Relevé des médias en ligne Sam-dim-lun 18-19-20 février 2012

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EUROPE/GLOBAL ECONOMY • Is Germany too strong for the euro zone? (AGE-Bus/Opinion) Floyd Norris THE German economy has been one of the wonders of the world over the past couple of years. While the rest of Europe staggered, German unemployment fell to the lowest level in decades. • Greece on the edge (SMH-WE/Une) Paul McGeough One woman's desperation epitomises a country's humiliation and frustration, writes Paul McGeough in Athens. • Germany prepares for 'inevitable' Greek crash (AGE-World) Bruno Waterfield, Brussels PLANS for Greece to default, potentially leaving the euro, have been drafted in Germany as the European Union faces up to the fact that Greek debt is spiralling out of control, with or without a second bailout. • The street seals euro’s fate (CAN-WE-Forum) Andreas Whittam Smith

CHINA/ASIA PACIFIC • Lift your game on Chinese tourism : Packer (AUS-WE/Une/Exclusive) Cameron Stewart • Rudd has got it right on China (AGE/Opinion) Timothy Garton Ash The 21st century's great power rivals need to have a frank talk. Kevin from Queensland may be able to help. • China's promise of easier living herds Tibetan nomads into jobless penury (AGE- World+SMH) Philip Wen, Qinghai Province (China) LOSANG, a dark, stocky man, with wavy, jet-black hair, is known as the happiest man in his village. It is easy to see why; the former nomad cackles with infectious laughter even when telling of his own misfortune. • Chinese bids for llasting US bonds (CAN) Noaki Schwartz, Christina Hoag, AP

MIDDLE EAST • Syrian rally abandoned over threats of violence (CAN-WE/Une) Jacqueline Williams • Riots feared as hunger striker's health worsens (AGE-World+SMH) Ruth Pollard, Jerusalem ''MY DIGNITY is more precious than food,'' said Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan as he started the 53rd day of his hunger strike. • Protesters move within sight of Assad's palace (SMH-World) Neil Macfarquhar, Beirut Hundreds of anti-government protesters braved gunfire from Syrian soldiers and a snowstorm to march through a middle-class neighbourhood in Damascus in the biggest such demonstration seen close to the heart of the capital since the uprising started 11 months ago. • Fighters, weapons flow into Syrian war zone (SMH-World-WE) Ruth Pollard SYRIA has become a magnet for foreign fighters, with al-Qaeda-aligned jihadists streaming across the border from Iraq and rebel soldiers from the Libyan city of Misrata crossing in from Turkey, experts say.

AFGHANISTAN • Talks with Taliban mark of defeat (AUS/Opinion) Amrullah Saleh, directed Afghanistan's national security directorate from 2004 to 2010, is now an opposition political activist

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PM/RUDD • Rudd marches towards challenge (AUS-WE/Une/Exclusive) Dennis Shanahan, Sid Maher • Time would have saved me from defeat: Kevin (AUS-WE/Une/Exclusive) Ewin Hannan • Making lasting memory of leadership (CAN-WE/Une) Chris Johnson • Rudd backers wary of Gillard ambush (CAN/Une) Peter Jean • Bring it on: PM must fix mess (CAN/Une) Ross Peake • Tackle Rudd now, Gillard urged (AUS/Une) Matthew Franklin, Chief political correspondent is being urged to take on in a ballot as early as next week. • I’ve got to zip but don’t worry – I’ll be back (AUS/Une/Opinion) Dennis Shanahan • Rudd makes pitch to business (AFR/Une) Laura Tingle, John Kerin Kevin Rudd has quietly met with key business leaders, rebuilding bridges and promising a new policy dialogue in moves that confirm the foreign minister has been working behind the scenes for a leadership change. • So who will blink first (AFR /Une) Laura Tingle • Leadership stand-off must be resolved (AFR-WE/Une) Pip Freebairn, John Kehoe, Louise Dodson • Leadership tensions at fever pitch (AGE/Une) Michelle Grattan LABOR'S leadership battle is moving inexorably towards a confrontation after an extraordinary weekend of open warfare between the forces of Prime Minister Julia Gillard and aspirant Kevin Rudd. • Showdown inevitable, say both sides (SMH/Une) Phillip Coorey JULIA GILLARD is under growing pressure to call a leadership ballot, with the warring parties believing a showdown is inevitable when Parliament resumes next week. • If Rudd is not the messiah, then it's just a very desperate ploy (SMH/Opinion/Une) Phillip Coorey The Labor MP Darren Cheeseman was downcast on Thursday as he walked the corridor to his Parliament House office. • Enough of this Labor madness, Julia. It's time to bring it on (AGE/Opinion) Katharine Murphy The PM should do the grown-up thing and spill the leadership. • Three-part gift: only Kevin can stop Kevin (SMH/Opinion/Une) Peter Hartcher THE anonymous person who tried to claw at Kevin Rudd by leaking video footage of him swearing in exasperation has, inadvertently, done him a tremendous favour. • Resurgent Rudd the man Canberra loves to hate (SMH+AGE/Opinion/Une) David Marr Kevin Rudd keeps saying he's no Mother Teresa. After knocking off Kim Beazley years ago, Rudd asked us not to compare him to the little saint of Calcutta. "As I keep saying, I'm no Mother Teresa. I've been in politics in one way or another for nearly 20 years and it's a difficult and bloody business." • Rudd challenge to hamper ALP in election (AGE) Daniel Flitton LABOR believes the financial cost of any early election brought on by a Kevin Rudd leadership challenge could overstretch the party's coffers and leave the Coalition to dominate the airwaves in a television ad war. • Money for world poverty slashed (AGE+SMH) Daniel Flitton FOREIGN Minister Kevin Rudd will champion the world's poor at a summit of major economies in Mexico, with a warning that money flowing to developing nations has been almost cut in half in the Europe's debt crisis. • Mystery of the Mac that knifed (AGE) Daniel Flitton A PRESENT member of Kevin Rudd's staff — who also worked for him as prime minister — was one of only two people who had regular access to a Mac computer and autocue he used to record video tributes while in the top job.

Ambassade de France en Australie – Service de Presse et Information Site : Tél. : 61 (02) 6216 0150 Email : [email protected] • Oh, happy days: it's the conversion of Kevin (AGE-WE/Une) Tony Wright IF TIME salves all wounds, it appears to have performed a miraculous healing in the personal story of Kevin Rudd, a man in a hurry for political redemption. • Gillard leadership terminal: MP (AGE-WE/Une) Misha Schubert LABOR'S most marginal seat holder has warned the party will be ''decimated'' if Julia Gillard leads it to an election and has urged a return to Kevin Rudd, declaring him ''the most popular politician in the country''. • Open warfare as loyalists turn on Rudd (SMH-WE/Une) Peter Hartcher and Phillip Coorey Some cabinet ministers have begun lobbying for caucus votes in support of the Prime Minister, criticising Kevin Rudd and betraying anxiety that he is gaining support. • Personality over substance (SMH-WE/Opinion) Peter Hartcher Kevin Rudd will become the leader, not because he's made a compelling case but because Julia Gillard cannot hold the confidence of her caucus. • Labor rebel dares to go public for Rudd (SMH-WE/Une) Stephanie Peatling, Misha Schubert Labor's most marginal seat holder has warned the party will be ''decimated'' if Julia Gillard remains Prime Minister and urged a return to Kevin Rudd, declaring him ''the most popular politician in the country'' who has learnt from his time in the wilderness. • Gillard’s wins only increase despair (AFR/Opinion) Geoff Kitney • Gillard in estimates mode when a straight answer is needed (CAN/Opinion) Judith Ireland • Rudd rage captured in social media clip (CAN-WE) Stephanie Anderson

Political parties/Unions • ACTU appeals to masses on Fair Work (AFR/Une) Mark Skulley Unions have hit back at employer criticism of Labor’s workplace laws, arguing there is strong support for them even among Liberal voters and that limits on collective bargaining should be lifted. • Labor's rock and hard place (AGE/Opinion) Michelle Grattan THE repeated calls Opposition Leader has made for an early election are sounding more compelling by the day. Leadership battles are always dirty and traumatic, but to have trashed two leaders and its brand is Labor's disgrace. • Internal fight will kill the government - Labor MP (SMH/Une) Phillip Coorey A FEDERAL government MP clinging to a marginal seat has accused those on both sides of the leadership divide of squabbling over the spoils of office, but said they will all end up empty- handed because the infighting will cost Labor power. • Early election would stretch depleted ALP war chest (SMH/Une) Daniel Flitton LABOR believes the financial cost of any early election brought on by a Kevin Rudd leadership challenge could overstretch the party's coffers and leave the Coalition to dominate the airwaves in a TV ad war. • Decision time: there's no turning back from here (SMH-WE/Opinion) Shaun Carney IF THE fallout from Monday night's Four Corners report revisiting Julia Gillard's 2010 seizure of the prime ministership proves anything, it's this: where conflicting political ambitions are involved, there's rarely, if ever, going to be a single, convincing narrative. • Labor of loathe goes on (SMH-WE/Opinion) Paul Daley IT PROMISES to take the mea culpa into a whole new dimension. • Caught in the thick of it (SMG-WE/Opinion) Michelle Grattan IF ANYONE'S writing an Australian West Wing, or The Thick of It, please give a starring role to Peta Credlin, Tony Abbott's chief of staff. In fact the opening scene of episode one could be Credlin in the House of Representatives last week, interjecting from the adviser's box. Leader of the House Anthony Albanese jumped up to protest when he saw the Prime Minister targeted, only to find an interjection directed at him. Now that's spirit! • Leadership circus hurting Labor brand (CAN-WE-Forum) Ross Peake • ALP drama continues (CAN) Andrea, Hayward, AAP • Leadership at the breaking point (CAN/Opinion) Paul Daley • Keep PM to avoid Abbott: Bracks (AUS/Exclusive) John Ferguson

Queensland • Newman ready to rout Bligh (AUS-WE/Une/Exclusive) Michael McKenna

Ambassade de France en Australie – Service de Presse et Information Site : Tél. : 61 (02) 6216 0150 Email : [email protected] • The carbon-copy policy campaign (AUS-A Plus/Une) Natasha Bita

Indigenous Affairs • Black Health’s log shadow (CAN/Opinion) Ian Ring • Not all happy little vegemite (CAN-WE-Forum) Jack Waterford

Immigration • Change of leader to signal new asylum path (AUS) Paul Maley

Economy • Profits up but ANZ eyes rates (CAN-WE/Une) Drew Cratchley • Top earners the big winners from super tax concessions (CAN/Une) Peter Martin • Firms warn of Fair Work blowouts (AUS/Une) Ewin Hannan, Industrial editor BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, and Qantas have called for significant changes to the federal workplace laws. • Row erupts over GST carve-up (AFR-WE/Une) Mark Ludlow, Peter Kerr • Structural reform will bring back productivity (SMH-Bus/Opinion) Ross Gittins If your goal is to raise Australians' material standard of living, the debate about what must be done to increase our flagging productivity is vitally important. But if we want the debate to achieve something, we should stop talking so much weak-headed nonsense. • Super tax benefits help rich get richer and leave poor with nothing, says ACOSS (SMH) Peter Martin Roughly half of the $15 billion in tax breaks for superannuation contributions goes to the top 12 per cent of income earners, according to new research to be presented to the Senate this week. • Swan’s risible rhetoric (AFR/Opinion) Michael Baume • PPPs can still be a perfect infrastructure match (AFR/Opinion) Nick Greiner, NSW premier between 1988 and 1992. He is a patron of Infrastructure Partnerships and the chairman of Infrastructure NSW.

Mining/Gas • Coal producers seek loan support (AUS-WE/Une/Exclusive) Annabel Hepworth • Rinehart wants PS out of bush capital and into… the bush (CAN-WE/Une) Markus Mannheim • Support for CSG support collapses (AUS/Une/Exclusive) Jamie Walker • Carbon tax fails to slow coal boom (AGE+SMH) Peter Ker and Adam Morton THE impending carbon price has done nothing to deter investment in the coal industry, with spending on exploration surging faster than any other mineral commodity. • Mining industry’s big lie (CAN/Opinion) Richard Dennis

Transport • UGL fast tracks to India (AFR /Une) Laura Tingle

Education • ACT focus of schools debate (CAN/Une) Bianca Hall, Emma Macdonald Canberra will be the site of a ''grassroots discussion'' on school funding. • Catholic schools 'facing exodus' (AUS/Une/Exclusive) John Ferguson CATHOLIC schools face fee increases of up to 131 per cent, forcing a potential exodus from facilities and campus closures. • Asian education goes to top of the class (AFR/Opinion) Tony Walker, Financial Review’s international editor.

Science • World’s smallest transistor built by Sydney scientists (CAN) Deborah Smith


Ambassade de France en Australie – Service de Presse et Information Site : Tél. : 61 (02) 6216 0150 Email : [email protected] • Navy restructuring is needed (CAN) Derek Woolner

Media • Media resists review findings (CAN-WE-Forum) Edmund Barton • Navy restructuring is needed (CAN) Julian Cribb


• Très bien ! It’s a French revolution (CAN-WE) Julieanne Strachan • Creme de la creme cinema at Canberra’s French film festival (CAN-WE) Julieanne Strachan • Hidden jewels of French Polynesia (CAN-WE) Elisabeth King • Africa's despots of decadence facing French crackdown (SMH-World-WE) Angelique Chrisafis Police are trying to prove the cars and mansions of three state leaders and their families are the spoils of corruption, reports from Paris. • Liberty, equality and amusement rides (SMH-World-WE) Guardian News & Media PARIS: Why simply take your children to pose with Mickey Mouse when they could be re- enacting the Battle of Trafalgar in a giant aquarium - or dry-skiing past frozen corpses from Napoleon's desperate retreat from Russia? • Them's not fighting words (SMH-Spectrum) Richard King Things are not as they seem in a supposed clash of literary titans (BHL/Houellebecq).


The Australian • Economy must be focus of state campaign QUEENSLAND voters need policy debate not slogans. • Driverless trains won't strike TECHNOLOGICAL innovation is flowing from our mining boom. • Point of order, Mr Speaker WHAT on earth is that thing around your neck? • Labor's ace is its carbon tax policy THE PM should reconsider timing of climate change impost. • ALP and reform, it's time HAWKE and Keating understood the value of productivity.

Financial Review • ALP must end leadership feud Kevin Rudd declared on Sunday that there was no leadership contest, in a vain attempt to mask the furious subterranean battle between him and his replacement as Prime Minister, Julia Gillard. • PPPs are vital tools not just cash cows • Political mess needs to be resolved

Sydney morning Herald • The pressure on Iran Iran's leadership cannot be looking forward to the northern spring. • Pain and privilege in a boom and gloom economy THE Australian economy continues to disappoint, delight and confuse us in equal measure. Job cuts announced one day and a falling jobless rate the next; making sense of our multi-speed economy is increasingly a daily challenge.

The Sun-Herald • Funding debate obscures core issue STATE AID. It's an innocuous phrase that as far back as the 1950s could be guaranteed to trigger emotional debate.

Ambassade de France en Australie – Service de Presse et Information Site : Tél. : 61 (02) 6216 0150 Email : [email protected] The Melbourne Age • Open media does not mean open slather Defamation action over Twitter is a warning to all. • Vital for our children we get education funding right The release of the Gonski review will kick off an important debate. • JOBS always rate better than AAA This weekend Premier Ted Baillieu is preparing to lead a trade mission to India. He has been attacked in some sections of the media for not cancelling his travel plans at a time when Victoria is the state most heavily affected by job losses. The criticism is short-sighted.

The Canberra Times • A job to maintain security • Chip off the old block • Labor must bring leadership woes to a head

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