2015 Annual Report
22001051 AN A NNNUUALL RREPEPOO RRTT —— ForFor thethe FiscalFiscal YYearear JuJullyy 11,, 20142001 toto JuneJune 3030,, 20152001 —— The American Association of Petroleum Geologists The American Association of Petroleum The Association also publishes special • Disseminating information relating Geologists was founded in 1917 during scientific publications and research data, to the geology and associated the infancy of the petroleum industry. provides student scholarships, presents technology of petroleum, natural Today the Association has approximately highly regarded education programs and gas, other subsurface fluids, and 30,000 members worldwide. Through its schools for professional geologists, and mineral resources headquarters staff, AAPG provides many offers a program of distinguished lecturers • Inspiring and maintaining a high membership services and strives to to organizations and communities. standard of professional conduct on the facilitate advancement of knowledge in AAPG was founded, and continues, as part of its members petroleum geology through publications a scientific organization dedicated to • Providing the public with means and education programs. • Advancing the science of geology, of recognition of adequately trained The monthly AAPG Bulletin is widely especially as it relates to petroleum, and professionally responsible considered a leading scientific journal in natural gas, other subsurface fluids, and petroleum geologists petroleum geology. The AAPG Explorer, a mineral resources • Advancing the professional well-being monthly tabloid, is the Association’s • Promoting technology for exploring of its members vehicle for timely information and for, finding, and producing these materials AAPG does not “speak” for insights into the industry in general. The in an economically and environmentally the oil industry, but for its individual AAPG Web site, located at www.aapg.org, sound manner members—explorationists who provides association and professional • Fostering the spirit of scientific seek and find hydrocarbon information.
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