`Helms Failed to Answer Following is the statement of facts filed by questions about his knowledge of United the Justice Department in connection with tile States government policy with respect to the court hearing on Richard Helms' no-contest 1970 Chilean presidential elections. Again, plea: Helms failed to answer those questions fully On Feb. 17, 1973, Richard M. Helms ap- and completely as required by law. peared before the Senate Foreign Relations Between March and September, 1970. Committee in connection with his nomina- the Central carried out tion to be ambassador to Iran. During that a covert operation approved by the Forty hearing, he was asked questions about the Committee of the National Security Council involvement of the Central Intelligence which operation was intended to prevent Agency in efforts to prevent Salvador Al- the election of Salvador Allende as presi- lende Gossens from becoming president dent of Chile on Sept. 4, 1970. of Chile. Helms failed to answer those ques- As part of the covert operation, the Cen- tions fully, completely and accurately as tral Intelligence Agency funded and en- required by law. gaged in propaganda activities designed to On March 6, 1973, Richard M. Helms reduce the number of votes for Allende in again appeared before the Senate Foreign the Sept. 4 election. The Central Intelligence Relations Commtitee. On this oceasion, his Agency also funded directly or indirectly appearance was in connection with that various individuals and groups in Chile op- committee's inquiry into allegations that posed to the election of .Allende. the Central Intelligence Agency and/or the From July through September, 1970, Cen- International Telephone and Telegraph tral Intelligence Agency officers met on Corp. had attempted to influenee the presi,, several occasions with officers and em- dentlal campaign and elections in Chile in:. ployees of ITT and discussed the Chilean 1970. During that hearing, Helms was asked presidential campaign. These meetings ac-

. . Accurately as Required . . . ' eurred in the United States and in South knew at the time he testi- career and has performed outstanding serv- America, and in the discussions the CIA fied that in 1970 the CIA carried out a co- ices to the United States government during officers learned that ITT was interested in vert operation approved by the Forty Com- the course of that career. supporting certain political opponents of mittee to prevent Allende from winning The department has considered the policy Allende, and the CIA officers provided in- the Sept. 4, 1970, Chilean presidential elec- and law expressed in federal cases and stat- formation relating to this funding to the ttion. utes that where testifying before a legally ITT officers and employees. Mr. Helms also knew at the time he testi- constituted governmental proceeding, a wit- Following the Sept. 4. 1970, election in fied that the Forty Committee had approved ness must testify forthrightly as to material which Allende won a plurality of the votes, actions and money to prevent Allende's selec- matters, and neither false nor inaccurate the Central Intelligence Agency undertook tion in the Oct. 24. 1970, runoff election and nor evasive estimony is available as a lawful a propaganda effort aimed at preventing an to encourage by economic pressure and oth- alternative under any circumstances. Allende government, and on Sept. 15, 1970, er means action by the Chilean military to It is Helms' position that he was bound by Richard Helms was directed by the Presi- prevent Allende's accession to the presi- the statutory responsibility imposed on the dent to prevent Allende from coming to dency. Director of Central Intelligence by the Na- power or to unseat him, and to carry out The Department of Justice has determined tional Security Act of 1947 to protect intelli- that mission without coordinating with the that the disposition of this matter by means gence sources and methods from unautho- Departments of State or Defense. of a nolo contendere plea to the Two Count riged disclosure. Helms also felt bound by In the period leading up to the Oct. 24, Information filed herein and agreement as the oath that he signed on his departure 1970, runoff election in the Chilean Con- to the suspension of the minimum sentence from the CIA not to divulge, publish or re- and the imposition of a fine is lair and just veal any classified information or any infor- gress to select the Chilean president, the un- CIA Conducted an extensive propaganda for the following principal reasons: mation concerning CIA operations to any campaign and political action program to The trial of this case would involve tremen- authorized person.. At the time of his testi- prevent Allende's election by the Congress. dous costs to the United States and might mony, Helms had not been authorized to During this same period the CIA expanded jeopardize national secrets. reveal confidential information concerning and intensified its other covert operations. Mr. Helms has had a most distinguished American policy in Chile.