portal free download game pc 2018 2. The first Portal game stirred up mass hysteria, so it should come as no surprise how had a wild fan following whoheld their breath to solve some mind-bending physics puzzles. In the original title, we played in a clinical and pristine science laboratory, but Portal 2 brings us to a different setting. Instead, the laboratory fell into disrepair because the story takes place hundreds of years into the future. Chell, the heroine, awakens in the old research facility to find it dilapidated and in disrepair. Suddenly, a robot personality sphere talks with Chell to assist her. They wake up GLaDOS, an old archnemisis, who is downright furious to see Chell. As a result, Chell must pass through a series of life-or-death tests. Whether you play from the PC or the Mac, the game looks fantastic, and you have rich and in-depth environments. Portal 2's puzzles stimulate the mind, and you have a number of tools and traps. Nevertheless, Portal 2 expanded the story, and they increased the length. This makes it unlikely Portal 2 will give you the same iconic twists and turns, but the single player campaign ensures you have a fantastic run. Even after you finish, you can also play through two player cooperative tests where you will play as two animated robots. Portal 2 showcases menacing humor, mind-bending puzzles and non-stop action. The first Portal threw in lots of twists and turns to keep the element of surprise. The first game was short but succinct in what it played, which is what made it so popular. Even in Portal 2, when you haven't wrinkled your face to express thinking, expect a lot of laughter. The clever writing complements the action onscreen almost perfectly, and the attention to detail throughout is nothing short of astounding. As you progress through the levels of Portal 2, you will move beyond your tight fitting test chambers to a ginormous underground chasm. Portal's core appeal never existed in the visuals of the game. Instead, what's most impressive is the mileage you get from this technology. Portal 2 prioritizes the character development and the story. You spend a great deal of time conducting spatial reasoning or solving difficult puzzles. The game also expands upon the number of fun toys found in the first title. For example, you have a gun that lets you shoot two linked portals, and the objects can pass and the momentum will be maintained. The puzzles can start to get complicated, but no matter how complicated they may seem, almost always the solutions will have a more practical answer. In some cases, you can solve it instantly, and other cases will take longer. Portal. Once you start thinking with portals, you'll never go back. Portal is unlike any other game you'll ever have played or ever will play. At its core is a very simple idea in which you are given a portal gun which fires blue and orange portals. They connect to each other, so if you walk through the orange hole, you exit through the blue hole. It all sounds simple enough until you realise you can use it to escape from seemingly locked rooms and to jump incredible distances. You open your eyes in a post-apocalyptic world trapped in a room, armed only with a portal gun and the voice of an incredibly sarcastic robot who is still running the scientific test centre in which you find yourself. Once you escape from the room, you enter a series of test chambers, where you need to manipulate switches, buttons and lasers to complete each stage. Expect to be insulted and mocked by the computer voice as you proceed, and watch out for times when you go "off piste" as this helps you to develop the story line and work your way to a wonderfully unexpected finale. The key to Portal is to fully investigate each level before you start firing portals around. Fortunately, the game auto-saves and you get an infinite amount of lives, but it can be frustrating to fall in the toxic water or get shot by a turret 20 minutes into a level. All walls that be used for portals are white, and often the layout of the walls will give you a clue about how to proceed. The other main strategy as you get further through the game is to use falling from great height into portals as a way of gaining momentum for massive jumps. Portal for Windows. Portal is a fantastic 3D puzzle game set in the strange and frightening laboratories of Aperture Science . Available on Mac and PC through , now there is little excuse not to play one of the most original and enigmatic games of the last decade. In Portal you play a test subject, who is awoken by GLaDOS , a robot who runs the Aperture Laboratories and sends you on a series of tests 'for science'. Some of them may not be safe, but as she says, 'there will be cake' once it's over. Original. Portal's big idea is the the 'handheld portal device', that allows subjects to open portals between two places. This means that instead of climbing a ladder for example, you can shoot a portal at the bottom, and another at the top, and simply walk through. It's makes more sense when you play! Check out the explanatory video here. Graphics and gameplay. Portal looks good even though it was originally released in 2007, thanks to its clean, minimalist laboratory style. In game physics are absolutely perfect, and using the portals is great fun once you get the hang of it. It's such a great idea, you might find yourself wishing you could use them in real life too! The puzzles get pretty tough, but the learning curve makes sure you're ready for the challenges when they come. The incredible thing about Portal is that is manages to be a compelling first person 3D adventure where your character never shoots a gun. There is a mystery behind who you are, what Aperture Science is and more, and it's fascinating to discover what's going on while you solve the puzzles. GLaDOS is one of the most iconic and effective 'baddies' you will meet in a too. Conclusion. Portal is a must play. Download the demo right away and get going! Portal is an unforgettable experience, and thankfully the adventure continues in the equally brilliant sequel! Portal is free! Portal is free! (for PC and Mac) If you haven't had the pleasure of playing this ingenious, award-winning, beloved first-person puzzle-adventure-mystery, now's your chance to do so for $0. Well here's some interesting timing. Just days after I finished playing Portal for the very first time (more on that in a bit), Steam is offering the game absolutely free. Specifically, from now until September 20, you can download Portal (PC and Mac) absolutely free. Yesterday, it would have cost you $10. Update: Many readers have reported difficulty signing up for a Steam account. My only suggestion is to keep trying, as I'm sure Steam's servers are overloaded. I'll update further if I learn anything more. Update #2: Steam tech support just tweeted this fix: "Please install the Steam client and try creating the account that way." Reader Robert reports that this worked for him! In case you're not familiar with it, Portal is regarded by many (myself included) to be one of the best games of all time. GameSpot awarded it a 9.0 and an Editors' Choice. IGN called it "quirky, clever, polished, and presented with a spark of a subtly evil humor." It was originally part of Valve's bundle, then later a $20 standalone game. Now it's free, free, oh glorious free! And not just for PCs, but also for Macs. (Speaking of which, check out Rich Brown's interesting hands-on testing of Portal on four different Mac systems .) The one and only string attached is that you'll need a free Steam account and Valve's Steam download client. Hardly a string at all, if you ask me. This generous giveaway is probably a Steam-powered effort to drive Portal 2 sales. That blockbuster sequel currently sells for $29.99. Gotta say, I'm majorly tempted, but I know if I wait a while, it'll drop to $20, and then to $10. (Not sure I want to wait that long, though.) As I mentioned just the other day, it took a couple tries before I could get my brain to work the way Portal needs it to work (i.e. without a machine-gun). Once the synapses locked into place, however, I got totally sucked into this ingenious, imaginative, and frequently funny game. If you haven't had the pleasure, do yourself a favor and grab Portal while it's free. I guarantee that after you work through the first couple levels, you'll see what all the fuss is about. Now, excuse me while I go enjoy some cake. Bonus deal: More game goodness! For a limited time, you can download Defense Grid: The Awakening for just $2.49 when you use coupon code CAGDGRID75 . This gorgeous tower-defense game is absolutely spectacular; I was seriously hooked a few months back. Bonus deal No. 2: And while we're on the subject of awesome downloads, Giveaway of the Day has Aiseesoft Total Media Converter (PC) absolutely free--so long as you download and install it today. This program rips DVDs and converts just about any kind of media file to just about any kind of format. Bonus deal No. 3: That's right, peeps--number three ! Overstock has the "certified pre-owned" Barnes & Noble Nook Color for just $159.95 $149, plus $1 for shipping--officially the lowest price I've seen yet. It comes with a one-year warranty, and based on a recent experience using one, I can report that B&N's customer service is excellent. portal 2. It’s about time This remarkable mod elevates Valve’s puzzler to a whole new level. Portal 2 update opens the door to bigger and better level designs. news The surprise update removes the 100MB Workshop file size limit. The best laptop games. Updated Perfect laptop games for short on-the-go sessions or low-spec PCs. PC gaming's greatest stories. Tall tales From epic RPGs to classic point-and-click adventures, these are the best story-driven games you can play on PC right now. I'm in love with these truly cursed Portal 2 maps. By Natalie Clayton. news YouTuber Kryzhau has spent two years breaking and remaking a single test chamber. Portal Reloaded mod adds a third portal that lets you travel through time. By Mollie Taylor. News Think with even more portals. The best doors in PC gaming. By Steven Messner. Knock, knock Most doors just open and close, but these doors go above and beyond. Great moments in PC gaming: Shooting the moon in Portal 2. YOU MONSTER That time we gave a permanent vacation. Portal 2 gets co-op improvements and Vulkan support in a new update. news The new patch for the 10-year-old game is now live on Steam. Portal Reloaded adds a third portal and the fourth dimension. By Jody Macgregor. News The mod for Portal 2 will be available on Steam in 2021. PC gaming's best trips to the moon. Lunar Tour Humans may explore the surface of the real moon again soon. In the meantime, here are some ways to explore it on PC. Great moments in PC gaming: Teaming up with Potato GLaDOS in Portal 2. By James Davenport. Best Spuds Stuffing Portal's supervillain into a potato wasn't just a big surprise, it showed us a gentler side of GLaDOS. We're finally learning more about Valve's long-secret Portal prequel. news An officially sanctioned video series will reveal all there is to know about the fabled F-Stop. Portal 2 just got a new update, and it improves local cooperative play. By Shaun Prescott. News You can now play locally with one player on a controller, the other on mouse and keyboard. The best player-made Portal 2 campaigns. For science Taking on the community test-chambers. Ambitious Portal 2 mod Destroyed Aperture is despite long silence. By Samuel Horti. news The team talks through the bumps in the road. If you had to get a gaming-related tattoo, what would it be? PCG Q&A This weekend's PCG Q&A. Portal: After Hours mod Episode 1 launched on Steam Workshop (Updated) By Joe Donnelly. News With "much harder puzzles that cater to long-term Portal fans first." Portal 2 co-writer Jay Pinkerton returns to Valve (Updated) By Samuel Horti. news He left a year ago. Portal 2 mod Destroyed Aperture adds 20 maps and 30 puzzles, due 'Fall 2018' By Joe Donnelly. news The long-term work-in-progress community project eyes launch later this year. PC Gamer Newsletter. Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors. 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