John T. K. Lum Is Station to Demonstrate It Today
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Regiment's 'Fittest' Ready To Demonstrate It Today VOL. 12 - No. 52 Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii December 27, 1963 Brigade infantrymen are gin at 8:30 this morning and scheduled to compete today to will run until late this after- determine the "most physically noon. Refreshments are avail- K-Bay Boy Scout fit" in the Fighting Fourth. able and a noon meal is In case of bad weather, how- planned for those attending the Will Visit Station, ever, the annual field meet and program. gymkhana will be held next Highlighting the day's ac- Friday. tivities will he the forced The 500 participants will march up the steep 683-foot Brigade Facilities represent the three battal- slope of t'lupau Head. Four ions and a Separate Com- K-Bay's Boy Scout Troop platoons will participate in pany Battalion, consisting of #225 will get a closer look at the featured event. Anti-Tank Co, Recon Co, and Station facilities during a six HqCo. Winner of the field meet and Monday. hour tour Dependents and Marine spec- gymkhana will be the battalion Some 35 scouts will be tators will cheer on the phys- amassing the most point s escorted on the tour by Maj. ically fit Marines as they run, throughout the day. The First L. J. McGowan, H&HS CO, jump, crawl, hike, climb and Battalion, winner of last year's K-BAY'S FIRST CHOICE - Col. Paul T. Johnston, Station CO and Scoutmaster, LCpI. Ron- swim their way through 24 meet, will be defending its ti- (I), congratulates John T. K. Lum (2d from I), Public Works ald D. Hughes, MABS-13 S-1 separate events. tle. It won by two points, de- Engineering Technician, upon being selected as K-Bay's clerk. Events were scheduled to be- feating 2 4, 237 x 235. nominee for the Federal Employee of the Year Award. At The scouts will get a first- right is Mrs. Edith De Mars, Supervisory Personnel Manage- hand look at HMM-161 helicop- NSLI Bonus in January ment Specialist, and Yutaka Kusumoto (2d from r), Station ters and F8B supersonic jet Chief Engineer and Mr. Lum's supervisor. fighters of VMF-232. Highlighting the visit will Annual Insurance Dividend be a simulated fire-fighting demonstration by the Sta- Coming; John T. K. Lum Is Station tion's Crash Crew, in addi- Happy New Year! tion to two film presenta- Policy holders will receive VA is preparing some 4.75 tions by Al Roth, Station GI insurance dividend checks million checks, including 'Employee of Year' Choice Safety Officer. One of the in the mail next month. about 548,000 for active films will feature the im- According to Navy Times, duty personnel and retirees. K-Bay's nominee for the selections will be made by five portance of seat belts. the Veterans Administration The Jan. 15 goal includes "Federal Employee of the prominent citizens. Dinner will be served the has announced it will start payments to overseas person- Year" is John T. K. Lum, an The K-Bayite's selection mailing the checks as early as nel. Ordinarily, payment s engineering technician with scouts in Messhall #1, with was based on his competence the tour climaxing at K-Tower Jan. 2 and expects to have the would be made throughout the Public Works. on as and efficiency the job for an overall view of the Sta- entire $234 million into the year on the anniversary of the Mr. Lum's nomination, des- well as his participation in tion and surrounding areas. hands of policy holders no policy. ignated by Col. P. T. Johnston, many community activities. later than Jan. 15. VA officials remind policy- Station CO, has been forward- He is active in the PTA, Ka- Acting under President holders that preparing and ed to the selection committee pahulu Businessmen's Asso- Johnson's directive to pay mailing checks is automati:: of the Honolulu Federal Busi- ciation, Boy Scouts of Amer- the dividend immediately as and no correspondence is nec- ness Association where final ica and the Lions Club. a means of putting more essary. In fact, they say, writ- Headed by the Station ExO, money into the economy, the ing might delay the process. LtCol. F. E. Hughes, the In- centive Awards Committee C: ' screened the nominations and Civil Defense Test made recommendations to the /-411j sib CO. In all, five nominees, four To Wail Thursday from Public Works and one Hawaii's Civil and Air De- from Airfield Operations, fense siren test is slated for were considered. Nomina- approximately 11 a.m. Thurs- tions were based on hard day. work and extra-curricular ac- tivities and were prepared K-Bay's participation will by the employee's super- begin with a one-minute air BOOT STRAP - Capt. J. M. raid warning followed by a visors and endorsed by their Rule III, MAG-13 S-2, is one department heads. minute's silence and the orue- of 31 Marine officers se- minute steady "take cover" MISSION 'INSIGNIA' - This The other four nominees lected for the College Degree signal. special mission "insignia" on were Fred Sugita, civilian su- Program. Capt. Rule has at- TWISTIN' TOT Master John The tidal wave warning - the nose of an SAR 'copter pervisor of the Ground Elec- tained some 51 credits at H. O'Hey, 2-1/2-year-old son comes next. It will consist of is the work of Cpl. S. E. tronics Division; Mrs. Anne L. five different colleges in off- of SSgt. and Mrs. J. C. O'Hey, a one-minute blast followed by Hunter, Station Training Aids. Pescaia, Housing Division duty hours since entering MATCU-62, does a twist for a minute's silence. He spent approximately three Clerk; Earl J. Ford, Station the Corps in February 1956. Col. Jim and Banjo Bill Coker hours painting the Santa MT; and Richard I. Iha, Asso- The Captain plans to attend This cycle will be repeated at the Keikis' Christmas Party face. ciate Supervisory Inspector. San Francisco State College. three times. Sunday. PARTY PANORAMIC - More than 2500 dependent children and 800 parents attended the K-Bay dependent children's Christmas Party last Sunday in Hangar 105. Sponsored by K-Bay's Youth Activities Assn. and Station Special Service s, the gala event featured Santa Claus, Col. Jim and Sgt. Sacto of TV fame, the Brigade Band, a magician, banjo player Bill Coker, other acts and gifts for all. (Panoramic scan by Sgt. C. B. Simmons, ISO) 2 Windward Marine December 27, 1963 K-Bay s Military ComRats Drop 2 Cents Wednesday Hawaii - based servicemen overseas, including Hawaii drawing ComRats will re- and Alaska, went into effect ceive a cut in pay Weanesaay last Oct. 1. amounting to approximately The new rates are based on 60c a month. studies which determined the Daily commuted rations dollars spent by all services to for K-Bay's Marines and feed personnel from last Jan- Navymen will be decreased uary through June 30. two cents. Stateside person- A study is conducted annual- nel drawing commuted ra- ly at the time of the budget tions will receive a two-cent review, according to Armed BEST OFF-DUTY DRIVER - Sgt. William T. Aliff, Station Ord- increase also effective Jan. 1. Forces Press Service. nance (c), is congratulated by Al Roth, Station Safety Officer MEDAL AWARDED - (I), and Col. Paul T. Johnston, Station CO, upon being nom- A directive signed by Secre- Capt. Ronald L. Dubinsky, as outstanding off-duty driver. Sgt. Aliff of Defense Robert S. Mc- inated the Station's MAG-13 Legal Officer, was tary gives the new state- will represent the Air Station in die 14th Nava! District con awarded the Air Medal last Namara Eve Religious Services side rate as $1.05. The overseas test to be held at a later date. week for duty as a helicopter will be $1.13. pilot with HMM-162 in Viet- rate Slated at Both Chapels nam from Mar. 26 to Apr. 15, The present rate of $1.03 1963. for stateside and $1.15 for Services for K-Bayites of the Catholic and Protestant faiths 11 Premium Waivers Costly are scheduled for the New Year holiday. Regular Sunday Mass will be Government, NSL I Policies followed New Year's Day at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. for Catholics .19 at St. Michael's Chapel. Should Be 'Updated' Often Protestant services are slated for 11 p.m. New Year's Eve in Brigade and Station Marines low Veterans Administration Trinity Chapel. who served on active duty be- death compensation at rates in tween Apr. 25, 1951 and Jan. effect prior to 1957, instead of 1, 1957, and who carried U. S. the much higher dependency Fireworks? No! Government or NSLI insur- and indemnity compensation. K-Bayites ance should make sure that In a recent case, a widow take heed! FIRST IN BRIGADE - 1stlts. R. S. Burgess, H&S-1/4 CO (I), they've cancelled, in writing, of an officer who died on ac- Station regulations pro- and M. L. Brandtner, 1/4 S-2 (r), present MCI certificates to any waiver of payment of tive duty with waiver of pre- hibit the setting-off of Sgt. R. E. Ordway (2d from I) and D. D. Gruber. The sergeants premium for the policy. mium still in effect receives fireworks of any kind were the first Brigade Marines to complete the new MCI If death occurs during ac- aboard the Air Station in only $70 monthly from de- course, "Operations Against Guerrilla Forces." tive duty, while the waiver is celebration of the New still effective, surviving de- pendency and indemnity com- Year.