: vir-aus – Cowan 512: ham; 2165: ham; 2347: vir-sca; 2574: ham; 2620: dep; 2774: pen; 18: gra; 679: gra; 200D: vir-int-msc – Cox 197: vir-vir – Cox et al. 551: 3354: cli-int-cd; 3752: vir-mac; 4598: dep; 4752: pen; 4893: vir-mac; 5582: ter-ter – Cramer 103: dep – Cribb 11294: vir-tom – Croat 32227: vir-mol – dep; 5754: our; 7508: ter-ter; 8015: vir-mac; 8145: cli-dif – Chang CE 14633: Crosby 2034: gra – Crosby et al. 1835: gra – Cuming 1561: het-het; 2311: den-den – Chantaranathai 90,452: vir-min; 90,462: zol-zol – Chapman niv – Cuong NM 150: vir-dgl. 2833: vir-mol – Charette 1373: jap-ten – Charoenphol 512: ham; 4571: niv Da Yao Shan Team 10068: cli-dif; 13815: cli-cli – Danser 5911: rug; 6606: – Chase 424: vir-mol; 7135: vir-mol; 8226: vir-mol; 19217: vir-mol – Chaud vir-vir; 6702: cli-int-cd – Dao DD 842: con – Daramola et al. FRI67450: 2611: vir-int-msc; 3320: vir-int-msc; 8037: vir-int-msc – Chautaranothai vir-tom – David 861: jap-jap – Davis NGF596: vir-vel – Davis A & l 596: vir- 1344: dep – Cheatham 167: niv – Cheek 5402: vir-mol; 5848: vir-mol; vel – Dawe 423: vir-mol – Dayaoshan Team 10068: cli-dif; 10504: jap-jap; C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 211

11648: niv – De Haas 2344: vir-rot; 2886: sia – De Konig 7384: vir-mol – De Gaerlan PPI2587: rug; PPI2690: vir-int-vm; PPI3234: rug; PPI9903: zol-pod; la Batlue 9972: tsa – De Nere 157: vir-mol – De Vogel 2500: vir-vir; 2784: PPI13234: mul; PPI26686: mul – Gaerlan et al. PPI23226: vir-vir – Gagne dep; 6920: vir-vir; 6922: vir-vir – De Voogd 2466: pil-pil; 2609: vir-vir; 2840: 1134: vir-vir; 1341: vir-vir; 1366: vir-vir – Gamble 190: pil-pil; 906B: ply; vir-vir – De Vriese 1: vir-vir; 12: our; 42: pil-pil; 49: cli-cli; 2097: our – De 1080: ply; 1192A: vir-sca; 1194A: vir-min; 1194B: vir-min; 1196A: ter-kam; Wilde 3443: vir-tom – Degener 8695: gra; 8696: gra; 11819: gra; 13536: 1199B: pen; 1200B: dep; 1201E: dep; 4826A: vir-mac; 6746A: dep; 7006: vir-vir; 14327: vir-vir; 15008: vir-vir; 15337: vir-vir; 19729: gra; 20805: gra; ter-ter; 7103: ply; 7379: vir-int-mm; 7575: pen; 7921: ham; 9034: vir-mac; 21588: gra; 27462: gra; 31521: gra; 31522: gra – Deighton 4540: vir-mol – 9777: ham; 12056: vir-lon; 12403: vir-lon; 15482: dep; 15934: vir-int-mm; Deka 5233: pen – Deki 18322: ter-ter – Delavay 3070: pen; 4010: sib-sib; 16981: niv; 18543: vir-mac; 24628: vir-mac; 26635: ter-ter – Gao XP 50914: 4230: niv; 4542: cli-int-cd; 5182: cli-int-cd – den Hoed 3189: rug – Denker vir-str – Garber 484: gra – Garcia PNH35020: mul – Gardner 819: pil-pil; 103: cli-int-cd – Descoings 12520: vir-mol – Deyener 14327: vir-vir; 15008: 5869: niv; 9484: vir-int-vv – Garrett 238: zol-int-zp; 684: our; 1091: cli-int-cd; vir-vir – Dickason 6597: zol-zol – Dickins 1378: spg – Dilmy 1049: zol-zol; 1316: dep – Gaudichaud 447: vir-sca; 448: vir-mac; 449: vir-sca – Geesink 1116: vir-vir – Djamhari 21: rug – Dobremez 53: ter-ter; 244: ter-ter; 565: 6203: our – Geesink et al. 7428: lep; 8042: sia – Gereau 4146: vir-mol; 4277: vir-rot; 661: vir-int-msc; 673: pen; 801: vir-rot; 895: ter-ter; 2170: ter-ter; vir-mol – Gibbs 7657: niv – Gilbert Rogers 361: ham; 715: vir-mol – Gill 121: 2263: ter-ter; 2364: vir-int-msc – Doi Yoshio 14: sib-sib – Dolis Tadong vir-int-msc – Gillespie 2753: vir-vir; 2833: vir-vir; 2916: vir-vir; 3945: vir-vir; 250: dep – Dolmis Soibeh 227: dep – Dorr 2775: vir-mol – Dorzeli 130: 4036: vir-vir; 4696: vir-vir – Gillett 1916: gra – Goaligong Shan Expedition vir-vir; 255: vir-vir; 305: vir-vir – Doumenge 499: vir-mol – Du & Kao 9387: 1997 8548: pen – Goldsmith 45/62: vir-mol – Grant 3672: vir-vir; 3871: zol-pod – Du et al. HNK2800: lan – Ducloux 687: cli-umb; 755: cli-int-cd; vir-vir; 4119: vir-vir; 4224: vir-vir; 5447: niv; 7468: gra – Greatrex 220,38: 788: niv – Dummer 797: vir-tom; 3102: vir-mol; 3191: vir-tom; 5594: vir- sib-sib – Gressitt 261: den-den; 276: sib-sib; 299: zol-pod; 372: niv; 1120: mol – Dunn 4368: jap-ten – Duthie 3377: ply; 4406: vir-int-msc; 10570: lan; 1476: jap-jap; 2276: sib-sib – Gressitt et al. 276: sib-sib – Grey-Wilson vir-int-mm; 24955: ter-ter. 4379: ply – Grey-Wilson et al. 271: ter-ter – Grierson & Long 1456: dep; Eberhardt 3244: niv; 3289: vir-str – Edaño PNH6621: het-blu; PNH11493: 1524: dep; 1682: vir-can; 1699: dep; 3306: dep; 3428: pen; 3493: ham; het-het; PNH11524: het-int-hb; PNH11842: dep; PNH17838: het-blu; 3782: dep; 3930: dep; 4508: pen – Grierson et al. 453: ter-kam; 1078: ter- PNH17884: het-blu; PNH17906: mul; PNH17920: het-blu; PNH17955: ter; 2682: ter-kam; 3360: vir-int-msc – Griffith 141: vir-int-msc; 142: cli-dif; het-het; PNH18039: het-het; PNH19876: het-het; PNH41753: het-het; 1303: pen; 2582: ham; 4555: pen; 4555A: con; 4556: ham; 4557: ter-ter; PNH48666: het-het – Edaño et al. 38545: het-int-hb – Edgeworth 167: ter- 4558: vir-int-msc; 4560: ham; 4561: dep; 4562: cli-cli; 4564: niv; 4590B: ter; 174: vir-int-msc; 175: ter-ter – Eggeling 375G: vir-mol; E2264: vir-mol ham – Grimble 7575: pen – Guang KJ 1636: niv – Guizhou Team 1641: – Elbert 305: vir-vir; 839: cli-int-cd; 841: pil-pil; 1032: vir-vir; 1386: cli-int-cd; vir-str – Guo YH 376: jap-sil – Gustafson 1758: gra – Gutiemez PNH78071: 1473: cli-int-cd; 2649: vir-vir; 2726: vir-vir; 2800: vir-vir; 2847: vir-vir; 3024: het-int-hb; PNH78034: het-het. vir-vir – Elliott 1191: den-den – Elmer 4275: mul; 6656: het-blu; 10520: Haines 6: sia; 408: pen; 499: vir-int-mm; 597: ply; 797: ter-kam; 929: cli-dif; dep; 11306: vir-vir; 13326: het-int-hb; 14275: mul; 14804: het-het; 15627: 987: ham; 995: vir-int-mm; 1066: dep; 2309: vir-int-mm; 2503: sia; 2831: vir- het-het; 21130: dep; 21976: mul; 22252: mul – English 13: sia – Enoh 250: mac; 3558: vir-mac; 4420: vir-int-msc; 4422: vir-mac; 5068: vir-mac; 5138: rug – Escarre 460: vir-mol – Esquirol 3734: vir-str; 6751: pen – Eyma 170: vir-int-mm; 5139: pen – Hall 254: vir-mol – Halle 2037: vir-vir; 5875: vir-mol; cli-int-cd; 1540: vir-vir; 1948: vir-vir; 2335: dep; 3322: vir-vir. 7433: vir-vir – Hallier 252: rug; 401: rug; 609: rug; 2935: dep – Hance 393: Faber 427: vir-dgl; 431: cli-int-cd; 383187: sib-sib – Falconer 988: cli-dif – den-den – Hancock 22: niv; 375: cli-cli; 462: con – Handel-Mazzetti 4882: Fan & Li 67: jap-jap; 217: jap-ten; 461: niv – Fang 2641: cli-umb – Fang cli-int-cd; 5238: pen; 5619: our; 9340: cli-umb; 11187: niv; 12329: cli-int-cu; WP 5776: cli-dif – Fanshawe 4014: vir-mol; 4404: vir-tom; 5631: vir-mol – 12332: jap-jap; 12540: sib-fuz – Hansen et al. 12982: dep – Hara et al. Farges 56: jap-int-jt; 608: jap-ten – Faure 906: sib-sib; 908: sib-sib; 2044: 69107: ter-ter; 6307103: ham; 6307104: pen; 6307111: pen; 6307113: vir- sib-sib – Faurie 395: den-den; 397: den-den; 398: den-den; 473: den-den; mac; 6307119: vir-int- msc; 6307121: vir-mac; 6307122: vir-mac; 6307124: 474: den-den; 501: gra; 763: jap-sil; 910: niv; 911: hol; 1052: zol-pod; 1117: vir-mac; 6307132: vir-int-mm – Harder 5879: zol-zol; 5943: niv; 5944: niv spg; 1195: niv; 2021: niv; 2344: jap-int-jt; 2345: jap-jap; 2346: jap-sil; 2347: – Harley 1540: vir-mol – Harrison 220a: gra – Hashimoto G 74: sib-sib – jap-jap; 2348: jap-jap; 2349: spg; 2350: jap-jap; 2616: hol; 4178: jap-int- Hatusima 7: sib-sib; 7a: sib-sib; 19C: jap-jap; 21: hol; 25: hol; 16466: hol; st; 6499: niv; 8109: den-den; 8157: zol-pod; 8205: sib-sib; 8413: zol-pod; 17337: den-den; 17818: sib-sib; 19879: sib-sib; 24563: yae; 25535: jap-jap; 11484: niv; 12057: niv – Fay 7040: vir-mol – Fei LF S813-42: jap-ten – Fenix 82235: hol – Hatusima et al. 25493: sib-sib; 27833: sib-sib – Hayakawa’s BS3574: het-int-hb; BS12731: het-het; BS15789: vir-vir; BS26086: het-int- coll. 1144: jap-ten – HB 5326: vir-vir – Hedren 325: vir-tom – Helfer 125: hb; BS28029: het-het; BS28030: sib-sib; BS28042: het-int-hb – Fernandez hel; 4561: dep; 4584: hel; 4585: hel – Heller 2436: gra; 2906: gra – Henan 134: dep – Fields 46: our – Fischer 1667: dep; 1826: niv – Florence 2222: Team 949: jap-ten; 34208: jap-sil – Henderson 22313: dep – Heng Li 11619: vir-vir; 2910: vir-vir; 2923: vir-vir; 3374: vir-vir; 3669: vir-vir; 3854: vir-vir; pen – Hennipman 3035: cli-dif – Henry 15: niv; 33: pil-suf; 184: den-den; 4804: vir-vir; 5047: vir-vir; 6751: vir-vir; 8181: vir-vir; 10660: vir-vir – Flores 187: sib-sib; 390: zol-pod; 468: zol-pod; 468E: zol-pod; 483: niv; 1293: sib- et al. 74: tsa – Floret 815: vir-mol – Flynn 2311: gra – Flynn & Flynn 318: sib; 1692: cli-dif; 1808: jap-sil; 2049: jap-jap; 2159: niv; 2924: cli-dif; 3215: vir-vir – Forbes 50: gra; 50K: gra; 134: gra; 252: gra; 297: gra; 403: gra; 557: cli-dif; 4274: cli-dif; 4622: sib-sib; 4692: jap-ten; 4778: jap-ten; 4878: niv; gra; 557K: gra; 702: our; 867: gra; 892: our; 1114: rug; 2400: gra; 2526: gra; 6150: jap-jap; 6258: jap-ten; 7033: jap-jap; 9063: pen; 9063A: pen; 9063D: 3911: cli-int-cd – Ford 33: zol-pod; 34: den-den; 107: sib-sib; 173: vir-sca; 177: vir-str; 1892: vir-sca – Forrest 7681: pen; 7991: our; 8311: cli-cli; 8506: pen; 9792A: cli-cli; 9792B: cli-cli; 9792C: cli-cli; 10736: cli-int-cd; 11247: niv; our; 8539: cli-cli; 8803: niv; 8834: pen; 10971: niv; 11986: pen; 12255: sia; 11611: sia; 12070: con; 12262: cli-dif; 12262A: cli-int-cd; 12262B: cli-int-cd; 15885: cli-dif; 18457: cli-cli; 22105: cli-int-cd; 24801: pil-pil; 24851: vir-rot; 12303: our; 12353: ham; 12370: pil-suf; 12371: vir-int-r; 12540: pen; 12541: 27996: pen – Forster PIF30504: vir-aus – Forsyth 255: niv – Fortune 85: zol-zol; 12542: niv; 12795: cli-cli; 12896: dep; 13189: zol-zol – Henry BC jap-jap – Fosberg 3833: niv; 8950: gra; 9563: gra; 9613: gra; 9755: gra; 51: pil-suf – Hepper 5373: vir-tom – Herat et al. 500: gra – Herb. Madras 10261: gra; 11486: vir-vir; 37229: niv; 37538: sib-sib; 37714: niv; 37912: 5705: dep – Herb. Soc. Host 1839: vir-mac – Herb. Univ. Imp. Tokyo 3523: sib-sib; 53220: pil-pil; 60988: vir-vir – Frake PNH37958: het-blu – Franck sib-sib – Herbst 1168: gra; 1876: gra; 2103: gra; 6033: gra – Hiep 643K: C.W. 617: cli-dif – Friedmann 445: pen; 454: vir-mol; 563: gra; 673: gra; dep; 3552: niv; 3863: niv – Hiep NT et al. 130: lan; 134: lan; 431: vir-int- 983: vir-mol; 1032: vir-mol – Friedmann in Bernardi 14951: vir-mol – Friis dgst; 638: lan; NY-HN431: vir-str – Higashiro 10379: gra – Hildebrandt 2599: vir-mol; 4062: vir-mol; 7134: vir-mol – Fu GY 2201: pil-suf – Fuertes 1664: vir-mol – Hillebrand 8: gra; 164: gra – Hiroe 164,13: jap-sil; 1100: PPI37442: vir-int-vv; PPI38636: het-blu – Fukuoka L-65178: niv – Fuku- jap-ten; 5853: sib-sib; 6236: jap-sil; 6448: jap-jap; 6459: niv; 7265: jap-ten; yama 62: zol-pod; 1548: den-den – Furuse 763: niv; 1263: yae; 1291: 7331: holx; 7337: holx; 7721: jap-ten; 12027: jap-jap; 12662: jap-sil; 12992: niv; 1325: niv; 1536: niv; 1633: niv; 2592: niv; 2682: niv; 3194: yae; 3199: jap-ten; 13301: spg; 14229: jap-jap; 14286: niv; 14288: jap-sil; 14650: jap- yae; 3231: niv; 3258: niv; 3433: sib-sib; 3790: sib-sib; 4148: yae; 4213: sil; 14813: holx; 16391: niv; 16420: jap-ten; 18234: jap-ten – Hisauti K 4: yae; 4334: sib-sib; 4743: den-den; 5404: den-den; 5537: den-den; 5628: sib-sib; 45811: spg – Ho YY 325: niv; 642: sib-int-sf; 647: niv; 1322: niv; den-den; 6714: jap-sil; 9843: jap-jap; 9844: jap-jap; 10013: jap-jap; 10054: 1381: jap-jap; 1577: niv – Hochreutiner 1295: our; 1427: cli-int-cd; 2097: jap-jap; 11165: den-bon; 11655: jap-jap; 11844: jap-int-jst; 11936: sib-sib; our; 1448: pil-pil – Holmes H. 1429: vir-mol – Holstvoogd 133: vir-sca; 12034: sib-sib; 18781: niv; 18782: niv; 18783: jap-ten; 19562: jap-int-jt; 177: pil-pil – Homsombath & Newman 1445: zol-zol – Homsombath et al. 21652: jap-jap; 21688: jap-ten; 26631: sib-sib; 26669: spg; 26859: jap-int-jt; 1384: pen – Honan Team 949: jap-ten – Hoogland et al. 3988: sub; 4467: 26873: sib-sib; 28436: spg; 34818: jap-jap; 39444: sib-sib; 42615: jap-sil; sp.indet. – Hooker JD 530: dep; 583: vir-min – Hooker JD & Thomson 500: 42693: niv; 42694: niv; 42889: hol; 42917: jap-jap; 43371: sib-sib; 43404: dep; 530: dep; 1378: vir-sca – Hooper et al. 914: vir-mol – Horlyck et al. sib-sib; 45315: sib-sib; 45347: sib-sib; 45892: sib-sib; 45905: sib-sib; 45994: TZ367: vir-mol – Hosaka et al. 664: gra; 1191: gra; 2372: gra – Hosokawa sib-sib; 46102: niv; 46103: spgx; 46104: spgx; 46138: spg; 46161: jap-jap; 1639: den-den; 1640: zol-pod – Hosseus 445: sia – Hotta & Inamasu 60: 47060: japxsib; 47153: spg; 47171: jap-jap; 47295: spgx; 47322: jap-jap; jap-sil – Hou XX 1193: jap-int-st – How FC 71558: niv; 71562: niv; 72249: 47976: jap-ten; 47977: jap-ten; 48008: jap-sil; 48122: jap-sil; 48327: sib-sib; sib-sib; 72365: pil-int-ps; 73998: niv – Hsia WY 1929: jap-sil – Hsieh & Wu 48328: jap-jap; 48433: sib-sib. 1438B: jap-int-st – Hsiung, Chang & Tsiang 31023: cli-umb – Hu HH 1696: 212 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

jap-ten – Hu SY 5444: den-den; 6169: niv; 7221: den-den; 8113: niv; 9595: jap-ten – Li XG 202635: sib-sib – Li YK 1591: our; 8526: niv; 400248: vir- niv; 9832: niv; 11643: den-den; 12382: niv – Hu YY 642: sib-int-sf – Hu dgl; 400526: jap-jap – Li ZH 1532: cli-dif – Li ZY 552: jap-jap – Li ZY et al. ZX 3502: cli-dif – Huang 4260: sib-sib – Huang C 595: con – Huang MX 209: niv – Li ZZ 1411: dep – Liang BH 83277: vir-str – Liang HY 61307: 112278: niv – Huang TC 2380: den-den; 5179: den-den; 8278: den-den; cli-int-cd – Liang QF & Wu DL 32013: sia – Liang XR 66060: niv – Liao 8777: zol-pod; 9178: den-den; 13104: pil-int-ps – Huang TC & SF 13104: FC 1480: zol-pod – Licent 2290: jap-sil; 2480: jap-ten; 7712: jap-jap – Lin pil-int-ps – Huang TC et al. 5179: den-den; 9178: den-den – Hugel 49: 769: zol-pod – Lin & Chen 502: den-den – Lin CH 555: pil-suf – Lin et al. vir-mac; 322: vir-int-msc – Humber 24500: tsa – Humblot 1521: vir-mol 352: den-den – Lin LY et al. 4: pil-suf – Lin Pi 6484: niv – Lin Rong 3009: – Hume 412: gra – Hutchinson et al. 72: vir-mol – Huter 171: vir-int-mm; vir-dgl – Lin SH 769: zol-pod – Lin XQ 26393: lan – Lin YT 11132: sib-fuz 277: pen; 408: pen. – Ling Y 13517: jap-jap – Liou KM 643: jap-ten; 4571: jap-sil; 4809: jap- Iboet 202: dep; 389: niv – In-Cho Chung 9789: jap-ten – Inokuma 55: jap- ten – Liou TN L1594: jap-ten – Lisowski 54227: vir-mol – Lister 99: lis – Liu ten – Inone 1580: den-den; 82235: hol – Ip NK 122: niv; 4790: jap-ten; 704: zol-pod – Liu & Keng K2784: zol-pod – Liu WX 679: vir-sca – Liu XX 7706: niv – Ishidayo 136: holx – Ishikawa 177: gra – Iwami 440: den-den 475: sib-sib; 28199: sib-sib – Loher 4948: den-den; 4951: den-den; 4960: – Iwatsuki 378: jap-ten; 461: rug; 464: rug; 1566: dep; 10950: vir-min; P933: het-blu; 4962: het-blu; 12487: het-blu – Long 3644: gra – Long et al. 789: het-het; T-9728: pil-suf – Iwatsuki et al. 378: jap-int-jt; 399: hol; 859: niv; pen; 944E: ter-kam; 969: vir-int-r – Loogen 2: cli-int-cd – Lorence 92: vir- 933: het-het; 1566: dep. mol; 1170: pen – Lorzing 425: cli-int-cd; 4770: rug; 5193: rug; 5526: dep; Jackson 890: vir-mol – Jacobi et al. 1569: gra – Jacqemont 617: vir-int-m; 8230: cli-cli; 11300: cli-int-cd – Louis et al. 1257: vir-mol – Lovett 11294: 782: ter-ter; 2449: vir-int-m – Jagarmani 490: dep – Janardhanan 76326: vir-tom – Lowe 3081: vir-mol – Lowry et al. 4084: tsa – Luchun Bot. Exp. vir-int-m – Jeffrey 19: vir-mol – Jeng YC 344: zol-pod – Jesimin Duaneh 574: con; 754: con – Ludlow et al. 6435: ply; 6498: ply; 7285: ham; 18509: 408: dep – Ji Ai Team 431/87: vir-dgl – Jiang L & Zhao CF 252: ply – Jiang con – Luke et al. 8175: vir-mol – Luo LB 132: vir-dgl; 191: jap-jap; 256: Y 10518: niv – Johansson 156: vir-vir – Johns NGF 7956: vir-vel – Jones niv – Lurbeck 28: rug – Lyon 1226: gra. 1173: vir-vir; 1587: vir-vir – Joseph 11297: vir-int-m – Juan 187: cli-dif; 521: Maas Geesteranus 6260: vir-mol – MacDaniels 65: gra; 840: gra; 1302: vir- vir-mac – Julien 15058: vir-mol – Junghuhn 2: vir-sum; 6: cli-int-cd; 507: vir; 1306: vir-vir; 1563: vir-vir; 1628: vir-vir; 1691: vir-vir; 1727: vir-vir; 1729: our – Jungthapa(?) 99: vir-int-mm. niv – MacGregor 648: our; 906: pen; 907: vir-min; 911: zol-int-zp; 1132: sia; Kajewski 1644: vir-vir – Kanai 1082: jap-sil – Kanai & Ono 764196: den-bon 1US: sia – Madias Herb. 16547: vir-lon – Madulid 7146: het-het; PPI25120: – Kanai et al. 1082: jap-sil; 764146: den-bon; 6307118: vir-rot; 6307120: den-den; PPI25172: den-den; PPI26686: mul – Madulid et al. PPI108658: vir-sca – Kanchai 430: sia – Kanehira et al. 13819: vir-vir – Kanjilal U niv – Magofuku T 282: sib-sib – Maheshwari 5044: vir-int-m – Mahyar 436: 1047: pen – Kano, Murata et al. 6307148: vir-can – Kao MT 7136: den- vir-max – Maire 746: cli-umb; 913: niv; 2343: cli-cli; 3508: niv – Maitland den; 7257: zol-pod; 9759: zol-pod; 10336: pil-int-ps – Kapoor 71740: vir- 602: vir-mol; 1273: vir-mol; 1362: vir-tom – Majumdar 150: pen; 308: ter- sca – Kaudern W 7: vir-vir; 293: vir-vir – Kautchai 186: our – Kawakami ter – Makino 116030: jap-jap; 116032: jap-jap; 116038: jap-int-jt; 116042: J 242: den-den – Keenan 3461: dep; 3637A: ply; 3675: dep – Keenan et jap-jap; 116061: jap-ten; 117357: jap-int-st; 117358: jap-int-st; 117361: al. 3461: dep; 3711: dep – Keng YL 549: jap-jap; 1575: jap-jap – Kerr 17: jap-jap; 119001: hol; 124664: spg; 124671: spg; 124674: spg; 124677: gra; 412-0: gra; 415-1: gra; 538: sia; 865: pen; 1738: dep; 2098L: sia; spg; 124695: niv; 124698: niv; 124699: niv; 124701: niv; 124704: niv; 2393: vir-int-msc; 2668: pen; 2703: vir-min; 2762: zol-zol; 3050: zol-zol; 124705: niv; 124708: niv; 124713: niv; 124725: niv; 124729: niv; 124759: 3431: niv; 4120: gra; 4760: pil-suf; 6344: our; 10186: zol-zol; 18299: dep niv; 124761: niv; 124762: niv; 124764: niv; 124777: jap-int-js; 124802: jap- – Kessler 312001: dep – Kew-Edinburgh Kathmandu Exp. KEKE897: ply; ten; 124809: jap-ten; 124817: jap-ten; 124833: jap-ten; 124837: jap-ten; KEKE1051: ply – King’s Collector 205: dep; 356: niv – Kingdom-Ward 124868: jap-ten; 124869: jap-ten; 124870: jap-ten; 124871: jap-ten; 124872: 3463: cli-dif; 13235: cli-cli; 17403: ter-ter; 17888: cli-cli; 17949: vir-int-msc; jap-ten; 124877: sib-sib; 124882: jap-sil – Malcomber 1482: vir-mol – Malla 20531: dep; 21251: vir-int-r; 21251A: cli-int-cd – Kinsun Bakia 465: dep – 6568: ter-ter – Mann 209: vir-mol – Mann & Brigham 397: gra – Manner Kitagawa et al. 379: sib-sib – Kiuk et al. 23990: niv – Kloss 49: rug; 135: & Street 272: het-int-hb – Manning 2007: vir-mol; 2175: vir-mol – Mao PY rug – Knig 205: niv – Kobayashi 243: sib-sib; 1795: spgx – Koelz 4018: 3046: vir-sca; 3210: con; 3337: con; 3410: con; 4210: con – Marriot 124: vir-int-msc; 23268: vir-mac; 25225: con; 25575: vir-int-msc; 25952: vir-mac; vir-int-msc – Martelino & Edano BS35288: het-het – Martin ex Bodineier 27360: dep; 31113A: vir-mac; 31296: vir-min; 32782: dep – Koense 324: 1715: cli-int-cu – Matsumoto FOK57597: jap-ten; FOK57603: jap-sil – cli-int-cd – Kojewski 1644: vir-vir – Kondo 2: den-bon – Konta 4090: pen; Matthew 264: jap-ten; 46489: vir-lon; 46880: dep – Matuda E 240: sib-sib; 18332: jap-sil; 18355: sib-sib; T29661: zol-int-zp – Koorders 29439: dep; 247: jap-jap – Maximowicz 14828: jap-jap – Maxwell 13940: sia; 69-1370: 14783B: dep; 15394B: dep; 21333B: dep; 23222B: cli-int-cd; 27127B: vir-min; 75-1022: dep; 76-683: dep; 87-613: our; 87-1043: pen; 88-1105: pil-pil; 29439B: dep; 29444B: vir-vir; 31831B: rug; 31929B: rug; 32371A: pil-int-ps; 89-37: dep; 89-117: vir-min; 89-148: sia; 89-516: sia; 91-209: sia; dep; 32371B: dep; 39439B: dep; 40615B: cli-int-cd; 42998B: cli-int-cd 91-1079: vir-min; 93-1008: vir-min; 93-1119: vir-min; 94-1122: niv; 94-1308: – Kornassi 723: vir-vir – Kostermans 2048: vir-vir; 6362: vir-vir; 6362A: niv; 95-776: vir-min; 95-871: vir-min; 95-1008: niv; 96-37: vir-min; 96-502: vir-vir; 18171: pil-pil; 19120: vir-vir; 22220: zol-zol – Kostermans et al. 4: sia; 97-250: dep; 97-918: pen; 97-962: pil-suf; 98-819: lan; 02-335: vir- pil-pil; 412: vir-vel – Kouta 18353: niv – Koyama 15354: sia; 15370: sia; min – Mayebara K 318: sib-sib; 2457: jap-jap; 2459: sib-sib; 2461: sib-sib; 32048: sia; T-31424: pil-suf; T-31703: pil-suf; T-39078: vir-min; T-39119: 2472: sib-sib; 2476: sib-sib; 2499: sib-sib; 3548: sib-sib – McClintock 147: vir-min; T-40104: vir-min; T-61608: vir-min; T-61609: pil-suf – Koyama et vir-tom – McClure 1787: niv; 3381: niv; 4068: niv; 7260: niv; 8001: niv; al. 3547: spg; 14270: den-den; 30456: zol-int-zp; 32048: sia – Krug 205: 8433: pil-suf; 8537: pil-int-ps; 9143: lan; 9146: lan; 9614: lan; 15994: het- niv; 573: jap-ten; 574: jap-jap – Kuntze 1862: did; 4792: pil-pil; 5048: pil- het; 16052: mul – McCosh 128: ter-ter – McDaniels 1729: niv – McGregor pil; 6274: did; 6624: vir-can; 6628: ham – Kuo CM 3821: zol-pod; 5599: 10185: niv; BS43524: het-het; BS43841: het-het – McLaren (Aberconway) zol-pod; 7405: pil-int-ps; 11036: zol-pod – Kurosaki 2188: jap-sil; 15354: 70A: cli-cli – McMillen 48: lis – Meebold 6253: man; 6546: cli-dif; 7092: holx; 15491: holx – Kurz 117: our; 560: pil-pil; 3115: kur. vir-mac; 7715: vir-aus; 8586: dep; 12157: dep; 13468: vir-lon – Mei Hua Labat 3794: vir-mol – Lace 1812: vir-sca; 4136: cli-dif; 5087: sia; 5470: pen; Shan team 62: cli-dif – Meijer 32: rug; 9952: vir-vir; 10038: vir-vir – Meliden 5915: zol-zol – Lae YS 144: niv; 1050: niv – Lakshnahayia 569: niv – Lam Giking 247: dep – Mell 516: niv; 681: jap-jap; 928: niv – Melville 3628: & Meeuse 5198: pen; 5232: gra – Lanjouw 103: rug – Lao & Kuo 1623: vir-aus – Mendoza PNH20347: het-het; PNH81871: den-den; PNH92451: zol-pod – Larsen 1629: pil-suf; 4890: pil-suf; 6833: pen; 34318: zol-int-zp; niv; PNH97459: mul; PNH97565: den-den – Mendoza et al. PNH10440: 41464: zol-int-zp; 41991: zol-int-zp; 44274: zol-zol; 44388: cli-cli; 44389: het-het; PNH10626: het-int-hb; PNH10675: het-het – Merrill 42: niv; 803: cli-int-cd; 44430: cli-int-cd; 44456: pen; 44502: pil-suf; 44535: niv; 44545: mul; 7482: vir-vir; 7628: mul; 7630: bey; 8278: het-blu; 10774: niv; 11350: zol-int-zp; 44557: cli-dif; 44698: ham; 44706: pen; 44791: vir-min; 44804: jap-jap – Meurillon CNAD823: vir-mol – Mg Kyaw 62: pen – Miao BM 9856: pil-suf; 44858: zol-zol; 44859: dep; 44866: cli-cli; 44900: cli-cli; 44990: niv – Middleton 142: cli-int-cd; 1574: niv; 2179: dep; 2220: niv; 2255: dep; sia; 45069: niv; 46154: sia; 46157: sia; 46340: pen; 46367: ham – Lau 2380: dep – Miehe 7: vir-sca; 00-455-15: vir-int-r; 00-457-07: vir-int-r; 00- SK 2015: vir-dgl; 3537: niv; 4031: vir-dgl; 4388: niv; 4619: vir-dgl; 4631: 472-12: vir-int-r – Mikage 9485540: ply – Mikage et al. 9455376: vir-int-msc sib-sib – Lau WP 603: niv; 1615: niv; 3973: niv; 4019: niv – Lau YS 144: – Mildbraed 9759: vir-tom – Mills 191: jap-ten – Milne Redhead 3528: vir-mol niv; 1050: niv – Law YW 849: jap-ten – Leano 5449: niv – Leclancher – Mitsuta et al. T-46451: pen – Miyagi 8487: den-den – Mizushima U 939: 76A: niv – Lecomte & Finet 246: vir-str; 524: cli-int-cd – Leeuwenberg sib-sib – Mogea et al. 5248: vir-vir – Mokino 124837: jap-ten – Momiyama 6985: vir-mol; 9701: vir-mol; 9898: vir-mol; 10310: vir-mol – Lei CI 248: 529: spgx; 8242: jap-jap; 8363: jap-jap; 8364: hol – Monro & Wei 6409: vir- niv – Leiberg 6078: het-blu – Lejoly 3698: vir-mol; 86/986: vir-mol – Leland str – Mooney 255: vir-int-mm; 1537: vir-mac; 1874: vir-int-msc – Moore 275: et al. 29B: vir-vir – Leonard 2543: vir-mol – Lepine 103B: vir-vir – Letestu vir-vir; 511: vir-vir; 666: niv – Moran 4963: den-den; 5106: den-den; 5524: 2719: vir-mol – Letouzey 3544: vir-mol; 6868: vir-tom; 7533: vir-mol; 8807: jap-jap – Morley 21: rug – Morse 142: niv; 722: niv – Morton et al. SL517: vir-tom – Leu WP 1624: pil-suf – Levine 84: cli-cli; 1171: vir-sca – Levine vir-mol – Motley 198: niv; 273: vir-sca – Mukerji 6212: niv – Muller 1070: et al. 107: niv – Lewis et al. 758: vir-mol – Li BS & Cheng SZ 4145: con; vir-mol – Muller & Pope 2027: vir-mol – Mumford 466: vir-vir – Mumford 4543: con; 4545: con – Li CT 1440: cli-dif; 2825: cli-dif; 600047: cli-dif – Li et al. 147: vir-vir – Munro 44: gra; 73: gra; 145: gra – Murata T-496: niv; Heng 11451: con – Li MS 478: jap-jap – Li PG 111: jap-int-jt – Li PY 4570: T-2620: jap-ten; T-4299: jap-ten; T-5910: jap-ten; T-6956: jap-ten; T-7036: C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 213

jap-ten; T-7777: jap-sil; T-8388: sib-sib; T-8422: jap-ten; T-10019: sib-sib; Sako 2150: hol; 7294: hol – Sampson 634: vir-int-r – Samsuri Ahmad et al. T-10454: den-den; T-11656: jap-jap; T-14896: cli-int-cd; T-15751: holx; 586: niv – Sands 1999: vir-vel – Sangkhachaud 1055: vir-min – Sanliere T-16110: jap-sil; T-20465: niv; T-21122: jap-sil; T-36142: hol; T-38573: niv; 136: vir-lon – Santisuk 1421: zol-int-zp – Santos 27: mul; 5469: mul; 5625A: T-38656: niv; T-41617: pil-suf; T-41850: cli-int-cd; T-41851: dep; T-42675: den-den – Sarasen 528: vir-vir – Sasaki 244: niv; 21394: sib-sib; 21507: our; T-42875: our; T-44804: jap-ten; T-50248: vir-min; T-51483: niv – Murti den-den; 420090: pil-int-ps – Satake 3527: sib-sib; 3533: holx; 3541: holx; 12995: pen – Musya-Santinozyo 2370: jap-int-jt. 3544: hol – Sauliere 136: vir-lon – Sauveur 3407: sp.indet. – Savatier 1117: Nadeaud 311: vir-vir – Nagamasu 50076: vir-min – Nagata 1197: gra – Nai jap-jap; 1118: holx; 1119: hol – Saw Leng Guan FRI 34474: dep – Saw On SS 3351: niv – Nakai 4999: hol – Nakashima K 7: sib-sib; 13: sib-sib; 19: Pe 16430: sia – Sawada T 474: sib-sib; 479: jap-ten – Sayers NGF24253: hol – Nakohara 68: sib-sib – Namba 151: den-den; 362: den-den – Na- vir-vel – Schafer 5434: vir-vir; 5453: vir-vir – Schatz 2402: tsa; 3174: vir-mol; rayanaswami 582: vir-mac – Naruhashi 1823: jap-ten – Native collectors 3176: vir-mol – Scheffer 66: pil-pil – Schiam 6128: vir-vir – Schiffner 1900: 588: pen – Nedi 558: vir-vir – Nedi & Idjan 168: vir-sca – New Jersey vir-sca – Schlechter 12906: vir-mol; 13868: dep – Schlieben 8089: vir-mol; State University 161: het-het – Nguyen VD 1688: niv; HNK67: cli-int-cd; 10910: gra; 11101: vir-mol; 11109: vir-mol; 11123: vir-tom – Schmid 3654: HNK938: pen; HNK1280: dep; HNK1349: dep; HNK1442: dep; HNK1790: vir-vir – Schmitz 148: vir-vir; 3300: vir-vir; 5097: pil-pil; 6130: vir-vir – Schnei- niv; HNK1844: niv; HNK1848: niv; HNK1879: niv – Nicholson 3353: ter-ter der 2568: niv – Schodde 3137: dep – Schram BW6128: vir-vir – Scientific – Nicolson 2359: vir-rot; 2949: ham – Nie MX 92260: niv; 92266: jap-jap; Survey Team 1602: vir-int-msc – Scott-Elliot 2267: tsa – Seem et al. 2124: 92323: jap-jap – Nielsen 172: vir-vir – Noerkas 132: vir-vir – Nooteboom mul – Seemann 432: vir-vir; 433: vir-vir – Selling 3098: gra – Semsei 3564: 791: sia – Noshiro 9760172: ply – Nukai G 4796: sib-sib – Nur 7353: dep; vir-mol; 3878: vir-mol – Serre 533: jap-ten – Setchell et al. 213: vir-vir; 250: 7375: vir-vir – Nusbaumer L.N.1673: tsa. vir-vir; 490: vir-vir; 531: vir-vir – Sharland 1228: vir-mol – Shemmermann Odashima 13610: niv – Ohashi 8384: spg – Ohashi et al. 8497: jap-ten; 6807: gra – Shen 375: den-den – Shimizu 79-25: den-bon; 11152: den-den; 708131: jap-sil – Ohba 518: jap-sil; 987: jap-ten; 1965: jap-sil; 2417: holx; 18700: niv; T-8805: vir-min; T-9058: vir-min; T-20006: sia; T-20038: sia; 69747: spg; 826067: den-bon; 826087: spg; 8571831: ply – Ohushi 70813: T-20040: vir-min; T-20973: our – Sieber 48: vir-mol; 330: vir-vir – Sikdar jap-sil – Ohwi 9083: jap-int-js – Ohwi et al. 280: jap-sil – Okahara 131: niv 4472: dep – Sillitoe 362: vir-mol – Silvestri 391: jap-jap; 396: jap-jap; 397: – Oldham 215: jap-jap; 247: niv; 519: den-den; 520: zol-pod; 521: sib-sib; jap-jap; 399: jap-ten; 3319: jap-ten – Simada 245: pil-suf; 246: pil-suf; 248: 522: niv; 744: jap-jap; 767: jap-ten; 768: jap-jap; 769: jap-int-jt; 770: niv – zol-pod – Simada-Hidetaro 977: zol-pod – Simeda 2458: pil-suf – Simons Ono & Kobayashi 127496: den-bon; 127518: den-bon – Ooststroom 12671: 633: vir-int-msc – Sin GS 420: our – Sin SS 536: vir-dgl – Sinclair 9894: vir-sca; 13727: vir-sca – Orsom 2625: vir-mol – Ou & Kao 9387: zol-pod. niv; 10053: pil-pil – Sinclair & Long 5024: ply; 5750: vir-rot – Sinclair et al. Paie 28048: dep – Pancho PNH134651: den-den – Pang B 46627: cli-umb 9722: mul – Singh J 90: vir-mac – Sino-Amer. Bot. Exp. 1980 482: cli-dif; – Pani G 1189: vir-mac – Panigrahi 3222: cli-int-cd; 4598: pen; 6163: con; 793: jap-ten – Sino-British Exp. 1981 27: our – Sino-Russian Exp. 1358: 6960: vir-int-m; 14670: ham; 15168: con; 16994: vir-int-msc; 22437: ham con – Skottsberg 1772: gra – Smith 148: vir-vir; 197: vir-vir; 209: vir-vir; 262: – Parham 7077: vir-vir; 10378: vir-vir; 11516: niv – Parker RN 3247: ter- pen; 278: vir-vir; 284: vir-vir; 393: vir-vir; 944: vir-vir; 994: vir-vir; 4017: vir-vir; ter – Parkinson 3470: ham – Parks 20079: vir-vir – Parry 947: pen; 1280: 4759: vir-vir; 4854: vir-vir; 7362: vir-vir; 8289: vir-vir; 8761: vir-vir – Smith niv – Pawek 1996: vir-mol; 5467: vir-mol – Pei C 10117: cli-dif; 10151: cli- H 6373: jap-ten – Smith HC 16277: zol-zol – Smith JJ 794: our – Smith dif – Pei NX 2140: jap-jap – Pendry et al. DNEPZ, A69: vir-min; DNEPZ, WW 29: vir-int-msc – Smitinand 7600: sia; 10245: sia – Soegandirdja 211: B173: vir-min – Peng DY 46840: cli-dif – Perrotet 1044: vir-lon – Petelot cli-int-cd – Soejarto 10451: dep – Soejarto et al. 10452: vir-dgl – Soewarta 722: vir-int-dgst; 723: lan; 724: vir-int-dgst; 1647: cli-int-cd; 5263: pen; 6027: 118: rug – Sohmer 6554: gra – Sorensen 4764: vir-min; S134: pen – Soulie cli-int-cd – Petraitr 103: vir-min – Phan Ke Lok 531: vir-int-dgst; NY-HN531: 1216: cli-int-cd – Spire 1546: sia – Srithong 196: dep – St John 10934: gra; vir-int-dgst – Phengklai 308: zol-int-zp; 7184: our – Pheug Klae 4437: niv 11596: gra; 12119: gra; 12139: gra; 13417: gra; 13915: gra; 13974: gra; – Phillipson 1614: vir-mol – Phillyps 1765: vir-mol – Phousena et al. 3942: 14128: vir-vir; 15359: vir-vir; 17103: vir-vir; 17115: vir-vir; 17307: vir-vir; sia – Phusomsaeng 33: pil-int-ps; 40: vir-min – Pierre 743: niv; 4653: niv; 17401: vir-vir; 18176: vir-vir; 18189: vir-vir; 20189: gra; 23115: gra; 23150: 4806: vir-min; 4808: zol-zol – Playfair 243: den-den; 451: zol-pod – Pleyte gra; 23175: gra; 23285: gra; 24859: gra; 24964: gra; 26504: vir-mol; 26698: 255: cli-int-cd; 420: dep – Pobeguin 1872: vir-mol – Poilane 1191: lan; 1921: gra – Stainton 53: ter-ter; 275: ter-ter; 289: ter-ter; 616: vir-sca; 1377: pen; pen; 2406: niv; 4259: cli-cli; 10474: lan – Polunin 456: vir-rot; 590: vir-rot; 1569: ply; 1622: vir-rot; 1688: vir-rot; 2575: ter-ter; 3504: ply; 3546: vir-rot; 1286: vir-mac; 1358: ply; 1501: con; 1789: ply; 2612: ply; 5401: ply; 5746: 3719: ter-ter; 4262: ter-ter; 4281: vir-rot; 5030: ter-ter; 5636: pen; 6441: vir-mac – Polunin et al. 5576: vir-int-msc; 5600: ter-ter – Popta SM 750,122: vir-rot; 6600: ply; 6648: pen; 6712: ply; 6716: dep; 6957: ter-ter; 6995: pil-pil; 1297: our – Posthumus 2377: rug; 2479: vir-vir; 3500: vir-vir – Powell ter-ter; 7273: ply; 7496: vir-rot; 7505: ply; 7559: vir-sca; 7671: pen; 8779: 224: vir-vir; 225: vir-vir – Praet 64: vir-sum – Price 40: den-den; 247: niv; pen – Stainton et al. 7670: vir-mac – Stauffer 457: vir-mol – Stevens 58169: 447: zol-pod – Procter 600: vir-tom – Pulle 3141: our – Pullen R 1124: vir- sub – Stevens et al. LAE54956: het-het – Steward 987: niv; 1013: jap-ten; vel – Purseglove 2282: vir-mol; P2061: vir-mol – Put 3273: pil-suf; 3276: 1303: jap-ten; 1331: niv; 1585: jap-jap; 1586: jap-jap; 2339: jap-jap; 2635: vir-min; 3280: cli-int-cd; 3283: dep; 3879: our; 4415: vir-min. jap-ten; 2681: jap-jap; 9714: jap-jap; IP4790: jap-ten – Stewart 1233: vir- Qinghai-Tibet Exp. 1974 2775: ply – Quayle 4: vir-vir. int-mm – Stokes 315: vir-vir – Stolz 479: vir-tom; 500: vir-tom; 588: vir-tom; Raap 137: rug; 614: rug; 647: rug – Rahman 4390: dep; 4731: dep – Rahman 600: vir-mol – Stone 1134: gra; 1489: gra; 3181: gra – Strachey et al. 4: et al. 3641: pen; 3687: vir-min; 4390: dep – Ramachandran 54080: dep; ter-ter; 5: vir-min; 6: vir-int-msc; 7: pen – Streimann NGF34087: vir-vir – 58714: vir-int-m – Ramamoorthy et al. 2654: dep – Ramaut 17: niv – Ramos Streimann et al. NGF30765: vir-vel – Subba Rap 47328: our – Subramanian BS8197: mul; BS11035: het-het; BS12531: het-blu; BS13710: het-int-hb; KN 1169: dep – Subramanyam 5608: dep – Suddee 918: vir-min; 1086: BS24133: het-het; BS26320: het-blu; BS26321: mul; BS27478: zol-pod; sia; 1089: cli-int-cd – Sulit & Conklin 16775: het-int-hb – Sun BX 2444: BS33015: mul; BS33129: zol-int-zp; BS39749: het-het; BS42148: het-blu; lan – Sun HF 2331: vir-int-msc – Suzuki 4315: zol-pod; 4678: den-den; BS42729: het-int-hb; BS43060: vir-vir; BS76769: den-den; BS76837: 4679: den-den; 5856: sib-sib; 5961: jap-jap; 6114: sib-sib; 40075: ter-kam; het-blu; BS80368: niv; BS80395: den-den; BS84934: dep; PPI15662: het- 399002: japxsib; 459004: jap-int-js; 464017: spg; 489020: jap-int-js; 489031: blu – Ramos et al. BS28707: het-int-hb; BS34411: het-int-hb; BS38084: jap-sil; 508008: jap-int-st; 509002: jap-jap; 8860110: ter-kam; 9170806: den-den; BS38857: rug-vir; BS39190: rug-vir; BS45032: pil-pil; BS48938: ply; 9240184: ter-kam; 9455151: ter-ter – Suzuki-Tokio 4001B: den-den; dep; BS49225: het-het; BS49516: dep; BS75548: het-int-hb – Rao 20005: 4159: den-den; 4306: zol-pod; 4362: sib-sib; 4436: sib-sib; 5005: zol-pod; pen – Rao AS 39091: dep; 85694: dep – Rao GVS 22811: vir-int-m – 7149: jap-ten; 7617: sib-sib. Rao RS 10240: dep; 10307: ham; 10389: dep – Rao TA 4105: vir-sca Taam YW 85: sib-sib; 95: vir-str; 1326: den-den – Tabata 3370: ply – Tabata – Rappard 190: zol-int-zp – Reafforestation Team 848: our – Ream 550: et al. 10981: ter-kam – Tagawa 655: jap-sil; 4073: cli-int-cd; 10961: jap-ten den-den – Reekmans 466: vir-mol; 7540: vir-mol; 10021: vir-mol; 10960: – Tagawa-Motozi 2164: jap-int-js – Tai TL 104340: jap-int-jt – Takahashi vir-mol – Reep 152: pil-pil – Regalado 824: vir-vir – Reinecke 429: vir-vir FOK58223: jap-sil – Takamatsu 677: vir-vir – Takeda 137: jap-jap – Taken­ – Remy 195: gra – Reporter on Economic Products 11615: our; 12359: ouchi 9370: jap-jap – Takeuchi 270: gra; 277: gra; 278A: gra; 957: gra; vir-can – Reynoso PPI11815: het-blu – Rhusomsaeng 121: niv – Rich A 2285: gra; 2701: gra; 2713: gra – Talbot 686: vir-mol; 1629: dep – Tam 239: vir-int-mm; 903: vir-mac – Richard 78: vir-tom; 220: vir-mol; 291: vir- PC 59352: jap-jap – Tamree 5,75862: dep – Tamune 3442: spg – Tan CM mol; 689: vir-tom – Richards 17613: vir-mol – Ridley 14645: lan – Ritchie 95853: niv; 951264: cli-dif; 9610245: cli-dif – Tanaka 84: den-den; 194: 1366: vir-mac – Roberty 15862: vir-mol – Robinson BS49: rug; BS135: rug; niv; 5042: niv; 100284: jap-jap – Tanaka et al. 11015: zol-pod; 11110: den- BS1593: niv; BS6539: vir-vir; BS9546: het-blu; BS14122: mul – Robinson den; 11125: sib-sib – Tanaku 11015: zol-pod – Tang HC 37: den-den; 416: & Kloss 7: vir-sum; 64: vir-sum – Robson 1660: vir-mol – Roby 2758: den-den; 443: den-den; 644: niv; 646: vir-int-msc; 776: den-den; 1447: gra – Rock 1915: sia; 1944: dep; 2080: pen; 2126: pil-suf; 2349: zol-zol; niv; 1877: niv; 2058: niv; 2180: niv; 2323: den-den – Tang L 6114: jap-jap; 2502: vir-min; 2519: pen; 2579: dep; 4566: gra; 4570: gra; 6986: pen; 7819: 7347: cli-dif; 7348: cli-dif – Tang T 153: den-den – Tang WS 1326: den- pen – Rong Jiang, Ba Kai & Ji Ai exp. 74,743: vir-dgl – Rong Jiang Team den; 1471: zol-pod – Tannowa & Yoshida 3: den-bon – Tao DD 842: con 74-743: vir-dgl – Rong Lin 3009: vir-dgl – Runnak 527: cli-int-cd – Russell – Taquet 1403: niv; 1404: hol; 1405: spgx; 1407: niv; 1409: sib-sib; 1415: 51: gra – Rutten 1765: vir-vir. jap-ten; 1416: jap-ten; 1433: sib-sib; 4429: jap-ten; 4430: jap-ten; 4431: 214 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

sib-sib; 5965: sib-sib; 5966: sib-sib – Tateishi 1406: holx; 4527: jap-ten; 8511: holx – Walker et al. 7294: sib-sib – Walker in herb. Graham 1846: 4631: holx – Tem 304: our – Teng SW 90779: zol-pod – Teraoka 368: gra vir-int-msc – Wallich 520: ter-ter; 1953: ter-ter; 4581A: vir-sca; 4581B: vir-int- – Teysmann 30: vir-vir; 5326: vir-vir; 12250: vir-vir – Thomson T 530: dep; msc; 4581B(K-WALL, M): vir-sca; 4581D: vir-int-mm; 4582: vir-can; 4582A: 1789: vir-int-msc – Thorel 1129: niv; 2379: cli-dif; 9178: pen – Thorenaar vir-mac; 4582B: vir-mac; 4582C: vir-mac; 4582D: vir-can; 4584: ply; 4585: 80: dep – Thulin 2743: vir-mol – Thwaites 2196: G sheet: vir-lon; K sheet: ter-ter; 4590: ham; 4590B: ham; 4595: pen; 4595A: pen; 4606B: niv; 4610: pil-pil; 2197: pil-pil; 2198: dep; 2460: pil-pil – Tiang L & Zhao 252: ply – Tibet dep – Walsh 374: cli-int-cd; 467: cli-int-cd – Wang CW 35670: pil-suf; 36186: Scientific Survey 1602: vir-int-msc – Tixier 218: dep – To K & Tang WT & pil-suf; 41867: vir-sca; 44218: niv; 64209: cli-int-cu; 72908: con; 76094: Tsang UK 387: vir-dgl – Togasi 1253: niv – Toppin 6066: con – Toquet 341: con; 76496: con; 76977: dep; 78295: con; 78885: vir-sca; 79247: vir-int- jap-jap; 1406: jap-jap – Torii K 4286: jap-sil – Treutler 602: ply; 602A: ply; msc; 79628: pen; 79925: zol-zol; 80020: zol-zol; 80671: dep; 83021: con; 701: ham; 1082: pen – Troth 785: pen – Tsai HT 5537: con; 51930: con; 85419: cli-umb – Wang S 163790: niv – Wang ZT 87083: cli-int-cd; 870188: 52451: con; 53199: pen; 53582: niv; 55181: cli-cli; 55184: con; 55357: cli-int-cd – Warburg 1318: niv; 5889: vir-dgl; 5893: niv; 7039: jap-ten; 8083: con; 55393: lan; 56684: pen; 56724: con; 56781: con; 56873: con; 60110: jap-ten; 9917: den-den; 9922: niv; 10478: den-den – Warshauer et al. cli-dif; 61993: pen; 62024: cli-int-cd – Tsang 20747: sp.ident. – Tsang WT 3145: gra – Watanabe R FOK59347: jap-sil; FOK657409: jap-ten – Watt 799: lan; 956: niv; 20734: jap-jap; 20747: cli-int-cd; 20787: niv; 20853: 193: niv; 10752: pen – Watts 1011: vir-mol – Weber 1122: het-het – Weiner niv; 21528: jap-jap; 21672: niv; 22946: vir-int-msc; 23046: niv; 23054: niv; 69,662: vir-vir – Wenzel 35: dep; 1904: het-het; 3349: het-het – Wheatley 23289: niv; 23295: niv; 26844: pen; 27890: jap-jap; 28099: vir-dgl; 28128: 660: vir-vir; 853: vir-vir – Whistler W1913: vir-vir; W2475: vir-vir; W4259: vir-str; 28345: niv; 29655: den-den; 30455: lan – Tsang WT et al. 130: lan; vir-vir; W4833: vir-vir; W11483: vir-vir; W111558: vir-vir – White 10,21: vir- 139: lan; 14206: niv; 14859: niv – Tsau 51930: con – Tschonoski 14826: aus; 8741: vir-aus; 10369: vir-aus; 12574: vir-aus; 12721: vir-aus – White jap-jap – Tsiang Y 253: den-den; 1202: vir-min; 1262: jap-jap; 4920: niv; Team 1804: sia – Whitmore 3372: vir-vir – Whitney exp. 597: vir-vir – Wight 1108: pil-pil; 2694: dep; 2707: vir-lon; 2959: vir-lon – Wilford 515: den-den; 5477: jap-jap; 7026: cli-int-cd; 7279: zol-pod; 9498: cli-dif; 10070: jap-jap; 516: zol-pod; 547: sib-sib – Wilkes 2: vir-vir; 10: vir-vir; 11: vir-vir – Wil- 10462: jap-jap; 10667: niv; 12119: pen; 13400: con – Tsoong KK D-2100: liams 1026: cli-int-cd; 1088: mul – Wilsch 1140: jap-ten – Wilson 224: gra; sib-int-sf – Tsugaru T61762: sia – Tsui TM 648: niv; 830: vir-int-st – Tuyama 961: vir-vir; 1364: jap-sil; 3759: niv; 5757: cli-umb; 8237: den-bon; 9882: 10399: niv – Tweedie 3623: vir-mol. den-den; 10068: den-den – Winckel 1388B: pil-pil – Winit 1442: zol-zol – Umrao Singh 421: vir-mac – Unknown Chinese collector 1641: vir-str – Un- Witeng 90779: zol-pod – Wong Yun Siew 5221: niv – Woo JP & TK 723: known collector 232: jap-ten; 436: jap-ten; 550: vir-int-msc; 1194,3: vir-int-m; den-den – Woo TK 13744: den-den – Wraber 3665: vir-rot – Wright 299: 1526: vir-vir; 1883: vir-min; 4619: vir-dgl; 7450: ply; 10475: dep – Unwin den-den; 303: den-bon; 2707: vir-int-m – Wu CC 1070: niv – Wu DL 32013: 3005: sia – Upadhyay 1667: pen. sia – Wulluh 4585: ter-ter – Wuyi Exped. 816: niv; 2567: jap-jap – Wuyi Vajruvelu 44081: dep – Van Balgooy 246: vir-vir; 3096: vir-vir; 4616: vir-vir – Shan Survey Team 80-0019: jap-ten – Wuyi Survey Team (1970) 816: niv. Van Beusekom 160: cli-int-cd; 1316: our; 3524: cli-dif; 3751: zol-zol; 4279: Xiamin Expedition (1981) 34: niv – Xiao BZ 3607: jap-ten – Xiong JH 18028: vir-min; 4638: cli-dif; 4658: cli-int-cd; 4665: niv; 4730: cli-dif – Van den Brink niv – Xiong JH & Zhou ZL 92057: jap-int-jt; 93916: niv. 1390: vir-sca; 1739: rug; 1803: cli-int-cd; 2183: pil-pil; 2246: dep; 2399: Yahara et al. 7939: jap-ten – Yamamotu 544: zol-pod – Yamashita FOK58177: vir-sca; 2810: pil-pil; 2899: pil-pil; 2915: niv; 3189: rug; 6738: niv – Van der jap-sil – Yamazaki 35: den-den; 7039: sib-sib – Yamazaki et al. 200: den-bon Veken 9693: vir-mol – Van Leeuwen 452: vir-vir; 791: pil-pil – Van Royen – Yang HN 2668: zol-pod – Yang TY 1338: den-den; 2122: zol-pod – Yang 3953: vir-max; 7542: vir-max – Van Steenis 1266: dep; 2116: cli-int-cd; 3909: XX 428: jap-ten – Yao K 8650: jap-ten – Yatabe 447: jap-ten; 478: jap-ten rug; 7224: zol-zol; 7782: pil-int-ps; 7926: cli-int-cd; 10325: vir-vir; 10333: het- – Yates 530: cli-int-cd; 736: cli-int-cd; 1421: rug; 1643: dep – Ying YS et blu; 21353: rug – Vanoverberg 269: den-den; 3454: den-den – Vansteeuis al. 575: cli-umb – Yinger et al. 3548: niv – Yongsot 6398: jap-ten – Yu PH 7926: cli-int-cd – Varadarajan et al. 1566: het-het – Veillon RSNH4526: 450: cli-dif; 733: cli-int-cd – Yu TT 80: den-den; 19478: cli-umb – Yunger vir-vir – Vera 36: vir-vir – Verheijen 361: pil-pil; 392: vir-vir; 2328: pil-pil; 2331: jap-jap; 2523: jap-jap; 3087: jap-jap. 2561: pil-pil; 4416: vir-vir – Vernandt & Villeuyn 653: vir-vir – Versteegh Zainudin 5517: dep – Zhang GC 91: jap-jap; 283: vir-dgl – Zhang ZS & Zhang 12583: vir-vel – Vidal 605: het-blu; 1784: den-den; 3773: niv; 3864: het- YT 3660: sia – Zhang ZY 18028: niv – Zhou HC 6201: sib-sib – Zhou HF int-hb; 5369: sia – Vogy GB 414: cli-int-cd – Von Backer 5729: our; 13437: 109645: jap-jap; 111104: niv – Zhou JL 21673: den-den – Zhou Lang Shan pil-pil – Von Hareveld 1990: ham; 6665: ham – Vraish 35: vir-vir – Vu Xuan Team 781457: sib-sib – Zhu[Chu] TP 524: pil-suf; 614: sia – Zimmermann Phuong HNK302: vir-min; HNK336: pen; HNK339: pen; HNK719: pen. 431/1738: jap-jap – Zollinger 534: vir-vir; 758: niv; 856: our; 1795: A, G Wadhwa et al. 585: dep; 586: vir-lon – Wagner 5075: gra – Walker 959: and K sheets: rug; U sheet: mixed pil-pil and rug; 2012: vir-vir; 2765: zol- vir-lon; 1251: pil-pil; 1777: pil-pil; 5843: niv; 6897: den-den; 7621: sib-sib; zol; 3119: spg – Zschokke & Laraya 29411: niv – Zwickey 1065: het-het.


Accepted names (also accepted names of other genera than Boehmeria) are in roman type. New names are in bold type; synonyms and superfluous names are in italics. The number after each name is the number of the species as used in this revision; (unc.) refers to taxa of uncertain identity and (excl.) to excluded from Boehmeria. References to names of taxa discussed in notes under other taxa are given in square brackets.

Boehmeria Jacq. [p. 90] Boehmeria (cont.) Boehmeria (cont.) allophylla W.T.Wang 28a capensis (Thunb.) Spreng. (excl.) comosa Wedd., nom. illeg. 8b amarantus H.Lév. (excl.) caudata (Burm.f.) J.J.Sm., nom. illeg., non Sw. var. neglecta (Blume) Wedd. 2 amplissima Blume 20 23ii-l compacta Blume 1 anisoneura Guill. (excl.) var. celebica (Blume) J.J.Sm. 23i-a conica C.J.Chen, Wilmot-Dear & Friis 14 [13, arachnoidea Walp. (excl.) var. humilis (Miq.) J.J.Sm. 32a 23ii, 23ii-g] arenicola Satake 29 var. ourantha (Miq.) J.J.Sm. 25 cumingiana Blume 5a var. awana Satake 29 var. pendula J.J.Sm. (unc.) cuspidata Blume nom. illeg., non Wedd. 23ii australis Endl. (excl.) var. rugosissima (Blume) J.J.Sm. 31 cylindrica (L.) Sw. [8] subsp. dealbata (Cheeseman) Sykes (excl.) caudata Sieber., nom. inval. (under B. greviae- cypholophoides Merr. 2 beyeri C.B.Rob. 4 [5, 18, 19] folia (unc.)) dealbata Cheeseman (excl.) bicuspis C.J.Chen 8c caudata Sw. 23ii-l [23ii] delavayi Gagnep. (excl.) bifida Blume, nom. illeg. superfl. 29 caudigera Wedd., nom. inval. 24a var. longifolia Gagnep. (excl.) biloba Miq., nom. illeg. superfl. 29 cavaleriei H.Lév. (excl.) densiflora Hook. & Arn. 18 [11, 12, 17, 19, 22, blinii H.Lév. 9b celebica (Blume) Blume 23i-a 23i-a, 28c] var. podocarpa W.T.Wang 9b chiangmaiensis Yahara 16 var. boninensis (Nakai) Friis & Wilmot-Dear blumei Wedd. 5b chingshuishaniana S.S.Ying 28a 18b [23i-a] bodinieri H.Lév. (excl.) cinerascens Blume (excl.) var. densiflora 18a [17, 19, 23i-a] boninensis Nakai 18b clidemioides Miq. 8 [5, 6, 7, 8, 23ii, 23ii-g, 23ii-j, var. intermedia Acharya & Yonek. 17 burgeriana Wilmot-Dear, Friis & Kravtsova [3] 23ii-k, 23ii-l] var. penduliflora (Wedd. ex D.G.Long) calophleba C.Moore & F.Muell. (excl.) var. clidemioides 8a Acharya & Yonek. 17 candicans (Burm.f.) Hassk. 1 var. diffusa (Wedd.) Hand.-Mazz. 8b densiflora sensu Chen, non Hook. & Arn. 28c canescens Wedd., nom. inval. 23ii-i var. platyphylloides Yahara 8a densiglomerata W.T.Wang 23ii-n canescens (Wedd.) Blume 23ii-i var. umbrosa Hand.-Mazz. 8c depauperata Wedd. 2 [22] C.M. Wilmot-Dear & I. Friis: The Old World species of Boehmeria 215

Boehmeria (cont.) Boehmeria (cont.) Boehmeria (cont.) didymogyne Wedd. 3 [21] longifolia Gand. [26] platanifolia Franch. & Sav., nom. inval. 28a diffusa Wedd. 8b longispica Steud. 28a platyphylla D.Don 23ii-g var. canescens Wedd. (unc.) [8b] var. appendiculata Blume 28a var. angolensis Rendle 23ii-e var. hirta Wedd. (unc.) [8b] var. heterodonta Blume 28a var. austroqueenslandica Domin 23i-d var. strigosa Wedd. (unc.) [8b] var. platanifolia (Maxim.) Franch & Sav. 28a var. canescens (Wedd.) Wedd. 23i-i diversiflora Miq. 9 var. tricuspis (Hance) Franch. & Sav. 28a var. celebica (Blume) Wedd. 23i-a dolichostachya W.T.Wang 23ii-o macrophylla (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc., nom. var. cinerascens Hook.f. 8 var. mollis (W.T.Wang) W.T.Wang & illeg. 28a var. clidemioides (Miq.) Wedd. 8 J.C.Chen 23ii-o macrophylla D.Don, nom. illeg. 17 [33] var. cuspidata (Blume) Wedd. [23ii] dura Satake 29 macrophylla Hornem. 23ii [23ii-e] subvar. canescens Wedd. 23ii-i egregia Satake 27 subsp. canescens (Wedd.) Panigrahi & Murti var. cuspidata Wedd. 24a elliptica Wedd. 23ii-e 23ii-i var. hamiltoniana (Wedd.) Wedd. 12 elongata Blume, nom. illeg. (excl.) var. canescens (Wedd.) D.G.Long 23ii-i var. holosericea (Blume) Wedd. 26 erythropoda Miq. 23i-a var. dongtouensis W.T.Wang 23ii-g var. humilis (Miq.) Wedd. 32a erythropoda sensu Yahara 10 var. longissima (Hook.f.) V.S.Ramach. & var. japonica Wedd. (1856) 28a [28] esquirolii H.Lév. & Blin. (excl.) V.J.Nair 23ii-h var. japonica Wedd. (1859), nom. illeg. 28 formosana Hayata 27a [32] var. rotundifolia (D.Don) W.T.Wang 23ii-j var. longissima Hook.f. 23ii-h var. fuzhouensis W.T.Wang 27b var. scabrella (Roxb.) D.G.Long 23ii-l var. loochooensis Wedd. 18a var. stricta (C.H.Wright) C.J.Chen 27a var. tomentosa (Wedd.) D.G.Long 23ii-f [25] var. macrophylla (Thunb.) Wedd. 28a frutescens (Thunb.) Thunb. var. zeylanica (Wedd.) Wadhwa 32a var. macrostachya (Wight) Wedd. 23ii-g var. concolor (Makino) Nakai 1 macrostachya (Wight) F.M.Bailey 23ii-g subvar. elliptica (Wedd.) Wedd. 23ii-e var. viridula (Yamam.) T.Suzuki 1 malabarica Wedd., nom. illeg. 2 subvar. phyllostachya Wedd. 23ii-e gigantea Satake 26 var. depauperata (Wedd.) Wedd. 2 var. marquesensis F.Br. 23ia glomerulifera Miq. 2 var. leioclada (W.T.Wang) W.T.Wang 2 var. masoalensis Leandri 21 var. leioclada W.T.Wang 2 manipurensis Friis & Wilmot-Dear 6 var. microcarpa (Wedd.) Wedd. 23i-a gracilis C.H.Wright 28c martini H.Lév. (excl.) var. moluccana (Blume) Wedd. [23i-a] grandifolia Wedd., nom. illeg. 28a massuriensis Blume 23ii [23] var. nigeriana Wedd. 23ii-e grandis (Hook. & Arn.) A.Heller 20 [23i-a, 31] maugereti H.Lév. & Vaniot 8b var. ourantha (Miq.) Hochr. 25 var. cuneata Skottsb. 20 mauritiana Wedd. 23ii-e var. pilosiuscula (Blume) Hand.-Mazz. 32 var. kauaiensis Skottsb. 20 var. luxurians Blume 23ii-e var. rugosissima (Blume) Wedd. 31 grandissima Nakai 26 var. molliuscula Blume 23ii-e var. scabrella (Roxb.) Wedd. 23ii-l var. serrulata Satake 26 maximowiczii Nakai & Satake 28a var. sieboldiana (Blume) Wedd. 27 greviaefolia C.Presl (unc.) microcarpa Wedd. 23i-a var. stricta C.H.Wright 27a [27b] hamiltoniana Wedd. 12 [9, 10, 11, 18] minor Satake 28a var. sumatrana (Miq.) Wedd. 23ii-m hatusimae Satake 28a miqueliana Tanaka 28a var. tomentosa (Wedd.) Wedd. 23ii-f helferi Blume 7 mollicoma Miq. 1 var. tricuspis Hance 28a heteroidea Blume 9a monticola Blume 2 var. ugandensis Rendle 23ii-e var. latifolia Gagnep. 9a multiflora C.B.Rob. 19 [17, 18, 22, 23i-a, 23i-b, var. virgata (G.Forst.) Wedd. 23 heterophylla Wedd. 5 [4, 6, 8, 18, 19, 22, 23ii-k] 33] subvar. sumatrana (Miq.) Wedd. 23ii-m var. blumei (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear 5b nakaiana Satake 27a var. zeylanica Wedd. 32 [4] nakashimae Yahara 26 [28a] polystachya Wedd. 13 [1, 14, 16, 20, 23ii, 23ii-j, var. heterophylla 5a neglecta Blume 2 23ii-l] heterophylla (Wedd.) Blume, nom. illeg. 5, 5b nepalensis Wedd. (excl.) praestabilis Satake 26 [28a] hirtella Satake 27a nipononivea Koidz. 1 procridioides (Wedd.) Blume (excl.) hispidula Blume 26 var. concolor (Makino) Ohwi 1 propinqua Decne. (excl.) holosericea Blume 26 [8, 23ii, 23ii-g, 24, 25, 27, nivea (L.) Gaudich. 1 [23i-d, 23ii-i] pseudo-sieboldiana Honda 27a 27a, 28, 28a, 29, 30] forma concolor (Makino) Kitam. 1 pseudotomentosa Yahara 25 var. strigosa W.T.Wang 23ii-o forma nipononivea (Koidz.) Hatus. 1 pseudotricuspis W.T.Wang 8c huegeliana Blume 23ii forma viridula (Yamam.) Hatus. 1 quelpaertensis Satake 26 [28a] humilis Miq. 32a subsp. nipononivea (Koidz.) Kitam. 1 forma glabra Satake 26 hwaliensis Y.C.Liu & F.Y.Lu 28c var. candicans (Burm.f.) Wedd. 1 ramiflora Bedd., nom. inval. 2 ingjiangensis W.T.Wang 12 var. concolor Makino 1 ramiflora Jacq. [p. 90], 2 irritans Ridl. (excl.) var. nipononivea (Koidz.) W.T.Wang 1 rigida Benth. (excl.) izuosimensis Satake 29 var. reticulata Blume 1 robusta Nakai & Satake 28a jacquiniana Blume (unc.) var. tenacissima (Roxb.) Miq. 1 rotundifolia D.Don 23ii-j [25] japonica (L.f.) Miq. 28 [7, 8, 8c, 23, 23ii-g, 23ii-n, var. viridula Yamam. 1 rubrinervia Hassk. (unc.) 23ii-o, 24, 26, 27, 27a, 29] oblongifolia W.T.Wang 2 rugosissima (Blume) Miq. 31 [19, 20, 23i-a, 32, var. appendiculata (Blume) Yahara 28a ourantha Miq. 25 [23ii, 23ii-f, 23ii-k, 24, 26, 32] 32a, 33] var. japonica 28a [26] pachystachya Satake 28a rugulosa Wedd. (excl.) [13] var. longispica (Steud.) Yahara 28a pannosa Nakai & Satake 29 rupestris C.B.Rob. (unc.) var. platanifolia Maxim. 28a paraspicata Nakai ex Satake 28c sanguinea (Blume) Hassk. (excl.) var. silvestrii (Pamp.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear forma viridis Satake 28c var. glabrata (Blume) Blume (excl.) 28b penduliflora Wedd. ex D.G.Long 17 [18, 20, 22, var. minor Blume (excl.) var. tenera (Blume) Friis & Wilmot-Dear 28c 33] var. montana (Miq.) Blume (excl.) var. tricuspidata auct. [28b] var. loochooensis (Wedd.) W.T.Wang 18a var. rubra Blume (excl.) var. tricuspis (Hance) Maxim. 28a pilosiuscula (Blume) Hassk. 32 [8, 23ii, 23ii-l, scabra (Blume) Hassk. (unc.) kamley Acharya & Yonek. 24b 25, 27a, 31] scabrella Gaudich. ex Miq., nom. illeg. superfl. kiusiana Satake 28a [27] var. humilis (Miq.) Blume 32a (unc.) kiyozumensis Satake 29 var. pilosiuscula 32a siamensis Craib 16 [13, 15] klossii Ridl. 2 var. procera Blume 32a sidaefolia Wedd. 8a kurzii Hook.f. 15 [16, 22] var. suffruticosa Acharya, Friis & sieboldiana Blume 27 [23ii, 26, 28, 28a, 28c] lanceolata Ridl. 11 [12] Wilmot-Dear 32b [23ii] var. fuzhouensis (W.T.Wang) Friis & Wilmot- leiophylla W.T.Wang 2 pilushanensis Y.C.Liu & F.Y.Lu 28a Dear 27b leptostachya Friis & Wilmot-Dear 10 [9, 12] platanifolia (Maxim.) C.H.Wright 28a var. ovata Satake 28a listeri Friis & Wilmot-Dear 33 [17, 32] var. silvestrii Pamp. 28b var. sieboldiana 27a lohuiensis S.S.Chien 11 var. tricuspis (Hance) Matsum. 28a var. sikokiana Satake 27a 216 Blumea – Volume 58 / 2, 2013

Boehmeria (cont.) Boehmeria virgata subsp. macrophylla (cont.) Pipturus argenteus (Forst.) Wedd. (under B. irritans silvestrii (Pamp.) W.T.Wang 28b var. minuticymosa Acharya, Friis & Ridl. (excl.) and B. propinqua Decne. (excl.)) spicata (Thunb.) Thunb. Wilmot-Dear 23ii-k [23, 23ii, 23ii-i] mindanaensis Elmer 2 var. akari Blume 28c var. molliuscula (Blume) Friis & Wilmot- Pouzolzia arachnoidea (Walp.) Wedd. (under var. duploserrata C.H.Wright 28a Dear 23ii-e [23, 23ii, 23ii-f] B. arachnoidea Walp. (excl.)) var. microphylla Nakai ex Satake 28c var. rotundifolia (D.Don) Friis & Wilmot- australis (Endl.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (under var. tenera Blume 28c Dear 23ii-j [13, 23, 23ii, 23ii-i, 23ii-l, 24, B. australis Endl. (excl.), B. australis Endl. spicata (Thunb.) Thunb., nom. illeg. superfl. 28, 25, 28] subsp. dealbata (Cheesm.) Sykes (excl.), 28c var. scabrella (Roxb.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear B. calophleba C.Moore & F.Muell. (excl.) and spiciflora Blume (unc.) 23ii-l [8, 13, 23, 23ii, 23ii-j, 25, 31, 32, B. dealbata Cheesemann (excl.)) spirei Gagnep. 16 32a, 32b] parasitica (Forssk.) Schweinf. (under B. procri- splitgerbera Koidz. 29 [26, 28, 28a, 30] var. strigosa (W.T.Wang) Friis & Wilmot- dioides (Wedd.) Blume (excl.)) stenostachya Satake 27a Dear 23ii-o [23, 23ii, 23ii-m, 23ii-n, 24, rugulosa (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (under stipularis Wedd. 20 26, 28] B. rugulosa Wedd. (excl.)) strigosifolia W.T.Wang 23ii-o var. sumatrana (Miq.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear sanguinea (Blume) Merr. [5] var. mollis W.T.Wang 23ii-o 23ii-m [23, 23ii, 23ii-l, 23ii-m, 23ii-n, var. cinerascens (Blume) Friis & Wilmot-Dear subintegra Friis & Wilmot-Dear 22 23ii-o] (under B. cinerascens Blume (excl.)) subperforata Wedd. 2 var. tomentosa (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot- var. formosana (Li) Friis & Wilmot-Dear sumatrana Miq. 23ii-m Dear 23ii-f [23, 25] (under B. delavayi Gagnep. (excl.) and taitensis Wedd., nom. illeg. superfl. 23 subsp. virgata 23i [23] B. delawayi Gagnep. var. longifolia taiwaniana Nakai & Satake 28a var. austroqueenslandica (Domin) Friis Gagnep. (excl.)) var. pilushanensis (Y.C.Liu & F.Y.Lu) S.S.Ying & Wilmot-Dear 23i-d [23] var. fulgens (Wedd.) Hara (under B. tirapensis 28a var. maxima Friis & Wilmot-Dear 23i-c [23] Deb & R.M.Dutta (excl.)) [6] taquetii Nakai 27a var. velutina Friis & Wilmot-Dear 23i-b [23, var. sanguinea (under B. nepalensis Wedd. 23i-a] tenacissima (Roxb.) Blume 1 (excl.), B. sanguinea (Blume) Hassk. var. virgata 23i-a [9, 10, 18, 19, 20, 23, tenuifolia Satake 29 (excl.), B. s. var. glabrata (Blume) Blume 23ii-l, 28, 31, 33] forma conferta Satake 29 (excl.), B. s. var. minor Blume (excl.), wattersii (Hance) B.L.Shih & Yuen P.Yang 9b var. nigricans Satake 29 B. s. var. montana (Miq.) Blume (excl.) and var. blinii (H.Lév.) B.L.Shih & Yuen P.Yang 9b ternifolia D.Don 24 [23ii, 23ii-g, 23ii-o, 25, 28] B. s. var. rubra Blume (excl.)) [8, 9] weddelliana S.Vidal 18a var. kamley (Acharya & Yonek.) Friis & Ramium niveum (L.) Kuntze 1 wightiana Blume, nom. superfl. illeg. 23ii-g Wilmot-Dear 24b [28] Splitgerbera japonica Miq. 29 yaeyamensis Hatus. 30 [25, 29, 32] var. ternifolia 24a [23ii] macrostachya Wight 23ii-g zollingeriana Wedd. 9 [1, 2, 10, 23i-a, 23ii, 23ii-g] thailandica Yahara 1 Urera obovata Benth. (under B. rigida Benth. var. blinii (H.Lév.) C.J.Chen 9b [12] thorelii Gagnep. 8b (excl.)) var. latifolia (Gagnep.) T.H.Nguyên 9a tibetica C.J.Chen 13 Urtica blanda Wall., nom. inval. [24a] var. podocarpa (W.T.Wang) W.T.Wang & tikusiensis Satake 28a candicans Burm.f. 1 C.J.Chen 9b [18] caudata Blume, nom. illeg. 23ii-l tiliifolia Satake 28a var. zollingeriana 9a [23ii] caudata Burm.f. 23ii-l tirapensis Deb & R.M.Dutta (excl.) Boehmeriopsis pallida Kom. (excl.) caudata Poir., nom. illeg. 23ii-e tomentosa Wedd. 23ii-f Cypholophus anisoneurus (Guill.) Friis & caudigera Wall., nom. inval. [24a] tonkinensis Gagnep. 11 Wilmot-Dear (under B. anisoneura Guill. (excl.)) celebica Blume 23i-a tosaensis Miyazaki & H.Ohba 26 [31] grandis Hook. & Arn. 20 travancorica Bedd. 2 decipiens H.J.P.Winkl. [23i-a, 33] interrupta Jacq., nom. inval. (under B. jacqui- tricuspis (Hance) Makino 28a Debregeasia australis Friis, Wilmot-Dear & niana Blume (unc.)) forma viridipes Satake 28a C.J.Chen [1] japonica L.f. 28 var. unicuspis Makino 28c Droguetia iners (Forssk.) Schweinf. macrophylla Thunb. 28a tsaratananensis Leandri 21 subsp. iners (under B. capensis (Thunb.) Spreng macrostachya Wall., nom. inval. [23ii-g] umbrosa (Hand.-Mazz.) W.T.Wang 8c (excl.)) nivea L. 1 utilis Blume, nom. inval.? [1] Fatoua villosa (Thunb.) Nakai (under Boehmeriop- pilosiuscula Blume 32 vanioti H.Lév. (excl.) sis pallida Kom. (excl.)) rugosa Reinw., nom. inval. [31] villigera Satake 26 [28a] Laportea bulbifera (Siebold & Zucc.) Wedd. (under rugosa Sw. [31] villosa C.B.Rob. 5 B. bodinieri H.Lév. (excl.)) rugosissima Blume 31 virgata (G.Forst.) Guill. 23 Leucosyke puya (Hook.) den Baaker & Mabb. [1] scabra Blume (under B. scabra Blume Hassk. subsp. macrophylla (Hornem.) Friis & Maoutia puya (Hook.) Wedd. (under B. esquirolii (unc.)) Wilmot-Dear 23ii [8, 9, 13, 14, 21, 23, H.Lév. & Blin. (excl.)) [1] scabrella Roxb. 23ii-l [23ii-g] 33] Margarocarpus heterophyllus Wedd. 5a spicata Thunb. 28, 28c var. (Wedd.) Friis & Wilmot- canescens Nothocnide repanda (Blume) Blume (under B. rubi- tenacissima Roxb. 1 Dear 23ii-i [23, 23ii-k] nervia (unc.)) venosa Wall., nom. inval. 13 var. (W.T.Wang) Friis & densiglomerata Oreocnide frutescens (Thunb.) Miq. [1] virgata G.Forst. 23 Wilmot-Dear 23ii-n [23, 23ii-m, 23ii-o, Parietaria capensis Thunb. (under B. capensis 28c] (Thunb.) Spreng. (excl.)) var. longissima (Hook.f.) Friis & Wilmot- Pilea martinii (H.Lév.) Hand.-Mazz. (under B. mar- Dear 23ii-h [23, 23ii] tini H.Lév. (excl.)) var. macrostachya (Wight) Friis & Wilmot- notata C.H.Wright (under B. vanioti H.Lév. Dear 23ii-g [1, 23, 23ii, 23ii-e, 23ii-j, (excl.)) 23ii-k, 23ii-l, 24, 25, 26, 33] wattersii Hance 9b