The Observer
Thursday, November 9, 1995• Vol. XXVII No. 53 TilE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT !\1ARY'S • STUDENT SENATE NASAND asks Senate for support of protest Student Alliance, Asian Ameri But administration can Association, and Hispanic American Organization," held a may say proposals demonstration which "particu are too unrealistic larly targeted the murals on the second floor of the Main Build By GWENDOLYN NORGLE ing." Assistant News Editor In this protest, Etsitty said, NASAND was showing "another Requesting Student Senate side to the story" of what is de support for its recommenda picted in the paintings, which, tions to the administration, rep according to the letter, depict resentatives of the Native scenes showing Native Ameri American Student Association cans as "inferior." at Notre Dame made an ap "We're not inferior," Etsitty pearance at the Senate's meet said at the meeting. "This land ing last night. was here before Columbus so The Senate discussed a letter called 'discovered' it." written to Vice-President of As stated in the letter, other Student Affairs Patricia O'Hara Notre Dame students have from "students of Notre Dame" similar opinions. "Native that was presented at the meet American students, as well as ing by NASAND representatives many others, have experienced Mary Etsitty and Sharon Jack great feelings of discomfort and son. pain by the depictions of Native In the letter, dated October Americans, African Americans, 27, 1995, it was stated that on and Christopher Columbus. The Observer/Dave Murphy "As members of the Notre Campus Democrats Partick Lyons and Kelly Williams debated Republicans Brad Hardin, shown at the Columbus Day (October 9), podium, and Brian Hipp last night in the Keenan Hall Basement.
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