TRAIL.PUGETSOUND.EDU THE PUGET SOUND TRAIL THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND Volume 103, Issue 16 April 5, 2013 Established 1910 rendezvous renovations complete By HeATHeR STePP lub Rendezvous in Whee- lock Student Center was recently renovated to make the space more us- able,C multipurpose and inviting. “Th e project included the de- molition of the carpeted and glass walls, patch and repair of damaged walls, new stage carpet, added light- ing and painting throughout,” Chris Brookins, the Project Manager of the Rendezvous renovation, said. Th ere have also been more sur- face-level improvements in Ren- dezvous, which serve a cosmetic as well as a functional end. Sarah Comstock, the Assistant Director of Student Activities for Wheelock Student Center, stated simply: “We got rid of the junk.” Th e old and dysfunctional pia- no was removed along with one of the pool tables, freeing up space for more café seating. Addition- ally, the old furniture has been re- placed with furniture from the pi- ano lounge. Th ese changes have made Ren- dezvous a more inviting space. Ac- cording to Comstock, “It no longer looks like a cave but a place you’d want to spend time in.” Most of the renovation was com- pleted over the winter break. Th e renovation was undertaken at this Dissention point in time out of need as well as priority among ASUPS. “Rendezvous was renovated be- among tacoma cause it was a priority of the Ernst- Borsini campaign,” ASUPS Presi- dent Brian Ernst said. “Besides this, teachers, Senate the space begged for a facelift and has been transformed from a once Bill in the state dark and dingy space to a bright and usable multipurpose space to- Senate changes d ay.” Th e project was collaborative in rules on relocation nature. ASUPS contacted Facili- ties Services to initiate the project, By PAUL GOUDARZi-FRY and the two parties met to discuss the aims and scope of the project as n 2011, nearly 2,000 teachers Brookins worked with outside con- tractors to complete the renovation. in the Tacoma school Th e renovation of Rendezvous, district went on strike aft er as an eff ort to maximize existing space, taps into the larger problem disagreements on pay cuts, of space on campus. “In the big picture, we are a space-challenged class sizes and seniority for campus,” noted Comstock. “We the district. Aft er a week of protesting, just don’t have enough of it, espe- cially in terms of casual areas where Ipicketing and debates on both sides, a students can hang out in public buildings.” consensus was reached and the school Th is problem of space was both district returned to normal. a motivation and a constraint for the renovation project. While the Over the past month, however, that University works to maximize ex- isting space, there are current and agreement has been cracked by the planned construction projects that proposed Senate Bill 5242 that would also address the problem of limited space. give more power to principals to decide “Low-cost solutions were im- portant because the building is in how to move teachers between various a waiting stage because of the com- schools in the district. ing renovation. Th ere are tenta- SEE ScHOOLS PAGE 2 Tacoma schools: Stadium High School is something of a Tacoma icon. SEE RENDEZVOUS PAGE 2

‘Monsanto Protection Act’ BHERT tackles bias and Logger grand slam Album review: becomes law hate crimes on campus upsets Lynfield Telekinesis Opinions page 3 Features page 6 & 7 Sports page 8 A&E page 12 2 NewS The Puget Sound Trail April 5, 2013 [email protected]

given a temporary assignment and, Contention between the district and pal knows what is best for the stu- SCHOOLS if a permanent place is not found, the TEA has been detrimental to “We want to make sure dents and the nature of the school; continued FROM page 1 potentially fired. students, teachers and the govern- investments affect student therefore, the more power given to The blog “We Teach Tacoma” ment in the past. It has only been the principal, the better off the stu- The Tacoma district, being the claims that this new bill allows for recently that a lull in the fight for outcomes.” dent body will be. third largest in the state, is often principals and school authorities teachers’ rights has been found. The union is not expecting a posi- subject to shifts in employees based —State Senator Rodney Tom (D-48th) to fire teachers for any reason they In addition to this proposition, tive response from the state House on the student population and the choose. “It eliminates any sense of another bill, 5856, has been sud- or education reform groups in the needs of the school. job security and puts all teachers denly brought to the table by Sen- Senate. The mostly democratic Part of the bill states that, during at risk of losing their jobs,” the blog ator Rodney Tom. The bill gets rid house has not shown favor to the a discussion of reassignment, a “mu- and public education were cast away states. “We Teach Tacoma” is a com- of previous plans that have dictated TEA and those who initiated the tual agreement” must be reached by the state. More recently, he has munity outlet and extension of the pension plans for those employed strike in 2011, but those opposing between the school’s principal and spoken against using money for the Tacoma Education Association. by state and public schools under the bill continue to hold the right the teacher in question. Previous- state’s education to increase teacher The previous concord found in the age of 45. Instead, it allocates the to argue and propose contract lan- ly, the decision has been discussed wages. Senator Tom stated that, “We the agreement of 2011 could be money into a savings account for guage and bills. However, anoth- between a committee of two other want to make sure the investments completely disregarded if this bill the teachers. er strike to counteract these bills teachers and the principal; this bill affect student outcomes.” comes to pass in the Senate. The Senator Tom has not had found will not serve to bring the opposing eliminates that agreement. Under That notion of direct student im- contract, which will expire after its the most favor in the eyes of the forces to any peaceful conclusion. the new wording, if an agreement provement is what has driven the three-year length in August of 2014, state’s educators, especially follow- The last thing the Tacoma district between teacher and principal is not incentive to give principals more was not reached without struggle ing a 2012 controversy in which se- needs is students out of the schools reached, then the teacher may be command over their schools. The and disagreement on both sides. vere budget cuts to state services idea behind the bill is that a princi- they are trying to save.

RENDEZVOUS Campus Lecture continued FROM page 1

tive plans to expand the W.S.C. The building will be extended on the southeast corner; W.S.C. 101 would go away and the building will be ex- tended from that room and across the alleyway,” Comstock said. One of the major aims of the project was to achieve a more in- viting space through cost-effec- tive means. This way, Rendezvous could be updated sufficiently with- out a significant financial setback in the event that W.S.C. is expanded in the near future. Comstock emphasized the im- portance of Wheelock Student Cen- ter. “Wheelock is the social hub, and it has a variety of services that are essential to students,” Comstock said. “And it is the events and op- portunities in the Wheelock public spaces that make this campus great.” The renovation of Rendezvous, as an improvement to one of the social spaces on campus, confirms the importance of W.S.C. as a social center, but also attests to the larger importance of providing inviting Spanish matters: Father Alejandro Solalinde will speak Renovation: The improvements to Rendezvous are complete. social spaces for the campus com- at Puget Sound as part of the Spanish Matters event in munity. Kilworth Chapel at 7 p.m. on April 10.

Security Report There are no suspects. Crime Prevention - even if you only plan on being The following incidents occurred gone for short periods. on campus and were reported to · A student reported receiving Please do your part to prevent Security Services between March threatening text messages from a crime on-campus by following 12 and April 2: non-student. Security and Dean these simple guidelines: of Students staff are investigating · Security Services is open 24/7 · A student was the victim of the incident. · Use a U-Bolt style lock to se- to serve you. Please call (253) a hit-and-run accident on N. cure your bicycle. Cable locks 879-3311 for assistance or to re- Lawrence Street. She reported · A student reported she was the are easily cut. Always secure port suspicious activity on cam- her vehicle was struck by an victim of a simple assault which your bicycle through the frame pus. on-coming vehicle while she at- occurred on campus in her resi- to the storage rack. Use a second tempted to park. The driver that dence. She identified the sus- lock to secure your front wheel struck her vehicle fled the scene pect, a non-student, who was to the bicycle. This will become To report incidents of sexual in her/his vehicle. There were later arrested by Tacoma Police. increasingly important as spring violence and harassment or seek no reported injuries. approaches and more bicycles support please contact Debbie · A resident of Smith Hall is sus- are in use. Chee, an Assistant Dean of Stu- · The Bookstore reported the pected of maliciously activat- dents at (253) 879-3360. There theft of several expensive text ing the fire alarm in the build- · Keep personal property (lap- is also helpful information for books. ing. The student’s motive is not tops, backpacks, wallets, cellular responding to or reporting ha- known. telephones) secured at all times. rassment and sexual assault on · A student reported their bicycle Do not leave these items unat- the university’s website. The uni- stolen from the racks near Schiff · Two students in Smith Hall tended in the Library, Student versity encourages the reporting Hall. The bicycle was secured reported their backpacks miss- Center, or Fieldhouse. Take your of these crimes and will assist with a cable lock. ing from the main floor lounge. items with you or ask a friend to members of the campus com- Both backpacks were later recov- watch them for you. munity in doing so. · A vehicle caused extensive ered by Security and returned to tire damage in the lawn west of the students. · Always keep your room or of- the Wheelock Student Center. fice secured when you are away

1095 Wheelock Student Center, Tacoma, WA 98416-1095 | (253) 879.3197 The Puget Sound Trail [email protected] | [email protected] Editor in Chief...... Jack Todd Sports Editor...... Stephen Hamway Managing Editor...... Kimberlee Frederick Combat Zone Editor...... Nathan Little Managing Copy Editor ...... Taylor Applegate A&E Editor...... Molly Brown News Editor...... Matthew Anderson Business Manager...... Katie Breece Opinions Editor...... C.J. Quierolo Photo Services General Manager...... Chris Putnam Features Editor...... Grace Heerman Faculty Advisor...... Rich Anderson-Connolly

The Trail is an independent, student-run organization funded by ASUPS. The Trail seeks to produce a credible weekly newspaper that serves as a comprehensive source of information relevant to its readership. The Trail acts as an archival record for the university, serves as a link between Puget Sound and the greater Tacoma community and provides an open forum for student opinion and discourse. The Puget Sound Trail Opinions 3 [email protected] April 5, 2013 What we all missed: “Monsanto Bill” passes With nation focused on gay marriage, big agriculture wins protections

By OLIVER FIELD negative health effects of such sub- stances. Last week brought us just about It’s tough to see who is most at the best and the worst sides of our fault in this scenario. Sen. Barba- government. Judging by the num- ra A. Mikulski, a Maryland Dem- ber of equal signs spreading like ocrat, has taken a fair amount of wildfire on Facebook, I am sure heat as the Chair of the Senate Ap- many of you were aware of the Su- propriations Committee that over- preme Court’s hearing regarding saw this bill. However, Mikulski the appeal of Proposition 8 in Cali- claims she wasn’t the one who add- fornia, which banned gay marriage ed the language, and apologized in the state’s constitution back in that it got through. 2008. Whatever transpired in those The hearing has us relishing in committee meetings we cannot a period of social awareness and say, but the fact of the matter is progressive change, during which that the piece of legislation passed old prejudice and strange laws va- by a 73-26 vote last week and was cate our lives as the government signed by President Obama Tues- begins to listen to its people. day, March 26. The excitement of that progress Democrats and Republicans PHOTO COURTESY/ThinkProgress was a great distraction to the back- alike were under immense pres- room dealings with congressmen sure to pass a funding bill and had and the Monsanto Company who until March 27 to do so or the gov- colluded to pass perverse laws un- ernment would be temporarily der the guise of a funding bill. shut down. Monsanto Company is a mas- Amid the outcry of a rally out- sive agricultural and biotechnol- side the white house and a petition that has gained over 250,000 signa- ogy corporation headquartered PHOTO COURTESY / CREATIVE COMMONS in Missouri. They are among the tures, senators from both sides of leaders in producing genetically the aisle have claimed ignorance, apparently not knowing of the modified organisms and were able Genetically modified organisms:The protections won by Monsanto in the bill will permit GMOs to work with lawmakers to sneak GMO provisions in the bill. to proliferate in the market, robbing judges of their power to restrict sale due to health concerns. protection for their company into Regardless of who worked with the framework of the Agriculture Monsanto to integrate the protec- Appropriations Bill. The language tion, it is shocking to me that this health. Genetically modified seeds the consumer. But I thought Con- didn’t know these provisions were of the section essentially grants type of collusion was even possi- and foods have long been under gress was there to protect us from in the bill is absurd. Even if they scrutiny for being unnatural. They didn’t know, it is their job to un- may be harmful, they may not, but derstand the bills for which they if studies prove that they are, don’t “ The [bill] grants are voting. you want the courts to have con- immunity to Monsanto This mistake by Congress could trol over proper bans, limitation or have been avoided, however. Pres- labeling? Why should producers of and the use of GMOs, ident Obama could have vetoed GMOs be protected if it turns out and prohibits judges from the bill. However, knowing what their ingredients are harmful to outlawing their use even he was doing or not, the President us? signed the bill into law. The same As shocking as this added pro- if studies come to light President Obama that claimed in vision may be, it is equally as dis- proving [...] negative health 2007 that if elected he would elim- turbing that so many of our elect- inate GMOs or create legislation ed officials either voted it into law, effects.” that would demand labeling of or failed to read the law and see such ingredients. the material. Isn’t that what we pay It is disheartening to know that them to do? Who is holding them such harm, not make good with so many of our country’s leaders accountable? I mean, heck, they companies and give them favors, are at fault for such an oversight. voted to give themselves a raise a especially at the possible expense The only silver lining is that this few months ago. Who determined of the public’s health. bill only lasts six months, until the PHOTO COURTESY / FLICKR USER “FAUL,” CREATIVE COMMONS 2.0 they deserve it with mistakes like Corporations may be a ma- government can find another way this? jor part of this mess, but without to fund its operations. But this tiny Monsanto: Genetically modified foods are cited as having ad- Now, many people will say this government protecting them with little provision sets a terrible prec- verse health effects; many judges have ruled against them. is yet another example of corporate certain subsidies, bailouts or pro- edent. It tells business that they power in America. In a way it is. visions, they would have far less can avoid consumer safety regu- But if Congress didn’t grant power and would be subject to the lations as long as Congress is on immunity to Monsanto and the ble. While it is hardly the first fa- them so much leverage, they might marketplace. their side. We rely on our court use of GMOs, and prohibits judg- vor government has ever granted a not have it. Monsanto is certainly at Whatever happened here was system to protect us when harmed, es from outlawing their use, even special interest group, it is painful fault, they are surely seeking their just too easy. and if they are stripped of that if studies come to light proving the that this one might jeopardize our own interests without concern for For Congress allege that they right, where does that leave us? O’Reilly now in favor of same-sex marriage Calls Clinton “phony,” gets lambasted on Colbert Report

By KAYLA GUTIERREZ compelling argument is. We’re During the segment, O’Reilly The fact remains, however, that Americans. We just want to be also called Bill Clinton a “phony” “Simply wanting all O’Reilly’s sentiment of simply Same-sex marriage legality has treated like everybody else. for now being in favor of same-sex Americans to be happy wanting “all Americans to be hap- recently become a major ques- That is a compelling argument. marriage even though he signed py,” is something that many peo- tion at the federal level, with the And to deny that, you’ve got to the Defense of Marriage act in is something that many ple in the country want. Supreme Court deciding to hear have a very strong argument on 1996, which made it so that same- people in the country While I don’t quite understand two cases, one regarding Proposi- the other side. sex marriages would not be recog- want.” what his reasons are for suddenly tion 8 and the other the Defense And the other side hasn’t been nized on any federal basis. deciding to be more or less in favor of Marriage Act, that have the po- able to do anything but thump While I actually agree with the of same-sex marriage, O’Reilly is tential to put an end to the debate. the bible … All right, the gay points made by O’Reilly on this O’Reilly has every right to just one of many Americans who On an episode of the satirical marriage thing, I don’t feel that segment of his show, it’s interest- change his opinion on same-sex are realizing that the question of television show The Colbert Re- strongly about it one way or the ing that he had the audacity to call marriage, and frankly, it’s refresh- marriage equality should no lon- port that aired on March 27, Ste- other.” He ended by saying, “I Clinton a “phony” for changing ing that he has, but it’s very hypo- ger be a question, but a reality. phen Colbert acted devastated want all Americans to be happy. his views on the issue of same-sex critical of him to criticize Clinton that so many people, including I do.” marriage, while he did the exact on one hand, and then make the Bill O’Reilly of the Fox News show Since Colbert’s character on same thing. same switch in his own opinion. The O’Reilly Factor, are actually in The Colbert Report idolizes favor of same-sex marriage. O’Reilly, these statements were On March 26, O’Reilly dis- shocking. cussed the Supreme Court cas- It is surprising that some- Want your opinion to be heard? es with Fox News Anchor Megyn one like O’Reilly claimed to not If you have a strong reaction to an article, e-mail us at [email protected], or visit our Kelly on his show. During the seg- feel “strongly” about the issue of website at and share your voice with us. We will select responses each ment, O’Reilly stated, “The com- same-sex marriage since in the pelling argument is on the side past he has fervently been op- week to publish in the next issue. of homosexuals. That’s where the posed to the idea. 4 Opinions The Puget Sound Trail April 5 2013 [email protected] Standardized testing damaging to education College admissions cannot cling to myths of the SAT’s objectivity By C.J. QUEIROLO port systems. pacity to test well on one specif- in schools which privilege certain To assume that all students are ic test which is designed for some students over others, which rou- ost people will take some kind of standard- the same is to impose a profound- nonexistent ideal subject. tinely denigrate students of any ized test in their lives. Many of us had to in ly violent identity onto them. This Now, of course we all take tests color, female students or socioeco- identity imposed on them is one in class. But those tests are not nomically disadvantaged students order to even apply to colleges like the Uni- which assumes an affluent, white, standardized in the same manner and make their success more of a upper-middle class and which is as the SAT and ACT, or any of the longshot than anything else. These versity of Puget Sound. Given that it’s col- (usually) male. To assume that state tests. The tests we take in col- are environments where students lege admission season and there has been a series of recent all students are the same is to as- lege cover very specific curricu- have been sexually harassed, where M sume that differences do not exist la which we know in advance and LGBTQ students have been verbal- scandals in high school education surrounding standardized between them, and to assert that before which we can ask questions ly or physically bullied or assaulted. those differences are the fault of the of our professors. The tests we take The simple act of walking to examinations for both entry into education as well as fund- student. now are not analogous to the one- school for some students is an act of ing for high schools, I figured that this would be an appropri- Though regulators, admissions size-fits-all approach of high school bravery, not of neutral resignation. officers and others claim that there testing. For a non-privileged student, for ate time to once again breach a subject that never seems to go has to be “some” way to judge stu- I can’t even think of anything anyone who is not affluent, white, dents objectivly to determine en- useful I took away from the SAT; upper-middle class and male, go- away: Why do we have these tests at all? try into college, the arguments in While taking a midterm, not once ing to school is often a routinized favor of continued use of the SAT have I thought “Ah! This is exactly erasure of identity. To sit in a class- On March 29 in Atlanta, Ga., for- tions, determined without recourse amount to little more than a veiled, like that time I had to answer ques- room, to memorize a canon written mer superintendent Beverly Hall — to the actual lived experiences of and perhaps unintentional, rac- tion 18 on the math section of the for and by white, wealthy, straight alongside more than thirty other students, will have equal opportu- ism—You did not perform well on a ACT! Will I fill in a, b, c, or d...” men, is to sit there and read your teachers—were indicted on charges nity to perform successfully. test designed for an ideal white sub- own marginalization from history. of altering student state test scores. This premise is at odds with just ject. You therefore cannot enter our Schools expect students who ex- Some, including several whistle- about everything we hear about college. “ Students are different. perience that to sit in a standard- blowers from within the school higher education. It’s not merely an abstract objec- Not just superficially, but ized testing environment, “get over district, allege that these alterations We’re told to “be ourselves” on tion, though. My objection to stan- it,” and somehow perform as if they were more than just making up test college applications and through- dardized testing has a practical ar- in radically profound ways. had not dealt with that? No won- scores; teachers are alleging that out our high school carreers, only gument as well. Individual students have der there’s still racial achievement district administrators would alter to hear that some applicants were Who even remembers what they gaps on these standardized tests. student answers on tests, as well as not “themselves” enough to war- “learned” while studying for the distinct and irreducibly No wonder we still aren’t seeing selectively choose students to take rant entry. An op-ed piece about SAT? Was there any content in that different lived experiences, more people of color in higher edu- the test, so as to artificially inflate this appeared online recendly in monster of a test which is in any cation. And no wonder people hate scores. the Wall Street Journal by someone way relevant to the education we home lives, relationships to the SAT. It’s a standardized era- State and national tests offered named only “Ms. Weiss;” Ms. Weiss’ receive in college? classrooms...” sure of one’s own self, a standard by various departments of educa- article points out that though col- Some may respond, as if often denigration of anything “different,” tion are used to determine state leges may ask for students to pres- argued, that the SAT and its ilk are and a standard written by and for and federal funding for high school ent themselves as unique individu- used to assess test-taking strategies wealthy white straight men. districts, not to determine entry als, more often than not, high SAT more than they are knowledge of That would be absurd. For all their talk of inclusivity into college. Schools and districts or ACT scores can determine entry content. The example coming out of At- and diversity, colleges should real- receieve more funding according to into college. I don’t even see why we care lanta shows the perverse political ly look at the kinds of testing prac- how successful they are at showing Additionally, I take issue with about that. Again, the response incentives that our current mind- tices they encourage when they use both high-scoring students as well the premise: students are not all contends that students are at root set allows. these tests to determine entry into as improved success on standard- equal. I am not saying that some identical in every respect, that The belief that students, judged college. ized tests over time. I’m not even students are better than others there is an ideal strategy they can “objectively” under “standard” con- I think colleges, our University certain if colleges have access to or (everyone is better than someone find, and that if they do not find it, ditions and norms will provide an included, should look more close- care about state standardized test- else at something—the only ques- it is their own fault. accurate assessment of particular ly at what we tolerate being done in ing, but the scandal does raise a few tion is what metric you use to de- If colleges now care about our students’ abilities to perform sim- our name. interesting questions, both about termine that superiority). What I test-taking “strategies,” why don’t ply cannot hold. District admin- the nature of standardized testing mean is that students are different. they also regulate the other “strate- istrators are easily able to silence as well as our relation as a society Not just superficially, but in rad- gies” we use in everyday life. I have whistle-blowers temporarily in or- to them. ically profound ways. Individu- a strategy for walking down the der to enact a top-down adminis- Standardized tests are precise- al students have radically distinct street, for bending over at a water trative goal in the name of increas- LETTER TO THE ly that: standardized. Their funda- and irreducibly different life expe- fountain, for how I’ll shake my pro- ing funding. The spaces in which mental assumption—their philo- riences, exposure to curricula, ed- fessor’s hand, and how I’ll answer standardized tests operate—met- EDITOR sophical premise, if you’ll entertain ucational material, home lives, re- the phone when my friend calls. aphorically and literally—are not In response to Leanne Gan’s re- me—is that all students are, in es- lationships to classrooms, access to I don’t see colleges regulating and spaces free of politics, history, op- view of Roadmap to Apartheid, I ap- sence, equal, and that, given a stan- after-school help and special study assessing that. Similarly, I don’t see pression or racism. plaud acknowledgement that the film dard environment and set of condi- programs, honor societies and sup- why they would care about my ca- There are cultural forces at work showed only one side of the Pales- tinian-Israeli conflict. Sadly, this ac- knowledgement did not balance the content of the review. A statement in the negative that “not all Jewish peo- ple in Israel feel the need to oppress An update on the “Pop-Tart” scandal and annex the Palestinian population and not all Israeli soldiers are corrupt and power-driven” makes it sound as New legislation grants flexibility to “zero-tolerance” policy if most do and are. This misrepre- sents reality grossly. Over 80 percent of Israelis in a recent poll wanted out By CAROLEA CASAS tive of a gun), and ended with a big that “It was already a rectangle and dents whose snacks, paper scraps of the West Bank. And the very few graphic with April Fool’s in all caps. I just kept on biting it and biting and eraser shavings are shaped sim- valid claims of Israeli soldier miscon- April Fool’s Day 2013 was a pro- Clearly, the piece was meant as sat- it and tore off the top and it kinda ilarly will not be punished in the duct have resulted in prison terms for ductive time for the Internet. Net- ire. What bothers me more, how- looked like a gun but it wasn’t. All same manner. soldiers who violated the Israeli mili- flix got us all with categories enti- ever, is the actual real life evidence I was trying to do was turn it into a In essence, the initiative allows tary code. tled “TV Shows Where Defiantly applied in the background. mountain but, it didn’t look like a school officials the flexibility to ac- Both sides have suffered greatly in Crossed Arms Mean Business,” The article made reference to an mountain really and it turned out to knowledge that a snack chewed into this conflict. But the fact remains, “Movies Starring Estelle Getty and ongoing case involving a 7-year-old be a gun kinda.” the shape of a pistol, a switchblade the security fence (“wall”) and check- Some Other Guy,” and, (my per- second grader in Maryland who has I am in no way going to attempt or a grenade has no real application points prevent terrorism against Is- sonal favorite), “Movies Featuring been suspended for biting his Pop- to sew up the gun control issue with as harmful. rael’s citizens, Jewish, Muslim and an Epic Nicolas Cage Meltdown.” I Tart into a gun shape. this article. As a matter of fact, I There will certainly by back- Christian. They exist not because Is- read a few satirical articles, looked I have yet to read any evidence hope to keep this discussion as sep- lash from this legislation—many raelis want to oppress Palestinians, at some pretty funny Photoshop that the child, second-grader Josh arate from that argument as possi- will prefer to implement zero tol- but because Israelis don’t want to be jobs, and was altogether pleased Welch, attempted to pretend threat- ble, given the subject matter. erance for fear that the image of a killed. Fences and checkpoints can be with the comic festivities until I en other children or faculty at the I understand that the aftermath cherry-flavored, jelly-centered faux removed. Terrorist victims cannot be came across one particular article, elementary school with direct aim of horrific incidents like the Sandy Glock will terrorize young children, brought back to life. on a Maryland school board’s al- and sound effects, just that his bites Hook massacre require heightened or plant a seed of violence in their If those showing Roadmap to leged vow to remove the letter ‘L’ ended in a vaguely gun-shaped security and national dialogue. But young brains. Apartheid truly wanted to educate from alphabet curriculum because treat, which he waved in the air. I hardly think that warrants protec- I believe there is a time to call a students about this difficult conflict, its shape is visually similar to that The Welch family’s attorney, tion from a 7-year-old with teeth thing what it is, however, and this they would support a debate between of a gun. Robin Ficker, attested that no stu- and an imagination. is overkill. Using scare tactics over representatives of the Palestinian and The article contained quotes from dent has come forward claiming Since Welch’s involvement in the cereal bars and choosing to impose Israeli communities. Dialogue, not the letter ‘L’ itself, as well as a refer- to have been frightened by Josh great Pop-Tart fiasco, Maryland blanket bans instead of educating demonization, would best serve our ence to the problematic construc- Welch’s actions. state Senator J.B. Jennings has un- children about real dangers is nei- campus community. tion of the letter ‘G’ in American In his own statement, Welch dertaken legislation to modify the ther productive nor intelligent. Sign Language (also slightly indica- told Baltimore Fox Station WBFF zero-tolerance policy, so that stu- —Belinda Timpke

Opinions contained herein do not necessarily reflect the views of The Trail staff, ASUPS, the University, or its Board of Trustees. Articles and letters in the Opinions section are printed at the discretion of the Trail editorial staff. The Trail reserves the right to refuse any letters submitted for publication. Letters to the editor will not be edited for grammar, spelling, or content, except in the case of material that is considered to be offensive, as determined by the Trail style guide. All letters to the editor must be signed and must have an email address or phone number. Letters for publication the following Friday are due no later than Monday at noon and may be sent to: The Puget Sound Trail, 1095 Wheelock Student Center, Tacoma, WA 98416 or [email protected]. The Puget Sound Trail CLASSiFieDS 5 [email protected] April 5, 2013 HEY YOU! I have a lot to say. HEY YOU! Take off that Patagu- HEY YOU! Th e future is weird and Don’t silence me. I even indented cci, you’re not as outdoorsy as you super GLITCH! LONG LIVE THE this ‘hey you’ as if it were an essay think. NEW FLESH! in which I have a lot to say. HEY YOU! I’m addicted to weed. Editor’s Note: Death to Video- HEY YOU! Soft ball suite-mate! Why does it seem like nobody else drome. Can’t wait until you are done with is. 4/20 is the best day of the year! the season. Drinking shall com- I’m talking to you 4 AW ppl. HEY YOU! Curly-brown haired mence. dude from Schiff Garden Level. HEY YOU! Info center workers, You’re always singing. Let’s make HEY YOU! Diversions, what’s up stealing from the S.U.B. isn’t a some noise in bed. with not playing KUPS? We are crime—they steal from us every- literally downstairs in the same day! HEY YOU! People who ordered building. It’s kind of rude ... we the “Spring Fling.” Happy April buy a lot of coff ee from you, right? HEY YOU! Housemates, I couldn’t Fools Day. ask for sweeter or quirkier people <3 Th e Dive to live with. I miss you already. Want to submit a Hey You? HEY YOU! I POOPED ‘EM. HEY YOU! Th e S.U.B. is a collec- E-mail tion of tyrants! Wake up from this HEY YOU! Boyfriend of a year [email protected] HEY YOU! Come see Th e Faculty capitalist enslavement, students HEY YOU! Have an issue on and a half. I love you a lot ... Sorry or put one in the boxes in Room! Tonight at 7:30 or tomor- and eaters, alike! campus you would like to change? I’m a kitten and that I did some Diversions or Oppenheimer Cafe. row at 2:00 and 7:30. Tickets are $6 ASUPS Senate meets every Th urs- stupid s**t. You are the fi sh to our Th e Trail will never publish at the Info Center or the door. HEY YOU! Artsy lady with the day at 7 in the Murray Boardroom. ocean. Th anx for being purrfect. Hey Yous that explicitly refer kitty, you have been so lovely. Let’s Stop on by! to individuals or groups or are get potatoes soon. HEY YOU! I’m going to dump you hateful or libelous in nature. A HEY YOU! To my new friends, classmates and suite-mates, I want HEY YOU! Housemates! Spring aft er fi nals. full description of the policy can HEY YOU! Texas, you have great Break will be lonely without you, be found at to give a giant, warm thank you for making me feel at home and eyes and I love your voice when it but I’ll survive. HEY YOU! Stop driving to school, welcome on campus :) waxes religious. P.S. Hey you, I survived! lalala! you lazy f**ks. HEY PHOTOGRAPHERS! Ele- * I smoked in every room of the ments photo contest extended the HEY YOU! Boy in the Uggs. I re- HEY YOU! Listening to you house. HEY YOU! Apply to be an ASUPS deadline to April 8! Submit up to ally respect and appreciate you! should violate the 8th Amend- Media Head! Apps are due April 9, three photos of natural, scientifi c, ment. HEY YOU! ASUPS is hiring a new so get going! or any other photo pertaining to HEY YOU! Puget Sound! Why head editor for Elements Science your interpretation of an “ele- don’t you fi x the parking lot HEY YOU! KUPS. Learn the Magazine! Awesome experience HEY YOU! KUPS, that’s a pretty ment.” Send to elements@puget- potholes before building another diff erence between eclectic and AND you get paid $$. ALL are dank new set up you’ve got there... million-dollar building! f**king completely inaccessible. welcome to apply. Apps are due April 9. Email elements@puget- HEY YOU! Quit being such a HEY YOU! Make a contract with HEY YOU! Satan is real and lives HEY YOU! I’m not some Starbuck with any questions or butthead, butthead! me and become a magical girl! inside us all! diva b***h concerns. THE HAPPY TRAIL A Weekly Sex Column Making the bedroom a “happier” place... think before you pink the unknown etymology of By SANDY TAiLCHASeR capitalize on the breast cancer aware- ness market. your old least favorite word Breast cancer research gets the In a Jezebel article from Sept. 2011, greatest amount of funding per death Margaret Hartman noted that there By OPHeLiA JUGGS ugly, and unspeakable. Those who and new case of any form of cancer, are around 1,400 IRS-recognized, do speak it are ignorant of the di- including the most common form of tax-exempt breast cancer charities vine, creative connotations and cancer in the United States, lung can- in the United States. Hartman points unt. It’s a pretty powerful word, but maybe not foolishly use it in an attempt to cer. Much of this funding “success” out that many of these charities are steal power from others to try to has to do with how well the breast oft en started by breast cancer sur- for the reasons you might think. give the impression of their own cancer awareness message has been vivors and their families. Oft en, the For those of you who saw the Vagina Mono- strength. branded. people running these charities do not Even if cunt simply meant va- Possibly the most successful breast have the type of experience or skills logues, cunt is a word that’s being reclaimed gina, what’s wrong with vaginas? cancer awareness campaign is the necessary to run a non-profi t, and on Vaginas are flippin’ awesome! Pink Ribbon Campaign, credited occasion they are simply running a by a lot of people who are tired of a word that is histori- They give people pleasure, they with making a light, peachy pink syn- “sham charity” that uses the pink rib- C cally associated with female power being twisted into some- give life, and they’re even a natu- onymous with cancer research. Since bon campaign to raise funds that are rally evolved lunar calendar! 1991, the Susan G. Komen Breast then embezzled by the founders. thing shameful and derogatory. Contrary to what you might Why would you refer to an angry, Cancer Foundation has been using In 2002, Breast Cancer Action disagreeable person as a warm, the ubiquitous pink ribbon in order started their “Th ink Before You Pink” think, cunt doesn’t just mean “vagina,” though. There’s a squishy birth canal? to bolster breast cancer awareness campaign in order to spread the rich history to the word that would make all those people As someone who loves words, during their Race for the Cure event word about such faulty charities that the misuse of cunt is utterly baf- in New York City. In that same year, attempt to capitalize on pink ribbon who’ve ever used it as a putdown blush if they knew what it fling. Sure, language evolves over the cosmetics industry began to marketing. On their website, BCA time, but as responsible, aware latch onto the “pink ribbon” brand of boasts that their organization is “the really meant. citizens, we need to work against breast cancer awareness. only national breast cancer organi- constructs that steal power from Alexander Penney, editor of SELF zation that does not accept funding Etymologically, cunt is most all-powerful cunt magic. one group and give it to another. magazine at the time, partnered from entities that profi t from or con- often connected with the oriental For a word so strongly linked to I would urge my readers to em- with Evelyn Lauder (of Estée Lauder tribute to cancer, including the phar- goddess Cunti and/or the Hindu feminine agency, creativity, cre- brace cunt again. It’s a short word Cosmetics fame) to distribute pink maceutical industry.” goddess Kunda (also known as ation and strength, why do people with a lot of corners and a lot of ribbons at Estée Lauder counters BCA also has a list of questions to Shakti). Cunti and Kunda are re- tiptoe around cunt? Why are we so weight, but it should be anything nation-wide. Th e pink ribbon cam- ask before buying into any product vered in their respective religions afraid to say it? Why do we refer but scary. It can be a massive force paign caught on like wildfi re, and labeled for breast cancer awareness, as the Great Yoni of the Universe to people we dislike as beautiful, of love instead of a massive force now it’s hard to walk into any store such as how much of their money (Yoni means “the source of all powerful goddesses? of hate if we actively define our without seeing some pink product is being donated to research and life”). The short answer: Patriarchy. vocabulary instead of letting it de- with a “breast cancer awareness” label whether or not the product itself has The goddess Kundalini Shakti The long answer: As the Chris- fine us. tacked on the front. been shown to increase one’s chances in Hinduism is the embodiment tian/Catholic church started to If you love someone, if you look But how much of this money is of breast cancer. Yoplait, for example of the sanskrit word “shak” (“to be inhabit formerly pagan areas and up to someone and see her as a being put towards actual cancer re- has advertized their products with able”) and personifies force, em- convert the native dwellers, they righteous powerful babe, let her search? What exactly is “breast can- pink lids, while at the same time their powerment, the divine feminine decreed that all likenesses of these know! On its own, cunt might be cer awareness” anyway? With catchy yogurt is made with hormone-en- creative power and, most signifi- goddesses were profane, and that misunderstood, but using it in slogans like “save second base!” and riched dairy proven to increase one’s cantly, she depends on no one; she the only true God was a man. context can open up a great dia- endless merchandizing opportuni- chances of getting breast cancer. is instead inter-dependent with They told people that feminine logue, like “Oh my gosh, that [Fe- ties, it’s a wonder why there still hasn’t While the possibility of giving to the universe (that’s right, the uni- power was a manifestation of the male Politician] is so cool! She just been a cure despite the overwhelm- a fraudulent charity may seem like verse couldn’t exist without her devil, and that the yonic images stood up for herself intelligently, ing infl ux of capital. it makes donating at all not worth either!). were likenesses of the cunnus di- and she’s so well spoken! She must One of the major problems with the trouble, there are resources for Cunt is also related etymologi- aboli (latin for “devilish cunt”). be a real cunt.” the “pink ribbon” form of branding fi nding reputable charities. Charity cally to words like country, kin, The divinity of the cunt was some- Oh, and next time someone is that nobody technically owns it. Watch has given positive ratings to kind, cunning, and ken (mean- thing to be hidden and ashamed calls you a cunt, you can thank Th e Susan G. Komen foundation at- the Breast Cancer Research Founda- ing knowledge, wisdom, remem- of. them and be reminded that they’re tempted to trademark the pink rib- tion, the National Breast Cancer Co- brance, and insight). It’s also cog- Geoffrey Chaucer even used probably just intimidated by how bon aft er its initial debut, but to no alition Fund, and Breast Cancer Fund nate with “cunabula,” meaning cunt in a fairly anatomical sense, awesome you are. avail. As a result, any manufacturer for their fi nancial health and how cradle, “Cunina,” a Roman god- but over time, the word was re- of a product can simply change the much money is spent on programs in dess who protected children in the vived into a zombified version of color of their packaging in order to relation to administrative costs. cradle, and “cuntipotent,” which its original meaning. Cunt as it is refers to a person who possesses used today is distinctly un-holy, 6 The Puget Sound Trail features April 5, 2013 [email protected] Should bias/hate crimes be public knowledge? Campus undecided about publishing BHERT incidents in The Trail By KARI VANDRAISS that these are the only incidences. emerging trends of bias or hate in- ability in creating an inclusive liv- awareness. This issue has sparked a conver- cidents,” allowing for the “burden ing and learning environment at Chief Diversity Officer and At most institutions of higher sation on campus relating to why of responding to such incidents to Puget Sound. committee chair Czarina Ramsay education, a single day does not only a small percentage of such in- be lifted from the shoulders of the Reports go directly to the references the trend of gender-re- pass without a report of a bias- or cidents are made public. Several target group’s members,” accord- BHERT chair (MCSS Director/ lated reports of bias from last se- hate-related crime. With the ex- students have turned to the Puget ing to BHERT’s webpage. Chief Di- mester as cess of programs promoting di- Sound Bias-Hate Education Re- Current members of the sub- versity Of- an example. versity and a seemingly authentic sponse Team for answers. committee include a variety of fac- ficer), and The cases culture of acceptance on campus, In the fall of 2005, the Facul- ulty, staff and students, such as the then pro- “I think BHERT’s findings have been it would be easy to be lulled into ty Diversity Committee formed a Chief Diversity Officer, the Direc- vide data shared with the mindset that “things like that” subcommittee to address the issue tor of Multicultural Student Ser- regarding should be made public because a Sexual As- don’t happen here—not like they of responding to incidents of bi- vices and the Director of Resident the partic- students deserve to know sault Work- do at other schools. Unfortunate- as-hate on our campus, following Life. ulars of the exactly what is happening on ing Group, ly, Puget Sound does not prove an the creation and implementation BHERT’s objectives include up- incident, now tasked exception. of the University’s diversity stra- holding the institutional mission including campus.” with assess- While almost every semes- tegic plan. The official purpose and commitment to multicultural what cam- —Sadie Boyers ing current ter there is the occasional cam- of BHERT is to assist in address- values and social justice; monitor- pus support institution- pus-wide email informing us that ing issues of bias and hate at Puget ing incidents of bias and hate af- has been al programs an incident of hate, bias or oth- Sound, not only prompting greater fecting the Puget Sound commu- utilized and and resourc- er assault occurred (you may re- awareness but also analyzing how nity; consulting, supporting and if resolu- es to help as- member the case this semester, in they shape our community. providing resources toward re- tion has occurred. Reviewing ag- sault prevention. which an individual was pushed to While there are formal channels solving incidents of bias and hate gregate data gathered from such “Understanding the types of the ground and called a derogato- to address complaints, BHERT is for individual(s) and/or groups cases allows the committee to sup- bias incidents reported that are ry term in reference to homosex- intended to create a new structure impacted; and serving as one tool port and influence future educa- gender related, frequency, areas uality), it would be naïve to think for “proactive dialogue related to to maintain institutional account- tional opportunities and increase of campus providing reports that UT’s You. Are. A. Tacoma combats hunger with “A Machine brings Night of Hope” food justice event

By NAKISHA RENEE JONES A Puget Sound student who still have needs outside of food; respite and insight wants to help with hunger issues they still need clothes and medi- Hunger is a growing problem can get connected with the Com- cine, and have bills such as rent and nationwide. Too often, advocates munity Involvement and Action mortgage to pay. To get a sufficient By HAILA SCHULTZ show with a goal,” he said. This se- of food justice look overseas to oth- Center. If participants want to help job, people need to have the right mester, they began with about 60 er countries to implement strate- directly with food salvage, Pope- skills and abilities to pass an inter- Ubiquitous They provided their sketches, written by members of the gies for eradicating hunger, but the nuck and the team need another view and the training. audience with some much-needed sketch team, which they narrowed need for food does not necessarily driver to deliver food to Guadalupe Transportation is also an issue. comic relief and an escape from the down to about 16 that were actually stretch that far. One in six people House on Fridays between 3 and 5 For those without a living-wage stresses of student life as they ener- performed in the show. living in America has to deal with p.m. job, transportation is still necessary getically performed their bi-annual The sketches are initially writ- hunger. “My main goal is to connect stu- to get to program locations. All of sketch comedy show on Friday and ten and then developed through Washington State’s food insecuri- dents who want to get out there, this stress compounds and affects Saturday, March 29 and 30. the collaboration and improvisa- ty rate is above average. Food inse- and get them doing what it is that the mentality of family members Comedy sketch shows are com- tion by the members participating curity refers to the USDA’s measure they want to do as it’s related to struggling to make ends meet; ris- posed of several short scenes, typ- in them. “Approaching the show of lack of access to enough food for food justice,” Popenuck said. ing stress levels can lead to health ically under 10 minutes long, that like this allows us to produce a very an active lifestyle for all household One of the main setbacks with problems as well. explore a certain concept, event or high quality product. Often, we find members, and limited availability food access for people who need But before any of these resolu- situation. Each sketch was student- that themes or motifs emerge in the of nutritional foods. Food insecu- assistance is the lack of information tions can be put into place, the first written, directed and performed. sketches we have selected,” Little rity may reflect a household’s need provided. Students and communi- need to be met is hunger; it’s not While the said. to make trade-offs between food or ty members can help by spreading feasible to do the rest while hungry. title of the The theme other necessary expenses. One out information that programs and op- Glackin-Coley insisted that “If show was “Good comedy is naturally of mixing re- of every four kids in Washington tions do exist. Communities can you’ve ever experienced hunger in You. Are. A. ality with fan- lives in a food insecure household. also have local public meals where your life, talk to people about it. Machine— just; it attacks the powerful tasy seemed to Members from the Pierce Coun- people can come to eat and social- Make it a human issue. Don’t make a line from and turns stigmas and norms run through- ty community came together at ize together and connect with one any assumptions about who’s hun- one of the out the show, the Puget Sound for the “A Night another. gry and who’s not.” Every person sketches— on their head.” especially in of Hope” event. Speakers from the The solution to food insecurity requires food to sustain life, so pro- the show —Nathan Little the skit enti- Emergency Food Network, Puget needs to be a holistic one. It starts moting programs to feed the hun- covered tled “An Un- Sound Food Service, McCarver with a living-wage job so that peo- gry is also providing opportunities myriad top- expected Par- Elementary and St. Leo’s gathered ple do not have to make decisions for people to achieve greater goals ics, from tay,” in which around for a roundtable discus- between food and living. People for themselves and their families. bringing home the wrong baby to scenes from The Hobbit are rewrit- sion about food justice issues and religion to Groundhog Day. ten into the life of an average man methods for alleviating the prob- Performers fought with banana about to propose to his girlfriend. lems. guns, sung ballads and broke out In subsequent skits, whenever char- “Visits to food banks have gone suddenly in surprisingly advanced acters seemed to be in a tricky sit- up 67 percent last year,” the rep- choreographed dance. The actors uation, they were rescued just in resentative from EFN said. About took advantage of the imagination time by the giant Eagles from Mid- Cross the 18 million households are food of the audience and their own the- dle Earth. insecure nationwide. Hunger has atrical power to transform vari- Little said that the common serious consequences. Chronic ous colors of blankets into Gan- threads that run throughout the hunger in adults has been found bridge to a dalf’s cloak, Buddha’s kasaya and different skits in a show are “not to weaken bones and muscles, in- Jesus’ robes. Rausch Auditorium usually purposeful, and is just how crease the risk of illness, worsen was filled with audience members comedy makes connections, but existing health problems and con- laughing cathartically and whole- when we find reoccurring scenarios tribute to depression and lack of great career. heartedly. we do try to play them up.” energy. Ubiquitous They was originally Shenanigans aside, Little spoke Children who are hungry may Expand your career options with the founded in 2003 as a radio show. of the importance of comedy in ad- be less attentive, independent and Nathan Little, the co-leader of dressing controversial issues. “It curious. As panelist Kevin Glack- Bridge MBA at University. Ubiquitous They Improv, said that makes handling taboos easier and in-Coley mentioned, “Kids can’t • For non-business majors the name of the organization origi- can strip scary issues of their pow- focus when they’re hungry.” A nates from its time as a radio show er,” he said. “Good comedy is nat- teacher from McCarver empha- • 12 month program to completion because “we were ubiquitous on the urally just; it attacks the powerful sized that “not having enough • No work experience required airwaves.” and turns stigmas and norms on food is a significant barrier to ed- Later, the group evolved to per- their head.” ucation.” Many hungry children form sketch and improv. Little said Little acknowledged that come- have difficulty concentrating, and that although the improv aspect of dy can be abused, and that it can si- their reading ability and verbal Ubiquitous They is perhaps more lence important discussions, but he and motor skills suffer. visible than the sketch aspect be- pointed out that the nature of com- Salvage Coordinator Bet- cause improv is done weekly, UT edy resists prejudice and injustice. ty Popenuck spoke about all the ThE BridgE MBA sketch, led by Sarah McKinley and “Since mischievousness is such programs that Puget Sound Food AT SEATTlE UnivErSiTy. Jeff Nickels, is a huge part of the an important part of comedy it can’t Service has been implementing. Call (206) 296-5919 or program. be used to defend the corrupt or The food salvage program takes email [email protected] Little described the process of immoral for very long—true come- leftover food from the dining for more information. planning a sketch show as very dy grows restless and impatient un- hall and delivers it to Guadalupe natural: “We do not approach any der such constraints,” he said. House three times a week. features The Puget Sound Trail 7 [email protected] April 5, 2013

BHERT has collected will help this BHERT’s findings should be made pus is no exception to the reality of working group deconstruct the is- public because students deserve to existent stereotypes and prejudic- sues of gender and assault present know exactly what is happening es, and that publishing the infor- on campus,” Ramsay said. on campus … Students can’t pro- mation collected by BHERT along Those involved with sexual as- tect themselves from events that with a dialogue is a step in the sault prevention on campus are they are unaware of,” Boyers said. right direction. She lists not only very interested in seeing BHERT’s She believes that publishing the The Trail, but the annual Diversity findings published in a forum such information in The Trail’s security & Inclusion Report, various com- as The Trail. I spoke with one stu- report section at the end of each mittee meetings including ASUPS dent (who has chosen to remain semester could be effective, and Senate and SDC Governing Coun- anonymous) who emphasized the that it would be prudent to facili- cil and Logger Diversity Summits importance of awareness and pub- tate a discussion revolving around as strong initial steps for making licity in order to change the cul- the report if it is indeed published. this information heard to the larg- ture of sexual assault on any cam- As to the effectiveness of the com- er campus community. pus. mittee, she would like to see the There has been speculation as The student went on to com- committee facilitate a larger cam- to whether the administration has mend BHERT for its efforts, and pus wide discussion regarding hesitated to publish information appreciates that the committee their findings as they work to cre- of this nature in an effort to pre- recognizes the need for an easier ate an education space for “reflec- serve the school’s image. Howev- system of reporting: “I understand PHOTO COURTESY / GRACE HEERMAN tion and dialogue.” er, I would be disinclined to be- that they are discussing ways to Ramsay agrees that BHERT’s ef- lieve the conspiracy theorists on publicize their findings in a bet- Public knowledge: Campus leaders considering printing in- fort in fulfilling its objectives is an this particular issue, and hope that ter way, and I am in full support of stances of bias- and hate-related crime in campus publications. ongoing endeavor. She shares Boy- in the near future we see a section this progress … BHERT could be ers’ sentiment that making this in- in this publication dedicated to in- influential in normalizing discus- formation more available would creasing awareness of hate crimes sion about issues of this nature af- a frequent rate, and thinks it like- reporting the findings of BHERT be beneficial, and that recognizing and harassment among the cam- flicting our campus.” ly that this is the case with other in a more public forum. She has that biased behavior and hatred pus community. In their involvement with sex- forms of harassment or hateful ac- met with the committee to dis- still exist is a “critical component Report incidents of bias or ual assault prevention, it is ap- tions. cuss the possibility of publishing of multicultural advocacy and ed- hate on campus to any committee parent that students are not aware Former senate member Sadie their crime reports in The Trail’s ucation.” member or at BERT@pugetsound. that sexual assault happens at such Boyers is an ardent supporter of security report section. “I think Ramsay fully believes that cam- edu. Senior Eryn Eby named Puget Sound’s first Luce Scholar ects for one year. sary to bring them to the forefront Many Luce Scholars are giv- By JORDAN MACAVOY “My interest in diverse chronic of public health discussions. en opportunities to join the glob- pain management approaches has Unfortunately, the Luce Schol- al political scene after their year enior Eryn Eby has been awarded two presti- multiple dimensions,” Eby’s proj- arship and the Watson Fellowship with the foundation because of ect proposal reads: “how to man- are both yearlong commitments, the skills they have developed and gious scholarship opportunities, one from the Luce age the pain itself, how to incor- and Eby could not accept both. She the determination they have dem- Scholarship Program and another with the Thomas porate traditional medicine into chose to accept the Luce Scholar- onstrated while working on their modern healthcare systems, and ship, a competitive experience that projects. J. Watson Fellowship. Both programs are designed how to apply these techniques on sends young scholars to Asia to Eby said that her project with a policy level.” Her project was de- develop their skills in an environ- the Luce Foundation has not yet Sto give graduating students like Eby the opportunity to ex- signed to effect a change in the way ment in which they have not had a been decided, but that it will be plore their passions and develop skills that will help them chronic pain is treated in the glob- significant amount of experience. with a public health organization al sphere at the political level. The Luce Scholarship gives its 16 in southern Asia. She hopes to gain make the world a better place. Eby’s interest in investigating recipients placement with a com- “hands-on experience in the glob- the influence of politics on pub- pany related to their career path al public health field,” and “to ex- lic health policies was inspired by where they are given language perience and learn how to live and Eby is a graduating in May with in an international environment. her own struggle with early onset training and specialized projects. work in Asia.” a degree in Politics and Govern- The Watson Fellowship gives rheumatoid arthritis. Eby start- These projects typically include an Eby is the first University of ment and a focus in Global De- students the chance to travel ed a summer camp for children in economic or political aspect, all fo- Puget Sound student to be award- velopment Studies. Her passion is across the globe to work on self- Alaska who suffer from arthritis, cused around improving the par- ed the Luce Scholarship, so it is an in international relations and she propelled projects. The founda- and during her travels she hopes to ticipant’s understanding of global honor for us to be represented in hopes that the opportunity she has tion grants participating scholars learn helpful techniques for deal- politics and completely immers- this organization by someone with been given will provide the tools to a $25,000 stipend to travel and do ing with chronic pain issues, as ing them in the culture and politi- such a remarkable passion for pub- operate effectively as a professional independent study on their proj- well as to develop the skills neces- cal climate of their chosen country. lic health and global politics. 8 sports The Puget Sound Trail April 5, 2013 [email protected] Savage’s grand slam keys upset for the Loggers By STEPHEN HAMWAY With two outs, he still had a runs in the sixth and eighth in- chance to get out of the inning nings. The team ultimately fell While the rest of the cam- unscathed, but the opposing bat- by a score of 7-3. Beiser took the pus enjoyed a week-long break, ter would not bite on a full count, loss, and the offense was paced by the Loggers men’s baseball team and the Loggers walked in a run, sophomore Kaulana Smith (Ka- Puget Sound Baseball stayed hard at work during spring falling behind 1-0 early. polei, Hawaii) and junior Lucas break, playing seven games. The fourth inning was the big Stone (Ashland, Ore.), who had Upcoming Games While the team dealt with a set- blow against the Loggers, how- three hits apiece. back in the early part of the week, ever. Once again, Linfield load- With one final chance to sal- Spring 2013 suffering a four-game sweep at ed the bases with two outs. This vage a victory from the series, the the hands of College of Idaho that time, it only took one pitch for the Loggers gave Linfield all it could began on Saturday, March 16 and Wildcats to cash in, as Linfield handle on Saturday, March 30. concluded on Monday, March 18, left fielder Jake Wylie turned a After falling behind 1-0, Puget they went a long way toward re- pitch from Robinson into a grand Sound bounced back in the fourth April 6 vs. George Fox 12 p.m. deeming their week with three slam that broke the game open, inning, as two singles begat a straight victories over rival Pacif- 5-0 Linfield. two-out double from freshman JB ic Lutheran. The Wildcats ultimately added Eary (Las Vegas, Nev.). Both runs April 6 vs. George Fox 3 p.m. The Loggers took both halves four more runs, taking the first scored, and the Loggers found of the doubleheader on Saturday, game in the series by a score of themselves in possession of a 2-1 April 7 vs. George Fox 12 p.m. March 23, with senior Matt Rob- 9-0. Robinson took the loss, as he lead. inson (Lafayette, Calif.) and ju- pitched into the sixth inning, but Still, things looked grim for the nior Jarrod Beiser (Cupertino, was chased from the game with- team as they fell behind 6-2 going April 13 at Lewis & Clark 12 p.m. Calif.) paving the way with stellar out recording an out in the in- into the seventh inning. pitching throughout. ning. But the Loggers refused to quit, One day later, the Loggers put The Loggers’ offense, for their scratching across two runs in the April 13 at Lewis & Clark 3 p.m. an exclamation point on the series part, could do very little against top of the seventh, courtesy of a by taking a six-run lead and never Linfield’s pitching, managing no double by Stone and a single by ju- looking back, ultimately finishing runs on six hits. Sophomore Con- nior Christian Carter (San Diego, April 14 at Lewis & Clark 12 p.m. the three-game sweep with a 6-3 nor Savage (Bothell, Wash.) led Calif.) that brought Stone home victory. the team with two hits. and brought the Loggers within So it was riding the momentum Looking to bounce back in their two runs. April 20 vs. Pacific 12 p.m. of a three-game winning streak second game of the doubleheader, The big moment came in the that the Loggers travelled to Ore- the Loggers took a quick lead in eighth, as the Loggers were able gon to take on the top-rated team game two, as freshman Nathan to load the bases with two outs for April 20 vs. Pacific 3 p.m. in Division III: Northwest Con- Backes (Seattle, Wash.) drilled an Savage. With a chance to tie the ference rival Linfield for a three RBI single to give the team a 1-0 game or take the lead late, Savage game series that began with a lead. delivered, crushing a grand slam April 21 vs. Pacific 12 p.m. doubleheader on Friday, March Unfortunately, it was short- to right for the go-ahead score. 29. lived, as Linfield tied it up in the The Loggers were able to hold The Loggers began the double- bottom of the inning with a sac- on following Savage’s first career header by sending out Robinson, rifice fly. For the second straight home run, ultimately upsetting their longest-tenured and most game, the Loggers fell victim to a top-ranked Linfield by a score of successful starting pitcher, to face big inning. 9-7. For more information on their formidable opponents. This time it came in the second, While the overall series was not But after getting through the as Linfield scored four in the in- in the Loggers’ favor, the team has Logger Baseball, please visit first two innings with only a sin- ning, knocking out the starter to feel good about being able to gle and a walk against him, Rob- Beiser in the process. The big in- rally and prevail against the top- inson ran into problems in the ning gave Linfield a 5-1 lead that rated team in the nation. dex third. A leadoff single set the tone they would not relinquish. The Loggers’ season continues for the inning, and Robinson ul- To their credit, though, the on Saturday, April 6, as they re- timately walked the bases loaded. Loggers kept fighting, scraping turn home to host George Fox. Strong meet for crew By HANNAH CHASE this true. They maintained their reputation as one of the leading Di- Over the past few weeks, the vision III crew teams on the West Logger rowing teams have been Coast with solid performances waking up at the crack of dawn to during the regatta. demonstrate their love and dedi- The Women’s Varsity Eight team cation to a sport that many find won the preliminary heat of all Di- their passion for in college. With vision III crews with a time of 7:02 both land and water practices, the and replicated the performance crew teams live and breathe row- down to the second in the Grand ing while still finding the time to Final. Western Washington won dedicate to their academics. the final with a 6:48, followed by Waking up before most stu- fellow D-II teams Humboldt and dents, the crew teams have devel- UC San Diego. oped a bond that continues on and The women’s 2V8 placed fifth in off the water and they have proven the grand final with a 7:23.1 and to be a force to be reckoned with. the novice team took third with a “So far, we have seen a ton of final time of 7:43.2. success after taking on Western The men’s team also had a sol- Washington, Lewis and Clark id performance on the water. The and Willamette in the past few Men’s Varsity Eight took a time of weeks—both here at home and 6:28 in the 2K course and the men’s up in Bellingham—and a tremen- JV four finished second place in PHOTO COURTESY / CHRIS PUTNAM dous amount of growth from last their final at 7:28.6 for the Loggers’ year,” said junior Ben Hagen (Tor- top placing of the day. On your marks: The Loggers women’s relay team gets ready for a race. The Loggers did well in rance, Calif.). Although the spring season has the Payton Scoring Meet overall, and the women’s track and field team finished second overall. “I hope that we continue to only just begun, the teams have build off of our current success been hard at work for the entire going into racing season, starting school year. Sophomore Kayla Saturday [March 30] at home and Acott (Cortez, Colo.) said the fol- next Saturday [April 6] in Van- lowing: couver, Wash. for NCRC Invites,” “It doesn’t feel like the season’s Logger Track and Field have successful meet at Hagen continued. just begun, since we’ve been con- The Puget Sound rowing teams ditioning throughout the fall and Payton Scoring Meet. hosted their toughest competi- winter! It’s been amazing. tion yet at the Cascade Sprints on “We’ve really enjoyed welcoming American Lake this past Saturday, and working with our new coach, Allanah Whitehall finished first in both the 100- and 200-meter dashes, March 30. The regatta featured Aaron Benson, and we have high teams from all three NCAA divi- expectations due to his influence. allowing the women’s team to finish second overall at the meet. sions and club teams, including We have the opportunity and the last year’s NCAA Division II na- means to receive a bid to Nation- tional champion. als, so we’ll work as hard as we can For more details on In a pre-season poll the Log- towards that goal,” she concluded. Loggers Track and Field, please visit ger women were ranked at 12th The Loggers will next be on the in the nation, and this weekend water for the NCRC Invitational at they were determined to prove Vancouver Lake on April 6. The Puget Sound Trail sports 9 [email protected] April 5, 2013 Lacrosse team looks to finish strong Tennis By HANNAH CHASE ith the season near its final week, the win streak women’s lacrosse team is looking toward their final matches with anticipation. Re- hits eight covering from their losses last season and By ANGEL JOHNSON over the break, the team seeks to leave their mark in the final W The Puget Sound women’s ten- stretch. nis team has had an impressive eight-game winning streak dur- “This has been a great transi- ly with Carthage’s Lauren Chatham ing this last half of their season. tion season for us this year. Coming scoring the second of her five goals, This streak was easily seen dur- off a lot of hard losses last year we but the Loggers were undeterred. Se- ing the Loggers’ time in Orlando, have been able to come back with Fla. during spring break when strengths from our upperclassmen they faced off against Calvin, but also our new incoming players. “ We are looking forward to Colorado College, Lawrence and We started off the season with a very our next few games where Hollis. strong win against Linfield and also On Monday, March 18 the Log- found success against visiting North we can really focus on gers had their first game in their Central College and Smith,” said making every shot count. ” Florida tournament. This first head coach Liana Halstead. game was against Calvin, and the —Coach Liana Halstead “We are looking forward to our Loggers came out strong in the next few games where we can really beginning, taking a 6-3 victory. focus on making every shot count, After taking every point in the moving the ball up the field flawless- nior Bradia Holmes (Boulder, Colo.) doubles matches, it would have ly and to have our defense continue hit the back of the net with just eight been extremely difficult for Cal- to play as a unit through the entire seconds to go to pull the Loggers vin College to attempt a come- game,” Halstead continued. The Log- within two of the Lady Reds at the back. Even though they did man- gers were likely feeling a bit of mo- half. age to earn several points in mentum as well, having just come off Carthage looked to be taking a the singles matches, it was not of a rousing victory over Smith that strong lead, making the first four enough and the Loggers took the snapped a three-game losing streak. goals in the second half. Down 8-4, first game of their tournament. This past week, the Loggers played the Loggers mounted a furious attack The second game of the tourna- host against Carthage on March 28. and made three consecutive goals to ment was against Colorado Col- And, although the Loggers pressed trail by just one shot. lege on Tuesday, March 19. Simi- two furious comebacks, they fell just Sophomore Caroline Cook (Orin- lar to their previous game against one goal short and suffered a 12-11 ida, Calif.) made a free position shot Calvin, the Loggers were aggres- defeat. with 16:28 and senior Grace Reid PHOTO COURTESY / MATT SKLAR sive in their doubles matches to Carthage (3-4) took a two-goal (Kirkland, Wash.) added a goal a take the early lead in the game. lead at the game’s start and held the mere 22 seconds later. Freshman Ker- Carthago delenda est: Logger defender Claire Mahony ad- The Loggers won two out of Loggers (3-5) to just one goal in the ri Smith (Kirkland, Wash.) added to vances the ball past a Carthage player during their 12-11 loss. their three doubles matches with first 20 minutes of the match. the board with her second goal of the help from junior Logan Thomp- Down 4-1, senior Julia Schul- day and put the score at 8-7. Loggers quickly came back to life. senior Linnea Bostrom (Middleton, son (Decorah, Iowa), junior Ma- man (Durham, N.C.) scored her first However, the Logger run was short Schulman added three goals to the R.I.) made a phenomenal save to rissa Friedman (Novato, Calif.), goal and ended a 12 minute scoring lived as Carthage moved on the of- board as Cook added one for a 4-0 keep the Logger deficit at one. junior Jenna Gerdsen (Kamu- drought with less than 10 minutes left fensive and extended their lead back Logger run. With 5:57 left in the con- The Loggers will host their final ela, Hawaii) and sophomore Josie in the first half. to four. The 12-8 deficit, however, test, the Loggers attempted to gain match on Sunday April 7 against Dow (Seattle, Wash.). Since these The Lady Reds responded quick- added fuel the Logger fire and the ground. Although they lost the draw, Linfield. The match begins at 1 p.m. matches only put them at 2-1 the Loggers quickly worked in the singles and managed to win the game 6-3 overall. The next game was played on Softball’s losing streak reaches 27 over break Wednesday, March 20 against Lawrence. This game was a good one for the Loggers: everything With ten games left, the Loggers are closing in on a came together perfectly in the doubles and singles matches. Once again the Loggers swept winless season after six more losses over spring break the doubles matches with Gerd- sen, Dow, Friedman and Thomp- By ROBBIE SCHULBERG recorded just 26 hits as they fell son winning again, along with to 0-16 in Northwest Conference help from senior Maddie Thiesse The Loggers Softball squad was Play and 0-27 overall. (Chanhassen, Minn.) and sopho- unable to capture its first victory of The few bright spots for the Puget Sound Softball more Allison Embernate (Kihei, the season as they lost all six con- Loggers over the weekend in- Hawaii). tests during spring break. cluded sophomore Marissa Jef- During the singles matches the Puget Sound had a rough outing fers (Issaquah, Wash.) homering Upcoming Games Loggers stayed in perfect form against Corban in both halves of to left center in the second match- to continue their sweep against its double- up against Spring 2013 Lawrence. The Loggers took the header on Corban and game 8-1 over Lawrence, making Wednesday, “Jeffers ... leads her team in sophomore this their third win during the March 27. slugging percentage and is second Olivia Turn- April 6 vs. Pacific 12 p.m. Spring Break tournament. The Loggers of the Loggers in batting average” er (Seattle, The final game of break was managed to Wash.) go- played on Thursday, March 21 score just ing three- April 6 vs. Pacific 2 p.m. against Hollins. Unlike their pre- one run on for-three in vious games, the Loggers were eight hits in the two games com- the first game against Willamette. unable to easily take the doubles bined, losing 8-0 and 11-1, respec- Jeffers in particular has been a April 7 vs. Lewis & Clark 12 p.m. and were only able to win one tively. boon for the Loggers this season, match thanks to Dow and Gerd- The offensive woes worsened as she currently leads her team in sen. when the team travelled to Oregon slugging percentage and is second April 7 vs. Lewis & Clark 2 p.m. After the doubles sets, the Log- to take on Linfield. They were shut of the Loggers in batting average. gers were clearly behind Hollins, out at Linfield by scores of 7-0 and She also has three of the team’s sev- but managed to have a comeback 9-0 in another double-header on en home runs. April 13 vs. Willamette 1 p.m. during the singles. After sweep- Friday, March 29. On the whole, however, it has ing four of the singles matches, Linfield added insult to injury in been a very trying year for the the Loggers found themselves the second of these two games, as women’s softball team. With just April 13 vs. Willamette 3 p.m. ahead of their opponents and the the Loggers were held without a hit 10 games to go, the team will be winners of the game. in the rout. They were saved from playing under the threat of poten- After sweeping the entire tour- being at the wrong end of a perfect tially finishing 2013 without a vic- April 14 vs. Linfield 12 p.m. nament, the Loggers returned game only by a walk from senior tory. after Spring Break to continue Brianna Huber (Chico, Calif.). It The softball team looks forward their success in their next match was the first time this season that to playing at home for the rest of April 14 vs. Linfield 2 p.m. against Bellevue College on Sat- the Loggers had been shut out. the season. The team hopes that urday, March 30. This was anoth- Puget Sound finished the week- the home-field advantage will help er easy win for the Loggers, who end by visiting the Willamette them claim their long-awaited first took the game 8-1, helping their Bearcats on Saturday, March 30. victory in conference play. For more information on eight-game winning streak. Willamette emerged victorious in Loggers softball will begin their The next game the Loggers will both contests, defeating the win- final homestand by hosting Pacific Loggers Softball, please visit play will be against cross-town less Loggers 12-4 and 8-0. and Lewis and Clark this weekend rival Pacific Lutheran on Today, Within the six-game span, the for two double-headers on Satur- Friday, April 5 in the Tennis Pa- Loggers committed 16 errors and day, April 6 and Sunday, April 7. index vilion. 10 Combat Zone The Puget Sound Trail April 5, 2013 [email protected] The Combat Zone is intended to be a satirical work. The views and opinions expressed by the Combat Zone do not necessarily reflect those of the Puget Sound Trail, ASUPS or concerned parties or the University of Puget Sound. Please submit compliments or complaints in the form of letters to the editor. Campus debate invasion President Obama’s publicist bares it all By VONNIE KEATSGUTS “The image of the dignified pres- ident just doesn’t command respect President Barack Obama’s pub- these days. A little danger is what licity coordinator quit this week in the people want. I read on the In- a fit of rage, incensed that his ideas ternet that Barack is a Kenyan Mus- were not being put to use. Spiro lim; that sounded perfect! Honest- Quayle, longtime publicist to the ly, I was stunned when he refused stars, joined the Obama team only to be photographed in a turban and a few weeks ago; the relationship dashiki, standing triumphant over a didn’t last long. lion he just killed with a spear.” “I get there, and I’m like, ‘time Sarah Palin, he says, was a poli- to amp this up, guys.’ They were tician who appreciated the value of so stuck on safe, boring crap like his advice. Quayle worked with Pal- showing the President playing bas- in shortly after she was brought on ketball,” Quayle told The Trail. as John McCain’s vice presidential Master debaters: These debaters know what’s up, and they know they know what’s up. You’ll know. “Where’s the pizazz? I told them nominee several years ago. we needed to leak some shots of his “When I first got to her, she was By CHIMEZ SNAPMAN anything else. will find a way to make you seem dong, spice up his bad-boy image.” politically moderate, an intelligent B) They ask questions by placing racist. Quayle has been in the busi- and respectable woman. In three Spring break found the Universi- one hand on their hand, extending I) This also applies for sexism, ness for over three decades. Mi- weeks, I had her pull down her ty of Puget Sound campus flooded the other in a startlingly Nazi-esque ableism, imperialism and pretty chael Jackson, Michael Vick, Tiger shirt, tone up the Alaskan accent, with mobs of noisy high school stu- manner and shouting “Point of in- much any ism you can think of. Woods, Lindsay Lohan, Sarah Palin and generally become a carica- dents scampering around asking for formation!” J) No matter how many times and dozens of other big names for- ture. Soon enough, we were work- directions to Wyatt Hall and loudly C) If you speak to them, every- you tell them, “It’s the big ass build- merly employed him to coordinate ing the ‘sexy librarian from An- yelling at each other. The Universi- thing you will say is wrong. Every- ing behind the fountain,” They will their images. chorage who hates women’s rights ty was playing host to a local high thing. never understand where Jones is. “I’ve got more experience in this and might later act in an all-Ameri- school speech and debate tourna- D) They will mispronounce Wey- K) They do not run. You could business than anyone. MJ dangling can porno, getting railed by Ronald ment. As this will be reccurring at erhaeuser. come at them with a chainsaw and the baby, Lohan flashing the coot- Reagan whilst Phyllis Schalfly lec- least twice a year for the foreseeable E) If you overhear pretentious they would not run. er, Woods going to town on white tures about the sin of homosexual- future, the Combat Zone has com- philosophical conversations where L) One coversation with them female America: I organized all ity in the foreground’ thing to per- piled a list of how to identify—and 60 percent of the content is just and you’ll be left in a daze, all sense those stunts,” Quayle claims. “If the fection.” therefore avoid—these people. repeating things seen on reddit, of morality gone, and probably feel Prez wasn’t willing to give America Obama, though, was simply not A) Nine times out of ten they they’re debaters. Or maybe not. the need to break down in cry over a little full frontal, at least take my as receptive to Quayle’s poignant will be wearing incredibly ill-fitting F) They will probably be dudes. the inevitability of nuclear war. next suggestion and hold Sasha and PR advice, he claims. He wishes suits that make them look more G) They seem to think that being M) Or you’ll punch them in the Malia by their feet over the White him the best, though he anticipates like children on Easter Sunday than racist ironically is acceptable. face and feel much better. House balcony. The people love that the administration will miss him H) But if you point it out they shit.” dearly. Quayle says he tried repeatedly “Good luck to them, but they’re to get his advice put into action, but in trouble without me. I bet they the Obama team rebuffed him con- won’t even leak that he’s involved in Biology Dept. looks for new funds stantly. He has no idea what went a dog fighting ring.” wrong. By CHESTER FIELDS bined with the suspension of realiz- most unrealistic bullcrap I’ve ever sat ing they’re being filmed constantly. through!” Following the success of Dutch en- “Biology students are actually re- Other setbacks have included the trepreneur Bas Lansdorp, who has at- ally nice people,” said Jacquelyn Gar- long time it takes for certain labs to Ford’s love corner tempted to fund a permanent colony ner, 20, a Biology/Chemistry double be processed, usually accompanied on Mars by turning the whole pro- major. “My lab partner and I aren’t by an extended waiting and relax- By FORD DENT dance—its purpose was met—and cess into a reality television show, the like best friends, but we try to be sup- ing period where the students bond we took ourselves, took each other, University of Puget Sound’s science portive of each other. Bio labs can be and talk about relationships and mu- I don’t care what they think they to a higher level of experience. Our departments have turned their whole really stressful, so we do our best to tual friends, as well as the delicate- saw. I only know what I lived. senses slowly shut out the rest of the teaching philosophy upside down. stay positive, considering what is at ness and finesse it takes to perform I could feel their stares. How ach- world, and we saw only each other. Lansdorp, who began his ascent stake. Our grades are really impor- titrations. In order to up the ante, ingly they tried to cover their jealou- Felt only each other. Tasted only- to fame by selling shares in his wind- tant to us.” Ginseng has considered engineering sy with disapproval. each other. harnessing energy company, will So far, the YouTube channel has setbacks to make his show more re- All they saw was a couple mak- And as our bodies synchronized raise six billion euros by following gained a total of 19 views of the six alistic. ing out on the dance floor—the first in movement and in purpose they the “contestants”-turned-colonists posted episodes, mainly because the “It’s a simple case of independent couple to make out on the dance watched. They, the old and the dy- through their training and eventual professor who posted them, Fred- and dependent variables. We just floor. I suppose we can’t really blame ing—their bodies young, but their mission launch. His Facebook page dy Ginseng, was trying to make it a need to change the context of the ex- them, much like you can’t blame minds made acient with forgotten has already attained 8,000 likes and thing. “I still think it can work,” Gin- periment. So I’ve planted fake love someone who has never let them- taboos and warrentless stigmas— the initial YouTube video advertis- seng said. “I mean, I watch these letters from Garner’s boyfriend in her selves learn to love coffee. All they looked on as we explored the true ing his plan has received more than things like once a day. That’s gotta lab partner’s notebook, set the bun- taste is the bitterness, and all they meaning of our humanity, of our 800,000 views. Nevertheless, his plan count for something.” son burners 5 degrees higher, and feel is the social pressure to drink. sensuality. We were in the room, but is stupid, and will inevitably fail. Critics of the project have claimed put PCP in their thermoses,” Ginseng As a result they reject it, never letting not of the room. We left them be- The success of this miserably ill- that these thoughtful, kind-heart- said. “800,000 views here we come!!!” their bodies learn to love the deep, hind on this material plane, and they conceived venture can be seen in at- ed science students are just not the In real news, Lansdorp’s crew has rich flavor and the emotional and hated us for it. tempts made by Puget Sound pro- material for viewing audiences. “No begun training. All eight of the in- physical highs that follow. We let our But that hate could only resist our fessors to gain additional funding one wants to watch cooperation and dividuals, from five countries across bodies learn. love so long. Like the most terrible by filming the exploits of Bio stu- trust,” said Mervin Gillywilly, com- three continents, are all highly capa- We drank deep of the font of love contagion, our love spread. Through dents and posting them on a You- mentator and TV critic for The Trail. ble and physically fit, as well as profi- and passion, and found ourselves sight and smell, amplified by the Tube channel. Reality television gains “Frankly, it’s the most boring crap cient in their assigned tasks, patient, born anew. There on the dance floor hypnotic beats, our love overcame. its success from the manipulation of I’ve ever seen. Where’s the cheat- professional and above all honest, emerged we, naked and shimmering Couple by couple, they joined us, and cruelty over people’s emotions ing babymommas? Where are the nice people. At this rate, we’re never in the dew-like sweat of our tran- and what could we say but: and their mega-meltdowns, com- tears, the lies, the betrayal? This is the getting to Mars. cendance. We had no need for the You’re welcome.

Spring Cleaning ---- Adriana Flores The Puget Sound Trail arts & entertainment 11 [email protected] April 5. 2013 Historical film Lincoln maintains accuracy and creates compelling plot for audiences By ANDREW KOVED when those characteristics are qui- etness and reservation. Paying for a movie at the theatre The supporting cast is filled with using only pennies would be an ar- big-name actors who overcome the duous process that’s likely to infu- biggest problem in casting known riate the other people in line. Car- actors: separating the actors from rying roughly 1300 pennies, while their previous roles. Joseph Gor- heavy and burdensome, would be don-Levitt plays Robert Lincoln, quite relevant, however, if you were Abraham’s son, so convincingly that there to see Lincoln. it becomes easy to forget his roles in Lincoln—directed by Steven Inception and The Dark Knight Rises. Spielburg and filled with a starred- No longer is he the brooding young studded cast including Daniel Day- man from 500 Days of Summer; in- Lewis, Sally Field, Joseph Gordon- stead, he is the president’s son. Levitt and Tommy Lee Jones—is a In many ways, the film revolves film that transcends the historical around the tortured nature of Lin- genre. Unlike many of its historical coln, not the chaos going on around film predecessors,Lincoln has man- him. This is not a movie with car aged to gain popular acclaim, also chases and explosions, it is the di- garnering industry awards. A front- lemma and deliberation of the Pres- runner for Best Picture at the Acad- ident and the nation, so as a view- emy Awards—losing narrowly to PHOTO COURTESY / POPMATTERS.COM er be prepared to watch heated Argo— Lincoln has been a huge box debates. Go see this movie if you en- office hit. Lincoln: Campus films will be playing Lincoln April 5 through April 7 in Rausch Auditorium. joy historical tales, want to see one Historically based movies have strict historical accuracy while still historically, an attribute whose ab- the inevitability of his death. Simi- of the best period dramas in recent fared poorly in the past, partially be- providing a compelling and driving sence from Lincoln contributes to its larly, the known outcome of the memory or just if you want reason cause of their weak casting, though narrative. success. passing of the 13th Amendment has to say, “Other than that, Mrs. Lin- mostly due to the fact that it is a very To be able to portray the figures Not to spoil the ending of the the possibility of lowering the dra- coln, how was the movie?” difficult genre to master. The conun- credibly, the movie has to dress up movie, but President Lincoln dies. matic nature of the film, but Spiel- Lincoln plays Apr. 5 - 7 in Rausch drum comes down to this: do they the actors, employing muttonchops Shocker. The fact that the ending is berg works his magic and produc- Auditorium, Friday and Saturday strictly adhere to actual events and and top hats liberally. Fortunately, known could jeopardize the inter- es a gripping tale. There are lulls at at 8 and 10:30 p.m., Sunday 2 and doom the movie to a dull and pre- the historically accurate costumes est of the viewer, but surprisingly points, certainly not every scene of 8 p.m. Tickets are $1 at the door. dictable retelling, or do they take were not accompanied by peri- the movie remains compelling the this two and a half hour movie is riv- Campus Films presents Cult Classic liberties to make the film more en- od style accents and prose. Knocks whole way through. If anything, the eting; Daniel Day-Lewis, who plays Wednesdays. Come see Pulp Fiction tertaining and risk telling an in- against historical movies are the of- fact that President Lincoln is due to President Lincoln, does a splendid April 10 in Rausch Auditorium at correct story? To its credit, Lincoln ten overbearing accents and verbose perish gives the movie drive, push- job of becoming the President and 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $1 at the door. makes every attempt to maintain its speeches used to ground the story ing the plot forward, racing against mastering his idiosyncrasies, even More info: [email protected] Overlooking The Collins Library features new Sound reviews: exhibit that explores the many Mattress Music intersections of art and science

By GAELYN MOORE sion with “Don’t Stop Til You Get By LEAH O’SULLIVAN spiration for her later works, such opposites in this exhibit. Enough.” Another classic, Ste- as a piece about round space called It seemed to make perfect sense This week: “Mattress Music” with vie Wonder’s “Tell Me Something Collins Memorial Library will “Compendium: Cell,” a commem- to create mixed media describing DJ Mel Kohler (aka DJ Hoklem, see Good,” also balanced it out. be featuring an exhibit by artist oration of Darwin’s 200th birth- the life cycles of insects, or to dec- if you can figure that one out), airs The funk and soul world is typi- Diane Stemper from March 25 to day called “Darwin’s Darlings,” and orate a petri dish with words and Thursdays from 5-7 pm. cally dominated by men, especially May 25. The exhibit, called “Out other artist books that comment on plant matter. DJ Mel’s “Mattress Music” show when it comes to blatant love-mak- of Scale: Artist’s Books and Col- the interactions and impacts of na- Stemper’s artist books are meant should come with a warning state- ing music. lections,” presents artwork and art- ture and science. to convey how she saw her environ- ment: “WARNING: This music may But the ladies made a stun- ist books that interweave aspects of Also included in the exhibit are ment in small and large ways, and turn you on. Proceed with caution.” ning appearance. Lauryn Hill mel- science and art. This includes much artistic examinations of the life cy- it only makes sense that she would The purpose of this radio segment is lowed out the mood with her sultry artwork paying homage to Charles cles of both real and fictional crea- see the art in her environment as to play music that one might like to sounds and Erykah Badu stepped in Darwin, whose 200th birthday tures, called Insectlopedia and much as the nature. hear to get in the mood for a little to prove that the sexiest thing in the was celebrated four years ago, on Dust Gardens. Those interested in learning more sexy-time. world is the singing voice of a soul- Feb.12, 2009. The rest of the exhibit includes, about this exhibit can attend a The show is well appreciated on ful woman. One section of the exhibit fea- among other pieces, Stemper’s workshop on April 20. Registration our University campus where there Kohler has gotten a surprising tures several petri dishes and three mixed media artist books, many of is required for attendance. For more are more and more sex-positive di- amount of requests from people steps, guiding people in creating which resemble dioramas and oth- information, contact Jane Carlin at alogues every semester. Instead of who have some version of their own the art displayed. Step one asks er three-dimensional forms of art. [email protected]. blatant arguments, “Mattress Music” mattress music. One of the songs people to find a book, look for a Two of these are called “Spring on simply presents its support for posi- absolutely necessary on her sexlist is “fact,” and cut out the fact so that the Farm” and “Strain,” representa- tive sex and it provides a potential “Never Have I Found” by Josh Gar- it fits in the petri dish. In step two, tive of different aspects of nature. 606 S Fawcett Ave way to make that happen through rels, a song she never would have people are asked to pick out a petri One artist book on display, in the Tacoma’s only music. Filling a niche for University found if it weren’t for a request she dish and place the fact inside. Step form of a normal book, is called “A indie theater. students and community members received. three of this project asks to add a Material Past.” alike, DJ Mel Kohler creates playlists This week’s show was notably solid or liquid to the “fact.” Other than the mixed media art- catered towards gettin’ it on. quite funky, though sometimes it The artwork resulting from this ist books, there are other forms of NOW PLAYING The real brilliance of the show is leans more on indie-electronic, and project includes petri dishes with art inspired by interactions with GINGER & ROSA that by choosing mattress music as occasionally more acoustic love- pinecones, water, sticks, leaves, science and nature. Several of Stem- THE GATEKEEPERS a theme (or mood music, make-out songs. The response DJ Kohler gets string, and other objects. Some of per’s drawings with ink and pen are music, sex music, whatever you want to her more funk and bluesy “Mat- the facts are folded up to fit in the on display, such as one called “Col- ON THE ROAD to call it), all genres can be played. tress Music” sets is bigger and more petri dish, and others are cut into lect, Observe, Remains.” QUARTET But instead of choosing genres of positive than any other, reflecting a interesting shapes. Another section of the exhibit music to organize each week’s show, potential trend that the music world One fact has a quote that reads, shows a collection of wall drawings DJ Hoklem picks a specific feeling (at least at KUPS) has been noting. “The Big Dipper is really the larg- called Luminous, which shows sev- TUESDAY FILM SERIES or as she calls it, ‘flavor’. This week This may be projecting my own est clock we have.” Another con- eral drawings of light bulbs. TATOO NATION (4.9) would be classified as soulful. musical transformations to the rest tains pictures of petri dishes and Likely part of Stemper’s work In- MOSQUITA Y MARI (4.16) The title of the most recent playl- of the population, but where blue- the words “Don’t come near me” sectlopedia was more three-dimen- CAESAR MUST DIE (4.23) ist, and lyrics of the Rick James song grass used to be the go-to, off-the- in large letters. Several facts have sional pieces of art centered around “Bustin’ Out,” “Dance on the funk, beaten-track genre, blues and funk drawings of and quotes about plan- insects, two of which were called make love in this song” describes seem to have taken over. Is funk the ets, stars and other celestial bodies. “The Gentle Worm” and “At Home COMING SOON the show quite well. new ‘thing?’ The petri dishes, shown un- With Insects.” TRANCE, PLACE BEYOND Both Rick James and Prince The show is experimenting with der a glass case, are also organized When looking around at these THE PINES, NO, THE FIRST were headliners of this set. Prince’s genres and moods in a fun and around a few scientific books, in- pieces of art, I got a strong sense of GRADER, WASTE LAND, THE “Head” is a song that DJ Mel con- funky manner. It eases its listeners cluding some by Darwin, that are Stemper’s scientific and natural in- ORATOR, TROOPER siders absolutely necessary on a sex- from one sly mood to the next. Keep open to various pages. Some of the spiration, especially with the work list. The classic funk grooves bring in mind that if you are entertain- pages discuss lab procedures while of Charles Darwin. out the soul in all of us. Michael ing between the hours of 5 and 7 on others explain the theory of evolu- However, the art wasn’t lost Only $7 with Student ID! Jackson’s, how do you say, high- Thursday you don’t have to worry tion, along with other science-re- among the science; rather, the two er-pitched sighs and typical vocal- about being the DJ, turn on KUPS. lated subjects. fields complement each other, and ized breaths gave energy and pas- The petri dishes gave Stemper in- they don’t seem so much like polar 12 arts & entertainment The Puget Sound Trail April 5, 2013 [email protected] New album Dormarion offers catchy lyrics to accompany a pleasant indie-pop musical style

By MELANIE MAZZA than the last production and has a wider range of styles. Benjamin Lerner, the Seattle- From start to finish, the album based man who performs under the brings a smile to the face of any lis- name Telekinesis, released his sec- tener needing a pick-me-up. ond full-length album Dormarion As we head into the hectic month this past week. This album was a sat- of April, promising plenty of papers isfying follow-up to his first release, and tests to study for, consider Dor- self-titled Telekinesis!. As a debut al- marion if you are in need of a little bum, Telekinesis! paved the way for a jolt of study-music energy. promising career for Lerner. Telekinesis is kicking off a small After being signed to Merge Re- tour beginning this April with Deep cords in 2009, Lerner teamed up with Sea Diver. ’s guitarist Chris This tour unfortunately does not Walla to produce Telekinesis!. Walla boast any Seattle dates, but it may be plays on most tracks, as well as assist- worth the trip down to Portland on ing Lerner with mixing and sound Sunday, April 21 for the opportuni- engineering. ty to enjoy Lerner’s happy energy. It The two men produced the entire is likely that Seattle dates will be an- album by recording one song a day nounced in the future, as Lerner is on an analog tape. This approach Seattle-based. led to a unique sound for the album, A very strong second album, Dor- with a smoothness of listening that marion makes for wonderful perfor- has now become synonymous with mances as well as paves the way for Telekinesis’s work. more good albums to come. Dormar- This new album, Dormarion, con- ion’s dabbling in different styles sug- tinues Lerner’s pleasant, easy-lis- PHOTO COURTESY / SPIN.COM gests that further productions from tening indie pop style. His sooth- Lerner will continue to be innovative. ing voice balances out the whimsical Telekenesis: Benjamin Lerner is the man behind Telekenesis, and will be performing in Portland His lyrics and subject matter will roughness of some of his songs. The on April 21. become more investigative and offer the listener interesting subject mat- first song of the album, titled “Pow- ciency. These dabblings in the elec- Creatures” as well as “Ever True,” al- through the explosive choruses and ter to go along with the pleasantries er Lines,” opens with a mellow acous- tronic genre were a pleasant surprise lows listeners to slow down in the catchy lines that are present in Spoon of pop. tic verse and then bursts into a peppy in the album and although they dif- calmer, psychedelic electronic sec- classics such as “Don’t You Evah” and Dormarion is available for down- and explosive chorus, immediately fered from his standard style, they tions as well as the energetic synth “The Underdog.” Dormarion also load at the iTunes store as well as for bringing the listener into the album. provided a wider range of listening bursts that inspire head nodding and harks to indie synth and rock group free streaming on NPR Music’s “First The song “Wires” also follows this in the album and effectively differen- foot tapping. Chromeo, a two-man team that con- Listen” program. Keep your eyes classic construction, but is very effec- tiate Lerner’s works from the pletho- The pep present in Dormarion sistently produces highly enjoyable open for more shows from this up- tive in hooking the reader into the ra of indie pop currently being pro- is partially the work of Spoon’s Jim and danceable beats. and-coming artist, and don’t miss the simple, fun and danceable pop. duced. Eno, who played the same role for The album overall is a cohesive opportunity to attend. Let Dormari- Dormarion explores synth-pop in This innovation, seen most prom- Dormarion as Chris Walla played unit of carefree listening. At only 35 on carry you through the remainder addition to the indie rock in which inently in the songs “Ghosts and for Telekinesis!. This influence shows minutes, the album is slightly longer Lerner has already proven his profi- of the semester. Chili for cool North- Café Brosseau offers a quaint west springtime neighborhood coffee shop sense

By SOPHIE PATTISON chop up the meat so that it crumbles By LEANNE GAN into bite-sized pieces. This will be The sun is here! The sun is here! easier to do when the meat is more It’s six in the morning, you have Warm weather and—oh wait … it’s or less browned. been studying all night and all you still only 50 degrees outside. I am a Before the beef is totally cooked want in life is a 12 ounce white mo- true Northwester, born and raised, through, add the chili powder cha from Diversions to provide that but lately I’ve got to say I’m a lit- and spicy additive of your choice, morning pick-me-up. tle fed up with the Northwest ver- and let them cook while the beef Knowing full well that the de- sion of springtime. Well, the bright browns. Once the beef is cooked, licious luxury is one excruciating side is that we still get to eat chili add the onions and garlic and stir. hour away, this sleepless student in April. This is my Dad’s chili rec- Finally, add the two cans of tomato grumbles and laments for the next ipe, and it is one of the first real (not sauce, one can of beans and salt to 60 minutes until campus facilities from a box and / or not a sandwich) taste. open up again. Instead, just a walk dishes I learned how to make. I love Now all you have to do is cover along N. Alder Street and a right this recipe because it makes a lot, your pot and let it simmer on low turn on N. 21st Street brings you to freezes well, and it’s so stinking easy. for an hour or so. After an hour Café Brosseau. PHOTO COURTESY / FACEBOOK.COM/CAFEBROSSEAU What you’ll need: your chili will be very hot, so let it The shop is on a corner of a block 1 large sautée pan with tall sides cool a little before you eat it. filled with affable local businesses Café Brosseau: Newly opened in January, Café Brosseau of- 1 small bowl Serve it over brown rice with a that offer anything from haircuts to fers coffee and dining items on N. 21st Street. 1 stirring implement of your little bit of grated cheddar cheese vintage antique shops. try the Café Brosseau drink, a com- ers, the cafe also offers soy, hemp, choice on top, and you’ll be golden. Opened in January of this year, bination of chocolate and orange. rice and almond milk for their cof- 3 or 4 T vegetable oil This recipe does not have a lot dif- the checkered tiles that line the The cafe also offers many different fees. 1 lb lean ground beaf ferent spices to add, but here’s a little floor, along with the sleek grey and sandwiches with some named after With gluten-free sandwiches and 1 yellow onion, diced hint for recipes that do: When you mustard yellow walls produce a con- Tacoma fixtures such as the “The vegetarian versions of plate orders, 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped read through the recipe before you temporary and casual feel. Logger” made with Canadian ba- customers enjoy a wide variety of 1 bay leaf (opional) start cooking (which you should al- The cafe’s helpful owner, Chris- con, egg, spinach, and pepper jack food options, regardless of their di- 2 cans of tomato sauce ways do) notice where the spices are tian Kelley, previously worked in on Como bread with olive oil. etary restrictions. 1 can of red, navy, chili, pinto or added and if they’re added together medical administration before be- One of the best things about Café The cafe’s main goal was to pro- kidney beans or separately. ing laid off and deciding to open a Brousseau’s sandwiches is the de- vide the community with a friendly 2-3 T chili powder Since this recipe adds all the spic- café. licious crunchy pickle that comes neighborhood cafe, where students 4-6 shakes of Tobasco/Sriracha, es at the same time, I measure them With determination and help with every panini. can study and hang out, business- or a 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper out in advance and put them in a from his friends and family, Cafe One of the three pickle options men and -women can fill their cof- Salt little bowl. That way, when it’s time Brosseau was born. Emphasizing is the hot pickle, which has a sweet fee mugs, middle school students Heat the oil in the pan, and then to add them I just dump the bowl the café’s “quality,” Christian said, and spicy taste that settles over the can come in for an Italian soda, and add the onion and bay leaf and sau- of spices into the pot. This may not “we really believe in the quality of duration of your pickle munching retirees can find a place to spend a tée until the onion browns. Remem- seem so helpful with a recipe like what we’re offering.” The café con- meal, providing a great complement quiet afternoon. ber, the best way to get something this, but when you’re making a time sciously offers local products such to any and all of their sandwiches. Whether it’s during the early to brown is not to touch it. Don’t be sensitive recipe with five or six dif- as soups from Alina’s Soups, baked If you crave a hot dog but don’t morning or late afternoon, feel free afraid to let it sit unstirred. Add the ferent spices it can be really useful. goods from Corina Bakery, beans make the 21-and-up age cut at The to satisfy your coffee fixes at this garlic and cook for two more min- If the spices are not going to be add- from Madrona Coffee, a variety of Red Hot, you’ll enjoy the café’s new tasty, local hotspot. utes. When the onion is sufficiently ed at the same time, it can still be pickles from local pickle providers addition to the menu, the Tacoma Café Brosseau is located at 2716 browned, remove the contents of the helpful to measure them out into in- and teas from Mad Hat Tea. dog. This grilled bun holds a beef N. 21st Street and is open Mon. pan to the small bowl and set aside. dividual bowls beforehand. When it comes to Brosseau’s rich- frank with Grey Poupon mustard, through Thurs. 6 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Next, place the ground beef in the Happy eating, and don’t hesi- tasting coffee, he enjoys “geeking Philadelphia cream cheese, and Sat. and Sun. at 7 a.m. pan and let it sit for about two min- tate to send us an e-mail at trailae@ out” over the different tastes and fla- topped with a Lynnae’s Gourmet utes. Once the bottom of the beef is if you have ques- vors the café experiments with. If Pickles Hot Mama spear. browned, use your stirring utensil to tions! you’re feeling adventurous you can Ensuring alternatives for custom-